Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Brothers of Different Mothers (Kotori/Nanashi)

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Brothers of Different Mothers

It was just a little after midnight and, as per usual, the Underground was bustling with night travelers. Most of the crowds swayed towards the Red Light districts as the drunk cat-calls could be heard from nearly a block away from the ‘entrance’. Other members of the crowd were swiftly throwing hoods on, covering their faces with masks, or a combination of the two before ducking towards different alleyways; they sought the Black Market.
It wasn’t easy keeping the Sunagakure ANBU off their tails, but the nobles who looked for twisted pleasures the Red District no longer held, the drug trade, the illegal shinobi prosthetics market, and the weapons trade in general went through painful lengths to assure their business. For the most part, so long as you didn’t practice in Skin Trade, staying under the radar was rather easy…however for those who went down to seek body parts…

Ryuu Tama, a scientist of the arcane and creator of the Chakra Coil Transplant surgery, waited at the very end of one of the alleys these cloaked individuals walked. The the man himself, normally someone who looked to be in their late 30s, looked to be about twenty-two as he leaned against a brick wall. His hair was a cold silvery-white and pulled back into a neat ponytail that started at the nape of his neck. Tama was wearing a green turtleneck over a pair of high-dollar slacks, down into a pair of hand tailored dress shoes; over all this was his signature lab coat. In his left hand he held between his pinky and ring finger a cigarette, and adorned to the third digit was a white gold ring that gave off an eerie presence. The youth inhaled deeply before letting out the sun-dried tobacco into the air. His heterochromatic eyes stared off into the distance, distracted by something.
No one else turned down the alley, and anyone who tried found themselves right back where they started as the man at the end carefully used his new found powers over time. Not so much the current timeline, but his own, meaning someone had to see him first to activate it; however it was proving incredibly useful. The skips didn’t give off any presence as the chakra required to toy with just the fringes was nothing. Not to mention every time he pulled the strings back a few seconds what little chakra he used would then suddenly disappear. So long as he kept doing this in small intervals, nothing was likely to catch his scent.
Yet he almost jumped out of his skin when his brother spoke.
Hey, I’m back, and I officially hate you again.
Jeez-oh-mighty we need to really put a bell on you! Kami be damned you’re going to scare the life out of me one these days little brother.
And the world would be better for it, here,” Michino replied as he shoved a briefcase at his older brother.

The younger brother, in this case, looked to be the oldest. Though they were both giants, standing at seven-feet tall, Michino had an edge to his physical form that Tama did not. It was clear which one related closer to the Toraono clan as the younger brother’s flesh was as dark as the shadows he hid in. The other hand gripped a silver staff that was carved from the branch of an ancient tree deep in the heart of the Godsfall. It served as second leg he missed from his left side that his loosely tied robe hid. By all means the two siblings looked like literal representations of night and day, but they did have a common gene in the elf-like shape of their ears. Tama took the briefcase and gave a dramatic bow before walking back towards the thralls of the street; Michino stepped back into the shadows and began to hobble the back way home.
It was rare for the two brothers to get along in any shape, as they had created a troubled past from the short time that they had known each other. Yet Michino wasn’t heartless, and his older brother knew exactly how to use that.
Unknown to many who step into the entrances, there are invisible barriers that alert the ANBU to certain chakra signals. Tama is one such a man; his brother was not. And though stepping through the Grand Palais wasn’t something the Toraono was keen on doing in the first place, he was aware of how desperate his brother must be to beg of his help; hell to beg at all, it wasn’t in the scientist’s nature. So here the dark skin male was, hobbling through the bad parts of town to help out a sibling who probably didn’t deserve it.

Ten minutes later Michino was on the edge of the area, heading through the housing districts where there was a fine mix of both abandoned and running apartment buildings. It was a strange shortcut that lead back up towards the surface and just a few streets short of his girlfriend’s apartment. Yet at some point he had stopped feeding chakra into his staff and the silent taps of wood had grown loud. It wasn’t until he felt the presence of violent intent did he realized he had done so and that there was a group of people following him. The Toraono slowly came to a stop and turned casually to look at a group of at least five fully grown men; not a teenager among them.
This was a small gang of adults who had probably dropped out of the military while they were Genin, and made use of their skills in the bad part of town in the worst ways. Usually these consisted of teenagers who were more bark than bite, but the adult gangs…they usually shot first and asked question after looting the corpse. Michino slowly lifted his right hand as he began to channel a little charka into his fingertips, a technique he used to write ninjutsu into the air as his brother did in order to save the lack of two hands. The question was if he could write it out fast enough.
But those worries were squashed under a different kind of stress when he looked beyond the gang that threatened him and saw the silhouette of his brother; another who was infamous for shooting first. Now the Toraono had a choice - let Tama do his thing which was likely to land him in prison, again, or try to warn the men.

I have no idea what it is you seek, but I warn you, if you don’t stand down then the man behind you is going to-
Before he could finish a cocked lever slammed down the hammer causing a spark to ignite power. The explosion forced out a small led ball that shot through the air faster than most objects could be thrown, even by elite shinobi. A gun. Something Michino once had no problem dodging, now he could only watch as the bullet flew at him as he tried to react in time.
But he couldn’t. He felt the tug and noticed the world around him warping as he slid back into a standing position and the bullet reversed its course. The Toraono mouthed his regrets when the gun shot was suddenly silenced by the screams of the gunman as his equipped hand flew through the air trailing an arc of blood.
Shit,” Michino swore as he quickly wrote down special sigils into the air that flickered and zipped into the shadows at everyone’s feet. Half a second later the form of Ryuu Tama materialized. He was younger, his hair was wild, he stank of serious body odor, and there was a wild aura of insanity that radiated off the scientist. Even his clothes, where were pristine, now had the look of something he hadn’t changed or washed in weeks. The Toraono shifted his fingers and activated the ninjutsu that created a mass of shadow hands to reach up and grab his brother to pull him down.
I said run, dammit, I can’t hold him for long!

The scientist struggled against his restraints, and the sibling knew they would only hold him long enough for him to regain an ounce of his sanity. The six-foot tall teen who was bent down was his brother’s most mentally unstable form. It was almost a completely different person all together, a boy tormented by the power he had awakened far too soon. Two of the gang members took heed, the injured and a friend, but the other three were set on advancing…

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
❝Don't stop till you are proud❞[lb2][/lb2]
Moments passed as he started to look around the place, he and his companion found it rather... Interesting at the places there were in these streets... He did however bought something off the streets that rarely someone knew he would do. Smoking... He had bought a pack of the most cheapest smokes to hide the extra expenses. Mainly because he was still a bit stressing out about how and where everything was. Especially with his past. But there was one thing that he started to notice when he started to walk.
"Did you hear that too girl..?" He started to question towards the wolf who raised his head and nodded slowly. Something was... rather off in one of the streets and while mounting his companion they got up high to get a closer look to what and where things were happening. "Hmm... This doesn't look all that well for that man..." He would only comment as a soft whisper and soon knew a thing he could do. Play the middle man. Knock both parties out..? Just one...? Many questions that got to him, but he found himself already reacting and the wolf going at it also.

He landed on top of one and kicked the other so he would have trouble breathing for a moment, his wolf took also people out and soon they were up the ground and Nanashi would only have a single cut up his arm. "Whaa.... How am I going to explain this to her...?" he questioned and sighed, the wolf placed a paw over it's head and soon stood normal, looking at the others surrouding.. "So... Round two or peace?" He questioned, not that he would be amazing in a combat situation.



[Ooc note:] Hope this is fine, like we spoke through a bit in discord.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The tall ebony warrior planted his knee on his brother’s back, hard, and tightened his grip on the shadows holding him down as the stranger and his wolf attacked the group. In a matter of moments he had managed to injure and deter the vast majority of the idiots. Knowing now that they had been weakened, Michino quickly used his status to ward off the rest of the group. Reaching inside of his shirt he pulled out a chain necklace, and at the end of it, a charm with a symbol stamped with the clan mark for the Takahashi; a charm only a handful of Sunans had. The moment the light glinted off the golden hammer above a bronze anvil, more than a few of the deeply tanned men turned white. There was no way the symbol would have done anything before Nanashi came in and tore the hoodlums a new one; probably would of lead to an attempted kidnapping and six murder charges to be frank.

Once the last of the idiots had left, Michino carefully reached down and removed the ring on Tama’s left hand. It caused the sixteen-year old underneath him being held by shadow tendrils to vanish from existence all together. The Toraono then slowly raised the ring finger back up above his head, causing an old man to appear as the ring settled back onto Tama’s now aged finger. The older man slowly took his hand back to stare at it and the ring for a second, about three, and then curled his right fist up to clock his twenty year old brother over the head.

That was way too dangerous, asshole, you could of destroyed me,” the scientist chided his younger brother.
And you could of killed me, those bandits, and probably everyone in a two mile radius. Don’t even go there,” Michino replied as he slowly stood up on his one leg, eventually leaning heavy on the left against his staff as he considered the young male and his canine companion before them. He could already sense that Tama was getting a little flustered for his own very good reasons upon seeing the wolf himself; after all his late lover was an Inuzuka. Thankfully, before the old man behind Michino could make a terrible comment to sour any relationship they’d have with their savior, the ebony male spoke up to Nanashi,
Well I think I owe you at least a drink, or probably a meal, which ever you prefer,” he said as he held out a gigantic right hand to be shaken, "I'm Toraono Michino, and this old idiot behind me is my brother, Ryuu Tama."

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
❝Don't stop till you are proud❞[lb2][/lb2]
He stood there, a bit baffled on what was happening around himself and the other two. Unsure if it was even saved for his partner Wolf at this given time. Yet the canine didn't show off anything except a slight tail waggle. The person that suddenly had vanished... 'a clone?' thought Nanshi towards himself and the canine would just gently lay down on the ground. "Maybe so.." were words muttered out loud instead of remaining inside of his head. "Say... Uhm... I do not need that, you just seemed to be into trouble, and I always find that mean." He would simply comment and turn towards Wolf who was now laying on its front two paws. "Is there something the matter with her?" Nanshi asked towards Ryuu but was a bit uncertain. "I am Nanashi, this is Wolf. My partner canine. We have known each other for quite a long while now." Yet as he had earlier politely refused the food, right now his stomach seemed to be rumbling and he casually looked away. That was the moment he saw that he was injured and simply tore a bit of his shirt to make a small bandaid for it. It was that moment that he realised what he had done. "N-not again... Will I ever get these habits out of my system?" On which Wolf seemed to smirk, she always was the silent type even though she could talk. She just stood up and would place her paws against his lower back and nudge on his backside,. "I know girl... I know..." He would just complain back towards her, a bond that certain people never had with a pet an Inuzuka certainly had that.



[Ooc note:] Small post, but I didn't really know what to write all else.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The teenage scientist with a penchant for switching between ages, almost randomly, sighed. Something about the edge the little psycho was building slowly bled out as he watched Nanashi struggle to remember tearing his clothes was a bad thing now. The seven-foot tall ebony creature that was Michino realized all too well why Tama was slowly softening his demeanour; Okibi too had those problems he had once heard.
In a rare act of compassion the scientist raised his fingers up and snapped his thumb against his palm. Suddenly where the shirt had been torn it was repaired. Stretching out his fingers and then holding out his hand a soft, nearly invisible, green energy poured from the chakra pores in his palm to stretch the short distance between himself and the wild boy. Like a finger running across his skin, should the kid actually sit there long enough for the energy to reach him, the wound he had previously dressed was now painlessly mending. Tama wouldn’t heal it completely, for spending his life energy was dangerous in that it could cause another age jump, but he did stop the bleeding and used enough energy for the wound to already be scabbed over. Quickly did Tama turn away and kneel down to pick up his briefcase and head back towards the underground without another single word; rare for a windbag like himself.

Michino said nothing either in this regard, he just half-smiled and watched his brother walk away before suddenly disappearing as he was want to do with his new manipulations over time. Turning back to the boy and his wolf he spoke again,
I wouldn’t worry about him. He’s…special. Now, I on the other hand, would be considered normal at least in most respects to the shinobi around here,” he could hear the other half of his soul laughing in his mind, “but seriously, I’d like to try and pay you back somehow. What can I do?

[Sorry this took a month to get back to! I've been going through a hella roller coaster with my head.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
