Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Caged Bird [Private]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sitting behind the freshly cleaned desk of the Hokage, Umashi had to get used to actually doing paperwork again. Having spent apparent years in the void had earned him a more battle hardened position on life and to sit down behind a desk and write . . . seemed like something less than life preserving. Having received a full litany of request while away, he’d spent the better part of his working hours simply catching up on information that had initially gone to Yomi but had still involved him. With her officially in the role of the Main Branch Sennin and a new Medical Sennin serving, Umashi now had to focus on the task at hand of disciplining the current ANBU Sennin, Takeshi.

Officially when Umashi had last been around, Takeshi was supposed to be hunting missing shinobi and those deemed threats to the state. Somehow he managed to not really capture any missing but did broker a deal between Suna and Konoha, something that Umashi truly did appreciate. However what he also did was sidestep authority and fully approve of a certain Uchiha joining Konoha without consulting the serving Hokage, Yomi. Thinking about the earful that his wife had given him, thankfully she was tired from childbirth to drone on any more than she had but the fact of the matter was that once again Takeshi had messed up. Yomi wanted him gone, and his eyes clawed out. Fortunately Umashi wasn’t as hormonal as she was but he agreed that for all the good that he’d done, that Takeshi had to be punished.

Fifteen days back and instead of being able to celebrate the birth of his children, Umashi was busy working on a write up, something trivial at best but completely necessary concerning the stability of the village. Having already issued the disciplinary action to Takeshi a few days ago, Umashi now waited for the clock to strike noon, then the meeting concerning the next action to take could commence. Though his head wouldn’t roll concerning the action, there was to be a suspension of six weeks and a regulation to unpaid desk duty. In the interim, a neutral party would run the ANBU Branch in his stead, one of his choosing and Umashi’s approval. Some might look at the action as a slap on the wrist but Umashi saw it as a means to prove that he wasn’t a pushover but that the rules were the rules. With fifteen minutes until the meeting was to start, Umashi twiddled his thumbs behind the desk and adjusted the white medical robes that he wore. He really didn’t want to have this conversation right now.

OOC: Post this topics end, Takeshi is to be ICly suspended without pay from ANBU Sennin duties for insubordination. While on ANBU Sennin suspension, his “project” from Umashi is to work on Konoha’s Airforce program by means of securing property, plans and workers for completing the project and getting it off the ground. This suspension/work for free is to last no longer than 3 IC months (90 days) and 6 OOC Weeks. In true Umashi fashion . . . Umashi shall be pushing the narrative via forced RPing. >_>

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi had been summoned it seemed that Umashi wanted words probably about what had been sent to him, though he allowed a sigh to come to his lips as he pulled up the clothes of his ANBU Sennin attire, the new clothing still felt fresh on him as he looked in the mirror for a few seconds, the time of the meeting was coming and Takeshi knew full well he would be standing judgement the question would be would he be cured or cured for his actions that was still to be seen but he was here to see what would happen from this conversation.

Takeshi allowed himself to walked to the office door of the Hokage and allowed himself to ponder on what he would find behind the door, as he let his hand come and knock the door lightly he knew full well that he had been summoned and he would answer what was coming head on, he allowed the door handle to twist as he entered into the Hokage office his eyes meeting straight away to Umashi for a few seconds as he pondered the reply to give to the man.

“As per the letter that was delivered I have come at the instructed time Lord Hokage. You wish to speak to me, so I guess I will let you go first and I will answer the questions that you give. Since it appears you have only just got back I will not keep you longer than is required you have my word. So shall we begin then?”

Takeshi allowed himself to walk to the middle of the office as he shut the door behind him, he looked around the office it seemed to have gone back to its familiar days as he allowed himself to step inside of the room. The door now shut he moved himself to the middle of the room and allowed his hands to come behind his back, he made sure that he brought no weapons with him and came unarmed and preparing to show that he was no threat to anyone else.

Wondering if Umashi would understand that he came here to answer for his actions he waited to see if the man would speak, though deciding to keep his own questions away from the Hokage he allowed himself to stand silent and dorment his eyes never leaving Umashi’s at that moment in time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Allowing Takeshi to take a seat, Umashi clasped his hands together and leaned forward in his chair. A byproduct of his new sage abilities, Umashi's eye's typically danced with an ever changing rainbow display of colors, but upon getting down to somber business, they changed to more darker hues as if to signal the mood. Having known that the letter would have done most of the talking concerning why Takeshi was being suspended, the meaning of the meeting was more for formalities sake. in some respects, Umashi was seeking to understand just what Takeshi was thinking when he made the decision. Did he think Yomi an incompetent Hokage, was he simply jumping the gun, was he really trying to show an old pal around town? The questions were as numerous as the blades of grass on the front lawn but they all boiled down to the fact that the man didn't follow protocol. "Did it ever occur to you that one could look at your actions as a military coup by a notable clan head? Better yet," Without bracing for any impact, Umashi went right into the discussion with the goal of clearing the air from the very beginning.

Holding a hand up to keep Takeshi from answering, Umashi undid his hands and leaned back in the chair sighed.
"Never mind, I don't even want to know if there was even a possibility that you might not have looked at the act from all the obvious angles. We're past that and looking towards the future." Making a motion with his hand so as to wave off the idea of what had happened, Umashi looked at his finger nails and advanced the topic further. "Have you found a replacement? The sooner that I can vet them then the sooner we can move on past this and get to working on bigger plans. I still need you be in fighting shape for that Sound Village thingiemajig that we've been invited to. Your suspension is no excuse for laziness and Yomi thought that you'd be a fitting back up in case things looked dire." Shaking his head, Umashi stopped talking and allowed Takeshi to speak. Whatever he had to say, he'd better be quick with it and to the point. Umashi simply didn't have time for any begging or whining today.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi refused to take the seat instead he stood in the middle of the room making sure that he held his ground, knowing full well that the actions he made in the absence of the man had probably not gone unnoticed, as he allowed himself to stand still he listened to the words that had been spoken. He allowed himself to cock his head slightly deciding on if the actions would be the correct ones that he would be taken though he remained silent deciding instead to keep himself prepared for the defensive he tried to keep his answers short, deciding not to anger the man already.

“I have found a replacement. They are on their way to meet you. I presume they will passing your requirements for the role for the next few months”

Takeshi decided to be blunt with Umashi, though he had questions about where the man had been that still needed answers he decided to leave that till another time. It was probably best to make sure that nothing like that happened. He allowed himself to remain silent for a few more seconds before replying to the last part of the question that it seemed he was going to be going to the tournament. He allowed a small sigh to come to his lips.

“ I will train if that is the case. Also since your absence, Sand has signed a peace treaty with us, they have assigned an ambassador to come to the village. I believe that you will be wishing to meet this person on arrival as well Lord Hokage?”

Takeshi waited for a reply, maybe some small good news might allow him to get the vetting process over with he didn’t want to stand around longer than was needed and wanted to make sure that Umashi realised that he understood he was in the wrong, and he was accepting everything thrown at him without any fight back instead he would take the punishment and move forward.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
It was a little off putting that Takeshi wasn't sitting down. As the saying went, the tension was thick enough to cut with a butter knife but Umashi kept his thoughts to himself about the whole ordeal. Upon hearing that Takeshi was soon to reveal his replacement, Umashi perked up as it meant that the awkward meeting would soon be over. Not completely heartless, Umashi was glad that for the record, Takeshi brought up the fact about the Sunagakure deal. 'I'm actually glad that you brought that up. Even though you're being disciplined is a public matter, so is the fine work that you did in helping to gain new allies. Trust me, I don't want to have to have these sort of meetings with you but if I allowed you to circumvent the rules . . . then others might also see it as an opportunity to do the same."

For the briefest of moments, it almost seemed like Umashi and Takeshi were speaking two separate languages. No doubt it was due to neither one of them wanting to be in the room, but again Umashi pressed onward. "Training is good for the physical yes, but I need the ANBU as a whole to be ready. You and your replacement need to get the branch ready for expanded roles. Simply put, we're lagging in our expansive efforts globally. Air, sea and land . . . we need to be doing more. The intercontinental railroad effort will eventually be completed in concerns to Kumo. I need it to extend to Iwa and Suna equally. Currently our ports are basically controlled by pirates . . . we can't have that. Airfare . . . we have none. I mean, they're hot air balloons, why don't we have a unit of them ready to mobilize?" Pausing to sigh, Umashi shook his head and looked down at his desk. "What I'm trying to say is that you're still valued and much needed. Don't forget that." As if on cue, Umashi was stopped by the rapt knocking on his office door.

OOC: Waiting on the NPC . . .

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
As of on queue the door opened and in stepped the form of a fourteen-year-old girl stepped through, pink and blonde hair shone in the night as he allowed himself to look around. Takeshi let his eyes meet onto the person that he had selected as she stepped forward and looked around it seemed that she was always looking at the best available opportunities in front of her as she bowed her head slightly in front of the Hokage before coming to her full height and turning to face the other Sennin, waiting patiently it seemed the girl allowed herself to wait for the bow from Takeshi as appointed in her station.

Takeshi allowed himself to bow down for a few seconds in that split second. It seemed that they had work that had to be done and the tension between the two of them could easily been seen. Takeshi allowed himself to stand back up to full height as he glanced over to the Hoakge it seemed that the new girl had arrived and was getting straight to the point she had that characteristic. She didn’t even side glance around the office as she allowed herself to be direct.

“My name is Hana, I have been in the village a few years now, I lead with an iron fist and will make an example for those to see what screwing up gets you. Now I know we have just met Lord Hokage but I would like to get to the branch and start work straight away, Takeshi I presume has jobs to do for you to keep him busy and out of my way if that is even possible?”

It seemed that she was already getting on the ANBU Sennins nerves as she spoke. It seemed that she was already putting him on the side as Takeshi allowed himself to sigh slightly he looked back to Umashi. Her track record was flawless she had been ruthless and efficient in every task that she had ever undertook, and it seemed that even in considering running the branch she would keep that same pattern in all of her endeavours. Takeshi allowed himself a few seconds as he looked around trying to find the best resolution to this situation as he allowed himself a few minutes before he decided to speak.

“I will start to look for land to make the air field and come into talks with those merchants that are willing to supply the material, I will give you reports by letter every two weeks and try and get this finished before I come out of the probation period as you wished. Is there anything else for myself Lord Hokage?”


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding, Umashi chuckled to himself at the way that the woman commanded respect. She was a go getter, and even if it was a clever ruse by Takeshi, Umashi wasn't going to further discuss the appointment. It was what it was and it was going to have to remain that way for a time. "Nope, I think that about solves everything for now. I appreciate you two working together on things and I expect to see a very refined branch after this is all said and done. You two are dismissed." Keeping his tone cheerful and light, he nodded to both of the ANBU leaders and allowed them to exit but not before he remembered that there was one final note concerning the soon approaching village tournament that was approaching. "Oh and Hana-sama, I'll be issuing a full pardon for Akira Amaya. She'll be entering the Tea Country Tournament in behalf of Konoha, along with Maki and the Medical Sennin. The former Lady Hokage, current Main Branch Sennin, Yomi hand picked those three along with Takeshi-sama as the back up. Just a heads up, but enjoy the rest of your day!"

With the two ANBU dismissed, Umashi would finally get to writing a letter to Mikasa, the Medical Sennin. While the two still weren't the best of buddies due to the entire "birthing incident", Umashi still respected the fact that Yomi had appointed her and that she did good work. Finishing the letter, Umashi opted to hand deliver it if for no other reason than to show respect. The same was in turn done for Maki and Amaya as well although their letters were personally addressed to them and their particular situations. The letters detailed not only how Yomi had chosen them among the many to represent Konoha, but also as much information as was possible concerning the Tea Country and any possible participants or factors that might show up in the tournament. Along with his family and many others in the village, they’d all be there cheering them on. Konoha was going to represent with all their might.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped, letters delivered to Maki, Amaya and Mikasa concerning the village tournament.
OOC #2: Although the RP is going to happen in the Birthing [Technicolor] topic concerning Mikasa being appointed Leaf Medical Sennin, due to technical issues on Yomi's side OOCly, I'm using this post to OOCly reaffirm Mikasa being Medical Sennin so that the banner can be gained.
OOC #3: Yomi moved to Main Branch Sennin per this post.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed a small salute to come up as he allowed his eyes to meet with the stranger, it seemed that the two of them had differences against each other and this much was clear as the glances between the two of them where clear. Though how much of this was just a look or how much was real would not be seen by the Hokage. With that and the dismissal that had been given to them Takeshi allowed himself to turn on his heel and head out of the door deciding to keep himself silent instead of speaking it was probably better this way and he had to admit he was already lucky to have dodged a bullet that would have come his way if Umashi had not been understanding.

“Very well Hokage, don’t worry I will keep the Uchiha in line during this time, if you have any need or questions please feel free to make sure that you message us. I Will come in a split second and this way I can keep a close eye on him. I know what he is like, have a good day as well bye for now until you call again.”

With that the girl walked away from the office and followed in the suit of Takeshi as he had managed to leave the office already it seemed clear that they where trying to keep together she would be following him for a while. Making sure to keep an eye on everything that he was getting up.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
