Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event Commencing the 1st General Assembly... [Event Prologue - Join to Participate]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

Within the War Room, as space he had carved out of the current layout of the Kazekage Tower, Raizo would take a seat at the far end of the room. Along each wall, there would be small tables and cushions on the floor. The cushions would be utilized for those wishing to take a seat or that would not be moving as much during the meeting as others. Today's meeting, and the first that would be officially logged in the historical ledger, another wrinkle in the design by Raizo to keep track of this and any future events, would be a rather different one than the original intention of this space. While the purpose would stay within the same realm in the initial design, the process for executing this first meeting would be rather odd. There would be cushions at the end of the room to go along with Raizo; a cushion next to him intended for Sousuke on his right-hand side and three additional cushions to his left for, at least now a ceremonial, space for those serving as Sennin.

Walking down the aisle would be the Kazekage's attendant, Yukina (Raizo's NPC), a pink-haired female of lean build and average height. Upon her face would be a rather serious look. Within the rows against the wall, there would already be some seated individuals. These individuals would be elders and leaders of the respected clans within Suna, those who were of shinobi military who had either gained a high level of accomplishment or long careers and selected individuals from the civilian sectors of the village. There were also some special guests in attendance, as Ryuzaki Oga and Koori, the father and friend of Raizo, would be seated close to his position, but still up against a wall.

As these esteemed guests were situated first, the doors to this conference room would be opened to allow in the throngs of shinobi who had also been summoned to this assembly. It would be at this time that the pacing Yukina would start to make her first call of this meeting.

"Please find a seat and take a seat. Clansmen have sections designated next to their leaders. This meeting will be rather large in scale at first, so please gather to your seat as quickly as possible. The Kazekage will address the crowd with opening remarks, followed by an open discussion from those in attendance, and then lastly there will be a dismissal with assignments for both missions and squads. Because we are not able to fit every member of the shinobi force into this room, some of you have been summoned to act in a leadership and communication type role...[Yukina would continue on until circling back and beginning our spiel all over again until the room was filled]"

The current situations moving within Wind Country were finally pushing the hands of the Sunans to once more go into action...

-OOC: So wanted to kick off the next wave of event-related things with an actual group up moment. Killing a couple of birds with a single stone, addressing some IC things, and then ultimately giving people their "assignments" for the actual event stage of this go-round. So please join this thread if you would like to be given your assignment/event :)

So for this first round of posting, all you need to do is join the thread and take a seat!
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12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
'Hmm, the Kazekage Tower. It's been a while since I've been there.' The boy remembered it like it was yesterday. He was accepted into the village as a Suna-Nin, after proving himself to the higher ups of course. He could only wonder what was going on to have the need to visit once more. 'Well, I guess it would be best to pay my respects and show up. Skipping out wouldn't be any fun anyway.'

Uziuke yawned as he removed is covers and lazily got out of his bed. Dressed in a black suit and a red tie, Uziuke headed out the door of his Diamond district home. He took a deep breath, loving the fresh air of the outdoors. The white haired nin took at a slow stroll as he made his way to the Kazekage Tower. Nothing was on his mind other than the reason for the visit to the Kazekage Tower.

Upon entering the War Room, Uziuke was a bit amazed at the sights. There were a few people already present. The cushions all about looked rather comfortable. A pink haired woman was giving out announcements. 'So the Kage is here.' Uzi looked to the far side of the room, noticing someone sitting on one of the cushions. Uziuke gave a slight bow before proceeding to sit indian style on a cushion on the side of the room. He wondered what would be said during this assembly, and what type of assignments would be handed out. Hopefully nothing life threatening. But to be called to an assembly of nin, one couldn't be so sure.

[ MFT | WC: 270 ]

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012

„Tch, quite the gathering here...every clan in the village and then some. Not sure how I feel about this...”

„Come now dear, I'm sure you can see the merits of the idea. With everything that happening and with the speed things are changing the more ideas and voices we can hear the better”

„But look at this, Large clans, small clans, people not aligned to a major family, to begin with...people who probably hold grudges and disdain for each other no matter how well or badly they hide it...It's like a hot pot ready to boil over!”

„Well, hopefully, I'll be able to make sure at least anything related to our part of the dish doesn't do that father”

Harupia smiled with a slightly impish look to try and calm his father's concerns. He had to admit he understood them somewhat. While they were one village there still were various forms of disagreements between different families and groups. He liked to believe since the attack of the Cabal things improved but there still would be some wounds that didint quite patch up. Still, this seemed like a good idea. A lot of moving parts were out there in the desert now, and getting everyone on the same page was important. He imagined getting people on that page could prove tricky but he imagined the Kazekage was fully aware and willing to face the challenge head-on.

Something he a few years back would probably want to avoid as much as possible… he did his best to try and remain separate from serious clan affairs. Yet over the years… With all the things happening he couldn't help but feel he was not doing enough to help his people, his be the best he could be. And that would involve taking part in something like this as an actual representative of his clan...the potential heir of it no less. Hence him walking along with the current head and his wife, also known as his parents, Shigeo and Kohana.

„You always did have a cooler head, for better or worse... but would it kill you to dress a bit more traditionally! You stick out like a sore thumb!

„Hmm...on one hand, I agree dear on the I think it strikes a good balance between old and new. And our son was never shy about trying to stand out” his mother said with a coy smile, causing the men in question to chuckle. As sweet as teasing as always...which made it tricky to sense when she was actually mad at times.

The Sand clan member adjusted the collar of his shirt, which was under what could be described as something in between a robe and business suit, in colors of brown, silver, and black. Something fitting for a serious occasion but also with a bit of flair to it.

They conversed with each other as they entered the hall, and per the instructions given by pink-haired women, they moved towards the seats designated towards them. Harupia himself looked around seeing the already gathered faces, taking a moment to give the younger Shinobi in a sharp suit a thumbs up. It did look pretty good on him. Otherwise, he would sit down with his family and watched as the rest o the invited folks took their place. Anticipating what was to come next.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kazu looked uncomfortable.

It could have been because of the long amount of time he'd spent already sitting in his assigned seat – he'd been told to be there, early, so as to represent the Ryuzaki Clan properly. It was to be expected, after all. That had meant being up rather early, and waiting a rather long time, for the other attendees to gather. Despite his youth, his legs, ankles, and feet were beginning to ache from the formal seiza-style kneeling which would be expected of him. The cushions were, of course, a great comfort; however, this traditional posture tended to wear down Kazu's stamina no matter what he did. Despite the pain it caused, Kazu would endure it – appearances were important today.

Speaking of appearances, the young boy's discomfort could have also been because of the formal outfit he had been forced to pull out of the depths of his clothing baskets, which he'd stashed in the back of his wardrobe. Red, black, and gold were the primary colors of his traditional kimono, which accented his charcoal black hair and crimson red eyes, although it lacked the golden embroidered dragons that typically could be seen on Ryuzaki Clan members – Kazu had not yet earned the right to adorn his kimono with them. This thing was only ever brought out on special occasions and official functions of the Ryuzaki Clan, and Kazu had never been able to bring himself to enjoy it. He much preferred simple clothing, which did not encumber his movements nearly half as much as this thing did. But this, too, was expected of him.

The last possible source of Kazu's discomfort could have been the small group of Ryuzaki Clan members – led by the Konungr, Ryuzaki Oga – that were seated to his left. Kazu, being the youngest Ryuzaki Clan member present, was seated on the edge of the group and in the farthest position away from the Kazekage; though, that still placed the boy very near the front of the War Room. It was not his proximity to the Kazekage which discomforted the boy – rather, it was his proximity to the Konungr, Oga, and the rest of his entourage. Since their arrival at the village a few days ago, where Kazu had been involved with a rather heated confrontation between the village and the Ryuzaki, the young boy had not spoken at all to Oga or his fellow clan members. It was unclear to Kazu what the effects of their previous meeting were. That uncertainty was certainly uncomfortable.

Whether it was due to one or all of the possible reasons, Kazu was decidedly uncomfortable. Still, he maintained the part of a stoic observer – until, of course, he saw Sunaku Harupia enter the room, where he proceeded to wave with a smile on his face – and waited for this meeting to start. He didn't expect to play much a part at all, but being here and representing his Clan was expected of him.

'Even if this damn kimono is uncomfortably restricting,' thought Kazu ruefully.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
That dreaded aura would preceded his arrival. An unsettling presence that brought with it a sense of despair & dread. The Sage entered the room followed by twelve hooded individuals in robes. Each wore a featureless black mask & possessing one of the Miroku Clans infamous seals displayed upon their hands. But it was not merely his kin that accompanied him, Kazumi the kunoichi whom he had brokered a compact with was also accompanying him. The Head of the Miroku Clan was dressed in formal black robes, his footwear for the occasion were Geta. Although underneath it he wore the equivalent of Anbu gear, with a few alterations. Each member of his kin present led their own squad or division within the clan.

He would give a devilish grin to his Brother Uziuke as the Sage moved to a table & placed a bottle of his Sake upon it. It was for Kazumi to have during the assembly before moving to take a seat. Those members of his clan accompanying him took their places behind him along the wall beside Kazumi. The Sage could feel the eyes of many of those present fixed upon him & his kin. No doubt his presence made them uneasy let alone for those who knew what he was or what the Sage had done. Those emerald eyes slid over those present with his piercing gaze. Before finally resting upon an individual he'd not met. In truth there were many strangers to the Sage present. But this individual caught his eye because of the attire they wore. It was similar to the attire his brother had chosen to wear, in that it was not a traditional garb. Although Akkuma suspected there were few who would concern themselves over such things nowadays.

He made note of the individual before allowing his gaze to continue over the others present. There was much power within this room in all it's forms. Wealth, Influence & Power many individuals here were significant members of the community. People who's influence was vast, then there were those who he suspected possessed the capability to combat such influences. With such variety in those being gathered here the Sage started to understand why he had been invited to attend. It was the first time he'd ever been invited to attend such an event in the public eye. Most of his dealings with such matters had usually come from the higher ups in manners much different to this. Admittedly he doubted his attendance would provide much stability to the event. The Sage had often found his participation in such endeavors akin to inviting chaos into ones home.

'That won't be the case today...I no longer walk that path.' he thought to himself attempting to re-assure himself that this would not be the case today. Kazumi was here to keep his kin & most importantly him in line. He would not object if she chose to be seated beside him, in fact he'd defend the decision if needed. But he surmised she would prefer to not be the focus of attention, especially when she had to watch over some potentially treacherous individuals. Not too mention he could not risk doing anything that would jeopardize his brothers standing within the ranks of the village. There was little doubt in his mind that his brothers bond to him would no doubt lead to many questions of his loyalty. But most importantly was the new Kazekage, his gaze would finally come to rest upon the individual. Unsure on what the Kazekage had been thinking. Was it a test of Akkuma? To see if the reports were true? If so conducting one with the company they had undoubtedly guaranteed little resistance.

Though he did not believe this to be the case. Perhaps Raizo had suspected that Akkuma did care for the village as he'd so often publicly claimed. If that were the case then this could be a chance to begin amending the wrongs he'd committed to the village & its people.



11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

Yukina (Raizo NPC), the pinkish-haired attendant of the Kazekage, would continue her repetitive announcement as more continued to enter the room. Her eyes would remain focused on the task at hand, repeating her prepared words until the crowd started to settle, or it appeared that there was no more space within the room to seat people. That said, it did not escape her some of the figures who had entered this room. There were some questions, but when she would glance back at Raizo he would only be smiling. Apparently, he wasn't phased by any of the people in the room thus far. Was that a good thing? After running through her cadence one last time, she would begin to make her way to a corner of the room and take her spot to observe. She was mostly done with her job for now.

Raizo would stand up, while those gathering continued to settle down in both their movements and hushed talking. "I am Ryuzaki Raizo, the 11th Kazekage of Sunagakure no Sato. For some of you, this will be the first time seeing me in person, and the first time for me to see you in person as well. For others, you have been working with me for some time as I made my transition into the leadership role of this village."

He would take a step forward. Before him was a long aisle that was now adorned with shinobi and honored guests to each side. For him, it was the most majestic thing he had seen. It was an awe-inspiring sight, seeing some of the greatest warriors, minds, and potential of the village gathered before him. This idea wasn't radically new for him, even though it was a new concept for the village. This was something he had seen within the Ryuzaki estates when his father used to hold council with those ranking the highest in the clan and their partners. That said, it would be his first time standing at the head of such a thing.

He would continue forward with his calm stride, taking a moment to pause between steps and take in the faces of those gathered. "You are all aware of the mounting issues that have plagued this country over these past several years. The battle for resources, the scarcity of carmot, the plague of seemingly unified Unbent wandering and attacking those in the desert, the increase of those seeking refuge within our walls, and the challenge of replacing those who we lost in The Shattering."

The previous Kazekage, the previous Sennin, a captain of the ANBU, and their promising soldiers. Many were lost in a night that resulted in literally pandora's box opening.

"Trains and the recent fascination with crude oil buried under the sand as started to change things, and our hope is that it will be for the betterment of this village and this country. Both seemingly appeared in a great time of need, many believe that the crisis pushed forward innovation. That said..." there would be another pronounced pause, this one much longer, among his continued steps forward. His eyes would glance over to his father, Ryuzaki Oga, who had delivered urgent news to him previously.

"...based on information obtained by the Ryuzaki Clan, as delivered by my father, has cast some shadows of doubt upon this modern-day miracle, or at the very least those involved with it."

Raizo would then take his attention away from his father, now standing in the dead center of the room, flanked by those who were gathered upon both sides of the aisle from him.

"I turn to Ryuzaki Oga to debrief those gathered. Father..."

-OOC: You are still welcome to join! Feel free to either make your post you coming in before I started talking or if you want that edginess, you can come in while I am talking and really ruffle the feathers. Your call! As I mentioned in chat, as long as you are a village member or asked me for permission, you can either assume your character was invited to this or you can make up your creative reason for appearing!

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Event NPC - Ryuzaki Oga
Oga, even in his seated position along the wall, still carried himself in a regal way. No matter where he was, there seemed to be an aura that followed him. Whether that perception was good or bad, that would be subjective to those who witnessed him. Some would revere him without ever understanding why, while others were immediately defiant of his existence. It mattered not to him how he was viewed by this room, however, as he was not beholden to those of this village.

The boy is rebellious towards me, yet here he is... copying me... even using seating placement to take a jab at me. You are my son...

He would smirk a bit as Raizo called upon him. He would clear his throat and adjust himself, maintain his straightened back. His singular green eye would peer out to those that he could see, but his primary focus was his son.

"The Ryuzaki Clan grew suspicious of not the advent of trains, nor the new discovery and pliability found in crude oil, we instead were very suspicious of those who had ended up cornering the market in both; the Golden Sanctuary Merchant Guild. Their advancements within the Desert Expanse went largely unnoticed, by not only this village but by our own surveillance efforts."

This was not a dig at Sunagakure, they were embroiled in conflict after conflict. The Ryuzaki, since their exodus from the village of Suna, had made it part of their responsibility to be a caretaker of the country or at least a watchful eye.

"During the decades in which the Diamond Maelstrom consumed most of the country, it was difficult to accurately gauge some of the actions of those within it. The assumption is that most tribes and nomadic groups would have formed alliances out of convenience during this time. Once the storm ended, the influence of the Golden Sanctuary had already been heavily rooted within the Expanse. How? Who were they? These questions bothered me, but I left it alone as it seemed they seemed like mere businessmen. When they not only announced their train initiative but also that they were already in progress of production for said vehicle that also used the very resource that had emerged in this time of need... we could no longer sit idly by."

His left hand would raise up and extend towards the figure seated next to him, another member of the clan known as Koori. "I dispatched Koori and other skilled members of the clan, who excelled in the art of surveillance, to see what further information we could gather on this guild and their new production site... Terminus. No useful information was gathered as the members of this team were picked off, seemingly attacked by The Swarm or 'harvested'... Koori, upon realizing his members were disappearing one by one, removed himself from the area and returned."

Oga would lower his arm and place his hand back into his lap as both hands tightened into fists.

"We, the Ryuzaki Clan, felt this was something we could handle... but for such a mysterious outcome to happen upon setting our sight upon Terminus, surely it must all be connected, in what way we are not sure. So I have come to this village seeking your assistance and offering our own... we must determine what is truly going on with this Terminus and with the Golden Sanctuary..."

He would then bow his head slightly and return to his role as an invited guest. Oga was not one to ask for help, hopefully for those that either understood him or had some belief of what his character might be, would notice this and not miss the gravity it implied.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Formal events. That's what this was. Medusa cringed at the thought, but definitely saw an opportunity. She was a criminal, not a politician, but that didn't mean she couldn't turn this in her favor. Still, she supposed it made sense that she would find herself with an invitation, albeit likely not the typical one many of the standard nobles would receive. Her position in the Underground warranted that she was likely on their radar, and her agreement with the former Kage, solidified her need for a demonstration of some kind of loyalty, even if she still technically operated under her own rules. It would also be in her best interest to see what the current status and on-goings of the village were. It was, after all, the easiest way to obtain free intel without having to send members of her gang digging around for leads. The redhaired woman observed herself in the mirror, applying a glossy coating of the deepest scarlet shade of lipstick she could find, applying it and releasing her lips with a quiet 'pop'. Her cerulean eyes flashed a vibrant shade of green momentarily as she found herself smirking at her attire. Unlike her usual pinstripe suit, Medusa was wearing a white button up, 2 buttons intentionally left undone, with midnight black blazer and slacks combo. On her wrist sat an expensive looking watch, and her fashionable fedora adorned her flaming red locks that rolled down her back in waves. Waving goodbye to her gang members with a half hearted flourish of her wrist, Medusa strutted out of the casino with purpose, her black stilettoes clicking on the ground, heading towards the Kage tower.

Meanwhile, in the more lavish parts of the village, Kasen was scrambling to get herself ready. She hated formal events, but for a much different reason. Normally Kaen would be the one to go in her stead, but she still wasn't entirely sure what he was doing, as she rarely saw him. She was a Lady of the village, and the notable clansmen had been summoned to the Kage tower to discuss important business. Kasen was also the primary head medical ninja of the village, and her presence would more than likely be advisable. She huffed, throwing out more clothes than she could ever possibly wear in a lifetime. Eventually she found a traditional Kimono that was a vibrant shade of blue, adorned with several waves. She was able to quickly fashion her hair into slightly presentable beach waves and threw on some sandals, rushing out the door. Surely this would be good enough?

Medusa and Kasen arrived at roughly the same time, coincidentally. Kasen was still rushing, practically stumbling over herself, while Medusa was calmly walking towards the door to the War Room, hands resting in her pockets. Medusa spotted Kasen, before the other woman spotted her. Her eyes narrowed slightly upon seeing the doctor. Still, she made no indication of her distaste. Voices could be heard from within in the room, the meeting having started. Kasen reached the door first, but only by a few seconds. She planned to shuffle in quietly, take a seat somewhere as a representative of the Shinku Clan, but those plans went out the window when she felt a firm hand on the middle of her back, and a forceful push accompanying it. Kasen, in her flustered state, was not prepared and quickly face planted on the floor. "Oof." Medusa smirked. "Best to watch where you're going, dear. So clumsy." The red haired woman gracefully stepped over Kasen, tapping her way to a seat near the corner and leaning elegantly against a wall, her arms crossed, a smirk still adorning her face. She was only moderately familiar with some of the faces in the room, but there were definitely a few presences that drew her interest. Now, time to see what this was about.

Kasen, having finally picked herself off the floor, her face the shade of a tomato, quickly hurried to take her seat. There were many faces she recognized, several of which were friends or acquaintances. There were a few new faces she had not seen before, but she would likely come to see them should they ever pass through the hospital. Hopefully she had not caused too much of a disturbance with her scene. For now, Kasen took a deep breath and tuned into the conversation, trying to get up to speed and listen in case she needed to respond.

[Sorry I'm late to the party, been dealing with some personal stuff. Entering with both Mienai (Medusa) and Shinku Kasen]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke almost memorized the entire speech, saying it word for word with the pink haired woman. "Please find a seat and take a seat. Clansmen have sections designated next to their leaders. This meeting will be rather large in scale at first, so please gather to your seat as quickly as possible. The Kazekage will address the crowd..." He gave himself bonus points whenever he completed a sentence in perfect sequence with the woman. He stopped himself when he noticed a shinobi giving him the thumbs up. It was great to feel accepted by others of the village. Uziuke gave a slight nod to the other guy.

Another guest that he knew was Akkuma. When his brother entered the room Uziuke stopped speaking in sequence with the woman once more. He nodded to his brother, noticing the shadows that followed him in. He remembered the Anbu of his village dressing in a similar fashion. It was interesting as they were all their own individuals, but remained as "shadows" as their faces were concealed along with their bodies by their attire. One would never know who they were speaking to when it came to those guys.

Uziuke looked towards the man that introduced himself as the Kage stood up. 'Aye, so I was right. Uzi listened as the Kage gave a bit of information on what was going on within the village. Some of the information was new news to him. Some stuff pertained to him, as he was a newer shinobi of the village himself. To hear that Suna went through, and was still going through some things didn't surprise the boy much.

As the Kage introduced his father as the next speaker, Uzi looked over to a rather hardened looking man. Maybe it came from decades of the shinobi lifestyle? The man began on his take of the meeting. A few thoughts came to mind as the boy listened. "Maybe this has something to do with the time that we tried to enter the village, but had a hard time getting through. We did leave the village gates that day.'

Before being able to tune back in to the speech, he noticed the entrance of two more guests. One of them picking herself up off the floor before scrambling into the meeting. The boy wanted to ask if she was alright, but there were more important ongoings occuring at the moment. As the Kage's father finished his piece, he sat back down.

"So what happens next? Uzi asked in a curious tone. It probably wasn't question time at the moment. It was as if someone closed his favorite book on "The good part", and he was left with one of those "Next time, on..." cliffhangers. More or less he asked the question as he wanted to be part of the help, though he didn't know who would be answering.

[ MFT | WC: 488 ]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The assembly it seemed had reached its capacity before long. It started with Kazekage Raizo who introduced himself before beginning to touch on the topics the assembly would be covering. No doubt everyone present had been affected by the past & current calamities the village faced. But they would endure as they had all other obstacles of this the Sage was certain. A few stragglers trickled in throughout the talk, some without more incident then others. Yet his gaze stayed upon the villages leader, everyone here would have their part to play in whatever plan he had. The assemblies participants were from all walks of the village life. Even other members of Sunagakures less ethical walks of life were present. Some he knew from business others purely by reputation. A curious combination of individuals that would take a significant amount of leadership to guide.

Akkuma listened to the words spoken by both the Kazekage & his Father. It seemed some individuals had been preparing for this day. If this were the case the power such individuals could gain would be significant. Certainly a reason enough to get some of the individuals here involved. For someone seeking influence or even wealth, gaining a monopoly on an essential market was a smart decision. Although as shown here not one that would gain one many allies. The Sage could not help but wonder how blind they must've been to not see the power accumulated by those in the absence of authority. When it came to the Golden Sanctuary even Akkuma did his best not to step on too many toes when conducting his business. All manner of products & services could be found out there for the right price.

'Terminus' it was at least a step towards the right direction. He would have to investigate more thoroughly into the matter. If for no other reason then a possible business venture. He doubted he would come across the same risks in his investigations. After all he had been active within the country long enough to make quite the reputation among its denizens. Oga asked for the help of those present & offered their own aid. His brother Uziuke asked what would happen next but the piercing gaze of the Sage had not left the Head of the Ryuzaki clan. "Fools." it was a singular word that would no doubt shock many of those present. Before anyone else could object to his statement he would elaborate.

"If your concerns are true then it is no surprise your kin were dealt with severely." the words were spoken in a business-like manner that were no doubt far more insulting then intended. "These unknown individuals stand to build themselves an empire. Such construction & a monopoly on that specific market would give them undeniable influence. Commercial, Military & even the Black Market industries would thrive with such an endeavor." it was an obvious statement, any one with even a basic understanding of logistics knew how this could impact the Country. It would open it up to the outside world & allow a flow of trade that would be unprecedented to anything they had seen before.

"I can't help but feel like you'd have gained more information if you'd gone a more official route. Sent someone under the guise of an investor or someone from the village with the capacity to formally broker trade deals. I've found investigations done in such manners usually yield results with less risk of collateral damage." for the Sage who had a significant amount of experience with sensitive projects it was apparent these would be the only means of gathering anything effective at least on the subject. After all investigations done in the shadows could be dealt with in the same manner, public inquiries were much messier to deal with.

"If they truly wish to monopolize on their business venture they will be seeking those who would benefit from it, not just domestically but internationally. Given the amount of support they would no doubt have for the project means they would have significant allies. I would genuinely be surprised if they didn't have security teams combined of Mercenaries, Criminal Sects & their slave fighters." he spoke calmly & from experience with this kind of business. No doubt there would be those wondering who he was to speak in such a manner. Those who knew him would know that he had a wealth of experience to draw upon. For the Sage he considered his current actions to be acceptable, after all he was trying to behave.

Raising his left hand one of his kin moved to just behind him. "Prepare for our journey, the usual diplomatic kits should suffice." with those words the hooded figure bowed & vanished from the room in a blink of an eye. "Do not mistake my words Lord Oga, I simply find it foolish you would entertain the notions that such a request would go unanswered." with those words a wide sinister smile formed upon his face & he ran his raised hand through his hair before lowering it once more. There was a fire in his eyes, it was certainaly something he needed to investigate. Whether that be as a possible investment or threat he'd yet to decide. "You have my word that the Miroku Clan will assist in whatever manner we can." it had not been the first time they had provided their aid & it would not be the last.



Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The slightly overweight and extremely drunk foreign merchant stood at the bar of a busy local tavern, making casual conversation as his cheeks became more and more blushed with each downed sake. In truth, hours before, the Sage of Deception had displaced the man's consciousness and hijacked his body through the use of a forbidden Jutsu of his clan (1). The casual information that could be gathered from a barkeep whose tongue had been loosened by coin and the sure knowledge that even a sandworm would be blackout drunk from the amount of sake the slurring merchant had consumed. Yong had an advantage though, he only occupied the body, the poison of the alcohol coursed through the blood and meat but left him unscathed and unintoxicated, He suspected the friendly conversation would continue about as long as the merchant's coin and consciousness lasted.

The bar was surprisingly well lit, stools, chairs, and tables bolted to the floor and most of the cutlery, plates, and cups were plastic, the barkeeper was used to the rougher sort of clientele, shinobi, and mercenaries and their ilk. Currently, it was occupied by more than a few of the aforementioned crew. Long ago Yong had learned the skill of maintaining a conversation whilst simultaneously listening and comprehending the conversations of those around him. He was curious to see if his little scuffle in the marketplace had become common knowledge yet. Before much could be learned from the unguarded conversations a flustered shinobi ran into the bar, his loudly proclaimed sentence already started before his other foot had crossed the threshold of the small (cozy, according to the owner) establishment.

"What are you idiots doing!? You can't get drunk, we have that big meeting! Everyone important is going to be there, you cant get drunk!!" And with that exclamation, the shinobi lifted the nearest patron out of his seat and onto his feet, other groups also beginning to stand and make their exit with haste.

The merchant turned to the barkeep, placing his still hefty purse onto the unwiped bar top. The merchant's words suddenly sober as his eyes turned to stare at one of the straggling, nondistinct Sunan ninjas.
"Could you put me up for the night? I am about to be unconscious."

Yong merely thought and his soul instantly shifted into a new body, the merchant slumping to the ground unconscious, the barkeep leaning forward to look at the patron prone on the floor as well as to take a peek at the coin bag from the other side.

"What happened over there?" One of the shinobi asked the meat puppet Yong's soul now resided in.
"Just another drunk... let's go, lead the way and I will follow, we are going to be late..." Yong responded, indicating with the hijacked shinobi's hand that they should leave. A shinobi body was a very handy vessel to occupy, you could learn a lot, for instance, what was this meeting about...


The shinobi moved with practiced speed through the village, arriving at the appointed spot just in the nick of time and taking their place amongst their respective clan houses. The Kage's representative finishing the final repetition of her announcement the Kage began his speech.
"I am Ryuzaki Raizo, the 11th Kazekage of Sunagakure no Sato. For some of you, this will be the first time seeing me in person..."
As the Kage spoke, the body Yong occupied smiled. Ironically, Raizo was right, this was the first time Yong had seen him, even if it wasn't with his own eyes.

He could feel the bright souls around the room, some definitely standing out, their bright auras overshadowing the majority of the gathered group of shinobi.

For now, Yong would stay quiet, listening now and acting later... after all, you can never have too much knowledge.

(1) True Yamanaka - Name of the Rose and Possession.
Last edited:

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Event NPC - Ryuzaki Oga
His attention would turn to the "man" who questioned him. It wasn't that long ago he got into a "battle" at the gates of Suna, and now he found him once more in the throes of combat.

"Foolish... Miroku..."

And how he truly relished in these moments of mental theater. Unlike his previous battle, he felt like this one would be much easier, even if in a potentially more volatile environment.

"I see... clearly you've mistaken the reputation of this village in the grander scheme of things, while subsequently inflating your own. The previous Daimyo may be despised within these walls, but for the greater part of this country and its people, he is viewed as a hero and you all were the antagonists of his plight. Getting Suna involved prior to my clansmen working on this situation would have lowered the prestige of the clan in the eyes of the rest of the nation."

His attention would no longer be on Akkuma, but would shift back to his son, Raizo.

"Siding with those labeled as insurrectionists, and of who many in this country believe to be such; asking Suna, who has a reputation for harboring criminals, their own secrets, demons, and even rumors of holding creatures from the long-forgotten past within these walls as weapons... so a fool? A fool would have made the call to involve Suna from the onset. After the fact, after my clansmen being lost in such a manner, it is no longer an issue of appearance. The Ryuzaki merely come to the cheapest mercenary group the country has, this shinobi village. A true fool would have been anyone making a deal with your kind..."

He did not need to look at Akkuma for it to be clear he was talking to the head of the Miroku.

"Fancy yourself as some great deal maker? Your name has been floating around this country for years... I can promise you now, no one of legitimate power will be making deals with anyone carrying your stink; an outsider to this country and a demon. If us, the foolish Ryuzaki, are aware of what you are, then the Merchant Lords, of which the Golden Sanctuary now has membership within, will also be aware of you. It's not like you are subtle, how often do you make a flashy show of yourself, introduce who you are... it feels like the Miroku name is flashed and tossed around more than a lady of red light district offers her services."

There was fun to be had in these theaters, and he hoped his son was enjoying the moment. This is what his future held; clashes of personalities and egos that could change the flow of the village, the country, the world.

"So Raizo, is this how you handle things? The status quo? Isshi Shiro is gone, but the picture he painted of this village and its poor decision-making skills still linger... sending your demon out to not-so-subtly remind the country that everything Shiro said was true, will that be the call you make?"


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

Raizo could feel the blood rushing to his head. How could this have suddenly taken the turn it had? What was Akkuma thinking? What was his father thinking? What were those present now thinking? All of it was hitting him much quicker than he imagined it would have. This was his first time doing things like this. While he wasn't new to talking to people or conducting a meeting, the scale of the current stage he had built was rather large and lofty as he now stood in the dead center of it while two opposing forces began to take the reigns and run whichever way they chose. He would take a deep breath as he would snap his attention to his father first.

"Enough, esteemed guest, Oga of the Ryuzaki clan. Your points are noted, your additional commentary is unneeded."

Then he would spin around, potentially creating the image of a mad man unleashed as his eyes would snap to Akkuma.

"Akkuma, enough! And if any Miroku clans member leaves this room, have them excommunicated from the village and labeled as a criminal."

The pink-haired Yukina (NPC) would appear within the threshold of the doorway, moving just as quickly as the Miroku. "Lord Raizo said to have a seat." She would not challenge the figure any further, they could leave if they chose to move past her, she was merely trying to help keep the situation from further progressing.

"Now, let's get back on track for a moment. It seems I might have gotten things started off on the wrong foot... or potentially I misspoke. So let me restart."

Chakra would begin to build up within his body, causing the hair upon his head to jostle around as if being moved by a breeze. Closing his eyes he would reopen them suddenly, now a fiery orange glow would begin to emanate from them.

"My name is Ryuzaki Raizo and I am the 11th Kazekage of Sunagakure no Sato. I welcome all of you into this meeting, as you were summoned her at my request... but this is not the time for anyone, of any clan, from within this village or out, to start acting cavalier. I don't know how this village was run before my time here, and I respect anyone who had the gall to handle the leadership of this village, but I do not plan to let this devolve into a circus... do I make myself clear?" His eyes would go to Akkuma first and then go back to his father.

Then, as if that tense moment had never occurred, he would quickly spin back around to Uziuke who was sitting in the Miroku camp section. "That is a great question, thank you for asking..." He would pause for a moment as he would stare at the boy with a smile frozen upon his face.

"Uziuke. Official records list him as Uchiha Uziuke, but he is linked to the Miroku clan." Yukina would once more chime in. Out of all of the Miroku, Uziuke was one of the few to have actually joined the village but his name did not seem to indicate his true affiliations. Yet, this only looked that way because Raizo hadn't fully invested time into figuring out how the Miroku was actually made, typically a clan of non-blood related people bound together by their connection to the one known as Akkuma. He still linked a clan to merely a blood relation. He was still young.

"Uziuke... okay, I was expecting a Miroku name, so this as sort of set the wind out of my sails a bit. That said, still, a great question, and I like where your mind is going!"

With a renewed sense of energy and a bounce returned to his step once more, he would begin his movement down the aisle as he continued to talk. "Akkuma is right and the Konungr of the Ryuzaki clan is right, and, for the record, both are fools." He hoped that would get a little laugh and keep the tension down. "We need to understand that this village does have a bullseye on its back, it has for decades, but even so we cannot sit idly by. The reality of all of this is fairly simple; Golden Sanctuary looks highly suspect, but they are officially backed by the Merchant Lords, meaning any perceived move against them will be viewed as ammunition for them or the new Daimyo, lady Mako, to paint us in further villainous light."

He would pause for a moment. "There is also something that both complicates and potentially opens the door for us to investigate this matter with a bit more ease; this morning I received official communication from Zennyo Ryūō, the current head of the Golden Sanctuary Merchant Guild and official Merchant Lord of this country. It seems that they are wishing to employ our services..."

The plot thickens...

-OOC: You are still welcome to join! Feel free to either make your post you coming in before I started talking or if you want that edginess, you can come in while I am talking and really ruffle the feathers. Your call! As I mentioned in chat, as long as you are a village member or asked me for permission, you can either assume your character was invited to this or you can make up your creative reason for appearing!

Note: For storyline purposes, we have approved Yong's entrance to this thread in such a manner--typically using jutsu that have a cut off for sneaky, sneaks only work as far as comfort level will allow, but this time we decided to open it up a bit more to get another play involved!

Also--sorry about my delay in posting, I had a family member pass away and my motivation momentarily disappeared while processing that. Thank you all for your patience!


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Akkuma's voice gave a sharp pause throughout the room. He could feel tension rising as his brother spoke. It sounded like he had his own plans when it came down to this endeavor. Uziuke wasn't surprised at his brother throwing in his own ideas during the meeting. There were many villages the two traveled to, each time speaking with a higher up of the village. He always requested to speak to a higher up, about what, most times Uzi wasn't paying much attention to. He was a bit younger, and didn't find such matters important at the time, but time has passes since then. He was a bit more mature now, and now he realized the weight such meetings held, and how it could effect the village. Of course he knew his brother was vocal about what he believed in, so it was almost natural to see him speak to the Kage's father with such harsh words. He only hoped they wouldn't hate his brother from his actions or from speaking out. After there talk in Underground Suna, Uzi only hopes to be there when his brother found redemption from his actions of his past life, and acceptance of his character in this current one.

Uzi watched as Akkuma gave a command, it seemed that the Sage would be aiding the village in his own way, but the command was disrupted by the pink haired shinobi that stood before the people earlier. This was under the Kage's orders of course. The skirmish between Oga and Akkuma was stopped by the Kage. Uziuke knew of the Kage's hurt, and shared an empathy with the Kage of his kin. He knew Raizo was probably hurt from both men's harsh words and deposition of the situation. He too was a little distracted from the two, hoping that things wouldn't go too far and be settled. 'The type of things a Kage has to go through.' Uzi would learn those sort of things here in Suna. Back in Kirigakure, he didn't spend much time with the Mizukage. Truthfully the boy didn't know of a Kage's true tasks within the village. Maybe it differed village to village, but from this observation, it doesn't seem like your average walk in the park.

After diffusing the situation the Kazekage reclaimed the attention of the meeting, introducing himself once more. Looking at Raizo's eyes, Uziuke could now notice a difference in them. He could see a sort of glow within his pupils, they burned with a fierce intensity. They reminded him a bit of his own eyes. Uziuke listened as his statement from earlier was addressed by the Kage. He looked to the pink haired shinobi as she sort of introduced him to Raizo. It was also noted that he didn't have Miroku in his name. Although that were true, Uziuke had a bond with his brother that formed over the years of his shinobi lifestyle. Of course at first the boy wielded the power of the curse seals, but after noticing what he was becoming, the boy loosed the seals from his being. He didn't want to become a demon, and kept close to his holy side, though he never let go of his loyalty to Akkuma. They weren't related by blood, but Akkuma became an older brother figure to Uzi. He didn't have to follow in Akkuma's footsteps, or be like him. He was accepted for who he was, and that's what counts, even to this day.

Uziuke gave a smile and a salute after Raizo said he gave a great question. He chuckled a bit after Kage called both men that participated in the argument fools. He looked to Akkuma to check his expression. It was obviously meant lightheartedly, more so as a joke. He continued on, explaining a bit more of what was going on with the situation. 'Hmm... Employ our services.' "What exactly does that mean?" Once again Uzi spoke up. His first guess would be that they wanted bodyguards for hire, but even that still left him a multitude of questions.

[ MFT | WC: +400 ]

OOC: Don't worry Raizo. We all have the patience to wait on your posts. Real life happens, take your time. Also, sorry to hear of the loss of your loved one. Stay in good spirits and don't let it stress you ~


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It appeared that things got interesting quite immediately once Medusa had entered. From her position in the corner, she merely took in the people around her. She likely wouldn't comment much on the on-goings of the proceedings, not that anyone would really care for what she had to say anyway. The red haired woman stood leisurely, her eyes shifting towards a man she had had only heard whispers of. She could tell he didn't belong to the standard nobility that littered the room. His energy felt....darker. She didn't mind that, in fact, she almost reveled in it. Her curiosities were sated when there was immediate backlash to the man's suggested musings. The Kage and his father seemed to have a back and forth conflict as well. Medusa lightly chuckled to herself. Ah, politics. Things were dealt with in a much simpler way in her part of time. Fall in line, draft temporary alliances, take out hits. Many a time, your greatest ally, would also end up being the one that might kill you in the end. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, she noticed it was Hades, he had a martini for her. A devilish smile grew on her face as she took it from him, sipping it and releasing a hum of delight. "About time." She continued to listen, occasionally sipping away at her drink.

Meanwhile, across the room, Kasen remained seated, listening attentively to the discussion at hand. She would likely be consulted on any of the major concerns involving the need for medical staffing and wanted to be prepared should she be asked to speak. She was still a strong contender on the frontlines of combat, but there were far more versatile fighters than herself. As she continued in her diligent notetaking, she glanced over at a man that spoke. He gave her an uncomfortable feeling, but didn't necessarily pay him any mind until she heard a familiar name. The Miroku Clan. Kasen's eyes zeroed in on him immediately, her eyes narrowing at him. Was this the man that Riyota had spoken of with such disdain? The man that left scars on him that she could never truly heal? She was sure that it could not be, for he was dead. She tried to maintain her composure as Lord Oga at least made what she believed to be a sensible statement. How can the village even think of working with criminals? I mean, after all, wouldn't they just use the fact that they once upon a time helped the village as some kind of leverage against them at a later time? It didn't sit right with her. She bit her tongue sharply, the pain only slightly numbing her anger when his name was confirmed to be Akkuma. Kasen took a deep breath. She was a hybrid, she wasn't allowed to get angry. Bad things always happened when she got angry. Kaen would practically scorch entire rooms when he was upset. While Kasen never did that, there would always be a distinct thinning of the air and a crushing pressure would fill the room. She clenched her hands into her kimono, knuckles turning white.

Was he the reason Riyota hadn't come home? Riyota was head of the clan. Akkuma had died, killed and removed from power because of him. The clan may have despised him, but he still tried to lead them down a better path, establish their name to mean something. Riyota led the Rangers, helped defend the wall. If Akkuma was recognized now as the clan head once again, did that mean he 'disposed' of Riyota? That thought suddenly broke every fortified wall she had thrown up to prevent causing a scene. She vaguely heard Raizo explain that this meeting would not divulge into a circus, but there was only so much one could do at the thought of their fiancé being murdered. Instead of unleashing the rage she felt boiling over in her, the need to cross the room and demand answers she was rightfully owed, the logical part of herself wrestled her instincts into submission. Her eyes never moved from Akkuma, but she would speak up as the Kage finally finished speaking. Her voice dripped with disdain. "My apologies, Lord Raizo, but unless a usurping has occurred, the current clan head should be Miroku Riyota. My fiancé has not returned from his current mission, but he has also not been pronounced dead. I have been acting interim head in his stead. I am not trying to challenge a claim, but the timing seems circumstantially nefarious. While I understand the current state of affairs might require us to pool together our resources, I believe we should gravely consider our allegiances." She took a shaky breath, feeling moderately overwhelmed with trying to keep herself in check. Despite her feelings on the matter, she had remained professional. She hoped she at least managed to retain some sway in this meeting.

Medusa raised an eyebrow at the blue haired woman, a smirk hidden behind her martini glass.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
In an instant the room had reached a point of eruption. Lord Oga like many other fools the Sage had met disregarded the necessity for individuals such as the Half-Demon who was in his presence. The old fool made it clear he considered Akkuma & those like him blights upon the village. A thin sinister smile would form upon the face of the Sage. Oga's opinion mattered not to him, in comparison with those he associated with the man was a small fish in a very big ocean. If anything he posed the threat of being a nuisance on his path to redemption. But it would be a trial that he knew he could pass. Raizo gave his command & his attendant moved to enact it without hesitation. Hebi's seal began to spread over his form when a deep sigh would escape Akkuma's form. "Enough...Lord Raizo has given his orders." with those words the seal began to recede back to a simple mark on the masked shinobi's hand. The masked figure would give a nod to the pink haired woman, after all they were both following orders. Without a word he moved back to position behind Akkuma.

A small chuckle would escape him at the joke of the Kazekage. Akkuma couldn't argue that he hadn't been a fool in the past but his insight was right. His emerald gaze would shift from Lord Oga to the kunoichi who made some certainly interesting claims. Uziuke further inquired about the information Raizo had provided, ever the curious individual. No doubt hoping to stem the tension in the room by moving things along. Then something happened that caused his corrupted aura to surge with bloodlust as his gaze hung upon the kunoichi. Inconsequential ravings from an old fool he could disregard but the words of this kunoichi he could not. Raising an eyebrow he would respond his words calm & cold. "I do hope this betrothal works out better then his last. If that's true you know how one takes leadership among our people. As you can see I am very much alive...he'll have to be more thorough next time." he had been dismembered & burnt to a crisp by his sons. But it took more then that to kill him. "I noticed Riyota isn't here...I wouldn't count on seeing him anytime soon." he would say with devilish grin that implied he knew vastly more about his sons absence then he truly did. The main implication being obvious, he had dealt with his would be usurper of a son. A logical assumption for anyone who even knew fragmented whispers about him. In truth he had no idea, Sousuke & only a few others had been made aware of his true status.

There was no outward sign from the Sage of aggression but his words had been select in aggravating the kunoichi. He still had a few things up his sleeve but he thought the response would illicit the desired emotional response from his future daughter. If she was going to join the family she would need to be shown how the game is played. Akkuma would start by showing her what her greatest weaknesses were first. Not now though he was trying to be better. Despite the great effort the universe seemed to be making in order to push him into his old behaviors. The past version of him would have spent the time developing a plan to achieve his retribution & humble the ones who had insulted him. Instead his gaze would shift to Raizo as he silently waited for the Kazekage to continue, although he suspected that would not be something that would happen. Some individuals present seemed moments away from erupting into a brawl. His own attendants were calm & silent their gaze upon the Kazekage. They had received their orders & until Akkuma said otherwise they would listen accordingly. To them & from where they sat it was obvious who was the Head of the Clan.

The Sage couldn't help but notice the Kazekage seemed taken by surprise that Uziuke did not go by the clan name. Their people operated in many capacities, sometimes to do that it was better they keep their own titles. His assets consisted of a vast network spread out among the nations. Even his most recent venture had gained him allies of a significant status. Not something he would share with those present, so he would retain that smug smile of his.

May 6, 2015
Almost as if some arbiter of fate out in the cosmos were deciding events based on what had the most dramatic flair, the door(s) to the War room would swing open loudly and a new, possibly uninvited figure would enter the room were matters of state were becoming worryingly close to pointless bickering.


Not pictured...beard
Miroku Riyota...

Jonin of Suna, Pretender to the Miroku Leadership, Former(?) Ranger-General and Fiancée to Lady Kasen stood before the assembled crowd, clad in light gear intended for easy travel in the harsh desert sands. Shirtless, but clad in a long scarf for warmth in the night time. The purplish markings on the pale skin of his chest were plain to see to everyone, for once, he was not hiding the blemish. His face had picked up a few fresher scars, with what little one could see of it given his much longer hair and newly sported beard. The man had not been seen in the village for years, only to turn up now, entirely unannounced.

He stepped forward, calmly, carefully. His blacksteel arm on full proud display, well-maintained despite his circumstances. There were heavy bags under the man's eyes, a sign of one who had not slept well in a very long time.

The first person his gaze fell upon was his beloved, and though he tried his best to betray no emotion in his expression. His eyes carried a sense of regret and apology, he had not been able to tell her where he was going, and it had hurt him deeply. He wondered if she had waited for him, or if her heart had been captured by another. If she were to look at his non-prosthetic hand she would see it still had her crystal ring wrapped securely around one of the fingers.

"You can start counting now if you wish, Akkuma. You're seeing me." He joked, but his tone was dry and without much merriment. He was unsurprised to see his adoptive Father alive and well. He knew of the man's penchant for survival, and he had never felt truly at peace since that night of rebellion. He wondered if any of the Miroku were loyal to him, or if all had eagerly flocked back to his "Father." Had any remained loyal, he doubted they still lived.

"Pardon my intrusion, Lord Kazekage. I was feeling homesick." Another joke born of dry wit. "You'll have to forgive me again if I'm changing the subject, but I have news on the Unbent, and other recent events. Though it might be only for the ears of the Kazekage, I'll let him make that judgement." His eye fell directly on to Raizo. Those who'd known Riyota before his absence would know he never used to speak with this much serious and urgency, though it was likely due general exhaustion.

Having only just entered, he knew nothing of their discussions related to the Daimyo. That wasn't quite the level of Monster he had been engaging with.

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

This place was literally a circus. It was a madhouse. It was no surprise the former Daimyo chose to use propaganda as such; he didn't seem to be wrong, he just chose to further twist the truth of the matter into something nefarious. Yet, with all this absurdity, he couldn't help but find a part of him enamored with the subject. There was a lady who claimed leadership of the Miroku clan in the stead of her missing fiance.

"Oh, Angry Blue Haired Lady, I promoted you... hope you have been well!"

He was surprised that she hadn't already, in what he assumed was her natural process, slugged Akkuma. This then brought the story back to Akkuma who had mentioned to him the other day that he had an issue within his own clan that he was needing to address. His look would sour when he once more made reference to how the Miroku succession plan worked.

"Uzi... I feel for you, you seemed to have done well to avoid this drama..."

Almost as soon as the demon leader of the Miroku had mentioned that he didn't believe we would be seeing Riyota any time soon, the man himself would push open the doors, unfortunately, Yukina was still guarding the doors to keep Miroku from leaving so she would find herself tumbling forward. Typically, Raizo would take time to enjoy this moment of humiliation for the pink-haired girl, but the man who entered the room in such a reckless way would announce he was literally the person Blue Hair and Akkuma had been talking about this whole time. It was like an opera or some sort of theatrical performance.

"Uzi... it's him! What a twist!"

Riyota, who he would remember as the 'Ranger General' from the Longest Night ordeal, would address him, which caused him to shake his head and let out a cough as he adjusted himself from being a spectator of the drama back to being the leader of the whole meeting. "Uzi... you ask good questions, hang tight on your thought." he would say as he would approach the triumphant return of Riyota.

"Ranger General, there is a chance your news might impact the current matter so give a quick debrief. Depending on that I will let you know if you and I should continue in private at a later date... Yukina, wasn't I supposed to talk to him after that kerfuffle at the wall anyway?"

Yukina would snap up from her downed position, a fire now burning in her eyes, "I will kill him..."

"Well, that isn't an answer..."

"Yes. Raizo. Sama."

"Ah, perfect! Well then, please provide your debrief... also, just for everyone; we are tabling the Miroku family drama for the moment. I am totally not done with it and the whole lot of ya yet, but just hang tight... we are also momentarily tabling the debrief I was providing...poor Uzi just wants to know the damned plan and y'all keep getting too antsy! Riyota, please." he would say and yield the floor to the Ranger.

-OOC: Y'all are silly! As a reminder, all are welcome to continue to join in. I will be posting weekly, at least once, to keep it progressing. Since not everyone needs to speak, I hope that isn't an issue, but feel free to post at your leisure.

I will post again once these conditions are met: 3 days have passed and Riyota has posted. If Riyota posts before 3 days are up, I will wait for the 3 days to pass. If 3 days pass, I will wait for Riyota to post. Hope that makes sense! Once we get some of this family drama quelled we will transition into mission assignments for the actual Event pieces lol

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Event NPC - Ryuzaki Oga
This was all absurd, how this village had even lasted this long with this sort of sloppy organization was baffling.

How did Shiro struggle with this lot? Was he an idiot?

Either way, it seemed that it wouldn't even be necessary for him to battle with Akkuma further. Not only had the demon withdrew from lashing back, but a new competitor had jumped at the chance to lash out at him. The angle she used wasn't necessarily the one he was casting out there for someone to latch on to, but it served a similar purpose all the same; it further isolated Akkuma as a troublemaker. What he wasn't expecting would be how fragmented the clan of the demon actually was at this time. Such civil unrest had not made its rounds, so it was to the boon of Akkuma that while he couldn't keep quiet about himself he could at least contain the mess of his house to remain in-house.

Until now.

A smirk would briefly appear as he would take note of not only the female but the male who would enter suddenly. If he ever got bored, or if Akkuma ever decided to continue his combat with him, he now had two very interesting game pieces on the board.

He would continue to bide his time this go-round. Because of their location in the desert, he was genuinely curious about any updates on the creatures that appeared following The Shattering.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke hoped all to be well after his question, but once again things took a turn for the worse. Uziuke face palmed while showing an expression that read that he was tired of the situation. He didn't even know this woman that said she was of the Miroku Clan. He was about to pinch himself to see if he went in a daydream before the Kage spoke up and confirmed what was going on. Indeed Uzi wasn't much of a trouble maker. Holding up the law was his thing, though he did show leniency to some extent.

The exchange of words between the woman and Akkuma were quickly quieted down when someone stepped in the room, catching the pink haired announcer lady by surprise. After the new guest introduced himself as Riyota, the Kage noted that it was the guy Akkuma and the woman had been arguing about. What timing. Uziuke could feel the laughs coming up through his chest. The situation gave the meeting a bit of humor. Uzi tried to stop his fit of laughter from erupting, as things were quite serious at this point, but a sharp grin stretched across the boy's face. "How... unexpected." The boy said, regaining his cool.

He would have to make time to apologize to the Kage later on about the matter. He knew a little of what was going on from his latest conversation with Akkuma, but he didn't ask for the details finding the situation quite personal. It seemed now the secret was spilled before the assembly of nin. The boy pieced together what Akkuma told him and what he heard while at the meeting. It made a bit of sense as the happenings were a bit clearer to Uzi.

The Kage said that the meeting would continue momentarily. He would address the Ranger General before going on. Uzi was now on standby. He didn't want to add to the situation further by putting in his own piece. Though, if some mishap were to break out, he would disrupt it at a moment's notice.


MFT : WC: +300

Side note: +1 to this thread XD!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
