Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Hey pops! (req Akkuma)


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji knows all too well the ins and outs of the secret entrances and exits to Akkuma's many little bases scattered throughout the desert. It wasn't long until he made his way into an area, where people immediately intercepted him, obviously wondering who he was and how he found out the area so fast. "Wow. And to think that you all forgot about lil ol me. I am the son of the Devil after all." He said slyly. Just that remark was enough to send chills down their spines. This guy not only knows Akkuma, but is his son as well? There has been a few people that were claimed as his children, but only the most recent being Kureji. But based on their own databases, this guy does not fit the bill. Firstly, it was stated that Kureji always wore a hockey mask. But then it was hastily made some time ago that he was now a puppet. But even now, they were uncertain of who this person was, as he doesn't seem to have any of the human puppet like traits. He looked bored as he swung his guitar around and started strumming some of the cords.

His own pirate crew that was hastily made when he had left Moon was surely partying it up at Soon's Harbor. He was sure that his father's agents had picked up on the activity on the borders. It would only be a matter of time before his old man comes into this base and finds out who his visitor is.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma, the enigmatic Crime Lord of the Desert, had been informed of the disturbance at one of his hidden bases. His heart, if he could even be said to possess one. Remained calm & unmoved by the news. He had lived through countless betrayals, challenges & power struggles over the years. This intrusion though intriguing, was just another piece of the endless puzzle that was his life.

As he made his way through the labyrinthine tunnels & passages that led to the source of the commotion. Akkuma couldn't help but wonder who had dared to enter his domain. When he'd gotten the news he understood their concern, for a variety of reasons. If it wasn't one of his children how did they have such intricate knowledge of this location? Although when Akkuma heard their concern was because he showed no sign of Puppetry he couldn't help but smile. After all how many forms had he possessed over the years?

How interesting it would be to hear what he had been up to all this time. That is should the individual indeed turn out to be Kureji as they claimed, when Akkuma turned down a hall where once through the doorway he would give a chuckle. "To think everyone was so on edge because of you my boy." An unmistakable wave of relaxation would wash over the staff present as Akkuma approached his son.

"I'm glad to see you were your travels?" he would ask with a devilish smile. The Sage was looking forward to hearing what he'd been up to, with a wave of his hand he sent the remaining staff away. Moving to sit at a nearby desk, leaning back he would wait patiently to hear from his son. Those piercing emerald-green eyes holding him in their gaze as he waited. The responses from his guest he hoped would be most informative on world events.


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Trying to find the right tune for his guitar, he looked up to see Akkuma walking up to him, a big smile on his face. He shrugged when his father had talked about everyone was on edge. "Stress ain't gonna do anyone good. Best thing to do is go out and party all night long to release that built up tension people seem to have." He said care free. He would lean his back against the wall and put one of his feet on it as he set his guitar on the ground next to him and put his hands in his pocket.

"It was good. Ended up staying in Moon for a longer time than I thought. Gave em hell though." He would laugh, thinking of all the things he has done there. "By the way. I lead a rock band. The Devil's Advocates. Both of them are fellow missings from Cloud. A girl who has the voice to empower the masses and a gun wielding guy that has the zoomies. The girl, Monika, is here in Wind Country chilling here for now. As for Shinjo, gun guy, I lost track of him but left him a letter in case if he feels the need to come back to the band. I got a new body, a real human now. Oh! And I met one of your associates too while I was out in Moon. Goes by the name Myakashi Migoya."

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
A chuckle would escape Akkuma as he listened to Kureji's words. "You're not wrong, but I've been busy making preparations. So they are all a little on edge." he'd respond to the statement made by his son. Although he left out the fact that they were no doubt on edge from his recent actions. Given the attention the Sage had drawn to himself & this region they had become more enthusiastic in their security efforts. Sitting on the desk he listened as Kureji said he went to Moon & gave them hell. Mentioning he had stayed there longer then he had thought. "Haha this is often the way with some of the most memorable journeys." He would say as his son laughed while reminiscing of his time in the foreign land. When he continued on to inform Akkuma that he was leading a rock band & what they were calling themselves a devilish smile flashed across his face.

A boisterous laugh would erupt from him after he'd taken in all his son had to say. Not only had he created his own crew of misfits. But he was traveling with two Missing-Nin, one a charismatic individual named Monika. The other a gun wielding marksman by the name of Shinjo he would keep those names in his memory. It comforted him to know that Kureji would not be out there alone to face those that would come for him. When the name Myakashi Migoya was mentioned, a warm smile would grace Akkuma's face. "It seems your time away was most fruitful. You've managed to forge strong bonds with new comrades, you have expanded your network & managed to alter your form. A feat beyond most shinobi, you've done exceptionally well son I'm proud of you." With those words he would stand & turn slightly pausing only for a moment saying to himself.

"Yes, I think it's time." The words were more thoughts said out loud to himself. A casual wave of his hand while releasing his Corrupted Chakra, would cause the very air to ripple as a void began to coalesce into existence. This was a pocket dimension technique that was designed to archive the most precious of materials. It was a technique he'd created many years ago in his youth as a means to safely store his research from prying eyes. Even should someone raid his labs they would never truly get what he considered his most valuable items. The sheer volume of materials in there alone would take more then one life time alone to catalogue, well-at least one mortal life. Contained within the collection was an incredible myriad of the Sages greatest research pieces.

Everything from biological matter of Kekkei Genkai users, essential materials needed for various Kinjutsu studies. Whole specimens preserved ranging from humans to non-humans. Scrolls & Tomes that covered almost every conceivable subject. Then there were their Occult counterparts & their relics. The list went on, everything the Sage had the chance to was archived. Most of his research notes were replicated & archived with their original samples when he was finished with them. But he hadn't opened this realm for just any of the materials here. No there was one in particular he wished to give to his son. Reaching in the energy of the dimensional pocket briefly warped & a massive time materialized in his hand.

Withdrawing his hand he would hold the relic in his hand fondly before turning to face his son once more. Taking a few steps towards him Akkuma would hand the tome to Kureji. "There is knowledge contained within that tome that nations would be envious to have." Once he had handed it to his son he would continue on. "I look forward to seeing what you can achieve going forward." as he spoke thoseemerald eyes of his held Kureji in their gaze. Perhaps Akkuma was just having a sentimental moment. Maybe with all that was going on he wanted to sure, that even if he was somehow taken care of by the villages. That his knowledge would still be with Kureji to guide him in his absence.

CRPJ Used:
Name of Jutsu: Miroku Clan [Archive Dimension Jutsu] Link
CRPJ's Effect:
Allows Akkuma to store archived information, items such as tomes, scrolls, jars of organic material, tools, corpses {preservation technique}, other samples. Mainly a safe way of storing any archivable goods that only he can access.
Requirement: Dark Sage / Miroku Clan
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: Attempting to open the dimension in battle would fill one with so much senjutsu chakra they'd become a permanent statue as a warning for those who fooled around with senjutsu chakra.

Dark Sage Research Tome Description: 'The ancient tome bound in dark leather, is an eerie relic of forbidden knowledge. Its cover is a coarse, cracked hide that exudes an aura of timelessness & malevolence. The leather, the color of ink-stained night, has aged to a shadowy, mottled patina. While the edges of the pages curl inward, revealing the passing of countless centuries.

The spine of the book which was lined with ornate rusted clasps, arches with an almost skeletal curvature. As if the knowledge contained within has been long starved for release. The very weight of the tome seems to carry an oppressive gravity, as if its secrets are a burden to the very fabric of existence. Upon opening the ominous tome, the pages, brittle & yellowed evoke the scent of decaying parchment.

Akkuma's notes are a chilling testament to his relentless pursuit of knowledge, even at the expense of ethics & morality. Each page is a stark canvas, filled with meticulously detailed observations & clinical clarity. Shedding light on the Sages methodical descent into the abyss of forbidden experimentation.

The script, penned with chilling precision, is a study in transparency, revealing every step of his dark journey. That meticulous handwriting, devoid of emotion, meticulously documenting the development of grotesque & otherworldly creations. The ink, stark black, contrasts dully with the yellowed paper, making every line & symbol all the more disconcerting.

Experiments are described with a chilling neutrality, as if the Sage were merely recording data from a routine clinical trial. Their notation is eerily systematic, revealing an unwavering commitment to their unholy pursuits. The notes don't shy away from even the most horrifying details, their clinical clarity casting an eerie & unsettling spell over the reader.

Detailed illustrations & diagrams accompany the text. Revealing numerous grotesque hybrids of flesh & machine. Along with mutations that defy nature's boundaries. Entire chapters on eldritch symbols that hint at the Sage's descent into the occult. Each drawing is rendered with a surgeon's precision, as if the atrocities they depict were part of an ordinary, documented procedure.

The margins contain annotations that are equally transparent & dispassionate. Providing insights into Akkuma's thought process as he ventured further into the abyss of his research. Even the most grotesque & morally reprehensible aspects of his work are presented with a chilling matter-of-factness.

These notes are a chilling window into the mind of a individual who is unflinchingly transparent about their descent into darkness. Their clinical clarity only serves to highlight the depths of their transgressions & the horrors they unleashed in their relentless quest for knowledge.

Each word appears to be written with an unholy purpose, bearing the weight of ages of dark intent. An aura of chilling malevolence emanates from the pages, as if the knowledge within had corrupted the very parchment it was written on. Each letter seems to writhe & pulse with life as though it harbors an ancient consciousness of its own.

The illustrations within are macabre, revealing cursed symbols, grotesque rituals & eldritch diagrams that challenge the sanity of any who dare to decipher them.

This book seems to thirst for contact, as though it hungers to impart its dread knowledge to an unwitting or ambitous reader.'
This item can be used to track Akkuma, due to being created from his Chakra. Seeing as this is a copy of his personal Tome.


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji would listen to his father as he spoke. Even though Kureji himself didn't really feel like he has done much, his father had assured him that he has done a lot for a ninja of his own caliber. One with too little experience but has been outshining other ninja with how quickly he is able to adapt and overcome. With that... Akkuma would open his personal collection and reach into the other dimension and give Kureji a book. A bit confused at first, he would look up at his father as he explained to him what exactly this book is. Something that the nations, the three big Villages, would kill for. That kind of heat... Kureji would give a wide grin to his father and give him a hug.

"Thanks pops!" Feeling the pages and cover, it felt ancient. "I'll take good care of it." He would gingerly turn the pages to read its contents. Now he would have to admit, he was thinking of reading a book as boring. However, the one he is holding right now is anything but. He will have to give it a good read when he gets the chance. However, there is still much that he wants to talk about. "There is something else I want to talk about. What do you think of Migoya? What are your plans for him? I'm asking this since while we worked together, he was not one-hundred precent forward with me with what his ultimate goals were in Moon. Because of that, it makes me think that he is no better than the Villages. And because of this. I'm thinking once I'm done with my fun in Sand, to visit Leaf once more and learn more about the Myakashi's backstory."

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma chuckled when Kureji seemed happy with the tome. He wondered if his son realized the importance of the item he held. Suddenly Kureji moved forward & embraced Akkuma in a hug. There was a moments pause from the Sage before he returned the gesture, it was the first time any of his children had done so since...he couldn't think of her now. He wondered how she was, what she had become in her time away from them all. The Sages mind was brought back to the present as Kureji thanked him for the tome. "I'm sure you will." he would say stepping back as Kureji flicked through the tome. Moving to a nearby desk he paused at the questions that were suddenly posed by Kureji. A chuckle would escape his lips at the concern stated by his son. "Migoya has a lifetime worth of reasons to not whimsically give out his trust." Even with the little he knew of the clan & it's members it was no surprise to him they had been so secretive.

After all he himself had been through enough that he to was a secretive & distrustful individual by nature. But his experiences had taught him that often the truth was better the deception when it came to fostering allies & ensuring bonds would not be easily severed. "Together we broke the decade long stagnation on inter-village relationships." as he spoke the Sage opened a nearby draw, continuing to speak as he moved through it's contents. "I allow the Myakyashi to grow their own influence, while bearing the blame for initiating the strikes." This was their purpose together their plan, he was by all means the scapegoat for their little syndicate. His gloved hand would hover momentarily over something hidden within the drawer as if he were weighing the options before him. But what was he contemplating as he stood there back to the son he had only moments ago embraced. "No doubt he hoped to further the reach of his kin within those lands, to draw the focus of the Shrine. But those religious zealots care only about themselves, they care little for the what transpires outside of their walls." Their was no deception to his words he was honest with what he believed they hoped to achieve & why he doubted anything would have come from the action.

Akkuma clasped something from the draw in his hand & withdrew it before sliding the drawer shut once more. Turning to face his son the Sage would sit down on the desk & hold the shinobi in his gaze. "Our relationship with the Myakyashi was perhaps strenuous initially." Emerald eyes appraised his son as each word was spoken, holding him in that piercing gaze. "However our bonds have grown with our alliance. I seek to better the world for all shinobi but most importantly Sunagakure." his gaze flashed with intensity as he spoke, after all many of his kin lived within these lands. Even those ungrateful sons of his who had tried to end him. He would see them all safe from the same cycle of pain, held in perpetual repeat by the hubris of man & their inability to learn from the past. "I will always wish for you to follow your heart Kureji...yet in this matter I wonder if you know what could be at stake if you were to proceed with your plans." With those words he would toss a small crystal to his son. A peculiar crystal-like material that grew when exposed to chakra, a substance he had been fiddling with for sometime as a private project. Unfortunately he never thought he'd be using it on one of his children, let Kureji out of them all. But he couldn't let him jeopardize their plan.

"Are you able to let this matter go for now? If not I understand & won't hold it against you." There was sincerity to his voice as he asked his question & yet a somberness as if there were some tough decision he had to make. For throughout his life he had lost many of those he cared about. He would not let his son become another one of those memories lost to time & claimed by the Fates. For the danger to him did not just stem from the Myakyashi if he went poking around where he shouldn't. The villages would inevetably seek him out for his actions & the company he had chosen to keep. But lastly the danger that was Akkuma should he jeopardize all that they had achieved. No, he couldn't take the risk. Kureji would be safe & they would be able to finish their plans. Once they were done he could free Kureji, then again how would he react to what was happening. Hopefully he didn't bare any ill will towards his Father for what would soon happen.

OOC: Up to you how we proceed. Can catch it start crystalizing over. Ingest it thinking it's candy for slow crystalization.

[The Creeping Crystal - (Reference image, think a chakra based version of the linked mineral.) Grows rapidly upon contact with biological material, rapidly grows when exposed to chakra. Encasing the victim in a stasis-like state, the crystal both trapping & yet preserving it's victim as a source of sustenance for the mineral. Surprisingly the crystal is not unlike some sweetened candies in taste & although ingestion is ill-advised as it will result in a cocoon-like encasing forming over the victim. Ingestion of the substance results in a chemical reaction that causes the subjects skin to behig secreting an enzyme filled sweat, that will eventually solidify into the Creeping Crystal. This process can be reversed with an antidote that Akkuma created that stops the enzyme production. In some instances after a significant amount of time the subject is released by itseelf, although the life cycle of Creeping Crystal can fluctuate greatly depending on the subject & is still in it's developmental stages.]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
He would listen as his father would speak, but it seems that Akkuma wants to keep an alliance with the Myakashi clan. Soon, a crystal was tossed his way that he reflexively caught, not thinking much on it until his own skin started crystalize and become stiff and rigid. Akkuma would see a look on Kureji's face, not that of anger or hatred. But that of betrayal. Akkuma would have been the last person that Kureji would have thought would pull something like this. "Dad..." Was all he managed to say before he was fully crystalized.

(topic left)
(retiring Kureji, but don't worry, he'll be back in the future)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma stood there his gaze fixed upon the crystalline form that had once been his son, Kureji. The atmosphere hung heavy with the weight of betrayal, the truth etched in the frozen tableau before him. Kureji's eyes now encased in the stasis-like Creeping Crystal, mirrored the disbelief & hurt that resonated through the silent chamber. "Dad..." The single word, filled with both confusion & a profound sense of betrayal lingered in the air like an unspoken accusation. The Sage felt the weight of those eyes. Eyes that had once held trust & familial warmth, now frozen in an eternal gaze. 'If only I had the strength to trust that you would understand & leave things well enough alone.' he thought to himself, but time & experience had made the Sage weary of taking such risks. Especially after all of the kin he had already lost in his lifetime.

Akkuma's heart wavered, an ache echoing through the chambers of his soul. He had known that his actions would be perceived as a betrayal & yet. The necessity of this drastic measure clawed at his conscience. His son, trapped within the crystalline embrace. Stood as a monument to the agonizing choices that Akkuma, the Immortal Trickster. Had made for the preservation of the Miroku Clan & his goals. For if his son had been allowed to follow his heart & further investigate his allies. Their alliance could falter at a time when he needed it most, let alone if they discovered Kureji's efforts. The price would surely be the shinobi's life, something he would not be able to forgive. For he knew the Myakashi would do what they had to in order to protect their secrets. In turn he would have no choice but to avenge his son. To avoid this potential path he was left with only one choice that would keep both his plans & son safe.

The Creeping Crystal, a substance that had become both savior & captor. Held Kureji in a suspended state, a cruel compromise that Akkuma had reluctantly chosen for the greater good. The taste of trepidation lingered on Akkuma's tongue, not unlike the bittersweet flavor of the crystal's sweetened mimicry. In the stillness of the chamber, Akkuma could almost hear the echoes of his son's unspoken questions. Why had he done this? How could he betray him? Had all this time meant nothing to him? Was he really no different to the villages? The answers heavy with the burden of responsibility, lay dormant within Akkuma's stoic countenance.

"Duty, Kureji..." Akkuma whispered to the crystalline figure, as if expecting his son to hear the words from within the frozen cocoon. "A father's duty to protect, even when it means becoming the perpetrator of the very betrayal we fear. In time you will understand. In time the Creeping Crystal will release you & you will emerge. Stronger, resilient & untarnished by the storms that rage beyond this crystalline sanctuary." Akkuma's voice though tinged with remorse, held a conviction born of necessity. The Immortal Trickster had played his hand. Sacrificing a piece of his own heart for the sake of a destiny yet to unfold. Now he had to go make the preparations that would ensure that none of his enemies found his son.

Topic Left

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
