Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Unusual Tea Party[private]

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Within the Forest of Death is one of Leaf’s well kept secrets. Officially, as far as other villages are concerned, there is no prison within the walls of Konoha so as not to threaten the villager’s lives in the instance of a prison break. Unofficially, the Black Tea House holds the entryway to Konoha's only prison. This expensive tea shop is Leaf’s correctional facility. As Yuuto would enter through its doors, a server would greet him. “Greetings master, I am Joo Dee and welcome to the Black Tea House. Would you like a table?” The staff wore a maid outfits. Spotting him strange girl would wave Yuuto over. She looked rather young to be in such a place as this. The girl had an almost regal look about her as she was dressed in what one would expect from a noble’s daughter. The girl also seems to have some sort of plush animal sitting in the chair next to her. Both her and the toy have a teacup in front of them; hers was filled with some orange tea while the stuffed animal's was seeming empty from where he was standing. If Yuuto looks around he would indeed not see Hakuren anywhere thus leaving him little options but to comply. The waitress, walking him to the center table would then pull out his chair for him. “Is there anything you would like to order? Today’s special is fruit cake with Earl Grey.”

The girl would greet him with a warm smile, "Welcome to my tea party. Please order something, it will be on me." The girl then takes a sip of her tea before explaining the situation to a degree. "Ren-chan is currently busy with some paper work. She will join us momentarily. As we wait I would like to converse with you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto came into the Black Tea House wearing a luxurious black tuxedo, his bowtie and vest were purple. Yuuto also wore a white sash, he carried a large silver steel briefcase and wore black gloves. He was coming to see Hakuren, one of the Sennin in Konoha. He was sure that she was pissed he didn't come sooner but considering since becoming Sennin Yuuto had to deal with,

Kiri the Jinchuuriki of Kumo, Yo a Samurai who was prisoner, The Cockatrice, The unknown Inuzuka with a hyena and metal claws, a Human Puppet and not to mention the threat of Uzu was only increasing with these Dark Sages around.

He knew this place was a front and had been here once due to Tamashii. "No thank you Joo Dee, we both know what this place is and I'm here to see..." Something felt out of place in the area. A young girl was waving him down, and she had a strange aura. It made his hairs raise.

Yuuto sighed and scratched his head. He tied the white sash around his waist revealing the Konoha headband, but his plating was black not silver. "I think we got off on the wrong foot I'm just in a hurry since I've kept her waiting for nearly a week. My schedule is just very hectic. I think my party is over there."

Yuuto walked up to the young lady and listened to her talk about a tea party. He was slightly wary of this child because of who he was meeting with. Plus the words she chose to use didnt suit the visage of a normal little girl. "Ren-chan huh? Fine I'll bite [Yuuto sits down and sets his briefcase on the table] what could you possibly want to "converse" with me about." he had a hunch, but he wasn't psychic he would have to wait.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
“There are a couple of topics that do bring some concern. Primarily your feelings about Hakuren.” The girl gives a glare with an icy stare. “If you want anything changed about the prison, you are in for quite the uphill battle.” She clears her throat before continuing, “So far you have kicked her off your property after she accepted your mission. You then proceeded to ignore her invitation for a whole week before coming to the tea shop to see her. And from what I have heard this is all due to the fact that she has been seen practicing the art of necromancy.”

The girl gives out a heavy sigh and takes another sip of her tea, “The second concerning item on the table is the fact that you have a god of death coming for you. At least Hakuren is going through the proper procedure of ending her contract as to not offend the deity she is contracted to.” Hakuren is preforming a ritual with another sennin to find enlightenment by opening their chakras. The final chakra to this ritual deals with pure comic energy and is blocked by earthly attachment. By opening this chakra the power she received from Kojoro will be over written by Hakuren’s higher state of mind. Being that Kojoro is part of a shrine who focuses on the attainment of enlightenment, it would make no sense for her to punish Hakuren for ending the contract in such a manor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Is this little girl serious? Yuuto thought to himself. No this thing was more like it, but he was playing along with the visage. He expected to be entertained and he would allow this to continue before pulling the plug. He allowed her to continue running her mouth as if he owed her some kind of answers to her topics of choice. He found it quite odd that this girl spoke with so much authority.

"For one I was lied to during the meeting. We both know this is a prison that I and Hakuren have access to. Tamashii has already shown me this much as the Kage's advisor unfortunately I don't require your dear Ren-chan for that much.

This is more of a courtesy than anything, do not mistake your masters place of authority troll.

Second, I have been working tirelessly doing MY job. I have had to deal with Prisoners, Cockatrice, Rogue Shinobi, Reforming my Anbu, The death of a Captain, and personal assignments from the Hokage. I didn't really ignore her I've been a very busy Yuuto."
Yuuto adequately schooled the little tyke about her first set of inquiries. It was now time to delve into the obvious reason this 'girl' wished to speak.

"You know nothing of me or my endeavors, only what you can judge in two weeks. I find it laughable that you think you have any right to speak on me and my oath. Do you know my curse? Do you know the monster that is Uzurameru? Exactly, you have no claim to judge me.

You think Uzu is coming for me? Bitch you have it twisted, Im looking for him and when I get to him, no amount of possessed corpses will stop me from ripping his soul out and forcing him to watch while I consume his very life force. Im going to make that bastard suffer in ways Shinigami never knew possible and I will destroy anyone who stands in my way.
his words were weighted, malicious and passionate. Every word he spoke, he meant woth severity.

"You wanna talk procedures and obligations? Lets talk about when I kicked Hakuren off my property. What was she doing? Attempting to make followers out of the Ugras, completely ignoring the mission, leaving two students who were unconscious to basically die one of which was there going with her after she refused to follow me.

My issue is that Hakuren walks around and imposes her will others risking the people around her a simple mission, sure butshe didnt even think about the children she was watching? Why is she Main Branch Sennin again?

Ahhh Im sure she's a super devoted follower to a deity that laces her with power. Know who else does that mindless, "I follow my deity shtick", Jashinist do if you even know what they are.

I could care less about how Hakuren is planning to end her contract. Since she's doing so it must mean that even she realizes this corrupted power she has is nothing more than a facade, no matter how much we dress it up.

But the main reason I don't like Hakuren is because after showing the way she operates and seeing her Reaper, I have assessed that she poses a threat to my goals. I am not fond of long-standing drawn out issues. I am direct and confrontational even if I have to gather my ducks in order. I came here to see what Hakuren plans to do, knowing that "she has a technical claim to try and take my soul", will she follow the Reapers or Umashis agenda. Will we be allies or enemies. If the latter, Im afraid I'm going to have to rip her goddess' will to shreds and stuff it down her throat."

Yuuto had to know what Hakuren had planned. He needed to know where she would stand and he didn't plan on giving her the option to think it over. They were going to hash this out here and now, he would refuse to be hunted by assumed allies.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren finally finishes her paper and came up just in time to hear everything Yuuto had to say. His words was absolutely venomous and was supposed to be the poison expert. With streams of tears in her eyes she walks up to the table. “You have nothing to fear from me standing in your why. I’ll be putting in for my resignation immediately.” She then runs out the door crying. The entire staff just gave him the most agree glares. The girl was right it was going to be an uphill battle because he made no friends here.
[left topic]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
The Sennin simply, walked up to the table her face full of tears. She said that he wouldn't have to worry, since she'd be resigning as Sennin. Yuuto laughed at this, and when I say laugh, I mean he literally laughed. Hakuren headed for the door only for the Anbu Sennin to use the Gravity Pull ninjutsu and shut the door closed. He looked around the room and made one final address. "You're all allowed to be witnesses or run away. Hell I don't give a damn if Anbu and Main Branch have to scrap right now, because neither you or me are leaving here before this is settled. So instead of your servant you speak to me, no bump that we're gonna speed this up since you'd like to leave. With my Snapshot Jutsu prepared, I will record your full confession of what you are, what I am, what danger you pose to me and the biggest final decision, Are you for Konoha or for your Goddess and/or the Reaper's Court. Just you saying you won't do me harm does nothing good for me at all. It doesn't give me assurance, in fact it probably won't considering that these days the only thing that stops traitors is death. So I need to know, no all of Leaf needs to know where their Main Branch Sennin stands. If you insist on leaving once more without confirming this, I'll consider you a threat to village security, and we'll see how that one plays out." Yuuto was more than ready, he quickly drew out a summoning scroll, but did not use it. He was boxing the little Dark Sage in and he would keep up the pressure until the results were satisfying.

-Force Stopping Hakuren
-Using Snapshot to record her Confession of her allegiances

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
“Enough!” Shouts the entity from the table. What once sat a little girl now stood a fox. “Quit the damn act Hakuren. I know you don’t believe you are even worthy of the title of sennin, but the Kage does.” Hakuren wipes away the crocodile tears as her plans of stepping down in a dramatic manner was revealed. “Now sleep!” And with that command Hakuren instantly falls unconscientious. “You had to provide her a way out like that, but I guess that was my fault. Now sit down so we can have a proper chat and you can turn off that stupid snapshot jutsu.” Kojoro did not force the command like she did with Hakuren, so if he refuses she will continue to explain regardless. “What are you getting her to confess to anyways? She was forced into becoming a... What do you human call it again? Dark sage?” When Kojoro says forced her she mean physically forced Hakuren. After seeing her put Hakuren to sleep he could probably guess how she forced Hakuren. “I did it so that she will enact the ritual of enlightenment to end the contract. With the ritual she should finally stop pretending to be her sister and be herself.” Kojoro laps some of her tea like a cat. “Now about hunting Uzu. I do have some experience with his type. Unfortunately my family had a similar character that needed to be put down. I recommend not going in it alone.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Then it happened once more, the eerie chill that went down Yuuto's spine. He turned around when he heard the booming voice. At this moment he knew the people in this building weren't equipped for this. "Everyone who isn't a three eyed Anbu Sennin, a Faking Main Branch Sennin or a Demon Fox, leave!" His attention was on Kojoro as she made Hakuren, crumple on the floor? Yuuto wasn't believing that at all they were already trying to trick him what twice? He wouldn't let it be a third. Kojoro then tried to force him to sit down, though she couldn't control him he was not her pawn and oh how that must have burned her. He smiled at this opportunity to deliver some kind of justice to Uzu's ilk. However Kojoro started talking about the reasons Hakuren had to be this way. For one thing she was being forced to do this by Kojoro now that Yuuto could believe. She claimed something about a ritual of enlightenment but Yuuto was unaware of that. Next she claimed this would help Hakuren be herself.

"So you mean to tell me that not only did you possess her, you did it to help her but caused her issue? Even if I knew what this ritual was, how did she even end up like this? Know what this is all so inconsequential. You've shown me that you're a threat to me, the village and that girl. If you wanted to help her you'd have never bound with her like this. I won't listen to anymore drivel from a kitsune knock off. You're a trickster anyways." Yuuto began to condense his sound chakra into a visible purple form. He put on his makeshift headphones preparing for battle and tuning out Kojoro with melodic sounds that would ease his mind for this task.

"If you're the catalyst of all this, if you're the reason behind her then I suppose the only proper course of action is to take you out."

[Calling B-mod]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Kojoro did little more than stare at him. For a moment he could have sworn that her eyes flickered, and before she could do whatever she may have bad planned, Yuuto would utilize Hurricane quickly surrounding Hakuren and himself in a power wind arena enhanced by sound. The Anbu Sennin literally blew the walls off the building as he approached Hakuren's sleeping body, her deity desperately trying to claw in.

"If what this reaper says is true, then I'm sorry you were nothing more than her pawn. You don't even know your true self, and you are blameless. However hee powerful control over you makes you a threat to the stability of the village. If she says attack you'll do it, just like when she commands you to sleep. Kojoro is just another puppeteer and you're her puppet. So live your life free beyond the grip of her coil. Don't worry I'll kill her too, even if she escapes for now I'll hunt her down and obliterate her too.

Yuuto looked to the outside watching Kojoro dig at the wind barrier he set up. She could not get through and the Sennin would point at his eye signaling that the cameras were still rolling. He turned his attention to Hakuren once more but now it was time to draw his weapons that would end this poor girl's pain.

Yuuto quickdrew more summoning scrolls and released his puppets. Diablo, Eko, and Athena were all he needed to do this job. Athena's large bottomed dress would open up revealing a compartment that it would shove Hakuren inside of. Then Eko would split apart into six different pieces each one producing a blade. He commanded Eko's pieces to pierce the Athena puppet each blade digging into Hakuren's body. In order to ensure her death, he would drive the Diablo puppet deep into Athena where Hakuren's chest should be. He allowed the puppets to rest letting the blood dripping trickle from Athena onto the floor.

He released the Hurricane and looked around. The roof was blown off the top and he was able to see the night sky. Kojoro was gone with no traces of her energy left over. Surely people had ran to Umashi by now but even if they hadn't....

"...Come in Hokage Mansion. This is Masaru Yuuto and I need the Hokage to the correctional facility immediately, there's been a murder."

Yuuto walked back to his puppets and opened Athena. While Hakuren was definitely dead now she was full of holes. Yuuto's snapshot was still on so he spoke outloud. "This is my last log before Umashi comes. I'm going to heal her body, there's no reason for me to leave her like this." Yuuto would then perform Angelic Blessing, fixing Hakuren's skin damage and closing the holes om her body. He'd then use his Temporal Energy in order to cause Hakuren's cells to stop moving almost like a halted stage. This would deter decomposition until Yuuto was able to get her in something more preservative.

-Hakuren left Ninpocho after a Bmod was called. Therefore I have control of the outcome. Im choosing to kill Hakuren.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Personally speaking, Umashi really was annoyed that half the people constantly ringing his line really didn't exactly need him. They just liked the Hokage coming in and doing the whole "this is an official something" routine so that they could feel better. Accepting refugees, blessing orphanages and kissing babies wasn't exactly his idea of a good time and yet he always got invited to them. It really made him wonder just what the Sennin were up to at times like this. Despite the fact that it was Yuuto that called for him, Umashi yawned and stretched as he realized that he totally wasn't about to get any rest. Quickly throwing on some clothes and throwing on his cloak, the Hokage moved with a purpose as he appeared at the requested location and rushed to the correctional facility. By the time that he made it to Yuuto he'd drawn up a bit of a quickened pulse as he finally asked the question that probably didn't need to be answered for all that could be seen. Having seen death, Umashi didn't overly freak out when he saw Hakuren's body. That and he needed to asses where Yuuto's head was. "What happened?" Umashi was trying his best to keep up the poker face but at the moment all he wanted to do was react and that probably wouldn't solve much of anything.

OOC: Topic entered.
Umashi is dressed in white medic shinobi garb including a cloak.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto looked Umashi dead into his eyes before answering. He wanted to get a look of the mans' movements and making sure that he wasnt going to pull a fast one. Otherwise Konoha could potentially lose more than one Sennin. "Alright, well to be blunt as possible, I killed "Hakuren". [He would pause] Now I don't do things off base so here I have a present." Yuuto used his chakra to produce a hologram version of his snapshot. It was a replay button for his Snapshot but for everyone there to witness. Umashi would be able to tune in when Yuuto first closed the door on Hakuren. The video was from Yuuto's first person perspective. After the Hokage watched the clip he would be brought up to speed.

"You know my first encounter with Hakuren was her in Anbu Gear interrupting a mission/lesson I had, disrupting the order, refusing to follow commands, endangering and abandoning the children so that she could revive the dead goblins we killed to create servants. Which by the way now an undead goblin is the leader of a new Ugra... undergoblin clan. But that's not the main point.

Hakuren was a Dark Sage, she held the power of necromancy tapping into a dark corrupted chakra. I was also once a Dark Sage until I forced the power out of me and back to the one who gave me the contract. Now I'm marked for death by the Shinigami, the Reapers who deal this power to humans sometimes subtly and other in full support. However Hakuren's Reaper Kojoro constantly made Hakuren follow commands.

For one they were trying to finesse a way to not be a shinobi or to get out of my sight. Two Kojoro said she forced Hakuren into this and revealed she had total control over Hakurens will and actions. Then Kojoro revealed this person isn't even Hakuren it's her nameless sister who has lost her identity.... you should be able to see where my decision came from. I'm not sure if Kojoro is alive or dead, she was in a mortal coil but a soul is hard to destroy without the right tools."

Yuuto let Umashi process some of this information. He definitely wanted to allow the Hokage time to think about the situation in full scope before making any other decisions.

"I asked her one simple question, are you for Konoha or for the Reapers/Kojoro's will. She kept trying to dodge my answer and Kojoro wouldn't even let her answer.

This built the basis, I did this because you honestly cant trust them. There is something wrong with that corrupted chakra, it makes you feel power like never before and the stronger you get, the more power drunk they inevitably become. I've seen it with my sensei Sairasu, Miroku Akkuma, a criminal and threat to Kumogakure and other shinobi villages, and even myself which is why I had to purge it.

I won't look over my shoulder wondering when a greedy Dark Sage will come for my soul. If they can't bond their word to the safety of Konoha, then I don't want them near me.

Now that things are blowing up you need to know my Anbu Captain Uchiba Takeshi is also a Dark Sage. I'm sure you already knew from the time he sent that corpse to the Hokage Mansion. After this incident I feel that we need to take a page out of Kumogakure's book and have all Kinjutsu users documented on file, this way we gauge some of the more obvious potential threats. Two we need Uchiha Takeshi to come to us one of these nights, just me and you, so that we can ask him if he is for the unity that Konoha is building, is his dedication and goals in line with village's or does he plan to follow the will of his Reaper and try to take my soul."


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi was never one to claim that poker was his favorite game. In the precious moments that Yuuto stared him down, Umashi didn't blink as he did his best to read the Sennin's thoughts through his own eyes. Thankfully Yuuto was willing to be in some respects a little too honest it seemed as Umashi watched and he spoke on what Hakuren was and wasn't willing to do as well as his own troubles with the powers of being a Dark Sage. Admittedly, Umashi was quite furious that nobody had come to him about any of their suspicions before things had come to a head but it also opened up the other long list of questions, namely, what they were going to do with the branch. "With a snap of my fingers I could instantly have the whole of Konoha here and willing to kill you, after all you are an outsider. Heck, I'm sure that Tamashii would more than love to get his hands around the neck of the guy who killed his lover . . . or at least the woman that he believed himself to have loved." Umashi closed his eyes and sighed as he rubbed at his temples and exhaled loudly.

Was he personally overly attached to Hakuren, no. She'd been chosen by council mostly and they'd simply never developed that much of a closeness.
"Of course you're aware of that though. The bigger issue is the scandal that we find ourselves in as we no longer have a Sennin to lead that branch and the constant changing of branch heads is beginning to wear thin on me. A registration act seemed for all intents and purposes a good idea but one that was very intrusive. The moment that they started marking up people based on their abilities then it would quickly develop into a situation of people being discriminated upon just because of what they were. "Let's hold off on the new legislation about registering people based off of their abilities. I don't want any incidents of backlash against certain communities and I definitely don't want us to force said people into hiding as they mask their abilities just because they believe that it'll get them into trouble. Go ahead and set up a meeting with Takeshi. My circle is getting smaller and smaller and I really need to figure out what the heck is in the water that people are drinking." A shake of his head and Umashi was ready to be on his way from this mess.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
"The the whole of Konoha would lose many more than one false Sennin if you did that. Yes I may have killed Hakuren, but you cannot simply ignore that her reaper possessed her. Her deity was nothing more than a ghoul. If Kojoro told her to attack the Hokage and take his soul, you'd be nothing more than a tool if she succeeded. You do know the history of betrayals Kumogakure has suffered correct? I think the bigger scandal isn't the loss of a Sennin it's the way. She was possessed by a power too far beyond her control."

Yuuto was made out in a bad light. He wasn't sure if Umashi's words were metered or not, nor did he care. In his eyes Umashi was needlessly venting because at the end of the day this was another fault in his leadership. Promoting people left and right with secret agendas. From the shady Sennin he had promoted to this situation. "As for Tamashii I trust you can handle that. I have no problems doing so, considering he is a possible accomplice in this. How much does he truly know about Hakuren and her demon fox?" Yuuto quieted down once more watching Umashi rub his temples being aggravated. It was the normal reaction, but Yuuto could only offer him proof of his findings. It would only be a matter of time before more people with hidden agendas would be revealed. Yuuto already had an inkling of who might be first.

He felt Umashi's disdain for documentation may have been mired from bias on his own part. These were not normal citizens, they were magicians of the highest degree with the budding potential to be so strong they could fight an Army. Umashi was a pirate as he stated before, not a military leader. The carefree lifestyle he exhibited was truly unbecoming of a Kage in Yuuto's eyes, it would mean as head of security his job would only become worse with rash and weak decisions. Trying to appease the wrong parties is how you died.

Yuuto however said nothing simply letting the Hokage explain his personal views of why. Once again he didnt agree, if people would run, hide, and detest their government for knowing who had Forbidden Arts they were simply a liability waiting to happen. Hide from your enemies, not your allies. Yuuto made a similar choice hiding the brief moment he had Demonic DNA. He didn't want Cloud to know as to not hinder the treaty. It was still something he planned to tell, he just didn't want Hoshi doing the telling part.

"Then I'll send for you in a weeks time. Also I've made major... and when I say major I mean major headway with that book you gave me. We can kill two stones with one bird. Take care of Uchiha Takeshi's allegiance inquiries and I can show you what I've learned from the book so far."<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Giving Yuuto a questioning look, Umashi nodded in agreement. "I'd definitely like to get that book bit figured out sooner rather than later." Moving to quickly make his leave, Umashi stopped short of being truly gone as he paused and looked back at Yuuto. "Make no mistake though, this is Konoha, and not Kumo. The things, the creatures, the lay of the land and the politics that you're used to . . . don't always apply here. You might not agree with my style but do trust that I'm a real one unlike . . ." Umashi took the moment to motion towards Hakuren as if to imply her lack of battle prowess was entirely due to a certain something that she was lacking and that she'd never would have ever gotten the chance to lay a finger of malice on him.

"And I protect mine. Finding a few bad apples is no reason to burn down the whole orchard." Umashi completely figured that Yuuto wouldn't be overly taken a back by his words. They were peers on another level and a little barking was to be expected with the territory. Fully turning back around to walk away, Umashi dropped one last dime of information. "I'd be quick about cleaning this up if I were you. I heard chit-chat from the village council that a certain feud existed between Hakuren and a prominent Uchiha clan member. The last thing the village needs is a misguided retaliation attack between the clans." Without taking any more effort to speak, Umashi snapped his fingers and disappeared in a wake of scattered leaves. He had much to consider.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
