Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event Crack of dawn. (Cypress Society)

Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
What worked for Keni to ease his nerves worked for Keiyaku as well. When they'd greeted each other at the arena's gates, he felt the Kyoujouran's warm hand wrap around his, squeezing a little. It brought a soft, tender smile to the Inuzuka's face, glancing at the guy briefly. His thumb run over the back of Keni's hand, before giving it one last squeeze to wish the new Sennin luck as he headed for the announcer's podium.

Among the throng now, Keiyaku and Morutobu watched as Keni took his place and made his announcement; his lack of participation, and his new promotion. Having already been dealt the news about this previously, it didn't shock either of the Inuzuka brothers, rather they both just beamed up at him with a fierce pride, supremely excited someone so deserving had been granted this highest honour. But it was back to business all of a sudden. The event's host had found his voice and had begun to delineate the rules.

"Search and rescue?" He mused, his eyes falling upon the adolescent Shiba at his side who returned his glance, barking excitedly. Yeah, this was Moru's wheelhouse.

Just then, Mitsuha, or at least her clone, stepped up to the two of them and offered to form a team. The Inuzuka always had mixed feelings about Mitsuha; the first time they'd met she was so shy, and then on the immediate next visit, she went insane and physically assaulted Keni, and then, when they'd been helping Ayeka together, she's completely changed beyond recognition again. Every time Keiyaku saw her, she changed in some dramatic way, such that he was unsure to the extent he could trust her anymore. Even Moru seemed to glance at her with restrained suspicion.

"Yeah, I don't see why not," said Keiyaku, hitching a smile onto his face, his eyes darting over to the real Mitsuha who was seemingly trying to recruit an older-looking girl, "I guess that makes three huh?"

Stepping away from the clone, he approached Mitsuha and Aki who seemed to be the midst of performing a summoning jutsu. Watching the figure a little cautiously, his face broke into a rogueish, slightly fanged smile as he extended a claw-clad hand to Aki. Moru took the slightly less restrained route of jumping up playfully at her legs.

"Guess Mitsu's quick off the mark, huh? I'm Keiyaku, this is Morutobu. I think we got a good side here, eh? I can sniff out an injury pretty good, and Moru here's a regular bloodhound when he gets goin'."

The Inuzuka was sure he hadn't met Aki before, with her unfamiliar scent and generally colourful appearance, "yeah, with all three of us, I'm sure we can crush this pretty good; we've all got something to bring to the party. Question is though, quality over quantity? We gotta have a different strategy based on whether we're gonna rescue as many as possible to deny other teams their prey, or if we rescue a handful and work on patching them up real good. Personally, I'd say the second is our best bet; we should divide and conquer; Mitsu and I could work on retrieval, with you, Aki, checking out their injuries with this friend of yours, then we can meet in the middle again and patch them up as good as we can together. How's that sound to both of you?"


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The tall blond stayed stoically still as she moved her eyes through the crowd and other attendants of the event. She quickly began to take mental notes of the people she hadn’t met and began to build strategies around what she could gather from their appearance. While a lot of the training with Isshin had been physical, the man didn’t neglect to brush up Otami’s tactical knowledge either; which was far harder to teach. Gifted with a physical talent but not much of a mental one, she struggled at the ideals the Uzumoreru placed before her but, much like studying medical - eventually it clicked.
Yet as her eyes drifted from person to person she couldn’t help but let them linger on Keni and Keiyaku standing next to each other. Her heart swelled at the sight of the two boys and memories of a speech she had long prepared to give Keni brought itself back up in her head causing a light blush. Otami fought herself time and time again trying to find the courage to simply speak, but using violence was just…so much easier for her now. Maybe she’d have that chance to speak to him during the tournament if she could engage him in mock battle, and hope he caught on to that. There was so much she had to say, so much the wolf-girl had not understood when they had met and all the thoughts that swirled about her head in his presence.

Today, however, those dreams went to the grave. Something about how close Keni was to Kei tipped her off to something being different about the guys, but as her eyes drifted down the muscles of their arms close together she saw their hands clasped in affection. Something akin to the feeling of a thing in her chest dropping into a ravine took her. She shook her head, trying to clear out the thoughts that quickly worked off the bad mental state she had been in lately, but with a second look she saw Kei give Keni that comforting touch on the back his hand with his thumb; her heart left the building. Otami could tell from sight, from a scent she just caught in realization, the affection between the two. Was this why she couldn’t get a hold of either? Had they been actively avoiding her for the preference of each other’s company...?
Otami’s legs felt weak. Tears threatened to well in her eyes as the Wildling stared forward blankly. In the pits of her own mind she receded as the poor girl began to realize her life and the common occurrences; people left her. Her mother? Claimed she was terrified of her father and what he could do to her. Her father? According to her mother as well, didn’t want much to do with her except to be used as a tool against Okibi. Asuka? Woman who was supposed to be there for these moments of weakness and question? Gone, away on a mission to lands Otami had been removed from.

Itten wouldn’t help her mental woes, only physically training.
Keni and Kei had moved on.
She was, alone.

Then the clincher really kicked in. Keni released Kei’s hand and announced that he had been made Sennin of the Main Branch. That metaphorical road between her and Keni grew suddenly longer until she could just barely see the images of her two best friends. Her hand reached out as if to try and stop them from moving way so fast but her heart clenched; knowing it was futile.
Reaching up into her hair instead, the Ryuu began to shake as she stood among her peers, her breath quickening into hyperventilation. The isolation of being a Wildling in Konohagakure finally began to take root in her soul as Otami came to the conclusion there was no one to help her anymore; and there never was. She should have taken the wise advice of the lone wolves who left the Pack long ago, and looked to no one for help but herself; because in the end that’s all she had. Her own power. Her own life. No one else. The roots of Otami’s hair began to turn a solid silver that stretched out into the rest of her hair until the tight bun tied to her crown became solid white. Something inside broke. Claws clutched her shoulders as the vision of a man’s face with short blond hair leaned into her peripheral,

Oh…what irony that it be you…what a terrible father my son has become…such a glorious day for violence, don't you agree...?

Hi! Otami, right? I don't think we've officially met before, my name is Aburame Kiriyomi,

Otami jumped and shouted slightly, her hand left hand shooting across her waist to grab at the bag of sand on her hip like she would a sword but then realized she was still in the arena. Her breath was heavy and a cold sweat broke across the girl's sudden pallor. The Wildling swallowed hard looking up at Kiriyomi and the offer he made to join teams with some other peers. Something in the pit of her stomach, in the back of her soul begged her to take Kiri's offer; to not willingly fall into this pit. Instead, without a word, she turned away and made her way to a spot all on her own on the edge of their starting point; much like one other participant. The idea of accepting help from others became suddenly sickening to her, like it never had before, and she flopped onto the ground at the edge of the center pillar to let her legs dangle off. Otami took the bag of sand off her belt and tossed it a few times as a part of her soul continued to be tainted by Tengokai’s Curse.

She would win or lose by herself. The Ryuu didn’t need or want anyone’s help anymore. Clearly it was the path she was meant to take as she faced away from everyone else; tears streaking down her sun-kissed cheeks as her natural skin colors returned.

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Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Sweeping round the stadium Kyouhei whilst entertaining the crowd he wasn't a chump when it came to hearing, his Hashigaki augmented body and soul gave him a lot of unique abilities when it came to presenting and announcing. Even a journalism career was possible with what he can take in a few hundred meters away, however today he clearly heard how teams were working out. Being... sourly disappointed!! What a joke! They could only make ONE full team with all of their brains combined. Making his way down to the rest of the participants still amongst his white cloud an annoyed grin across his face as he shook his head and crossed his arms and legs. Lowering his voice so that only those inside the arena could here and it wasn't being said to the entire audience "Times up! And you guys sure are lousy! Only three out of the nine of ya managed to make a team?! Fine! Then it's up to me to fill the blanks!!"

Hovering back upwards atop his nimbus his stature and posture would change back to his presenter self, arms wide open. "Well, well, well everybody looks like the teams have been decided! The first group consists of Sugihara Aki, Kaguya mitsuha and Inuzuka keiyaku, we'll name em... Team Omega! And... for the next team! Nanjirou Otakemaru, Kyoujouran Ayeka and... Ryuu Otami! Each and every one of them proud members of Team Alpha! So of course that leaves us with Aburame Kiriyomi, Akira and Basuta, they'll be Team Delta! Now let's lay down some ground rules shall we? The use of offensive techniques of any shape are strictly prohibited in this round! It's about saving people not hurting em, points will be deducted if people wanna be smart guys and break this rule! Jutsus are allowed, however like previously stated no causing harm to others! If someone is transporting a 'patient' to the mednin in the centre you are not allowed to steal from them, it's a test of medical skill not stealing! Anyone caught will be dealt with accordingly! And finally..."

Reaching in to the cloud he'd pull out a stop watch prominently pointing at it. "Once I give the word.. you'll have 30 minutes to get as many as you can. Now everyone we've spent enough time just waiting around haven't we? It's about time we FINALLY start!! All participants please stand in the centre before we begin!" Letting everyone get to the starting point and waiting a minute or two for teams to discuss any final strategy Kyouhei took in a deep breath. "ALRIGHT! Three... two... one... GOGOGOGO! AND GOOOOOOOD LUCK!"

[OOC: The first part of the event has begun! Please when taking actions per round of posts make it one clear main action, e.g. going to a building and looking or taking a patient to the recall point and identifying the problem. And also please make sure to indicate clearly which building you are going to. As well as that, feel free to talk strategy OOC just make sure it is translated IC. When this part of the event is half way through a warning will be given, and the same when 5 minutes are left. Most importantly! Have fun!!! Any questions DM me on discord @sammymike or on NC conversation.]

[Anything that requires rolls, or anytime a jutsu is used, please list at the bottom of your post and the target. As I have all of your stats I will roll the dodge/save roll as well as the 'attack' roll.]
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May 7, 2023
Akira listened to the announcement, it seemed that the teams had been made for them already, as he glanced around spotting the other one that he had been assigned to after listening to Kiriyomi speaking. As he allowed himself a few moments to nod at the words he decided to get this party rolling after all no point in waiting to see what the others would be doing, this was all about retrieval. He walked with Kiriyomi up to Basuta, it seemed the three of them had to act quickly and he accepted that information, and knew that damage to the area would probably see them deducted points.

"Sorry to skip the pleasantries regarding the forming of this team, but with time being against us so that being said, I better get our little servants to start to gather the bodies, I can only carry a limited number, but I will hit the nearest house, we can gather them to our location and at least this way we have collected them from immediate danger, anyone else has a better plan let me know, also just to cover the ground name is Yamamoto Akira."

With that he brought his hands together in a flurry of motion, his aura radiating darkness at the moment, as he wondered if this would even work, it would show that people had died in this arena, but in the opportunity to have safety to those inside the ground shifted and started to break up, Akira was used to working alone, and never really caring for other opinions but right now he wanted to get the job done, as the hands grasped at the ground, hauling the undead to this world to serve once more. Akira felt his chakra draining, but he knew that he needed to be conservative in how much he used.

As he rose to stand, he watched the five zombies shamble toward the buildings, the simple goal was to retrieve anyone who was injured and bring them back to Akira, after all, he could then start to treat wounds, but he wanted to make sure the buildings were not a death trap his way minimalized the risk factor that the rest of the group would be put under.

"Any ideas, or assistance you two can give? I figured right now is not the time to hide our abilities, let the world see them after all that is what they came here for?"

[Corpse Soil Used]
[Zombies 1,2,3,4,5 starts looking for survivors, if they find one they drag them back to the group while the others look for more]
[MFT: 400]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would waster no time performing more handseals and biting down on her own thumb and slamming it down to the ground. Poof! Smoke appeared and dissipated as a familiar blue turtle came into existence. "YOOO. What is UP everybody? It's Ya boy! Crush!" Mitsuha would roll her eyes and then say, "Crush here can also heal people up, his turtle senjutsu can also come in handy by forming a barrier around those that might be in immediate danger. For that, he will follow my clone." She would gesture towards her clone.

She would then look back at Aki and Keiyaku. "Since we are a team in this, I think you both should know. I am also a sensor ninja, although I am not on the same as an Inuzuka. I can see chakra colors and I can fly. Along with that, I can teleport around with ease and in a sense, ignore genjutsu to a certain extent. Now. Let's get to it then, shall we?"

With that said, the real Mitsuha would grow black wings and her form seemed to shift as she would also grow horns and a black tail as she would get a bird's eye view and flight speed. She will use this to travel to the furthest business sized building on the south west side of the Arena, using logic of big area meaning lots of people. She will do a quick circle around to see if there is any traps or things she should be cautious around, and once she was confident, she will teleport to the front door, ready to open it to see if she can find any 'injured' people around.

Her clone was followed by Crush as they would go to nearest north east house. Crush would look around to see if he could find any 'injured' people that would need his professional help.

(used A rank contract summoning to summon Crush)
(maintaining elemental clone mastered, only 1 clone)


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
It would appear time was limited as once again the announcer got the competition going by confirming who was on what time and when Ayeka heard Otami's name she felt very quickly raising in her cheeks at the thought of the girl she had battled with in the arena not too long ago. Thankful for her hood Ayeka quickly turned away from Take trusting that he would know what to do next as Ayeka got ready to move out as the announcer began to countdown the start of the event. Stretching her joints quickly and flexing her wings Ayeka took a deep breath and allowed Aria to head up the helm as the girls memories crushed her shy tendencies and filled Ayeka with nothing but the exhilaration of battling others even if this wasn't a direct fight. "Bring it on lets rescue everyone!" Words not her own slipped out of Ayeka before she could stop them causing the girl to laugh as a savage smile filled her face. On the word go Ayeka shot forward her wings flexing and launching the girl airborne while her yellow eye quickly began changing as Tomoe marks quickly began split from the girl pupil filling the iris until nin marking lazily orbited the pupil allowing Ayeka to pull chakra from the air itself as she allowed her body to pull in the latent natural chakra that hung in the air. Closing her eyes the world around the dragon seemed to still her body seeming to freeze in mid movement for a moment as a burning aura of black and purple chakra began to spill out of the girl in waves, Slowly white began to bleed into Ayeka's hair from the roots as her hair grew and extended down her back in flowing locks until her hair was bleached white before burning red markings appeared throughout the girl's hair creating a halo of half circles while on her forehead a single red circle formed with a high a line extending up into her hairline. Finally Ayeka's eyes gained red marking around them circling around both her eyes as they snapped back open as she finished entering sage mode. Catching herself before she fell from the air Ayeka rocketed forward with augmented strength as her senses opened up, before her extended a world where she could sense chakra through the air itself however she failed to realise that her transformation would surprise many as her appearance was the exact same as Aria when she was in sage mode.

[Dragon Flight Rank 1]
[Tengetsu Rank 3]
[Sage Mode]
[Using Doujutsu to search for chakra sources.]
[Heading for Business]
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New Member
Nov 25, 2021
OOC Rank
Okay, so far, so good… Ayeka agreed to form a team with him. Now, they just needed one more member…

“W-Wings…” Take suddenly exhaled at the sight of Ayeka’s scaly wings taking form from out of her back! When was she… when was she able to do that? He’d never seen Keniwa accomplish such a feat, so maybe it wasn’t an inherited Jutsu, but… it could help a lot with transport, which Take signaled by returning a thumbs-up to the dragon girl.

But time ran out fast, astonishing Take as their team was only consisting of two at the moment. Oh no… he thought, uncertain if he’d already caused a penalty, I d-didn’t mean to trouble Ayeka like that…

But to his and Ayeka’s surprise, Otami had been assigned to their team as well. Now that their team was complete – even if by the announcer’s choosing – Take remembered the objective… offensive techniques were forbidden- or more specifically, attacking others was. They were meant to save people, not interrupt each other. However, supportive Jutsus to help bring patients out or diagnose them was permitted, so… what skills were available in their three-nin team?

Walking to the center as commanded by the announcer, Take sort of made a list – Ayeka was surprisingly excited after growing her wings out, almost as if she turned into a whole other person. Maybe she was just relieved to stretch her wings out after a while, but… she could fly. If they found patients atop a roof, she’d be extremely helpful there.

Otami’s skills were less known by Take, but her sense of smell could help track down patients inside of buildings as quickly as possible. Seeing her at the edge of the center pillar made him gallop towards her, braking briefly once he was able to look over the edge next to her. “Otami…” He could immediately pick up a very sour vibe from her, but he remembered how much fun they had back when playing that capture-the-flag game with Keniwa and the others, “I can help figure out how to treat patients’ wounds. I-I think you and Ayeka will excel at finding patients…”

… Was she crying? Take didn’t know why, but that tormented him – she wasn’t supposed to cry! Not now! Not ever! Why was she crying… she shouldn’t cry, please don’t cry. His mind kept echoing that plead – please don’t cry, please don’t cry, please don’t cry…

And at one point, he found himself embracing her. He’d let go quickly, but that was a genuine embrace, wrapping his arms around her shoulders like that – without even thinking about her reaction, the game had begun with the loud announcement, and they had no time to waste. "Ayeka! C-Can you check out that tall building to the west? Let's rescue as many people as we can...!"

For a building as large as it was, if they could get a good headstart, then the rest of the challenge would ease out for all of them. Ayeka could grab people from higher altitudes - such as from the roof or from higher floors - and Otami could likely sniff them all out from the inside. Take possessed no notable chakra sensory system, nor did he possess wings... he had... his Cursed Seal. And his sword.

But both were useless right now! What could he do to contribute, then?! "I-I'll help carry as many as possible! I'm fast on my feet, too, and..." Wait, were both of those skills really useless? Damn it, he couldn't go all creative right now - he didn't have enough time!

"Ayeka, d-do you have good senses, too?! It's just, y-you look like you know where you're going..."

[Went to Otami and comforted her a little]
[Calling Ayeka towards the team, before going towards the Tall Building to the west] (Main Action)
[Wondering what Ayeka's sensory system is, since Take doesn't have any knowledge of her Ryu heritage prior to now]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
"I think all four of us on this team have pretty good sensor skills," he said, looking from Aki, to Mitsuha, to Morutobu, "so I think our best bet is to divide and conquer. We'll meet back with our patients at this recall point to you and Aki can take a look at them."

As soon as the countdown ended, Moru and Keiyaku flitted away with blinding speed, both of them running on all-fours, perfectly in step with one another as though they were able to read each other's thoughts. They both figured, with their speed, they could reach the furthest building first, and that once there, they could both split up to search the whole place quickly in case it held more than one patient that they could both pull to safety. With a few growls exchanged, they agreed to split up; Keiyaku took the furthest northern building, Moru, transforming into a perfect clone of his big brother in a puff of smoke, went to check the north-eastern building, ready to pull out any survivors.

Keiyaku closed his eyes for a moment, allowing his senses to engage, trusting his nose to tune into the scent of chakra and blood as he arrived at the northern building, ready to search it thoroughly.

[Moru uses Beast Clone]
[Keiyaku checking northernmost building, Moru checking north-eastern building]


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
So that announcer guy floats down to us contestants right? Dude makes a remark about us not setting up teams and stuff. One can call it "bestowing freedom of choice" but it seems to me more like delegating responsibility. Managerial tactics. It was most likely a slick way of saying, "Hey you, do the work that I don't care to do." So I told him,...

Basuta: (Snippy/Annoyed) "Did you really float all the way down here to bi+<h about your job?"

Shoot, he can tell me what he wants but who was I going to talk to in order to get 'friendly' with in a matter of seconds? Nearly half that people down here were some that I couldn't stand due to past beef, you know? And the rest seem to be chummy with them to a degree, save one chick to up and left a dude hanging. That's the kind of burn that'll last a lifetime, getting denied in the center of a packed arena,... daaaaannngggg,... straight cold man. I don't know what was said but that had to hurt. Probably because he had his chest partly out while a demi-god is standing out in center stage, no shirt, no contest. Still, if he weren't a shinobi, I'd be tempted to buy him a beer a coach him through. But that would be one of the two guys tagged to me, to be a team... HA!

This other guy though, he is eager to prove himself. Too eager. I mean yeah, that is what they were here to do and all but, did he not register what had happened before. A 'contestant',... became a 'leader',... without even going through the motions of actually competing. Regardless of genuine effort and capability, it all comes down to a vote and that vote goes to who is liked and maybe passable. So I fold my arms and educate.

Basuta: (Direct toward Akira) "Look kid, I'mma break down the situation for you. That contestant who is no longer a contestant, he's got about three other people down here right now that I know of that he is buddy buddy with. If you ain't already chummy with either of them, that's a hit to your chances. Bullet-point 2, I'm beefin' with all of them, so I definitely ain't getting a vote out of him, or likely any of the higher ups for that matter. So getting too friendly with me is somethin' like a deathblow to whatever future career you are hoping for. And bullet-point 3, crowd favorites. If you didn't hear your name chanted, you don't have a prior positive rep. Means today you're starting in the hole concerning their ability to sway approval. Weigh your position to know if you already won or lost. For example, I'm a battlefield medic so this kind of thing is supposed to be my field of expertise and if I the only medic here, I should have the biggest advantage. But with what I told you, I'd be a fool to go out and give it my all only to be told I failed horribly anyway. So I'mma have fun with the northeast quarter."

By now this kid has summoned the dead. *Sigh* And you know, people call me disrespectful. So this dude, effectively is playing with peoples corpses, not to save anybody's life or himself for real, but for attention and approval. And if I went and slapped the taste out of his mouth for it, because I mean who would want their dignity robbed like that, I'd be the bad guy right? And I was just about to start feeling bad for him too for the truth bombs I dropped. Well, he can do what he wants 'cause I'm going to do the same. So I get my headset to set some jams that,... know what,... I'm feeling inspired. I know just the thing.

Zombie Mash

If the kid wanted my to show my talent, fine. Must shinobi spend their time trying to reach some new useful level of ninja stuff whatever. I've spent quite a bit of time learning how to be a babe magnet. So I do tap my foot to start things off. I throw one hand out to pull myself into a 720 spin. That come the leg out, speedbag arm roll to the right, invert it to the left. Then I go straight forward with it and bring it down to my beltline. And once my hands are there, I grab my pants by my beltline and mock-snatch myself across the field, with a great leap. When I hit the ground, I summon my Med-Me's out with the prep I did in mid-air. My ride-or-die's, my two clones, only had one different item of clothing each though. One a scrubs top and the other a lab coat. Anywho, I back-tread doing the 'OH NO' wave with the tempo from the two Med-Me's doing a zombie shuffle step toward me.

From there I spin to face the first resident house to the north. Then I do some pointing with body-popping actions in random directions, but give one final point to the business spot in the direct north of the starting point. Giving a head-nod while still pointing, the Med-Me's zombie-shuffle that way and wait at the door. With that done I rub my shades and product and eyeball the size of an 8-ball through... "magic" and float it forward with my left hand and do the 'water sprinkler' move toward the house....

Huh? Oh you're wondering why I didn't just run in? Well you see, in the field, the wounded make for great bait. One of the best ways to hinder an enemy force long-term is to hit there medic-staff, as they can put people back on the field, and a booby-trapped victim does the job nicely. The clones don't get a special eye of there own but the eye's x-ray scan would likely serve them too though. As far as possible hiding places of "wounded", if they truly had a mind for it, I might be able to estimate where folks would likely go. After spending a bit not only as a Medic but spending some time in the cage, I've developed something like a predator's instinct when someone's hurtin' and in self-preservation mode.

How did all of that go? Well it turns out...

{Marked for training}
{OOC: Actions taken...
- Use Headset to jam.
- Chakra Jump R1 to cut down travel time.
- Summon 2 Medical Assistants R1 to search the Business building in the north.
- Summon Crystal Eye R2, use special action to scan Resident building in the north primarily before entering, and the business building being searched by clones if possible.
- Attempt to utilize Ability: Combat Instinct to make educated guesses with hiding spots.}
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New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Wallowing in grief was a hardwired Ryuu trait. When it hit, it hit. Otami’s mind was drowned by a cocktail of emotions as tears streamed down her cheeks. She kept wiping them away, embarassed to be fielding such emotion in the situation she was in, but a sorrow of loneliness that was far stronger than it should be was overwhelming the Wildling. Her throat tightened, her head pounded, and her cheeks were already starting to feel raw from the rush of tears when an undeniable warmth embraced her.

The Ryuu’s breath hitched for a moment, her body freezing up like deer-in-the-headlights for just a moment from Take’s embrace. Finally her head tilted back to see who from among the peers she had grown to know was touching her to find Take’s sad face. Her heart lurched. Aria was gone, wasn’t she? Otami had heard the rumors but with her head so firmly up her own ass, she had forgotten how close Take had been to the missing girl. He released her rather quickly and her hand shot out to grab the swordsman’s wrist and pull him back for just a second longer.

Thank you,” she whispered. A small streak of blond returned to some of her hair.

The Wildling was quickly brought up to speed. She met her other teammate which, oh no it was her! Memories of their little sword fight came rushing back instantly and heat filled her cheeks for a moment as she found it impossible to look Ayeka in the eyes.

O-Otami work in Boyin for months now,” she said, her speech breaking back down to it’s natural broken state in the raw sea of feelings she was swimming through, “Know body. Know green-hand energy. I-imortan-tante though, much more than that, is pocket sand.
Otami hosted the little leather pouch on her hip up to everyone so they could see it,
Secret weapon. Can carry people in secure way. Nose only one weapon. Eye open for blood-smear and stone damage.

Ayeka, thankfully, sprouted wings and took to the sky. Otami looked up at her for a moment in awe, her heart fluttering at the grace of the kounchi above her. A tug from the other swordsman brought the Ryuu back to reality as he pointed to the West Tall Building. There would be a lot of rooms to search and might not have as many people to move…the business that Aryea seemed to be scouting on the other hand was less to search. Otami was betting on her new strengths to win over the crowd, but first they needed to secure a single spot. Taking a moment to make the choice, she tapped Take’s shoulder,

We should follow Ayeka. Big building stone too large for my nose. Less to search.

When Otami got up to the where their arieal reconnisence was already searching, she waiting for Ayeka to give a few hints before tossing her little pouch of sand into the building. Right before impact, it exploded and the sound of golden grains rubbing through the building could be heard as the Wildling closed her eyes and focused her chakra to let the sand see for her.

[Trying to Convince Take to follow Ayeka’s lead instead]
[Head to Business]
[Upon getting there, use her Sand to try and locate anyone within.]


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiri watches as everyone leaps into action, his teammates both jumping into the fray without hesitation. His shock would be evident on his face, as he watched Akira summon zombies to rush forth into the buildings searching for survivors. Who knew that the young boy he had met all that time ago would be a Dark Sage as well? Shaking his head and focusing on the task before him, Kiri would jump down off the platform and land on the floor of the arena, using his own jutsu to summon zombies as well. As they all rise up around him, he would lead them to the tall building in the southeast section of the arena, casting out his sensor abilities to check for chakra signatures. If there were any injured inside the building, his priority was to get them out and gather them closer to the starting point so that his team could immediately start treating them. With the building being larger than the others, he figured that he would start at the top and work his way down, searching for any hidden rooms or trapped shinobi along the way. He trusted his team to secure the buildings they were each heading for, and focused on gathering as many injured as he could before treating them somewhere safely. With an event such as this, you never knew what to expect. The buildings could prove unstable, start to fall, or you could be hindered in some way by the opposing teams. Best to act quickly to save the injured, gather them in a safe space, then proceed to treat their wounds.

[Using Corpse Soil to summon zombies]
[Heading to Tall Building in the Southeast]
[Heading to the top floor to being his search]


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
As Otami searched through the area for people a sharp pain struck her in the back of the head. It caused the teen to gasp, stumble forward, and black out. The sand within the shop that had been flying around suddenly dropped down to the ground. Her body was pale, still, and breathing shallow. Twisting black marks that looked like tribal tattoos began to grow quickly from the base of her skull down across her entire body. A simple touch would almost burn anyone not attuned to fire chakra were they to try and help her up. Unconscious the girl’s breathing began to quicken.

[Event Left; I apologize but I don’t have the drive for this, as much as I wanted to keep up]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
