Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Class 003!] Basic survival.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
A big dragon would be standing in a made-ship camp. It was sweeping the floor with its tail and Nao didn't think much of this. As soon as he kindled the flame awake he would turn towards his half-form, where he had his horns, claws, wings, and tail out. When he felt cheeky you could easily see a sharp tooth too. "I wonder where Keiji is... I had never seen him lately. Kind of wonder if I did something to upset him." He spoke as he tilted his head, crossed his arms, and watched the sky. "uhm... I do believe the kids should be coming around now."

The camp was small but held all the things they needed. Small tables with folding chairs, which would be surprisingly comfy to sit on. A fire would crackle near with sticks laying beside it and a bag of marshmallows. A tin can was placed near the fire to warm up so they would have warm chocolate.

As Nao was going back to his human form he would grab his jacket and place his white arm banner on his arm with the green cross. Displaying that he indeed was a medical personnel.

wc: 198

Regular topic rules apply along with the following;

5 posts total 1000 word count minimum.
Missing to post within the 72-hour time limit will result in a strike, 3 strikes and you are out.
There will be no post order, however, after Senei posts, you all have 72 hours. You don't need to wait on one another, you post once.
You can collect your reward as soon as I say you made it through the class.

Student capacity:
1. Mayeda Naoko
2. Yakeru Miho

Mayeda Naoko

New Member
Feb 1, 2024
This was it, the moment Naoko had been dreaming of for the last two weeks since signing up for the class back at the Academy. School at the academy was fun and all, but very rarely would she get to see a real shinobi face to face like this. She would never say that directly to any of her teachers of course, seeing as they were indeed Ninjas for the village hidden in the leaves, but the person she would be meeting today was a true Shinobi! The type she was sure went out into the field, and accomplished missions that were more than just teaching the youth. A ninja like her brother. The thought of it made the last few nights very hard to sleep, as her stomach knotted with excited butterflies and nerves. That morning, she would wave the old man goodbye, and make her way to the designated meeting point. There was no specific mention of who would be attending the class, but the description for the sheet she saw posted on a bulletin in the hallway read in big bold letters, 'Basic Survival' and beneath it was the name Sazuki Nao.

Her excitement simmered into soft and bubbling nerves the closer she got to the rendezvous point. Then just as she thought she thought she got lost, she caught the subtle smell of chocolate amongst the distinct smell of burning wood. She followed it into the clearing, and eventually stumbled into the campsite. There was a man, much taller than her about 180-190 cm if she were to guess, but he was very easy to look at. With red hair like fire, and heterochromia eyes, the man before her was almost shockingly beautiful. She smiled, approaching the man with the best confidence she can muster, "Hello, I'm Mayeda Naoko," She bowed politely, "I'm here for the Basic Survival class? You must be Sazuki Sensei?"

WC: 318

Yakeru Miho

New Member
Feb 1, 2024
OOC Rank
Miho's heart raced with both anticipation and nervousness as she prepared for her first elective class at the Academy. Determined to earn extra credits and expedite her journey to freedom, she set off on a daring adventure into the untamed wilderness. She embarked on a journey that would take her beyond the boundaries of civilization she'd grown so accustomed to. The wilderness greeted her with a symphony of sounds and scents. The crisp air carried the earthy fragrance of moss and the distant call of birds. Beneath her feet, the ground whispered with each step, a chorus of leaves and twigs surrendering to her presence. As she navigated through the dense undergrowth, her senses heightened, attuned to the secrets hidden within the wild. As she walked, her gaze fell upon her attire, a reflection of her determination. The black clothes, meticulously chosen, not only served as a practical choice for stealth and camouflage but also held a symbolic significance. The hood she wore shielded her face, its shadows concealing the burn scars that marked her past. The fingerless gloves, too, served as a reminder of the pain she endured, a physical representation of the flames that burned within her.

With each step deeper into the wilderness, Miho's excitement intertwined with a hint of nervousness. The unknown path ahead stirred a mix of emotions within her, creating a tempest of emotions that mirrored the untamed nature surrounding her. Following the trail of a sorrowfully familiar scent, the sweet yet earthy aroma of burning wood, Miho's anticipation grew. The warm, flickering glow of the campfire came into view, casting a mesmerizing orange hue onto the surrounding trees. Her heart quickened, and she hastened her pace, eager to meet her new teacher and classmates. As Miho finally stepped into the camp, her eyes fell upon a young lady engaged in conversation with a towering man who stood taller than three of herself where they stood one atop the other. She assumed this was Sazuki Nao, the teacher who had posted the class at the academy. Her senses heightened, as she observed the interaction, her nerves tingling with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

Approaching the group, Miho felt a wave of shyness wash over her. She bowed respectfully first to the teacher, then to the other student, her voice small yet filled with determination as she introduced herself.

"I am Yakeru Miho. I am also here for the class."

She cursed her nerves, wishing to have made a more impactful introduction, though her attention was now solely on the man before her, his strange, scaled features which included a tail had piqued her curiosity and she couldn't help but stare.

[WC - 443]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The poster that had been up had been drawn by the children that Nao was taking care of. He liked that the kids showed interest in his work and everything, so which was the best thing. As he did his coat right he would make the wings disappear and slowly all the dragon like things. He would look at the kids who started to come around the place and he would smile warm to them both. "Hm hmm, you are correct. I am Sazuki Nao, medical sennin of the hidden leaf." He would speak as he would grab the handle with a cloth. "Hot chocolate..? I am aware I brought you guys all the way out here on a cold day." He would mention as it was mainly water cold in the air which made it chilly.

"For this class... I will be asking you both to tell a small story that you, or anyone you know has happened while staying out in the 'wilds' as some would say. For me, it was in my teenage years when I scouted for my Archsage... I learned the hard way as to what was, or wasn't edible and almost tried to kill me."

[wc; 202]

Mayeda Naoko

New Member
Feb 1, 2024
Naoko smiled meekly at the offer of hot chocolate, but happily accepted. It was very cold but she dressed appropriately for the weather. She garnished a tight long sleeve shirt and over the top wore her signature red jacket. With hot chocolate in hands, she blew off as much of the heat she could before taking a sip. It was rich, and still a little too hot but really good.

She glanced between the Nao-Sensei and her classmate as introductions were being made. Miho seemed a little reserved, but that was okay, Naoko figured there would be some nerves in a setting like this. Her eyes were amber, and so vibrant that Naoko could only describe them as being alive but her scars marring her face was the feature that stood out the most.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both, and thank you for the chocolate, Nao Sensei!” She took another smell sip, blowing cautiously so not to burn the top of her mouth.

The first instruction seemed simple enough, only that nothing could come to mind that had occurred to her directly. But after some further thought, she had herself a eureka moment, “ I had a classmate once tell me that he got lost in the woods going hunting with his dad. It took them forever to find the path out, but one they did the sun went down and most of his neighbors were looking for them!”

WC: 241

Total WC: 559

Yakeru Miho

New Member
Feb 1, 2024
OOC Rank
Miho would give a small nod at the offer of hot chocolate, it had been a while since she last tasted the beverage, and the orphanage would never allow her to join the other kids when there was some on offer. She took the mug and clasped it between her hands and held it close to her chest, letting the warmth press to her body as the smell of chocolate drifted through her nostrils. She would give the other girl a small nod of agreement.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet... new people." She said softly, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude.

Taking small, measured sips from the steaming liquid, Miho pondered what kind of stories she could contribute to the conversation. As she listened to the teacher and her classmate, she found it challenging to conjure up personal experiences. She had never ventured beyond the village, with the closest she had come to the wilderness being visits to the onsen, an experience far removed from true exploration. However, a memory of her father's aspirations surfaced in her mind.

"Well, I have no first-hand experience in the wild like this," Miho began, her voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and nostalgia. "But my daddy used to promise to take me camping when I got a bit older. He would tell me stories of his adventures when he was my age, fishing in streams for his dinner and foraging for mushrooms and berries. He even once built his own shelter from wood, vines, and leaves instead of using a tent."

As she shared her father's tales, Miho's gaze wandered toward the mesmerizing dance of the flames. Her amber eyes reflected the vibrant glow, casting an ethereal light against the backdrop of orange hues. It was a bittersweet moment, realizing that those plans would never come to fruition as they had imagined. Yet, the memory of her father's dreams remained a cherished connection, one that she held close to her heart. She took another sip from her cup, the warmth seeping into her being. And in that flickering light, amidst the crackling fire, Miho felt a flicker of hope. Maybe one day, she would venture out into the wilderness, carrying her father's spirit with her. Perhaps she would camp in his memory, embracing the wilds and making him proud.

[WC - 384]

[Total WC - 827]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing the small stories of their experiances either personal or told... Made him smile soft and warm. He would chuckle as he heard about the mushrooms and berries. "Yes, but you have to be careful as to what berries. I hope he told you that too." he would say before taking a sip of his own hot chocomel. Having this bloodline and kinjutsu made it so he could handle warmth a lot better than that he could in the past, but cold was something he started to hate even more.

"Survival is something you should never do alone... I am going to give you 10 tips and tricks.. and with that I want you to sort out to be able to ' survival' for a afternoon with this basic camp setup. Always go together, it can be an amazing thrill to out on your own. It will be a lot safer but also a lot more fun if you go together. Imagine if something happens to you and you are on your own, it is going to be a lot harder. The other thing is to go lightly packed, it is important to be prepared, but overly prepared will treat your body poor. Think of simple things and minimalistic for survival. Don't pack an entire bag full of knifes, but have an utility knife. Don't pack a heater, because you get cold, pack a sleeping bag. things like that. Another importance with that, is that you have a good camping setup. Having this is easy for you since I set one up." And with a motion of his arm he showed the place around.

There was a simple tent sent up which had been lightweight. A small circle of stones with sand in the middle which could clearly be used for a campfire. There was nearby a small river and obviosly there wa sa forest around them for drywood.

" I don't think I need to tell you the importance about making a fire for survival... Neither for water to drink which should be safe. In the tent is a book regards of plants in the surrounding area. Including the poisonious ones. There is also a book for handy knots, those you will probably need if you wish to catch animals... A small hint is to use the rope inside the small bag, not the one beside the tent."

After he explained about the emergency signals and small emergency kit, he would tell them about their assignment and how to call him if they really got stuck or something dangerous happened which they would not be able to handle. They got a simple button to press in case of emergency. After that he would simply walk off to his little spot up the mountain to keep a check on them... They had to survive for the afternoon, as Nao only left basic needs and no food or water. He was curious about how they would do this.

[ooc; if you do not understand stuff, please let me know. I am dislectic and had to write this on work so no Grammarly to fix my ass in grammar.]

[You may now post about how you start your survival afternoon. After you both post I post with a small surpise.]

Mayeda Naoko

New Member
Feb 1, 2024
Naoko would listen to him speak attentively, sipping continuously on her hot chocolate as she did so. It was really good, and from what she could determine by his teachings it would be the last thing she'd be drinking for a while until they get a fire going and boil some water. After he left and she finished her drink, she gently placed her cup down on the floor and smiled at her fellow classmate. "Looks like it's just us now Miho-San," She spoke gently with a smile that was warm and not lacking mild confidence, "I think we can survive an afternoon together no problem, what do you think?"

She walked around the campsite, analyzing what was left for them. There was already a live fire, that seemed healthy enough but should be maintained or else it would simply flicker away into nothing. There was the small tent that was set up, two seats, and then the wilderness around them cut only by the small river that snacked through the middle of it all. On top of the two seats was a small brown bag, with a small string inside. A beautiful sight, pleasant even, but Naoko knew she would have to exam this as if she were a Shinobi out in the field making camp during the middle of a mission.

"Miho-San, I can go investigate the river. Nao-Sensei mentioned using a rope that was inside the small bag, for some reason, perhaps it was to catch fish? While I do that you can maybe mend to the fire or try to see if you can catch a small animal out here?" Enthusiasm danced within her words, excitement as if she discovered the secret to the riddle, or maybe it was because this was her first true assignment outside of the Academy. She wriggled the rope free from the bag, "I'll see you in a little bit!"

She trekked to the river that was nearby. It was nicely nestled in a small opening just a couple feet away from all the trees, and the blue water meandered lazily through the path. She removed a safety pin from her hair, letting her already short hair drop just below her shoulders - it was almost time for another trim she never enjoyed letting her hair get too long - and manipulated it into the shape of a J to form the hook. She pinched the makeshift hook into place, and dipped it into the water bank where she would squat and wait.

It wasn't as easy as she thought it would be either. The fish weren't biting, and after about an hour of trying she realized she wouldn't have much luck without bait. She thought hard to herself for what she could use, and decided she should check the foliage nearby and hopefully she'd find some small bug she could use. She found a couple ants, but that wouldn't make due, then she found a moth but catching that was probably going to be hard. Then she found exactly what she needed! A caterpillar. She picked it up gently, impaled it into the makeshift hook, and back to fishing she went. It took a while, but after almost another hour of trying something bit and she pulled up hard. It wasn't very large, but a small fish with dirty green scales was on the other end of the hook.

After what took a little over two hours, she came back to camp with a slightly flustered but proud look on her face and held up the catch to the sky, "Got us some good dinner Miho-San!"

WC: 605

Total WC: 1,164

Yakeru Miho

New Member
Feb 1, 2024
OOC Rank
Miho would listen along curiously, the lesson Nao laid out before them seemed fun if anything to her. Perhaps that was just hubris talking but this was a lesson for students and they were hardly being left in some barren wastes or frozen tundra for weeks on end, this was manageable for them if they worked together. Miho would join her classmate in finishing off her cup of chocolate, placing her cup down, and giving a small smile to the girl.

"I think we should manage this rather well." She said, her voice still quiet but she was clearly not lacking in confidence, just soft-spoken. "Working together, we can manage to stay warm, full, and hydrated."

She would do her own examination of the camp, checking to see what they had been left with, to her the two most pressing things for their survival were keeping the fire fed and burning, a simple task for Miho given her... relationship with the flame and her love of nurturing it. The second thing was something that would depend on the first, fresh water, they could drink the water from the river for sure, but boiling it on the fire beforehand was a must. Other than that, they could manage with empty bellies if it came down to it, but she would do her best to make sure that wasn't going to be a reality they had to endure.

"Yes, I think I can manage that, Naoko. Fires my specialty after all." She said with a small grin which was slightly creepy on her face. "We shouldn't stray too far from camp though, keeping each other in visual and audial range will be important... in case anything goes wrong."

She wasn't quite sure what, if anything could go wrong, it was hardly as if a lumbering monster was going to stumble out of the tree line and attempt to devour them... maybe. For now, the fire needed feeding and she would head off for the edge of the camp, quickly collecting as many of the fallen twigs and branches as she could muster. She'd make sure each of them was dry before carefully adding them to the fire, the smallest pieces of wood on the bottom, the largest on the top.

"Okay... this should keep it alive for long enough to let me get some actual wood... If only I had an axe or saw." She thought to herself, pondering ways to more easily collect the larger pieces of deadwood that were plentiful in the forest.

Before heading deeper into the woods she would return to the tent and take the small notebook that detailed the forage in the area and would let her know what was edible and what wasn't and grabbed the thicker rope, planning to use it to bring back a large quantity of wood by tying it up and dragging it, which she remembered was a way to increase the amount of something heavy she could transport with her small frame. She would be mindful of the location of the camp as she moved out into the trees, making sure that her eyes never lost the orange glow of the campfire, that would be her guiding light to return and she felt like as long as she could see it, she and Naoko would be able to hear one another in a pinch.

Over the next two hours, Miho had managed to make a pretty good pile of wood, more than they would likely need, but it was better to be prepared for the worst, plus, the thought of making the fire bigger excited her. It was already double the size it was when their teacher had left, roaring away with crackles and pops, and the wood burned violently. She had managed to find some food along the way too, having used the notebook to look things up she'd found an edible type of mushroom, it was large with white-colored flesh and smelled faintly of nuts. She'd also found a few types of berries, some little red ones and some larger deep purple clusters that seemed very juicy, her pockets were practically filled with them in fact as there were a ton on a few nearby bushes. Along with these, she'd also found something rather interesting, one of the fallen dead trees she'd harvested for wood had recently been a nest for some kind of bird and the nest had managed to prevent the eggs from breaking when they'd inevitably fallen out of the tree, three eggs total she'd collected, they were a little smaller than chicken eggs and blue in colour with small brown spots, she wasn't certain if they'd be edible, but it was worth a shot because more food meant better survival, right?

Miho was sitting near the fire, sorting out her collection of shrooms and berries when Naoko returned from the river, holding up the fruit of her labors. At least one of them had managed to acquire some meat at least, Miho had been thinking about how she would capture some rabbits or birds but with her knowledge it wasn't exactly possible right now and she'd at least managed to make use of the things she could do so between both their efforts they wouldn't go hungry.

"That's great, Naoko! I grabbed us some forage to eat too, capturing animals seems beyond me currently but, it's better than nothing." She said, shyly whilst presenting her collection of gathered goods, it was certainly a lot. "I think the red berries can be crushed in our cups when we're boiling the water, it's meant to taste rather sweet." That was according to the notebook.

[WC - 943]

[Total WC - 1770]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The girls were both doing great with their lesson and seemed to be catching up quickly on who what or where to do. The amount of edible things was amazing in the neighborhood, but there was also a berry kind named NIghtshades... Who looked good, but were poisonous. Because Miho took the book, they were both fine with what they picked.

Nao sat hummingly on top of the mountain and happily looking down to them... But this wouldn't be going that easily, he would forge a few handseals and slowly the clouds would cloud over, looking harsh and almost as if rain could fall on top of them, he wanted to see how they would judge a good splash of water, but nature already had other trails for them.

A baby boar or two started to walk around the campsite, something that made Nao a bit tenser. Boars could be very dangerous if their young were threatened. One of the baby boars started to sniff around the camp, while there was one slight limping. A huff or two were heard when the sniffing small one ran to the forage close by and a big boar got out of the bushes. It had a gnarly scar around the snout, but other than that, there was nothing much to see on its fur.

How would the girls react to the family of boars walking around their camp, if they left the boars alone? The small ones would just walk around, try a berry and soon be on their merry way. If they tried something, mommy wasn't going to let them.

[ooc; up to you, leave them to walk, try something, and have the mom boar going at you. She will charge, try to buck her head to you. ]

Edit made; Since there has been more than a week in between you are all not aligible for passing this for class. As the 3x strike already has happened. =( sorry.)
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
