Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Earnest Request [Hokage Topic]


Jul 1, 2018
Maikeru sat patiently outside of the Hokage’s office, wearing his casual walking around clothes. With exams coming close up, most of the students were given time off to study and review on their own, and rest their body for the upcoming gennin exams. With the extra time allowed to him, he decided to secure his place in the future.

He had read stories, tales of other villages boasting an elite group of swordsmen, masters of the blade who increased the villages fame, and put fear into the heart of the enemy. Just hearing that the great group was in the midst would cause criminal activity to stop, lest you meet the end of their fearsome blades.

That, was what Maikeru wished. To carve a name for himself in the annals of Konoha’s history, and that was why he met with the Hokage today. Though still young, now was the perfect time in his life to begin building this group, to begin training the future of the elite swordsmen of the village hidden in the leafs.

[Summoning Hokage Uchiha Takeshi]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself a few moments to pause and consider the tasks for the day, though he had an unexpected visit from one of the students, something that had already raised an eye brow as he allowed himself to file away paper work it seemed that he was prepared to make sure that everything was sorted without hesitation or any issues, he allowed himself to stand up and walk towards the door in those few minutes his hand coming out and opening the door he looked to the face a welcoming smile back on his lips as he was used to.

“Please enter, let us have a chat about what you want to discuss, please come in and take a seat don’t be shy, though I don’t have long, so I would like to get to the bottom of what you need quick and without trying to cuddle the words.”

He allowed himself to turn on his heels as he walked back into the room and take a seat behind his desk as he sat patiently wanting to hear what brought the Academy student to his doors today, it was something that played on his mind and he still had a few questions that he wanted to be answered.


Jul 1, 2018
Maikeru stood from his seat as he was greeted by the Hokage, giving a long respectful bow to the older Uchiha man. As he was lead into the office, he gave a silent whistle inside of his head. Apparently it paid to be the leader of a village with how this office was decorated. He moved to the front of the desk, but he didn’t sit. Instead, he stood at attention, crossing his arms behind his back.

As a child he had always been taught that it was disrespectful to sit while in the presence of one’s superior officer, and well, it didn’t get much higher up the chain the Hokage of the entire village. He listened quietly as Takeshi spoke to him, before finally nodding his head in agreeance of what he had said.

“Very well Lord Fourth, I will not mince words then. I come here today with a request for permission to start a task force of sorts for the village. I’m sure you’ve read the history of this world, one in your position would have to. There has been one thing that has been prevalent among most of the powerful empires that lasted generations, and that was a group known far and wide for their abilities. A type of group that everyone knew, far and wide.”

He paused for a moment, allowing the Hokage to take in the information, and more importantly allowing himself to properly give his pitch. He needed this to go well, for himself and his friends. It was something he needed to do, and the Hokage’s permission would be the easiest way to go about it.

“There were many variations of it. Some villages boasted of high number of Jinchuriki, others of their amazing advancements in scientific weaponry. That, however, is not what I believe the leaf to be about. I wish to put together a team of swordsmen and women, a group to strike fear into those that wish harm upon the leaf. A deterrent whose actions and tales alone will deter plans of attacking our home village.i propose this, Lord Fourth. Invest into your students. Give us a reason to feel pride, and attachment to our village. Let us become the group that this village sorely needs. Allow us to grow and become a force that the hidden leaf can be proud of. This recent frost incursion is proof that something like this is needed. Maybe not today, maybe not even within the next few years. But, eventually, someone will come again. The time to act and began building for the villages future is now. If we fail, then you can chalk it up to youthful exuberance and leave it at that. However, if we succeed, it will be a great mark on your tenure as Hokage.”

“This will be a vanguard squad, a division of the main branch. This team will act as an open show of force and power to deter invasions like frost from ever happening again. I chose swordsmen because, as far as I’m concerned, you can’t deter from the backline.”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to sit there and listen to the words that where being spoken by the student. It had merit he would give them that much, but something struck the cords to him in those few moments, a group like this would have its purpose inside of Leaf. Weighing up the options that he had he pondered for a few more minutes, as he finally found a way that would work for everyone as he allowed his eyes to focus on Maikeru. It was clear that this was a good cause that would only increase the village potential and not do any damage for it.

“Approval is given, this team will be assigned a commander that has the experience and knowledge of tactics, as such I am appointing my new Hokage Advisor to take command of the team, report to Hyuuga Yukio. He will take the slot of Team Leader of the Seven, you fill in as the second in command. You will have to take experience and learn from him. Also this allows you to draw this team from across all three branches, the members will remain in there branch and do the job required of them. That said they will also be part of this specialist group.”

Takeshi knew that this would solve the issues and with someone with prowess in combat this would also help to form Maikeru, though giving him second in charge of a team was a risk he knew that Yukio would be the best one to help form this team into what it needed to be. And this way they both got what they wanted from this.

“Anything else?”


Jul 1, 2018
Maikeru grimaced a bit. He wasn't exactly happy with Takeshi's choice of their watch dog. He figured as Genin they would need some sort of higher up to watch over them, but, Yuukio? Not only was he the adopted son of the Hokage, but, he was pretty sure a Hyuuga had no need for a sword. Returning to a blank expression, Maikeru nodded his approval, before continuing to speak.

"I just ask one addendum to that, Lord Fourth. I understand the need for leadership while we are in our probationary period, and I accept your choice of Hyuuga Yukio. However, I request this. When we prove ourselves, and when I come into my own as a Shinobi, I request for Yukio-sama to be taken out of the leadership and for me to take his place. I feel this is a fair request." He bowed his head again out of respect as he continued. "Also, we will need leaf passports if we are to leave the village to train. I request them for myself and those who I choose to bring onto this squad, Lord Fourth."

With his piece said, he returned to a standing position with his arms crossed behind his back. He didn't see a reason for such mundane request to be denied. It's not like he was asking to be given their own branch or anything. Simply to be in charge of the squad that was his brain child, and passports to allow themselves to do what was the whole point of their being formed. All in all, he was sure Takeshi was reasonable enough to grant these to him.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to ponder on the requests of the younger Uchiha for a few moments, it seemed that he needed to get his facts sorted and he wanted to make sure that this was done correctly, that everything was set up correctly and had been managed correctly. Takeshi knew full well that one slip up when placing the foundations would see the whole pile of rocks crumble down, it seemed that he still wanted more from the Hokage, and the option of passports, now that was an interesting turn of events. As he allowed himself a few moments to let things get settled he leaned back in the chair.

“I will agree that you can take on the role of team leader when you have proven yourself worthy I have no issue with that, I will get reports from Yukio on how it goes, and I will see what the options are, however until you are given the right to take the head of the team you will have to report to Yukio.”

Takeshi allowed himself to ponder on the passport conversation first, knowing full well that they still had a lot of information in front of them, he wanted to give the students a chance and he wanted to see them strive to be better than what they are normally.

“In terms of passports, you have a Sennin in charge, he will be able to assist you in this endeavour and give you advice as well as provide passports where it will be necessary that is fine, I have no issues with passports for the right reasons, for the time being they will have to wait however.”

[Topic Left, unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
