Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Book of Genesis - Revolution

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The evangelist had already done the work. The gospel of a savior to come and bring about salvation would spread like wild flowers. In a world so perilous, people needed hope. The preaching of the evangelist gave this to some. And some it simply sparked their curiosity. Flyers littered the streets of Konoha with the same message for months. Protest was on the rise. People began to live in uncertainty.
Message Here
Rejoice! Do not fear for she is coming. Rejoice for she brings the gift of salvation. Rejoice for she wields the keys to our shackles, she carries the remedy to cure our oppression, and she brings the blade to silence our oppressors. Rejoice, for the end and the beginning. The age of humans draws to its inevitable conclusion at her wake and the age of the beautiful creatures, the Kitsune, the angelic, the demons, Neko and all such beautiful things, your time is nigh. Will you stand with her? Will you help her bring about the new age? Will you rejoice? Now is the time. She is coming. Stand with her. Change this world. Help bring about the new age!

But then they arrived. The Devils themselves had come to Konoha. They would meet with the evangelist, the hopeful and the broken. They would show them what they wanted to see, power, miracles, and images of a future they’d create… and so, an assembly was called. For all the followers of the word, the light, and the revelation. For those who would find themselves curious of the invention.
Messengers & The Evangelist

“The fallen leaves of this Hidden village… tell a story. The great nation of Fire, shattered. Our home, invaded, defiled by those from the Lands Between. Now, our protector, our warden, the Hokage is nowhere to be found, and in the night, the demons ravish our village uncontested. The Revaluation is soon to come! The mad taint of man will trigger the shattering of your lives. A war is coming from which no lord will rise. A war leading to the abandonment of the Greater Will, the Will of Fire. So arise now, ye tarnished. Ye dead, who yet live. The call of long-lost grace speaks to us all. Hoarah Lord of the Earth Court. The ever-beautiful Faceless Demon. And the ever brilliant Immortal Trickster! And one other. Whom grace would shine through to bless us all. A Goddess of no renown. She will lead us to the light. She has crossed the Lands Between. To stand before the you, the true believers. And to fulfill the promise of the great exodus. We meet in the Forest of Death. Symbolic that our ordinary lives be put to rest so that we emerge in grace as things more beautiful to begin our journey to the promise land.

Mizu awaited the migration of worthy followers within the forest. She didn’t have to wait long as the sound of trampling leaves caused her pointy ears to twitch. “They’re here Xaiyu. Show time.”

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao was walking with his bag of groceries in his arm and one plastic bag holding in the other. it was that the flyers were catching his attention and from a distance he tried to read them. "those again..." he would grab the plastic bag with his other hand before reaching towards his headset. "This is Nao for any available sennin... The strange flyers have been raoming around, along with a person saying we meet in the forest of death. Please help me with this...' he woudl say before stopping that one and starting another one. "Here Nao for our Hokage, please come in. There is suspisious activity in the Oak streets moving to the FoD.." He would stop that after and just pray the hokage got this time his headset call.

Moments later he would follow a few of the people into the forrest. "Are they nuts... this forest houses creatures beyond normal.."


Mar 11, 2021
"He isn't home either. Where could he be?" After leaving the gates, Toshi scurried home, but to no avail did his search bring back a Sennin Nao. Toshi began to contemplate his venturing, wondering where Nao could be. The ANBU trainee took to his bike, pedaling down the backstreets of Konoha. All the while trying to ignore the flyers scattered abroad here and there. 'I guess it's going to be another long day for the clean up crew.' Toshi shook his head, knowing that the flyers only spreader the wildfire of trouble the Leaf Village was already in.

As he moved through the village, he began to notice civilians reading through the flyers, exclaiming something about the forest of death. Looking in the direction of the forest, he would notice a few people headed that way. "They can't be." Riding slowly towards the forest, Toshi could feel himself nearing some type of threat. If the flyers weren't an indicator, the civilians roaming towards the forest sure was.

Coming to the entrance of the forest, it seemed the flyers drew in quite the crowd. That's when he noticed his adopted father. 'Nao.' The boy hopped off of his back, leaving it behind as he sprinted towards his sensei. As he drew near he began to call out for him. "Nao-Sensei!" Toshi moved slowed his pace to a complete stop as he now moved alongside Nao. He took a second to catch his breath, and quickly began on what happened at the gates before giving his usual Good Morning.

"Nao-Sensei! The gates! It happened at the gates! Everyone was caught off guard, and..." Cut off by the sight of groceries, Toshi couldn't help but notice his appetite.

"Hey, do you have any apples?" The boy asked, his mood completely changing to a less worried tone. A taste of what nature had to offer would definitely change his pace.

[ Topic Entered ]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi was writing on files and other frankly boring pieces of work that were required, though this was interrupted as his headset cracked into life as he tilted his head listening to the words that had been spoken before grabbing the headset, it seemed that this time he was in the right place and the right time to make a difference, as he placed it around his ear and pressed the throat piece to his neck clipping it in place, it seemed that his day had got a lot more interesting in those few seconds.

"This is Takeshi, I am on route as well Nao"

With that he was already out of his office door and on his way to the forest, he knew full well that Nao would have been annoyed to be once more the first person on the scene, but being honest Takeshi was there to react to things not be proactive in attacking them, after all that was what his job was and he knew that much. Moving swiftly he quickly caught sight of Nao and another person with him from Leaf. Catching up to them he allowed himself to slow down his pace to match them.

"Well look at this situation, what have I missed at least, fill me in and then I guess we can see where we go from there?"

He nodded towards the other familiar face that was with him a small and comforting smile on his lips as he looked at him.

[Topic Entered]

Gotō Daiji

Nov 1, 2012
A wrinkled nose and an exasperated expression were the only response he offered as he held one of the flyers in his hands.

"Great..." the chūnin thought to himself, shaking his head as he read the words. "More crazy." It seemed to be endemic as of late. Hidden Villages dealt with enough instability within their own ranks due to traumatic disorders, stress, and any number of varying supernatural influences exerting their sway over ninja. Demons, angels, sentient weapons-- it was enough to make your head spin. The last thing Konoha needed amidst all of this recent chaos was a cult.

Taking to the village rooftops he quickly made his way along them to the Forest of Death. "Haven't been since the Chūnin Exams." his internal monologue continued. It wasn't exactly a nice vacation spot one could visit to relax in, and unless Asuka or one of the Sennin recently made some sweeping reforms for the worst the location was rightfully off-limits to the general public and any shinobi not of the appropriate rank. The Forest was a dangerous place that housed all manner of horrors. Good for training. Bad for public safety. As he moved he noticed two figures headed the same direction on the streets below. Toshi and Takeshi. "Good" he thought, "We need all hands on deck."

Quickly running out of rooftop the chūnin made use of what might as well be considered his signature jutsu. Moving at high speeds was handy for a lot of reasons and it allowed him to make a quick entrance. After channeling some chakra to his feet he took off, promptly reappearing within a cloud of smoke near a familiar silver-haired Sennin and the other two (Shadow Dance). "Nao-sama." he would say, waving some of the errant smoke away with his hand and adjusting his shades on his face. "First on the scene again." his usual smirk took hold on his face as he looked around. "Young Toshi." he greeted the boy with a pat on his back as he turned his gaze to Takeshi. "Lord Fourth." a nod in his direction followed. It seemed they had quite the crew assembled. Now was time to see what would follow. Upon hearing the former Hokage speak Daiji would offer up the folded flyer he had previously read from within his flak jacket, holding it out towards the man. "Seems like cult activity." he began, turning his eyes to the forest. "No idea what we're walking into..." If this 'flock' wasn't careful half of them might end up dead before they even reached their destination.

The Gotō removed his sunglasses for a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose with his free hand. His eyes had been bothering him more and more lately. Even the anti-inflammatories weren't helping. And something told him this situation was only going to make his migraines worse. Returning his shades to his face he composed himself before speaking. "I can send my dogs to scout ahead." he said, waiting until Takeshi accepted the flyer to run through several hand seals, I → Inu → Tori → Saru → Hitsuji. Crouching down to palm the ground another cloud erupted out of the technique formulae that spread out from where he made contact, two small canines standing in its place once it dissipated (Contract Summoning). One black, one white. "They might be small but they're quick." looking at the dogs they really weren't all that small. Wolfdogs were quite a bit bigger than their fully domesticated counterparts. Still pups but they were growing and fast. "And quiet." he added, glancing to his summons. The larger of the two, black and shaggy turned his back and gazed towards the forest seemingly ignoring the chūnin. His sister, white-furred and pristine simply nodded her head and stared at the group with her pale red eyes awaiting orders.

[Topic Entered]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
