Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Free OCR] [Retire/Unretire]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
OCR Form said:
Old Character Name: Ranji
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
Last Known Where-abouts: Leaf
Old IC Rank: Medical Chief

New Character Name: Uchiha Kotori
Preferred Username: Kotori
New Village/Missing: Leaf
New BL/CA: Uchiha
Custom Class: Game...Over...
HP: (50+15) x stamina
CP: (50+15) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average:Dodge, Genjutsu Save,Ranged Accuracy.
Low: Genjutsu DC, Melee Accuracy.
Class card: +1 Ninjutsu accuracy (Class Card)
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU
IC Rank: ANBU Captain

Character Age: 13
Gender: Female
Character's Physical Description: Kotori is a girl around the age of thirteen years old. She is around the 150 centimeters and around 40 Kilograms. She has a soft pink skin with is smooth to the touch. She doesn’t burn easily, but tans quite good. She has a couple of birthmarks over her body yet the one most noticable is the one at her upper arm, it is shaped like almost a scar.
She used to have really long beautiful red hairs. But after a certain event in her life, the small girl cut it off in Suna and dyed her hairs. She was afraid to be recognized with her red hairs as she was of course on travels. Yet she thought it suited her and kept it short and purple blackish, as her true hair color shines a little through.
Her eyes, however, was something she could never change, it still remained the emerald hues that she got from her mother.

She has a variation of clothing as she traveled too, lot’s of things are coming from there, especially her hat and eating habits. She started to look more after herself and have a bit of healthy lifestyle instead of candies everywhere.

Hidden from everyone’s sight is a seal on her body. It is her ‘contract’ with the Tsukumogami.

Character's Mental Description: MBIT Personality Type:</COLOR><i></i> ESTP[lb2][/lb2]

»« Joyfull »« Cautions »« Loyal »« Sinister »« [lb][/lb]
»« Dangerous »« caring »« serious »«​

Due to the time, she has changed, she used to be a carefree character, never serious and always smiling, with a weak spot for all kinds of sweets and cakes. She is very curious and tries to discover multiple things, sometimes going into her favor but not all the times...[lb][/lb]

These days she holds her life separate of her work and once she is attending in meetings. Her real self has often hidden away and she doesn't easily show that side of her inside public. Only a very few close to her get to see the real her and her character. [lb][/lb]
She is really loyal to the people she holds dear to her, but not to be mistaken of course. When needs be, however, Kotori can also be sinister and dangerous. As she has been trained by her parents, she easily can switch to being jolly and being serious.[lb2][/lb2]

Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History:
Ever since that she was young she has been curious about all kind of things surrounding her. She has been a real explorer that only got worse when she was starting to walk in and around the hose. When she was tired, then she would stop the exploring and just sleep on the spot that she was currently at. Often leaving her family to search for her.
She had a lovely family, her father having multiple jobs as a Hokage and a loving father, which with Kotori could actually mean a hand full in a good line of meaning. Her mother one of the most beautiful in all of the leaf, carried the name of an ANBU Captain of the assassination squad, yet she would be the prize winner of the best mom of the world in the eyes of the small girl. Kotori might be only the blood-related child they had, she wasn’t alone. She had two older brothers, the youngest of the two was Izumi and the older one of the two was Hyuuga Yukio. Izumi was adopted after he was made homeless and he took the opinion to learn for a better good, learned to talk as his story was told to her. Hyuuga Yukio was also an adopted son and had already grown inside Leaf ranks even.
She loves the times that Yukio comes around to visit and always loses the hide and seek game with him, yet she doesn’t mind as it is always fun with him around and she sees a lot of places around.
“I want to join, freeze up.”

Kotori's voice filled the hallway, it sounded sad as she genuinely was very sad regarding it. In her mind, she had missed her parents leave or even failed to join them. But a voice came from behind her why she was sitting there and there stood her parents. A joy-filled and she started to run towards her mother to embrace her in her tiny hands, run back to the door and grab the small backpack. "Kotori go with papa, mama!! Kotori too!!" she kept saying happily but for her, the dreams were shattered to come along. She was told that she couldn't and that uncle Maki would be here soon to play with her... But that didn't stop the small girl's feelings. The hallway grew colder as she started to sob, not even having it under her control at the age of 5... Yet she kept crying and regarding the efforts of her trying to come with the parents kept telling her she couldn't. Eventually, the cold resonated towards the one object she held in her hands. Seconds later Kotori started to sob loudly and the backpack in her hands froze up, completely stiffed up and not the most beautiful shapes either. It was still very bulky.

“Mothers day accident.”

Mothers day... She was 6 and already trying to help out mom and dad, brother and uncle as much as she was capable of. She knew this was a special moms day... And she was going to do her best to surprise her on which she started to collect ingredients with the staff. "Mommy will love the cookies!!" she said happily as she started to help them out, her eyes observing everything that was going on. Nothing went past her emerald colored eyes. They were making all kind of different cookies. Yet at the end, she needed to touch the upper part on one of the cookies... And Kotori wasn't allowed, but given her age, she was in the tiny child's pubescent and no was yes... "Kotori knows what to do! I saw someone do that!" and recollecting a part of her memory she started to use a few seals together. "Fire jutsu: fireball!" and with that.... She started to not only color the cookies, but the whole kitchen got a new color which would be inky black. Kotori had actually managed to make her fire that strong that the fire wasn't that quickly passed neither was the girl easily frightened by the fire.
Once it was under control she tilted her head... She had a couple of burned cookies... And the staff ensured the small girl her mom would still like them... With tape, she stuck them to a self-made drawing at least one of them... Before she places the rest on a small plate and went to her mom and told her the "big success" on making the cookies... The burning smell was however all over the compound......

“Two bloodlines”

The sun was barely out, shining upon the world. The colors were still mixed with various colors and this small girl was awoken. A soft noise was made by her as she turned in her bed and started to furiously rub her eyes. She had requested extra time with her father, had approved that they were going to train all day... But as she thought back, she might have a small regret going on in the back of her head. She stationed herself on the chair on the dinner table where she looked towards her bowl of cornflakes. She stirred the inside of the bowl and slowly started to place the spoon so that she could stretch a bit more. "Why so early again...?" The now 8-year-old Kotori asked her father as she rubbed her eyes and tried everything to prevent a yawn, yet with all effort, she still had to yawn and started to rub her eyes a bit more annoyed. She always managed to get tiny yawn tears that fell down her cheeks. After she had rubbed those away she pouted quickly and said something rather quickly. "I am not tired! We are going to train!!" She stated and had said this without having her father comment anything.

After she had eaten her breakfast she went towards her room to get changed, she really wanted to show off her new training clothing. The other day she had been going on a small shopping spree with her mother and they had gotten this training set which had a slight color of camouflage yet still easily recognizable for other people that it was a training garb. With a toothy big smile she walked down the hallway, she already felt very proud only having to walk around in the new clothing. Once she was outside she was greeted by the early morning rays. They walked towards the sakura tree that always was in bloom when Yuki was in the village. There they spoke thing through, what they were going to do, how long they would do... And normally this wasn't the cause, but Kotori had the habit to get easily hyper or impatient when she was left out on details. Which is why they had a part of the theory first too, but since it was this early in the morning the poor kid started to doze off till she was sleeping against the bark of the tree. It was just so soothing all, the morning rays, the water that was kibbling in the small stream of flowing water. Now that she was woken up again they had agreed they would start the training.

She started to stretch up her body, she always did so and always tried to get her father to stretch with her. Making it a small game as she loved playing games as sometimes time with them was rare. They had a decent stretching up session and she started to train with him. "Lower your left hand, more bending on the right knee." Were the words of her father as she tried to learn how to use this defense in the best possible situation and when it was an option. As they went the day in like this... Eventually, she had turned out to be fed up with the training and had made a quick jutsu... Water style: water gun. And tried to spray her father. The jolly self-was a little gone as she took a serious turn, using her small body as an advantage and turned towards between the legs to get behind to try and kick her father in the knee holt. Of course, this failed and she was lifted up to calm down. However, they had been training that long that she had turned hungry and tired. Trying to make a tantrum in his arms she eventually had the Sharingan active in her eyes, there were only two of them circling around in her eyes... But she had them activated alright, almost as if the feeling of being fed up helped her going further below... But the combination she was using right now was a strange mix, almost a yin and yang mix. Fire and Ice, Sharingan eyes and a cold chill in the air of her own Haku bloodline. Two at the same time... Her own set of Sharingan with two tomoe, something that was already more then the usual bunch was having. Normally people started with one and would, with a lot of training, increase. Kotori was done playing around and she was having one of her few fits, sitting in the arms of her father she stared into his eyes, moving from the left to the right. Her own emerald colored hues had turned towards a crimson red with two Tomoe's. Slowly she calmed down a little as time passed on and they were remaining, she started to look towards her father more and saw her own view was a bit different. This was a whole sight to be seen, to experience. She saw something that could be described for her as a small radiant covering her father. Almost as an aura. But as her father had the rinnengan Sharingan nothing much was happening between them... She kept on staring towards her older man and eventually lose onto that.
From this moment they started to train on a different level. Kotori "saw" movements that her father was going to make, she dodged quicker and of course, it was a little more challenging as her father also had adjusted towards this training. Each Jutsu that her father did, she tried to copy them also. Using her eyes as a copy wheel right now. Some weren't able for her to copy, but at some point, her father did an E-rank Fire style: fireball jutsu and Kotori copied the movements, copied the amount of chakra used and then... A huge fireball was flung towards her father but also to her, the fire clashed into each other but eventually Kotori's fire grew weaker and so did she, she was slowly but surely she was burning through the chakra pool she had right now. Her own chakra was at a low point right now. Slowly a thought was crossing her own mindset. That she did a jutsu she hadn't learned before... Under her own breath, she started to mutter. "S-scary..." Were her words as her Sharingan started to disappear and her own emerald orbs returned again. Yet she looked a bit tired.
She had actually noticed herself what she had done by this point. Not only had she noticed she had started to 'predict' her father's movements. But it was a fake statement that they could actually predict things. Of course, she knew what other people thought about Uchiha clans and their ability. Most were scared to face them even. The rumor went that they could see a few seconds into the future, but Kotori knew different now.

On the end of the afternoon the girl eventually sat down, heavily panting and totally exhausted, she was rid of all the excessive energy now... and not to forget she was chakra burned on this point. Her father got close and was for a brief moment surprised that she had indeed two kinds of bloodlines in her. She got explained what happened at this moment as for all she knew, she was a Haku user, not a Sharingan which was at this moment the same. Slowly she started to tilt her head as she slowly was going to understand what had happened, why this suddenly had gotten easier. "So... daddy..? Was that... the eyes you usually have..?" And with those words, she started to pet her fathers head as they were close towards each other now. "Daddy..? I am tired..." She slowly said and tried to nuzzle back into her father's neck and her arms trying to gently hold onto him. Either via his neck or trying to keep a shoulder close. This was done while he gently lifted her and carried her. "I love you daddy..." she muttered before the sleep had already gotten to her and started to hug her father's neck. Her father had placed her into her bed, without having dinner she slept through the whole night. Of course, they had tried to wake her up but it just had no use right now as she slept further. The following morning she learned that the Sharingan had multiple names. Mirror wheel, Copy eye wheel but also the eye that reflects the heart. From that given moment her father told her more things even. That it was sometimes under the Uchiha's a so-called "Curse of Hatred", this is a negative emotion, brought up by stress or loss. But the emotion can also be positive, driven by a desire to protect or reunite with a loved one. Kotori still held questions regarding having both bloodlines, but boy... Was it going to be fun to master them both.

“Another tongue to master” [Learning Fiego]

Kotori was out with Hyuuga Yukio and she had it for a saying to where they were going to go. Kotori starter to walk towards the library without informing the other where they were heading or anything regarding that. Once she was there... She instantly waddles quickly as she could as silent as she could to the books where she knew which one had been standing. "Yukio!!" She whispered loud enough to not be a normal voice. She held a book up high with thick words: Language of Fiego for dummies.

At first, they started to practice together but soon Yukio was called away, yet the family knew where she was. Kotori started to practice the art of the language at her own. Yet from time to time she tried to get Yukio to overhear her, to see if she was doing it correctly. Weeks went by before she had it medium under control until a month or two before her birthday. She finally could talk in the Fiego language.

"Birthday Pranks"

It was her own birthday and she already knew that her older brother was coming over to visit. A lot of happy moments were about to come together.
Together with her mother, she had been hanging in the decorations in and around the place. They were celebrating it outside and Kotori was busy trying to make drinks for everyone. Once Yukio was in she obviously was happy that he was finally here! She was even more thrilled with a gift from him but placed it by the others. She wanted everyone to see what she got when she was going to open it since this was family only it wasn't held that big. Once she gave drinks around... She tried to prank her older brother with a fake spider in ice cube prank... Which didn't work for obvious reasons. But the other prank she tried to do... Sneak up and yell boo... She was quickly discovered with a hug and a smile. A pout left the smaller girl and hugged her older brother back. "How.. do you always do that Onii-chan?" She asked her older brother and sat down on his lap... It was time to open up all the presents.

"Spectral momentums"

Kotori had a lot of time on her hands with her family always having a full-time job... it made her often sneak out of the house when it was night time to take a look at the beautiful stars up in the sky... From time to time she saw a falling star and each time... She was wishing time stood still with the time she had with her family. Yet little did she know, was that she was already developing this as she often wished it to stand still.. She often thought of moments and wishing it to stop time. One time this actually started to happen when she was busy training for herself... It was when she was shooting that she got a small vision, small enough to make her stop in her movements and making sure that she didn't shoot the bow on what would end in a disaster for her. Now she started to look to the place where other else her arrow would have gone for... and there lay the birds nest with baby birds.. "W-wow... How... did I knew that was going to happen otherwise..." she muttered in astonishment and started to roam around the house starting to search for her father or mother because this had creeped her out... But little did she knew that at this moment she had stopped time while she was searching. Her thought was only; "I need to find them before they are away..." And she only learned that she had stopped time when she had found her father standing there frozen in time... While she was walking around, the sky even was frozen and she grew big in her eyes. "D-dad..?!" She shouted in fear and the moment she tugged onto him time sprung back. Her father looked back towards her and sigh in a moment, this did not surprise him at all.

"Almost gone"

Training... training and more training, that was what she was doing on the Hokage rock. Yet little did she knew that she was being spied upon. She knew she had like a prize on her head for being the flesh and blood daughter of the Hokage and the ANBU captain, but she would never have thought she would have gotten attacked in her hometown like this. The evil person had jumped out of the bushes with a Ninjutsu that she hadn't seen before it was almost too late. Kotori blocked it with her barrier but was still clung to the back. "W-what?!" Fear smacked in as this was her save heaven, she saves place inside the walls and the words that ring through her mind were now a lie. "You are always saved in these walls." A battle erupted right where they were standing and the girl soon learned to always bring all her equipment with in case this would happen. Yet as she was losing she eventually saw a face... a face she only recognized from the books. This was her late grand, grandfather. "..." She stood there for a moment until he gave her moments and pieces of advice. Suddenly she felt like she had gained the other knowledge on how to use the sword in the maximum potential.. And her swordsmanship got that well, that she eventually made a slash that broke a part of the stairways, crumbling down and the man leaving bloodied on the ground. Her eyes went from the stairs to the man while the people that defended the leaf were now gathering. Her sword dripping with blood and she stood there, wondering what just happened. but the moment she looked around... she saw her late grand, grandfather standing there smiling. She had a guardian watching over her.

"Giant little steps"

Once she was brought home she of course had to face her mom and dad on why she had broken the stairs... Since that was placed towards her. Kotori started to explain it all, like everything she was turning in rather unique. "But it is true! I saw them... I honestly saw my great great grandpa!" She shouted and started to turn more and more agitated. This was the so many time she had to explain that her patience was breaking down. The persons that were there gathering already didn't believe her and thought she had done so to gain more attention because her father and mother were full time working and she wanted more attention... Either negative or positive. "but it is true!!" She had told them but still was being brought towards the house back. The more they walked back... the more she started to turn angry. Eventually stopping in front of them to explain it once more, just a single try was given. "But it IS true! I it is!! It is, it is, it is!" And that moment she was grabbed by the shoulders and had to turn around and walk, they had grown tired of the child's protest and lies. Kotori... Grew from annoyed towards angry. So angry that slowly the ground started to tremble. First lightly with each step until moments later there you could say there was a small earthquake going on. Kotori was small, which why the earthquake was small... It took the defenders moments to notice that when Kotori made a step a tremor came, another and another. And trying to talk it right... had no use anymore by the redhaired female. "NO!" She shouted once they asked her to stand still. Move, move move move and now she suddenly had to stand still. No.. that wasn't going to happen. She walked into the Uchiha household without even realizing she was the cause of it all until she lay down on her bed, on which she instantly went for while the defenders were bringing the note to the Hokage.

"Late night studies" [Vulcan]

Her steps echoed through the halls of the ANBU compound. The small child had already made it this far, she was really following her parent's path, one she didn't fear to take as she knew she always had a family ready for her.
The girl went once over the language set she was currently having, one that seemed to be helpful at all costs, but something was just a bit odd. And she went towards her own mother to figure it even out. She learned that there were more languages to learn, one even special for the ANBU persons to learn. With this in her mind, she started to make more notes in her mind before she would write a message and leave it behind in the house.
"Mom, dad, I will be in the ANBU compound library, studying all night!"
In the library, she collected books, scrolls and what, not more what she could find on this special language. Slowly she started to turn and twist her head. "Hmn... This... this is complicated." Were the muttering sounds of the redhead. Books pile longer that she was, surrounded her. "This is hard..." She said and placed her cheek on the table, her feet dangling from front to back. She kept making notes, kept scribbling till it was around two hours after midnight and she finally began to understand bits... But sadly not everything. Kotori was maybe a little bit of a cheater and had used her ability to step out of time sometimes to learn more in such a short moment. But even with this and everything around... She couldn't keep awake much longer and fell asleep half curling up on the desk with her body and sitting on the chair.

The next morning she had woken up in her own bed in the Uchiha house. Confused she checked her surroundings but eventually ran down towards the place they normally had breakfast and found her dad there. After learning that she had fallen asleep and brought back here by her father, she climbed the chair to hug her father from behind. "Thank you papa!" She spoke happily and had her arms around him. "Say... papa..? Can't you help me understand it..?" She asked and tried to look from beside him. "Pleaaase? Even if it means with one of your fakes..." She pouted, for her, only one of the paths really counted as her father, but then again she often tried to tease him with saying that. She had gotten her yes on that answer and she was through the roof happy, but... that happiness was supported with a whole day studying on it.
More paper was being worked through, her father and herself had a lot of fun studying it as it wasn't just hard pounding the dry words through. Bit by bit Kotori started to understand it even more. Started to see it more. It was still after that the night had settled that she was able to decipher it and even speak the language. Even though she didn't speak it 100% right, she did had it right now. Just with the time given she would master the tongue.

"A timely adventure"

Kotori had been back for a small while but still held the scars from what had happened towards the young female. She remembered the time so clearly...
"Let's do this Asuka!" Was her own childish voice as she was happy and cheering upon the time they had been spending together all this time. They were conducting towards a small prank and this prank was being held inside the Hyuuga household. Mainly a particular room. The prank existed out of a lot of sticky notes and paper cups. The paper cups were to be filled with water and the paper stickies were everywhere to be seen. "Let's get out before he will spot us."
Right at the moment, they were supposed to get out, the one they were going to prank was out in the open. at the moment of time, they started to panic and panic more before they were going to opt their out. The young female panicking so much that with her ability, she copied her older sisters powers and mixed them with her temporal step ability... She was left out of time.
Inside this, new world for the small figure... she was left to scavage and survive. The world was lit by some of the strange plants, they were illuminating the world around her... Which left this place rather dark and chilling. Slowly she started to walk around, she was afraid.. This was an unknown world for her and fear was taking over. She was calling out to the two who were just with her but suddenly were away. Just when all hope started to vanish... she was one to hear that people were still around her. "W-where?!" She called out towards the voices but there was no reaction back to as far as she knew... weeks went by without a single word again, and she was slowly starting to age up. There was a creature she only met once, it looked rather similar towards the yokai that was still with her. " Ibis..." Were the words whispered as she started to softly pet her feathered friend? She was one to curl up around her contract, this was fear. Fear for being alone, but there was the voice again of her brother.
"His words go for you as well young one, Are you not the Hokage's daughter. The heir to the great Uchiha clan."
"YUKIO!!" She cried out towards the voice as she started to sprint, yet there was no end towards the running. "no..." Were the words muttered and she felt like a huge defeated person. "No....." The sobs were getting harder as she felt like breaking down on the place. Hang on.... that was something easy to say as you were the one lost in time so far.

The hours alone started to become hours, days and even months. Till so far that 3 years later the world suddenly turned, it was as if it finally had awoken and tried to get rid of the young girl, trying to break her just to swallow her whole. Yet one thing Kotori knew, there were 3 core points to break a human. In the end of the times, everything of her was broken except her hope. Her hope still wasn't broken down and kept her going. but her time here had taken her toll after 5 years had passed. She didn't speak anymore, didn't cry anymore. And just kept on going as the time passed on.

There were whispers all around the place, all kinds of. ' !' ' !' ' !' A faint rain started to follow for a moment, making the place even gloomier. There were ghost-like creatures around the small figure, all of those whispers went along till a moment it all suddenly stopped. "In the end... I'm always alone..." Were the words muttered, but instead of coming from the clone that was now vanishing, it came from a teen build woman. Her shirt tattered badly on the age, her sword stuck in the ground. Her hairs long and untamed. A new scar was on her shoulder, it was clear she had been through a lot... But it was a grown-up version, looking up she let the small light stream hit her. Warming her up, her shirt was oversized, tattered and old. Her emerald gaze went towards her rescue party that was there, she didn't even realize Yukio and Asuka were the real versions in this world, unlike the entities she had been fighting all the time already. Her emerald hues didn't even hold the spark of life they had once in them.
"If only... I was stronger..."
Ready with her blade she had almost attacked them, but they found a loophole into this world, a way to let her know this wasn't real at all. A little shocked she stood there, the point of her sword back into the ground. " are here..." The voice she spoke with was soft, almost a whisper as she looked with disbelief and... She was that day brought back home.

A gap in time.
Returning home, she knew she had to fix a few things. As a temporal strider, she soon noticed a ‘leak’ inside this world. The one she came through a long long while ago. Slowly she went back towards the house of her older brother, sneaking her way in and looking at the gap. Her fingers started to run past it and she looked a little bit hesitant to enter it. She was not one to forget that easy and she started to take a deep breath in. It was strange to do this on her own, but after what she had been through, she felt the way she was ready right here and right now. She ‘tore’ open the gap in the wall and stepped inside, the chilling of the world already taking a hold of her. Hairs on her skin started to raise and stand upright, goosebumps getting over her and eyes wondering the place. The gap itself remained behind her and stayed. She… wasn’t stuck like the last time, she had an open connection towards the ‘other world’ right here and now.

She started to move in forward and saw hidden tracks that she didn’t notice before. But as she started to focus down on other things, she stops feeling cold. Seeing it as an illusion, she started to try things out. Letting herself submerge in the water, letting it submerge… but she could still breath. Her longues didn’t fill up with water either was the fear of drowning itself. A moment in time and space standing still. She got out of the water and could see an Orb of light going further, soon seen as the little rabbit-like creature from the moment she met Jibril, her old Yokai contract. Her mouth dropped as she spotted it and made haste to follow. She kept herself hidden as she had no clear idea of what there was in this world and if the threat still remained even after she left. It was odd… She saw two silhouettes with aura-like things… Moments passed, more moments passed as she witnessed the scenes. Something didn’t quite add up, it was like seeing this from the first time yet not at the same time. A confusing matter to say the least. She started to head towards the end, having an idea who or what those silhouettes were. Soft whispers filled her head, words she heard that long while back ago. “Worthless…” Her mouth whispered, yet a small smile came to her lips. “Not anymore big boy…” She smirked soon and started to rush.

Moments later she found her younger self hiding away. One that in the past Yukio and Asuka never found but she did. It sat there weeping on a tree base and she got closer. “Oi… Little one…” She said with a kind voice and closed in. She smiled brighter towards the small girl crying. “Coming back to fix yourself now?” A creature behind her scampered and laughed. Yet she didn’t back down, instead she straightened herself and looked behind her. “My former and future self yes.” She would embark proudly and nod. Yet the moment she touched her small child version, everything distoriants around her.

Something had happened and it was like a paradox, future self meets young self and time warps around as that may never happen. It made sure to remove the Temporal Strider ability, but sort of throw the girl around. She never fully trained her Haku sided abilities, yet rather had her focus down on the fire path. The girl woke up, stretched out and looked to the windows. Parts in her memory were erased from the timeline yet they still had happened. The girl was sitting there with Semi-black hairs dyed and green hues staring up to the sky. She pushed the window open and jumped down. “Wohooo~! C’mon Breaky!” She cheered and ran down the village path. For some, this would be an odd story. For her, a new begin.
Clan Request: Back to Uchiha Clan

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A Keeping Ranji as active NPC inside Leaf for Branch Help out.
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: None. As stated by activation, I do not want any role anymore. I just wish to enjoy RP'ing once more.

Old Stats:
AGILITY: 600 / 600
STAMINA: 600 / 600
TAIJUTSU: 600 / 600
NINJUTSU: 600 / 600
GENJUTSU: 600 / 600
CHAKRA CONTROL: 600 / 600 %
PL: 3.600
Old OOC Rank: Capped S
Stat Cut: None
New Stats: AGILITY: 600 / 600
STAMINA: 600 / 600
TAIJUTSU: 600 / 600
NINJUTSU: 600 / 600
GENJUTSU: 600 / 600
CHAKRA CONTROL: 600 / 600 %
PL: 3.600
New OOC Rank: Capped S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:Unsure if this goes with Ranji's Jutsu's, if not please poke me.
Kinjutsu Chimera
Arcane Knowledge - Kinjutsu Ability 3000
Genetic Implant - Kinjutsu Ability 3000
Mystical Replication - B-Rank 7500
Radiant Aura - B-Rank 7500
Sacrificial Rite - A-Rank 12500
Avatar of Divinity - S-Rank 22500
<COLOR color="red">Total yen: 56.000
Total ASP: 39

AE Paper -> AE Shadow
AE Wood -> AE Explosion
AE Steel -> AE Plasma
MEdical - ANBU. (Full Medical for Full ANBU and Partial ANBU known for ANBU change.)

AE Kinetic
Yen: - 168.000
ASP - 148

Keeping all others.

Other Refunds: Blitz - 2400
Blood Rack - 2400
Razor Strike - 2400
Recovery - 2400
Vamp - 2400
Chakra Drain - 2400
Total yen back: 14.400

Name of any Contract you currently own:
- Yokai Approval Keeping this on Ranji.
Kami approval Taking this one to Kotori (Unsure if I still pay 300 ASP. If I do please subtract this on the end. It will be free of charge to change this to Tsukumogami...

Name: Hatter.
Alias: Mad Hatter.
Age: 437 (Physical appearance 25)
Title: Tsukumogami, spiritual contract.

Physical Appearance: A humanoid form and an object form. He has both of them due to the fact he is a Tsukumogami.

His humanoid form is around 175 centimeters long yet doesn’t weigh anything anymore. He has short white colored hairs and a crimson red eye. His clothing attire… Is always the same, doesn’t matter on what situation he is going in, he always wears the same white coat, purple blouse and white pants with black boots. A cane is held in his hand which holds a sword in it, yet he barely even shows this as he just wants to act ‘cool’.

‘Mad hatter’ is his angry spiritual form, one that haunts Kotori in her dreams till the given day.
He appears to be a large eye, gloating under a tattered black long cape. It wears a top hat which is similar to the old fashioned ones. There is a piece of paper that says ‘love and peace as well for another that quotes ‘welcome’. A few playing cards are stuck to the hat with three roses and thorn-covered stems wrapping around it.
It holds it all in place and as a little pin, there are five purple feathers sticking out.
Along the collar of his cape, he has a silver chain with tokens of a broken mirror and a skull.

How odd as it may sound, his solid form is in the form of pigmented, made into Ink which is now on Kotori’s body. The ink itself is set deep so the pigments would stick around. There isn’t much else, yet due to the fact they basically sort of became one. The only thing Hatter can do is cast thoughts towards her.

Personality: Around Kotori, he can easily be seen as a protective ‘chain’, as he often calls himself. He jokes around, takes her into protection and sees her as a younger sister, sometimes have that fatherly feeling around the small girl.
Hatter finds it extremely funny to lure her out with his ‘mad hatter’ form and will sometimes spook her with just the rattle of the chain. How jolly and funny he can be. His emotions can switch still quite quick yet is often played for others.
He is usually a bit colder, looking from the sideline and just watches the scene before he acts. But once he is in acting mode, he will often joke around or even use actions first before his brain. Something he might have gotten already in trouble with for a time or two.

When Hatter is talking about his past, his mood saddens and becomes even a bit depressive even. One time Kotori pressed onto it, wanting to learn more. But his old personality came forward as the old and bitter man that was angry.

History: Hatter used to have a different life, human life to be in fact till fate brought him elsewhere. His story starts as the person named: Kevin Xerxes. he was a child born but was named the Child of Ill Omen. This due to the fact he had bright white hairs and red eyes. It was most likely uncommon on where he came from, but his parents didn't think any less.
As a child, he already began to serve under the Duke of the 4 great city's. The time went by soon and he was already raised and trained to be a fine warrior for the battles that were soon coming. Yet as the noble families were victorious so was he on the battles and soon earned his spot between the known knights.
When he was twenty-four a tragic incident had happened, He had decidedly to take Roman's youngest daughter out for the day to spend some time away from the family. Unfortunately, when he returned with Roman's daughter, the two of them found that the entirety of the Sinclair Family had been slaughtered in their absence. Rumors circulated that thieves or an opposing noble family were behind the murder, but Kevin didn't care because he could only see how he'd failed to protect his master.
While Roman's youngest daughter mourned the loss of her entire family, Kevin tried to figure out what action he should take. Still riddled with guilt, Kevin decided to visit Roman's gravesite even though Roman's daughter begged him not to leave her, as she had nothing left without him.

At a certain moment in life, he found who had done this to his master, to the duke. The person was a rather tough enemy which called himself 'the intention' as it carried out a will that was formed to be taken down. Kevin fought until the end, losing an eye but winning the battle.
He woke up on a hospital bed, but fell into a state of remorse, losing his will to live and taking on the pseudonym of Hatter, Mad Hatter to cover up his dark past. Hatter isolated himself outside on a snowy day, crying over what he'd done, only to be approached from behind by a child, who asked why he was crying. As he turned, there was no child and thought it was all just a fatigue thing happening, a side effect of his medicals... but he still didn't really notice anything, he wasn't the same anymore. He had actually died on that hospital bed but never left this world. Stuck he tried to search for his way around in this place. Not yet finding it and eventually saw how his body was burnt. Unable to grasp for reality, he remained close as to what happened with his ashes. He being re-used in all kind of pigments. Mostly the black one because his ash helped to make it into Ink. He decided the ink was something he would sleep in.
Unknowing the ink was passed down family and family down, till one girl decided to be bold and take the ink to one of the tattoo persons in town. Having a bit of influence, she took the tattoo on her own. Yet unknowing what this would bring. After a few hundreds of years, the man inside the pigment awoken and once it was set and such, they were together. Yet it didn't go as easy at first, as the girl thought she was haunted. But after they came over different objects, they learned to help each other. Eventually, Hatter trusted her enough to show his forms and manage to scare the living hell out of it in the Mad hatter form of his own.

Other info: N/A
Name: Hatter.
Alias: Mad Hatter. 
Age: 437 (Physical appearance 25)
Title: Tsukumogami, spiritual contract. 

Physical Appearance: A humanoid form and an object form. He has both of them due to the fact he is a Tsukumogami. 

His humanoid form is around 175 centimeters long yet doesn’t weigh anything anymore. He has short white colored hairs and a crimson red eye. His clothing attire… Is always the same, doesn’t matter on what situation he is going in, he always wears the same white coat, purple blouse and white pants with black boots. A cane is held in his hand which holds a sword in it, yet he barely even shows this as he just wants to act ‘cool’. 

‘Mad hatter’ is his angry spiritual form, one that haunts Kotori in her dreams till the given day. 
He appears to be a large eye, gloating under a tattered black long cape. It wears a top hat which is similar to the old fashioned ones. There is a piece of paper that says ‘love and peace as well for another that quotes ‘welcome’. A few playing cards are stuck to the hat with three roses and thorn-covered stems wrapping around it. 
It holds it all in place and as a little pin, there are five purple feathers sticking out. 
Along the collar of his cape, he has a silver chain with tokens of a broken mirror and a skull. 

How odd as it may sound, his solid form is in the form of pigmented, made into Ink which is now on Kotori’s body. The ink itself is set deep so the pigments would stick around. There isn’t much else, yet due to the fact they basically sort of became one. The only thing Hatter can do is cast thoughts towards her. 

Personality: Around Kotori, he can easily be seen as a protective ‘chain’, as he often calls himself. He jokes around, takes her into protection and sees her as a younger sister, sometimes have that fatherly feeling around the small girl. 
Hatter finds it extremely funny to lure her out with his ‘mad hatter’ form and will sometimes spook her with just the rattle of the chain. How jolly and funny he can be. His emotions can switch still quite quick yet is often played for others. 
He is usually a bit colder, looking from the sideline and just watches the scene before he acts. But once he is in acting mode, he will often joke around or even use actions first before his brain. Something he might have gotten already in trouble with for a time or two. 

When Hatter is talking about his past, his mood saddens and becomes even a bit depressive even. One time Kotori pressed onto it, wanting to learn more. But his old personality came forward as the old and bitter man that was angry. 

History: Hatter used to have a different life, human life to be in fact till fate brought him elsewhere. His story starts as the person named: Kevin Xerxes. he was a child born but was named the Child of Ill Omen. This due to the fact he had bright white hairs and red eyes. It was most likely uncommon on where he came from, but his parents didn't think any less. 
As a child, he already began to serve under the Duke of the 4 great city's. The time went by soon and he was already raised and trained to be a fine warrior for the battles that were soon coming. Yet as the noble families were victorious so was he on the battles and soon earned his spot between the known knights. 
When he was twenty-four a tragic incident had happened, He had decidedly to take Roman's youngest daughter out for the day to spend some time away from the family. Unfortunately, when he returned with Roman's daughter, the two of them found that the entirety of the Sinclair Family had been slaughtered in their absence. Rumors circulated that thieves or an opposing noble family were behind the murder, but Kevin didn't care because he could only see how he'd failed to protect his master.
While Roman's youngest daughter mourned the loss of her entire family, Kevin tried to figure out what action he should take. Still riddled with guilt, Kevin decided to visit Roman's gravesite even though Roman's daughter begged him not to leave her, as she had nothing left without him.

At a certain moment in life, he found who had done this to his master, to the duke. The person was a rather tough enemy which called himself 'the intention' as it carried out a will that was formed to be taken down. Kevin fought until the end, losing an eye but winning the battle. 
He woke up on a hospital bed, but fell into a state of remorse, losing his will to live and taking on the pseudonym of Hatter, Mad Hatter to cover up his dark past. Hatter isolated himself outside on a snowy day, crying over what he'd done, only to be approached from behind by a child, who asked why he was crying. As he turned, there was no child and thought it was all just a fatigue thing happening, a side effect of his medicals... but he still didn't really notice anything, he wasn't the same anymore. He had actually died on that hospital bed but never left this world. Stuck he tried to search for his way around in this place. Not yet finding it and eventually saw how his body was burnt. Unable to grasp for reality, he remained close as to what happened with his ashes. He being re-used in all kind of pigments. Mostly the black one because his ash helped to make it into Ink. He decided the ink was something he would sleep in. 
Unknowing the ink was passed down family and family down, till one girl decided to be bold and take the ink to one of the tattoo persons in town. Having a bit of influence, she took the tattoo on her own. Yet unknowing what this would bring. After a few hundreds of years, the man inside the pigment awoken and once it was set and such, they were together. Yet it didn't go as easy at first, as the girl thought she was haunted. But after they came over different objects, they learned to help each other. Eventually, Hatter trusted her enough to show his forms and manage to scare the living hell out of it in the Mad hatter form of his own. 

Other info: N/A
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: None

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Selling this.

Name of Kinjutsu I can get free of charge without WC.
Do note: cannot find any costs with this. (yen and asp)

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? Yes, these can keep active as Ranji turns NPC. Kotori PC Again.

Things that do transfer with your next character:
Abilities Card
Class Point Card
Extra RP Slot
Extra RP Slot
Extra RP Slot
Extra RP Slot

If I do NOT pay for transferring Kami -> Tsukumogami To Kotori
YEN Current: 373,970.00
ASP Current: 1199

New YEN: 373,970.00 + 14,000.000 + 56,000.00 - 168,000.00 = 275,970.00
New ASP: 1199 - 148 + 39 = 1090

If I do DO pay for transferring Kami -> Tsukumogami To Kotori
YEN Current: 373,970.00
ASP Current: 1199

New YEN: 373,970.00 + 14,000.000 + 56,000.00 - 168,000.00 = 275,970.00
New ASP: 1199 - 300 - 148 + 39 = 790

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Ranji said:
OCR Form said:
Old Character Name: Ranji
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
Last Known Where-abouts: Leaf
Old IC Rank: Medical Chief

New Character Name: Uchiha Kotori
Preferred Username: Kotori
New Village/Missing: Leaf
New BL/CA: Uchiha
Custom Class: Game...Over...
HP: (50+15) x stamina
CP: (50+15) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average:Dodge, Genjutsu Save,Ranged Accuracy.
Low: Genjutsu DC, Melee Accuracy.
Class card: +1 Ninjutsu accuracy (Class Card)
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU
IC Rank: ANBU Captain

Character Age: 13
Gender: Female
Character's Physical Description: Kotori is a girl around the age of thirteen years old. She is around the 150 centimeters and around 40 Kilograms. She has a soft pink skin with is smooth to the touch. She doesn’t burn easily, but tans quite good. She has a couple of birthmarks over her body yet the one most noticable is the one at her upper arm, it is shaped like almost a scar.
She used to have really long beautiful red hairs. But after a certain event in her life, the small girl cut it off in Suna and dyed her hairs. She was afraid to be recognized with her red hairs as she was of course on travels. Yet she thought it suited her and kept it short and purple blackish, as her true hair color shines a little through.
Her eyes, however, was something she could never change, it still remained the emerald hues that she got from her mother.

She has a variation of clothing as she traveled too, lot’s of things are coming from there, especially her hat and eating habits. She started to look more after herself and have a bit of healthy lifestyle instead of candies everywhere.

Hidden from everyone’s sight is a seal on her body. It is her ‘contract’ with the Tsukumogami.

Character's Mental Description: MBIT Personality Type:</COLOR><i></i> ESTP[lb2][/lb2]

»« Joyfull »« Cautions »« Loyal »« Sinister »« [lb][/lb]
»« Dangerous »« caring »« serious »«​

Due to the time, she has changed, she used to be a carefree character, never serious and always smiling, with a weak spot for all kinds of sweets and cakes. She is very curious and tries to discover multiple things, sometimes going into her favor but not all the times...[lb][/lb]

These days she holds her life separate of her work and once she is attending in meetings. Her real self has often hidden away and she doesn't easily show that side of her inside public. Only a very few close to her get to see the real her and her character. [lb][/lb]
She is really loyal to the people she holds dear to her, but not to be mistaken of course. When needs be, however, Kotori can also be sinister and dangerous. As she has been trained by her parents, she easily can switch to being jolly and being serious.[lb2][/lb2]

Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History:
Ever since that she was young she has been curious about all kind of things surrounding her. She has been a real explorer that only got worse when she was starting to walk in and around the hose. When she was tired, then she would stop the exploring and just sleep on the spot that she was currently at. Often leaving her family to search for her.
She had a lovely family, her father having multiple jobs as a Hokage and a loving father, which with Kotori could actually mean a hand full in a good line of meaning. Her mother one of the most beautiful in all of the leaf, carried the name of an ANBU Captain of the assassination squad, yet she would be the prize winner of the best mom of the world in the eyes of the small girl. Kotori might be only the blood-related child they had, she wasn’t alone. She had two older brothers, the youngest of the two was Izumi and the older one of the two was Hyuuga Yukio. Izumi was adopted after he was made homeless and he took the opinion to learn for a better good, learned to talk as his story was told to her. Hyuuga Yukio was also an adopted son and had already grown inside Leaf ranks even.
She loves the times that Yukio comes around to visit and always loses the hide and seek game with him, yet she doesn’t mind as it is always fun with him around and she sees a lot of places around.
“I want to join, freeze up.”

Kotori's voice filled the hallway, it sounded sad as she genuinely was very sad regarding it. In her mind, she had missed her parents leave or even failed to join them. But a voice came from behind her why she was sitting there and there stood her parents. A joy-filled and she started to run towards her mother to embrace her in her tiny hands, run back to the door and grab the small backpack. "Kotori go with papa, mama!! Kotori too!!" she kept saying happily but for her, the dreams were shattered to come along. She was told that she couldn't and that uncle Maki would be here soon to play with her... But that didn't stop the small girl's feelings. The hallway grew colder as she started to sob, not even having it under her control at the age of 5... Yet she kept crying and regarding the efforts of her trying to come with the parents kept telling her she couldn't. Eventually, the cold resonated towards the one object she held in her hands. Seconds later Kotori started to sob loudly and the backpack in her hands froze up, completely stiffed up and not the most beautiful shapes either. It was still very bulky.

“Mothers day accident.”

Mothers day... She was 6 and already trying to help out mom and dad, brother and uncle as much as she was capable of. She knew this was a special moms day... And she was going to do her best to surprise her on which she started to collect ingredients with the staff. "Mommy will love the cookies!!" she said happily as she started to help them out, her eyes observing everything that was going on. Nothing went past her emerald colored eyes. They were making all kind of different cookies. Yet at the end, she needed to touch the upper part on one of the cookies... And Kotori wasn't allowed, but given her age, she was in the tiny child's pubescent and no was yes... "Kotori knows what to do! I saw someone do that!" and recollecting a part of her memory she started to use a few seals together. "Fire jutsu: fireball!" and with that.... She started to not only color the cookies, but the whole kitchen got a new color which would be inky black. Kotori had actually managed to make her fire that strong that the fire wasn't that quickly passed neither was the girl easily frightened by the fire.
Once it was under control she tilted her head... She had a couple of burned cookies... And the staff ensured the small girl her mom would still like them... With tape, she stuck them to a self-made drawing at least one of them... Before she places the rest on a small plate and went to her mom and told her the "big success" on making the cookies... The burning smell was however all over the compound......

“Two bloodlines”

The sun was barely out, shining upon the world. The colors were still mixed with various colors and this small girl was awoken. A soft noise was made by her as she turned in her bed and started to furiously rub her eyes. She had requested extra time with her father, had approved that they were going to train all day... But as she thought back, she might have a small regret going on in the back of her head. She stationed herself on the chair on the dinner table where she looked towards her bowl of cornflakes. She stirred the inside of the bowl and slowly started to place the spoon so that she could stretch a bit more. "Why so early again...?" The now 8-year-old Kotori asked her father as she rubbed her eyes and tried everything to prevent a yawn, yet with all effort, she still had to yawn and started to rub her eyes a bit more annoyed. She always managed to get tiny yawn tears that fell down her cheeks. After she had rubbed those away she pouted quickly and said something rather quickly. "I am not tired! We are going to train!!" She stated and had said this without having her father comment anything.

After she had eaten her breakfast she went towards her room to get changed, she really wanted to show off her new training clothing. The other day she had been going on a small shopping spree with her mother and they had gotten this training set which had a slight color of camouflage yet still easily recognizable for other people that it was a training garb. With a toothy big smile she walked down the hallway, she already felt very proud only having to walk around in the new clothing. Once she was outside she was greeted by the early morning rays. They walked towards the sakura tree that always was in bloom when Yuki was in the village. There they spoke thing through, what they were going to do, how long they would do... And normally this wasn't the cause, but Kotori had the habit to get easily hyper or impatient when she was left out on details. Which is why they had a part of the theory first too, but since it was this early in the morning the poor kid started to doze off till she was sleeping against the bark of the tree. It was just so soothing all, the morning rays, the water that was kibbling in the small stream of flowing water. Now that she was woken up again they had agreed they would start the training.

She started to stretch up her body, she always did so and always tried to get her father to stretch with her. Making it a small game as she loved playing games as sometimes time with them was rare. They had a decent stretching up session and she started to train with him. "Lower your left hand, more bending on the right knee." Were the words of her father as she tried to learn how to use this defense in the best possible situation and when it was an option. As they went the day in like this... Eventually, she had turned out to be fed up with the training and had made a quick jutsu... Water style: water gun. And tried to spray her father. The jolly self-was a little gone as she took a serious turn, using her small body as an advantage and turned towards between the legs to get behind to try and kick her father in the knee holt. Of course, this failed and she was lifted up to calm down. However, they had been training that long that she had turned hungry and tired. Trying to make a tantrum in his arms she eventually had the Sharingan active in her eyes, there were only two of them circling around in her eyes... But she had them activated alright, almost as if the feeling of being fed up helped her going further below... But the combination she was using right now was a strange mix, almost a yin and yang mix. Fire and Ice, Sharingan eyes and a cold chill in the air of her own Haku bloodline. Two at the same time... Her own set of Sharingan with two tomoe, something that was already more then the usual bunch was having. Normally people started with one and would, with a lot of training, increase. Kotori was done playing around and she was having one of her few fits, sitting in the arms of her father she stared into his eyes, moving from the left to the right. Her own emerald colored hues had turned towards a crimson red with two Tomoe's. Slowly she calmed down a little as time passed on and they were remaining, she started to look towards her father more and saw her own view was a bit different. This was a whole sight to be seen, to experience. She saw something that could be described for her as a small radiant covering her father. Almost as an aura. But as her father had the rinnengan Sharingan nothing much was happening between them... She kept on staring towards her older man and eventually lose onto that.
From this moment they started to train on a different level. Kotori "saw" movements that her father was going to make, she dodged quicker and of course, it was a little more challenging as her father also had adjusted towards this training. Each Jutsu that her father did, she tried to copy them also. Using her eyes as a copy wheel right now. Some weren't able for her to copy, but at some point, her father did an E-rank Fire style: fireball jutsu and Kotori copied the movements, copied the amount of chakra used and then... A huge fireball was flung towards her father but also to her, the fire clashed into each other but eventually Kotori's fire grew weaker and so did she, she was slowly but surely she was burning through the chakra pool she had right now. Her own chakra was at a low point right now. Slowly a thought was crossing her own mindset. That she did a jutsu she hadn't learned before... Under her own breath, she started to mutter. "S-scary..." Were her words as her Sharingan started to disappear and her own emerald orbs returned again. Yet she looked a bit tired.
She had actually noticed herself what she had done by this point. Not only had she noticed she had started to 'predict' her father's movements. But it was a fake statement that they could actually predict things. Of course, she knew what other people thought about Uchiha clans and their ability. Most were scared to face them even. The rumor went that they could see a few seconds into the future, but Kotori knew different now.

On the end of the afternoon the girl eventually sat down, heavily panting and totally exhausted, she was rid of all the excessive energy now... and not to forget she was chakra burned on this point. Her father got close and was for a brief moment surprised that she had indeed two kinds of bloodlines in her. She got explained what happened at this moment as for all she knew, she was a Haku user, not a Sharingan which was at this moment the same. Slowly she started to tilt her head as she slowly was going to understand what had happened, why this suddenly had gotten easier. "So... daddy..? Was that... the eyes you usually have..?" And with those words, she started to pet her fathers head as they were close towards each other now. "Daddy..? I am tired..." She slowly said and tried to nuzzle back into her father's neck and her arms trying to gently hold onto him. Either via his neck or trying to keep a shoulder close. This was done while he gently lifted her and carried her. "I love you daddy..." she muttered before the sleep had already gotten to her and started to hug her father's neck. Her father had placed her into her bed, without having dinner she slept through the whole night. Of course, they had tried to wake her up but it just had no use right now as she slept further. The following morning she learned that the Sharingan had multiple names. Mirror wheel, Copy eye wheel but also the eye that reflects the heart. From that given moment her father told her more things even. That it was sometimes under the Uchiha's a so-called "Curse of Hatred", this is a negative emotion, brought up by stress or loss. But the emotion can also be positive, driven by a desire to protect or reunite with a loved one. Kotori still held questions regarding having both bloodlines, but boy... Was it going to be fun to master them both.

“Another tongue to master” [Learning Fiego]

Kotori was out with Hyuuga Yukio and she had it for a saying to where they were going to go. Kotori starter to walk towards the library without informing the other where they were heading or anything regarding that. Once she was there... She instantly waddles quickly as she could as silent as she could to the books where she knew which one had been standing. "Yukio!!" She whispered loud enough to not be a normal voice. She held a book up high with thick words: Language of Fiego for dummies.

At first, they started to practice together but soon Yukio was called away, yet the family knew where she was. Kotori started to practice the art of the language at her own. Yet from time to time she tried to get Yukio to overhear her, to see if she was doing it correctly. Weeks went by before she had it medium under control until a month or two before her birthday. She finally could talk in the Fiego language.

"Birthday Pranks"

It was her own birthday and she already knew that her older brother was coming over to visit. A lot of happy moments were about to come together.
Together with her mother, she had been hanging in the decorations in and around the place. They were celebrating it outside and Kotori was busy trying to make drinks for everyone. Once Yukio was in she obviously was happy that he was finally here! She was even more thrilled with a gift from him but placed it by the others. She wanted everyone to see what she got when she was going to open it since this was family only it wasn't held that big. Once she gave drinks around... She tried to prank her older brother with a fake spider in ice cube prank... Which didn't work for obvious reasons. But the other prank she tried to do... Sneak up and yell boo... She was quickly discovered with a hug and a smile. A pout left the smaller girl and hugged her older brother back. "How.. do you always do that Onii-chan?" She asked her older brother and sat down on his lap... It was time to open up all the presents.

"Spectral momentums"

Kotori had a lot of time on her hands with her family always having a full-time job... it made her often sneak out of the house when it was night time to take a look at the beautiful stars up in the sky... From time to time she saw a falling star and each time... She was wishing time stood still with the time she had with her family. Yet little did she know, was that she was already developing this as she often wished it to stand still.. She often thought of moments and wishing it to stop time. One time this actually started to happen when she was busy training for herself... It was when she was shooting that she got a small vision, small enough to make her stop in her movements and making sure that she didn't shoot the bow on what would end in a disaster for her. Now she started to look to the place where other else her arrow would have gone for... and there lay the birds nest with baby birds.. "W-wow... How... did I knew that was going to happen otherwise..." she muttered in astonishment and started to roam around the house starting to search for her father or mother because this had creeped her out... But little did she knew that at this moment she had stopped time while she was searching. Her thought was only; "I need to find them before they are away..." And she only learned that she had stopped time when she had found her father standing there frozen in time... While she was walking around, the sky even was frozen and she grew big in her eyes. "D-dad..?!" She shouted in fear and the moment she tugged onto him time sprung back. Her father looked back towards her and sigh in a moment, this did not surprise him at all.

"Almost gone"

Training... training and more training, that was what she was doing on the Hokage rock. Yet little did she knew that she was being spied upon. She knew she had like a prize on her head for being the flesh and blood daughter of the Hokage and the ANBU captain, but she would never have thought she would have gotten attacked in her hometown like this. The evil person had jumped out of the bushes with a Ninjutsu that she hadn't seen before it was almost too late. Kotori blocked it with her barrier but was still clung to the back. "W-what?!" Fear smacked in as this was her save heaven, she saves place inside the walls and the words that ring through her mind were now a lie. "You are always saved in these walls." A battle erupted right where they were standing and the girl soon learned to always bring all her equipment with in case this would happen. Yet as she was losing she eventually saw a face... a face she only recognized from the books. This was her late grand, grandfather. "..." She stood there for a moment until he gave her moments and pieces of advice. Suddenly she felt like she had gained the other knowledge on how to use the sword in the maximum potential.. And her swordsmanship got that well, that she eventually made a slash that broke a part of the stairways, crumbling down and the man leaving bloodied on the ground. Her eyes went from the stairs to the man while the people that defended the leaf were now gathering. Her sword dripping with blood and she stood there, wondering what just happened. but the moment she looked around... she saw her late grand, grandfather standing there smiling. She had a guardian watching over her.

"Giant little steps"

Once she was brought home she of course had to face her mom and dad on why she had broken the stairs... Since that was placed towards her. Kotori started to explain it all, like everything she was turning in rather unique. "But it is true! I saw them... I honestly saw my great great grandpa!" She shouted and started to turn more and more agitated. This was the so many time she had to explain that her patience was breaking down. The persons that were there gathering already didn't believe her and thought she had done so to gain more attention because her father and mother were full time working and she wanted more attention... Either negative or positive. "but it is true!!" She had told them but still was being brought towards the house back. The more they walked back... the more she started to turn angry. Eventually stopping in front of them to explain it once more, just a single try was given. "But it IS true! I it is!! It is, it is, it is!" And that moment she was grabbed by the shoulders and had to turn around and walk, they had grown tired of the child's protest and lies. Kotori... Grew from annoyed towards angry. So angry that slowly the ground started to tremble. First lightly with each step until moments later there you could say there was a small earthquake going on. Kotori was small, which why the earthquake was small... It took the defenders moments to notice that when Kotori made a step a tremor came, another and another. And trying to talk it right... had no use anymore by the redhaired female. "NO!" She shouted once they asked her to stand still. Move, move move move and now she suddenly had to stand still. No.. that wasn't going to happen. She walked into the Uchiha household without even realizing she was the cause of it all until she lay down on her bed, on which she instantly went for while the defenders were bringing the note to the Hokage.

"Late night studies" [Vulcan]

Her steps echoed through the halls of the ANBU compound. The small child had already made it this far, she was really following her parent's path, one she didn't fear to take as she knew she always had a family ready for her.
The girl went once over the language set she was currently having, one that seemed to be helpful at all costs, but something was just a bit odd. And she went towards her own mother to figure it even out. She learned that there were more languages to learn, one even special for the ANBU persons to learn. With this in her mind, she started to make more notes in her mind before she would write a message and leave it behind in the house.
"Mom, dad, I will be in the ANBU compound library, studying all night!"
In the library, she collected books, scrolls and what, not more what she could find on this special language. Slowly she started to turn and twist her head. "Hmn... This... this is complicated." Were the muttering sounds of the redhead. Books pile longer that she was, surrounded her. "This is hard..." She said and placed her cheek on the table, her feet dangling from front to back. She kept making notes, kept scribbling till it was around two hours after midnight and she finally began to understand bits... But sadly not everything. Kotori was maybe a little bit of a cheater and had used her ability to step out of time sometimes to learn more in such a short moment. But even with this and everything around... She couldn't keep awake much longer and fell asleep half curling up on the desk with her body and sitting on the chair.

The next morning she had woken up in her own bed in the Uchiha house. Confused she checked her surroundings but eventually ran down towards the place they normally had breakfast and found her dad there. After learning that she had fallen asleep and brought back here by her father, she climbed the chair to hug her father from behind. "Thank you papa!" She spoke happily and had her arms around him. "Say... papa..? Can't you help me understand it..?" She asked and tried to look from beside him. "Pleaaase? Even if it means with one of your fakes..." She pouted, for her, only one of the paths really counted as her father, but then again she often tried to tease him with saying that. She had gotten her yes on that answer and she was through the roof happy, but... that happiness was supported with a whole day studying on it.
More paper was being worked through, her father and herself had a lot of fun studying it as it wasn't just hard pounding the dry words through. Bit by bit Kotori started to understand it even more. Started to see it more. It was still after that the night had settled that she was able to decipher it and even speak the language. Even though she didn't speak it 100% right, she did had it right now. Just with the time given she would master the tongue.

"A timely adventure"

Kotori had been back for a small while but still held the scars from what had happened towards the young female. She remembered the time so clearly...
"Let's do this Asuka!" Was her own childish voice as she was happy and cheering upon the time they had been spending together all this time. They were conducting towards a small prank and this prank was being held inside the Hyuuga household. Mainly a particular room. The prank existed out of a lot of sticky notes and paper cups. The paper cups were to be filled with water and the paper stickies were everywhere to be seen. "Let's get out before he will spot us."
Right at the moment, they were supposed to get out, the one they were going to prank was out in the open. at the moment of time, they started to panic and panic more before they were going to opt their out. The young female panicking so much that with her ability, she copied her older sisters powers and mixed them with her temporal step ability... She was left out of time.
Inside this, new world for the small figure... she was left to scavage and survive. The world was lit by some of the strange plants, they were illuminating the world around her... Which left this place rather dark and chilling. Slowly she started to walk around, she was afraid.. This was an unknown world for her and fear was taking over. She was calling out to the two who were just with her but suddenly were away. Just when all hope started to vanish... she was one to hear that people were still around her. "W-where?!" She called out towards the voices but there was no reaction back to as far as she knew... weeks went by without a single word again, and she was slowly starting to age up. There was a creature she only met once, it looked rather similar towards the yokai that was still with her. " Ibis..." Were the words whispered as she started to softly pet her feathered friend? She was one to curl up around her contract, this was fear. Fear for being alone, but there was the voice again of her brother.
"His words go for you as well young one, Are you not the Hokage's daughter. The heir to the great Uchiha clan."
"YUKIO!!" She cried out towards the voice as she started to sprint, yet there was no end towards the running. "no..." Were the words muttered and she felt like a huge defeated person. "No....." The sobs were getting harder as she felt like breaking down on the place. Hang on.... that was something easy to say as you were the one lost in time so far.

The hours alone started to become hours, days and even months. Till so far that 3 years later the world suddenly turned, it was as if it finally had awoken and tried to get rid of the young girl, trying to break her just to swallow her whole. Yet one thing Kotori knew, there were 3 core points to break a human. In the end of the times, everything of her was broken except her hope. Her hope still wasn't broken down and kept her going. but her time here had taken her toll after 5 years had passed. She didn't speak anymore, didn't cry anymore. And just kept on going as the time passed on.

There were whispers all around the place, all kinds of. ' !' ' !' ' !' A faint rain started to follow for a moment, making the place even gloomier. There were ghost-like creatures around the small figure, all of those whispers went along till a moment it all suddenly stopped. "In the end... I'm always alone..." Were the words muttered, but instead of coming from the clone that was now vanishing, it came from a teen build woman. Her shirt tattered badly on the age, her sword stuck in the ground. Her hairs long and untamed. A new scar was on her shoulder, it was clear she had been through a lot... But it was a grown-up version, looking up she let the small light stream hit her. Warming her up, her shirt was oversized, tattered and old. Her emerald gaze went towards her rescue party that was there, she didn't even realize Yukio and Asuka were the real versions in this world, unlike the entities she had been fighting all the time already. Her emerald hues didn't even hold the spark of life they had once in them.
"If only... I was stronger..."
Ready with her blade she had almost attacked them, but they found a loophole into this world, a way to let her know this wasn't real at all. A little shocked she stood there, the point of her sword back into the ground. " are here..." The voice she spoke with was soft, almost a whisper as she looked with disbelief and... She was that day brought back home.

A gap in time.
Returning home, she knew she had to fix a few things. As a temporal strider, she soon noticed a ‘leak’ inside this world. The one she came through a long long while ago. Slowly she went back towards the house of her older brother, sneaking her way in and looking at the gap. Her fingers started to run past it and she looked a little bit hesitant to enter it. She was not one to forget that easy and she started to take a deep breath in. It was strange to do this on her own, but after what she had been through, she felt the way she was ready right here and right now. She ‘tore’ open the gap in the wall and stepped inside, the chilling of the world already taking a hold of her. Hairs on her skin started to raise and stand upright, goosebumps getting over her and eyes wondering the place. The gap itself remained behind her and stayed. She… wasn’t stuck like the last time, she had an open connection towards the ‘other world’ right here and now.

She started to move in forward and saw hidden tracks that she didn’t notice before. But as she started to focus down on other things, she stops feeling cold. Seeing it as an illusion, she started to try things out. Letting herself submerge in the water, letting it submerge… but she could still breath. Her longues didn’t fill up with water either was the fear of drowning itself. A moment in time and space standing still. She got out of the water and could see an Orb of light going further, soon seen as the little rabbit-like creature from the moment she met Jibril, her old Yokai contract. Her mouth dropped as she spotted it and made haste to follow. She kept herself hidden as she had no clear idea of what there was in this world and if the threat still remained even after she left. It was odd… She saw two silhouettes with aura-like things… Moments passed, more moments passed as she witnessed the scenes. Something didn’t quite add up, it was like seeing this from the first time yet not at the same time. A confusing matter to say the least. She started to head towards the end, having an idea who or what those silhouettes were. Soft whispers filled her head, words she heard that long while back ago. “Worthless…” Her mouth whispered, yet a small smile came to her lips. “Not anymore big boy…” She smirked soon and started to rush.

Moments later she found her younger self hiding away. One that in the past Yukio and Asuka never found but she did. It sat there weeping on a tree base and she got closer. “Oi… Little one…” She said with a kind voice and closed in. She smiled brighter towards the small girl crying. “Coming back to fix yourself now?” A creature behind her scampered and laughed. Yet she didn’t back down, instead she straightened herself and looked behind her. “My former and future self yes.” She would embark proudly and nod. Yet the moment she touched her small child version, everything distoriants around her.

Something had happened and it was like a paradox, future self meets young self and time warps around as that may never happen. It made sure to remove the Temporal Strider ability, but sort of throw the girl around. She never fully trained her Haku sided abilities, yet rather had her focus down on the fire path. The girl woke up, stretched out and looked to the windows. Parts in her memory were erased from the timeline yet they still had happened. The girl was sitting there with Semi-black hairs dyed and green hues staring up to the sky. She pushed the window open and jumped down. “Wohooo~! C’mon Breaky!” She cheered and ran down the village path. For some, this would be an odd story. For her, a new begin.
Clan Request: Back to Uchiha Clan

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A Keeping Ranji as active NPC inside Leaf for Branch Help out.
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: None. As stated by activation, I do not want any role anymore. I just wish to enjoy RP'ing once more.

Old Stats:
AGILITY: 600 / 600
STAMINA: 600 / 600
TAIJUTSU: 600 / 600
NINJUTSU: 600 / 600
GENJUTSU: 600 / 600
CHAKRA CONTROL: 600 / 600 %
PL: 3.600
Old OOC Rank: Capped S
Stat Cut: None
New Stats: AGILITY: 600 / 600
STAMINA: 600 / 600
TAIJUTSU: 600 / 600
NINJUTSU: 600 / 600
GENJUTSU: 600 / 600
CHAKRA CONTROL: 600 / 600 %
PL: 3.600
New OOC Rank: Capped S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:Unsure if this goes with Ranji's Jutsu's, if not please poke me.
Kinjutsu Chimera
Arcane Knowledge - Kinjutsu Ability 3000
Genetic Implant - Kinjutsu Ability 3000
Mystical Replication - B-Rank 7500
Radiant Aura - B-Rank 7500
Sacrificial Rite - A-Rank 12500
Avatar of Divinity - S-Rank 22500
<COLOR color="red">Total yen: 56.000
Total ASP: 39

AE Paper -> AE Shadow
AE Wood -> AE Explosion
AE Steel -> AE Plasma
MEdical - ANBU. (Full Medical for Full ANBU and Partial ANBU known for ANBU change.)

AE Kinetic
Yen: - 168.000
ASP - 148

Keeping all others.

Other Refunds: Blitz - 2400
Blood Rack - 2400
Razor Strike - 2400
Recovery - 2400
Vamp - 2400
Chakra Drain - 2400
Total yen back: 14.400

Name of any Contract you currently own:
- Yokai Approval Keeping this on Ranji.
Kami approval Taking this one to Kotori (Unsure if I still pay 300 ASP. If I do please subtract this on the end. It will be free of charge to change this to Tsukumogami...

Name: Hatter.
Alias: Mad Hatter.
Age: 437 (Physical appearance 25)
Title: Tsukumogami, spiritual contract.

Physical Appearance: A humanoid form and an object form. He has both of them due to the fact he is a Tsukumogami.

His humanoid form is around 175 centimeters long yet doesn’t weigh anything anymore. He has short white colored hairs and a crimson red eye. His clothing attire… Is always the same, doesn’t matter on what situation he is going in, he always wears the same white coat, purple blouse and white pants with black boots. A cane is held in his hand which holds a sword in it, yet he barely even shows this as he just wants to act ‘cool’.

‘Mad hatter’ is his angry spiritual form, one that haunts Kotori in her dreams till the given day.
He appears to be a large eye, gloating under a tattered black long cape. It wears a top hat which is similar to the old fashioned ones. There is a piece of paper that says ‘love and peace as well for another that quotes ‘welcome’. A few playing cards are stuck to the hat with three roses and thorn-covered stems wrapping around it.
It holds it all in place and as a little pin, there are five purple feathers sticking out.
Along the collar of his cape, he has a silver chain with tokens of a broken mirror and a skull.

How odd as it may sound, his solid form is in the form of pigmented, made into Ink which is now on Kotori’s body. The ink itself is set deep so the pigments would stick around. There isn’t much else, yet due to the fact they basically sort of became one. The only thing Hatter can do is cast thoughts towards her.

Personality: Around Kotori, he can easily be seen as a protective ‘chain’, as he often calls himself. He jokes around, takes her into protection and sees her as a younger sister, sometimes have that fatherly feeling around the small girl.
Hatter finds it extremely funny to lure her out with his ‘mad hatter’ form and will sometimes spook her with just the rattle of the chain. How jolly and funny he can be. His emotions can switch still quite quick yet is often played for others.
He is usually a bit colder, looking from the sideline and just watches the scene before he acts. But once he is in acting mode, he will often joke around or even use actions first before his brain. Something he might have gotten already in trouble with for a time or two.

When Hatter is talking about his past, his mood saddens and becomes even a bit depressive even. One time Kotori pressed onto it, wanting to learn more. But his old personality came forward as the old and bitter man that was angry.

History: Hatter used to have a different life, human life to be in fact till fate brought him elsewhere. His story starts as the person named: Kevin Xerxes. he was a child born but was named the Child of Ill Omen. This due to the fact he had bright white hairs and red eyes. It was most likely uncommon on where he came from, but his parents didn't think any less.
As a child, he already began to serve under the Duke of the 4 great city's. The time went by soon and he was already raised and trained to be a fine warrior for the battles that were soon coming. Yet as the noble families were victorious so was he on the battles and soon earned his spot between the known knights.
When he was twenty-four a tragic incident had happened, He had decidedly to take Roman's youngest daughter out for the day to spend some time away from the family. Unfortunately, when he returned with Roman's daughter, the two of them found that the entirety of the Sinclair Family had been slaughtered in their absence. Rumors circulated that thieves or an opposing noble family were behind the murder, but Kevin didn't care because he could only see how he'd failed to protect his master.
While Roman's youngest daughter mourned the loss of her entire family, Kevin tried to figure out what action he should take. Still riddled with guilt, Kevin decided to visit Roman's gravesite even though Roman's daughter begged him not to leave her, as she had nothing left without him.

At a certain moment in life, he found who had done this to his master, to the duke. The person was a rather tough enemy which called himself 'the intention' as it carried out a will that was formed to be taken down. Kevin fought until the end, losing an eye but winning the battle.
He woke up on a hospital bed, but fell into a state of remorse, losing his will to live and taking on the pseudonym of Hatter, Mad Hatter to cover up his dark past. Hatter isolated himself outside on a snowy day, crying over what he'd done, only to be approached from behind by a child, who asked why he was crying. As he turned, there was no child and thought it was all just a fatigue thing happening, a side effect of his medicals... but he still didn't really notice anything, he wasn't the same anymore. He had actually died on that hospital bed but never left this world. Stuck he tried to search for his way around in this place. Not yet finding it and eventually saw how his body was burnt. Unable to grasp for reality, he remained close as to what happened with his ashes. He being re-used in all kind of pigments. Mostly the black one because his ash helped to make it into Ink. He decided the ink was something he would sleep in.
Unknowing the ink was passed down family and family down, till one girl decided to be bold and take the ink to one of the tattoo persons in town. Having a bit of influence, she took the tattoo on her own. Yet unknowing what this would bring. After a few hundreds of years, the man inside the pigment awoken and once it was set and such, they were together. Yet it didn't go as easy at first, as the girl thought she was haunted. But after they came over different objects, they learned to help each other. Eventually, Hatter trusted her enough to show his forms and manage to scare the living hell out of it in the Mad hatter form of his own.

Other info: N/A
Name: Hatter.
Alias: Mad Hatter. 
Age: 437 (Physical appearance 25)
Title: Tsukumogami, spiritual contract. 

Physical Appearance: A humanoid form and an object form. He has both of them due to the fact he is a Tsukumogami. 

His humanoid form is around 175 centimeters long yet doesn’t weigh anything anymore. He has short white colored hairs and a crimson red eye. His clothing attire… Is always the same, doesn’t matter on what situation he is going in, he always wears the same white coat, purple blouse and white pants with black boots. A cane is held in his hand which holds a sword in it, yet he barely even shows this as he just wants to act ‘cool’. 

‘Mad hatter’ is his angry spiritual form, one that haunts Kotori in her dreams till the given day. 
He appears to be a large eye, gloating under a tattered black long cape. It wears a top hat which is similar to the old fashioned ones. There is a piece of paper that says ‘love and peace as well for another that quotes ‘welcome’. A few playing cards are stuck to the hat with three roses and thorn-covered stems wrapping around it. 
It holds it all in place and as a little pin, there are five purple feathers sticking out. 
Along the collar of his cape, he has a silver chain with tokens of a broken mirror and a skull. 

How odd as it may sound, his solid form is in the form of pigmented, made into Ink which is now on Kotori’s body. The ink itself is set deep so the pigments would stick around. There isn’t much else, yet due to the fact they basically sort of became one. The only thing Hatter can do is cast thoughts towards her. 

Personality: Around Kotori, he can easily be seen as a protective ‘chain’, as he often calls himself. He jokes around, takes her into protection and sees her as a younger sister, sometimes have that fatherly feeling around the small girl. 
Hatter finds it extremely funny to lure her out with his ‘mad hatter’ form and will sometimes spook her with just the rattle of the chain. How jolly and funny he can be. His emotions can switch still quite quick yet is often played for others. 
He is usually a bit colder, looking from the sideline and just watches the scene before he acts. But once he is in acting mode, he will often joke around or even use actions first before his brain. Something he might have gotten already in trouble with for a time or two. 

When Hatter is talking about his past, his mood saddens and becomes even a bit depressive even. One time Kotori pressed onto it, wanting to learn more. But his old personality came forward as the old and bitter man that was angry. 

History: Hatter used to have a different life, human life to be in fact till fate brought him elsewhere. His story starts as the person named: Kevin Xerxes. he was a child born but was named the Child of Ill Omen. This due to the fact he had bright white hairs and red eyes. It was most likely uncommon on where he came from, but his parents didn't think any less. 
As a child, he already began to serve under the Duke of the 4 great city's. The time went by soon and he was already raised and trained to be a fine warrior for the battles that were soon coming. Yet as the noble families were victorious so was he on the battles and soon earned his spot between the known knights. 
When he was twenty-four a tragic incident had happened, He had decidedly to take Roman's youngest daughter out for the day to spend some time away from the family. Unfortunately, when he returned with Roman's daughter, the two of them found that the entirety of the Sinclair Family had been slaughtered in their absence. Rumors circulated that thieves or an opposing noble family were behind the murder, but Kevin didn't care because he could only see how he'd failed to protect his master.
While Roman's youngest daughter mourned the loss of her entire family, Kevin tried to figure out what action he should take. Still riddled with guilt, Kevin decided to visit Roman's gravesite even though Roman's daughter begged him not to leave her, as she had nothing left without him.

At a certain moment in life, he found who had done this to his master, to the duke. The person was a rather tough enemy which called himself 'the intention' as it carried out a will that was formed to be taken down. Kevin fought until the end, losing an eye but winning the battle. 
He woke up on a hospital bed, but fell into a state of remorse, losing his will to live and taking on the pseudonym of Hatter, Mad Hatter to cover up his dark past. Hatter isolated himself outside on a snowy day, crying over what he'd done, only to be approached from behind by a child, who asked why he was crying. As he turned, there was no child and thought it was all just a fatigue thing happening, a side effect of his medicals... but he still didn't really notice anything, he wasn't the same anymore. He had actually died on that hospital bed but never left this world. Stuck he tried to search for his way around in this place. Not yet finding it and eventually saw how his body was burnt. Unable to grasp for reality, he remained close as to what happened with his ashes. He being re-used in all kind of pigments. Mostly the black one because his ash helped to make it into Ink. He decided the ink was something he would sleep in. 
Unknowing the ink was passed down family and family down, till one girl decided to be bold and take the ink to one of the tattoo persons in town. Having a bit of influence, she took the tattoo on her own. Yet unknowing what this would bring. After a few hundreds of years, the man inside the pigment awoken and once it was set and such, they were together. Yet it didn't go as easy at first, as the girl thought she was haunted. But after they came over different objects, they learned to help each other. Eventually, Hatter trusted her enough to show his forms and manage to scare the living hell out of it in the Mad hatter form of his own. 

Other info: N/A
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: None

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Selling this.

Name of Kinjutsu I can get free of charge without WC.
Do note: cannot find any costs with this. (yen and asp)

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? Yes, these can keep active as Ranji turns NPC. Kotori PC Again.

Things that do transfer with your next character:
Abilities Card
Class Point Card
Extra RP Slot
Extra RP Slot
Extra RP Slot
Extra RP Slot

If I do NOT pay for transferring Kami -> Tsukumogami To Kotori
YEN Current: 373,970.00
ASP Current: 1199

New YEN: 373,970.00 + 14,000.000 + 56,000.00 - 168,000.00 = 275,970.00
New ASP: 1199 - 148 + 39 = 1090

If I do DO pay for transferring Kami -> Tsukumogami To Kotori
YEN Current: 373,970.00
ASP Current: 1199

New YEN: 373,970.00 + 14,000.000 + 56,000.00 - 168,000.00 = 275,970.00
New ASP: 1199 - 300 - 148 + 39 = 790

Contract has to be approved, post in dojo details afterwrds.
Ability, extra rp, class points cards are transferable.

+70,000 yen
+39 ASP

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
