Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Elemental Channeling [Class]


New Member
May 23, 2023
As he watched Riko's flames dance, he could feel the intensity of the attack building within himself. It made him want to try once more at his own element. Maybe the next attack wouldn't be so... harmful? Regardless the boy liked the technique, and gave his own applause as she finished her attack. "She really has control over her style of fighting. Not to mention, she did great on her first attempt. I figure she's a trained shinobi." The smile on his face disappeared as he awaited the next chakra Elemental user.

Hon called her forward. 'The woman with the fan. This should be great. ' Hon's words to him caught him off guard, but he was ready for the training session none the less. Elemental training would be great, but what he really needed help with was awakening his eyes. At times they would give a sense of light, his dojutsu coming forth, but it would dissapate just as quickly as it had come forward. The quick sparkle would give him a sense of what his eyes could help him do, but he knew there's was more than that. He would ask Hon during the training on what his focus should be centered on. Until then, he could only anticipate the next to show her Elemental abilities in the training dummy. Maybe observation would help with his own style to overcome his giant mishap? He hoped the best for her as he looked to her weapon of choice. If was a fan. A unique weapon of course, but he'd see where it would take her.

[ MFT | WC: +250 ]

Shinrya Riko

Nov 8, 2015
OOC Rank
B Rank
”Yeah, Fire runs through us Shinrya’s is what I hear.” Riko explained to Hon. She didn’t mean to throw the clan name around. In truth Riko felt like she was hardly a Shinrya most days on account of having been raised mostly outside of the clan. She did feel like it was convenient that the clan was matriarchal, but at the same time it was that policy which had put her family in such a tight spot when her mother had passed away. She didn’t wish her father to live a lonely life without her even though one could say that she had been robbed of the formal clan training of the children of the Shinrya. She had spent her younger years caring for an ailing man, her father. All that experience gave her a gentle touch and lots of patience with everyone but her own self.

Riko already at the front looked over to Hon when he made his bet. She wasn’t sure how you could so confidently make a bet like that. She was still at the front of the class when she was asked to help Honome. Honome was a lot more capable than any one ever really gave her credit for. Riko had already learned something about this from her brief time with Honome. Riko picked up a kunai and stabbed it into the dummy with a blank paper tag tied by a string of wire. She then moved back towards the back of the class. Gesturing to make sure that everyone else was safe. She knew how sensitive Honome’s hearing could be. She didn’tt doubt for a minute that Honome would be able to hear the gentle draft moving the paper and causing the wire to scratch the metal kunai it was tied to. Still, she wanted to do things properly so she made her way to Honome and offered her arm. She would at least help her navigate the busy school room.

Can you hear the target? Riko asked, her hands on Honome’s elbow. She knelt to Honome’s level and lowered her speech to keep it out of the ears of the busy body match-makers in the room. Would you like me to lead you towards it? She asked, looking over to the target again. It seemed so close and yet so far from this perspective. Riko wished that she were a dashing knight kneeling before the fair princess Honome. It was a shame that they had to resign themselves to roles of being kunoichi, but Honome seemed to like the medical work and Riko liked seeing her passion in that field - only… She hated seeing Honome as scared like she had been earlier. There wasn’t any kind of words that she could think of that would be sufficient to bring restitution to Honome. ”I’m sorry about earlier. When you were scared about my wounds, I admit I was a little glad to hear that. The truth is I couldn’t bear the thought of you getting hurt either. I can’t - I won’t let you get hurt. Forgive me? Please?”

Hashigaki Honome

New Member
Jul 19, 2023
OOC Rank
Honome got up and flicked open the fan, folding it back with a snap, and repeated the process twice more. She could hear the reverberations and got a good sense of the classroom from just that alone. She could do this. Still, it was better to get out her walking stick so that she didn't bump into anyone moving around recklessly in the class, as had happened before. She walked to the front of the class before Riko put her hands on her elbow. She nodded to the other girl and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before saying, "I can hear it, better now that you've put that paper on it. but could hear it before you did that too. Thank you hun."

She concentrated and when Riko backed up she gave the other girl a reassuring smile and channeled her chakra into the fan while taking a stance akin to a fighter that was going to deal a blow with a sword. It was a bit comical, since she was staring at the ground, but was concentrating intensely on the reverberations of the room and as she moved her fan, there was a humming and a loud PING noise as she Harmonized the environment, which she hummed along with, a low soprano note coming from her. A ghost dancer appeared and started to move in a slow kabuki-style dance, wearing the same traditional garb that Honome herself was wearing. Then with a flick of her wrist, all seven ribs opened up, sending out a soft ping of a high C note throughout the classroom, sending seven balls of sound chakra dancing in front of her before they struck the target. The first ghost dancer let out a wail and it resounded through the classroom, but only attempted to harm the dummy, the wail was a low alto note that harmonized with the sound of the reverberating harmonization.

The whole of the room reverberated with the sound, it hummed into a harmonious upper C chord and then died away, leaving with it the residue of the harmonious rest of the Hashigaki blood she had. She flicked the fan closed once more, and with the motion the ghost dancers disappeared and the room fell into a relative silence once more. "So um, sound?" Honome asked in a timid voice that was barely above a whisper, holding the fan in front of her. Her face grew hot with embarrassment as she didn't know whether the target had survived the assault, but hoped that the harmonious rest effect of her sound jutsu was enough to at least put everyone's mind at ease, and take care of any collateral damage that she could have inflicted to her fellow class-mates.

The user creates a wave of vibrations around themselves, which, when passed through by other vibrations, builds up, and becomes stronger. Not only does this make sounds louder (And more dangerous), this creates a ping, which, if used correctly, is dangerous in itself.

Prerequisites: Sound Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Sound Jutsu

Rank 1: While active, every Sound Jutsu used in battle creates a 'Ping'. This effect alternates between a Soft and a High 'Ping'.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 Cp, 370 Cp/Rnd

- This is considered a Terrain jutsu.
- Lasts up to three rounds.
- This effects all those in battle (Anyone may make use of the 'ping'), and cannot stack in anyway.
- The type of ping switches each time a sound Jutsu is used; The first would be Soft, then the next Jutsu would be High, and so on until the pattern repeats from the beginning.
- At all ranks, other combatants must pass a Ninjutsu Check against the user at -2 in order to cast an Arena jutsu, or their own Terrain jutsu. If the opponent successfully casts their own Terrain jutsu, this one is dispelled.
- Sound Jutsu used upon the 'Soft' ping deal +5% base damage and gain +7% chance of activating any secondary effects.
- Sound Jutsu used upon the 'High' ping have a 21% chance of activating the 'Disruption' effect. This randomly dispels a single random maintained jutsu active on the victim, and prevents it from being recast for a full round. If a Clone/Creation activates this effect, it is dispersed.
- Sound Jutsu used upon the 'Loud' ping have a 28% chance ignoring DR/Barriers. Additionally, there is a 28% chance that they will attempt to deal damage equal to 20% of their base damage to all other targets in battle.

The user creates several miniature bursts of sonic energy, no bigger than the size of a thumb, and fires each at a high velocity. It strike phases through the body of a target and causes harm through the sheer strength of vibrations.

Prerequisites: Sound Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Sound Jutsu

Rank 1: Fires 7 bursts of sound, though only 5 may hit. Each bullet deals 400 damage with a 5% chance of causing the 'Nausea' effect.

Special Action - Sonic Volley: By paying .5 Ap and the maintain cost, the user may maintain this technique by creating and releasing more sound bullets. This creates an additional 2/3/3 bursts of sound with -2% chance of inflicting 'Nausea'. This may target a different target if the user wishes, or the same one. This may be done up to three times per Jutsu use.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 Cp. 240 Cp per maintain use.

- This jutsu may only cause Nausea twice per use; any other successful attempts instead become a stackable 3% chance of causing the victim's next action to auto-fail.
- The 'Nausea' effect lowers the victim's Accuracy cap by -1. This lasts a full round, and stacks twice with later effects resetting the timer. This debuff cannot be increased through any other method.

Ghost Dancers - Chakra Style (RANK 3)
While their eyes lacks the ability to perceive things other would normally do, they instead see sound as a being. Varying in shapes and sizes, and with practice - allows them to call upon these beings that they can onyl see to aid them in their living.

Rank 1/2/3: While in this stance, casting a Sound Jutsu calls upon a Ghost Dancer. In addition, whenever the user performs a Sound Jutsu, all Ghost Dancers currently active (excluding the one that was just recently summoned) will attempt to hit the same target, using the user's Ninjutsu Accuracy to deal illusionary damage equal to 1% of the target's maximum HP.

- They can only have a maximum of 2 / 3 / 4 Ghost Dancers active at a time.
- A target can only be hit successfully by a Ghost Dancer 6 times each round.
- If the Sound Jutsu can hit multiple target, you can assign your Ghost Dancers to which target they would attack.
- A Ghost Dancer does not have its own awareness (it uses the user's), but may target individuals in Stealth without requiring a Blindshot. A stealthed target hit by a Ghost Dancer in this way will not be removed from stealth, and the user will not gain awareness of the target.
- A Ghost Dancer has no secondary stats, is dispersed by any damage, and is dispersed by any action targeting them (they cannot dodge/resist, and even if it deals no damage).
- If the user is maintaining a Sound Jutsu(s), it summons a Ghost Dancer each time you pay for the maintenance cost for a Sound Jutsu.

Harmonious Rest - Passive (RANK 2)
A battlefield can be chaotic with the sound of death and pain filling the air. A Hashigaki however can easily suppress such noise with their own music, pushing out the terrible noise with a much more comforting tune to provide a momentary respite to their allies wherever they are.

Rank 1/2/3: Whenever the user performs a Sound Jutsu or Rests, the user's allies recovers 1% / 2% / 3% of their max HP. All Ghost Dancers gains HP equal to 3% of user's max CP.

- Has a 10 second cooldown between activation.
- If activated by Resting, the user's allies regain 1% / 2% / 3% of their max HP per 1 AP the user spent resting.
- If an ally is Resting when this effect is activated, the amount of HP/CP they recover is multiplied by 1.1 / 1.3 / 1.5, scaling with the rank. In addition, it doubles the chance to remove a rank of Bleeding or Called Shot during Rest.
- A Ghost Dancer with HP does not automatically disperse when struck, but all hits automatically hits against them.



Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Mirō’s constant pressure was there. If he wasn’t experienced enough, then it would’ve likely cut his mind in half at this rate…

Shinrya… Kitsune-sama’s clan… Hon’s thoughts echoed deep inside, for a brief moment imagining the silhouette of their village’s Raikage contouring Riko’s own form. He could see similarities, true, but that was the extent of his vision. Seeing through her wouldn’t help him find any more characteristics to compare, after all…

Now, it was Honōme’s turn. She successfully approached the dummy with her fan – and with Riko’s help – before being left to concentrate. Honōme was still a shinobi… and Hon would allow her the space she needed to act. Now was no time to patronize a Hashigaki – that would be unreasonable.

But didn’t he do that earli- ignore that.

However, while he guessed that her Natural Element would be that of Wind… he felt like being hit by an invisible hand. He hadn’t taken into account the possibility that some of these shinobi had access to Advanced Elements – culminations of two elements to birth a new one. His face grimacing at the loud PING that emerged from her fan, but the annoyance from the loud sound was immediately soothed by a calming humming…

And the dummy was split apart by the reverberating sound orbs that were fired at it like bullets. Hon could only see the forms of her Jutsu based on the chakra she released – they were shaped like orbs, but their physical form was absent. And before he could speculate, she revealed the source of her power… sound. Perfect for a Hashigaki – why didn’t he think of that?!

“… Poor dummy didn’t stand a chance,” Hon sighed in relief at the sight of the destroyed sparring dummy, walking past it to reach the counter once more, “Wind… Fire… and Sound. All useful in their own rights. This might’ve been a bit more chaotic than using a Chakra Paper to figure out your Affinities, but… you clearly possess the required skills to channel chakra through weapons. It’s surprising how many Jutsus can mesh well with other techniques and items in your possession. It always means that your arsenals are much larger than the mere count of every singular skill… remember that.”

Yep. Opportunities. Mixing one thing with another. Giving weapons a chance. Channeling. All good lessons to take with you back to your duties in the ninja world… hopefully, they all learned that from Hon’s first class. Otherwise, he’d be quite a blunder.

Eichi, Riko, Honome - please collect your Class Rewards = 35 x 2 ASP due to October Voting Rewards!

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
+35x2 training points/asp, +(x2) training yen stipened for current student ooc ranks
Teacher gains +35(x2) training points/asp, +(x2) training yen, + 6k yen for 3 students in class
Link this to your training please

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
