Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Hiding, Under Her Blue Eye [Ayeka|Private]


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May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Intense beads of sweat flowed from the girl’s brow and down her neck as her arms swung the weighted wooden sword through a flawless series of motions. The blade swung down hard in a quick over-head slice followed almost immediately, and seamlessly, a horizontal strike. The hard wooden dummy snapped in half, the upper portion flying into the air in repeating somersaults until it landed against the sanded practice arena. Otami’s hands vibrated with pain from the repeated strikes of wood against wood as she panted staring down the wooden dummy like it was her most heated rival. Her mismatched eyes slowly closed as she breathed in deep and then unleashed the breath slowly. Almost immediately her fierce features began to take on a soft calm as her muscles returned to a relaxed state to hide back beneath the soft skin. With a simple brush of her hand across her stomach, the girl coated the area with chakra to transform the features away from the six-pack that had annoyingly developed over the period of training with her master.

The look and shape of muscular forms fascinated Otami. More than once she found herself crushing on boys who were well toned and physically strong, but on herself? As it turned out, she wasn’t a fan. Thankfully, not unlike her father, she had begun to take on chakra techniques that better suited the vain. Simple transformation techniques that could be held pretty much indefinitely, learning how to shift chakra into hair to keep it from frizzing out, and other such jutsu. Even in the middle of training she couldn’t help but feel a ping of self-consciousness and once she had endured her daily regiment the disguise of a softer girl came back on. Why she had gotten like this when her appearance had once never been much of a concern was up for debate. Some of it most likely due to Asuka’s doting housekeepers pushing feminine images on a otherwise honest tomboy. The rest of it was her sudden transformations in both mental and physical recently. The incident with the primates had continued to ever be a haunting moment in her mind that lived up there rent free.

Otami sighed a little at the jumble of chaos in her head and moved to hang the weapon back up on a rack sitting on the far wall. The Cypress Society event was coming up and her emotions on that weren’t great either. Yet a promise was a promise, and she would show to honor her sensei at the very least, but…it just didn’t feel like her. That bubbly innocent wolf-girl everyone knew. The Otami most people knew would have balked at such an idea, let alone trained hard enough to feel like she even had a remote chance in hell in competing. But, now a blood-thirst was awake, and it was transforming her choices for her sometimes. Fights with strangers she would have shyly brushed off became full confrontations, yelling matches with Asuka's maids...beating on a poor wooden dummy until it snapped in half. The stark difference in the person she had been not but a short while ago was glaring to her, and it was bothering the Ryuu on a level she didn’t know she could be bothered on. She needed a fight; She needed a hug. Most importantly - she needed someone to talk to.

Problem with that was everyone knew her as a different person, and opening up to just a stranger about these changes were a no go. Even her master stated it was a matter for her parents, not for him…but the only person even remotely close to that level of trust was gone; just like other important people in her life. Keni and Keiyaku had been impossible to get a hold of, and of everyone she knew those two would have understood her changes the best; especially the latter. However, their jobs as higher ranking shinobi over this last extent of time had really shown the girl the difference in their status as ninja; and possibly their status as people. “Out of her league” someone would say.

Flopping down on a bench she stared down at the pit as others carried on their training. The broken dummy largely went ignored and would be replaced eventually; not like she was the only one capable of cleaving a log in half with a stick. Reaching under the bench, the blond withdrew a pack with a bottle of mineral water within that cooled down the rising heat of her core as she tried to relax off the sword-muscle strain. Her hand still quivered slightly against the bottle as she sipped deep from the straw before setting it down. There felt like something was just beyond that quiver. A strength, a new technique, a hidden power…she wasn’t sure what, but it’s what kept her coming back.

That and the need to quell hitting something. Really annoying, that.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Ayeka awkwardly glanced around at the main lobby of the arena with a slight sigh to demonstrate her anxiety but thankfully the reception was not busy, though still had a few people milling about as the receptionist filed paperwork for future match's at the arena and most likely for the upcoming cypress society event but that didn't stop them from taking glances at Ayeka leaving the poor girl a nervous mess as she slowly walked up the the strangers. The bicolour eyed girl had changed a lot in the past few weeks from her old self as her hair had darkened and her horns now crowned her head but that didn't change the girl's strange fashion sense as she wore a hooded black crop jacket allowing her to hide her facial features along with a pair of shorts that left little to the imagination. Despite her shyness Ayeka was proud of her muscular body which had led her to adopting less conservative clothes as her crop top allowed her to show off a tight six pack made more pronounced by the black scales that dotted around her skin while her other short articles of clothes showed off corded muscles earned through countless years of fighting within underground fight pits leaving her as a package that didn't match the contents causing a lot of people to think she was a lot more confident than she actually was.

This lack of confidence was the reason why she had actually came to Kitsune park today as Ayeka had recently lost all of her abilities as a Kyojouran and had instead awakened a much older more volatile power she was struggling to control so Ayeka had come here to train and boost her confidence by getting at least a few of abilities under her control before the big tournament started up. Walking up the the reception and nervously requesting permission to train some jutsu that would be too volatile for a training field, Ayeka was pleased to quickly receive permission from the exhausted staff before she rushed over to the main field to get some practise in.

As Ayeka padded up the halls leading to the gated entrance she started to hear the low thunks of wood hitting wood in the distance coming from the field. 'Looks like I'm not the only one wanting to train here.' Ayeka thought to herself forlornly as her steps faltered at the though of practising in front another person filled her with dread before she shook her head. 'No don't get nervous! You gotta be more confident! Like........Aria! Yeah be more Aria!' Slapping hands to her cheeks and pulling on the last vestiges of confident memories she had inherited from her possession, Ayeka hurried along to a nearby door allowing her to step out in the stands where she could then hop down into the arena without having to open the large gates at either side of the field. Looking down in the field Ayeka could see a blonde girl currently working a poor dummy over with a training sword before a crack filled the air as the dummy split in two causing Ayeka to gawk a little at the girl as she admired her muscular form from a distance while the girl herself seemed upset about something as she put her sword away and then flopped down onto a nearby bench.

Stepping up on the railing in front of her as her hands slipped into her jacket pockets, Ayeka debated internally whether she should announce herself before entering the arena or greet the girl in some manner but her lack of social interactions made it hard to just start talking to people in the first place so she decided to allow her entrance to speak for her as she allowed one bare foot to slip forward sending the girl plummeting in to the arena. Ayeka didn't react to her fall as she looked down and allowed her draconic chakra to take over her legs causing her feet to split into talons as scales creeped up her legs allowing the draconic changes to strengthen her legs as she smashed into the ground landing in a slight crouch while the ground cracked and threw up a cloud of smoke. Stepping through the smokescreen Ayeka felt her legs revert to their human form as she walked towards the middle of the area giving off an aura of confidence as she slowly padded away across the field outwardly but in reality Ayeka was cursing herself inside her hood as her face glowed red.
'I didn't mean to land that hard! Stupid, Stupid Ayeka!' She berated herself internally as she kept mechanically walking forward peeking over at the blond girl now and again with one amber eye glowing from underneath her hood.
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May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Within the distraction of her own mind Otami didn’t realize another girl had joined the arena until a dust bowl of sand threw itself up into the air. With a raised hand the lifted dirt quickly became weighted and dropped back down far faster than it would have naturally; long before it came anywhere near her sweat laden form. Her sharp blue-green flecked eyes shot around until it found Ayeka standing there proudly with draconic appendages in proud display, sundering up to the center of the arena. The Wildling looked around the rest of the practice area to see if there was anyone else who the girl could be calling attention to herself to but saw not a single soul left; the remaining few must had left whilst she brooded.

Something hitched in Otami’s chest. Anxiety? Probably. Social interactions hadn’t been to her advantage since…ever, and today was probably going to lead into some kind of misconception as well but - the master said never turn down a challenge. That was, what the blond had hopped Ayeka had meant by throwing up such an entrance with only the two of them here because otherwise, this was probably going to get really awkward.

After taking a long sip of her water, the girl placed it back down onto the bleacher railing before raising her hand once more to cause some of the sand in the arena to swirl up towards her. As the sand lifted it became a sold form of stairs that stretched back down to the combat area. Her hand reached out and grabbed the same wooden sword from the wall as she stepped back down into the circle, the sand quickly falling behind her as she did so.

With confidence that wasn’t there in any way, shape, or form, Otami walked up to Ayeka as a challenger baring an open stance, a moment to strike first. She was confident in her speed, and there were some new tricks the Wildling had been wanting to try as she started to size up her opponent; only to notice an attractive trait she had managed to ignore. Those muscles on Ayeka were…hypnotic. Up close the Ryuu could see the girl in full and noticed the dragon claws, the beautiful colored scales and muscular structure her eyes kept drawing lines with until she found herself focused on the abdomen and how much of it was exposed leading to her waist.

Face red as a beet, Otami gasped and raised the sword up suddenly in a defensive stance, relinquishing the open target she was before gripping the wooden blade’s handle with both hands to lunge forward in a combat cry of embarrassment.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
As Ayeka stepped forward she was met by a wave of chakra that seemed to catch the dust in the air and push it down into the floor revealing the young dragon maybe a bit quicker than the girl would have preferred but it did allow Ayeka a better view of the only other person here who to her doujutsu was burning with an immense amount of earth aspected chakra. However it appeared that Ayeka had stared at the girl for a bit too long because after taking her drink the blonde girl had stepped back into the arena using a stairway of sand leaving Ayeka to admire the girls chakra control while she felt her biology greedily drain the excess chakra from the air filling Ayeka with extra power as she felt the barest of stirrings from her more battle crazy impulses as the girl walked towards Ayeka with tension in every step as if she was ready to strike at any moment.

As the girl grabbed her sword Ayeka was slowly wondering what she had done to incite this strange tension in the other Kunoichi but if Ayeka had more self awareness that a hooded six foot tall girl looming in the distance like a thug would incite a fight response in a lot of people within the village whether they were up to no good or not. Eventually the two stood apart with both girls looking each other up and down Ayeka admiring the blonde girls muscular figure as a toned stomach teased Ayeka just below the cropped top however Ayeka's more riskier outfit seemed to have had an embarrassing affect on the other girl as Ayeka watched the girls face get redder and redder before the wildling gasped and suddenly lunged forward to swing her wooden sword down on Ayeka.

Ayeka's immediate response to squeal in surprise as she brought her arm up to block the blow the wood slamming brutally down on Ayeka's arm but instead of breaking the limb Otami would find that a blossom of scales had sprouted from the point of impact allowing Ayeka to take the blow head on as the force of the swing caused the hood to blow off exposing the girls features to Otami as Ayeka eyes seemed to cloud over for a second as her expression went blank. For Ayeka the moment the practice sword had hit her Ayeka had felt a shockwave travel through her brain as the sharp pain awoke the crazed battle manic part of her that had replaced her darker impulses as the memories of another person surfaced.

Slowly a grin spread across Ayeka's face as she refocused on the girl sharp piercing blue eyes now staring into Ayeka's own mismatched ones as her yellow eye began to glow with power while Ayeka's free hand slowly came up to cup Otami's cheek as the more confident side of Ayeka took over from the normally shy girls mannerisms. "What a beautiful form you have Hahaha. This is gonna be fun." As Ayeka spoke she pulled her hand away from the blushing girl and as she did Otami would notice that all the moisture on her skin followed Ayeka's hand movement drifting away from the girls skin only to form into a growing ball of water as Ayeka pulled more moisture from the atmosphere allowing the ball to encompass her hand. With a flick of her wrist the orb elongated into a sword, the water taking on a dark blue colour before solidifying into a blunted training sword exactly like Otami's. With a swift flick of her sword Ayeka parried Otami's own sword away from her shielded arm as as she stepped into Otami's guard and pressed the girl with a few wild slashes, Ayeka's own sword form was brutal likened to her draconic nature, utilising large powerful swing to overwhelm her opponent.
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May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Otami gasped loudly as the weapon swung down and hit something solid. Her muscles, much to her own cringe, reacted on reflex and pushed down at the moment of impact making sure it would strike hard; which was not her intention. Yet as the wooden sword struck arm, it was not Ayeka’s limb that was broken but the bokken. Snapped in half Otami watch it fly into the air and then behind her with her jaw open. A sudden movement caught her attention again to find her challenger close.

For a moment time froze for Otami. Either through sheer panic or raw instinct her mind suddenly went into overdrive. She could read out the features of the girl she had challenged a lot easier now and…well, she was breathtaking. The raw yellow feral eyes, the beautiful hue of colors that reflected off the scales the Wildling now realized was how she had had blocked the blow, and, of course, that core strength. The red blush rising through Otami’s face began to quickly spread through her entire body as emotions she hadn’t been prepped for came for her mind.

Then Ayeka’s hand touched her cheek.

Now, Otami had been without the touch of another human for quite some time. No mother to hug, no friend to hang onto, even the maids that worked under her adoptive mother only dared to touch the girl’s flesh during bathing; and that was only until Otami learned how to take a proper bath. Feeling the warm hand on her cheek, it was impossible not to lean into it slightly as she had forgotten just how touched-starved she had truly been - then the dragon girl gave the blond a compliment. That red became ruby and for a moment Ayeka had managed to absolutely destroy the poor wolf-girl’s standing in reality. Without Genjutsu, even!

Yet that giant swinging sword and the energy coming from it snapped instincts back on like a switch. Her pupils became pinpoints of fear as she dropped the sword and tried to back away. Her bare feet slipped, somehow, on the sand causing the swordsman to land flat on her back; the cleaving weight of Ayeka’s weapon slamming down just inches from her arm. Memories of her training came running back like a bad montage. All of the frustrating times she had been cornered and dropped on her back by the Uzumoreru and his devilish training methods spiked enough anger to overcome her…other, frustrations with her opponent.

Dropping her fist down against the sand like popping a table, the broken bokken was launched into the air. Using only the muscles in her back, shoulders, and gluts, Otami sprang into the air after the sword, starting a spin to gain a momentum. Her hand caught the handle of the blade as she spun, the twist becoming faster before she swung all of that centrifugal force into a single blow aimed at the shoulder she assumed was Ayeka’s dominant hand; but that wasn’t all.
The style of swordsmanship she had been taught, Shadow’s Rondo, had multiple movements. Just like the style of music for composing, it combined a principal theme with episodes, or “couplets”, meaning each single swing of her sword was simply the refrain - there was always a digression right behind. The moment the broken wooden sword would come down, a swath of blunted sand would hit on the same spot but from behind. She would then land a kick into her opponent’s stomach to kick off and move away to get some distance between the two.

The blond tossed the broken weapon to the side of the arena, knowing she couldn’t get the full effect of Shadow’s Rondo with a broken sword. Her feet slowly slid apart as she rigidly preformed a martial artists stance. Her left eye began to glow a powerful blue hue that left trails of visible chakra burning away from the optical. Sand from the arena's ground lifted up and formed into her hand around chakra she had committed into the form of a Jian, solidified by the grains into an actual structured weapon instead of a chakra-shaped one due to the raw materials she was working with. She rose the blade over her head with her left hand and held her right out as if to parry or balance her stance. Her right hand beckoned her opponent’s next move.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
It seemed that Ayeka's touch had flustered the wildling as the girls features went from red to a deep ruby as she leaned into the hand causing Ayeka own features to flush as hurricane of different desires filled the draconic girl tempting her to leave her hand against the other girls cheek but these new feelings that Ayeka had never experienced before were swept aside with the desire to continue the challenge and see this beautiful girls equally beautiful swordplay. Taking advantage of her opponents broken weapon and her lowered guard Ayeka took a large swing against the girl only to be surprised as her opponent slipped on the sand that the wolf could seemingly control slipping away from Ayeka's blow and causing the horned girl to bury her sword into the ground just shy of Otami's arm.

Ayeka paused as her swing had caused her to tilt forward until she was face to face with her challenger the space separating them only by barely an arms length. Staring into alternating eyes of green and blue Ayeka felt her own face becoming redder as she noticed more and more things about the blonde that she found attractive, whether it was the pointed ears or the very slightly protruding canines. 'Oh my god what do I do!!! She is so my types! Er do I keep hitting her or should I ask her out?' Ayeka's thoughts cut through Aria's battle instincts interrupting her flow and allowing the blonde girl to escape during her moment of hesitation.

Ayeka desperately leaned back as she suddenly found a broken bokken being launched at her face allowing Otami to leap up into the air to claim it leaving Ayeka confused on how the girl had launched the implement at her in the first place as the wolf girl took advantage of Ayeka's confusion to slam her weapon into the dark haired girls shoulder with a massive amount of force after spinning her weapon for extra power. Ayeka's grunted as agony surged through her shoulder barely able to stop herself crying out as the sword tried to break her clavicle. The muscle around Ayeka's shoulder bulged in response unnaturally as black scales once again sprouted along the skin this time spreading across Ayeka's entire body as she got serious, ready to retaliate against her sparing partner only to find the sword had been withdrawn from her thankfully bruised but unbroken shoulder and instead replaced with a powerful blow to Ayeka's stomach causing the girl to slide away from Otami as she came to a stop in a crouch a hand holding her stomach.

Silence filled the arena as Otami took a moment to toss her weapon away in favour of a new one created out of the sand surrounding them causing Ayeka to look around carefully as she became wary of being on her opponents home field so to speak.
"It really is a beautiful sword form. Ha a beautiful girl who can fight is so not fair for a maidens heart." Ayeka said to herself lightly not aware if Otami could hear her or not as the girl waited in a ready stance for Ayeka's own move. The scales now across Ayeka's body slowly began to glow as they changed from a black colour to blue followed by the girls hair also changing to blue as Ayeka shifted her chakra alignment to water strengthen her sword which began to glow with chakra. Taking a deep breath the dragon girl became even more reptilian as her feet shifted into draconic clawed talons while from the base of her spine a long blue tail grew out, the scales shimmering in the light while short serrated spikes lined the back of the new appendage. "Mūnfeizu daiichikeitai: Hantingumūn." Was Otami's only warning as slowly Ayeka settled down into a low stance her sword arm lifting her blade until it rested in the back of her neck while her free hand planted itself in front of the girl giving Ayeka a bestial appearance as she settled into an very animalistic stance. Lifting her hips up until her chin almost rested on the ground Otami would find that Ayeka had just vanished leaving nothing but a small flurry of sand as the girl accelerated massively to her opponent. Not knowing if Otami could keep up with her burst of speed Ayeka unleashed a flurry of ten strike at the blonde girl each time aiming for joints in order to weaken the girl stance with each strike appearing as nothing but a glint of water before appearing behind the girl a few feet away in burst of speed that would make her brother proud. If Otami was unable to parry all the strikes she would find that Ayeka's sword had turned back to water on the last hit wrapping around the girl's toned stomach while Ayeka grit her teeth and swung her now elongated sword attempting to swing Otami around the arena to throw her into one of the far walls.

Mūnfeizu daiichikeitai: Hantingumūn: Moon Phase First Form: Hunting Moon]
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May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Otami felt the pressure of her opponent’s attacks as they landed in repetition. Her weapon swung up to meet Ayeka’s larger weapon, each block bringing a stream of sand to aid in her defense. Yet she could feel the weight of the other’s girl’s power. It was astounding and nothing like she had been trained through so far, her back quickly meeting the cold stone wall of the arena. Sweat had gathered on her body before she realized it, and the crashing large sword next to her caused the smaller girl to squeak; fully intimidated.

She had only one option left to her in a situation like this. Flustered, clearly out-skilled, and with a bundle of nerves over…life, Otami pulled her favorite get out of a messy situation card; Inner Earth Reflection Lure. The weapon she had been holding onto vanished into the sand as her hands quickly slapped together the three seals and activated the pre-molded chakra at her feet. As if falling through a trap door, Otami slipped under the arena sands and vanished.

She quickly dug for home.

[Topic Left; ayyy, I’m sorry I had to leave it on this but, I need to change things so I don’t burn out and vanish for like, half a year]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
