Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Deja Vu

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I stood on the top of a building all alone, tail flicking around as I scanned the area. My thoughts ran around in my head of all the things that have come and gone. I wore clothing that felt comfortable to me. My usual glasses, with a blue scarf, black sweater and black jeans. It was still weird that this was my life now. I'm me, but not me at the same time. I let out a sigh as brilliant sunlight rays have poked in between the clouds. I haven't really been able to relax and just enjoy my life since setting out to Sand about a week ago. So much has happened in that week that my brain was fried and I am both mentally and emotionally tired.

"You know, there are better things to do than stare out at the horizon." I turned to the familiar voice I had heard. It was Kitsune Yoru, the ghost of the female Kitsune that I have 'spirit linked' with. My messed up genes, and I decided to take a gene changing pill to save Umashi and now I'm a whole different person. Everything about me, from my looks and my voice, is a perfect image of her. All except my personality. Our personalities makes us have different opinions at times, but other than that, we can make a good team if need be.

That's when the thought of Anyu crossed my mind. I'm out fighting my own battles, going through my own problems, but at least I have people to help me. Anyu on the other hand... He's all alone and the same guys that are after me are after him as well. I shake my head in disagreement to my new ghostly companion. "It helps me focus. Decompress after so much things that has happened. It will help me be ready for the next bit of things that fate decides to throw at me."

I wasn't a real believer in fate, I don't think that everything is set in stone. Things can change. And I'm someone who refuses to lie down and let the wheels of fate roll over me. I plopped down on the edge to sit. In reality, looking out at the horizon was a thing that helps me calm down, despite how everything can change around me, one thing never changes. The sun rises, and sets. Both scenes beautiful and relaxing to just witness happen.

(Ghost npc Kitsune Yoru visible to all in topic)

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Ziren would be able to enjoy a few more moments of admiring the way the rays danced on the clouds, the Konoha native liking enjoying the warmth that accompanied it, before the foxkin would find themselves enveloped in shadow. Now this alone would be enough to spook any trained shinobi, but even moreso as the dark outline of a beast flying overhead began to get nearer and smaller, indicating that whatever it was intended to land on the very roof Ziren was perched upon. Whether they sprung into action or calmly awaited the bird's arrival, the greeting Ziren received would be the same:

"Hello ladies! So sorry to bother you, but uh - could you give me a hand?"

Leroy the Mochueleon was quite the sight to behold: his form was majestic form by nature of being an owl-lion chimera, but the impact was marred by the mess of ninja wire fashioned like a net that was caught in his beak and feathers. "It seems this trap was discarded and I'm not quite sure how I got in this mess but here I am, and I'm running kind of late now... tried to get it off myself but I think I just made it worse..." Holding up a clawed paw wrapped in more wire, it was a wonder the creature had made it this far without getting grounded - he was likely dangerously close before spotting a potential savior on the rooftop. It was a relatively uncommon site here in Kumogakure, where most people took refuge from the snow and cold indoors rather than bask in it, let alone up in the air on the rooftops. As he squinted through the netting around his face his tail feathers would perk up with glee - they were mixed species, just like him! Maybe the fur made the winter climate more bearable, he wondered. It had never particularly been his favorite... but now was probably not the time to ask, while he was already asking for a favor.

-Topic Entered with Contract NPC Leroy.
Last edited:

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
As I was staring off into the horizon, I noticed that there was a shadow enveloping me. At first, I had thought it was a Nara trying to ambush me, but after calmly thinking, I looked around to see a giant bird like creature. It landed near us as it spoke. Now I've had my fair share of monsters, creatures that lurk at Water country infested, to the Shinigami of this Death Organization that seems to want me dead and countless other monsters. But never have I had a monster-like creature approach me. Was it a trap to make it look helpless before it tries to devour me?

I looked over at Yoru, who simply shrugged, with a sigh, I spoke, "Yeah, just as long as you can tell me why you're here, if it isn't anything secret. Not everyday something like this happens." I had heard of monsters attacking Cloud before, it could very well be possible that this thing posed a danger. But I will help it for now, and see if I get any bad vibes from it that would make me have to fight it. Bringing out a kunai, I started to work on cutting the wire.

"We can talk while I get you free. Who do you work for?" It was kind of a silly question to really ask, but wasn't there something that controlled, ordered, or organized the monster attack some years ago? Call it me being cautious, but I'd rather not have my head bitten off, and knowing what this thing works for would give me an idea how to further tackle the situation.

I cut through a few more wires, being careful and cautious to not harm the creature. Most could now be taken off after being cut, where others are so tangled it was a wonder this thing didn't crash.

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
"Why I'm here? Uh, I mean, mostly so that I wouldn't get more tangled and plummet to the ground in an unsavory fashion…" The Mochueleon mused, scratching the side of his face with a claw that peaked out of the snare of the netting. Shinobi always asked funny questions, always certain there was more than met the eye. Well, he supposed that was often true - but in this circumstance he truly was just a common barn owl mountain lion hybrid in need of assistance… even if that weren't the most common situation. With a little more thought, Leroy realized that his predicament probably seemed at least a little suspicious - usually traps were set with a target in mind, making him look like either a deliberate escapee or a mindless beast sought by some hunter. "No, no, you see--"

How to answer for himself without making him look truly hopelessly foolish? Thankfully, young Ziren would allow him an escape by way of another interrogatory question of who he worked for. Again, the paranoia made Leroy smile, but he was innocent and as such would oblige. "Not King Maji if that's your concern, shinobi-san. I've got decent control over my own faculties, those symbiotes ain't getting in here," Leroy quipped with a tap of his noggin. "I've got a contract agreement with one of your compatriots, Nanjirou Rei. We're making for Wind Country at dawn on mission; I was sent to scout out our best routes by air through Lightning. Looks like I cut a little close to a portion of the Pass where it looks like some gate guards were testing some anti-air defenses." He paused, realizing he had still managed to reveal himself a fool. "I mean…"

Before he could salvage his image, the quiet sound of chakra-coated footsteps could be heard on the side of the building if one listened closely enough through the cutting of wire and Leroy's jabbering. "Leroy - are you okay?"

Rei's voice would sound as she rounded the corner to the roof. The girl Ziren had once known as Saitou Reicheru might now be almost as unrecognizable as the medic was in his (uh, her?) current form. No, her physical appearance hadn't changed much; granted, it had been about a decade and her facial structure and body reflected that growth, and her hair was cropped short in a boyish cut and a variety of new scars adorned whatever skin wasn't covered by her more militaristic attire. Moreso was the change of disposition; Ziren might not be able to place it immediately, but something had certainly changed within the Nanjirou since their last meeting.

Of course for Rei, there was no evidence of a reunion at hand. Her steely-grey eyes quickly taking in the situation at hand, gaze coming to rest on the two foxkin - one of whom had some seriously strange vibes going on and the other holding a kunai. Coming to a stop, she opened her empty hands in a non-threatening stance. "Hey, we all good here?"

-Topic Entered with PC Saitou Rei.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I was cutting away more of the wire as the beast spoke, mainly pointing out the obvious that was landing here rather than crashing somewhere down below, which the citizens of Cloud would definitely be thankful for not happening. I didn't pay much attention until he spoke more of the times monsters had attacked, I wasn't there, but I had seen the aftermath. A King Maji... And... symbiotes? As that word was said, I was at a lost of... I don't even know. Why? Because a good friend that had passed away had such symbiotic spirits attached to him and he eventually died because of these symbiotic spirits...

The next thing that had hit me like a train was when the creature had said that it was in a contract with someone I knew well. Nanjirou Rei. The name sounded familiar, but different, as if from someone that I should know, but slight changes in variations are making me hesitate. But that's when I had heard the voice. I turned, as if everything was going on in a kind of dramatic slow motion, like the kind in those new colored movies. The kunai dropped to the ground safely, as I slowly approached the now older woman. She certainly is now a splendid ninja, I haven't heard her even approach, albeit, I am no longer a Chigokai, which was the biggest listening factor I had going for me.

Something about her was different, but her voice, sounded the same. I studied her face and then went in for a hug. After all that has happened, there are very few faces that are familiar to me that I have never had changed my thoughts on. Reicheru was a girl that was pure of thought and wanted more than me to bring peace and happiness to others. "It's been a while Reicheru." I pulled away from the hug. She would know that very few people would have called her that. That's when the thought had hit me, "Oh! Shoot! Yeah, I forgot, I don't look like me anymore." A simple transformation jutsu to show what I looked like before, a five foot ten tall man with blue hair and blood eyes, a metal left arm. "This is only a transformation jutsu, but I am Ziren. I know it is crazy to think about, but let me prove it to you."

Not letting her butt in, I thought through an encounter that we have had that only she will remember, but little to no one else will know of that had happened. The transformation jutsu was canceled, showing a girl in her early twenties with black hair, fox ears and a tail. I stepped up to the edge of the building and looked over at Reicheru. I turned back around and stepped off the edge, turning back around fast enough to give her a hand wave.

I was racing down the side of the building as I tried to slow my momentum, before jumping off the side of the building and summoning a clone to jump off of it and back to the side of the building and ran back up.


"I have no idea what is going on." Yoru had said, floating nearby the creature known as Leroy. "Sometimes that one just does some crazy things. other times, he's too chill. Can't really get what's going on in that mind of Ziren's."

Back at me...

I made it back up and landed near where I had stepped off the ledge. I gave Reicheru a mischievous smile,
"You have once said that shinobi life was wasted on me, that I should have gone into theatre." That mischievous smile disappeared though. "It's nice to see a familiar face. You don't even know half of the things that's been going on." I grabbed my kunai and nodded over to Leroy. "But first, let's free your feathery friend, shall we?"

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
"Oh, oh uh... okay..." With a hard blink, surprise painted the Jounin's face even as her hand instinctually flew to the kunai holster on her right leg. Though the foxkin's body language and facial expressions were unthreatening, Rei had experience with kitsune-typed kaibutsu who had survived as long as they had due to their craftiness and aptitude for deception. Thankfully, the company that had ambushed her with a show of affected uttered a greeting that left her fingers to hesitate as they brushed the handle of the blade. Reicheru. That variation of her name, familiar to the native tongue of Fire Country, was one she had not heard in a very long time. Funny, how once the dust had been blown off that chest of memories in her discussion the day before in Susukino, they all came pouring out one after another. Of course, the situation of being 'hugged' by a complete stranger who knew her by a name no one in this village aside from the Raikage should be able to know wasn't exactly what she would call funny. Her hand had been stayed, but concern and caution left her fingers resting atop the cool metal handle, ready.

The series of events that followed induced both feelings of whiplash and of déjà vu; first was the revelation that the person before her was actually Chigokai Ziren, or Inutsuga Amaro, or whatever he might be going as now in this new body. Another hard blink. Rei knew that she had been out of touch with village happenings for some time now, but this was... this was something else. Anticipating further speculation, Ziren sought to prove himself by pulling yet another memory out of the vault. The vision of what she had at the time thought to be a man committing suicide just three feet in front of her had indeed been burned into her psyche, in spite of all that had happened since. Between the show he put on by leaping from the building and the commentary that followed, Rei was inclined to believe that the woman before him was in fact her former Genin exam proctor and Leaf ex-patriot, outlandish as it might have seemed to the younger version of her that had once stood on that first rooftop back in Tea. Stranger things had happened now.

Finally washing the caution away, a melancholy smirk pulled at Rei's lips as Ziren mentioned enjoying seeing a familiar face. "I would say the same, but... y'know..." She commented before gesturing broadly to the fact that Ziren's new face was not, in fact, familiar. Retrieving the kunai her hand had rested on, she set to work next to the foxkin in an effort to free Leroy. "Sorry for the trouble he's caused you, I appreciate you taking care of 'em." The sideways look out of the corner of her eye up at her large Mochueleon companion caused the bird to squirm slightly. "We're in a hurry, right? I was just trying to be quick..." "Alright well sit still, if you keep squirming you're gonna get cut. Anyway, Amaro - or Ziren - what are you going by now? And who's your uh, friend, here?" Rei asked before gesturing to Yoru. Ziren had some interesting habits indeed, not least of them being seeming to attract the undead wherever he went.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I was slightly aware of the girl near holding her kunai, but my sense of what I feel of danger is almost thrown out the window of all the things I had dealt with up to this moment. In all honesty, I can't really blame her for her cautiousness, because I don't look like me at all. I smiled a little bit as she said that she would enjoy seeing a familiar face, with the exception of that I no look like the way I did. I let out a small laugh, "You don't know the half of it. I have seen familiar faces around, some I'm glad, others..." I trailed off. We both have had our reasons for leaving Leaf. I know the last thing she wants is to hear anything of returning faces, so I changed the subject, "Yeah, I kind of have an unstable genetic coding. Turns out, when I was blasted by an explosion from a weapon that absorbs bloodlines and core ability skills, that stuff tends to turn my genes unstable and was dormant for a long time."

I still don't get it, and I'm a doctor, I have yet to really check my genes through a microscope to really see the effects of what characteristics this has been on me as a whole. Looking over, I see that Reicheru has changed a lot, I may not know all of her own struggles and hardships, but I definitely can tell that she has seen and done a lot herself as well. It's weird, I think with how messed up my genes are, I look like a twenty year old chick than my former self.

Then she apologized for Leroy causing trouble, I shook my head and grabbed my kunai and started carefully cutting through the wires again,
"No worries, he just caught me by surprise is all." Then a thought hit me, something of what Leroy had said before, "So you're going to Sand? I had heard from people that there is a certain man you have to watch out while there." I warned her, "Mirokou Akkuma. A dark Sage with his own network of people working for him." I have heard of Akkuma before, but also met the man. A short psyche eval in which I have met him, how he talked and acted I can make a good guess of how he operates. "He either knows how to play the system well or he knows the higher ups of Sand." I let her imagination run of what I meant by that, "I recommend you don't show up on his radar," Akkuma was someone to keep an eye on. I don't know how much of his influence spreads, I might be one of the very few people who knows him but he doesn't know of my own existence. All thanks to my ability to blend in with the crowd, not even counting if he did know me, he certainly won't after I changed.

Then Reicheru had asked me what I was going by nowadays, pointing out my alias of Amaro, which reminds me, maybe making another alias, since I am now a female and Amaro really isn't a feminine. She then asked me of who was my friend. I gave her a small smile, "I'm still Ziren. As for my friend here, this is Kitsune Yoru. We look the same because... We're 'spirit linked' as she would put it. Let's just say, I took a pill that supposed to only change a person's blood line or core ability, and I got more than I bargained for."

"Whatever. You did it to save some old geezer." I can hear her sass as she spoke. "We also gotta find your other ghost friend before those edgy named organization goonies get to him first."

Ah... Yeah. Nara Anyu, the soul I had when I was a dark Sage. He is also being hunted down by the same people that want me dead, "Yeah." I looked over at Reicheru, "A group is after me and Anyu because I was a bad dark sage, and by bad, I mean I didn't listen to those shinigami at all. But I have a plan. Already got one of them, knows where another is. Just been gathering information on these things. as I investigate."

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
What an intriguing and perhaps fortuitous reunion this was proving to be. The idea of an unstable genetic coding that could somehow change every aspect of their physical appearance down to their sex while leaving their personality and memories intact… sure, why not. Curiosity still painted her face of course; experiencing a handful of all the bizarre and astonishing things this world had in store couldn't steal all of the enchantment out of encountering yet another.

"Well I'll gladly take you alive and in another form than the alternative; not everyone that gets caught in any kind of explosive blast gets to tell about it."

The mention of one Mirokou Akkuma and details of the man's business in Sunagakure more than piqued the Jounin's interest. Filing that note away as Ziren continued on to discuss the details of his bond with the foxkin spirit, it would be a lie to say her attention wasn't split between the two thoughts. Between preparations for the journey and a recent conversation with a certain retiree, any details on Sand and the relationships she might find herself making had been foremost in her mind. Still, Rei nodded and attempted to follow Ziren's mention of a group that was less than pleased with his dealings.

"I see… were these men at all related to this Mirokou you mentioned? How did you learn about him, and why are these men so invested in you specifically?"

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I could tell that she wanted to know as much as possible of what she might be walking into. And I felt a little bit bad since my time there was short and I had only made contact with very few people. It just had turned out that Akkuma was one that had popped up on my radar once he had spoken with me and how he had acted. On the note that she had talked of the explosion, I had rubbed the back of my head, "Yeah, I was fighting my homicidal brother Jirosho during that time, it sure was a surprise to both of us." The name Jirosho wouldn't ring a bell, but I had once talked about my homicidal brother to her when I was in the Sennin office with her and Kenshin. "I had came to the conclusion that ability was suppressed when I became a dark sage, probably the unnatural cursed powers had blocked the ability to change my body." I shook my head, too much of that kind of thinking was the kind that had hurt my brain. I was more hardwired to deal with situations on the battlefield.

The conversation turned to the Death Organization and Akkuma. She had first asked me if the two were connected, and then asked how did I learn about Akkuma and why the Death Organization is after me. "So the first. I don't think the two are connected. Even though it is hard for me to discern his motives, I think Akkuma is separate from that of the people who want me dead. As for how I learned about him, I am just a concerned father that cares for my children, so when I had heard whispers of a certain man that had made some bad rep here in Cloud, I snooped around for a little bit of information. And I had also met the man. As said, I had heard about him, but it was a coincidence that I had met the man himself and evaluated him as me and him spoke. Even as a doctor, trying to do a psyche eval on him, I couldn't quite pin down what kind of person he was. On one side, he is sinister, malevolent, but in a subtle way. He has shown that he is someone to show respect and can care for others, but if it is for his own good or just out of the kindness of his heart, I don't know. As I said, try not to show up on his radar. I was lucky that he never saw my face, and even if he did, well, it doesn't matter since I now look like this. Doesn't even know my name. But even then, I would still be careful. Now as for these group of people, they are known as the Death Organization. Very edgy name. I don't know much on them except that they hunt only certain dark sages that leave them, my guess are the ones that leave a certain aftertaste that they don't like. They certainly don't like my charming personality." I said the last part as a joke, but it might not be far off from the truth.

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
"Were you part of this organization, then?" Rei inquired as Ziren explained the intentions of the group on his tail. She had taken note of all Ziren had to offer about Akkuma, deciding not to push the issue and thankful for Ziren's initiative to give her a heads up. "I can't imagine they would be much trouble here, now that you're back within the walls. I assume the gatekeepers have been made aware to keep an eye out? Might also be worth letting KSIS know if you haven't already." As she spoke, another flick of her wrist finally saw the netting fall away from her large feathered companion. With a great shake of his form and stretching out his wings that blocked the sun and cast rays of light all about him, Leroy looked every bit as magnificent as a creature of his mystical lineage should… before stretching his front legs forward and shifting his toosh into the air with a yawn.

"Many thanks again for your help, Ziren. Can Leroy and I offer you a ride anywhere?" At this the Mochueleon opened his beak to protest before Rei cut him off with a look. "It's the least we can do. Even just a joyride if you've never flown before, ten out of ten do recommend."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I shook my head, "I was unaware of this organization until recently. It may have been that the shnigami that I was in contact with when I was a Dark Sage was the one that had contacted this group to hunt me." I had thought about it for some time, "It is weird, None have ever really tested their luck on the gates. I have a feeling that whoever is the leader is someone who is smart enough not to tango with Villages as a whole, and decides to put their operators in the outskirts around the world. One of which is dead, I know the location of one other. And once things settle down, my plan is to go back and investigate, find the root cause of these people. They are cunning to say the least, of being elusive but also on the hunt. But only a few people know of this organization. ANBU Sennin knows, but I plan to try and get rid of the problem getting the least amount of people tied up in my own problems." It was a bad way of thinking, but I don't want anyone to take the fall for me due to my own past enemies, something I don't even know about these people.

As Leroy was freed, he shook himself to have the sense of freedom. I smiled. There was something about how animals or creatures act once they were free that would put a smile on my face. When Reicheru offered me a ride, I was reminded of Migoya, the mysterious man with an explosive flying creation. I didn't know whether to trust the man or not, and it had led with learning that he was responsible for the attack on Kenshin. I pushed the thought out of my head, a fellow former Leaf shinobi that I see as an equal wants to spend some time with me of enjoying a nice flight.

"I'll take you up on that offer. Been a while since I have been in the air without being tossed around or fighting for my life in some battles." I cracked a joke to ease my own mind.

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
With a small grin, Rei holstered her kunai before grabbing onto Leroy's sturdy feathers to pull herself up and mount the Mochueleon in one swift motion. There were no reigns and no saddle; baggage intended for the impending trip remained at the Kaibutsu Hunter office. The beast knelt down to allow Ziren an easier time getting on. "We hadn't planned on any passengers today, otherwise he'd be geared up. Just be sure to hold on tight, it won't bother him." As Ziren made their way up, Rei would glance at the Kitsune spirit that had accompanied them. "You're welcome as well, Yoru... not sure how that works, being... well..." Gesturing at her etherial body, Rei paused for a moment as she considered her words. "Not sure how flying works for ghosts is all."

Once all was settled, Leroy stretched out his russet-colored wings to their fullest reach, measuring up to nearly seven meters now.

"Where to?"

"How about... the overlook?"

"Say less."

The mounted shinobi would feel a great jolt beneath them, dipping backward and then forward as the Mochueleon pushed off with all four powerful felid legs. A cacophony of talons scraping against the stone roof and the rush of wind swirling 'round the airborne creature as it took flight would erupt into a sudden crescendo... just before fading into the serenity of the metronome of the deep flapping of Leroy's wings, and the feeling of a crisp breeze on their face as they traveled north.


'The overlook' as Rei had called it was not a true cliffside or mountain overpass; rather, it was a spot that was only visible in the air out past the Nimbus Delectatio. The Yamanaka greenhouse would sit on their left, signaled by the painterly adornation of grand and beautiful pink Tabebuia trees just past the gated entrance. The outlets to the springs of the Nimbus flittered down cliffsides to create a peaceful background rhythm, masking the hum of the Seki District that could be seen not far in the distance. As Rei had hoped, the hour was right that the sun had now come to rest behind one of the mountain forms that led all the way up from the Dragontooth Pass, splashing golden rays across the waterfalls and illuminating the city's largest temple to Raiden (at least, the stood above the surface). It was idyllic, and one of the few pleasures Rei still found in the land.

Beautiful though the moment may have seemed, the group was soon reminded that this was, in fact, a shinobi village and not a tourist destination. There would be more sights to take in, but not enough time to do it as suddenly they would see in the distance a blinding, explosive light in the North. Nuclear energy radiated out from the valley created by the great mountains that led to the gates, which from here would seem not more than a speck. Concern would certainly watch over the group as chunks of rubble from the mountainside cascaded down toward the village, and more definitely a sense of helplessness as they were much too far away to stop it. Thankfully there were more than enough shinobi on duty to counter the debris with earth jutsu, but it was apparent to any seasoned veteran that this did not end the present danger.

Rei's breath caught in her chest for a moment, as a million possibilities tore through her mind's eye in a matter of milliseconds. The last time a beam tore through that mountain... it was supposed to be impossible, the Kumo-nin had told her when she'd arrived, and yet here it happened a second time. The magnitude of the threat that stood beyond the mountain was not lost on her, yet she would proceed to turn to look at Ziren with a placid steel gaze.

"Sorry, Ziren. I had hoped to catch up with you more... but it looks like we need to check in with our division leads. Are you still medical?"

-Setting this as taking place during the Sennin War Council, as the Tenouzan weapon sets off.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I get on and enjoyed the view as I was with Reicheru, Yoru, being a ghost only floated along, it was a funny and also nice site to see, funny counting the ghost, nice counting the view. It was sure something else, something that even enjoying the sunset in a far up place can't really beat. That is, until a beam of light had broken through the horizon and blasted a mountain. The debris was enough to cause trouble if it weren't for some shinobi on duty. I gritted my teeth, I haven't really felt this helpless in such a long time, I belonged on the front lines, or at the very least, where danger is most present. Midori had touched on the subject a little bit, but I had not realized the magnitude of what was happening until now.

I clenched my own fists, but had a calm look on my face as I tried to find the right words to say. Thankfully, it was Reicheru that spoke up first. I nodded, "Yeah, I'm still medical. Already talked to my Sennin, but I still don't have a real handle of what's really going on. But I suppose a later time would have to suffice of having to catch up more on life." I looked down. This would be different from my usual building jump feats. But I am also more experienced than I was before. And thankfully, I do have somewhat of a handle on Gravity Jutsu. "Until we meet again." I said before hopping off of Leroy. I waited, one second. Two. I flipped through hand seals as I saw the ground accelerate towards me, as the last hand seal was made, my chakra surrounded me and I was briefly lifted up, all thanks to my anti-gravity jutstu. But I still had some sort of whiplash effect on me. My neck hurt like hell... well... my whole body hurt like hell. But I was in no danger of dying anytime soon.

I was about ten meters above the ground before gravity, the force of nature, not the jutsu, started to take its effect back on me again. Thankfully, I was within grabbing distance of a small building where I let my chakra flow to my hands and let it glide on the surface of the building as I regained full control of my descent back down to the ground. Yoru was close behind, shaking her head at what she had just seen. A sly smile had come across my face, thinking how theatrical it was compared to the first time I had jumped off of a building in front of Reicheru. But I shook my own head, there were other things I would need to attend to. Make sure everyone that had made those earth jutsus were alright.

(Topic left)
(Great rp'ing with you again)

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
"Alright, I'll drop you at the hospital then?" Turning to confirm that the destination was correct, Rei was surprised by the sight of Ziren standing atop Leroy's bare back, prepared to jump. Before she could breathe a word to contest, the shinobi became a blur of black and blue hues hurdling toward the ground. Leroy instinctively began to dive after his fallen rider, before Rei pulled up on his feathers to indicate it was alright; besides, they wouldn't have made it in time even if it wasn't. Sure enough Ziren's form slowed as he met the ground near the greenhouse. Mild amusement spread across the kunoichi's face. She was not as easily shocked by the feats or actions of shinobi as she once was, but Ziren's straightforward and over-the-top approach to all things was still touching to her. Wherever they were off to, she was sure she could have gotten him there faster by air, but she equally understood the feeling of helplessness that accompanied the inability to move on your own two feet.

After directing Leroy toward the division offices, she watched Ziren take off toward the Pass. Amidst a million other worries and practical considerations fighting for attention in her mind, one thought rose above them all. "May you never change, Chigokai Ziren."

-Topic Left.
-Thanks for the thread and the throwbacks, Ziren! Let's do another when we're in the same country again.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
