Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Delivery Drop Off

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
I was here finally after hearing the words about an unfriendly welcome I was on my guard but not openly bearing arms. As a shadow user that would be unnecessary dead-weight I didn't need. My blade would rest in the pools of darkness and hopefully it would not have to be drawn. I watched as the gate guards mobilized they were more orderly and structured than I'd been accustomed to something was wrong, or they were well rehearsed. I approached the barrier with my hands up high awaiting someone to actually come and greet me. It had been a long journey and these two letters would not be worth the trouble any longer. The sooner I could ship them off the better.

[Messenger trying to drop off letters]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Well well well . . . this was certainly a surprise. All of the drama going on in Iwagakure and somebody had brought them a message. Walking up to the stranger, Endo greeted him. "Howdy, you don't look like you're from around these parts. Can I assist you with something?" The greeting was simple enough but being who he was, Endo always had to be aware of the odd chance that this was probably going to end up on the front page of the news about Kage brutality or something of the sort. Wait, people thought that he was a pushover. Scratch that. The guy had walked up to the gates with his hands up . . . did he think that he was going to be shot? Shaking his head to clear away the thought, Endo simply waited to hear what the guy was trying to sell.

OOC: Topic Entered.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
To whom it may concern,

If you are reading this, prepare. This was the daunting presence of a new age. A new wave of emotion and a new time of being. The old Regime of lies and cowards work would march on no longer after today and with everything within the Guardian of Shadows... he would find himself gasping for the breaths he needed after being suffocated for so long under this way of life he'd been forced into living. No more. No more sorrow. No more betrayal. No more pointless fighting for the greed of one man's thirst for War. It was over. Souji would feel his energy after Guiding aiming the man into the direction of the gates. Then again, with all the information that was gained from this... Souji found himself scanning the area. . . a man's chakra. His lone chakra with the messenger. . . it was too good to be true Souji wouldnt have to look any further. And the build up of this was going to be, beautiful.

This was too perfect to pass up on. Maybe it was a trap. However, and Souji planned for that as well. He had a feeling things would turn out on his way and end of things regardless. Because of his manifested destiny. His eyes glowed an eerie emerald as he thought about it. Was he going insane? Maybe. However, there was definitely a reason for all of this. A reason he had to do this to move forward. For the village to move forward. He was doing this for the generations to come after him and with ever passing moment Souji managed to resurface with his aquatic sapphire hues. Bringing himself to the notion that in all things he had to do them with the thoughts of the people in mind. What did he have to live for? His family. If his family would become traitors because of his own name... because of his doings. Then who was the villain, to blame a family of people for the acts of justice behind one.

It'd prove Souji right. However, Endo would not lay down his life. Souji knew this, but Endo knew the truth, but maybe the man was delusional. Maybe this was something he thought up and believed to be true. Believing and feeding into his own lie. Either way slithering up like the cunning snake Souji was, he'd appear within the shadows not far away from the pair. Opening his headset he'd allow his words to transmit on the intercoms of all those who turned to the main channel for Iwagakure, he wanted them to hear this. . . "Well well well, you'd think a 'smart' man such as yourself wouldnt be found anywhere alone. Especially with many people wanting that head of yours on a pike for what you've put this village through.", shaking his head, he'd cross his arms. "And to think I once respected the words that came out of your mouth. . . but you just asked this guy a question that I'd like to answer for you. . .", speaking about the 'Can I assist you with something?' that Endo just asked moments before.

"You can assist this country by stepping down as Kage. . . running away from this place and never looking back. You can assist this nation with giving me your crown to pass it on to someone much more worthy than you. . . and I will prove it to you here and now. I dont need anyone else to take you out Endo. I can do it solely on my own." 'But why not alert his cronies. . . I'm sure they'd love to see their Kage fall at the hands of someone who might be known as a traitor', Souji'd think to himself as he'd smirk tightening the grip of his gloves he'd wonder what could happen next with all of this. Was this the best course of action? Maybe... Maybe. However, there was definitely something stirring within Souji to a point where he detested the very breaths Endo took. Each pump of his heart was a mark of hatred slashed in the brain of the Guardian of Shadows.

"Whats it gonna be Inu Endo, 'Tsuchikage' . . ."

Taking a flare out of his pouch, he'd snap it against his knee and allow it to launch itself into the sky like a roman candle, "The world will know how much of a horrid Kage you have been to us. On top of absent, you have done nothing but attempt to fuel the flames of war with Kumogakure... or even Suna... but for what? Pointless. War is not the cause of you putting innocent families on the line for your own want to make a mark for your name in history. And I'd be damned if you my my family's lives nor any innocent family's life in danger for your own foolishness. . .", and with that Souji'd oblige laying the flare down.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

A billowing cloak draped around her body and the gentle breeze. That was all that she really needed. Standing her guard atop of the gates, she would be more of a menacing figure than anything. From the previous battle that had taken place here, she had picked up one of the fallen ANBU's masks and paraded it around much like it had been her own. After all, did she not need a new identity after the chaos that she had caused prior? Of course not, but you couldn't take anything that a butthurt 'superior' would do lightly. After all, the mockery he had spread around about her family was far, far too much. Angering, really. She had come to her own conclusion on so much with Akechi that. . . Well. . . A breath would be forced lightly out of her lips. She could feel a boiling sensation coming to her blod, much unlike the odd icy sensation that typically rested there within her. His voice. . . She could hear it, clearly now. She couldn't react, though. Not yet, not yet. . . Ah, ah, ah. Steady goes it, Miss Haruka. You didn't want to break a nail or something like that. Unwavering despite the wind that blew through the Titan's keep, one foot would side step the other and the supposed nameless ANBU would step along the gate. Standing on the barrier between the two conversing now, the woman would lift up a hand and then. . . a strange looking card would drift down from the sleeve of the cloak she wore. It was a starry background there on the card, and if someone were to pick it up, they'd be able to tell that it was a Tarot card. . . but a very specific one: The Tower. XVI. Disaster, upheaval, sudden change, and revelation being the main traits of this particular card. Though, would someone understand this particular representation?

Not like the woman gave half a shit to begin with. Reaching up, she would pull away the mask shrouding her face and crush it within her grips, the ceramic pieces falling to the ground now with an odd sound. "You've attempted to shame, place disgrace upon my family, and furthermore. . . You lack any hint of respect for the people of this village, of this country, and of this great nation. You're vindictive, bloodthirsty. . . And most of all, a fake." Her mouth would pull away her glove and she would give a small laugh. "Academy together? Don't make me laugh. You weren't even on my level, Inu Endo. Now, let me show you what this level really is. . ." Oh look, and Souji was here too. Strange. The buzzing in her headset wasn't just an echo now, was it. Parading around like you were faceless had it's perks now, didn't it? "So, let's play." And off went the cloak, floating in the air down to the ground by the messenger.

"Kid, if I were you, I'd run a long, long ways away." She'd offer a smirk, those fangs not looking too promising. Hopefully the messenger would heed her warning and get the hell out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Just when I had met with a man who approached me friendly the same man from before who gave me that warning was here and he seemed very different. Now there seemed to be a problem I did not fully understand. Apparently the original greeter was the Tsuchikage and boy did he piss some people off. Whatever in-fighting they had going on here was clearly pretty bad. The woman who appeared next began to crush an Anbu mask in her hands before going off on the Kage. Everything was becoming too confusing but she immediately made it clear there was a chance for escape. All of this drama and threats had nothing to do with me or my village. I wanted to know why the Tsuchikage could have wanted to start war with Kumogakure and Sunagakure. It was crazy, did he believe Stone was ready for such a confrontation? Maybe this village had amassed so much power due to the refugees Cloud had only received a small portion, and here Yuuto was trying to warn them about Miroku Akkuma and Isaki Hoshikata. Maybe those two should come here and fuck the village up, save Kumo the trouble. Regardless this was a situation that had a ticket named "Getthefuckoutheresville" and I would happily take it no questions asked... but the inquisitive nature of myself would not be quelled. Whether the Tsuchikage win or lose, I had to find out what was happening. So I'd walk away past the other two not even taking time to listen to what they would spew. I'd try to hide myself among the rocky formations surrounding their land. I would not even try to get close to the battle, but I'd try to keep observation of it, just to see the results. Yuuto would probably be pissed I didn't leave immediately but I had to try and gain some type of understanding for the events about to unfold.

[Acting like I left, but trying to hide and observe. No need to mind me I won't interfere and feel free to skip me at any moment as this is a messenger and it's only real job is to give someone a message]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
And with that Souji would look to both sides, seein Haruka begin spitting verses at the Kage. . . This was going to be very bad, but this was all being broadcasted over the intercoms, and with everything in Souji he looked from side to side, as more people seemed to enter, this wasnt what he wanted. This wasnt the fight he wanted... as much as he wanted Endo dead he didnt want it to end like this, but it was whatever, once it was over a new dawning day would arise. "Well then Tsuchikage-dono... it seems that we're at an fork in the road... it ends with your death but in terms of how we get there... it may differ. Let the nation hear this... Let the man who has attempted to corrupt the greatest Clans in this village fall under scrutiny of his own injustices. . .", looking to Haruka then Koa he'd note something Koa said. . .

Haruka as Kage? Didnt sit too well with the Nara. . . but that'd be questioned once this was all over.

"Dont speak Endo. . . nothing that comes out of your mouth means anything. . . and its time to end this. . . If you all would stand back. . .", Souji would sigh.

"I can handle this on my own. . . There is no Honor in a fight with these odds. . .", he'd chuckle. . . but there seemed to be nothing he could do to stop other people. He'd handle them later. . . but for now it was time to finish this.

[Calling bmod]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
There was none like the stench of deceit. His mouth hung open, the look of shock though momentarily it seemed, crossed his face with the backlash of a thousand strikes. A kage always remained calm, poised to take on any threat. Instead of showing off his bravado, Endo tried one last time to talk some sense into Souji, he understood that ones could be lost but there were certain levels of treachery that even he couldn't forgive if they were provoked past the point of no return. "I asked you to help me build a better village, to help me protect the innocent, and yet here you stand before me like this? I ask you to appeal to reason, but if you will not, then you'll have to kill me where I stand." There probably couldn't be any forgiveness after this, the village was hearing this all play out over the radio waves. Psh, hopefully the black guy didn't die first in this movie.

OOC: Crappy post is crappy. I've been getting jumped since 07', lol! Alas, Kagemaru has got my permission to enter the topic if others allow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
As he was making his way to the village a curious thing happened... His miraculous eyes covered in a black silk blindfold spotted the chakra of a few familiar characters. Souji, and the Tsuchikage of Stone himself. The issue was that Souji looked nothing as he did when Kage first met him but the chakra was exactly the same. People were known to change their physical appearance and Kage knew it was possible in the world they lived in so he would assume it was still Souji. There were two other individuals there that he didn't recognize but it looked fairly tense all the same. Deciding to play the game he'd been playing in moon, Kagemaru would observe the events as they unfolded while remaining hidden.

[ooc: I got permission from everyone to enter. I can supply logs if needed.]

[Topic Entered but I'll be entering the battle in 3 rounds after the first round of the mod]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Wait a second . . . screw the noise. Looking to Haruka, Endo was surprised to see Kuromaru approaching too. "Haruka . . . Haruka . . . how far you've fallen from grace. You're a vindictive woman and I cannot allow you to stand between our village and the future any longer." What side did Kuromaru hold in all of this? Endo's cloak was held to him tight but he managed to smile despite the adversity before him and give a shout out where it was due. "How were your travels? While you were away I received the answer to my perplexing question. It seems that I shall have to prove my might by putting the fear of the earths shadow in a traitor of the coldest sort." Ashes to ashes, whatever this all ended up being, Endo held at least his pride with him in it all.

OOC: [Calling bmod]

Souji is in 5 other topics, thus he is voided from this topic.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[Alright due to changes Kagemaru has been booted from consent from Haruka entering the topic. She has changed her consent to that of -no- for purposes of having a 1 v 1 fight]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

A hand would rest on her hip as she watched on towards Endo. It seemed that they were the only two standing there now, prepared for whatever fight might've been brought. Good. Moving one foot in front of the other, she would then drop down to the ground and she would offer a smirk in his direction. "I traveled no where but Arcadia. If you were an observant man, you would have known as much." She'd comment, standing up straight.

"And tell me. . . What is the village's future? Bloodshed? War?" She'd comment, her eyebrows raising now as she watched him. "Being a traitor to you is all right with me if I remain loyal to the people of the Earthen Country. If I die today, at least I die knowing that even to my last breath I served the people above a war hungry swine like you." Oomph. It seemed like the little gate stalker had a backbone to boot, eh? Then again, that was never going to be any different.

[ Waiting for Bmod~ ]
[ Leggo~ ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
You were voided out too. No more ooc posts from you buddy. You're officially out of this topic too :/

Realizing what was about to transpire, Kagemaru begun to make the connections of the letter he'd read prior to his arrival. The chakra encasing that letter was all too familiar as he gazed upon the woman whom was speaking with the Tsuchikage that Kagemaru had ironically met just before he left this very village. She wanted to take his life. But could she? The man Souji had vanished from sight and the messenger looked to be in danger but that was none of his business. Kagemaru was no more curious about the messages that the man possessed. This fight was of no particular concern to him. Yes, Haruka was of some relation to Koa who was the wife of a man of a leader of the group that Kagemaru had semi-joined some number of hours ago. However this man was a Kage and Kagemaru had no current reason to doubt his leadership and thus he saw no reason to intervene. Also the woman's letter spoke of revenge for losing her position. He was not above revenge but he would not place his own life in danger for someone else's revenge. Kagemaru would leave them to their own devices for the time being. He'd find out which one was the victor soon enough. A Kage dying is large news to any village. And if this woman died, the godmother of her child would most certainly be absolutely livid. At any rate...

He'd know....

Taking his leave, Kagemaru faded into the darkness. With so much drama going on at the gates, he was sure it would be much much easier to slip through them. Not as if it were difficult the last few times he'd done it.

[ooc: btw, before anyone gets their panties up in a bunch, I was allowed to leave without being voided out.]​


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Special Delivery - Bmod at the door.

Send me everything, you should know it but if not:

Stats, class, jutsu and their level of mastery, abilities, BL/Ca, Kin if you got em, inventory, weapons, credit card numbers, first round actions, criticism of my mod after round 1.

Last one is to go ahead and get it out of the way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Who was she talking to? Perhaps she hadn't seen Kuromaru but such was life. Blondes always figured themselves to be the brightest light bulb in the room. Then there was that messenger, where did he run off to? He had only but a few moments before Haruka would give him the ultimate ice bucket challenge. Glancing left and right, he spotted the mailman and said a silent vow of forgiveness before he opted to simply to use a kinesis jutsu to unhand the mans belongings without having to actually grab him. "Sir, what was your message? I'm afraid that time may be running out for us to go about having a normal conversation." It was a long shot but hopefully the guy didn't notice the fact that his pockets were being picked from across the way. One eye on the battlefield, Endo could slowly but surely feel the temperature lowering around him. Seeing his own breath could only mean that he was about to be staring a frosty death in mere moments. How exactly had things progressed to this point? Here he hadn't seen Haruka in the better part of a year and he was poised to actually have to strike her. She should have known better, attempting to expose Endo had always proven deadly for his foes. Heck, they'd grown up in the academy together and yet she'd seemingly forgotten it all in her efforts to reclaim what she'd lost and then some. The ensuing song of fire and ice was surely to be glorious, hopefully he'd prove ready. This was the moment that he'd been talking about and the saddest part of all was that he hadn't notice that his own enemies were from within. Troubled by the only outcome that he could foresee, in a word . . . Endo wept.

OOC: I'm just saying, nerfing a build prior to the only person on the site with it before battle just isn't cool man . . . not cool at all. Alas, I'll deal. On a side note though, why couldn't Psychotic Affliction have the choice of +1 to secondaries OR +X% to buffs, giving the user the option to choose one or the other?

Attempting to jack Yuuto of the letters if he doesn't toss them over.

Stuff sent, let's give the folks a show Haruka!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

"Your conversation is not with the kid I just sent off. It's with me now." She would state in a booming tone of voice, the wind that was raised causing her hair to whip around, to and fro. If the messenger's stuff were to be sent over, she would lash her hand out and allow ice needles to penetrate whatever held on to those messages unless it was who had brought them's hands. Endo would not have a chance to break it down and read these messages. After all, were they not about to engage in battle? Right, then.

"Time is up. Better call for a coroner, because the only thing that's going to be left is your frozen corpse." With the same smirk she held before, she could feel a crawling up along the skin of her shoulder. It seemed like time had been up for quite a while now. It was time to play this game of thrones, whether this man liked it, or not.

[ Actions sent ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Option 1: fighters agree to continue but replace messenger with a faceless npc.

Option 2: admin voids the whole thread.

Option 3: admin void just the messenger but not the thread (this has been done in the past, it screws with continuity but it's been done)

Those are the only logical conclusion I could divine, and since this effects me, I need to know which way this is going. Also not sure if both participants were aware they had the option to continue if they agreed.
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
