Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kitsune)


Nov 17, 2012
The night was approaching quick as the beautiful orange and pink slowly began to fade into darkness. Before long, the nocturnal creatures began to wake from their slumber and stretch their legs before going on the prowl. Nocturnal creatures were true hunters by Daisuke’s standards. They literally lived for the night. They thrived in the cover of darkness and manipulated it to their advantage. It was simple really. Use a basic fear, the fear of the unknown, to manipulate your prey’s emotions. That was something Daisuke used to do very well back in his chuunin days. But those days were gone now. He had very few people in his and those were his friends now mostly.

He did have other clansmen in lightning country, but they were not on good speaking terms at the moment. Still Daisuke loved his cousins Kaguya Daigo, Kaguya Dashi (deceased), Kaguya Drekko, Kaguya Dan Lao Z and the others, but their ways were not what Daisuke wanted for himself. Only one of his clansmen shared his views in the slightest way and while Daisuke did invite his cousin to cloud village, that person was already a member of the imperial guard. In the many letters they wrote to each other, Daisuke’s cousin vented his frustration regarding his current work. And why would he not? Daisuke had been sending him journals on his medical skills, filled with notes, tips and tracks to better understand the human body and how to repair it. Daisuke even went as far as to send his cousin detailed scrolls which provided instructions on how to use jutsu. Daisuke was a open book with his family and he just wanted his family to be safe, just like Kitsune.

There he waited, on the edge of the ancient forest. Rumored to be filled with nasty creatures, Daisuke sat and waited still, for his friend Kitsune. Not long after her arrival, she made Daisuke agree to teacher her some new tricks and he intended to do just that. Since she and Masao were captured so long ago, Daisuke had a burning desire to keep his friends safe. After the death of his parents, that desire grew immensely. He had requested her presence here, but for what purpose.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

It had been an uneventful few days since Kitsune and Daisuke last met. Apparently he wasn’t going to Iwagakure quite yet, so he invited her out to the Ancient Forest, presumably to teach her about the feline contract. Kitsune of course had no idea what to expect, so she just put on her preferred choice in clothes since her death: A red button up shirt, a short skirt that showed off her shapely legs, and a long jacket that was closed thanks to an obi around the waist, while the jacket itself had a raised collar.

She was headed for the location Daisuke had informed her of in his message. She hadn’t actually been to Kumogakures forest before. So it’d be an interesting thing for sure. And hey, if it all went to hell, she could just warp right out of there. Upon arriving at the location, she waved to the boneheaded sennin and smiled. ”So. The forest, huh Daisuke-san? Am I correct in assuming this involves the felines?” she asked him as she was only ten or so steps away from him. ”Or would it be a sparring match you’re wanting?” she added as she stood next to him. ”If it is, we do have a nice colosseum for that sorta thing.”


Nov 17, 2012
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

"Indeed you are correct, Kitsune-san. You’re perceptive as always. ”, he said as Kitsune arrived. Her outfit seemed stylish, which he had learned to except from his peer after all this time. He himself wore what he normally did. Daisuke’s style was simple really. It usually consisted of a random colored dress shirt with a matching pocket square, a pair of slacks and matching vest and tie with black shoes. By all means, he still wore the ridiculous outfit every once in a while, but lately he had stuck with the business casual attire. He was glad that she had arrived when she did. It brought about a sense of relief to his shoulder which was marked by the felines in the shape of a feline tattoo. It ached whenever he was late to delivery a new member to the felines as a part of their agreement. The last thing he needed was the felines getting anxious. Kitsune volunteered herself as far as he was concerned so he had nothing to worry about.

Hello, by the way. I had some time before my mission, so I thought I’d hold up my end of the agreement and do as I promised. As for a sparring match, hold on to that idea. We might need that sooner than you think. Anyway, my tent is deep within the forest and protected of course. We’ll be heading there on foot so as to stretch our legs a bit and give us time to talk. After all, I called you here to discuss some business as well, but first a quick history lesson. I’m Daisuke of the Kaguya clan. I was raised by my parents in the port cirrus harbor. Over time they became merchants and started what would turn into a very successful business. Shortly after being sent to cloud village for school, I joined the academy and later became a genin. ", he said. Other might have thought he was getting off topic and desire to set him straight, but he believed that Kitsune would see the purpose behind his story. His intent was to have backup plans in case something went wrong. Someone to carry on his story; his legacy. Kitsune was the next to take over the branch should he pass on or retire for a while. Therefore, it only made sense that Daisuke would trust her with some of his future plans.

"Upon becoming a genin, I did mission after mission. Then I tried exploring the wilderness down near the heart lands. It was there that I learned of something very strange. Contract creatures, if you will. They took me under their wing and trained me; adopted me; treated me as one of their own. As you can imagine, for a boy who’s folks were in another country all the time, that really helped me. They were my second family and they did their best to keep me safe. Back when you and Masao-sama were taken by that bitch kage, I thought the worst had befallen you two. I thought if you both only had allies just a few hand signs away, then you’d be safe at all times. For this reason, I sought to teach my pupil Junko the feline teachings." he stated as a star twinkled in the night sky. Meanwhile in their realm, the felines were growing restless. Daisuke had not yet brought them a second prospect and they began to wonder if he needed the proper yet painful motivation for him to fulfill his duty. The bone head was allowed to train and become enlightened by the contract creatures, but their was a catch to this gift he had been given. He was charged with spreading the teaching of the felines and bringing in at least three members into the fold. So far, the S-ranked sennin had only brought in one member. With all the people he had command over, he managed to produce just one member. Anyone could see why the felines felt a bit...upset. One of the elder tigers laid back groaning slowly. He felt that their adopted son had more than enough time to convert one of his fellow ninjas into a member and so with a single nod, Daisuke’s older brothers were sent out after him.

"Kitsune, don’t warp! Run! Follow me!", he shouted just before taking off into the dense forest. He made this sudden demand after feeling the burn of the tattoo on his shoulder, which could only mean that the felines were after both him and Kitsune. The foliage alone was nearly enough to block out the lunar rays. He ran believing his second in command was right behind him. While one might think that simply meeting the felines and having a discussion would be enough, it wasn’t. At least not for his branch of felines. If they caught either of them before Kitsune was properly informed, they would disown Daisuke as well as lose interest his any of his prospects. Such was part of the deal them made with him. Fair? No, not at all. Incredibly dumb seeing as they desired members? Yes, yes it was, but that was the agreement. Surely a part of a test for Daisuke’s enlightenment. Until Kitsune knew everything, it was a game of one sided hide and seek in the forest if neither of them wanted to be rejected by the pussy cats. Daisuke would go on to explain all of this to Kitsune, then flinch if she decided to smack him up the side of his head for dragging her into this. If he had taught her sooner, she wouldn’t have to run away, but that too was a test for her as well as any other feline prospect. The feline's pride themselves on the physical attributes of a ninja rather than the jutsu casting aspect. They were physical creatures that leaped, jumped, pounced and the like. Naturally, they expected the same from the shinobi with which they did their business.​

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

Kitsune listened intently to everything Daisuke had to say, he was her boss, and hopefully her friend as well. Besides, it wasn’t like she had anywhere to be in a hurry this day. Heh. History. An odd subject that. The victors write the history books, and soon that become fact to the citizens of the world, when the ones defeated might have an entirely different picture of what happened. Only way to know the truth is to experience it firsthand. she thought. Hm. I wasn’t aware that Daisuke was from Port Cirrus. Or that they were merchants. To think their son had the aptitude to become sennin of the oldest hidden village in the world. They better be proud.

Then, when Daisuke mentioned a “bitch kage” she had to stop him briefly ”She’s not a bitch. Ai-chan didn’t have a choice in what she did Daisuke-san.” she said sternly. Kitsune was fond of the Hoshikage, especially as they had shared a bed and done things even Casanova would be jealous of, and as such Kitsune had entirely forgiven the incident where they, being Masao and Kitsune, had been thrown in jail by the foreigner. Well. Jail is kinda misleading. It was actually a hole in the ground with guards, surrounded by a frozen wasteland. That wasn’t something Kitsune wanted to try again. It was a hellish experience, and it was only made worse by the fact that their chakra had been sealed away by the Star sennin Kaibutsu, may he rest in peace.

”Hm. You might’ve been right there Daisuke-san. Instantly summoning allies would’ve been, well, kickass really.” she said and then noticed how his attitude changed entirely as he took off into the forest, yelling for her to follow him without warping. Kitsune shrugged and caught up to Daisuke rather easily. Sure she might not look the part, but she was fast. Really fast. Then Daisuke explained how this all worked and Kitsune gave Daisuke a light bonk on the head. ”Baka. Could’ve told me before taking off like that.” she said and then looked at him, a sparkle in her right eye. ”So it’s a challenge, eh? Fine. Lets beat their challenge and show those cats we’re made of strong stuff.” she said afterwards and cracked her knuckles.


Nov 17, 2012
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

OOC: Sorry for being late. I know I said yesturday night.
Daisuke could not believe his luck thus far. First, his feline brethren were chasing Kitsune and him because he had failed to deliver enough members into the feline order. Such was the role of a half-assed feline sage with a mastery over contract summons. Second, Kitsune corrected him on a woman he could not tolerate because of her rash decision to imprison his friends. A look of confusion appeared on his face while Kitsune defended the Hoshikage. While he had a desire to know what could have changed her mind about the kage, Daisuke would put a pin in it for now as there were more important matters which needed attention. Third, Daisuke received a bonk on the head by his friend for not explaining things earlier. Although he was thick headed at times, even the might kaguya’s skull was no match for Kitsune’s fist.

"Aw! You’re so mean, Kitsune! Why?" he asked while holding his head, only to be corrected for his mistake. And yes, he did drop the title when he spoke to her.While strangers in the past, they seemed to have grown into a decent friendship, at least from his perspective. It was true that he could have informed her sooner, but his brothers were after him and thus he had no time to explain things. Then he saw it. Kitsune’s competitive side, which was never a good thing among such powerful shinobi as she was currently. Still, while they were in hiding he felt it best to be explaining their situation.

"Kitsune, as you know already, before an animal summoning can be performed, a prospective summoner must first sign a contract with a given species. The contract comes in the form of a scroll, on which the contractor uses their own blood to sign their name and place their fingerprints and once signed it is valid even after the contractors death as long as the contract itself remains intact. After this they need only offer an additional donation of blood on the hand they signed the contract with, mold their chakra with hand seals and then plant the hand they signed the contract with at the location they wish to summon the creature. The amount of chakra used during the summoning determines how powerful the summoned creature can be.", he said quickly, then followed up with a small amount of silence. He had to make sure his brothers had not found them yet. He peeked out from their hiding place and saw nothing, though he could hear their thrashing about within the forest.

"You will not get the actual contract to carry around as you see fit. This here is simply a copy of the contract meant only for my literary review. It’s like getting a copy of a lease. Also, it is only visible to members of the same contract. No doujutsu can read it, not even my rinnegan. The true holders of the binding contracts are called contract overlords. I have only ever met two of them, but it stands to reason that if they exist for the canine and feline summons, then perhaps others exist in other contracts like spiders or monkeys maybe. Still that’s just my speculation. " he added as he gestured for Kitsune to follow him out of their hiding place. It seemed the coast was clear for now and staying in the same place for long would surely get them both caught. He crouched low and moved into the tall grass nearby. Of course there were other options as for where they could hide out. The foliage in the very tall trees, the river bank, blend in with the different boulders laying around, a nearby cave, etc.

"To my knowledge, your soon to be overlord, Hidega, is thousands of years old. Leader of the felines, she is about twice the size of a normal tiger and has white with black stripes. She likes to wear golden jewelry on her tail and ankles, has yellow glowing eyes, and lastly has these strange glass-like claws. Seriously, you can see right through them. She’s known for her speed and precision. She can take down large beasts without a problem. You will have to meet her at some point in time within the feline realm. Once you gain the feline contract, you’ll be able to open the portal and cross over into their world. There are portals which intersect within lightning country. This allows the summoning animals to be found in our world. ", he said, describing Kitsune’s soon to be boss.

Let’s see, what else do you need to know? Uh? Right! Within the summoning contract, the summoner is entitled to call upon five creatures ranging from D to S rank. New summoners are automatically given access to the all star team. The initial all star team is as follows: Atsui & Samui at D-rank, Oniyuri at C-rank, Okugi at B-rank, Burakku at A-rank, and finally Byakko at S-rank. At a later time summoners could, if they wish, choose different creatures to represent each summoning rank. This way, your summons are unique to only you and you can take it a step further. With Hidega’s blessing, you may take on a low level noncombatant companion(s) to accompany you in our realm. Hoshi and the other are my personally handpicked pack. You can have that as well.” he added. His heart was beating a little faster as he could still hear his brothers thrashing around a good distance from them. He would stop and answer any questions Kitsune might have had as he knew this stuff could become confusing.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

[I knew I had forgotten something! I’m so sorry >_<’’ ]

Kitsune smirked ”You know why. Now let’s get down to business before we’re discovered, hm?” she said in between Daisuke asking why she had bonked him, and his continuing. She listened intently, as this was highly important information. She’d likely need it soon enough.

After this they need only offer an additional donation of blood on the hand they signed the contract with, mold their chakra with hand seals and then plant the hand they signed the contract with at the location they wish to summon the creature.

Ah, so the hand essentially becomes the key needed for the summoning to take place. she thought and nodded as Daisuke explained that the amount of chakra was directly proportional to the strength of the summoned creature. The more chakra spent, the stronger the summon would be. Kitsune assumed that stronger summons would also take longer to bring out.

”So, even if I were to grab the papers, I wouldn’t be able to read it even with my Eternal Mangekyou activated? That's... A curious feature. Would be interesting to replicate this for inks and papers. Guess I know what I’m doing when I get back to my lab.” she said with a self-confident smirk as she kept on listening to Daisuke’s words. He went on to explain about contract overlords, and how he had met two of them and his theory about there being one for each other contract. A sound theory that.

She’d follow Daisuke from their hiding place whenever he decided that they should move, matching his speed and movement style closely so they wouldn’t get separated. ”Jewelry huh? So, like this?” Kitsune would say and undo the top button of her coat, revealing the jeweled choker she was wearing to cover the scar on her throat. As Daisuke explained about the portals in Lightning Country, Kitsune nodded figuring that it made plenty sense. ”Hm. That’s an interesting thing” she said to his words about being able to pick and choose a full team.


Nov 17, 2012
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

OOC: I'm sorry, I didn't even see your post. Just pm me next time. :)

Since the Mist and Leaf villages troubles, the felines have closed off their portals there. As it stands right now, one could find these rifts in Lightning and Wind country. The Solum de Asphodelus in cloud and the Soon’s haven in sand. Once you’ve signed however, you’ll be able to open up portals to the realms on your own, but only summoners may enter the realm! The overlords also understand that as ninja, we might find ourselves in need of extra assistance and so the most trustworthy among the summoners are allowed to sign with an additional contract without fear of repercussion. The last thing for me to teach you is the summoning jutsu. I suggest you forget it it ever existed. Known as a space-time ninjutsu, the contract summoning jutsu (link) is used to bring your brethren to you....or you to them. The latter is known as the reverse summoning jutsu. I digress, you will need a stamp of blood and the hand you signed the contract with. When summoning a creature, think of the battle situation and summon accordingly. Some situations might call for an offensive summon, others might call for a defensive or supportive summons.” he explained quoting his own words spoken to his student.

The contract summoning jutsu can be performed on any surface, even air if necessary. The hand signs are as follows: boar, dog, bird, monkey, ram. That concludes today’s lesson. Now is the time to prove yourself worthy. The felines are always looking for new talent, for those who are worthy. When they found out about you, there was nothing I could do. This was inevitable. Now we just have to get to my tent without them catching us.", he said.

As he had stated to his student, when contract creatures had no dilemma for a potential summoner to help them with, the potential summoner had to prove him or herself in other ways. The group of felines Daisuke met had the ability to transform into a humanoid version of themselves, combining their brute strength and agility with human intelligence and a new form to perform taijutsu. Daisuke knew these felines well enough. They’ve been picking on him since he first learned about summoning creatures. When he first gained the trust of the felines, he met up with a family that would take him in while lost in the feline realm. They were good hosts and treated him as if he were a member of the family, but Daisuke just could not return such strong feelings. If Kitsune would bother to ask the identities of these shadows then they would inform her to ask her sennin. And if she would go on to ask Daisuke, he would reply, “They are...our opponents...and my...our older brothers”, he reluctantly explained.


Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

Huh... A space-time ninjutsu eh? Well, Kitsune knew of three others. One was a regular summoning jutsu like you’d use with scrolls. The others were her Kamui and Takaamahara techniques. ”Well, incidently, I already know the jutsu to summon contracts. Just never had a use for it. Until now I guess” she said and smirked. ”Fun fact: As an Uchiha with the highest level of Sharingan possible, I’ve got access to another two space-time ninjutsus. They’re called Kamui and Takaamahara. The latter is what allows me to warp around.” she explained before listening to the rest of Daisukes explanation and nodding as he went along.
”Between birth and death lies desire,
Desire for live, for love,
for everything good.

And this is the source
of all suffering.”

With Kitsunes indefinitely long lifespan, there was plenty time to desire things. She desired to keep living. She desired to make Lightning the best place to live in the entire world. Sure, she desired power as well, but only to protect herself. And right now, she really desired to pass this test without injury. Kitsune cracked her neck and looked around. ”So eh… Daisuke… What’s with the shadows? My eyes can’t piece them at all. I normally can.” she asked her companion on this little adventure, only to get the explanation that they were their opponents. ”So these are the taijutsu-wielding kitties you were talking about. Neat. I’m assuming we’ll have to fight our way past them to get to your tent? Or do we just have to dodge them to get there?” she continued, not taking her eyes off the two large shadows.

[MFT; WC: 271]


Nov 17, 2012
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

OOC: Sorry for the late post. I could have sworn I already posted. Also, since I died you have to decide if we should keep this going. I'm going to assume yes. correct me if I'm wrong.

In their attempt to keep a low profile, Kitsune mentioned that she already possessed the knowledge of the summoning jutsu, which baffled Daisuke’s mind. He seemed a bit confused as to why she would know the technique, but not have a contract. Then he realized that he was talking to Shinrya Kitsune, a woman of many talents and secrets. He knew not to meddle in her personal affairs because there were more secrets in that woman, then even a sennin dared to ask. He instead continued to listen as she gave the names of two other space-time ninjutsus known to the Uchiha clan.

"The Kamui and Takaamahara. Other space-time ninjutsus. I might want one of my own. The Uchiha always get the good stuff. Luck jerks. ", he thought before realizing that he had no reason to be jealous. He had a Uchiha path which possessed the mangekyou sharingan after all. Such was the power that only two kinjutsus could provide. Deciding to keep his thoughts to himself, he went on to answer her questions before proceeding.

"Well, they’re my adoptive brothers. When I was younger and found the tiger contract, they took me in and thus began my training in cloud as well as the feline world. Only you and Junko are aware of this fact, but I never had a chance to tell keiji, Kahako, Ayumu, Shin, and Saito. They’re here to test our resolve, but can end this quickly. We’ll reach the tent through stealth just like felines do, then kick their asses quickly. That will earn you the contract. It worked for Junko anyway. Now we just have to... ", he said just as the armored feline appeared behind Daisuke. Perhaps he was speaking too loudly, perhaps his brother knew his scent even in a large forest, but for whatever reason they were discovered, it was clear that his plan would not work this time.

Daisuke’s eyes widened as a humanoid tiger’s foot flew straight towards his face. His kaguyan instincts kicked in just in the nick of time. Razor sharp bones began to burst from his forearms as he raised them in a defensive position. The rapid burst cause a small spray of blood to shoot into the air in front of the armored feline causing a small bloody mist. The pain as nothing Daisuke could not handle, given his rapid healing abilities. In fact, after all this time, his body had become immune to the pain. The impact from the tiger’s foot was enough to knock back the kaguya about twenty feet. The kick launched Daisuke into the air, through several thick tree branches, into the tree’s foliage and back down into the tall grass. As the smoke cleared, it would become apparent that he had activated his ultimate bone defensive, which reduced the damage that would have taken had he been without it.

"Kistune! Look out!", he shouted as he slowly rose to his feet. The other feline, known as the clothed feline, landed atop a large branch about thirty two feet about Kitsune. How about the future sennin response. Did she possess the ability to defeat this new foe? Could she ever beat the felines with such a lame partner as Daisuke? Would she ever get Daisuke to sincerely admit that she is a better doctor than him? Could she ever recruit more students into the medical branch than Daisuke did as sennin? Would Daisuke ever hear (in full detail) the sexy time story between Kitsune and the...unlikable...Hoshikage? Would it ever be possible for Daisuke to behave normally for once?

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ninpocho: Chronicles of Kumogakure, Medic branch edition!

[MFT] WC: 600

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

Tonight! On the new episode of Nonpocho: Chronicles of Kumogakure, Medic branch edition!

On the last episode, our heroes Daisuke and Kitsune were being attacked by two humanoid felines. Will they survive this possibly fatal encounter? Keep watching to find out! [Queue title sequence]

”Before you get any good ideas Daisuke, those two techniques require the next stage of Sharingan up from the Mangekyou. Specifically the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.” she said with a grin, almost as if she had figured out what Daisuke was thinking. She winked at him and then cracked her neck slightly.

Then, out of nowhere, an armored tiger appeared and kicked Daisuke into the air, had Daisuke not been of Kaguyan descent, he’d likely have broken one or more bones from the kick alone, even more from breaking through a bunch of branches, and probably cracked a rib from landing on the ground again. But, fortunately, Daisuke wasn’t so easy to get rid of. He had defenses, and he used them well. Then, at Daisuke’s warning shout, Kitsune spun around and looked up, to see the other tiger landing in a tree above her.

Kitsune immediately formed her eyes into the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, and summoned Susanoo, forming a giant skeletal armor around her. They wanted a physical combat? They’d get a physical combat. Kitsune grinned and directed her armor to strike the clothed feline in an attempt to get a first hit onto it.

Would the hit connect? Will Susanoo save Kitsune and Daisukes behinds? Would Daisuke ever drop his weird outfits and dress normally? Nah, that’s probably just wishful thinking. But find out next time! On Ninpocho: Chronicles of Kumogakure, Medic branch edition!

[MFT; WC: 279]


Nov 17, 2012
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

The saying goes, “It’s always darkest before the dawn” and it seemed to be very true this evening. It definitely seemed to be a true statement. Daisuke was tossed like a rag doll while Kitsune used what he believed to be her most powerful technique on one of his brothers and soon to be one of hers as well. There was no doubt in Daisuke’s mind that Kitsune would become one of them, it was only a matter of when. She was just toying with them as the bonehead knew all too well. At anytime she could just warp to the tent, but there was a point to prove. She was tough, intelligent and possibly ruthless. She displayed no moral dilemma while sending her Susanoo’s arm to backhand the clothed feline off of the branch and send him flying for a few moments. Such was the power of cloud shinobi. Being a leader meant having to make those split second decisions for the good of the branch and Daisuke could not have chosen a better successor.

Meanwhile, the armored feline witnessed his brother knocked back about twenty feet and decided to regroup with him. It was clear to them that they were outmatched, but that did not meant they would make it easy on them. Just then, a gentle breeze blew past the forest just them and being carried on the wind were a few dead leaves crumbling as they rolled around on the air. The breeze swayed the foliage of the ancient trees to join in on the start of what seemed to Daisuke to be the start of a makeshift melody. The breeze did not just carry leaves and the brisk chill of the mountain air, but also his scent. His brothers raised their heads and took a whiff only to be surprised by what they did not smell. It was hard for them to distinguish what was missing from their little brother’s scent at first, but soon they understood what was missing. Fear, was the component they missed. A grin appeared on their faces and a chuckle or two could be heard as they stood twenty feet away. They laughed at their brother’s cockiness; his arrogance; his blissful ignorance. The felines came together and channeled their energies to pull off just one last attack. Time was nearly up for the felines and Daisuke both. They closed their eyes and prepared to strike.

[MFT] WC: 400

Red cloth feline:

Attempts Suplex on Daisuke. It hit!
Steel Claws - Passive said:
Through many battles over time this feline’s claws have become far stronger than other kin, and are capable of cutting and slicing through almost anything. Being at the wrong end of these blades could easily prove fatal.

Effect: Burakku deals +10% damage, has a +1 Critical chance, and has a +5% chance to all bleeding effects.

Impenetrable Fur - Passive said:
Burakku's fur offers a layer of defense unique to him. His fur is so dense that many attacks fail to even pierce it, simply bouncing off.

Effect: E-D Rank Taijutsu are ineffective against Burakku. C Rank Taijutsu only do half damage/effects. Burakku's Bleeding rank is always treated as one rank lower.

Gold armor feline:

Attempts 16 Hit combo on Kitsune.
Steel Claws - Passive said:
Through many battles over time this feline’s claws have become far stronger than other kin, and are capable of cutting and slicing through almost anything. Being at the wrong end of these blades could easily prove fatal.

Effect: Byakko deals +10% melee damage, has a +1 Critical chance, and has a +5% chance to all bleeding effects.
Feline Finesse - Passive said:
The body of a feline is renowned for its grace and dexterity, but few are able to utilize these properties effectively in battle. But once mastered, the result is a style of combat that is unlike anything else, using the body of the feline to its true offensive capabilities.

Effect: +2 Dodge and +10% chance to auto-dodge.


Transformation jutsu into a were-form.
Were-form - A-Rank Ninjutsu said:
Said to be the final tool of power for any canine, their were-forms are what many a legend are written about. A gift from the great moon goddess, Ezos were-form stems from the seal on his forehead that gives off an odd chakra signature. While Eikis is that of light(holy) his is one of darkness (dark) that turns his rage into pure unbridled power. Gaining the ability to stand on two legs and growing a more humanoid appearance, Ezo is a truly terrifying sight indeed when he unleashes the beast. It is in this form that he tends to leave his mark on the world by leaving tell-tale signs of whom he has battled. If one does ever survive a battle with Ezo in his were-form then it’s soon apparent on the first full moons light who the real victor is.

Effect: +2 to all secondaries. +5% Melee Damage. Immunity to fear effects.
Cost: 2750 CP to initiate, 1375 CP to maintain and 3 AP.

- Must have midnight masquerade activated in order to go into were-form.

Super Snout - Passive said:
Eiki has an extraordinary sense of smell and hearing (no doubt due to her mixed heritage). This allows her to almost never lose track of an opponent, making it nearly impossible for one to fully escape and get very far from the vicinity. This allows this canine to relay the where about of the enemy, to which she can better direct the pack to attack until the enemy is taken care of.

Effect: Has a 15% chance to auto locate those in stealth.

Alpha Ability - Activated Passive said:
There’s just something about being the Alpha of the pack that gives one a boost in confidence as well as skill. No doubt this stems from all the countless battles that he’s endured as well as the test of becoming the Alpha male of the pack. It isn’t so much the fact that Ezo is the greatest among the canines, but the fact that his rank demands respect and often precedes him. Such being the case, it’s said that when just in his presence that one tend to feel inferior to him and the instinctive thing to do when around him is to simply obey.

Effect: Allies receive +2 Melee Accuracy and +5% Melee Damage
Cost: 1ap 270cp, 135cp/round

- Affects up to 2 allies
- Cannot affect Ezo

Claw affinity - Passive said:
Ezo's claws are not only sturdy but they are razor-sharp allowing him to easily tear into the flesh and bone of any enemy. After using his claws through countless battles, they became his most proficient weapon on the battlefield, second to nothing.

Effect: May use any E to B Rank shop Slashin Taijutsu.

- All jutsu used this way cost +15% CP.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

Upon her skeletal construct taking the 16 hits from the feline, Kitsune let it dissolve to try and fool them into thinking that it was broken. And now… she thought as she lashed out with a harmful genjutsu known as Phoenix Embrace, hitting the armored feline, making it feel as if it was burning all over. ”Stand back Daisuke. I’ve got another ace up my sleeve” She said and proceeded to follow up with a fireball of the blackest fire, a super-charged Amaterasu fired right at both of the cats. If all went as planned, it’d hit and the cats would catch fire.

Of course, Kitsune would put them out if needed, but once they were on fire, the way to the tent would be all clear, and she’d grab Daisuke’s arm and drag him towards it. Once they got there, they’d have won, right? No more fighting, right? That’s at least what Kitsune was thinking and she was usually right. Either way, it all depended on what happened following the fireball.

[MFT; WC: 172]


Nov 17, 2012
Re: Big paws and sharp claws pt. 2 (private; requesting Kits

Struggling to raise to his feet, Daisuke stood as the duo prepared their attacks once again, but it seemed that a woman's touch was all that was needed to bring the felines into reign. Kitsune easily blocked the multi-hit assault and retaliated with a genjutsu followed by a powerful ninjutsu. Daisuke stood silent as his brothers rolled around in pain. He knew Kitsune wouldn't kill them, but she did make her point. She warning him of her upcoming attack and he behaved accordingly. The future sennin would be an excellent one. Smarter than Daisuke, more ruthless than Kushin...well maybe not that ruthless, but she was up there.
Shinrya Kitsune


"Wow, she is really is a live wire. I'd do well not to get on her bad side.", he thought as she grabbed his hand and ran towards the nearby tent. Kitsune was the one to reach it first and just in the knick of time. Thanks to Kitsune's quick thinking, Daisuke fulfilled in his duties as a member of the feline order. He recruited two members and for that, he would live another day. Meanwhile the full moon emerged from the thick clouds and shone down on the tent. Daisuke's brothers felt the effects of the jutsu wearing off and upon realizing that they had been beaten, they charged towards Kitsune without a single word of congratulations. Before Kitsune could move or take any actions, the felines chomped down on her forearms. There would be no pain whatsoever nor would there be blood and broken skin. Only runic symbols, similar in appearance to that of curse seal markings, would travel up her arms and merge to form whatever symbol she so chose. She could even make the mark completely invincible to everyone including herself. It was something not even the rinnegan could see. This was their way of saying congratulations; of welcoming her into the pack.

Clothed & Armored felines


"Kitsune, we have bestowed upon you the mark of the feline. You will have to meet with our boss, ?, on your own time in the feline world. The rest, we leave in your capable hands. should be ashamed that she bested you. Aren't you meant tot be the one who guides capable ninja to us...not be protected by them. Weakling, what was the boss thinking making you a recruiter and promoting you to a near sage level. Goodbye! And mom said to visit her more often.", the Armored feline stated before they each burst into smoke. It was no doubt a reverse summoning jutsu which called them home. The biting method was not unusual to him, but hefelt that he had to reiterate the meaning behind it. Daisuke had no doubt in his mind that several other shinobi within the village had gone through the same thing. Daisuke knew this because it happened in the Solum de Asphodelus, the very same place that the felines were known to roam while in the human world. A random feline brought it up in conversation one day, but apparently some cloud ninja were involved with some contract animals over a package of some sort (linked here). The bone head did not have all the detailed and he did not need them. All he knew was he was not the only ninja in kumo to be subjected to that kind of method. He could remember when it was done to him. It was during a training session when they believed him strong enough to become one of them. Of course, his older brothers never explained to Daisuke what was happening. They simply bit him on his forearm and right shoulder. Even today it was visible. If anyone were to view Daisuke’s forearms and right shoulder, they would see a symbol of the feline contract as well as the canine contract on his left shoulder. Feeling that he had an obligation to inform his student of what was coming, he spoke up.

"Congrats Kitsune. The felines will be forever at your finger tips. Be warned however that the summoning jutsu is only activate as long as you are conscious. If you get knocked out, go to sleep, etc, then the summoned creature will be forced to return back to their world." he added. Now then, you hungry? I got a lot of food set up in here. Also, could you give me a physical exam. I'm pretty sure I have deep tissue damage from being knocked through those thick tree branches.

[MFT] WC: 350


The request is here

[requesting approval for Kitsune to obtain the feline contract. I, Daisuke, have the contract mastery ability which allows me to teach the feline contract.]

[Congratulations Kitsune! You have earned the Feline contract. Since you're a C-mod, there's no need in me telling you what you need to do. I've made the request and Enjoy the felines]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
