Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event CLOSED: Kyōsaku House: Left Path - Second Floor "Meeting Room"

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11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
It would seem people would be willing to play the game. The words from the Kohana equation of the collective Chikamatsu were interesting, and if nothing else entertaining. He knew, however, not all would find such a demand as interesting. So he would raise his hand up to Itsuke to keep the director calm, Yukina probably would have needed a similar reaction as she might have gotten a little chirpy in response as well. For him it wasn't as big of a deal. It was a valid question.

"Unfortunately, the targets and goals have been premade and are intentionally targetting non-competitors."

There was some consideration for making targets fellow competitors, but the reality of that proved to be a sticking point based on a couple of considerations...

"In a situation where all competitors attended this meeting, which means they would be aware of the game, the incentive to speak, and speak truthfully, would be skewed."

That was the big one, and while the game did not lose its full purpose in that reality, it did open the game to becoming one of distrust and silence, which meant the remaining time in the house would be rather miserable.

"In a situation as we have here, where some competitors are aware and others are not, there are still the possibilities of the limitations first mentioned, but there is also an air of ingrained inequity. You are already at different places point-wise, but you have gained that from your efforts, your actions--you had a choice to attend this meeting or not--to incorporate an aspect of the game that heavily favors others, more so than this currently does, feels less appealing for the culture I wish to see."

This led to his final thought.

"I also didn't want you all turning your sights on one another at this point either. There will be time for that, but if you wish to explore your fellow competitors, whether assigned as a target or not, that is not only your prerogative but also isn't forbidden as part of the game."

This round of the game, this house, could have easily been an opportunity to drive distrust between the competitors, to establish the have's and have not's. But the reality was that at the end of this game, no matter the outcome, most would go on still being members of the same community and shinobi of the same military.

"I don't know if I see a world yet where I am dismissive of who could or couldn't become a Sennin--but, Kohana, I don't think that means you shouldn't be looking or taking a vested interest in such a thing. My Sennin should have a focus and understanding on the village and its people, and the reality is that most in this competition won't be a Sennin by the end, so... then what? Is that the end. Do those not chosen retreat? Retire? Go back to the same old, same old? A lot of interesting things to think about. A lot of interesting people to get to know in this house. Benefits or drawbacks, it is very much a way to look at this side game, or even this whole game tonight, but I do always wonder if there is more to it than just that."

He didn't like being vague, he'd rather just tell people straightforwardly what he was thinking and how he felt. This game, that he concocted, however, required more ambiguity.

"Once Itsuke passes out your folder, you are free to check and seek out your target. Kohana and Shin, if you wish to accept a target knowing now my response to your question, awesome. If you choose to forgo the side game and just continue playing as you see fit, also awesome. I look forward to seeing how you all do by the end of the night."
MFT - 631

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
"You dare make dem--" he would quickly grow silent as the Kazekage would raise his hand.

That said, his scowl would not dissipate as he continued to watch the one known as Kohana. He wasn't wholly aware of what or who Kohana was in relation to who or what Chikamatsu Shin was, as it seemed to be a piece of their overall puzzle that evaded his understanding of this competitor. That said, he was now forming a rather strong opinion about her.

As the Kazekage would finish, he would pass out folders to those who had accepted the optional mini-game, while bringing a folder to Shin, and intentionally not Kohana, he would await an answer.

"Will you be participating or not, Chikamatsu Shin?"

The folder would be held out, waiting for a response.

"Additionally, a target may not be currently here, but I have been informed that most, if not all, should be arriving shortly. If, however, your target is not present during the next block of time, you will not receive the point deduction."


Chigokai Yuna
Target: Benzaiten
Objective 1: Their favorite color
Objective 2: Their life's dream
Objective 3: Who do they wish to see as Sennin

Tsurara Moriko
Target: Kaori
Objective 1: Their age
Objective 2: Their biggest failure
Objective 3: Who do they wish to see as Sennin

Target: Bishamonten
Objective 1: Their age
Objective 2: Their favorite shinobi skill
Objective 3: Who do they wish to see as Sennin

OOC: If you accept the game, Chikamatsu Shin , I will make another post with your folder's content. Otherwise, happy hunting! Bishamonten is currently here, Uzi, but might be appearing soon!

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Hour 3 has ended with the following scoreboard:

@Chikamatsu Shin 92/100
@Tsurara Moriko 90/100
@Chigokai Yuna (Name shows as Silent) 80/100
@Shingetsu Sora 77/100
@Sunaku Harupia 65/100
@Uziuke 62/100
@Miroku Akkuma 50/100
@Okami Roku 42/100
@Kaen 35/100
@Kanmuri 35/100
@Mikaboshi (name would show as Sunahoshi Suzaku) 35/100

THIS IS THE START OF HOUR 4: This hour will end at 12:00 UTC next Thursday (November 8th)

Remember you must be attempting to interact with someone to forgo the -5 penalty at the end of Hour 4!

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna would listen to what Kohana and Raizo had discussed, now knowing that these goals, these games within the games, will not turn participants against each other just yet. But what they will have to do in question... A folder was handed to the quiet anbu and she would open it up, reading the name of her 'target'. Behind her mask, her eyes would widen. Was this a pure coincidence, or did Raizo take into account of what Yuna had previously talked about when they last spoke? Benzaiten. Her mind raced through as she thought about what this could mean, the idea of being watched by the Oracles, despite Raizo's claim that it is simply their job to record history in the making in Sand, Yuna, being an ANBU, doesn't like that type of attention. To flip it around and put an Oracle in the spotlight, especially one that seems to rub Yuna off the wrong way might prove beneficial. She scanned the questions that she has to ask and thought about how to tackle the questions to not make it sound like it is being forced.

But first... Raizo had talked about talking to him once the meeting in the big house was over with, during their last conversation. She suspects that this might be her only chance. And to offer up her thoughts of piecing together some pieces that she has found tonight, surprisingly, by accident, and not by talking with Akkuma. Yuna would sit by and attempt to approach Raizo to at the very least, transfer the snapshot of her conversation with Akkuma. She will only do this if the other participants and Itsuke leave the meeting room. If not, she will stand idly by and ready to talk, erm, show watery words to whoever else is hanging back.

(Opting to talk to Raizo if all other participants and Itsuke leave, otherwise she'll show watery words to whoever else hangs back and talk with them)

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would chuckle softly as a tint of blush would finally come to his cheeks after all of the drinks he has had tonight. ”You know Kohana, Lord Kazekage has a point.“ he would lean back in his chair to look up at his sister who was standing behind him. ”Why do you have to be so competitive at everything you do?“ He looked back at Raizo, shrugging. ”You should see her at the Toraono Dojo, you’d swear she was training Chūnin.“

”The Overseer shou-“
she would stop speaking as shin raised his free hand while she spoke. ”I am not the Overseer here, sister. I am a participant of these games, and it would be dismissive to all of the work that Itsuke-Sama and Lord Kazekage have put into these games to act like you only want to win by making others lose.“

”If you insist, Shin.“
Kohana would once again fade into nothingness.

”Our apologies. We did not mean to offend, Kohana can be a bit crass at time and while that is not our goal, it is something that is present.“ Shin’s blue eyes would begin to shift widely through the visible light spectrum.

”Kohana is just one of the multiple voices that we stand for, do not feel as though she speaks for us all. So we must apologize.“

Shin’s eyes would land on a emerald hue. ”While we are honored to be invited to play this game within a game, we feel as though working to make established connections in aspects we are lacking is the preferred path we should take. He have networks of alliances and communication in multiple fields but there are aspects of this village we are still naive to.“

Looking over to Itsuke and nodding to him as well Shin’s eyes shifted purple. ”Kohana’s actions were uncalled for and she is being spoken to at the moment.“

His eyes turned a topaz yellow tone and a hand covered his mouth as he spoke. ”Lord Kazekage, we believe we should speak with members of the commercial and trade districts, while our connections amongst the Shinobi… are delicious… Our relations with the civilian population seems to extend just to the Orders.“

The topaz hue shifted golden. ”So like, that is definitely who we think Shin should talk to. That way like if they need anything from us, even in the totally unlikely situation where we like stay the Medical Chief, they can like know who to talk to! Because I mean if they are trading with the other villages they totally have seen like the advancements that those villages may have made. And like Shin loves to learn new things about stuff like that so like we could totally benefit from that kind of discussion.“

His eyes shifted blue again. Shin would let out a chuckle. It had seemed that the Inner Court Members were finally comfortable in these Sennin Games to come and play.

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
"Thank you," she said, accepting the envelope. She flipped it open and scanned it quickly. Straightforward...depending on how forthcoming this Kaori person would be on the answers to simple questions.

But were they? Would Moriko have to use sleight of hand? Particularly on the last question...actually, that one would probably be the easiest to ask, if she had to be at all sneaky.

No, she wasn't good at that bit. Tsukiya could've had answers out of people without them even realizing he'd asked a question; Moriko would have to be blunt and honest. Hopefully open honesty played well.

Straightforward enough, as an approach. Of course, locating this person would be more difficult. Much more difficult...could Moriko just ask someone where to find Kaori? She had the vague idea Kaori was in the medical branch, which was not one she had ever considered for herself, so she didn't know much more than that.


Asking it would have to be, then. It was possible finding the person was also part of this test. In which case, you would have to showcase your ability to do so. Which...was probably not as complex as she was making it. Possibly Moriko was overthinking this and 'just ask people politely until you find them' was in fact a very obvious thing to do.

Either way, it seemed the best way to go about it. And doing this...were the extra points a buffer or--

Moriko cut off that train of thought as unproductive. She had accepted the challenge and there was now nothing but to see it through. If nothing else, she did have the actual buffer of showing up at the next meeting, after all. And the focus would, again, help her avoid boredom. She hadn't exactly curbed her tendency to run at trouble when bored, after all.

"As for finding them--" She cut off her own words. No, she would ask outside here; no one here knew. Plus as a strategy element, it seemed unwise to let any competitors know who she was trying to talk to, as it would make it easier for them to disrupt her. If they intended it.

(She would have her hands full enough here.)

Did the people involved know this would happen...?

Well, she would find out.

Moriko stood, bowed respectfully to the Kazekage, and dipped her head to Itsuke and her competitors before exiting. Time to do a little reconnaissance.

[Topic Exit -> Grand Ballroom]

[Current Points According to CURO: 90; Status: Intrigued/Excited]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
"Itsuke, it sounds like our Chikamatsu Collective would like to participate in the side mission! Give'um a folder."

He would laugh, as he wasn't expecting disappearing sisters and eye color-changing spectacles, least of which not from the same person. It was eventful, and a little chaotic, in its own fun and playful way. He would turn once more to Shin.

"Good luck out there, Shin... and Kohana... and all of you!"

It seemed Moriko was on the verge of asking something, and maybe she had started but he had missed it, but before he could direct his full attention to her she was already leaving. Upon her bow, he would smile and wave, before turning his attention first to Uzuike.

"Good luck" he would nod to his friend.

"Now then, Ms. Silent. Care to spare me a minute of your time?"

He had noticed she wasn't moving from her spot, and while this was technically a bit earlier than he had suggested at their secret meeting, it seemed Silent was wishing to have their little chat now. He could also have completely misread the moment as well, but in either case, it wouldn't hurt for the two of them to chat.

"Itsuke, could you please give Silent and me the room for a moment?"

Knowing her, she isn't going to talk while others are around, and the information we might be sharing shouldn't necessarily be heard by others... at least not yet. I hope I didn't end things too awkwardly last time.

Now it would just be a waiting game.
MFT - 252

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
He would watch the sister disappear and the spectacle unfolds, and while he would refrain, it was almost as if you could spiritually feel him sigh as the Kazekage gave the command to include Shin.

Handing the Chikamatsu the folder, Shin would bow politely and return back to the Kazekage. It would then seem like he was being dismissed for the moment.

"As you wish, Kazekage-sama."

And with that, the dutiful Tower Director would exit the room and begin to make his way down the hall to a room marked with a sign that said "Not Yet". Inserting a key, the door would unlock and he would enter. The lights would be off, so it would be difficult to make out what was in this room, but it didn't matter, he didn't need what was in the room. He just needed the room.

Switching on his headset he would change to a channel that would produce only static. Flinching to the sound he would quickly change it to another station.

"You are receiving a participant but you are needed to pick up your package."

With that, he would turn off his headset and rest his back up against the door.


Chikamatsu Shin
Target: Akihiko, Chairman of the Commerce District
Objective 1: Do they have a pet
Objective 2: What, if money wasn't an issue, they would do for a job
Objective 3: Who do they wish to see as Sennin

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Maho would nod at the inclusion of the Overseer into the side game. Flipping open the folder she would grin through Shin’s face softly. What are the odds? Her green eyes shined through the Overseer’s traditional blue hue.

”The Collective, as Lord Raizo has referred to the presence of the Inner Court, will be diligent with this task handed to us, especially since it aligns with our individual goals as well.“ she would bow her head.


As Shin would stand up again his eyes would return blue once more. A soft flush of pink would come to his cheeks. It wasn’t often the Inner Court were so involved with his day to day activities, though he supposed this was now traditional evening.

”I suppose we will be on our ways now. We thank you for the time and opportunity to expand the scope of this challenge.“

Shin’s voice almost sounded rehearsed as the other members of the Inner Court definitely overruled his “Kohana’s choice policy” which they did not care for. Regardless he was excited to see what this Akihiko had to say, Shin was hoping to run into this position and it appeared that fate would assign him such a target.

Seeing how the Kazekage wanted to have the room alone Shin would give Lord Raizo a casual two finger salute to say that he was departing before taking a few steps towards the door. He was curious to see how else this night would unfold. And, perhaps even more so, he was excited to see how the participants would handle the rest of the challenges.

[Topic Left]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uzi gave a "Ciao!" before leaving the room. After receiving his envelope, he began on his search. A few of the others stayed behind, but Uzi had no time to waste. He moved along, taking the contents out of the envelope, and reading the passage to himself in a whisper. 'Hmm... Mr. Bish.' It was still an eventful night. He had no worries as to how he was going to accomplish the task at hand, instead, the journey of the search is what carried him on at the time. The machine on his wrist gave a pip. Uzi gave a curious glance, watching as an animation of a manga comic. The character was trudging through a forest. It then blinked back to it's rest state.

CURO: 62/100
[ Topic Left ]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna would watch as each person would leave the room until it was just her and Raizo. There was only a couple things that she wanted to bring to his attention, of how her conversation with Akkuma went, and her gut feeling that something else may be at play here, what with Dai's brother being missing and how he acted, along with Yukina being missing as well. She knows that this isn't as secured as the other place, but it will have to do, and if word got out on hints about her identity, she knows all of the faces that were in this room, it won't be hard to identify who the eavesdropper is, if there is one. She would then make a crystal eye which would float out of the door and find a spot nestled either in a good vantage point where it cannot be easily seen, or high up on the ceiling.

Once she was sure that she is not seeing any passerby's, she would talk in a hushed tone. "I spoke with Akkuma. I have taken a snapshot of the conversation, if you want to take a look. Along with that... I have a feeling about other things going on. There isn't much evidence, but I have a hunch by the missing people and how a certain someone is acting."

(Casted crystal eye)
(Curo 80/100)
(offering to show Raizo her snapshot of convo with Akkuma)

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Hour 4 has ended with the following scoreboard:

@Chikamatsu Shin 92/100
@Tsurara Moriko 90/100
@Chigokai Yuna (Name shows as Silent) 80/100
@Shingetsu Sora 87/100 *this is pending*
@Sunaku Harupia 75/100
@Uziuke 62/100
@Miroku Akkuma 60/100
@Okami Roku 42/100
@Kaen 30/100
@Kanmuri 30/100
@Mikaboshi (name would show as Sunahoshi Suzaku) 30/100

THIS IS THE START OF HOUR 5: This hour will end at 12:00 UTC next Sunday (November 26th)

Remember you must be attempting to interact with someone to forgo the -5 penalty at the end of Hour 5!


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
After the room was finally left to just himself and Silent, he would let out a small, "You heard from Speaker, lately? Has she mentioned me or anything?"

He would shake his head, it would seem that the alcohol he had hammered as quickly as he could earlier in the night was finally starting to settle in a funny way. It could also be the fact that the night was growing incredibly late, he should have prepared a bit better by taking a nap beforehand. Turning his attention to Silent, he would apologize.

"Sorry about that, let's proceed--you first."

It would be at this time that she would reveal she had a conversation with Akkuma and was asking if he was curious to see it. She would also allude to something she was concerned about, but it felt more vague and ominous, so he wasn't entirely sure how to read it.

"First, let me see your snapshot. Then we can discuss the other matter."

He still needed to have his moment to share with her, but she seemed to be doing a lot more leg work than him, so he was starting to feel a little concerned about what he had to say to her, what he had wanted to say to her the last time they met up, will come off as a letdown. He didn't want that. He had started to really enjoy the random ninja from Kumo and her presence around the village.
Chigokai Yuna

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She would shake her head about his comment about Speaker, aka Miro. "I haven't heard anything from Cloud other than the letter I have given to you prior and discussed about." The go ahead from the Raikage that she has to kill Akkuma. The only reason why she hasn't attacked him yet is that there could be more people connected to him, that and she is also now waiting for the go ahead from Raizo, as he wants to be in on it too.

Upon him telling her to show him the snapshot, she would blink and a motion picture would appear in front of him as he would see the whole conversation go on between the two of them. Well... The writings that Yuna had made and how Akkuma would react to them. It would only really get heated once Yuna dropped hints on what type of person his son is, to try and sleuth out who this might be that Raizo had once told her about when she first entered into Sand.

(Showing Raizo a snapshot of Yuna's convo with Akkuma)
(crystal eye hanging around still)


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
He would watch the video, keeping his words to himself. There was still the whole Akkuma of this moment that he had not ventured too far into. Whether it was because his actual thoughts were with Yukina and where she was, or if the night itself was taxing enough to keep up with all the moving parts, whatever it was he just found himself removed from it all. Before he would talk, he would make a snapshot of this moment himself.

"You know, you don't have to wait on me. I know I said I wanted, no that I had to be there, but as I have reflected on it, I would still prefer that, but also do not want to be a hindrance to you. If you see the perfect moment arise, you are not beholden to me to wait, friend."

He would then pause for a moment before continuing.

"Now, what I wanted to tell you is that I didn't feel comfortable around Momo--no offense to her, I just wasn't expecting her. I know of an Ancient, full-blooded, that used to be employed by one of the previous Kazekage's. You've been searching around for information on that race, on hybrids, well, what if we get you in contact with one of them instead of just relying on text and stories? You want to ensure that they either are or aren't involved with Akkuma, and while I have been pretty staunch, I must also admit that my belief is based on history... but history be damned if the actual tap of knowledge is right there, huh?"

He would tap the desk a bit as he waited for that information to sink in, "unfortunately, there is a catch. I don't know how cooperative it will be... or honestly, if it is still alive. He sort of had a falling out with one of my predecessors, in a pretty bad way, so he could have just buried himself away in some dark room to never be seen from... but I think we could make contact and you can ask your questions. If that is still an angle you are wishing to follow up on in your investigation."

Chigokai Yuna
OOC: Snapshotting thread (1/3)

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Itsuke would take out his headset and make an announcement.

"The conference room meeting originally scheduled for the 6th hour will now be pushed to the 7th hour to accommodate late arrivals and current pending conversations."

With that, he would go back to listening and waiting.


Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She would let Raizo speak his words all the way through, on what was on his mind. Just then an announcement was made letting them know of the meeting in the conference room was pushed back an hour. Thinking through it all Yuna hates to admit it, but maybe, just right now Akkuma isn't her priority target. She just feels that there is something, or rather someone else at play here. It all started back at the Oracle library, how Fukurokuju had told her that someone already had the records of Akkuma and their conversation was interrupted by Benzaiten.

"Thank you for letting me know. However it seems that I might have to put off that duty for at least tonight. My capabilities would leave this place quite a mess." That is putting it mildly as she has the force of a whole ocean residing in her. If she were to go all out in a fight with Akkuma, especially in this place, it would be left in ruin, as if a tsunami washed away a town at worst, at best flooding throughout the whole Kyosaku house. Hopefully Raizo would catch on to what she meant, especially if he had ever taken a look at her chakra signature through any chakra revealing techniques. If he does, he would be able to smell an ocean breeze, calm and quiet, but underneath a pressure strong enough to crush steel relentlessly.

Now the part she wants to tell him, aside from the secret new information he has brought up to her. She would walk up to him and whisper in his ear barely audible, "I do also want to inform you. While I have been around here tonight I have noted things that don't quite add up, aside from Akkuma." She would pull back and start writing down on a piece of paper. All the while she would continue on the conversation as normal, aside from the whispers in the ear, "I would be quite interested in meeting with such an individual. Of course, that would also have to happen after tonight as I am booked here for the rest of the night."

She would hand him the piece of paper,
I will start off with this. I cannot think of it all as a coincidence during my time of being at Oracle's Library with my interaction with Fukurokuju and Benzaiten. Fukurokuju knew of the person who was withholding information on Akkuma when Benzaiten, I would assume, had interrupted him via headset. Going into tonight. While talking to Dai, the director of Trade, he had noted that his brother is running late all the while acting nervous and irritated. Are those two things come to mind when you think of Dai? Along with that, I had noticed your assistant, Yukina isn't here, along with how you seem to act without her here.

Now I could be wrong and all this could be explainable coincidences. But as I have said before, I am an ANBU agent and coincidences are the last thing on my mind when trying to piece together what might be happening before me. But if I am right about this, then we will need to proceed with caution.

(CURO: 80/100)


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
He would listen and smile, "I am very grateful for you to hold off on that until after tonight. This house consumed quite a bit of resources to slap together and I can't have you destroying it!"

Smiling he would take her note off of the table and take a moment to read it. It would be an interesting little read as he would take a moment and reflect on the different pieces of it all.

Dai never seemed all that talkative, more like a puppy following his brother... so actually that doesn't sound too far off.

He would scribble a response on the note before pausing once more.

Fukurokuju and Benzaiten, I don't really know much about them. I have trusted Oiwa's judgment in all matters concerning the Order...

More scribbling.

Yukina... she really should be here...

The pen he was using would tap on the piece of paper, creating several little dots, before finally more scribbling.

He would slide it back to Yuna.

"I know you are playing this game for a different reason, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give it your all, Silent" he would say with a smile but something would seem a bit off in his eyes, "So don't forget about your 'target', don't want to have to penalize your points!"

With that he would sit back in his seat, still watching Yuna to see what she did, but his mind thinking about the information she presented.

Dai has always been a bit... weird. Honestly, I'm surprised he is here if his brother isn't

Fukurukukurukoko and Benzaiten, I don't know them. I know Oiwa though. I will discuss the concerns, but as if they were coming from me, with her after this event

Yukina is a big girl, maybe she has a hot date? Either way, I'm sure it's fine and if nothing else I will have something to hold over her head for the near future

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna would listen to what he had to say and nod when he reminded her of her little objective which coincidentally enough has her interacting with Benzaiten more. This could be in her favor or it could go wrong. But considering how she is only here at this house for a reason outside of competing to become a Sennin, she won't feel too bad about losing some points. She'll just have to work harder to obtain her goal.

She read what Raizo wrote down. The anbu operative would blink but not say anything. There was no point arguing, and she did what she could to make sure that he was aware of her thoughts. Yuna would bow to him and take her leave, her footfalls as quiet as her codename. Walking out of the Meeting room, she would dispel her Crystal Eye and continue forth on the lookout for where Benzaiten might be.

(topic left)

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Hour 5 has ended with the following scoreboard:

@Chikamatsu Shin 92/100
@Tsurara Moriko 90/100
@Chigokai Yuna (Name shows as Silent) 80/100
@Shingetsu Sora 87/100
@Sunaku Harupia 85/100
@Uziuke 62/100
@Miroku Akkuma 60/100
@Okami Roku 42/100
@Kaen 25/100
@Kanmuri 25/100
@Mikaboshi (name would show as Sunahoshi Suzaku) 25/100

THIS IS THE START OF HOUR 6 (of 8): This hour will end at 20:00 UTC next Sunday (December 10th)

Remember you must be attempting to interact with someone to forgo the -5 penalty at the end of Hour 5!
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
