Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Forest of Invasive species

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It has been one year since the revolutionist have struck out at the Cloud ninja with extreme prejudice. It had ended with the leader of the revolutionist turning himself in with the request that Cloud bring to light the ways they had kept their military numbers since before the Holy War. Naturally, many of the Lightning Country citizens have been distrusting of Cloud ninja now along with wanting to have nothing to do with them. There are, however, a small number of people, few and far between, that are holding onto hope that the Cloud ninja can still help them out.

This would be the reason why Hon is in the Heartland of Kaminari No Kuni. Him, and another individual have been tasked with talking with the people of a small village to see what kind
of help they need. "Hey!" A voice would call out, someone that would be ahead of Hon on the trail. "Watcha think these people out in the middle of nowhere even need?" Hon's partner, a main branch Chunin by the name of Santaru Miyazaki had asked him. Even though Miyazaki is a Santaru, he is also an excellent swordsman, mission briefing had stated that he was great for both close quarters and long-range combat.

They would keep walking for about another thirty minutes until they finally came across the small village. There were two villagers acting like guards with spears. They seemed to be whispering amongst themselves, a worried look on their face. But once they had spotted the two Cloud ninja their faces turned sour. "We don't need help from your kind ninja." One would sneer. "Yeah! We can handle our own issues without you pigs!" The other would yell out.


They would however, before either of the two ninja react, the two guards would have been hit in the back of their hands by a small frail old woman with a cane. "You two shut yer traps! You two often forget that I was once a Cloud ninja just as these two are. And I had to say, I was quite the dashing young kunoichi at the time!" The old woman would then turn to the ninja. "Apologies on my behalf for these two idiots. I am Chigokai Mika. This village's Elder. Come in and let's talk of the situation."

(OOC note: remember to now take into account the Notoriety scale on your decisions as it can both effect it through negative and positive actions!)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
No good deed went unpunished, apparently.

It had been a year since the revolutionists culminated with their leader turning himself in. Therefore, it had also been a year since the view on the shinobi of Kumogakure changed for the worse – every shinobi, regardless of rank, who walked the streets of the village in broad daylight, dawn or dusk, or in the shelter of night could feel the weighing stares of enmity from the civilians with other occupations. All of the shopkeepers, all of the brokers, all of the estate owners, and all of the farmers. The entertainers, the doctors, many different people occupied Kumogakure and called it their home… but it didn’t feel nearly as homely for the shinobi who established the village to begin with. Trust had been clawed apart.

It was also close to Hon’s 19th birthday – look at the young man now, no longer considered a fledgling in the bars at night, and no longer looked upon as a kid… the latter of which was a matter of fact years ago, when he joined the ANBU to begin with. The ANBU had beaten, broken and humiliated him in the early years, but as if by divine intervention, he grew to become a significant asset to the village… but with not a shred of gratitude pointed his way. As Sennin-sama said so – the ANBU, and by extension the village, had no heroes. Only duty.

One such duty was like today – a journey to a remote village in the heart of Kaminari no Kuni that requested their aid. Despite the events, some villagers still held trust in the shinobi of the Cloud, so Hon’s days were no less busy than before… but today wasn’t an ANBU mission, so he wore his white Tai Chi shirt, his black leggings and cloth around his waist, and his headband with his face visible to the entire world. A left, crystal-blue Byakugan, and a right mechanical eye… and his signature left, prosthetic arm to boot.

And he was accompanied, no less. A Main Branch Chūnin named Miyazaki was tagging along, with a much brighter face, hair, style and overall atmosphere than the Hyūga. It was a good question – people who pride themselves in isolation rarely had the guts to request for help. “Exterminators, most likely…”

Villagers often needed help dealing with cocky predators that saw them as easy meals, once in a while. Kaminari no Kuni boasted of having very harsh climate and equally as harsh conditions for life, so the predators who fared here were welded by the cold winds to withstand a lot of environmental pressure. Magnificent beasts… but there were other monsters lurking in the lands, and Hon expected the worst case scenario.

Such a friendly greeting, huh. Then again, what did he expect? The entire country knew of the revolutionists and the intel shared by their leader’s plead, but to think that even remote villagers so far into the wildlands knew of it as well was disheartening. People just didn’t trust their own shinobi anymore, did they?

To his minor surprise, an elderly lady taught them a quick lesson and proclaimed to have been a shinobi in her days as well… and a dashing one at that. “Don’t push yourself, ma’am – I believe you,” he replied with a small smile rising. Knowing his fair share of kunoichi… yup, they were all dazzling. Hell, even Sennin-sama was quite charming if you ignored her hellraising status.

Red hair, though… mhm, that did the trick for him. Long, silky, red hair. Like Kitsune-sama’s… or her’s.

Snapping back to reality, he simply nodded and entered the village per her permission, nodding Miyazaki to follow suit. For now, they were under her… say, diplomatic protection, so whatever the other villagers had to say shouldn’t bother them too much. They were shinobi, after all – nothing short of directly throwing knives at them would make them budge, right?

“Wait… you too? Were you, by any chance… taken from here too, Granny?”

WC: 673
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Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
On a pathway headed toward the Main Branch headquarters both the Main Branch Sennin and her protege yawned simultaneously. The red-haired teen glared at her Booba-Senpai. Subconsciously it seemed that the Sennin’s mannerisms rubbed off on the up-and-comer. At a sudden moment the Sennin stopped in her tracks. Akane continued to walk past with her arms outstretched, “Let’s get food…! We can write reports later, that's lame busy work!” A massive hand grabbed Akane’s outstretched wrist pulling her back. “Hey! What gives Booba-Senpai?” With a hand on her hip and a grip of a titans likeness on her wrist her White haired Senpai spoke out.

“No way! I forgot I signed you up for a mission!” Rei exclaimed.

“You forgot– Wait… DON’T SIGN ME UP FOR MISSIONS. WHERE’S THE CONSENT? Akane roared back, the hanger began to unfurl.

“I’m your Senpai. If I think it’s good for you I’ll sign you up!” The towering woman stuck her tongue out to poke fun at Akane. “Besides, it’s your specialty. More devil hunting!” With that Rei gave Akane a hearty pat on the back.

“Woah wait, that’s the specialty you gave me. My specialty is…” Akane looked around for an answer…

“Eeeeexactly. Now get to it! Look for a yellow haired kid in the Heartland of Kaminari no Kuni. I look forward to a good report! Oh! And one of the accursed women's lackeys will be there too.” With a wide cheeky smile Rei let go of Akane’s wrist and walked off ahead of her.

Akane’s jaw hit the floor at the sudden mic-drop of information and dismissal of any rebuttal. Akane sucked her teeth, folding her arm while her back was to her Senpai.
“Not if I quit…”

“I heard that!”

“GRAAAH!” Akane grabbed the top of her head. ‘Damn Ninjas and their hearing…’ With a heavy defeated sigh Akane re-equipped her Divine Sunderer and headed back out to the Heartlands. A long trek she literally had gotten back from only to return back less than a few days later.

Some time had passed and eventually Akane found in familiar lands. “Devil hunting… my specialty… As if…” Recalling her past kill on the Rot Devil and if she wanted too the Dragon-esque Pope of her Country. Up ahead, in the distance, brown hues noticed Senpai's description of the likely individuals that would accompany her mission. However, also thanks to her Senpai she was late to the gathering. As the two individuals walked in the guards returned to their post to take notice of Akane.

“Halt! No Ninja beyond this gate.” One of the guards stated.

“Ugh. Don’t lump me in with those scum. Do I even look like a ninja?” Her hand extended outward at her side to present her attire. A blue button up school jacket with gold buttons and a shin length equally blue skirt and brown shoes with black pantyhoes to hide her pale skin. “Shitjas wish they had style like me! Now lower your compensation spears… rather… lack-there-of… and let me in. I’m not a ninja, I’m a mercenary.” She lied, shrugging off the idea of bad notoriety. ‘Who cares, I don’t even want to be labeled as a ninja either!’

Angrily one of the guards took her joke of spear comparison to heart and stepped forward to confront her.

“It’d be wise to check that tone of yours. You’re not welcome. Ninja or not, I just don’t like you.”

Akane yawned in his face, flustering him further. Bored of the conversation Akane leaned over to her side to look past the guard. Her brown hair slid past her ear as she called out to the duo. “Hey! Mr.Roboto and Sunshine! Come pick me up! These turds stink and won’t let me in!”

[Topic Entered]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
There was even more ruckus going on at the entrance to the small village, but this time Elder Mika was ignoring the yelling and kept talking to Hon. "I was sold off..." She had said grimly. "My family running low on money for even the most cheap of trades. Me having awoken to my bloodline was the big break that they needed. At the time, I didn't know of the situation my family was in until years later. I had grown to hate my family until I learned. When I came back to my birth place, my parents and siblings were long gone. Bandits had killed them. I understand the anger from the public, especially the revolutionists. But we are in a time that we need to work together."

Hon would hear Miyazaki speak up as the chunin seems to be focused elsewhere. "Jeez that Akane. Rei-sama said that Akane would be here, but I thought she would have just overslept... I'll be right back. She seems to be having some trouble with the guards as we did..." With that, he half-heartedly jogged back to the entrance to retrieve Akane.

Having reached the entrance Miyazaki merely said, "Elder Mika had asked me to get this girl too." He was lying through his teeth but was looking at Akane with pleading eyes as if to ask her to not rile up the guards anymore.

One of the guards huffed in protest, but the fear of being smacked upside the head by a grandma made him step back and nod Akane to enter. She would see that the guard was doing so through gritted teeth.

Once the two return to Hon's side, Elder Mika would have just finished her story of her becoming a ninja. "Which now brings us to today. Recently we have been asking the help of some former revolutionists that have volunteered to help us with our problem, but we haven't had a word from them in a week. The problem in question..." She walked to the entrance of a cellar and opened it up. For any who enter they would see in this basement an autopsy like table and a dead creature on it. If Hon were to walk in, he would recognize it immediately as the experimental beast that the draconian faction of the revolutionists have made. If Akane walked in, she would also know from what she was told of the matter of many MIA ninja a year ago. They would see the ripped clothes of what this thing was before along with the signature Cloud headband that is now crusted over with dirt and grime. There was an expert cut through the creature's neck, no evidence that it had fought, meaning it was caught by surprise.

"By Raiden..." The Santaru said. "I mean, I know that these things now exist... But to see one in person..."

Elder Mika nodded, "We've been having these things appear every now and then in the area. But more pressing, two areas of interest. One is a hunting grounds that our hunters go to bring in loads of food for the village. With the beasts hanging there, not counting the risk the hunters are taking in bringing food to the village, but also we are having a food shortage. The second is a cemetery a little north of here that the beasts seemed to have dug in to make their home. We can't even grieve for those we have lost in safety. Along with these two locations I ask if you can find out what happened to the former revolutionists. They were always so nice and had given us some carts of their own food every now and then... And one last thing, please keep the destruction to a minimum, especially the cemetery please."

(OOC notes: you have two missions. Kill the lycans in both areas, hunting grounds and cemetery.
You also have two optional goals. 1) find out what happened to the former revolutionists. And 2) keep damages to minimum to none
Remember, your actions and if you choose the complete the two optional goals will result in a positive/negative change in notoriety scale
Good luck!)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
… To be sold, even by your own parents… surprisingly, Hon had still expected the elder lady to detest her own parents for such a thing. However, her next words brought insight into her past that he wasn’t able to see before, even with his crystal-like eye. She was, implicitly, able to forgive them due to the circumstances that they had found themselves in. Had his parents sold him off for similar reasons, would he have had the same strength to find forgiveness too? It was hard to tell… his childhood was anything but traumatic. Even his stay at the ANBU couldn’t be called traumatic – more like demanding.

And he was reaping all of the fruits of such gifts… but not everyone was as gifted. He had to come to terms with that, and it was grim.

“… Huh, better late than never,” Hon groaned under his breath, “And who’s she calling Mr. Roboto…?” Shaking that slightly embarrassing feeling aside, he hoped to Raiden that her attitude wouldn’t ruin what little piece of trust the villagers had left of them… which led to the cellar.

With a group of revolutionists having been gone for so long, it was likely that they had been attacked. And to see the corpse of such a creature, a suspect in the flesh, was harrowing. According to the elderly ex-kunoichi, they began appearing every now and then in mostly two areas – their hunting grounds, and their cemetery. All the issues such presence led to were highly warranted, and a full-blown extermination appeared more and more like the solution here. They had no antidote… and no means to revert these beings back to who they used to be.

All Hon could do was raise a hand up in prayer. The dead deserved some rest.

“If they have such a homely base… then the hunting grounds would be preferable to strike first. Lest we end up scattering the masses at home to dig into other places for a new one. It's nice to know that they can be killed in stealth, too - the specimen here has no other wounds or signs of struggle beyond the neck cut,” he’d suggest to Miyazaki and Akane before staying still. His left eye… the last of his organic Byakugan was glowing a deep ocean-blue, expanding his field of vision beyond the village they were in and much further away… attempting to locate these grounds or other places of interest.

In the meantime, he’d speak again: “Miyazaki. Akane. I can support you with long-range Magnet Release Jutsus, so you two should lead in close-combat with any more of these… lycans, right?” Hon had actually prepared a medium bag filled with none other than conductive steel orbees, cubes, coins and plates of max 1 cm in diameter each. Beyond that, his own weaponry – his carpal blades, kunais, shurikens and steel threads should also be under the influence of his Magnet Release once cast. “Not sure if one eye’s enough to find any revolutionists around, but… give me a moment.”

In the case that his eye wasn’t able to track down a corpse or two, then he’d suggest they moved out as soon as possible. Beasts never waited for their prey to do shit, so why would he?

WC: 548
TWC: 1221
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Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
“Ah! Sunshine!” A hand extended out to wave to Miyazaki. The guards scoffed at his statement yet the threat of being reprimanded allowed Akane ease of access into the village. As she walked beside Miyazki her head peered over her shoulder. Egging on the guards by sticking her tongue out and pulling her eye lid down. Another bad impression that had yet to phase the teen. After witnessing their distressed reaction she let out another hearty laugh, eventually they caught up to the elder and Hon.

Soon after they were led down to a dark cellar. The stench would’ve made the weak lose their lunch, however Akane’s smelled worse. Ever since the encounter with the Rot Devil her confidence in fighting had gone up. She’d be able to understand a losing situation if the difference in skill, mass and demeanor were on different levels but what her brown eyes observed on the table begged to differ. It sure as hell didn’t smell like roses, but it was a far shot from smelling like week old rotting corpses burning in a sulfur pit in July. Upon further inspection she saw the sweet killing slice at the nape of the beast's neck. “Woah... Whatever did that is what we should be hunting.” A hand reached out to poke the open wound but was quickly smacked by the Elder. With a yelp her hand jolted back, a small snicker escaped from the girl.

Her attention turned to Hon, one of the older ninja who from first glance hand cybernetic body parts. What truly caught her attention were those special eyes of his and that weird stare into the cellar wall. ‘The hell is he looking for? A fork?’ Akane watched Hon glance around. “Sending the young to die in your place huh Robotnik?” She nudged at him with one arm while her other reached behind her. A hand gripped the cold metal of her Divine Sunderer. “I’ve heard enough! I want to get home and sleep… I was just in another village in this area and I’d like my bed.” Her passive aggressive attitude directed itself towards Hon, the Elder and Miyazaki. Had her confidence shot up or did her patience sink to the floor?

Without looking back the teen made her way out of the cellar. The light from the sky illuminated her features as she turned around. “C’mon Sunshine! Let’s get this over with!” Akane barked. Her polearm rested casually across her shoulders with one hand keeping it steady. With the spear head she pointed to the distance. “Cemetry’s thata way.”

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Hon would see a considerable amount of things. He would know that both hunting grounds and cemetery seem to be almost infested with the lycans all carrying different types of weapons. Most scimitars and shovels, some with wooden clubs. Though he has not found any revolutionists, he did see a cart with a dead horse that was located in the hunting grounds. He would be able to tell that the cemetery had about six lycans and the hunting grounds had about nine. Unfortunately, he would also notice that both Akane and Miyazaki would go in two different directions. Miyazaki in the way that Hon had recommended, and Akane seemed to be heading in the direction of the cemetery. As they both go their separate ways, Hon now faces the dilemma of tracking two different people and be their support. What should he do?

Akane would make her way to the cemetery, but she would soon realize that she was by herself. There was a sort of heavy fog that hung over the place as everything seemed quiet. The forest surrounding gave it an almost abandoned type of feeling. And abandoned did it feel to Akane. She would not see nor hear anything through the thick natural fog. She would be very unaware of the very real danger she is in as the creatures used the fog as their own type of cover to slowly and quietly surround her.

Meanwhile, Miyazaki had made his way to the hunting grounds. He could tell instantly that something was wrong, but he doesn't know the severity of the situation. One look at the dead horse and cart made him throw up on the spot. As soon as he was in a vulnerable position a group of lycans had jumped out of their hiding places. He was surprised but he managed to keep his gut in as he focused on the situation before him. He had never really killed or seen something dead before. This whole situation was a new thing for him. Nevertheless, holding his lunch in, he drew his sword and readied himself for the fight of his life.

The whole mission will now boil down to Hon's next moments of thoughts and actions as he seen a slew of things happen before him. Akane's impending and unknowing doom. Miyazaki's holding his own and his lunch. What will he do? And will it be enough?

(OOC notes: Akane you are 100% oblivious to the fact that lycans are using the fog to surround you.
Hon, you now have the choice to help Akane or Miyazaki. Or maybe even both if you find a way. you have the standard 10 ap worth of actions to use, however keep the timing in mind. good luck!)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
This fucking idiot went for the cemetery.

Hon, too, simply bowed to the elderly lady and excused the group before heading out himself. Now… usually, this would be a huge issue – he couldn’t track both at the same time-

Cap, he could.

But could he accompany both at the same time? Hell n-

Cap again, yes he could.

However, other issues would arise. He could send an Elemental Clone along Miyazaki’s way – again, Hon was confident in the Chūnin’s fighting skills, and being a Chūnin came with being ready to execute your enemies. An Elemental Clone of Hon was spawned, and since Elemental Clones took from the same source of chakra in executing its own Jutsus, Hon had to be sparsome. Still, the Clone could keep track of enemies with its Byakugan, and that alone would likely be more than enough help for Miyazaki.

Now... Hon, the real Hon, tracked down Akane. What she did was retarded, and he was responsible for this getup, so he decided to take responsibility by having half a mind to rip her ear off her skull... but the Main Branch Sennin wouldn’t allow that, so that was a no go.

The Clone would try to catch up to Miyazaki as quickly as possible. A group of lycans had already arrived near the cart that he saw earlier, and there was... clearly visible discontent within Miyazaki’s eyes. Paired with the vomit, the Hon-Clone had to take the initiative lest Miyazaki got himself killed. The Clone did so by attempting to blitz the lycans near Miyazaki with a Disruption Palm each, dependent on the power of his mastery over Tenketsu Suppression and the innate ability of the Gentle Step to remove an opponent’s power to fight without too much effort. “Strike, Miyazaki! I’m a Clone!” he called out to the swordsman, putting his trust in the Chūnin’s abilities to overcome this hurdle.

In the meantime, the real Hon immediately spotted the group of lycans in the mist surrounding Akane. She was surrounded, but he applied the exact same method as with Miyazaki – weaken as many as possible with his Disruption Palms, and let Akane slice through the remains. “Idiot, they’re all around you!”

He pushed his body to travel through the mist in high speed, fearing that the lycans might’ve been able to sniff him out if not otherwise. Therefore, blitzing them with great speed would eliminate their dependance on sight, which could increase his chances of successfully hitting them.

Each step that he took built up speed, with some releasing random bolts of lightning here and there to amplify his body. A true speedster, he’d become.

WC: 444
TWC: 1665
Hon cast an Elemental Clone to aid Miyazaki, while the original is aiding Akane. Both Hons are using Disruption Palm and taking advantage of Tenketsu Suppression to slow as many lycans down as possible.
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Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
With a confidence that seemed to grow at a steady pace, it would’ve bode well for the teen to listen to her elders. What came with her confidence also dark clouds and a looming mist that every cemetery seemed to reside in. Oblivious to her surroundings Akane had been lost in thought.

The thoughts weren’t intricate as she looked around suspiciously within the tree line. “Y’know Sunshine, you’re lucky you’re with such a honed and experienced fighter like myself! I’ve been fighting humans, goliaths, demons and even devils which your eyes had never seen the likes of!”

Her arms shot up with confidence, her body language talked as much as she did. “My spear is something like an artist's paintbrush and the monsters that fill these lands are my canvas! From the beginning of beating my sister in gladiator style combat, to traveling to the deepest, darkest swamps these lands have to offer… “

Akane scanned the tree line then into the distance. Her brown hues spotted the gate of the cemetery a couple yards away, thankfully. Subconsciously she continued to press onward through the mist. “You better understand that if you’re in my way I might mistake you for the enemy in my holy barrage of attacks!” She laughed, a wide grin painted itself across her face. “But, there’s no need to fear me… I am all-seeing and merciful to those who seek out the strong.” Her right arm rose to flex a muscle. That dumb grin on her face never faded until she looked back. “Sunshine…? Where’d ya go…?” Her body spun around in a three sixty in a search for the quiet yellow ninja. Panic quickly followed suit behind her realization that she’s alone.

In a flash a familiar voice called out to her. “Roboto-san?!” Akane twisted her body to spot Hon in a mad dash to assist her. At the urgency of his voice her foolish demeanor changed as her hand gripped the pointed polearm on her back. With a delayed response and general clumsiness to wander off on her own there’s no way she’d be prepared on time for whatever's in the mists.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Miyazaki took a deep breath, he totally lost his composure and could die from it, as he sees himself being surrounded on all sides by these hybrid like creatures. Drawing his sword, the creatures and the Hon clone would see, as it is nearing its destination, a sword made entirely of stormy clouds and electricity surrounding it. In a flash the yellow haired ninja sliced through the nearest of the lycans, cutting the monster in half. "Holy crap! I killed one! wait, I did that? Yeah! I did that! Who wants some?!" Confidence was stirring in the young Chunin as her tried a riskier sword technique. Summoning a lot of his strength over speed, he attempted to cut through another Lycan, that is, until it predicted his movements and ducked easily out of the way. And for a second, he would think, this is it... He goes out as a nobody, someone as an extra in someone else's story, what could he do differently? But that second of thinking was up, now all he could think of was AHHHHHHHHHH. But before he could let out his last words before getting torn to shreds, he was saved by Hon as the clone had rushed and applied disruption to all of them rather easily. Now all are writhing for a few seconds. What will Hon clone and Miyazaki do?

Down at the cemetery, the real Hon would get a few hits on all of the lycans, however only one was actually affected by the disruption. And because of that, he now has four of the five non-disrupted lycan's attention. With the might of numbers, they have swarmed around him. Easily dodging out of one, would only lead to him getting hit by another attack, a scratch on the chest. Again, he would dodge, but again, another attack would come that would hit his left shoulder, this time a sickle strike that would be a light slash attack type. On the other side of the cemetery, Akane would now be aware of the situation that she has found herself in. Thanks to Hon's quick thinking and actions, he had made it possible for Akane to focus on the things hiding in the fog. Monstrous beings once human. But she would also realize that this one was different from the one that was in the basement. This one had a deep bite mark on it that could be guessed to be a few days old, and it wore regular clothing but no signs of a headband that would signify a former cloud ninja. How would this be possible? Perhaps she may have paid a bit too much attention to the small details as a shovel smacked her hard in her stomach with its flat side.

(Hon and Akane, you both are now in combat. Akane, you now know a little bit more info about these things than the regular ninja joe. Hon, your clone was really lucky to crit the lycans on that dirsruption palm)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
The Hon-Clone simply wanted to stagger the lycans, to take their breaths away for Miyazaki to deal the finishing blows… but this was a mission. Both of their lives were on the line, so Hon shouldn’t act like that. He knew that, deep inside… but he believed that it was for Miyazaki’s best.

At least, he could lessen the number of lycans that the swordsman would have to deal with.

The Hon-Clone’s body took a stance, channeling both his Gentle Fist Style and his Lightning Chakra Style and combining the two. Lightning chakra surging through the clone’s body would make contact with it unfavorable due to the static electricity that could risk slowing unaware enemies down upon touch. Then, across the group of lycans present, the Hon-Clone would release a series of 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 Palm Strikes, hoping to keep the speed up. Each strike would aim to close down a Tenketsu, infuse Lightning chakra onto them via touch, statically slow them down with his Chakra Style, and grant Miyazaki more openings. “Don’t waste your chakra, go for their throats!” he would call out to his companion, attempting to flick out his Carpal Blades and go for half of the lycans’ throats himself if possible.

The real Hon had it rougher. Four of five non-disrupted lycans were zoning in on him alone, and his Disruption Palm had only affected one of them. These guys were tougher than he expected, so he’d have to up his game. The Gentle Fist was withdrawn for now, and Hon bit his lips upon taking damage from their slashes and clawing. Despite his speed, the fog was still in their favor, and he immediately moved back to make space for a breather.

Knowing how breathless animals could be when hunting, he didn’t expect them to wait for him to catch his breath. Instead, he weaved handseals and flung his hand at the empty air above them, an attempt at pushing away the mist by manifesting currents of razor-sharp winds with Wind Scar. The 3 razors made from Wind chakra were aimed at 3 lycans, one each per lycan. Expecting the two remaining lycans to attack, he’d prepare the Heavenly Guard and put it up in front of himself. It was a more controlled variant of the Palm Rotation that Hon could count on, since this Jutsu was the one that saved the Academy and his village from turning into a crater.

"Akane, hold your ground!"

WC: 414
TWC: 2079
[OOC: Hon-Clone is using (Lightning Chakra Style+Gentle Fist Style)-induced 32 Palm Strikes to aid Miyazaki. The real Hon is using Wind Scar and Heavenly Guard to deal with the 5 lycans aiming at him, also trying to see if he can defend Akane with a Heavenly Guard if possible.]

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Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
With a powerful roar and lack of cowardice Roboto-San closed the gap in a flash. In his mad dash an array of attacks lashed out from chakra coated fists. The misstep a few Lycans took cost them greatly however a few more remained in the mist. They bore sharp grungy white teeth that were eager to rend the flesh from the ninja's skin and savor the marrow. Or, so Akane thought as her brown hues noticed their silhouette in the mists. They began to close in onto her positions. In a panic Akane looked in all directions, nearly stunned in fear. The years of training vanished from her mind, until Hon grabbed her attention.

He barked at her to hold her ground, that’s when she saw his features resemble Booba-Senpais in times of stress. Like a light switch something flicked on inside her. The dormant sparking aura that lay within her answered her beckon call. A surge of gold adrenaline infused with charka pumped through her veins. In a flash she took a hold of her polearm that transformed into a golden cross spear that coalesced heavenly energy around the point.
“Shred, Seisei!” A singular golden eyes opened inside her core to continuously pump their power though Akane. Holding her ground she did, her calluses threatened to tear from the titans grip she had on her spear. In hopes to retaliate any oncoming attacks with an Impaling Counter.

As the chakra rushed through her body an incredible roar bellowed out from the teen. Her loud mouth wasn’t just for talking shit and screaming at the sight of celebrities. It’s gotten her into loads of trouble, but now her voice produced good usings to the world. The chakra that pulsed from her weapon doing most of the work unbeknownst to her mental imagery. The spear twirled in her hand to slice at the lycans with Magnum Break. If she were successful the lycans may’ve hesitated to approach the duo. This left them open to another onslaught from the enthralled gladiator.

With astounding reach Akane would send out devastating Cross Pierce to assist Hon with the remaining two Lycans. With a pivot and twirl in her step Akane moved her spear with a multi-thrust towards a lycan. In that moment her blood boiled with the blood of the Kensei. Her Myriad Strike continued with another lethal strike directed towards one of the lycans arms and then finally its heart. Regardless if she were successful Akane skillfully jumped backwards with a performative flip. Again she found herself beside Dr. Robotnik who hadn’t even broken a sweat yet. All the while Akane wondered just how Sunshine had been holding up. ‘Where the hell is he anyway? We need HELP!’

"Divine Sunderer" "神の雷"
[Cast Rank B, Magnum Break, 2.25 AP
Cast Rank D, Cross Pierce, 1.25 AP
Cast Rank B, Million Stabs, 2.25 AP
Cast Kensei Ability: Myriad Strike 4AP, [Cast Rank C, Pressure Pierce, 1.75 AP, Cast Basic Strike (2x) Called Shots, Arms and Heart on last hit lycan
Conditional: Cast Impaling Counter Rank 1, 1.25 AP, [Special Action to make it Reflexive] if attacked by a move that takes longer than 2 seconds.]]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The beasts would soon shake off being fazed by Hon clone's attacks and surged forward, 4 on their way to attack the storm swordsman, while five make their way to the Clone. To the clone, they seemed to move coordinated, fast almost. If it wasn't for the fact that this was a clone of an anbu captain, the clone would have been done in long ago. But it had soon turned into a fight right out of a manga that the real Hon may have read. As the clone closed in for a strike, he would find himself almost being held back by one lycan as it kept up with his strikes and only two would break through its sharp defenses. He would effortlessly dodge out of the way of attacks from two other monsters, only to take a hit to his side from a claw. But nevertheless, another attack would come his way that he would be able to dodge out of the way.

Miyazaki would form an electric style type of Perfected Rasengan as he sheathed his sword and ran it through two of the lycans, one of which left a red mist with no indication that it was once there. However, when trying to hit a third one, it had fast reflexes and dodged out of the way. He tried to follow up with a lower rasengan, but the beast merely swatted the chakra ball away from it.

Over in the Cemetery, Akane would be the first to react fast enough. Bringing out her spear in fast reflexes, she would cut and burn away a lycan with ease, but the other one was just too far away for her to hit. She would soon feel a gust of wind rip across her face, the hotness of blood now dripping down, and coincidentally enough after that a type of protective barrier around her, along with Hon. But as she closed in for a Cross Pierce strike on a different lycan, it had moved seamlessly out of the way before her technique got to it. But its victory was short lived as she had followed up with stabbing out at the monster multiple times. She could see it growl, but more focused on Hon. Putting more focus on it, with Myriad strikes, she would strike out at hit hard, along with two focused attacks on its arms. One strike would try to make its mark at the heart but the monster fell dead before she could react.

On the other side, Hon would form hand seals, wind would rip up, he had three targets. Or so he had thought... One of the wind currents whipped right past a lycan and slapped Akane right in the face, he would see red crimson blood dripping on her face. the other three wind currents had hit its target, killing the lycan. The second lycan was no better as it was ripped to pieces. And the third and last one, yes last one, as Hon would noticed that Akane took care of two other lycans, withstood the attack. Releasing Heavenly Guard as an attack, he would ensure the one he had hit only three times had stayed dead, delivered a real hit on the last one standing killing it easily. The rest of the attack had left a bit of damage one of the gravesites, headstone was in pieces.

They had killed all of the lycans in the cemetery. But their break would be short lived as they would hear heavy footsteps of a creature, not even humanoid,
prowling around. Hon would be the first to see it. A ten-foot-long creature, that on all fours easily stood a full foot above Hon. Once it made itself visible by coming out of the fog, Akane would notice too. Both would see, along with its sheer size, an assortment of weapons had been impaled in the monster. But whatever fight it had gotten into was long ago as the skin seemed to heal around and partially over the weapons. It also had beady eyes, Hon would notice. And while this creature is anything but human, the eyes would tell a different story. Its claws were that of short swords each as sharp as a finely kept katana. It didn't howl, no. It let out a roar that would reverberate through the entire area, once that would shake both ninja ears. After that, it would soon charge the two.

Back at the Hunting grounds as the fighting went on, all would hear a terrifying roar that would almost sound as if it was next to them, though it clearly wasn't.

(OOC notes
7 lycans left over at hunting grounds
1 super lycan at cemetery
minimal damage at cemetery)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
The clone belonging to Hon was a little more on the ropes now. Exchanging strikes with one of the faster lycans lessened his piercing force, but he landed a couple strikes anyway. His evasive ability kicked up a notch, allowing him to escape multiple strikes – that was, until one of the strikes hit his side. Still, this Clone didn’t dissipate just yet, and even if it would at one point, the electric energy it’d release could prove handy.

Still, Miyazaki appeared to have gotten fully into the game. A burst of electric energy came out of a sphere that Hon-Clone could’ve sworn started out as an ordinary Rasengan. Two lycans were taken out by that Jutsu, but a third one was tougher than most – both evading the Perfected Rasengan and swatting away a lower Rasengan. Hon-Clone wanted to jump in, but he was taken aback by the four lycans around him.

One, two, three, four – a 4-hit solid punch combo was lashed out, one hit per lycan, while Hon-Clone decided to use the opening to dart away in a flash of lightning. With the Lightning chakra boosting his body, he’d attempt to spin-kick the one lycan that Miyazaki had trouble with before the other lycans could stop him.

That heavy, shining light was a new technique – something that Hon hadn’t seen Akane make use of back at the hijacked train. Perhaps this fight to the death had awakened a new power within her, which was very much welcomed by him… and-

Somehow, she bit through the pain and continued her onslaught, but Hon saw it clear as day and almost left himself open because of a major accident of his. One of his Wind Scars… had hit her right at the top of her head. Now that was unfortunate. “I- SHIT! HOW EVEN- MY BAD!” he called out to her, surprised to see her push through with her transformed polearm despite the wound on her head…

Sweat was starting to run down his back now. She would never let him live this down. How did he miss? HOW DID HE MISS A GIANT LYCAN AND HIT HER IN THE PROCESS?! That shit didn’t make any sense in any way, shape or form! These lycans weren’t faster than him – they were numerous, and that was a pain, but he carried the game so smoothly until now! F-

No time to fret over that. He knew how hopeless complaining would be – he dreaded the completion of this mission and the slaughter he’d undergo once he returned to Kumogakure, but for now, he’d have to push through… just like Akane did. Couldn’t let his subordinate outshine him right now, or she’d just lose all the small crumbles of respect she may have- the last lycan just dropped dead now. Nevermind.

Hon wasted no time and pulled up bandaid from a pocket under his waist cloth, having been more prepared after his incident on the train. Without warning, he began wrapping Akane’s dome with the bandaid to stench the bleeding, all while cursing under his breath as his mental fortitude was thoroughly tested. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I have no clue how, but-“ It was easy to tell how awkward this scenario was, and how paranoid the Jōnin was, “Ahhhh, Rei’s gonna be so mad, and- oh Raiden, Mirō’s gonna- I’m a dead maaaaaaaan.” Hon sounded much more like a frantic teenager than before, which could come off as unexpected given his previous attitude.

Oh well, as if things couldn’t get any worse, then this giant creature decided to step out of the fog and let Hon know that the battle wasn’t over yet. Tall bastard looked like one of the lycans, but… those eyes looked deep. When Hon’s eyes locked with the creature’s, he could’ve sworn that it tried to say something to him… but animalistic instincts pushed it to charge at them both, revealing a coat of sharp weapons buried into its flesh from previous battles. Hon was afraid of accidently harming Akane again, but at the same time, he’d lost a little confidence in his own abilities… he’d need her golden spear to strike true.

The beast roared, his ears vibrated, the ground kicked dust up, and the creature ran towards them. “Ready your spear, on my mark-“ he commanded, running up towards the beast to meet it mid-charge. He kept his eyes scanning all over its moving corpse – those weapons lunged into it could be useful at the right time, but Hon’s instincts were spiked to their very limits during the inevitable clash. A Hyūga’s greatest defense, the Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation, was his first pick – kicking up a small tornado in the process with the release of his dense chakra to form the spinning sphere came in handy too, another attempt at removing the mist without damaging the graveyard further beyond.

He had to weaken the creature even further, diving straight into offense after the clash – with the use of not 32 Palms, not 64 Palms, but 128 Palms to further take control of the fight again. Its Tenketsu were obvious targets, but to lower its chances at destroying the area, Hon distributed most of his strikes towards the arms, legs and hands. Those sword-like claws were troublesome, so disabling the hands could be optimal.

Afterwards, right after the last hit, could he take the opening to weave handseals and send magnetic chakra directly into the beast, magnetizing it to make full use of the lethality that those weapons dug into it would have.

At that point, he’d leap over the creature’s shoulders, making full use of his acrobatic skills to grab one of the blades stuck on the creature’s body and cause it to vibrate by channeling Magnet Release through his prosthetic arm. Since the blade was already dug into the beast, Hon hoped that it’d allow him to tear off a chunk of its flesh for free and slide off its back. “Now, Akane!”

WC: 1020
TWC: 3099

Hon-Clone Actions (Lightning Chakra Style + Gentle Fist Physical Style maintained)
Cast D-Rank 4-Hit Combo (Mastered), 1.25 AP

Cast D-Rank Spinning Wind (Mastered), 1.25 AP

Hon-Original Actions:
Enter Lightning Chakra Style (Static Slowdown), .5 AP

Enter Gentle Fist Physical Style, .5 AP

Enter Defensive Stance, .5 AP
(Activating Defensive Technique Ability for +4 Dodge, -4 Accuracy and -10% Damage Taken)

Exit Defensive Stance, 0 AP
(after Boss Creature's charge)

Cast A-Rank Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike, 64 Palms (Rank 3), 2.75 AP
[Special Action]: 128 Palms: Calling each strike as a Called Shot - targeting Tenketsu, Hands, Arms & Legs. 16 Strikes per Called Shot target.

Cast C-Rank Magnetize (Mastered), 2.00 AP
[Special Action]: Cast through Unarmed Weapon (Kitsune-sama's Prosthetic Arm), (+1.5 Accuracy to Weapons aimed at Boss Creature)

Cast C-Rank Ionic Infusion (Mastered), 2.00 AP
[Special Actions]: Cast through Kitsune-sama's Prosthetic Arm + Piercing/Slashing Weapon on Boss Creature's body. If successful, adding Accuracy buff from Magnetize to Piercing/Slashing Weapon.

Cast Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation (Rank 3), 2.25 AP
[Reflexive]: Cast Jutsu and last for 2 seconds if attacked by a move when Defensive Stance is active.
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Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
The surge of adrenaline and chakra that coursed through Akane’s body felt sensational. A type of sensation anyone would become addicted to and its overwhelming spike in power blinded the eager. Fortunately for Akane the embodiment of her Divine Sunderer’s essence honed her focus onto the ravenous beasts. A wicked smile appeared over pursed lips. Akane moved with enhanced speed, anticipating the dodge from one of the beasts her footwork had been no match for it.

The benefits of a spear had been something she learned through books and history lessons back during her school days. The soldiers around her favored swords, claymores and long swords but her family drove away from the beaten path. Her interest resided in the ability to keep distance with a spear with unmoving defensive capabilities and the ability to send out an unwavering barrage of fast strikes to oppress an opponent. The only people to defeat her in combat was that damn sister of hers and of course her mother and father. Her movements compared to theirs were futile and sluggish but now she had become trained and focused. Her spear work had leveled up since her relocation from Tenouza alongside the awakening of her Divine Sunderer nobody could get in her way.

That is of course a wild dream when in the presence of shitja. As her onslaught of attacks were focused on the beast one of her “allies” decided to lash out on her as she doubled back away from the beast. With a loud crack her head flicked forward from a devious strike. Her vision went black for a split second. ‘Did a beast.. Hit me… From behind?’ Through dazed vision Akane looked over her shoulder to see no beasts behind her except one. That forsaken half-human robot had taken a stance and from their fists twirled currents of air. Suddenly the familiar warmth of crimson blood began to stream down her forehead and the right side of her face. “Stupid… fu…ing… ninja…” Her body began to feel light as she propped herself up with the help of her spear.

Next came his supposed apology for attacking her. As he got close to her to wrap her head in bandages Akane slapped his hands away from her.Don’t. Touch. Me! You’ve done… enough damage already.” She hissed at Hon, brown hues watched him step back in surprise of her outburst. In a futile attempt to prostrate to her another horrific scream echoed through the cemetery. Violently another beast that looked battle-hardened from the sight of the weapons impaled in its back came barreling towards them. Quickly Robotnik setup another protective barrier and just as fast as he set it up Akane moved out from it. She loathed the idea of being protected by a Ninja, especially one that actively attacks her. “Stay out of my way!” She snarled. Something’s not quite right in her demeanor, as if she had been overtaken by the surge of chakra from her Divine Sunderer.

Within her soul a seductive giggle echoed out. The voice of her Divine Sunderer, Seisei, could only be heard faintly to Akane and muted to everyone else. As one golden eye radiated chakra though her soul one more began to open up. Again her strength and power began to double however her true self had slowly pushed itself back into a corner. Her brown hues began to turn gold and radiate a holy essence from them. Lost in the ecstasy of Seisei’s Akane snapped her head to glower over at the Lycan. Without another word except widened smile on her face, she lunged forward to continue her onslaught of beasts regardless of who or what stood in her way.

Targeting Veteran Lycan
Cast Rank C, Iron Point Prison, 1.75 AP
Cast Rank D, Shredding Touch, 1.5 AP
Cast Rank D, Eagle Vision, 1.25 AP
Cast Rank B, Basic Strike(s) (2x) 1.5 AP
Cast Rank C, Lunar Steps, [Special Action: Waning Crescent Moon], 1.75 AP, Called Shots, Arm
Cast Rank B, Finisher, 2.25 AP, Called Shots, Arms

Cast Impaling Counter Rank 1, 1.25 AP, [Special Action to make it Reflexive] if attacked by a move that takes longer than 2 seconds.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
As the two combatants readied themselves, they would be surprised as a blue skeletal arm erupted out of the fog and pinned the monster down. "Whatever you
two are planning to do, do it now!"
Hon, with his one good eye, would see a familiar man wearing military style clothing.

Hon would immediately remember who this was, though there was never a file much less a name to go with the face. It was the Uchiha that had hijacked the train, the one that had kidnapped Ziren. Akane on the other hand, won't remember. They would both see the Uchiha's right hand, withered, a hundred years older than the rest of the man, thanks to one of Hon's old teammates. His sharingan was active, but and his face seemed fierce and determined, but he was solely focused on the mutated lycan.

Hon would be the first to jump into action as he went in for multiple attacks all on the monsters body, only 3 missing. Using the fact that the spectral hand held the monster to the ground, Hon let loose on the Lycan, focusing on breaking some bones, some, he was able to do. The front paws looked all sorts of broken as the monster let out another guttural roar. As the Hyuuga formed hand seals, he would send magnetic waves throughout the weapons embedded in the monster. Jumping up onto its back and grabbing a weapon that is stuck, the monster bucked free of its chakra skeletal bind flinging Hon into the air.

At the same time as Hon was performing his own actions, Akane was up to her own plans. Trying to stab her weapon into the monster in hopes of immobilizing it, she fell short as the monster was already stopped in its tracks, as she focused in for trying to go for the weak points on the creature, she struck out twice for the arms only to miss. Could it be bad aim? Could it be that she was trying to avoid hitting Hon when he was going in for all those strikes? Who knows. But she would soon follow up with Lunar steps, hitting the arms, but to her dismay, there would be no satisfying crunch of bones breaking. She would then try to go in for a sure strike Finisher, but the monster bucked up and she would see a humanoid being flung into the air from its back. It would then move at incredible speeds and would have chomped down at her if it wasn't for her spear piercing through the monster's shoulder as it gnashed at her face only inches away. What will she do in this situation?

Over at the Hunting Grounds, things were looking grim. As the Hone clone got a few good hits on a lycan, enough to daze it, it landed a hit on one of its own by smacking it with a shovel. Miyazaki was having more troubles. He was only able to kill another lycan, but the same one that has been giving him a hard time had used its sickle to break his sword. Frantic, the swordsman tried to counter by first using Chidori, failing that, he formed hand seals to summon acreature made entirely of lightning, but the monster merely dodged out of the way. Howling, it attracted almost all the other lycans attention as they swarmed Miyazaki hitting him with their weapons or clawing at him. The Hon clone can hear the screams of pain coming from his comrade, but as of right now he is helpless as two lycans block his route to the swordsman and it is all the clone can so is dodge out of the way of their attacks.

Unbeknownst to the real Hon, facing down the mutated lycan, and slowly realizing that gravity will soon take its toll on him once more, does not know of what's happening at the hunting grounds.

(ooc note, called shot hands 3, broken, tenketsu 1, legs 1, arms on super lycan
6 lycans left at hunting grounds; Miyazaki is now put into a corner
one super lycan at Cemetery, event npc Uchiha Genshin has appeared, Akane is stuck underneath the monster, and Hon, you're about to fall after trying to rodeo the mutant lycan)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
The Hon-Clone had vastly underestimated these lycans – a clone and Miyazaki together weren’t enough to break through in confidence. Despite another one dying by the latter’s hands, the one with the sickle – the most annoying among them – was pushing him back by breaking his sword with its sickle. Other lycans began swarming him, leaving the Hon-Clone stuck with two lycans that prevented him from jumping in and helping out Miyazaki. Things were looking back – Miyazaki’s screams reached the clone’s ears and put a new perspective on things.

They had to retreat, but how? It was only him and Miyazaki… and Miyazaki was on the ropes. “Miyazaki! We have to retrea-“

The clone found himself preoccupied with dodging the two lycans’ attacks, feeling left by himself… but was he ever alone? There was still chakra left in him – chakra that could be used to summon aid! If Hon’s Taijutsu wasn’t enough… if Miyazaki’s Ninjutsu didn’t cut it… then Ayaka’s Genjutsu could turn the tide! At least, that could give them the opening they needed to retreat from the hunting grounds.

The Hon-Clone attempted to do so, right after evading the onslaught from the two lycans. Form the handseals, then rub his hand over a wound of his to meet the conditions required. At last, he’d slap the ground underneath him and shout: “Miyazaki! Get ready to leave!” From the smoke, a singular yellow fox hid herself, engaging a wave of chakra over the field. When it came to the power of perception, who better than the slyness of a fox?

False Success… a Genjutsu Technique aimed at altering the lycans’ perception of the battle. If successful, then the lycans around them would believe that both Hon-Clone and Miyazaki were already turned into half-eaten corpses not worth their while… even if they attacked for the purpose of eating or not, this would give them an opening. Hon-Clone would immediately attempt to rush over to Miyazaki’s side, prompting him to flee alongside him or be carried by the Hon-Clone if his injuries were deep. It all depended on the success of Ayaka’s Genjutsu…

But the plan was set into motion – their new objective was to retreat from the hunting grounds. They couldn’t take on this number of lycans with just the two of them, much less with one of them being a mere clone. If only Akane followed his damn orders…

… Akane looked like she had lost it. Not only that, but her eye… it had turned a golden hue. She had half a mind to try and kill him right now, and Hon couldn’t allow himself to agitate her even further. However, the next events threw him out of loop for an instant.

In all honesty, Hon couldn’t believe the chakra signature that he caught up on with the arrival of the blue skeletal arm. He had first begged that it would be Kitsune-sama or even his ANBU-Sennin, but it wasn’t because he didn’t recognize this individual. That military garment, that authoritative chakra…

Unfortunately, he had no time to react to that just yet, but he would remember – especially that withered, right hand of his. Even with only one eye, Hon’s Byakugan was nothing to scoff at…

His attack was effective, and the front paws of the giant lycan were nigh unusable with how broken they had gotten. To his surprise, however, the monster managed to shake itself free of the skeletal arm holding it down, sending Hon straight up in the air. In the company of high altitude air particles – relatively high for those who didn’t live up in tree crowns, that was – it felt as if the world was slowing down… and turning black.

No, not entirely black. There was a green sphere all around Hon, and it was encapsuled by another. And another… and another. And at the second-furthest sphere, he saw the beast trying to gnaw at Akane. It was distracted, even if just for a moment, and he had no time to waste. The veins on his face and arm overworked themselves with the favor of the Eight Trigrams: Divination Field that he had activated, allowing him the silent acceleration he needed to take the creature by surprise – from his carpal wrist blade, a steel line was launched forward towards the creature’s neck as Hon would use all of his strength to yank himself back down towards it at high speed.

With the sword still in hand… the one that he had yanked off from its back, he would attempt to slash at its neck before it even got the idea that he was coming back down after it. The chainsaw-like power of Ionic Infusion was carpeting the blade he was wielding, adding to its cutting power – he could not miss this opening…

[WC: 810, TWC: 3909 | MFT]


Hon-Clone Actions
Cast D-Rank Contract Summoning, 1.00 AP
Ayaka: Cast D-Rank False Success, 1.25 AP

Both attempt to take Miyazaki and flee the hunting grounds!

Hon-Original Actions:
Cast Eight Trigrams: Divination Field (Mastered), 3.75 AP
[Special Action]: Hakumei Byakugan variant - the user may forfeit the dodge bonus to make the first attack against a target a sneak attack.

Cast C-Rank Magnetize (Mastered), 2.00 AP
[Special Action]: Cast through Piercing/Slashing Weapon from Beast (+1.5 Accuracy to Weapons aimed at Boss Creature)

Cast C-Rank Ionic Infusion (Mastered), 2.00 AP
[Special Actions]: Cast through Kitsune-sama's Prosthetic Arm + Piercing/Slashing Weapon on Boss Creature's body. If successful, adding Accuracy buff from Magnetize to Piercing/Slashing Weapon.
Last edited:

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Her eyes glowed a golden hue, a symbol of Seisei’s tiny little sip of power. Far from clouding her vision, the power enhanced her senses and allowed her to move quickly. In this state she was able to witness another figure with wicked eyes appear from nothing. Just as fast as he appeared a skeletal arm managed to restrain the massive beast in place. With a booming shout Akane and Cyborg moved to execute their barrage of attacks. There was no telling who that man was, but the sudden appearance and the wispy aura that radiated off the skeletal arm spoke for him in terms of strength. Let alone the ability to stun such a ravenous beast.

With the ferocity of lightning the two shinobi darted toward the restrained lycan. Fingers coiled around her Divine Sunderer with the strength of gods. She lurched forward, that golden gaze fixated on the lycans weak points. In a fit the lycan continued to buck and dodge, narrowly avoiding two lethal strikes to the eyes. “Tch! 2-for-1 piercing special and this is how you react!” A boisterous guffaw rang out from Akane as her foot stance changed on the fly. With an expert shuffle of her feet and flick of her arm the spear point arced from behind her back and overhead to match the twinkling moon. Violently slashing away at the beast, this was its awakening. Another buck from the lycan cracked the skeletal arm that restrained him. Like a crack in a mirror the arm weakened and broke. The beast continued to buck which sent that bastard flying into the air.

Akane watched in shock as Robotnik lost touch with gravity. In that moment of awe the lycan lurched forward. The lycan’s speed had been underestimated. Fast wasn’t aggressive enough to comprehend its speed. Instinctively the teen had been overtaken, thankfully saved by her Divine Sunderer lodged into its shoulder. It helped very little as Akane saw up close the wretch fanged maw the lycan possessed. Darkened rotted and sharp teeth eager waiting to rend her flesh from her bones. Fear encased her body, the eyes withinn her soul had no mouths but still managed to perpetuate a smile. With haste her hands moved to form a seal in hopes to remove herself from her shite situation while Robotnik’s thin razor wire attempted to draw the lycan away from her.

Targettined Veteran Lycan
Cast Rank E, Body Switch (M), 1AP
Cast Rank B, Blood Letter, 2.25 AP
Cast Rank B, Million Stabs, 2.25 AP
Cast Rank B, Million Stabs, 2.25 AP
Cast Rank B, Pressure Thruster, 2.25 AP

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Akane would immediately body switch with a kawikami target, the bullseye target was instantly no more as it shattered into millions of tiny pieces. It had instantly looked up, aware of the Hyuuga using gravity to his advantage. He drove the sword into the mutated lycan before it could react, but it had wasted no time reaching up and grabbing the Anbu Captain and throwing him into a tree. That would be a first real hit the Anbu had been dealt, a strong hit, but he should be able to recover from it.

During that time, Akane would strike out. Her blood letter technique would be met with air as the monster jumped back away from her attacks. But as it moved in she managed to hit what she thinks might be two vital spots on its body, throat and one of its eyes. Because of this, as it had closed in for another attack, it would obviously miss her as it had snapped its mouth a foot away from her as she let in more attacks on the monster, this time, more have missed, one, a fatal mistake on her part as her weapon shattered a tombstone and with that, she would notice that her weapon was starting to break, visible cracks and strain on her weapon. She would then try to put some more pressure on it with pressure thruster, but it had anticipated her attack and moved out of the way.

Finally, Genshin would act last, both Akane and Hon would see a black flame only engulf the monster as it had screamed an almost human cry of pain, something that would make the Uchiha be taken aback, almost forget that this thing was once human, that surprise was enough for it to slash out with one of its hand to leave a gash mark on the Uchiha. It stood before the two ninja and revolutionist, its body only shaking ever so slightly, but it roared an inhuman roar, to remind the combatants that this thing was no longer human, despite its human cry earlier. Even with so much damage done to it, the monster doesn't seem to be giving up yet.

Hon's clone would only be able to watch as his fox summon failed to cast the genjutsu on the lycans, would he feel helpless about what is going on? No matter what his thoughts were, they were interrupted as harsh winds surrounded Miyazaki and the group of lycans. He would hear thunder as if he was in the heart of the storm. A being a few feet taller than the tallest lycan rose up as electricity cackled and raced around its cloudy body. It had a broken lightning sword in its hand, the only indication to the clone that this thing was Miyazaki.

"Infinite Higuma Rains..." It said, raising its weapon, "You all should have stayed in while the storm rages..." In a flash of blinding light, something the clone couldn't perceive until it had already happened. Three of the four lycans laid dead before the stormy figure, though it had seemed a stormy singe mark was left on the clone. It had then pointed its weapon at the last lycan that stood before him and blasted it into oblivion, but it had also blasted the clone into nothingness as well.

The last thing the clone would see, is that Ayaka would go back to her world or wherever she was since the clone was destroyed, but also the static shock of the clone would reach out and hit one of the remaining two lycans. Both would try to attack Miyazaki, but only one managed to hit to stormy being, though it had seemed to little to no effect to it.

(OOC: 2 lycans left at hunting grounds, hon clone destroyed
Cemetery: Super lycan taken massive damage, but still holding out strong
Hon and Genshin have been hit by Super lycan
Akane's weapon has damage
Cemetery has between minimal-moderate damage now)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
The sword had dug in, but another thing that Hon had underestimated was the sheer stubbornness of this beast. Proving itself leagues above its pups, it immediately grabbed a hold of him before he could land on the ground after that strike, swinging him towards a nearby tree. He collided, slamming the trunk like a drum, shaking many of its leaves down from its crown, but he landed on his feet while gravity struggled against him. Not one to let such a hit bring him to his knees, he recovered his breathing and numbed the pain running through his back before rejoining the scene-

Shit, there went another tombstone. They really were trying their best to minimize collateral damage, but they were also trying their best to kill and not be killed. Still, his Byakugan ever pushed to its limits could tell that it was starting to bleed from its face, so Akane must’ve hit a vital spot or two. And just when he thought it was charging back towards her, black flames engulfed the creature and put it through hell with its echoing cries surrounding the cemetery. He’d never seen those black flames before – was that an Advanced Element of some sort? A Kinjutsu, perhaps?

And they appeared out of nowhere… didn’t even come from the Uchiha himself, Hon would’ve noticed that. And yet, despite being engulfed in black flames, it still lashed out and landed a slash on the Uchiha, tightening the stress even further – what on earth could kill this thing?! And with the flames covering its body, should he wait it out? Or would that result in more of the cemetery getting destroyed by the thrashing of this beast?

No… why was he panicking? At the end of the day, the three of them were still dominating this fight to the death – while the fire would make it tedious to strike the beast, Hon could still make use of a long-range Jutsu-

His clone! It had dispersed, but it wasn’t due to the lycans… it was, apparently, Miyazaki’s doing. Was he in trouble? The stormy aura that surrounded him in those last moments before the clone dispersed… Miyazaki had apparently used a Jutsu to destroy the other lycans, but Hon could no longer support him with his clone. Which meant that they had to hurry up here!

He trusted that his Byakugan could still push itself even further. The Lightning Release chakra that travelled through his entire body was taxing, but it may have been why he was keeping up so well. Despite only having one eye, being able to look past solid matter was one of the gifts that the Byakugan granted its owner, and Hon would now use that ability to track exactly where its heart was. In the meantime, he weaved handseals once more, having dropped the sword from earlier due to having been thrown away like a ragdoll.

Lightning Release: Lightning Beast!

From his hands, a thread of lightning was formed, and from that thread, a glob of electric energy jumped out and ran towards the beast, taking the form of a roaring tiger. This beast made of energy latched its claws and fangs towards the other beast’s neck and torso, and Hon would weave another series of handseals to follow up. Follow up with… Chidori Spear!

Directly from his left hand, through his prosthetic, bolts of raging lightning jumped around until all of the energy shot out in a single, sharp line that aimed straight for where Hon was singling out the beast’s heart. The Lightning Beast was merely to inhibit its movements, to prevent it from thrashing about too much.

But should the beast try to evade either way… then he knew that Akane and the Uchiha was fast enough to intercept it. Her spear was a mighty weapon, and that ethereal arm was something else...

WC: 650
TWC: 4559

Hon's Actions (Lightning Chakra Style + Gentle Fist Physical Style maintained)
Cast Lightning Beast (Mastered), 2.50 AP

Cast Chidori Control (Mastered), 3.00 AP
[Special Action]: Chidori Spear: Shapes Chidori into a long blade of lightning. 36% chance of activating the 'Impale' effect. Uses Melee Accuracy.
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