Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

From Freezing to a desert... [Requesting Entry]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

The group of five former Mist shinobi had soon arrived to what they presumed to be the entrance to Sunagakure. They all stayed quiet, though should someone come and speak to them they would speak, each on their own accord. They each waited for someone to approach, and hopefully give them some place to stay for a while, as they became used to the warmth once more after spending so much time in such a cold area.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
It had been some time since he even concocted the idea of guarding the gates. He had ignored his home for far too long being wrapped up in the personal matters of his new transformation. The memory was becoming foggy sketched anew in his brain as fragments of that moment began to fade. Regardless of that fact his mind had to be refocused on the mundane yet important task at hand. Lest Sunagakure get another Magnetica, on Koga's watch. Just when things seemed as though they would get dull a group of five would approach the Maw of Barnyx probably seeking passage. The sunan would approach them silent as they were, eyeing them down as they stood there like mannequins. They all seemed relatively young and unnecessarily quirky to this shinobi. Either they were preparing something or they were a band of mute travelers. There seemed to be a case of that going around these days. "Names, Passports, Reason for coming to this lift. Sooner you guys brandish them the sooner we can get on." Maybe that would loosen their silent approach.

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

As the group had stood there, simply waiting for someone to approach them, until they had noticed a man approach them. "My name is Hayashi Koji, and accompanied with me are Miyamoto Rina, as well as Daiki Sayuri, Yuzuki, and Koji." He said, as he pointed towards each of them as he had listed off each name. "We're here to seek refuge as we all hail from, the now frozen over, Kirigakure." He said. "Myself, along with my daughter and clan member here, don't have a passport as our village had frozen over before we were able to obtain one." She had said, before Rina popped in. Yuzuki stayed a bit quiet for the time, though she looked around a bit curiously. Daiki Koji watched the man.

"I think I have one, but it's a bit outdated now." She said, as she grabbed hers and handed it to the man. "And I don't have one either." He said, chuckling a bit uneasily. He had owned one, but the flash freeze had made it just about impossible to have actually gotten it back in one piece.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
"We've had a few of you Kiri-folk seeking refuge here but I seriously mean a few. Just how is it you five made it through the sands seemingly unscathed?" Refugees with nothing but the clothes on their backs and or in their packs making it through the desert was a curious note that popped in his mind. Maybe they'd been here before the way they approached seemed like it could have hinted to that but they way they spoke did not. It seemed as if for refugees they barely even gave detail into themselves. That simply would not do there wasn't enough for him to trust here. "So you don't have passports, that's troubling. Is there anything you have that can prove your identity? I'm sure you're all very tied and very exhausted. So lets try to get everything out on the table here before I even think about letting you into the village." If they lived in Kirigakure then they should understand that the gate rules at Shinobi Central villages were or should be more or less of an interrogation. Even if civilians lived here there were still secrets things that this village could not compromise to outsiders without being assured they could trust them. Especially if you didn't have a passport it just made things more complicated or at least when you were dealing with this gate guard it did. He would however peek at the outdated one at least checking to see if the information was concise. In the meantime he would open up his own pack taking out four canteens and passing them to the travelers. "Here for the thirst. I only have four so you'll have to make due. Follow me to our outpost table to take a seat while you relay the tale of your travels." He would lead them to a long rectangular table by a small watchtower lined with tables. There were some chess boards set up and some leftover cards from when some of the other guards were occupying the space. He would help himself to a seat inviting the five to also sit and relax. While he was technically interrogating them it didn't mean he had to treat them like criminals. Who knows this may actually make the process smoother and loosen their lips up more.

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

The five had listened to the man speak as he had mentioned that there had been a few Kiri-folk that had arrive at the village. "I'd say we're just that good." The Daiki male had said with a slight chuckle. As the gate guard had spoken once more, and had looked at Rina's passport. Rina's passport had her info on it, though the expiration date was a bit off due to it expiring just after the freeze-over happened. As he had handed out some canteens, he was short one to give to everyone, so the Daiki variety of Koji had passed on the water so the others could have some. He'd be able to hold out a bit longer.

As the man had spoken and told them to follow him to a table, all five had followed, though only Rina and Hayashi Koji had sat down while Sayuri had soon spoke. "I have a question before this starts. If possible, can you tell me if a Daiki Hoshi had visited your village?" She spoke, crossing her arms as she waited for the mans response.

[Sorry my posts have been few and far between, muse hasn't much been around for me to utilize it a lot]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
One of them chuckled and said they were just that good. It gave him no information other than that they might have been good enough to get past the storms. Koga did not find it amusing so he made no remark. Powerful shinobi from Kiri would have to be noted and likely he'd try to get a unit to trail them or do it himself. He didn't want any trouble and especially not on his watch. One of them would ask him if a Daiki Hoshi had come through and she crossed her arms. "Clan troubles?" He'd wait silently as they should know now he was digging to find why they were searching for this Hoshi. Koga would look towards the gates before giving them a real answer. "I have no idea about any Daiki Hoshi but this is the first I've encountered the "Daiki" name." They still provided no answers for his questions. The way this going he was considering telling them goodbye but patience was a virtue.

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

As the man had spoken, the three members of the Daiki clan had stayed where they were, as Sayuri had nodded as Yuzuki had started to speak, but stopped as her mother had nodded. "If there hasn't been any Daiki that have been to your gates then my journey continues. And no, it's not clan troubles, it's just that my eldest daughter had left Kiri before the freezing over and we haven't seen, or even heard from her before." Whe white haired woman had spoken before handing the white haired male the canteen she had as she was content with what she had drank. "Thank you for the water, but I'm going to have to leave here for the time being until I know where my daughter is." She spoke, not speaking for either Yuzuki, her adopted daughter, or the Daiki variant of Koji. "I'll be sticking with her. The man said, before Yuzuki could chime in. "I'm staying with my mother to look for my sister. Thank you for the water though, mister." Yuzuki had spoken, handing the man the canteen she had. Koji had handed back the canteen that he had after Sayuri gave it to him, which was now empty. The three walked back into the desert and would continue to wander until they found another place where they might be able to find any clues.

With the three Daiki clan members having now left, it just left Hayashi Koji and Miyamoto Rina. "To actually answer your question of how we got here seemingly unscathed is... well, we've packed everything we could into sealing scrolls and sealed scrolls into scrolls, so we all had what we had before, more or less. It was during the freeze over, so I'm sure that, three that just left as well as us, had been unable to get some things." The pink haired former Kiri Shinobi had said.

[Daiki Koji, Sayuri, and Yuzuki left topic unless stopped]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Koga would say nothing as the other three left. He would only wave his hand wishing them a farewell in a gentle gesture. The other two stayed and gave him some explanation about their belonging in sealing scrolls. They were not telling the whole truth, the dangerous sandstorms, the diamond sands were not a simple matter but it was clear they were decent enough to have survival. Those sands were part of the reason Sunans never had many visitors you have to be prepared more than just blind, wild atmosphere but for the very skin possibly ripping off your flesh. However he would not push the matter further. Kirigakure was somewhat welcome here and he would not want to bring more trouble on two more for no reason. "Will your friends truly be alright? It's not any of my business but I'm curious." Koga would stand and walk towards the elevator opening the lift. "Come this is Sunagakure's faux entrance the true one is beneath the earth. Before entering there are some refugee stations put up near the Kage's Tower, or the hospital. If you don't have coin for an inn room I'm sure you could find refuge there but if not you may come to my clan's compound, I am Ikoji Koga. If you cause trouble there will be hell to pay. Now that that's out of the way, I'd advise you to stop by the Sietch Zensunna district, there are many resturants, cheap in price that make some of the best dishes. In fact I'd say go to Grand Canyon. It's a bit of self advertising but my clan owns that one. We make all of our plates, bowls, cups and utensils out of rock candy... Don't ask how the rock candy is made just know it's good." He'd turn on his heels waiting for the pair to enter the lift and travel down to the pits of Suna. However in a few days time they'd be witness to the chaos of the Cabal. They would have to fend for themselves in this [A]narachy.

[Topic Left; Access Granted Enjoy]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
