Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Fight: Junko and Azusa


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Welcome to the Semifinals. Weeks have passed since the last bloody fight, two glorious battles where Junko astonished the crowd with his power and Azusa with her cunning tactics. Amazing fighters both of them, the stadium was packed and it was standing room only. Strangely enough there was a portion of the stadium facing the south that was not nearly as crowded as the rest. The spectators there were not shouting or cheering for their chosen combatant but rather they were politely seated one to a chair with their hands folded on their laps and their gaunt, pale countenances facing forward. An occasional reckloose would stumble their way into their portion of the stands to only be unceremoniously expelled with the flick of a hand. Yes, they were shinobi from Sound and there were hundreds of them.

The arena itself was for the most part repaired. The blood stains gone to dust and the craters filled back in. The scorch marked with raked away leaving a large area of packed earth and a few scattered boulders that cast enormous shadows given the darkening sky overhead. Yes, it was looking as if it wanted to storm, a respite for the oppressive heat these past few weeks. The winds had picked up, the sky was a deep grey. The celestial spaces themselves seemed to be roiling, highlighted occasionally by a flash of lighting and a peal of thunder would shake the stands three seconds later. The semi-finals were too exciting to miss, even if there was a massive storm coming in over the bay.

Static would crackle over the loudspeakers followed by an excited announcer. "Welcome to the Semi-Finals for the World Martial Arts Tournament. Everybody put your hands together for our fighters. To the left..." A door would open giving Azusa the cue that this was her moment. "Aikayume Azusa of Sunagakure. The lovely brawler fails from Wind Country but don't let her good looks fool you, she is the most dangerous kitty... fox... not entirely sure what she is that you will ever try to pet!" He let out a small cough before he gestured to the other corner. "And to the right we have Tsuyoshi Junko of Kumogakure. This young man, father of a small hunting party of spawn is not only exceedingly virile but he is also a pretty tough fighter when it comes to taking down his opponents in the arena. Hopefully the pretty lady over here wont distract him. I am sure we are in for a good show!" The crowd would roar with appreciation for the two fighters, they had come so far and they had already done so much to get here.

The announcer would scurry away from the center of the area as fast as he could as Junko and Azusa made their appearance as grand or as mundane as they chose. Once he had reached the safety of the stands the announcer would continue conclude with a final message. "You both know the rules, we will intervene before you can take the kill. But besides that, anything goes. So ready yourselves. One... Two... Three... FIGHT!"

You know the rules here. Send your information to your moderator and have a good fight!

Umashi will be your moderator.

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Another day in the Tournament had arrived. Unlike previous matches, what had set this one apart was that it now was the last stretch of the brackets; the battles before the finals carried a tension in the air, one which the seven-tailed vixen herself was certainly not immune to;

Her eyes were keenly focused on attaining victory.

Her first opponent had been an elusive man from Cloud, who she could not avert her gaze from for even a second or else he would escape her vision and strike from somewhere unseen. Not that that she particularly wanted to look elsewhere; he was perhaps proof to her that there were some prizes worth claiming even beyond the desert borders.

Her second opponent, a woman from Leaf. She had relied on a corrupted power, and Azusa had intended to shut that down completely. Though the results of the battle had ended in her own favor, the pride of a kitsune forbade her from seeing anything less than complete dominance as a draw at best. It was a sorespot to her that her opponent had walked away on her own feet rather than being carried out by medical personnel; made all the more bitter for being against someone flaunting the power of a accursed seal.

She would not allow that disgrace to happen again.

Finally, the time had come to meet her next opponent; the stage called to them both, but she had no intent on sharing the spotlight.

[Topic Entered] [Stuff sent] [Lets have fun!]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Blood splattered over the arena as a body dropped to its knees. Falling, the body’s back would hit the ground. Beaten bloody in front of thousands, was Kaji’s body. A image Junko would never forget as it replayed through his mind step by step while walking towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

Kaji could barely touch this fox cat sand guardian lady. He had the wrong style. Kaji was more equipped for the shadows and covert operations. Not one on one brawls in the lime light. Perhaps the judges didn’t take that into consideration. No matter, what happened, happened and Junko was now responsible for bringing this woman down. For Kaji and the rest of Kumogakure.

The sound of Junko’s boots clicked as he walked, followed by the sound of thunder cracking through the sky as he entered the arena. The sky was dark and the winds were picking up. A storm was coming. Roars shook the arena as raving fans were ready to see some action. Quite frankly, the sennin was ready to get to the action. Hopefully this opponent would last longer than his last opponent and actually live up to the reputation they built up during the tourney.

Hands in his pocket with a herbal cig between his lips, Junko stepped to the middle of the arena to look at his opponent in the eyes. ”Your peers speak of you as if your power can’t be matched.” Junko said as his charcoal eyes would begin to lighten to a purple. ”Let’s see about that.” Junko said now staring at Azusa with his rinnegan sharingan. ”For Kaji and the rest of kumogakure. I must bring you down. My name is Tsuyoshi Junko. Shall we get things started?”

Topic entered
Actions sent

OOC: :D lets have a blast! Big shoutout and appreciation to the mod as well


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 1

HP: 51,600-1,313+2,580=51,600
CP: 33,000-3,465=29,535
AP: 10-9.75=10.25
Status: Mastered Offensive Stance | Manifested Persona | Hit #1
Equipped:: Kitsune Tails

HP: 13,200


HP: 36,000-9,704=26,295
CP: 36,000-942=35,058
AP: 10-2.5=11
Status: Bleed Rank 2 | Sand Veil | Hidden #1 | Hidden #2
Equipped:: ???

Round Actions:
0s~Junko calls a Duel against Azusa!

0s~Azusa quickdraws her Kitsune Tails!
0s~Azusa whips her tails at Junko! (Hit)
-Combo’d into a Wrathful Fist of Sin (Crit,Crit)
-Wrath keeps this attack from being a Double Crit
0s~Azusa uses her initiative and attempts to tail whip Junko again! (Crit)
-Junko begins to Bleed

1.25s~Azusa attempts to glomp Grapple Junko! (Crit)
-Somewhere, Kaji grows jealous at the PDA!
-Junko gets a nose bleed!

2.25s~Azusa manifest her not-so-imaginary, imaginary friend!
-All can now see Azusa’s Persona!

2.75s~Junko wriggles!
-Junko is still bound!
-Kaji deadpans

4.25s~Junko wriggles!
-Junko is still bound!
-Kaji deadpans

5.5s~Foxy Brown (Persona) does something! (Hit)
-Kaji secretly bets against his bro.
-Yuii finally notices Kaji getting a bit too excited over the Azusa v Junko fight!
-Kaji puts on sunglasses and assumes a poker face!

5.75s~Junko wriggles!
-Junko is still bound!
-Kaji deadpans

7.25s~Junko wriggles!
-Junko is no longer bound.
-Kaji deadpans

8.5s~Azusa attempts to re-grapple Junko! (Miss)
-Kaji's heartbeat intensifies!
-Junko swipes Left . . .

9.25s~Junko summons a Sand Veil around himself!

9.25s~Junko does something!

9.75s~Junko does something!

Round Note(s):
- Azusa, Fist of Sin : Wrath says that it cannot crit, hence me not ticking Junkos Bleed rank up for that attack.

-PM/DM me if there’s any questions/concerns. I’ll next be able to Mod either Friday EST or Monday EST.

EDIT: Fix the binds, I'd completely not factored in the -4acc to them.

Also . . . I'm sending a question concerning Renewal and binds to the Dev Head for review.

EDIT #2: It has been ruled that Binds can Bind on a Partial if Great Weapon is used. Re-reversing somethings and fixing the time line.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

With a crack of lightning bursting through the dark grey sky, the battle immediately commenced. In less than a blink of an eye, Junko’s eyes widened as Azusa tails whipped straight for his face. ”What the?” Junko thought as he was able to clearly see the attack, but lacked the reaction time to dodge or even parry it.

Smacking him dead in the face, Junko was about to brush off the attack, but Azusa immediately followed up. Giving Junko a blow to the stomach and another blow to the face . . . the pressure of the attacks were immense as they were fused with chakra. ”This much strength . . . Just in her tails. . . ” Junko thought and was hit once again causing him to slide back a bit.

Wiping the blood from his nose, Junko smirked. ”Good, but I’m not impressed.” Junko said. ”I’m going to have to pick up my speed.” Junko thought as his adrenaline began to rush. Grounding himself with chakra concentrated at his feet, the ground beneath Junko would crack slightly. Bursting forward with blinding speed, he’d begin a set of hand signs.

Trying to stop him with another whip of her tails, Junko used a kick to push the tail away. Unfortunately, Azusa expected that maneuver and went for Junko’s other foot as he was busy with the initial tail. ”Teh” Junko let out under his breath as the tail wrapped around his ankle and was just about to clench. In an instant, Junko was gone from her grasp, showing the world his true speed.</COLOR>

<COLOR color="grey">As Junko finished his hand signs, the sandstorm commenced. As the battlefield was covered, Junko was once again faced with a crazy manifestation. It didn’t matter though. After doing some preparation, Junko was ready to go on the offensive and hit Azusa twice.​

Actions sent​

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Tsuyoshi Junko

To her surprise, her next opponent shared a village with one of the previous combatants she faced. "My, my. I suppose it should not come as a surprise that my opponent has heard of me." Amusement flashed across the golden kitsune's face for the moment as she moved her gaze across him. "How cruel fate can be. To think the Village of Cloud would have the misfortune of facing a proper Sunan Shinobi not once, but twice." There was a brief energetic sway of her tails behind her, and she brushed her tongue across the ends of her teeth.

As if sizing up a slice of meat.

Never one to hold back on her impulses-- there was not an ounce of hesitation preventing her from rushing into strike the man before her at first chance. You must understand; when it came to Azusa, there was no restraint when it came to her enemies, and neither was there any cautious gauging of each others capabilities. Both of those would imply the vixen had spared enough of her focus to think about someone beyond herself.
No, when it came to Azusa, her unfaltering belief in her own strength being the only protection she needed. There was no reason for her to ever second guess herself.

And so, she didn't.

As if to announce their battle, lightning tore across the gray sky.

Her seven tails fanned out behind her as she rapidly brought the distance between them to zero. An Aikayume's tails were beacons of chakra; reinforcing them with enough to strike was not an issue. Yet despite the arcing and ensnaring movements which were more akin to the lashing attacks of seven vipers, only some of her strikes had found their mark. It seemed yet again she was faced with a nimble opponent. Even more problematic was all the sand muting her shine...

"Oh-hohoho;" The Toraono laughed, her opponents speed catching her interest. Wisps of chakra trailed from her body with every movement, shining before forming together into a spectral entity behind her, shrouded in the real burning flame. "It is no fun if you are so guarded, little Cloud-nin...To touch an Aikayume's tails is something of an honor; your adorable friend with the scarf certainly had no trouble becoming entangled."


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 2

HP: 51,600-6,708+2,580=47,472
CP: 29,535-6,466=23,069
AP: 10.25-10.25=10
Status: Mastered Offensive Stance | Manifested Persona | Tabula Rasa | Hit#2 | ? | ?? | ??? | ???? | Flare Touch: Fire Style
Equipped:: Kitsune Claw

Foxy Brown (Persona)
HP: 13,200
Status: Tabula Rasa

Azusa Clone #1
HP: 1,870
CP: 1,870
AP: 2.56-1.5=2.56

Azusa Clone #2
HP: 1,870
CP: 1,870
AP: 2.56-1.5=2.56

Azusa Clone #3
HP: 1,870
CP: 1,870
AP: 2.56-1.5=2.56


HP: 26,295-3,394=22,901
CP: 35,058-6,919=28,139
AP: 11-10.75=10.25
Status: Bleed Rank 2 | Sand Veil | Hidden #1 | Hidden #2 | Hidden #3 | Hidden #4 |Hidden #5 | Hidden #6 | Hidden #7 | Something #1 | Broken Head
Equipped:: ???

Round Actions:
0s~Junko bleeds.

0s~Azusa attempts to slap Junko with her tails! (Hit)
0s~Azuza summons 5 clones and they perform Dance of the Waxing Moon! (AD/H/AD/H/AD/H)
-AD=Auto Dodge
0s~Azusa follows up with another attempted tail lashing! (Hit)
0sAzusa gives her tails a rest Sheathes her weapon!

.90s~Junko does something.

1.35s~Junko does something.

1.8s~Junko does something.

3.46s~Azusa creates three more clones!

4.52s~Junko does something.

4.97s~Junko does something.

5.41s~Azusa’s clones swarm Junko! (M/M/M)

6.38s~Azu does something! (Hit)

7.37s~ Azusa’s clones swarm Junko! (M/M/AD)

9.26s~Junko does something!
-All Hit

9.30s~Azusa and Foxy Brown perform a fusion dance Tabula Rasa!
-Kaji’s thinks pervy thoughts . . .
-Yuii is too busy reprimanding a Genin for verbally saying what Kaji was thinking to notice that Kaji was thinking what the Genin actually said.

9.33s~ Azusa’s clones swarm Junko! (M/M/M)

9.78s~Azu-Fo encase themselves in flames!
-Fire Style
9.78s~Azu-Fo unsheathe their Kitsune Claws

10s~Something happens!
-Junko has a Broken Head
-No idea how you RP that but it is what it is.

10s~Azu-Fo heals!
10s~Azu-Fo uses Cancel . . . but nothing happens!

Round Note(s):
- Azusa, you sheathed your weapon and then made clones . . . so your clones do 0 damage but may still crit.
- Had to add the damage of
- DM'd Azusa concerning her hidden stuff.
- DM'd Junko over his hidden stuff.
- I'm actually running out of ways to describe and keep track of hidden things.
- DM me if you've any questions.

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Her eyes squinted, peering through the obscuring sands blowing about the area. While she could see the silhouette of her opponent, the sand was enough to prevent her from making out too much details. It was almost like...


She had noticed a trend, and of course, her quick-thinking mind was always, always just as quick to arrive to conclusions;
"Oho? How curious. The other little cloudie in my first match also hid away from sight. Are...Are all men in Cloud so reserved?" There was not the slightest thought in her mind that her fox-logic was anything but infallible, and two-out-of-two Cloudies was 100% of her sample size.

Amidst her observation of Cloud culture, some of her opponents unseen strikes snuck through to her...while some of her own she was certain found her mark. While her ears were large, between the thunderous skies and sounds all around them, it was difficult for her to precisely see what was going on. And between her eyes being short-sighted even on a clear day and herself refusing to wear any type of corrective eyewear, she had little chance of seeing through the sandshroud.

"You may stop hiding; I do not bite--" Not counting the times she -did-, everyone was given a few free "bad day" excuses. Anyways, the kitsune shut her eyes; her Persona vanished into a wave of foxfire that "washed" over her, dying her gold hair and fur a bright white color. It was the power of her Persona; to reshape herself into the image she had of herself within her own mind. Crimson runes lit up along her face and body, arms, legs, torso, and tails. Wisps of flaming chakra occasionally rose off her body, dissipating into the air. Her scarlet dress replaced with a white-red robe, sometimes appearing as bright silk and others as white flame. "--Scratching leaves nicer marks."

Not that she expected an opponent to oblige her; fortunately, she always preferred the hard way.

[Actions 72% uploaded]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

As Azusa and Junko clashed, Junko smirked as he always enjoyed a good fight. It was in his blood. Fighting brought a certain happiness to Junko. As Azusa spoke though . . . His smirk slowly vanished.

”My friend with the scarf . . .” Junko said in a low tone. . . Kaji’s beaten body once again flashed through his mind along with Yuii’s tears. Meanwhile, Junko was battling unconsciously. Parrying and dodging a cluster of attacks from clones, Junko’s movements were becoming more fluent.

Oho? How curious. The other little cloudie in my first match also hid away from sight. Are...Are all men in Cloud so reserved?"

"You may stop hiding; I do not bite--"

As Junko listened to Azusa, it was like snapping out of a trance. Tightening his grip to his katana, Junko flashed step forward in a blur through the sand. ”Okay.” Junko said before making several heavy slashes that made their mark. After the exchange, something was wrong though. His neck had popped in the process. A dizziness feeling took over and Junko could barely focus on his target.

Placing a hand on the back of his neck, Junko observed his opponent through the sand as she was somehow combining with her creation. Gold spread through Azusa’s dark hair as her fur turned white. Runic markings began to cover her body and a huge power increase was felt.

“Scratching leaves nicer marks. . .”

”Looks like play times over.” Junko said as he closed his eyes. His hand on his neck would begin to illuminate a bright fiery green, indicating a healing jutsu. ”Show me what you got.” Junko said as lightning cracked the sky. This time, a few small water droplets began to fall.

Actions Sent


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 3

HP: 47,472-38,673+2,966=11,765
CP: 23,069-5,462=17,607
AP: 10-10=10
Status: Mastered Offensive Stance | Manifested Persona | Hit#2 | Tabula Rasa | ? | ?? | ??? | Flare Touch: Fire Style | Bleed Rank 1 | Open Wounds x1
Equipped:: Kitsune Claw
Mood: La Roux - 'In For The Kill' (Skrillex Remix)

Foxy Brown (Persona)
HP: 13,200-2,711=10,489
Status: Tabula Rasa
Mood: The Police - Every Breath You Take

Azusa Clone #1
HP: 1,870
CP: 1,870
AP: 2.56-2.5=2.56

Azusa Clone #2
HP: 1,870
CP: 1,870
AP: 2.56-2.5=2.56

Azusa Clone #3
HP: 1,870
CP: 1,870
AP: 2.56-2.5=2.56


HP: 22,901-34,265+7,200=-4,164
CP: 28,139-8,911=19,228
AP: 10.25-9=11
Status: Sand Veil | Hidden #1 | Hidden #2 | Hidden #3 | Hidden #4 |Hidden #5 | Hidden #6 | Something #1 | Broken Head | Something #2 | Bleed Rank 3
Equipped:: ???
Mood: 2pac - Until The End Of Time

Round Actions:
00s~The Bmod cues "September" by Earth, Wind and Fire

0s~Azusa is see that all the stars are closer! (All Hit)
0s~Junko bleeds.

0s~Azusa uses Cancel!
~Azusa shake off the funny feeling!

0s~Something something something happens . . .
0s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Miss)
-The crowd gasp and people rise to their feet appalled!!!
0s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Hit)
-Junko begins to bleed some more! (Bleeding Out)
0s~Azusa snaps her fingers!
-Junko falls to his knees crippled!

.5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Miss)

.97s~Junko does something! (All Hit)

1s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Hit)

1.46s~Junko does something!

1.5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Crit)
-Junko receives another cut.
-Junko begins to bleed some more! (Bleeding Out)
1.5s~Azusa snaps her fingers!

1.95s~Azusa's clones swarm Junko! (AD/AD/AD)

2s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Hit)
-Junko receives another cut.
-Junko begins to bleed some more! (Bleeding Out)

2.43s~Junko does something!

2.5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Hit)

3s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Crit)
-Junko receives another cut.
-Junko begins to bleed some more! (Bleeding Out)

3.5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Crit)
-Junko receives another cut.
-Junko begins to bleed some more! (Bleeding Out)

3.9s~Azusa’s clones swarm Junko! (Miss/Miss/Miss)

4s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Miss)

4.5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Crit)
-Junko begins to bleed
-"Omae wa mou shindeiru, I . . . love . . you ."

5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Miss)

5.5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Hit)

5.85s~Azusa’s clones swarm Junko! (Miss/Miss/Miss)

6s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Miss)

6.5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Miss)

6.89~Junko does something! (All Hit)

7s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Hit)

7.37s~Junko does something! (Hit)
-Azusa begins to bleed!

7.5s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (AD)

7.8s~Azusa’s clones swarm Junko! (Miss/Miss/AD)

7.85s~Junko does something! (Hit)

8s~Azusa attempts to strike Junko with her claws! (Crit)
-Junko begins to bleed some more! (Bleed)

8.82s~Junko does something!

9.75s~Azusa’s clones swarm Junko! (Miss/Miss/Miss)

10s~Azusa heals!

Round Note(s):
- Round has been approved by both participants via Pastebin
- Didn’t charge Azusa for her healing last round. Put that cost in this round.
- Again, too many hidden things.
- No more basic strikes please . . . like . . . they hurt my soul~
- Junko is -NOT- KO'd, both participants are fully aware of this.
- DM me if you've any questions.

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Error. Firefox has crashed.

Pain shot through her.
Enough to make her mind go blank.
Enough to overwhelm her senses.
Her vision, saw nothing.
Her ears, heard nothing.

She had been in this state before.

<COLOR color="black"><GLOW glow="red">hated it.
hated having an opponent hiding away.
hated being unable to think through the pain.

A beast was most dangerous when injured; while she started the battle as a Vain Vixen, her rising bloodlust would surely have her finish it as a Feral Fox.
She was childish and prone to violent tantrums.
She swung and slashed and smashed and bashed and sliced and tore and cut some more.

"Crimson Queen" was not an attack. It was an Oath and a Curse. It was the promise that she would dye herself red with her enemies.

If someone said her special technique was to throw a violent tantrum, they would not be wrong. But she was armed with knives for claws and whips for tails, and the blood on her was proof that selfish indulgence was Azusa's specialty. A tantrum could only be stopped when told "no", but for any who stood in her way, the kitsune had but one thought;</I>


Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

clash after clash waves of power pushed through the battlefield that sent shockwaves through the arena. Fans cheered and winced at the sounds of some of the crushing blows.

Adrenaline high, all junko could hear was the sound of his own heart beat as he was moving off pure instinct. His opponent cut into him and he cut into his opponent. These were two beasts going head to head and both being pushed to the edge. The only question that truly lingered was . . . Who would be standing in the end.

Actions sent


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 4

HP: 11,765+1,009=12,744-13,204=-460 (KO)
CP: 17,607-3,799=13,808
AP: 10-3.75=11(KO)
Status: Mastered Offensive Stance | Manifested Persona | Hit#2 | Tabula Rasa | ? | ?? | ??? | Flare Touch: Fire Style | Bleed Rank 1 | Open Wounds x1
Equipped:: Kitsune Claw
Mood: 3 Doors Down – Kryptonite

Foxy Brown (Persona)
HP: 10,489-2,164=8,325
Status: Tabula Rasa
Mood: Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You


HP: -4,164-2,680=-6,844 . . . then KO
CP: 19,228-6,901=12,327
AP: 11-11=10
Status: Sand Veil | Hidden #1 | Hidden #2 | Hidden #3 | Hidden #4 |Hidden #5 | Hidden #6 | Something #1 | Broken Head | Something #2 | Bleed Rank 3
Equipped:: ???
Mood: Sigrid - Everybody Knows (Justice League)

Round Actions:
00s~”Do you remember, the 21st of September?”

0s~Azusa uses Cancel!
~Azusa can’t shake off the funny feeling!

0s~Azusa puts away her claws!
0s~Azusa readies quickdraws her Tails!
0s~Azusa attempts to tail whip Junko! (Miss)
0s~Azusa whips out quickly switches to her Kitsune Claw(s)!
0s~Azusa uses Dance of the Waxing Moon summoning her Goon Squad to Curb Stomp Junko as if her combined form of Azu-Fo wasn’t enough to get the job done . . . #GitRekt #UmadBro #LongHairDontCare #WomboCombo. (Hit/Miss/Miss/AD/Miss/Miss)
-Junko doesn’t know which Azusa is which.

0s~Junko does something!
-From the Sandstorm Veil emerges a Clone because Junko is tired of being jumped by the Kitsune Gang and he ain’t one of Azu-Fo’s lil’ friends #KumoGang #uTriedIt #MamaSaidKnockYouOut!
- Azusa knows a clone when she sees one.

.5s~Azusa attempts to cleave Junko-boi and company in half! (Hit)(Crit)
-Azusa his hit with icky stuff!
-Then there was one . . . Clone is thoroughly destroyed!
.5s~Azusa attempts another berserker barrage on Junko! (Miss)

.90s~Junko does something! (All Hit)
-% Occurs and Junko figures out who the real Azusa is.
-%% Does not occur.
-%%% Does occur.
-Two of Azu-Fo’s Best Girls are slaughtered with extreme prejudice!
-Azu-Fo is/are bound and forced apart!
-Foxy Brown is not Bound.

1.35s-10s~Junko does something! (Hit)
-Azusa is KO’d.
-Foxy Brown doesn’t feel so good . . .
-At some point -After- this . . . Junko is auto KO’d

Round Note(s):
- An effect that originally was originally considered an attack against Azusa has been ruled not an attack by Katsuo the Dev Head.

- A conditional of Azusa's couldn't occur. The reason has been reviewed by Katsuo, the Dev Head and the ruling is that Azusa had no way of knowing what was being done in order for it to occur. This is the exact same ruling that affected the Maki v Junko fight in the previous round.

- Both Azusa and Junko had effects that would have affected the mod at 10s but both were KO'd at this point and the effects could not occur.

- DM me if you've any questions.

EDIT: 9/22/18
Fixed a Azusa's HP after a discussion between myself and Katsuo concerning a ruling on a jutsu used against her. I was unable to fix it at the time but it was fixed within the 24 hours of it being discussed. It did not change the final outcome of her being KO'd.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

As Azusa attacked, her movement was practically in slow motion as her claws tore into Junko’s flesh. Her fighting had become more wild and she was like a rapid dog. As her claws ripped into Junko, it would seem as if she delivered the final blow as his body would begin to fall and turn limp.

Suddenly though, Junko’s body would begin to droop and ooze as if his body was falling apart. Immediately his entire body would turn a dark brown and he’d be nothing but mud that covered Azusa. Now . . . She was open . . .

”This . . . .” Junko said appearing in front of Azusa in a mere instant. Chakra accumulated in between both his hands, the arena would shine bright despite the gloomy sky and rainfall. ”IS THE END!!!!!” Junko said looking into Azusa’s eyes as he delivered a ferocious final blow with a overcharged chakra blast.</COLOR>

Giving it all he got, Junko would push his final attack beyond normal measures. Upon a huge explosion, the crowd would become hushed as nothing but the sound of rain was heard. Dust and debris would slowly clear and Junko’s sand storm would slowly fall, revealing the destruction these two beasts had caused. One body was down. One body stood with a fist held high. . . . and it was none other than the Prodigy from kumogakure.
<COLOR color="grey">

“I will bring honour to those who came before me . . . . . and lead those who will come after. . . . . I am the very soul of my branch and my country. . . . . I am a force others will fear to reckon with. GLORY . . TO KUMOGAKURE . . . AND HER ALLIES” Junko said with his remaining energy before collapsing and everything would go black.

OOC: Good fight! Big shoutout to the mod! Truly appreciate his patience and hard work. Big shoutout to Azusa for beating me up! Idk if this will be looked at more, but either way I’ll have some questions in help area or through discord and of course it’s not to stir trouble etc.

Topic left

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Smoke covered the area, and both Azusa and her clones reached out for her target. And a target she found; her claws eagerly sand into it at first chance--

Only for it to dissolve abit too quickly for her taste; a muddy mess of an earthen clone. A small distraction; no matter. The gleam of her gold tails shined as she moved to react--


Gold? And not white? "What trickery is this??" The vixen hissed through her bloodlust, her white hair returning to her blonde normal self. What was bonded was not meant to be severed, and pain shot through her mind as her opponents attack tore her Persona was forcibly away from her enhanced formed, leaving her dazed.

And, more importantly, exposed at the most inopportune of times. "....A-Ara?" The only reaction she could muster in response to her opponents final burst of defiance was a blink.

There was a flash and explosion. There was pain. "...A-as if an attack l-like that could ever--" The fox began, but whatever insult she was attempting to speak was interrupted by a cough of blood. And, with it, the last of her strength.


[Congrats, well done]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The final match of the day had concluded. The crowd was left in awe as both combatants collapsed to the arena grounds and passed out from their fight giving it everything that they had for their villages and for themselves. Unfortunately for the citizens and representatives of the Hidden Sand, their prized fighter seemed to be the first to collapse to the ground signaling that the Medical Sennin of Kumogakure had won. From the crowd, the combatants if they were still conscious would have heard cheering and booing depending on the side of the aisle that one was affiliated with, but neither of these fighters needed to be entirely upset or disappointed in the outcome of this fight as they were both one of four remaining shinobi in this tournament of power and their names would go down in the record books as some of the most adverse and highly qualified fighters in the world. If another World Martial Arts Tournament would occur, it was highly likely that they would be in it again and doing quite well for their villages yet again.

While the fight was over between them, they both would have to fight their own personal demons and would need to receive immediate medical attention for their injuries. Typically, a darker figure had been surfacing after the fights and healing the combatants involved. However, there was no sign of him today as a blonde figure with a hair or two astray was walking into the arena grounds in an outfit that was strikingly similar to one of the combatants from the earlier fight. However, it would not take long for the crowd to notice that this figure was slightly limping and had bandages on her exposed skin likely from some injuries that she sustained recently. If people could put two and two together, they would notice that the figure was actually Byakko Kyuji, one of the combatants from the previous fight and a well-known Medical Chief in the Hidden Sand who gained more and more publicity internationally during the tournament.

From the stands, the audience would see the Medical Chief gingerly going through handseals and a clone of herself would form once the final sign was complete. This replica Kyuji would walk over to the representative of Cloud and begin to apply one of the basic techniques known in their profession which slowly, but surely would reduce his bleeding and seal up his wounds that he sustained from the former apprentice of Byakko Kyuji. As soon as the body was completely healed based on the abilities of a Medical Assistant clone, the replica would emit a small electric shock to the system of the Tsuyoshi to wake him up and to ensure that his heart would not seize to function.

Meanwhile, the descendant of Byakko would walk over to her former apprentice and love interest who laid so peacefully. Evaluating her ever so quickly, it did not appear that there were any immediate injuries internally or externally, but a thorough examination would need to be conducted once she was back to her home, the Toraono Dojo. The only real injury that the former priestess of the Aikayume Clan would likely have is one to her ego and her former sensei would not be surprised if this loss would snap her back to reality after easily dismantling her opponents and former sensei quickly in combat. Nevertheless, her sensei would bend down beside her and emit a technique that would have the kitsune's body radiate in a green aura as her bleeding would subside, her wounds healed, and she would likely be conscious again before too long.

As she healed her former apprentice, the Medical Assistant attending to the Medical Sennin of the Hidden Cloud would return to the side of Kyuji holding the treasured blade that was given to Azusa so many years ago: the Liberator of Darkness. Fortunately for the descendant of Lord Byakko, Lady Hinoka had been hot on her trail after informing her friend of her cousin's loss in the tournament that prompted Kyuji to rush over here almost immediately. Motioning to her, the Medical Assistant would give the sword to the Aikayume and poof in a cloud of smoke afterwards.

However before the current head of the Toraono Clan could likely say or react to anything, the descendant of Byakko would lift her up in her arms like a baby and begin to walk out of the arena. Their personal beefs with one another and attitudes towards one another may have proven that there was a rift between the two of them in recent times, but Byakko Kyuji was still her elder and the reason that she was still living today and not cremated or buried somewhere in the Hidden Sand. There would be many things that they would have to discuss when things settled down that circulated around this tournament. But for now, Aikayume Azusa was going to be watched over and monitored by her sensei until her condition improved.
  • Topic entered with Byakko Kyuji and Lady Hinoka (NPC)
  • Topic left with Byakko Kyuji and Lady Hinoka (NPC) in one hour.
  • Healing given to both combatants.
  • Medical Mission completed. Word Count for the mission is 837.
  • Topic left with Aikayume Azusa unless stopped.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
