Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Forced Entry Here's Mikki!

This thread is marked as containing someone forcefully attempting to enter the village.


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Feb 19, 2024
OOC Rank
Mikki looked up through eyes that werent there. It didnt make any sense how he could see or hear or taste, being a puppet and all, but those were questions best left unanswered. The Myakashi had been called, and Yong had taken what felt like a year to do anything as per usual, so, again as per usual, it was up to Mikki to come to the rescue.

Now, there wouldn't be any blood, or possession, or anything like that as Mikki knew that Migoya would be rather annoyed if he cut up a few Sandiebois. Simply put, Mikki had no patience whatsover, and the thought of hanging around to show a piece of paper to some guard was just so dull. Who even created that process? Some bureaucrat probably, who liked control and stuff. How boring! Imagine training all your life to be a powerful ninja person only to have to guard a big old gate. What did Migoya call villages again? Cages. Yeah. Sometimes that old fart was right about things.

Now, one thing would be very apparent for anyone watching was that Mikki was probably under a foot tall. He was a little wooden puppet after all, and just strolling in would be rather obvious. He hadnt gotten around to skinning a meatbag to wear around as he hadnt found one that he liked very much. Still, he needed to get into Suna...

The old mans cart creaked as it made it way through the gates, its cargo of sun-bleached wheat making its way to Suna's marketplace - at least thats what the old man had hoped. He also hoped that he could give his granddaughter the little wooden puppet he had just happened to find on the side of the road, carelessly discarded. People were so careless these days.

[Force entry - 1 hour]
[MFT: WC 303]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
It was a quiet day, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t nothing suspicious going about. Despite the vanishing of two Kazekage the gates security was as lack luster as usual. Someone spoke recently about someone simply weaving in an out between the guards and trouncing on in - no passport, no logs. Michino had to wonder if they were even still in the village or if they’d already passed back out; unnoticed.

The Toraono hid himself up in the giant steel gates in a dark corner above the guard's normal post. Felt something on the back of his neck pick up. Two purple eyes wreathed in a same-colored flame looked down at an old man walked in with a wagon. In it was a tiny figure with a chakra signature that seemed…human? Impossible for that size without it being a child…

The 7ft tall beast of a man landed suddenly behind the cart. His feet cracked into the ground, lifting it ever so slightly before it settled back down. He grabbed the end of the wagon before it could continue to proceed.

Hold, I would like to investigate this cart.



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Feb 19, 2024
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Well that was quick. It was clear that he had been caught as the magic special eyes probably picked up his chakra. It was cheating, but at least someone was doing guard stuff.

The old man seemed terrified at the sight of an extremely large gentleman…err demon stopping behind his cart. Certainly he had heard of the rumours of one of the special clans of Suna, but to have one of them literally stomp near his cart…

The old man gasped in shock, his eyes wide as he saw the flaming eyes of the giant demon man. The creature spoke, his voice as terrifying as his visage.

“Certainly Sir, er, ninja… erm sama! Go right ahead. Just bringing in the harvest from Goju village.” The man’s voice trembled with fear, and it looked like he might have had a bit of an accident as a stain began to grow, and the air started to smell rather… eww.

Now normally Mikki wouldn’t have cared about the plight of a meatbag, but in this instance it was probably a little bit his fault that this old man was sitting in a pile of his own making. Well, the big demon guy certainly had more to do with it than he did, and one thing Mikki hated was bullies. Big demon bullies.

So now the sight of a large, terrifying 7 ft tall demon man would be met with a ½ foot wooden mannequin coming to life to point an accusing finger towards him, clearly annoyed but unable to show any expression on his face.

“Ooooh aint you a big fella! Scaring old men! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size… like… like Kuro! Yeah - big’ old bull man himself would give you a kick in the arse for scaring a poor old man like that!”. Mikki raised himself up with indignation - how dare this man-thing be so mean! Mikki' voice couldn't be heard as he didn't have a mouth, but somehow the words drifited into Miohino's head.

“I have a mind to tell your Sennin Akkuma how disgraceful you act towards the elderly! Yeah - you go get him and tell him how sorry you are for being such an arse! And get a bucket and help clean up this guy while you are at it!”.

The old man was in hell.

[OOC: Sorry :p]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Michino felt his soul stagger a little when the old man wet himself at the demonic presence. Hazard of the bloodline, people just had problems controlling their bowels around angry Toraono.
Oop, my bad.

The purple wreaths of fire exhausted themselves quickly, and the demonic presence he naturally carried suppressed itself as the Toraono threw up his beast-hide hood. The chains hanging from his shoulders tightened a little to suppress it even further. Almost as if on cue, the diminutive creature he had sensed revealed itself from the cart of harvest. It’s accusations stung like shuriken scorpion venom, but there was an innate nastiness about the puppet that reminded him of his brother.

I won’t even give way to thinking I can trounce the Demonbeast King; no man who still holds a mortal shell can.” The beastly man crouched down a little to get on level with the tepid little creature, about to ask what it was doing in Suna. The answer it gave before he Michino could even ask brought about another sigh: ah, the other mad scientist. The one that actually swore an allegiance that was more than just ink on a piece of paper.

Give me a moment, I’ll see if he’s available to give me a stern talking to,” the panther prophet said with a fake smile and a wink before reaching up to his pointed ear to press in on a hidden device that crackled to life,
Main Guard, can I get the contact of a one Miroku Akkuma - Sennin of the Medical Division? There seems to be a…puppet, that knows him trying to sneak in. Oh, and a cleaner…no, not that kind! The mop and bucket kind; what is this, an ANBU Channel? On the double, soldier!

Let’s give the good Sennin a moment to say hello, shall we?


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Feb 19, 2024
OOC Rank
Mikki watched with a measure of awe at Miohino’s transformation from scary demon flaming panther man to, well, a man covered in a dirty old skin and… using bondage gear? To each their own I guess. At least this one wasn't one of those stupid guards who just attacked everything - that was soooo boring, unless it was a good fight. Mikki wasnt seeking a fight right now as his transformation, well his retransformation, had happened recently and he wasnt really up to scratch just yet.

Climbing onto the old man’s shoulder and patting the old man’s balding head, Mikkis stroked it like there was hair there and attempted to soothe the poor meatbag. “There there. The nasty demon man didn’t mean to scare you. Go ahead and do your peasant things. You were a good mount. Good boy.”

The old man glanced towards the now covered-up demon, seeking approval to move his cart into the city and away from this madness. He had almost forgotten the package in his pants as he made a clicking noise to get his old donkey to start to move forward.

“Ill clean myself thank you Sir… erm you. Ill be on my way… please?” He looked desperately at Miohino, hoping for permission now that the devil puppet had released him.

Seeing that there were, strangely, no other people around Mikki jumped to the ground and stared intently towards the demon, his hands on his hips and his head slightly tilted as if curious about what was in front of him. The demon’s words and his grin had been… cheeky. Respectful. Measured. Clever. About bloody time he met someone like that.

“Ahh so you ain’t so bad after all. Good. I’d hate to have to chop you up - demon blood is so sticky and gets in all my joints.” Mikki ‘said’, giving a thumbs up towards Miohino, before reaching out with a small hand. Almost immediately the small hand would ‘flick’ open, revealing a whirring and deadly buzzsaw which Mikki, using his other hand, would click back into his arm before, sheepishly, putting out the same hand again as if requesting that Miohino shake it. Shaking hands with a demon was risky, but Mikki had been around demons way too much and could easily sense them, and had interacted with Kuro years previously, so he knew that some of them had a bad wrap, especially the half-breeds.

“Oops. Sorry about that. Names Miksurendo, here on business but I cant talk to you about that because I was told not to. Well, more like I wasn't told what the business actually was, which makes it really difficult to explain what business I’m here for. Yeah… thanks for calling in Akkuma. He knows what to do… well, he thinks he does sometimes, though I think he is faking knowing what’s going on.”

Miohino then spoke to others via radio, requesting Akkuma’s presence and saying that they should give the Sennin a moment or so to respond. He would, that is if he permitted it, find that the small puppet was clambering over his form, looking under his cloak and inspecting him as if sizing him up like a prized, well, piece of meat. If he was stopped, he would nimbly move out of the way and try to continue his inspection.

“Well, a moment is a loooong time when it comes to dear old Akkuma-chan. He probably needs to get his dress pressed and his hair quaffed before making an appearance. I think he has serious daddy issues. Speaking of daddys, who is yours? You kinda look like the old bull himself - not trying to be rude or anything as you dont look like a red cow thing. You his spawn? Or do you have the same mum? I don’t think I had a mother, being a tsukumogami and all, unless she was a tree or something. I do hear good things about mothers, though I’ve heard some of the others use mothers as an insult. I guess that works, but I find that insulting breeding parts tends to get mortals angry. Would that make you angry if I insulted your dangly bits? It annoyed Takashi, the loser. I only said that his face resembled…”

The waffling would go on, the only reprieve would be Miohino interrupting the puppet, or the arrival of the devil himself. Or Akkuma.

They better hurry up, for poor Miohino’s sake.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
His headset would crackle to life as the information about the unusual encounter at the Gates was given to him. 'Ah I wondered how long until they would was only a matter of time since the token was torn.' he thought to himself with a chuckle, were they already within the walls? Or was Mikki their first attempt to enter the village? It would make a fine test for the security force. Clicking his mic to life he would begin to speak. "..." he was silent for a moment, what if it was Kureji? His son was free after all & he had still yet to visit the scene even though he had the laboratory sealed until his arrival. "This is the Sennin of International Affairs, Miroku Akkuma. I understand there is a puppet claiming to know me? It is possible...I admittedly know a few." He thought to himself after all even Kiko had been a puppet when he had known her initially. Sighing he would down at the individual strapped to the operating table beneath him.

"It appears we shall have to continue this later..." as he placed his scalpel down onto the medical tray. Giving the gagged man a tap on the shoulder. A criminal who had the potential for a kekkei genkei, but had yet to activate it. Akkuma intended to remedy that, after all he knew a variety of ways to trigger such activations. But for now perhaps the anticipation & fear would be enough to do the trick. Walking out of the room he would seal it behind himself. Ensuring that the mechanism had fully engaged before moving to dispose of his bloody gloves & wash his hands.

In a matter of seconds he had broken himself down into sand & began making his way out of the building towards the Primus Bulwark. Before long the ice-blue corpse-like unearthly form of Akkuma would reform before the party from the Sands. Crimson eyes scanning those present before resting with an amused look upon the puppet who had resulted in him being summoned. "Ah Mikki, I should have known." he would say with a chuckle of amusement before turning his gaze to the Toraono that had stopped them. Crimson eyes scanning the individuals features as his mind searched the various dossiers of Sunan shinobi he had covered.

"Toraono Michino isn't it? ...the Beast of Suna." he said as those crimson eyes held the Sunan in his gaze, the dossier contents now forefront of his mind. This individual was certainly an...interesting one. Not that sunans were ever lacking in their ability to intrigue. "MIkki here is an honoured guest. Please be sure all of those on duty he is free to be move through the village unhindered." his words while polite held that unmistakable note of danger to them. But perhaps that was just the Sage after all if one were to look up Boogeyman in Suna's dictionary, he would not be surprised if there was a picture of himself. Just as dangerous an ally as he was an enemy.

Yet here he was Sennin of Sunagakure & cavorting with all manner of beings. What would the village become if his influence within was allowed to remain not just unchecked but to grow? If the Sages influence wasn't somewhere you could bet one of his kin weren't far off from arriving with intent of remedying it. What was he playing out now? Would the Toraono comply or would things get difficult?

MFT (Busy night but wanted to get this out for you two so you weren't stuck waiting for me haha.)

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The Toraono stood back up to his full sized and watched the diminutive wooden creature attempt to comfort the old man and the mess of himself he had made. The demon lord nodded at the elderly man with a “yes, please get out of here before it gets worse,” look in his eyes. The Hyou blooded wasn’t sure where this entire conversation was about to go, but when you tossed a mad scientist into the mix it rarely came through kindly.

Chop me up?” the large man said looking down before squatting back down fully to get closer out of sheer cat-like curiosity, “You claim to know the Demonlord but still think you could chop up any of his children? Hah! I’d say you have guts but, it’s more likely to be gears!” Michino guffawed at his own joke until the tiny saw-blade popped out while the puppet tried to offer a handshake. The Beast’s grin did not falter and held out a single black, curved, fingernail, for the wooden critter to clutch and shake.

Toraono Michino, Prophet of the Black Demon Panther,” the Beast replied as Mikki crawled up his arm and began what assumed was a rudimentary inspection. The shinobi training told him to swat the dangerous little being away, while his innate prideful nature argued to allow it; the latter won. It was a quiet display of power for the Toraono. A real inspection would reveal more to the wraps of chains and beast hide than just the imagery they brought. The hide repressed chakra signature. The chains sapped power. Only a handful of scars marked his body and were all places that should have been fatal to leave such a mark. Even after displaying a buzzsaw with the capability of inflicting a mortal wound on Michino, given the proximity Mikki was in, it wasn’t likely to kill Suna’s Beast as quickly as one might hope.

I share no direct blood relation to the Demonbeast king, no. My father was little more than an unnamed evil that history has already forgotten, and my mother a Toroano who died giving birth to me. I was raised, more or less, by the entire clan instead of one of the families.

Then the creature began to ramble. Michino walked back towards the shade of the gate and motioned to the inquisitive splinter crawl down and sit down on the stack of near by crates while the Beast leaned up against the cool steel wall to half-listen and wait for Akkuma. He only responded when needed but didn’t seem to be overly perturbed by the carrying on. Apparently a decade spent in Toraono politics had made the demonkin an incredibly patient man. Upon the appearance of the devil himself, did Michino finally break his eye-contact away from Mikki and stare over at the self-shaping sands forming the pale figure. The familiar stink of blood slipped into the air briefly before an evil aura slapped it back down. While not an unfamiliar feeling from an ally, Michino’s instincts reacted to the heavy touch of Akkuma’s power; purple flames once again wreathing his eyes.

Akkuma, I assume,” Michino replied to hearing the title military grunts had given him. This was the first time the panther prophet stood in the Devil’s presence. He had heard more about Akkuma than he wanted to know; mostly his alleged sexual prowess repeatedly told to him from the time his brother was head-over-heels for the man. Outside of that, Michino knew very little about the sage. Standing in his presence didn't inspire confidence in their trust though. The next line from the pale figure's mouth stoked the embers of his ire.
An honored guest, really? You would pass such a privilege on to, what I will remark is an interesting creature but - not something I would give the keys to Suna. Need I remind you we’re at war, Sennin? Such freedom granted to a stranger in these dire times, requires proper channels to be followed!” His own demonic energy flared against the chains that restrained it, but it was enough to denote another reason to wear them beyond his ego-trip. The energy leaking from the Toraono gave the impression of a cat flicking their tail in agitation, but it was clear that without the chains on both Mikki and Akkuma would be engulfed by that furious energy.
Fine,” he relented, his large hands brought up in situational surrender, “But don’t forget, his actions will directly reflect your budding new reputation,” Michino reached up to the earpiece and gave the all-clear to an exact description of Mikki; down to their little wooden phalanges.
I’ll leave him to you, then.

Michino squatted down before preforming an incredible vertical leap that brought him back into the shadowy spot on the gate. Tucked back into the shade he waited for Akkuma and Mikki to leave the gates before preforming the seals to quickly summon his sister, a red oni-type of Youkai no bigger than 3ft wearing a tank-top and jersey shorts; as if Michino had just summoned her out of a nap.
IT’S FISTING TI-,” she cried out upon summoning only to see there was no fight, “Hey, wait Michi. Where’s the fire?
No fire today. I need you to do some light stalking for me.
Ooooh, are they hot?
….I guess? If you’re into snake-faced Bishōnen.
Eeeeeh…okay, sure. How long we talking tho? I got a gladiator match with money riding on it. Someone is taking on The Beelze!
Couple of days. Just keep an observation and note it, don’t go all rogue on me again.
Owari pouted but sighed with an eye-roll when she realized Michino wasn’t going to relent. A pillar of fire and brimstone erupted beneath the little Youkai and she was on her way to work. The Toraono shuffled back into his corner while ruminated on everything else, he knew about Akkuma.

[Entry Granted]
[Topic Left]


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Feb 19, 2024
OOC Rank
Mikki would have smiled as he shook Miohino’s claw, before clambering up his arm and touching his chains.

“Hmm… your chains have a tale of their own to tell but I’m not one to pry”, Mikki said nonchalantly, perhaps unaware how nosey he actually was. Mikki, although losing some measure of ability as a tsukumogami, still retained his ability to speak with objects after being taught the technique from Migoya. Objects always had such interesting things to say. Crawling to sit on the demon-mans’ amble shoulder, Mikki would simply cross his legs and listen to what Miohino had to say.

Mikki gave a little twitter of a laugh at Miohino’s joke about having gears instead of meat. It was true after all, even the bit about him chopping up demons. “Well nice to meet you Miochino-san, prophet of the Black demon panther. I can’t say I’ve met that one - I’ve met a sea goddess, some noisy idiot named Jashin, Primus, Secondus, and Mother Suna, but not a black demon panther. He sounds cool! And thats nice of the Toraono’s to bring you into their clan. My clan is similar - guess thats why Kuro and Migoya get along”. Name drop. And the funny thing, he wasnt lying!

It was at this time that poor Miohino was saved from another Mikki rant with the dramatic (naturally) arrival of Akkuma. With a rather impressive leap, Mikki flew from Miohino’s shoulder to land on Akkuma’s, that is if the devil let him. The poor old man, now scared to death from a gigantic demon, a talking puppet and now a man coming together from the sand went pale before scampering off, forgetfully leaving his cart behind.

Mikki absently started to play with Akkuma’s ear, if he was perched on is shoulder, as if reliving doing that with someone else. Listening carefully at the interaction between Akkuma and Miohino, he could feel the… angst between them. Maybe they had a crush on each other? Mortals, and even these ‘try hard’ immortals, were so strange.

Then Miohino called him a rude thing. An ‘interesting creature’. WHAT. It was time for his serious voice. Standing up on Akkuma’s shoulder, the dreaded finger of telling-off came out once again. Mikki’s ‘voice’ was clearer, less informal this time, as if speaking from far away.

“Toraono Miohino. I have found that people tend to be more than what they seem. Masks and layers, all put one on top of each other. Allies come from the strangest places, and help should be appreciated when it is offered, regardless of who does the offering”.

Almost immediately, Mikki slumped down to sit on Akkuma’s shoulder, back to his usual relaxed and child-like form.

“Thank you Akkuma-chan! I’m sure the others will arrive shortly. Dont worry, Ill be a good… what was it… interesting creature.“

“And a big thank you to you, Miohino-san. Its good that people actually do their jobs, especially during war time. You never know who they will let in!”

Leaping off of Akkuma’s shoulder, Mikki looked towards Suna proper, before looking over towards the discarded cart.

“Ill bring that in and try to find that poor old man. I’ll just follow the smell I guess”. Weaving some familiar handseals, Mikki seemingly took on the form of an average man, 5”10 wearing the clothing of a Sunan peasant (Transformation - M), before wandering over towards the cart. Oh he expected to be followed - Sunans wernt as stupid as Leafies after all, and showing them what he looked like would help track him down.

“Come grab a drink with me when you are off guard duty!”

Giving a thumbs up, Mikki started pulling the cart, somehow, through the gates of Sunagakure.

Poor, poor Sunagakure.

[Village Entered]
[Topic Left]
[OOC: Thank you Miohino and Akkuma - twas fun!]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
It would seem the Sage had arrived just in time. Before any more sleights real or perceived were thrown around between his comrades. Akkuma licked his lips excitedly as the Toroano's lineage seemed to ignite at his presence. An instinctual reaction he had seen from many a being, but most interesting from a Toraono. Then again it was only natural not all of them approved of his connection to not just their house but most respected kin. A chuckle would escape his lips at Michino's words & he was not surprised to find Mikki less amused by the larger shinobi's choice of words. It was absurd really a Toraono telling him there were proper channels for the privileges he had bestowed upon the little Myakashi now upon his shoulder. However rather then take offence at the lecture he received the Sage found amusement in it. Mikki had some thoughts on Michino's opinion as well & demonstrated the dreaded finger of telling off as he expressed them.

In the history of Sunagakure he doubted anyone had been responsible for more privileged guests staying within the village than the Toraono. Given he was still the Sennin of International Affairs Akkuma was one of the few individuals with the authority to make such decisions. A fact he knew Michino was well aware of & with that in mind he would make no declarations of his status. Instead that crimson gaze of his would be locked with the burning eyes of the Prophet of the Black Demon Panther. When he was younger he would have felt the need to reaffirm his title & ensure the individual before him complied. But he knew that was neither necessary nor did it affirm his status, instead he addressed the lack of information possessed by the guard. "While a stranger to you, they are not to myself or this village." Knowledge was his specialty after all & he kept all sorts of company.

"Oh I am counting on remember that he & his kin are here under my invitation." the Sennin would say with a devilish smirk. Soon enough Michino would learn just who Mikki's kin were. With that he would turn away from the Toraono & to Mikki who had said he'd be on good behaviour. Although Akkuma was sure that even restraining himself the being just might get into some trouble, not that any he could kick up would be worse than what already stained his name. "I'm glad you made it here safely Mikki...I apologize for the tension of the villagers. I'm hoping we'll be able to help them soon enough..." he would say as Mikki had prepared to depart with the cart in search of the old man who had departed to escape the scene's escalating weirdness. Meanwhile Akkuma was making note of the way Michino reacted at his arrival he would have to learn more about the shinobi. With Mikki having departed & Michino having returned to his post the Sennin would crumble into a sand stream. Twisting & weaving through the air as he made his way back into the village.

[Topic Left]
[Looking Forward to our Next Rp's]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
