Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event [Closed] Sennin Games: Round 2 - Sudden Death! Moriko vs Uziuke

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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Behind the Kyōsoku House lies a large three chamber colosseum where today’s event has been scheduled! Some time has past since the end of the First Round of the Sennin Games and today the entire village has come to watch the Second and Final Round of the Sennin Games! Between the three open spaces there lies a network of rooms and passages where the spectators can easily pass through to watch each of the upcoming matches with ease. Alternatively, the spectators could remain in these chambers and watch all three events on the various televised screens.


In the chambers of the up coming matches There would be a platform in the middle of a large space surrounded by a large moat of crystal clear water. The depths of the water reach down over 100 meters and if the spectators or the contestants look closely, they would see that there was a current being generated pulling the surface downwards. Retractable wrought iron bridges extended out to the center stone platform allowing the contestants to make their way to the center arena. Each of the contestants have been instructed to prepare for the fight of their life.


In the center of the arena there would be a single man, one of the triplets who were selected to referee this event, wearing a suit of golden armor, prepared for this fight to be one of the most impactful this village had seen in some time. Pulling up the microphone and shouting out, he was ready to begin the match.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, as well as those within and outside of the traditional Gender Binary! Welcome to the Sennin Games!”

The crowd would cheer and an eruption of applause would be heard from the interior private chambers each contestant was provided to wait before their match would begin.

“Today we have gathered to see the wits and the strategies provided to us from the magnificent Uziuke and the marvelous plans and sharp tongue from the glamorous Tsurara Moriko!”

The man let out a grin and a hearty laugh.

“I will be your host for this legendary battle of minds, Shinpan Tsu! Let’s give these contestants a round of applause as they join us for todays great debate!”

As the contestants would come out they would see that in the middle of the arenas there would be two podiums with microphones waiting for the would-be-Sennin’s to stand behind as their Sudden Death Match was about to begin!


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Hearing the applause, Uzi knew it was beating time for the match. He pulled his mask over his face, the mask resembling a bear. He contemplated how the match would go down. He also thought of his opponent, 'Moriko was it? I'm sure coming out and facing this challenge would take a lot of bravery.' A serious expression lay behind the mask. The crowd didn't bother him, but what lay on his mind was the ongoings of the exam. He remembered his own Chuunin Exam. The flash back to the day his village was overcome by the ice storm.

He took his time, thinking of what this opportunity meant for his opponent, and then, what this opportunity meant for himself. Losing would mean he continued on with the works he already had in progress,. Winning would mean he could push a few of his own ideas forward. It would also be the start of a strong relationship, and ties with the Mist Village. Having a say so in Suna could heavily influence operations of rebuilding Kiri, but that convo was for a future date. Reguardless, Raizo said he'd back him. 'Win or lose, Raizo is a great friend, someone I would never betray.'

Like always, he was rather cool under pressure, almost as though he didn't take this seriously at all. Upon hearing his name called, he stepped out onto the iron bridge. His eyes focused on the microphone that seemed to stage his platform. He noticed the waters. Wondering how deep the waters would go, Uzi approached his stand. He wore a black sleevless shirt, with an ANBU Vest covering his torso. Black leggings at his bottoms, and a pair of shinobi sandals at his feet. His white hair was beginning to get quite long, reaching just past his shoulders.

It was obvious he'd be returning to gate duty after this.

[ Topic Entered ]

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
It had been inevitable, in retrospect, that her family would have a reaction.

When Moriko exited the House with mildly wounded dignity, it was not any of her relatives who were there to escort her home. Just Tsukiya, as if he had been waiting there, although she knew he had actually returned home and commandeered the TV.

"I didn't win," were the first words out of her mouth after he gave her a warm look. Stung.

"No, my dear, not on paper," Tsukiya had said. "You are merely the current frontrunner for the next event, which is unlikely to be combat if the Kazekage remains true on his motive. This was on multiple channels, and some of the footage was being played back and still is. You made an impression."

"A good one, I hope," she had said, and accepted the arm he crooked out, lacing hers through it for the walk back to the main city and their homes.

"Do you think you were in sneezing distance of victory over being unlikeable?" he'd asked, putting it into perspective. "Had the full thing gone over, you may well have won the round outright. As it is, you are now favoured. You, a Genin, and moreover the only woman--young or otherwise--in the contest. That alone gives you support."

She'd been thinking about that one on and off all night, since the conversation with Tomoe at the start of it. It was something a lot of people put stock into. Moriko hadn't been sure, the whole time, if she didn't quite get it because gender was one thing she tended to ignore--being fluid (the term she'd found for it) herself. Still, she was a girl around ninety percent of the time...ish. So. Maybe the reason she didn't quite get it on a deeper level was because it was a social thing.

"How important is that, to people?" she'd asked, since he would know better. He'd arched an eyebrow before answering.

"To people who keep track of such things or become indignant after having the inequity pointed out, very," Tsukiya had said. "There was a bit of a stir, to be truthful. I am unsure if that will impact the results in the next round or not. It depends, I suppose."

Yes, it depended what it was, among other things. Would that current heat or cool in the coming month--and moreover, which was more favourable to her and her aims?

It had been when they'd reached the Tsurara compound that the air had become frostier. Appropriately. Being as frost was in her blood, Moriko was perfectly comfortable with this, although she caught the flash of worry on Tsukiya's face after he'd kissed her goodbye, quickly hidden. And that was a certain warmth that she wasn't entirely sure most of her family knew.

The scolding had been from the non-ninja elders. At this, she was apparently not the clan heir, not the future leader of the part that mattered, and they simply clucking. Even though that was so. No, from them and the older adults, she had drawn focus incorrectly.

"If you want to aspire to mediocrity," Moriko had said, among other less-remembered things, "then be my guest. I will not."

And that was the final word she'd given on the subject, knowing she'd spend the next month with that set walking on eggshells around her. Fine; whatever. It wasn't as if she'd always thrown over their ridiculous nonsense...oh wait. Perhaps they'd just thought her deviations from clan attitude to be ineffectual rebellion from the hell child. In which case, they'd been sorely misreading her for years and their opinions were safely discarded; she had been correct to always do so.

(At least they hadn't blamed Tsukiya or told her to stop seeing him. Perhaps they'd realized that would be futile, or perhaps they didn't want to alienate her further when it was looking like she'd be a lot more hands-on than either her grandmother Sumire had been or her mother Yuri was. Perhaps they simply hadn't thought it at all. Which was rather funny; he actually had been the catalyst for this, after all.)

What had differed was the reaction from the younger set, her generation and younger.

Even those around her age and some a little older had always regarded her with a bit of awe, particularly since she'd become a Genin. The storm untouchable, was the impression she apparently gave them. Moves about unhindered by clan expectations. Despite being young like them, flaunting her talents, and not letting anyone tell her not to.

This, the fact she was the frontrunner in all essence for the next Sennin slot, appeared to simply add to her legend. They were excited for her, not upset; those in the Academy chattered proudly to her classmates, even those whose names she had difficulty remembering. It was enough to be clan. They mostly watched her in increased awe, whispering excitedly about how she dared, how there could be a Tsurara Sennin some day soon and not even one of the real adults. And of course it would be her of any of them! She stands out so well.

Moriko...wasn't sure how she felt about that, right through it. She mostly ignored it, which did not make it abate. A few approached her and wished her luck in the next round, brimming with excitement, and when she thanked them politely skipped off happily to tell their closer cousins and sundry she'd spoken nicely to them. It was a bit much, truthfully.

Easier to deal with were the reactions of those she was vaguely closer to. Hanae had simply wished her luck as well, with a wink that had made Moriko revise whether or not any of her relatives had known ahead of the event. Kumiko and her wife down the way, whom Moriko saw every now and then still, had been bright and sincere and most importantly given her mochi when wishing her luck, and their young son had been thrilled that someone he knew had been 'on real TV and everything!' even if he didn't fully understand the event.

Partway through the month, she was informed it would not be a fight but a debate. She would've almost preferred the fight, but Tsukiya had pointed out that she did not have issues with public speaking, really; her people issues were on an emotional and personal level, not a professional one. She was quick-witted and not necessarily the physically strongest or skilled fighter, so this was all to her good. Moreover, he'd added, it demonstrated the Kazekage really did mean what he was on about, that fighting skills were not a huge factor.

She'd conceded that, and went to brush up on her knowledge of law and operations procedure, developing opinions on both naturally.

Now she was back in the same sort of scene as a month before, standing in the district where it would all go down. Nervous?

No, actually. Nothing here would do her real harm. And she would not be called upon to interact on an emotional or personal level with individual people. She knew that, and therefore it would be beneath her dignity to display fear or nerves. Or to even feel it.

So she didn't.

"You already know what I think of your chances," Tsukiya said, "but good luck. I will be in the stands. I will find your cheering section."

She made a face at him, but couldn't deny that probably both sides would have one. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. Adulation for things she accomplished was...still thorny, in her mind, given the last month and her younger cousins.

"All right," she said. "I'll do what I can."

"As always, my dear," Tsukiya said, and took her hand to kiss the back before heading toward the spectator doors.

Moriko took a deep breath, exhaled, and stepped into the contestants' pathways, walking in silence on her own, footsteps echoing around her.

Nervous yet?


She emerged into the bright, open arena to a swell of cheering from the crowd and blinked at the sudden daylight. The entire place was, much like the house, a show of extravagance. Right down to the copious amount of water flowing underneath her feet that nudged at her senses as she walked down the iron bridge to the center, where her opponent Uziuke already waited. Did she know him...? Vaguely, yes; he'd been on the desert mission, for one thing, but she didn't have a strong impression one way or the other.

Moriko had of course taken appropriate measures on her own appearance this time. She was armed, just in case, but much less so than she had been before, opting to eschew the bow and quiver. All her other options were ranged anyway, and much less visually noticeable. She kept her sourness over the description of her inside, but it was inevitable, wasn't it? It's a Tsurara; look how pretty! Really, she would've been pleasantly surprised at anything else.

Not that it was even possible to make herself look otherwise. So she hadn't tried. Clean white blouse, with subtle impressions of her clan's symbol on the collar and cuffs, outlined in deep blue. Skirt her usual length, pleated indigo with silvery-blue trim. Thigh-high socks, the same pale icy shade, a stripe of the same indigo around them near the top. Rather than any sort of cute-girl shoes, solid boots that went partway up her calves, black as pitch but for the pale blue lacework. Her knife was sheathed in a hip holster, visible and evident, next to a pouch of shuriken in a style anyone would recognize as being for a weapon. They did not detract from her look; pouch, sheath, and hilt of knife were all the same inky shade as the boots.

Appearances did matter, after all.

She stepped onto the central platform, gave her opponent and the host alike polite nods, and settled into the empty podium. Tall and undisturbed, placid as ice.

Her gaze did scan across the crowd and she did pick up a group of her cousins, but for some reason she found Tsukiya easily as well, despite there being many blond heads in the crowd and only one cluster of pale blue. He evenly met her gaze and for just an instant the back of her hand felt as though she'd been kissed there again. She blinked and it went away, and she turned her full attention to what lay ahead.

Put that mystery aside.

What was this debate to be about, exactly?

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
As the two contestants came from their respective prep areas the crowd would let out roars of excitement as the Sennin Games had been the talk of the town for a few months now. This month hiatus between the rounds gave the villages even more time to talk about who they were cheering for as well as giving them a chance to discuss their approval or disapproval of the first selected Sennin from the games, Chikamatsu Shin. The masses were unaware if this round would select a single Sennin or if the last two open seats would be filled from this round, but they were excited nonetheless.

Standing before the two possible Sennin, stood the MC for the event, Shinpan Tsu. He let out a hardy laugh before speakig.

"Welcome, welcome, one and all! This match up was made in the heaven to maximize the scandalous nature that is this Sennin Game! Before this round begins, some house keeping:
First, when a question is asked, the first person to speak will be allowed to carry their response for a total of two minutes before their opponent is allowed to rebuttal. After giving their rebuttal the second contestant may give their answer and the first contest may rebuttal when their opponent is finished.
Second, rebuttals may last no longer than one minute.
Third, points will be deducted if you exceed your time.
Fourth and finally, the observers of this great match will be giving a crowd vote to see what the masses think."

The man looked around with a grin.

"For our first question... Should the positions of Kazekage and Sennin be up for a vote and be democratically elected?"

  • From this post you have until January 27th at 23:59 site time.
  • You may post no more than two time in this time period to give your answer and your rebuttal.
  • If you do not post in this time frame you forfeit your answer or your rebuttal.
  • Spectators may not cast a vote on this question until January 28th

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
A few seconds ticked by as Moriko took in the question. As could have been expected--a political one. And there was no point in trying to be a populist; had she even known what the popular position was she'd never convincingly hold forth on it. As ever, honesty and bluntness were her best bet.

But the 'not going over time' part would be harder--she'd have to keep an eye on the timer so she didn't ramble.

It looked like it was up to her to start, too. Her opponent wasn't making a motion. Either he didn't have an idea, or he had some kind of strategy. Maybe he hoped she was too young to weigh in and would embarrass herself. Or maybe he hadn't thought about it at all...?

Well. First person to speak, then...

She adjusted her microphone slighty, a signal that she was to go first, and didn't bother with a filter. Might as well just air her actual opinion on a question she'd never really considered before.

"That's an expectedly difficult question," Moriko said. Keeping her voice clear and as carrying as she could. "While democratic elections for public officials can work in many situations, we have to consider whether or not they work for us specifically, as a village. The Kazekage and Sennin are not only administrative in role--they do not command authority derived only from title."

She was keeping track of the time--hopefully successfully...

"Our leaders are supposed to be particularly upstanding ninja, with leadership skills as well as ability to command respect and authority." Implicitly, did this give her an edge as the one who spoke first? No idea at all. "They are meant to be strong, and capable--strength in this case meaning, as our current esteemed Kazekage has determined, is not only that which is found at the end of a fist or a blade. Do we believe that we, as a populace, can choose the right peeople for this?"

She held up a spread palm as if to pose the question in general, showing archer's gloves in black--only the three middle fingers covered, thumb and pinky exposed.

"For my part I think that if we were to do so, then there would need to be a great deal of information on the candidates released for voters to be even able to be responsible in their choice." Still clear--solid, sweeping the crowd with her gaze at the same time. Channeling as much presence as she could manage. "Whether that is a risk we are willing to take--whether we believe it would be worth it, and that people would use it responsibly, and that it would not reveal too much to our enemies--I think on the whole I would currently say no. If and when we find we have fewer to no enemies, then I think it could well be good for us."

Just about two minutes perfectly. It felt like longer than it had been, certainly, and she nodded to the moderator, to concede the bare seconds left of her time.

Better to not be cut off, really.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
So the first question posed was that question. "A question about the high seats. ' Uzi still felt that he had no right to such positions. It wasn't his country to begin with. Even though he entered the competition, he saw the potential from those who belonged here. The ones that grew up here. He entered to not give up such a chance to help the village out. He had ideas, but being from a foreign country, was it his seat to begin with? What really took the cake was the fact that one of the younger ones was now before him. She still had a ways to go, but later she could be the influence that the younger ones under her needed. He knew that she could handle her own, so he decided to listen to her reply first. He kept a straight face, eyeing her as she took to the microphone first.

As she spoke. Uzi thought back to Kirigakure. Would he want his Mizukage to be an elect? No, not really. He grew up in a tough village, where those that were coming up had to be not only strong but intelligent. Intelligence is what carried one to the next level. When the disaster hit, he was still only a Genin. There was much more to learn, but he didn't get that opportunity. He felt cheated of his life in the Mist Village, but he wouldn't let that allow him to give up hope. He glanced back at the Sunan before him, not as much listening to her answer, but understanding who she was. 'A young one of this village, taking a stand even though I out Rank her. She pitched in at the mission near the outskirts, and survived. There's a lot of heart coming from this one.' Uzi looked to his own microphone. He wasn't supposed to be here. Suna would forever have a place in his heart.

As the girl finished her answer, he gave a few snaps in placement of applause. "Great answer." The ANBU replied through the microphone. It was his first time hearing his voice amplified. He then went on with his own answer.

"A Voting system for such seats?" Through the tone of his comment, one could tell that he thought it was ridiculous. He thought of stopping there, but then again, he had a heart full of words to add. "Non-sense." With that, the microphone was left swinging for a moment and came to a standstill. The question wasn't accompanied by a why, so he didn't add anything else.

He answered as though he were applying for the position of Mizukage.

[ MFT | WC: +400 ]

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
Moriko had been prepared to deal with an argument--a response, a counter, a rebuttal of any kind. The lack of this threw her for a second. She did at least manage not to show it too much, only standing there and blinking rapidly a few times.

Does he...not want this...? Then why enter at all?

Tomoe had told her people might have their own motivations for this, but it had not occurred to her that it was possible those motivations would entirely preclude them wanting the position at all. She had largely assumed that meant ulterior motives for trying to be selected--not ones for entering that didn't involve that at all...

He seemed to think the question itself was barely worth answering, and hadn't anything to say there, either. What was she supposed to do with that one? There wasn't a whole lot to be done, was there?

Granted, she had no way to really understand people in the individual in general, although she had gotten better at groups--but this still occurred to her as strange behaviour. Then again, maybe it wasn't? Possibly he had entered for the competition itself...? Or already gotten what he wanted and considered the position itself a hassle?

Despite having met Uziuke before, she was completely clueless on what the idea was here. It didn't seem like a trick or trap, at least. Not really saying much wasn't that, she didn't think.

What it appeared to be was a throw.

"That's gracious of you," she said, when it became quite apparent he was not picking the microphone back up from where it was hanging. Looking at him directly, meaning more than just for the compliment. Was he genuinely ceding without a fight? Gracious was definitely the right way to put it, on the surface, particularly since he significantly outranked her and might under normal circumstances have been considered a favourite ahead of her for the position.

In normal circumstances.

"I don't think there is much need for a response, beyond that," Moriko said. Because there was no statement to rebut, when her opponent didn't even want to engage with the question. Was there? Besides, for the moment they basically agreed.

Even if she had been somewhat more...diplomatic...about it.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
As the contestants spoke their moderator would shake his head knowingly as the sounds of the crowd varied from person to person.

"All right! Thats the way it should be. Share your views with the people! They are thirsty for your input, after all by the end of this contest you may carry the weight of responsibility of not only the title of Sennin, but the weight of the innocent lives within this village."

The man looked around with a grin.

"For our second question... Should there be a refugee process for Shinobi fleeing other villages and what are the effects of international relations if so?"

  • From this post you have until February 7th at 23:59 site time.
  • You may post no more than two time in this time period to give your answer and your rebuttal.
  • If you do not post in this time frame you forfeit your answer or your rebuttal.
  • Spectators may not cast a vote on this question until February 8th


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Being one that looked at such situations while at the gates, Uzi already understood the complications of such a question. He was of the ANBU branch, and would give his sure answer. He decided to answer first, making sure his voice was audible through the microphone. "Shinobi fleeing other villages, because they became the village's enemy... will have no home here. If we want peace with other villages, we have to learn to help with the threats that they face. We cannot house someone from another village and expect that village to stay in good relations with us. If anything, we should hold them in a cell, and turn in such nin to their respective village. This could be the beginning of a building relationship with others. This may even allow us to befriend other villages for both of our aid." He looked forward to unity between the shinobi nations.

"Housing and taking care of such nin could lead to bad relations. We had a traitor and allowed them to slip right through our fingers." He thought of the shame that would come with such duties. He wouldn't allow it on his time.

"As far as the Mercenary that don't belong to any village, or was forced to leave their home because of natural disasters and such, having a home here would be fine." He decided to touch on the good and the bad. He was of course, a stray from Kiri, and being able to have a home in Suna was amazing to him. To this day he was thankful for Suna to allow him into their home, and become one of their very own.

He then quieted down, nodding to the announcer that he was finished with his answer. There was nothing more to add.

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
The lack of instant or quick feedback was...annoying, in so important a circumstance.

When had she started thinking of this as particularly important? Why pretend? On some level, Moriko had thought of it that way all along. She had, after all, taken it seriously the whole time. And what she had been telling other people during this was definitely true.

I want to stand out. I want to be different. I want to be special.

Surely that was something that could be said true of many. Yet Moriko herself could potentially already be considered special from point one--she was a clan heir, she had money, she was a ninja; none of these were things the vast majority of people in the world could lay claim to. So why did she have to be even more special? Why was it not enough to be Tsurara Moriko, clan heir and ninja? Why had it become so important to her to say she could and would be 'Tsurara Moriko, Sennin of Sunagakure'?

...Because why should you ever settle for less than your best? That was how she thought of it, at any rate. A philosophy that was one of thefew her mother had actually imprinted on her. You do what you are capable of, what you are responsible for. Only, Moriko thought, Tsurara Yuri hadn't applied that philosophy to her family very well. Certainly not to raising a child. Nor had it been an apathy brought on by losing her husband and son early; by all accounts, she had been like this before that, too.

Nor had she applied it to this type of thing--or else perhaps Yuri would've been a Sennin and Moriko could've actually looked up to her.

(Perhaps that wasn't fair; this was the first time the position had been thrown open in this way. But then, there were other ways to be recognized. None of which she seemed to have applied herself to; as far as Moriko knew, her mother was a normal Jounin.)

But there was, after some crowd reactions that Moriko could not decipher, another question to answer. This time it seemed only polite and politic to let Uziuke answer first--not that she didn't need a second on this one for herself, because what? She'd prepped for internal Sand questions, not foreign relations. Those were complicated at the best of times, made more so by Wind Country's dizzying number of factions and actors, known and unknown.

It did seem like he had a strong opinion on this, too. Hardline. And not necessarily incorrect, to her mind. She might even suggest killing them themselves, honestly, if said fugitive was wanted dead.

Really, this didn't seem like a debate, as such; they were airing their ideas, which seemed to be the real goal here, but they weren't arguing since in these questions, at least, they appeared to be on basically the same page.

Surely there was also an altruistic answer here--evaluate what the supposed crimes were and if they merited such treatment--and there was a geopolitics answer, which Uziuke had given. The thing was, warm fuzzies like altruism were not really her thing. It wasn't their business to be involved in other countries' internal issues. So maybe they could hear out a desperate escapee, but if they did that--wasn't that a prime way to be taken advantage of by unscrupulous actors?

So yes, she...basically agreed with Uziuke here. But fluff it up, maybe? She wasn't good at fluff, so it would have to be something of substance instead.

"There is no reason for us to involve ourselves in the internal politics of another village, which taking in fugitives would be doing," she ssaid into the mic. Implicit agreement. "I would go a step further--if they are explicitly wanted dead, once we ascertain their identity as being the correct person, we should have no compunctions about executing them ourselves. It is not up to us to judge whether or not what they have done is worthy of death."

In some circumstances--those of an actually cruel regime--a swift execution might even be a certain kind of mercy.

She didn't know the explicit history on anything they'd done in the past in this vein; Uziuke seemed to though.

"Though it does also depend on our existing relations and desired relations with the other village," she added. "I would say that there are circumstances in which we should, such as if we were openly hostile with the village in question. In that currently unlikely case, we would still have to screen anyone incoming strictly to ensure they were a true refugee and not a spy, but if they were that could be an advantage for us with whatever information they would be able to provide."

Lapsing into an old habit--thinking of things from the strategic and tactical perspective, rather than any sort of political one. It was, after all, more of Moriko's strength.

"True refugees--those without a home not by choice--there's no reason not to take them." She shrugged fluidly. "They could also impart information and skills from their previous villages. It would be beneficial to us to have those perspectives and talents, and for them in many ways."

Such disasters were beyond her years, certainly, but she definitely knew of them. It was estimated Sand had taken in a number of refugees who had made it out of Mist, for instance. They didn't have the numbers for other villages, but it was suspected they had the most of those refugees and their descendants. And she hadn't heard of them specifically causing trouble.

Of course, 'interlopers cause trouble' was the same rhetoric that had forced her family to uproot and move to Sand in the first place, so it probably wasn't surprising she wasn't sympathetic to it.

Sand Event

New Member
Feb 4, 2024
The Shinpan brother smiled and nodded at the answers. He was glad to see that his debate was staying civil as if this trial by verbiage came to a trial by steel and flames there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"My oh my, Sunagakure would be proud to call either of these candidates our Sennin! What magnificent displays of keen intellect and perspective wisdom!"

The crowd would cheer as his microphoned voice echoed throughout the stadium which housed at a minimum a thousand people watching this debate alone. He would turn and look at the crowds, waiving his hands upward to help encourage the cheers and merry displays of acceptance and the boos of distaste towards the answers provided.

It was at this moment, at the peak of excitement, that a cloaked figure wearing an ANBU mask would appear in a spiral of sand beside the announcer. He would lean in and whisper into the Master of Ceremony's ear. The jolly face that the brother had would twinge slightly and those that learned how to read people would be able to see intense amounts of anxiety forming and welling up within the man.

Just as quickly as the ANBU member arrived, they vanished, leaving the Shinpan man standing alone. He looked back at the two contestants before him.

"Well, this is quite the um.. uh-situation!"

He heard his voice over the microphone before realizing he was still wearing his mouth piece. Taking it off he gestured for the two debaters to approach him.

"So it appears that our situation has changed dramatically. I don't have all of the information, but you are um, both dismissed. Please be on stand by until we get umm, more information about his whereabou- I mean about the situation!"

He chuckled nervously as he let out a small part of the information slip out of his mouth. Someone was missing. Something was happening that was drastic enough to interrupt the Sennin Games.

If the contestants had looked around the arena, they would have noticed that the top viewing chamber of the arena has remained empty this entire time. The Lord Kazekage had not visited this debate a single time, and now the games are ending because someone's location wasn't known. Theories anc conspiracies could grow, but until and answer was given, every one was in the dark.

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[Topic entered]

A soft telepathic message would be sent to Uziuke from the Sennin of Sunagakure no Sato.

`Uziuke, it's Shin. I need you for an S-Rank Mission. Meet me at the Primus' Bulwark Gates in an hour. Bring the provisions you will need for a week in the desert. Tell no one about your departure.`

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12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Watching the announcer become suspiciously untalkitive, Uzi became quite skeptical of the situation. Only one person came to mind as he the announcer let the words slip from his mouth. Uzi, unfolded his arms, listening as Shin's hand in the situation came to mind. He only nodded, taking no time as be ran out of the sudden death match and to the ANBU headquarters. He could waste no time at all.

[ Topic Left ]
[ Bravo, nicely executed. Great RP, hats off to Moriko ]

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
One moment, it was going fine--and then it was not.

Moriko was not very good at reading people--the opposite. But she did have a bad feeling about this interruption. There weren't disruptions in major events unless something, somewhere went horribly wrong. It just didn't happen.

A moment later this was confirmed, as the host's obviously flustered demeanour was easy enough for even her to read. She stepped out from behind the podium cautiously, fingering the handle of her knife just in case the situation was one that would call for combat imminently.

Well. Maybe not imminently, but it wasn't off the table. Moriko frowned as it became clear someone was missing. Someone important? It would have to be, surely. And who would be important enough for this?

...Surely not. Yes, Kazekage Raizo seemed like a bit of a trouble magnet, but in this situation--where would he have gone to take himself off the map? It would have to be have been voluntarily, no? Someone his strength wouldn't be just taken against their will.

'Stand by' most likely meant 'we're not actually going to call on you' in her experience. She was, after all, a Genin, even if a senior one. So there would most likely be nothing. Besides, she had a radio. As long as Moriko didn't immediately go home and go to sleep, she could head off and just stay in the vicinity.

So she left the way she'd come with only a polite nod to her opponent as he did, and then the host, and met up with Tsukiya outside the stadium.

"The Kazekage's box was empty the entire time," Tsukiya said when she relayed what had been let slip to her in the aftermath of the disruption. Confirming her suspicions. "It's highly unlikely he skipped fully any of these, so I would surmise you are correct. As to the how, well, I doubt anyone at all knows just yet."

"Fair." Moriko pressed her lips together so they thinned into nearly a line, contemplating this. "What does this do for my chances?"

"It's not good," he said, and she sighed. "Yes. We know for certain that the Kazekage intended to seek his new Sennin with an even-handed contest. However, if something has happened to him, then the rest of the leadership chooses. Most likely they either pick established names from prior to this, personal connections to prominent people, or delay. This was an experiment, and without the Kazekage around they may well determine it's better to call it to a halt."

"I was worried about that." She passed a hand in front of her face. "Is it wrong? At some point, I started thinking I was doing well--started actually wanting it. While there is definitely something in literature to suggest those who seek power should not receive it, is that accurate or a truism? And would it not apply to the others here as well?"

"I don't think that's wrong," Tsukiya said. He looked very serious, and with a gesture she fell into step on his left as they walked away. "While those who seek power for its own sake are typically said to not be doing it for the right ends--and in turn, would be prone to making selfish decisions--those who don't at all certainly don't always hold up. They may flee, or shirk, or crumble. The desire to have or not have power is, in my mind, less of a deciding factor than what you would choose to do with it."

The sun was as harsh as it always was. Moriko shielded her gaze with a hand briefly as they turned a corner to nearly face it. But it wasn't just the sun.

Yes, she was upset. And this event--it was out of her control entirely, a galling feeling. She had been blindsided so that all of what she'd done in the last few months might suddenly mean nothing. Through no fault of her own, nothing she could predict, this could have been a waste of time. Would anyone even recall this, the people who didn't win what ultimately turned out to have been a single selection?

Well. Her family would, and that was even worse. This must have showed in her expression.

"Yes," Tsukiya said, in response to her apparently evident sour demeanour. "And I suppose no platitude or philosophy is helpful, nor any distraction--though often distractions help with you, I sense this is too soon. I suppose the important thing is to find another goal to work toward that does not require outside approval or interference. There's no point in trying to show anyone up with it; simply ignore them and continue on."

She sighed. "Yes. Easier said than done."

"I am aware," he said. "I dislike the shade of blue your voice is right now. Would you like to find somewhere to burn some frustration, a spar or otherwise?"

Take it out on unsuspecting foul wildlife, or even bandits?

"Yes," she said decisively. She wasn't going to be called, after all. "Yes. Let's do that."

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