Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Finding Accommodations [Open]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Kaori packed very lightly for this trip to Tea so she didn't have to bother hauling all of her gear with her for this brief trip. She felt hunger pains striking her due to the long boat-ride from Konoha to here. Her stomach tossing and churning about as she made a 'b-line' from the port city all the way to the City of Kurosawa. She grumbled, ignoring the tugging feeling she felt from the Dragon Statue here in Tea, and made her way through the thick-parts of the city until she found herself standing in front of a cafe. The sweet smell of bread being baked in the cafe and the delectable aroma of coffee fluttered into her nostrils. Her stomach growled so loud that passersby heard it, turning their attention towards the sullen and starving purple-haired girl dressed in exotic clothing. The drums in her hair was one of the many things that brought attention to herself.

Kaori stood outside of the cafe for a moment with her shoulders slouched. After a moment, she puffed her chest out and walked into the cafe only to be welcomed by one of the attendants. A cute looking guy with a radiant smile. He would definitely be more 'her type' if she wasn't so interested in shoveling food into her mouth, getting a room for a few nights, and then rescuing someone from a dragon statue inhabited by a demon that only she could see and technically fight -- but her trip here, to tea, is strictly business. Pleasure can happen some other time. She smiled at the man and was escorted to a table at the diner and was given a menu. She pulled up the menu to cover her face, to read the contents. While she didn't really mind if anyone saw her here, especially someone from her village, she'd rather not get TOO distracted. Thankfully, she didn't have anything on her signifying that she came from any village. With the way she's dressed, one might mistaken her as a geisha or some kind of pop-culture priestess.

[Topic Entered -- anyone is free to join]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
That guy with a radiant smile, was not Ziren, as he was sitting at a table that was right next to the woman's. He had already placed an order for his food, his stomach, also grumbling.

Today, he wore a nice suit and tie, with the colors of, black, blue, and white. The Chigokai also had permanently bloodified eyes, the blood swirling around, with no irises to be found. Ziren looked really good in that, except for one small detail. If one were to look closely, they would see that his left hand isn't skin at all, but made of metal. And it wasn't just the hand but the whole arm up to the elbow.

Sometimes he gets pains that comes and goes from where his arm was cut off, but otherwise, Ziren ignores it. A lot of stuff has happened and he would like to relax for a bit, hopefully.

He paid little attention to the woman that was sitting in the next table over. She was cute, yeah, but Ziren already found the love of his life so long ago. Ziren was reading an article in the newspaper, something about a murderer here, the strange love poison gas that is still effecting people, and a lot of other events that seem to be happening around here.

Ziren must have been tired, because he had closed his eyes, head drooped for a second before shooting back up. His food should be coming soon.

(Topic entered)

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

It's been a couple days since he has been in tea country, and he's already robbed a jewelry store and had a fight with one of the konoha Anbu in training. Since he was a professional thief and a mercenary now that he was banned from setting foot in konoha, he had to change bodies frequently. This body was dressed in all black, a black trench coat, dress shirt, ninja pants, boots, and red gloves. A crop of short and messy black hair hung down to the mercenary's neck, a smug plastic smile spreading across his face as he entered inside of the café with his hands in his pockets.

“Can I help you with anything Sir?A waiter said to the mercenary, smirking Maru decided to reply to the man's question. "You saying I need help?" He said raising an eyebrow, watching the man become nervous then Maru began to laugh, bumping into the waiter before heading to where he wanted to sit. He decided to pick a spot that was more shadowed, possibly in the back of the café as he. He sat down, picking up his menu to look at a few things just to seem normal. To be honest, he didn't need to eat anything since he was a human puppet. He was just there to see if he'd meet people that he already knows, he saw Ziren there which didn't seem to bother him much since the man was pretty much a father now but he was missing an arm. He decided on whether or not to joke about his arm…. So he got up from his seat then strolled over to Ziren..

“Oi Blood Stains!” He yelled out to Ziren. “I gotta “HAND” it to you, I didn't expect to see you around here.” He said, stressing the word hand before chuckling to himself. He leaned over casually over to table, almost as if leaving the leaf wasn't a big deal to him as his eyes scanned the area he saw a cute looking girl sitting there. Maru took a moment to get a good look at the female, putting a hand on his chin, thinking on how great she would be as a puppet. Perhaps made from the finest plastic he could create, but of course the puppet master would just stare.

Kashino Yuu

Dec 12, 2014
OOC Rank
It's been days since the tournament started and Yuu was exhausted. Between watching the fights (and running away from Yuri after trying to make some bets) and touring around Kurosawa, he didn't have the time to enjoy the delicacies of the Tea Country. Along with Yuri, they entered the cafe, where they were greeted by a waiter, which he then asked a table for two. "So, anything you want, Yuri? It's my treat for today," Yuu asked as they were escorted to their seats.

"Says a guy who almost wastes our trip money for some bets." Yuu frowned when Yuri reminded him of his little blunder. He already apologized and faced some punishment (namely having to face a Genjutsu of his parents berating him), but he knew he won't forget it until the tournament was over. "But a tea and a small meal of riceballs or soup would be nice."

As they took their seats in their table, Yuu noticed some several people near them. While he ignored the two men having a conversation (which he felt a slight discomfort upon seeing them), he noticed a young woman near their table. He wasn't staring at what men would stare first (due to the fact he didn't like to see it for his mind's sake), but her geisha-like attire. He stared at her for a few seconds until...

"Don't tell me you're enamored by that girl?" Yuri spoke up after he snapped his fingers, jolting his other half awake as he glared at him for that question.

"I am not!" His sudden protest was enough for the woman (and the two men) to hear his voice inside the cafe. "It's just that her outfit seems out of place for me," the young Genin said as he looked at the woman once more. "I can guess she's also a shinobi, but I doubt she comes from Kumogakure." He had to admit that several shinobi are here to participate or spectate the fights in this city, though the big problem was that his village wasn't the only village to be invited.

[Topic entered]

[MFT/WC: 348]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Of course, she couldn't dress the way she wanted to without people gawking at her. It started out with old men and then perverted prepubescent children who just figured out a certain part of their body. Now she had to encounter overhearing someone and their friend talking about here and another person outright staring at her. Kaori cleared her throat and re-adjusted the menu to completely cover her face and breasts. She grumbled something inaudible to herself; something about perverts. If she was here for a leisurely time, she'd probably spend the day teasing each and every one of them; including the one the strange, black-haired boy called 'Blood Stain'. She was here for a more important reason than to test these boys' mettle and willpower. "How about you creeps take a snapshot instead of staring. It'll last longer," she said loud enough for them to hear. It was then that the waitress, a woman who paled in comparison to Kaori's looks (but cute, none-the-less), approached to take Kaori's order.

Kaori lowered the menu down a bit and looked up at the haggard, but cute looking woman. She had bags under her eyes from working too hard for such little pay. She seemed nice enough; perhaps a nice, fat tip could go a long way to cheer her up. "Yes. May I have a large Dragon Bowl and three large cups of water?" Kaori ordered without a change of demeanor nor skipping a beat. The woman tilted her head and question why Kaori needed three glasses of water. Kaori instantly responded, "One glass for me, and the other two are for the creeps that are staring at me. They seem quite thirsty, wouldn't you say?" she asked the woman as she turned to look around.

The waitress caught Maru's sight-line but completely missed Yuu's sightline. She quickly turned to look back towards Kaori. "Sorry, dear. I only see one creep staring your way. Do you just want to give him the water?" she asked, almost empathizing with Kaori's plight.

"Sure. Send him both!" she said as the two chuckled. The waitress closed her notepad and whisked away to put the order for the food in. As soon as the woman fled, Kaori turned her eyes towards Maru and gave him a dead-pan stare. She let out a sigh, leaning back in the booth that she was sat at. "I swear. No matter where I go, I encounter creeps," she said as she broke eye-contact with Maru, crossing her arms over her chest and moved her palms over where her cleavage would be to obscure their vision. "Why isn't Lord Umashi here to help me with this errand? Errrrrr!!!" she said in quiet frustration, now waiting for her food to come out.

After a brief moment, she turned around on her seat, placing her knees on the booth and peeked over to see the one that Maru called 'Blood Stain'. "You seem to know that creep over there," she said pointing to Maru. "Can you get him to stop staring at me?" she asked before fluttering her eyelashes at him. "Pretty please?" she said, now putting on her charm to hopefully get the guy, who obviously knew Maru, to hopefully stop his creepy glaring.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren looked up to see the Human puppet of Maru. He growled, and accidentally was leaking out his own aura of death. Normally, he tolerated the puppet, but ever since he had abandoned the Leaf he could never see eye to eye with Maru.

He was aware of some other people who came in, along with some loud guy, so he gained his composure as the aura faded away. "Maru I will never forgive you for choosing yourself over the village."

Just then, the woman burst out in anger of all the guys that were looking at her. Mainly Maru and the loud guy, as a waitress came back with three glasses of water, Ziren grabbed one, his chakra flowing through the glass and to the water, turning it crimson red, just like blood. He launched the blood water at Maru and then set the glass down. Was it his imagination or did the woman mention Umashi? He shook his head as the next set of events come.

And then the woman caught his attention. She was obviously trying to charm him into making Maru stop. "There's nothing I can really do Miss. My village has exhiled him." Ziren took a sip of his tea. "Believe me. He never listens to anyone. And we tried everything to get him to listen. Him getting exhiled was the very last chance." He wasn't really impressed that the girl was trying to charm him.

"If you really must know how to get the puppet to be less of a nuisance, take his cylinder out of his body."

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

[color=#00080]“Neee Hee-Hee.”[/color] Maru chuckled at Ziren, who seemingly leaked out a aura of death since he was angry which was quite similar to Takeshi’s aura. “So you finally got the darkness Blood Stains, seems those dark lessons paid off. By the way if you are gonna say my name say it right.” He gave a fierce pose with one hand on his hips and the other on his head giving half closed eyes with lips pursed. “I am Maru. Princess of heart, protector of love. Don't forget it!” He exclaimed before he began leaning against the table as if he was he didn't have a care in the world, he listened to Ziren speak about how he chose himself over the village and truth be told he didn't have a solid reason to stay in the village so why should he fight for it. “Hey, you knew the kind of person I was. I would've been open to fight for the village but I don't have a lot of good memories or nor did I have many allies. So it was either fight to stay in a village of people who really don't want me their or cut your losses then go out on your own since I was on my own to begin with.”

He kept his voice low enough for only Ziren to hear, since he was a disgrace leafie he didn't want to tell the world ‘hi I'm a mercenary.’ So with that he simply stared at the nice looking young woman, putting a hand on his chin as he thought to himself.. She was pretty… Nope she was beautiful, pretty cute how she his behind her menu to hide herself. He nudged Ziren, then gestured his head to the girl he had his eye on before she finally called him and someone else out on staring at her. Maru chuckled goofily, a big smile on his face in a complete trance.


“Wha, Why, Who?” Maru he was covered in red now, and he quickly went for his watch to rewind about 30 seconds into the past to prevent him from looking like a mess.


He nudged Ziren, then gestured his head to the girl he had his eye on before she finally called him and someone else out on staring at her. Maru chuckled goofily, a big smile on his face in a complete trance. But he snapped out of it to move out if the way, winking at Ziren mockingly. “Nice try blood stains.” He said, then he adjusted his attire. Feeling pretty confident in himself. “Aye Blood Stains, watch closely because this puppet is about to lay his charm on a nice looking lady.” He said before strutting over to where the beautiful looking lady sat. She was hawt, sassy, and had a pretty good sense of humor. She was Maru's kind of gurl! He was now standing in front of the beautiful woman, she had a kinda fire about her he couldn't resist. “Hey girl, are you into taijutsu? Because wow you're a real knockout." He said giving a bow. “Names Maru, also known as Maru Of Darkness, or Maru Princess of Heart, Protector of Love. How about I buy you a little something to eat? My treat good looking.” he made finger guns towards the Kaori, giving her a wink as his eyes scanned down to look at her chest. The chakra on his face plate slightly heating.


Kashino Yuu

Dec 12, 2014
OOC Rank
The woman's complaints were enough to shook Yuu in horror as he turned his eyes away in embarrassment. Of course, he wasn't the only one who noticed this as he heard Yuri somehow chuckling at his misfortune. "Seriously?! Is being tortured with illusions of my parents' scolding isn't enough for you?!"

"Hey, you're the one who stared her first. You did say you did it because of her 'strange' outfit." In Yuri's honesty, he just saw him staring at other things that men always did. If his siblings were here, they would berate him for it as well. Then again, Yuu still had a one-track mind no matter what body he has right now. So it was not surprising with his current predicament. Yuu, on the other hand, just grumbled and grabbed a menu in an attempt to evade this topic.

However, just as they were about to read the menu, Yuu noticed another event at the same table. This time, he saw the same woman seemingly being harassed by a black-haired man. He would ignore it, but considering his habit of helping people as a shinobi, he decided to get out of his seat and rush between the puppet man and the woman in the strange attire. "I think all she wants is peace and quiet. So do her a favor and buzz off before I make you!"

Yuu would try to leave the woman alone as well, but he didn't want to leave the cafe without apologizing to her. And this strange man, Maru wasn't helping his situation well. In fact, he didn't even notice another man that Maru called him 'bloodstains' near him. Of course, beating this dark-haired man would be a faster way to make his point, but since bladed weapons, jutsus, or any kind of violence would be a big no-no to any establishments, he has to bear with his wits and his fists until then.

As for Yuri, he just buried his face into his menu, realized what his other half had done.

[MFT/WC: 339]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
With everything that's going on, it seems like there might be a scuffle going on. The Cloud shinobi, Yuu, stepped up and defended Kaori's honor. Not that she needed the protecting, but it was quite the noble gesture. It seemed the one nicknamed, "Blood Stain" couldn't do much to calm this guy down (the one disclosed to be the puppet) and the guy was even exiled from his village. Kaori didn't know whether or not these two were from Konoha or not due to her lengthy time away from the village. It was then that Ziren mentioned the weak-point for someone like this Maru character. She looked over the black-haired boy momentarily before waving her hand to dismiss the idea.

"Naw. I don't kill people or automatons. I only kill demons; certain demons. I'm not interested in killing him. He's just a pest, is all," she said before squeezing out a little laugh. It was then that her food had arrived. A Dragon Bowl combo with her water. She slapped her hands together, nodded at the waitress and picked up the disposable chopsticks. She pulled the cheaply made wooden sticks and tried to separate them. She eyeballed them with great ferocity before -- shit! The chopstick split short on the left side. She grumbled and rolled the chopsticks against each other and started to eat her noodles.

The drama unfolding in front of her now doesn't seem to be important in the slightest. They could fight to their hearts' content, tear down the building, and even set the place on fire for all Kaori cared. However, if she is bothered or her food is disturbed at any point, she WILL lash out at whomever disturbed her ability to eat (or gets anything into her food). She traveled all the way from Konoha to here for a specific mission and she will carry out the mission once she has a full stomach. She turned her eyes to Yuu and Maru for a moment. "Could you boys fight elsewhere? I don't want your testosterone spoiling my food."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It seemed every word that came out of Maru's mouth made Ziren grit his teeth more, his death aura coming back for seconds, as he focused on the puppet. As Maru made his "grand" title known to Ziren he stopped for a second and looked at him. It was always something with Maru wasn't it?

"I'm not as dark as you think you want me to be Maru. Unlike you I know how to actually listen to people." He was just about to leave it at that when Maru tried to explain himself.

"You don't really have a lot of good memories because all you do is think of yourself and your puppets and darkness!" Ziren said this loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear. He didn't care. He grabbed Maru's shirt collar in a balled up fist. He noticed Maru tried to keep this all hush hush, like he was ashamed or embarrassed or just didn't want attention thrown his way about this. "Do you even hear yourself? I've just had about the same kind of crappy backstory of my parents and all those that I cared about being killed before I even made it to the Leaf. For the longest time I was alone. I guess that was why I at least tried to connect with you, seeing as not a lot of people hung around you. Especially when you actually did one small good deed in your life for once, by helping Soku when she was being hunted down by stupid scientists! But you've lost my trust when you attacked me and Lord Umashi."

He let go of Maru, seeming as he won't listen. He finally let his aura of death stop, as he tried to regain his composure. He then heard another guy try his hand at Maru.

"The guy won't listen to you. He doesn't know when to stop no matter what you do."

He kept his eyes on Maru and the other guy. If a fight were to break out, he will need to act accordingly.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Using his hands to slick his hair back, he gave the nice looking woman a charming smile. But his smile quickly faded when he was grabbed by Ziren, a dopey blank expression plastered on his face as if asking 'Why are you touching me?’ As the man lectured, he reached a gloved hand to his nose and proceeded to pick his nose for cobwebs as if he wasn't paying attention at all. “Hey, if you are gonna say my name. Say my title. Maru, Princess Of Heart, Protector of Love. And this magical princess didn't give you permission to touch him did he?”He said, then Ziren let him go and he dusted himself off. Checking if he left blood on him in which, he was clean so he decided to go back to hitting on this beauty when all of the sudden Maru heard some guy trying to come to defend the honor of the beautiful woman, Maru looked back from his set then threw some words right back at the man. “Oi! She can speak for herself. If she wants me out of her hair, she could simply ask. So go back to reading your menu.”

With that, he placed both hands on his cheeks and smiled at the really attractive Kaori. “Don’t worry about me sugar. I don't plan on fighting unless I have to.” He kicked back in his seat, then snapped his fingers as if an idea suddenly came to his head on how he'll win over the woman. “Oh! You know while I was standing there staring, I think I came up with an awesome poem for ya! Here it goes….” He said, reaching for his head with his right hand to remove his own head from his body unite then he began to say a cheesy poem that he probably read off somewhere. “Roses are red, Violets are blue, Gurl you are hotter than my Firestyle Justu! Am I creative or what?”He boasted, putting his head on the table while his headless body sat there. Hands folded with elbows on the table as if his body, even without a head, was still looking at her

To keep things going, he decided to snap his fingers towards one of the waiters. “Aye, gimme the same thing she's having. I'll pay for her stuff, just put it on my tab!” He exclaimed through his hollow neckhole, making finger guns to the waiter before sitting back to chat. “So… I never got your name sweetheart. And may I add you are dressed to kill sugar.” He chuckled, hoping that none of the wannabe heroes would continue to bother him while he continued flirting. Between Ziren's lecturing him about leaving the leaf and the guy coming to defend a girl who could handle herself just fine. He might lose his patience and begin the part where he tears them apart. And he wouldn't want to scare away his new girlfriend to be, so he decided not to lose his temper for now. After all, he did wanted to try one of his newest puppets in his collection that was all about ripping flesh.

Kashino Yuu

Dec 12, 2014
OOC Rank
All he wanted as a shinobi was to protect anyone from whoever wanted to hurt them. So he hoped that protecting someone that belonged from another village would count since they might be a shinobi as well, especially for a young woman like her. "I'm just trying to protect you fr-" Yuu started as he turned to the woman to reassure her until he realized what she said. "Wait, what?!"

Yuu was hurt from her words. Then again, staring at her clothes and shouting in public wasn't his best first impression ever. It didn't help when the nicknamed 'bloodstains' warned him about Maru, which he was right as he just tried to shoo him off before turning his attention back to the woman. He wanted to prove 'bloodstains' wrong, but considering his current rank and standing, he can't use any kind of force without risking his reputation at risk. Defeated, he was about to return to his table...

That was until he saw Maru detaching his head in front of the woman.


Yuu was completely horrified at what he saw. He just decapitated his own head, yet his body was still active. And he wasn't the only one who saw it. Yuri took a peek at the scene through his menu and was also shocked at this revelation. "What the?! He managed to detach his own head, yet his body is still moving..." Yuri muttered as he watched the events unfold. "Don't tell me he's also a Kinjutsu user?!"

Realizing this, he got up from his seat and confront the headless man for answers. Yuu, on the other hand, was still frozen in horror, still unable to process everything at what he saw. "Nice trick. I doubt you just learned that jutsu from any academy."

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Something about this Maru guy just exudes disrespect. He pulled off his head in a childish attempt to entertain Kaori and addressed himself as Princess of Heart, Protector of Love. What non-sense! The child, the other one, commented on the fact that he removed his head. It wasn't that big of a deal considering she knew Lady Mikasa from Leaf and trained under her for a brief time. She knew about the clockwork parts that one residing within a doll would have and out of absolute respect for Lady Mikasa, Kaori didn't say any disparaging remarks about Maru's appearance; then again, he probably went through hell to get a body like that. "No, I think he did something dishonest to get a body like that," she said as she moved the napkin over her bowl of noodles and stepped out from her booth after the annoying child finished his 'oh-so-witty' pick-up lines.

"Before I give you my name, I want to ask you a question," she said as she stepped right in front of Maru. She didn't look pleased nor did she look like she was in a joking mood. The fact that she just learned that Maru had attacked Lord Umashi may lead into him having some kind of relationship with Lady Yomi; the one she was charged with bringing back to this world -- the reason she was here in tea. "Do you know a woman by the name of Lady Yomi? She is married to the Hokage; Lord Umashi. My question for you is; have you ever hurt Lady Yomi?" she said. There was a grim tone in her voice. The situation will change depending on Maru's answer.

She was also ignorant on the change of the Hokage. The last time she spent any reasonable time in Konoha was a few years ago. She had left the village to perform her duties, so her absence made her ignorant of the change of command. Even during her time in the village, she was ignorant of ever knowing about Maru. However, now that she put the pieces together on what village Maru was exiled from, it didn't change her opinion on him. She had no delusions of capturing him and turning him in; that's not the point of exile. Anyone who exiles someone and then pursues after the person they exile is an idiot.

"So? What is your answer, hm?" she said as she raised a finger and poked him on the chest.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren was just about to go back to eating his food when there was a sudden scream right next to his ears. The loud guy that was caught looking at the woman was staring horrifyingly at Maru, who had taken his head off. And to make things even more complicated for him, he had heard the woman talk about Yomi. Someone, probably the only person he looks up to. The only person that he would look up to as a mother to him.

He made some hand seals and blood came out of him, right next to him the blood formed into a humanoid and color until an exact copy of Ziren rose up, from where there was once a puddle of blood. The Blood Clone went to where Maru and the woman was, Ziren intercepted the friend of the loud one and ushered him to the other.

"Yes, he is a kinjustsu user, as am I. He is a human puppet to be exact. Believe me, I've been unlucky to know Maru for a long time, and no matter what happens to him, it seems that I can't really get him out of my hair. The name's Chigokai Ziren, in case you were wondering why he calls me 'blood stains'. He is just as insufferable as he is hard headed. Speaking of which..." As Ziren stayed with the two loud guys, his Blood Clone was with Maru and the woman.

"Yomi? You know her?" The clone carried a voice of curiosity as it talked. It seemed evident that this woman was from the Leaf, or at least had a history of talking to one of the former Hokage. The blood clone has its interest piqued and knows that as the real Ziren was talking to the loud people was also listening to the conversation. It's been a long while since Ziren has seen or heard of Yomi's whereabouts, and sometimes he wonders where she has been, if she was alright.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

“Mmn?” with his head still detached from his body, he gestured his hand up then began to explain how he was able to remove his head. “Nope, things like this aren't taught in the academy. You see, I hated things such as Bleeding, exhaustion, ect. So I asked someone to convert me into a human puppet. Now my limbs are pretty much removable in a sense that I don't need a head to move or live.” Maru explain, tapping on his neck. He let Ziren talk to the boy so he could focus on the hawt gurl who was approaching him now, deciding to pick up his head and reattach it he looked up at the woman. Tilting his head to one side to admire her beauty from another angle.

It would seem like he would get her name after he answered her question and he replied with a “Sure sugar, what do ya got for me.” He winked at her, but she seemed to be in a rather serious mood before she finally asked if he ever hurt Yomi. Truths be told, last time he saw her was back when he was first starting the academy and the first meeting she ended up tying him up then leaving him in the Forest Of Death. The second time, she snitched on him when he came barging in the door and calling her a ‘fat-glasses-stealing-old-looking-nappy-haired-wet dog-smelling-dirty-claw-having witch.’ But besides the harsh exchange in words, he didn't actually hurt the lady. His thoughts were interrupted the woman poking at his chest, prodding him for an answer.

“Well, I haven't actually hurt Yomi. The only reason why I attacked Umashi was because that guy came at me for touching this adorable fox girls ears. But to answer your question, nope never hurt the lady.” He said, reaching his hand up as high as he could to poke her chin. “So.. Your name please sugar.” He smirked, giving the young woman a wink as he waited on a answer, all while making kissy faces at the woman.

Kashino Yuu

Dec 12, 2014
OOC Rank
As Yuri suspected from Ziren, he was right in suspecting Maru as a Kinjutsu user. Though, he was shocked that he turned his whole body into a puppet. He did remake one of Dr. Yattsu's bodies yet unlike Maru, he only did it to unlock his true potential and unveil his true identity while Maru changed his body for his selfish purposes. Just staring at him made him turn away in disgust as he focused on Ziren. "Judging by your clan's name, I can see why. Just in case I don't want to be rude, I'll just call you 'Ziren" instead of 'bloodstains'."

While anyone might be a little uncomfortable with Ziren's blood clone, Yuri was okay with it. He was impressed at how he was able to manipulate his blood without any health problems. Though, he was not like Dr. Yattsu as he has no interest in the experiments except for a new body for Yuu.

Speaking of which, the Genin managed to snap out of his shock and began marching his way to the human puppet. But sensing this, Yuri took out his wires and used the end of a kunai to grab his wrist that was forming his fist and pulled him away from Maru and Kaori. "H-Hey! What did you do that for?! I was about to snap that guy's neck or something! I want him to pay for scaring the other customers!"

"If you're planning to snap every bone of his body, I doubt he will stop flirting with that woman," Yuri said before he pulled his other half back to him and Ziren. "So for your own sake, I suggest not to engage him for now. You might even make more racket if you do." Seeing that his former parasite might have a point, Yuu just groaned at this as he mumbled out of frustration as Yuri released his wrist and turned to Ziren for answers. "I'm guessing from your interaction with that guy, he belonged to your home village before, correct?"

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

Back here... He wanted to make sure he got some of the Tea that Mikasa liked from here. And Tea seemed to be a paradise of sorts for some people so on a short stint he would travel back to Tea sometime after the tournament was over, not that he personally care anymore for the results that seemed to take months to obtain, either way he managed to find a place to eat but his nose picked up something ... something dark, something familiar? Hm, he'd investigate but he wouldnt want to get into a squabble today. He didnt have time nor the want to get into it with anyone especially Maru if he came across the weakling puppeteer. Though, he hadnt been around the boy in some time, so... Maybe he finally had grown a pair.

"Her name is nothing to you Maru...", Lo and behold it was the Sushi boy. Entering the scene with Ziren and a woman that had a failiar scent attached to her of maybe Konoha... but he smell seemed to travel. So, there was no clear indication where she was from or who she was... but he'd find out. First he had to get Maru to stop harassing peoples. "Oi... Whats going on here? And where can a guy get a good drink? Hm? I dont expect Puppet boy here to know what anything tastes like but anyone else?", tilting his head he would look to Kaori. Her form. Figure. Her black hair. Everything seemed to call out to him in a way... but he shook his head not lingering on her for too long, he didnt want to be a creep but looking over to Ziren, Sushi would smirk.

"Any idea whats going on? And does it need my assistance?"

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
It was weird for this relatively creepy puppet, not in appearance but with how he carries himself, instantly changed his tone the moment Kaori confronted him. The answer given to her was satisfactory, but Kaori will (obviously) ask Lady Yomi to follow-up on this. If, indeed, he was lying to her, Kaori WILL find out and there will be hell to pay. She didn't care if Maru was banished from Konohagakure and the bounty did very little to encourage her to pursue him. Lying, on the other hand, was something that bothered Kaori and especially if the lie was about Lady Yomi. However, his answer satisfied her and she just flashed a big smile at Maru before clearing her throat and was ready to spit venom at Maru.

"Just to be clear, if you want to get into a girl's pants or into their heart, calling them 'honey' or 'sugar' will just make you look like a creep. I mean, if you want to remain a virgin for the rest of your pathetic life, then by all means continue. But if you really want my name, then apologize to me and beg for it like a dog," she said, raising a brow to the puppet-boy and flipped her braided hair over her shoulder and turned to look towards Yuu for a moment and laughed.

"Thanks, but it's alright. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself, Mr. White-Knight," she said as she winked at Yuu. While the extra help wasn't needed, she did appreciate the gesture. At least there are SOME men in this world that are the exact opposite of the pig that is Maru. "At least SOMEONE here knows how to treat other people," she said as her eyes turned towards Maru, looking at him dismissively before looking back towards Yuu. "You probably have a hot girlfriend, don't you?" she asked in a teasing manner. She turned her head back to Maru and hooked a thumb at Yuu. "You should take lessons from this guy," she said tauntingly before her attention was dragged to another man. Damnit! She just wants to tend to her ramen, already.

Her eyes turned to the new blond-haired male that just arrived and she placed a hand upon her hips, shifting all of her weight onto that side. "Actually, I wanna see him beg for my name. Thank you very much!" she said in protest. So many white-knights in the world. The man asked about a drink, but that wasn't something Kaori was going to fulfill; not her job and not in her ability to care for his thirst. "No, I think everything is fine. I think Maru responded satisfactory. Thank you for your concerns, Mr. Officer," she said in a slightly haughty manner. The man acted like a member of authority so she would treat him like someone who commanded respect; even if the respect she showed him was only superficial.

The one Maru addressed as 'Blood-Stains' called himself Ziren. It was then that Kaori was addressed about Yomi. She removed the covering over her ramen and nodded her head. "She's like a big sister to me," she said, not wishing to divulge much more information about her relationship with Yomi or even the reason why she was here in Tea to begin with. Now, she took her chance to go and sit back down, uncovering her still-hot ramen. She picked up her chopsticks and slurped up a bit of the ramen into her mouth. She had the urge to eat like an uncivilized pig, but that would be uncouth of her right now.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The next set of events that followed was of course, Maru being insufferable and annoying as always. Then the loud guy charged at Maru, thankfully his friend was there to stop it before anything could escalate.

"Listen to your friend, bud. He seems to have a level head of the situation." Ziren then turned to the friend of the loud one. "He used to. Was kicked out recently from what I understand. And it seems from his actions today that he still hasn't matured one bit."

Just when Ziren was going to turn around to the woman, he heard a familiar blood flow coming his way. He turned in the direction of where it was coming from before seeing one of his long time friends, Suyashi, standing there. A smile crept on Ziren's face. He came up to his friend and gave him a bro hug. "The place here serves excellent tea, that's if you can get by with having to deal with Maru breathing down your neck."

He then let the clone dissipate, the blood going back into his body, like a vacuum. He looked at the time on his watch. He actually does have something planned soon, and he sure didn't expect that so much time would be taken up. Nodding to the woman, who has told him about her relationship with Yomi, seeing as she thinks of her as a sister, he put some yen down on the table. Enough to pay for everyone's meals. Even Maru's...

"Well. I have to take my leave now. I'm picking up something special for Hana." Ziren turned back to Sushi. "You're invited to the wedding. Just don't tell Hana. She doesn't even know that I'm getting her a ring yet."

Ziren turned to the two friends. "You two seem alright. Hopefully we can meet again under a more good manner, and discuss about each other's villages."

To the woman. "Sorry if my presence disturbed you Miss. At the very least, I haven't been as disturbing as Maru."

And finally... To Maru... "You had a chance to change yourself. And now that the village has kicked you out. I hope that somewhere inside that little cylinder of yours, is someone who wants to change for the better... But we both know all too well that will never happen. Don't we?"

Ziren was done with Maru. But he wasn't going to let everyone here see the last of him walking off in anger. He turned to them all and put on a smile. "Hope you all have a good day!" With that said, Ziren turned around, and walked off to the nearest jewelry store to find the perfect ring for his soon to be wife.

(Topic left)

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Maru narrowed his eyes, keeping a smile on his face even with the little outburst from Yuu. He wasn't in the least bit afraid of the boy nor his little threats of breaking his neck.“Hon. If I can take my head off don't you think trying to breaking anything would stop me. Again, sit there, shut up, and go back to ordering things.” He kept from threatening the boy, mostly to just keep up appearances because what he would say might make him sound like a phycopath than just a creep. Since he didn't want to be a big scary mercenary (at least infront of Kaori) he decided to keep a leveled head so he didn't frighten the young woman… or be told to go away.

Then when he thought he might be getting a name from the young woman, but instead he got on roasted badly by the woman. After being seriously burned, he was told to beg for her name like a dog and apologize. He held his chest as if his heart broke because of the venom she just spat at him. “Owch. Common sugar why don't you just throw me a bone here.” He said, using a dog pun but as soon as his little pun passed his lips a familiar voice came. The mutt sage himself, Suyashi… He came on in telling him that the woman's name was none of his business and already talking trash. Maru face slammed into the desk… not because the man was here or that he was ruining his flirting. But he had to say his title in front of his… enemy!

Without hesitation he shot up. “First of all, gramps. If you are going to say my name you have to say my title.” Maru said, striking a fierce pose with one hand on his hip and using his index finger to touch his bottom lip while giving sexy eyes to Suyashi. “I go by Maru Princess Of Heart, Protector of Love.” He really needed to get Asuka to call off this bet, or just stay out of time until the stupid 9 year old croaks. He dropped his pose then decided to insult the man, probably because he just embarrassed himself. “And the bathroom is right there, I'm sure dog boy here would love toilet water. And why do you smell like a hot junkyard!” He spat, pulling out a bottle of cheap perfume to spray himself so none of Suyashi’s stank would get on him.

Since the woman had already explained to him that she didn't exactly want him to go (probably because she wanted to torment him a little more.) Truth be told if it was any other time, he might wouldn't have done what she said but since he's already made himself look like a fool might as well. So he clasped both gloved hands together and proceeded to beg. “Look I'm sorry if you found what I did to be offensive, I don't have much experience in talking to girls as you can see. Can I please know your name? Pretty please? With lots of sugar on top.” He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened one eye to get a quick look at her face before closing his eyes again!


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
