Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Finding a new home [contract search]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Her feet had been set on a path that she could now not turn away from. A metaphorical path that had taken her literal feet away from her home for so many years, a village that she now saw for what it realy was, a prison for those gifted with the ability of chakra manipulation. A prison for gods amongst men.

She needed to clear her head, get away so that she could put her thoughts into some semblance of order. Her newly reacquainted brother, Yong, had opened her eyes to so many things in such a short time that she was still having trouble adjusting to this new path she had chosen.

Yong had stayed in the country of Fire, trying to find their childhood farmstead. Kiko on the other hand had simply run. Not run towards anything nor away from anything, just run a fast as her legs could carry her. She needed space to think.

She slowed her pace for the first time in what seemed like hours, coming to a complete stop as she reached the outer limits of the great forests that encompassed most of her known world. Her eyes had been scanning the distance as she had been moving, but now that the forest had cleared a great panorama encompassed as far as she could see. Clouds gathered around the tops of a great mountain range, greater than anything she had seen before in the country of fire...
Well it looks as good a place as any...<i></i> she thought as she began to head towards the range.

There were woods for miles around the base of the closest mountain, though nothing quite so cyclopean as the forests she had left behind. These woods were all but peaceful though, she heard a shrill scream some distance away.

Her muscles bunched tightly as she began to sprint towards the sound. The trees blurred past her as she covered the distance in moments. As she broke from the cover of the woods into a small clearing her eyes were assailed with a scene of utter chaos. Her well trained eyes took in the scene at a glance.

In a small clearing someone had set up a makeshift house, small garden and log pile, obviously a quaint attempt to survive out here in the woods away from the influence of the greater villages. Two badly mangled bodes, one male one female, lay sprawled out. One resting in a pool of their own blood in the shattered doorway, the other had been eviscerated in the garden, her body lay mangled amongst the plants.

The scream had come from a young girl, no older than eight or nine years old. She ran as fast as she could through the clearing. Only a few scant feet behind her was a massive brown bear, tattered and bloody brown fur covered the monster as it bound on all fours after the girl, though it seemed to be favoring one of its front paws as it loped forward.

Before Kiko could react the massive paw swung through the air flinging the girl like a rag doll into the make shift hovel. She bounced pitifully off of the logged wall, slumping into unconsciousness before hitting the ground with a sickening thump.

The bear turned its great head towards the new arrival, blood dripped freely from its saliva filled mouth. It charged without any warning, covering the distance to Kiko in seconds. But she was a seasoned shinobi not a simple farmer or a defenseless child. Her Katana moved like lightning, the blade piercing through the massive creatures chest stopping its heart instantly. The snarl drooped suddenly as the eyes rolled back into the beasts skull.

As the beast slumped to the ground, katana still imbedded in its chest, Kiko moved as fast as she could to the side of the girl. As she knelt her hands began to glow with a familiar healing chakra, a green halo shimmered as she cradled the small girls head. Her neck rolled unnaturally and loosely.

"Shit." she whispered under her breath, "Poor little angel, you are at peace now, you will see your parents soon." Kiko lay her head back down gently to the ground before standing and moving to the bear.

Kneeling beside the massive beast she lay her hand gently onto its head, "Now why did you attack these people my dear? What was wrong?" her eyes scanned the great bear, looking to the paw that it had favored as it ran. Her eyes spotted the cause, a wire snare cut deeply into the bears wrist, the flesh around the wound was septic. "You poor thing, the pain must have driven you mad... I am sorry you had to die as a great spirit of pain and rage... may your soul now find the peace you were denied on this plane."

She gently removed her katana from the bears chest, and slid it under the snare. She lifted sharply, the blade severing the wire with ease. A sickly sweet smell permeated the air. "How long had this been on there... you must have been starving..." She thought as she stood and began wiping the blood from her blade.

She shook her head, as she moved to the other bodies, though not to check if they were alive. From their wounds she knew that they were dead but she would need to drag them to the bear before she could bury them... all of them, even the bear.

"What a tragedy..." Kiko whispered under her breath as she began the handseals required to up-heave the earth for the four graves, "If I had not been here I wonder if anyone would have noted your departure from this world...?"

[OOC: entering country and canine please, no second contract just that one :) ]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
