Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open All Warfare is Deception 9: ‘A Girl and her Shinogami!’

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Mizu would remain level headed, cool and collected when receiving the loaded and yet rhetorical inquiry of their cause. Casually, she didn’t flinch in response. No, the level headed chimera continued to puff thick clouds of fluffy white smoke from the sides of her mouth. Though she was unreadable from the outside, the question did shed ugly light onto the stagnation of her initial mission, the efforts and actions that went without affect or progression. A pit of fire stirred within though without kindling as many humans did suffer and die. So the mighty movement of mystical kind went without traction. Such a movement was not to be achieved overnight. But perhaps her way about it wasn’t going to make the necessary waves. Perhaps a mastermind would help to organize these efforts. And so, the two feral beings had there heading. Akuuma indeed have a plan. It required of the two, the utilization of their cunning rather than their raw strength. “Interesting…” Xaiyu would grin before turning to Mizu and soon the vast dessert. “I think it’s time we set our sites on the Hidden Leaf don’t you agree.” Mizu would blink slowly as she watched Kaen take his leave. She would squat down to use the sand at her feet as an Ashe tray. Putting out her fire stick, Mizu would speak but she would do so why still starring at her now bud of a smoke, “My work isn’t quite done here. The Golden Sanctuary is a hell on earth for my kind. Every effort to topple the kingdom has been throated at every turn. It’s like someone is one step ahead of me at each and every turn in protecting the heads and identity of those in power and control. It’s as if a shadow organization is truly behind the marketing of slaves and goods both import and export. Imagine the following I could a mass if I were successful… whoever is behind it all, is smart. But he has to be smart enough to know that I won’t give up and that it’s only a matter of time before I bring it all down on his head. Perhaps Xaiyu is right. For now, we will focus our efforts on more lucrative investments for the time. We will start with the great nation of Leaf. Their shinobi are particularly dangerous…” Mizu would smile before continuing, “but we’re Apex predictors.” With that Mizu would rise and join Xaiyu. The two would head off without hesitation, “We’ll catch you later Akuuma…”
[ability swap]
[topic left]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Dark Sages lips pursed together forming a sinister grin at the words of his departing companions. Each of them now knew the roles they had been selected to play in his little game. With minimal resistance they had all proven malleable to his cause. That had naturally proven easy enough a task to achieve for the Immortal Trickster. After all he'd observed enough about them to discern their motivations. Their strengths, weaknesses & where they could be applied to benefit his agenda. For Akkuma the most difficult part of this all would be the wait. To say that he was eager to see the planned events unfold would be an understatement. Alas now he needed to wait & see the responses of his opponents. How would they react to what had & would unfold? Would their responses be measured or would they react with emotionally charged brashness? No doubt initially they would attempt to maintain some semblance of diplomatic exchange initially. Applying the right pressure on the various geopolitical ties of the Hidden Village during this time however could serve to benefit his aims. "Enjoy your hunt my kin...I shall attempt to design means of dealing with our domestic foes in your absence." he would say to the departing predators.

The Golden Sanctuary had garnered his attention for other reasons. Not that he would pass up an opportunity to deal with them while enhancing his own ties with the mystical hunters that required his aid. In truth he had spent some time trying to formulate a means to do so. There were a couple paths before him that could potentially achieve the desired outcome. Although he needed to reduce the amount of variables that were against him. In doing so he hoped not only to reduce his chances of failure but potentially produce an approach he had not foreseen in his initial haste. At the very least this would prove an efficient use of his time until his opponents had made their moves. Yes, for now he would return to his lab & continue investigating the Golden Sanctuary issue. Fortunately he had quite literally had a suitable lead literally throw itself at his feet only days ago. Perhaps he had seen fit to entertain the gods enough to earn their favor for now. Kneeling down he would inspect the discarded smoke, preserving it before sealing it away in his dimensional archive technique.

Past events had proven just how useful such items could be to the Sage. Standing he would dust the sand from his robes & begin to make his way further into the desert wastes. Into the vast & deadly ocean of sand he would return. Back into seclusion hidden away from prying eyes while he investigated his curious new potential ward. There was so much data that still needed to be collected. In truth he would be glad for the distraction. Akkuma wondered how long it would take for the news of what was to come to reach Sunagakure. How many steps behind him would they be before they even realized he was apart of this game, let alone the individual who had orchestrated it all. Before the sun had cast its first light on the smoldering fire that had been Kiko's camp he would be gone. Leaving no one any the wiser to the history changing gathering that had just transpired here.

Corpse Preservation Jutsu
CRPJ's Effect:
Preserves A Corpse In A Sealed Coffin
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: The senjutsu chakra requires full concentration should one attempt this in battle the result becoming stone and one back with nature gone from this world.

Name of Jutsu: Miroku Clan [Archive Dimension Jutsu]
CRPJ's Effect:
Allows Akkuma to store archived information, items such as tomes, scrolls, jars of organic material, tools, corpses {preservation technique}, other samples. Mainly a safe way of storing any archivable goods that only he can access.
Requirement: Dark Sage / Miroku Clan
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: Attempting to open the dimension in battle would fill one with so much senjutsu chakra they'd become a permanent statue as a warning for those who fooled around with senjutsu chakra.

Topic Left - Was a fun thread! I'm looking forward to the next arc, I hope you all are too!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
