Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hospital Opening [Open Thread - Mission Arc Finale]

Leaf Sage

New Member
Dec 27, 2013
Today was the day. Today marked the change in Inner Marushi. Today was the day that the new Hope Hospital would be opening. The large gleaming white modern building was now jutting up into the sky as it seemed to break through the smoke of the outer village. Back on the ground, a large courtyard had been re-erected on in the front of the building. Most of it was fresh stone, cut and made by the stone workers of Iwagakure, and laid by the construction workers that came from Inner Marushi. Surrounding this courtyard of rock, there were benches that rested near a raised garden. Fresh grass, and newly blooming flowers filled these gardens. However, the important part of this garden that surrounded the courtyard newly finished totems from every clan that resided in Inner Marushi. It was a sign of unity that the Hospital hoped to foster with inspiration. However, the final piece of the courtyard was directly in the middle of it. A giant white marble heart stood tall, and one this white statute there was an engraving:

Around this engraved statue, many people had packed into the courtyard. There was noise of lively music, and the noise of people chattering away, excited to see what was happening inside of the hospital that had took close to three years to build. The smells of gourmet grilled meats permeated throughout the whole venue as it seemed every restaurant in Inner Marushi was using this day as advertising. It seemed though, that some people were sitting in chairs in front of a large stage. This was where the center of day’s proceedings would happen.

On the Stage, there were close to ten seats set up. Three of filled with the guests of honor. There was the seat for the old lady Tsundare, the old lady who had nearly died when she was being removed from her home. Then there were the two young teenagers whose legs were crushed by the pipe. Their legs repaired by the same people that would now be working in this hospital. Then there were the chairs for the officials like the Diaymo, and Kage, and a chair for Ii Hissori who was the head of the hospital, and the man behind this large undertaking.

In the front of the stage, and towards the front of it was a large wooden podium with a microphone on it. This way they could look out over the event with keen eyes hoping to have happy faces returning their looks. After all, today was to honor them. At the podium at the current moment was a neatly dress pink hair girl. With bright blue eyes she was reading off a note pad.

“Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a great time here today, and is ready to get the opening of the hospital underway. First up, there will be a speech by the head of the hospital, Ii Hissori, and then a speech by our great Tuschikage, Indo Endo! So please come gather in and lend them your ears! The refreshments and activities will still be opening during this time so please enjoy yourselves as well! Thank you. But now will you put your hands together for the head of the new Hope Hospital, Ii Hissori!”<i></i>

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
News of the new hospital opening its gates had spread rapidly throughout the medical community of Iwa. The construction of the hospital had took some time, arguably by doctors and patients alike it could have been quicker but that is neither here nor there. Three years for marble finishes and a beautiful courtyard but was it worth the wait? The aesthetics may be pleasing but beauty didn't heal the sick, doctors did and a new medical centre to provide up to date treatments for all patients was something that could only be seen as a positive out of a long, over-due process.

The Doctor approached the unfolding event, her arms clasped over each other, dressed in her pale peach suit with black heels clanking against the freshly placed stone floor. She would smile vaguely at those rushing past her, excited more than her, for reasons she probably would never even know; but they were happy. The crowd was building and the smell of meats filled the air, curling at the tip of her noise, teasing her towards the stand that served a deliciously succulent, honey-glazed pig just laying there with its enticing body- although this was just a pig, a dead pig, and nothing to get too over excited about. The latter would be something that Koa desperately wished she could do, but she couldn't, she was a horridly fat girl at heart and even as a child the waist line ballooned until the heavy-duty training kicked in.

Now a garden-variety woman, with a slender shape, and no physical qualities that made her special. Koa move along with the crowd, taking what freebies were on offer, popping a cube of cheddar down her gullet as if it was her last hit. Her stomach, often neglected for paperwork, moaned and groaned as the smell of the foods did their best to tease her away from the main presentation and into a high cholesterol. By this point, the emphasis of a newly opened hospital and its beautiful accents did nothing for the woman but pester her mind away from its true ambition: the roasted hog, dripping with juice and glazed with what could only be described as heaven, or a honey-glaze if one were to be literal.

The pink haired person begin to speak, eyes were drawn away, and gullets filled with the delights of the day. Koa stood at the back of the crowd, those seating and those standing, beside the stall that sold the delicious hog. For the life of her, if you asked Koa to repeat anything that the woman on stage had said, she'd frankly give you quite the expression of utter confusion mixed in with a little drool to really signify what her mind was glued on. Anyway, the Medical Chief was to appear and make a speech, Koa staffed up her body and focused her attention on the hog.


Yes, stage... Not the hog.




Oct 28, 2012
(Note: Sunuke hasn't got his eyepatch just yet, his left eye looks just like his right)

The hospital had finally been built, or so he had heard through the talks from people he had passed by. Whether he was really in need of seeing immediate attention it was really in his best interest to go and see what it was like before he turned to shamans and medicine men of the village. After all he wasn't getting any younger and that meant that he himself would have to go ahead and keep himself in peak physical condition to keep up with the younger generations. But at least he have the experience and the wisdom of battle to know when to start a fight and when to just ignore the problems and let yourself enjoy life.

Musashi was trying to push him away from the hospital but he wasn’t having any of it today. He had been doing so much training recently that he didn’t want to focus on doing that sort of work. It was starting to become monotonous and painful and this was making him feel less like he was actually progressing the village and his clan.

Walking towards the hospital he could see a crowd gathering and facing towards a direction. This made him guess that there was a platform that was in front of them. But this was too far away for him to actually see or hear anything that was going to be said. And he needed to actually receive the information in this!

He moved forward and found a space in the crowd, standing there among other people and watching a pink haired lady standing at the podium speaking towards the people in front of her. Apparently it was right that Hissori was now the head of the hospital. Maybe he had managed to get Kari away from all of this and find her parents. Being on a wall was still a stupid idea for a kid no matter how easy it was for her to climb the wall.

Sunuke would stand there in silence and watch, counting how many chairs there were on stage and comparing it to the amount of people. Who was actually meant to be there for the day?

MFT: 360 words

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Sitting awkwardly on the stage, Hissori was staring out at the crowd. Even if you do this a thousand times, I bet you still get nervous. Hissori thought to himself as he idly rubbed his dog Buru behind the ears. Ii Hissori was dressed up. In a black suit, with a navy blue tie, and a white clean medical suit on, Hissori was doing his best to look professional. Even Buru had been washed, been combed, and manicured. He even on a special looking black collar to make himself seem like a high class dog. With the announcement that he was going to speak, the man stood up and made his way to the podium.

Carefully, he would speech down on the wooden podium draw a breath and begin to speak.

“Thank you all for coming here today to share in the celebration of this monumental day.

I am happy to be here, and glad to see so many faces are here as well. Today, marks a significant day in long and illustrious history of Iwagakure.

We started building this hospital three years ago when High Shaman Keita and I realized how the village was neglecting one of the most important resources this village had, the citizen’s health. Without the citizens, Shinobi and people alike, this village could not operate and will be destroyed, and without the citizen’s and shinobi being healthy, the village would have slowly crumbled.

This place serves more than though. It serves as the place that will hopefully welcome our future shinobi, and children into the world, and a place where we will have a chance to celebrate the life of each and everyone one of the people that pass through the door.

The Hope Hospital does even more than just help heal people. This place will offer a beckon of light to our unemployed, and maybe become one of the largest employers to the Inner Marushi. With research, state-of-the-art medical knowledge. We will be able to offer people jobs such as doctors, nurses, reasearchers, and practitioners. And we will also hopefully soon lead the world in the ways of medical innovation, and discovery thanks to everyone’s hard work.

Today, marks the day when the Hope Hospital officially opens its doors and arms for the people of not only Inner Marushi, but Iwagakure as a whole. The contributions of everyone will lead to the success of this place. Be it a janitor who cleans up the rooms, the clerks who check a patient in, or a medical chief who diagnoses a shinobi who has served on the frontlines with an injury.

I directed the building of this hospital for a couple of reasons. One, I want to give back excellent and outstanding patient care and experience. Be it for a cold, or a serious illness, I hope that this place will become a place of peace and recovery. Two, I whole-heartedly believe that Iwagakure has some of the smartest and brightest people on the each, and as such as a strong chance to lead the development of new drugs, and medical methods that will help save lives. However, most importantly I also wanted to give back to the community of Iwagakure.

Three long years ago, I came to this village. Homeless and jobless, I was searching for myself. My village, Kirigakure was destroyed when it froze over. For three years I wandered the world as a simple medic using my training that I got from being a medical chief at Kirigakure. I helped countless of people around the world, but I was still missing a home. That’s when I came here.

When I came here, I was greeted with many welcoming faces, such as High Shaman Keita-Senpai and all of the gate guards. Immediately welcomed into this community, I felt finally at home again. So from the bottom of my heart thank you. Thank you to everyone, including Kono Haruka for the funding, Keita-senpai for support me and giving me the clearance to design this for you guys, and most importantly the man who I am about to introduce the man who is the head of this village, and our Tuschikage Indu Endo-Sama.”
Drawing a breath, he finished his speech.

Looking around for a moment, Hissori hoped they liked his speech, liked all the work everyone did, and the work some people sacrificed. He would get the chance to dwell on it long however, as Hissori began to clap to lead an applause for the Tuschikage. He would stand off the side next with Buru until Endo would begin to speak, then finally he’d slip off the stage to mingle with the crowd.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The feeling this crowd gave off was so lively. That would be suitable, seeing as how they were in front of a newly constructed hospital. If the crowd seemed dead, then the young puppeteer would be questioning whether the newly constructed hospital was either not doing its job properly, or was desperately needed last week. As the young man moved through the crowd, he began to wonder why he'd even brought himself here. He supposed that the event had piqued his curiosity, for whatever reason. He wasn't a native of this village, so it wasn't as if he had some sort of pride for this place. Nor was he one of the staff, so it wasn't like this was a new workplace for him. He wasn't an architectural connoisseur, an artist trying to find inspiration, a staff member trying to make sure things went smoothly for the event, or even a shinobi on active duty. He was just a kid today, who'd come to see what all the ruckus was. As he walked through the crowd, dodging around chatting adults, weaving around children who in turn ran between legs, and skirting past the others who were doing the same thing as him, the young man decided that it was time he made something of this place. Looking around, the puppeteer tried to get a good idea of what it was that he should be doing with his time. He was a little rusty at this, after all. Maybe he couldn't quite pull it off? Nonsense, once you learned you never stopped practicing. What was this mysterious craft which the young man could be referring? Why, pulling pranks of course!

There were plenty of prime candidates. There was a couple laughing together near a fountain, who could easily slip a little into the fountain. There was an uptight staff member who looked like he could use a drink—perhaps he could use it on his head, too? Oh wait, no this was the best one yet. Who was that just ogling the pork roast? How could you look like that, and not expect someone like himself to take advantage of that kind of situation? Grinning to himself, the young man readied his chakra strings. Snaking them through the crowd, the young man made sure to have them connect to anything that he didn't want them to. They would land, with such skill and precision, on the table legs that hoisted the magnificent roast up to the heavens for all to admire. But you know what they say, right? The taller they are, the longer they have to fall. The young man couldn't wait to see this woman's face when she saw her delicious roast come crashing to the ground. He readied himself. He was going to do it. It would just take one little tug. And...

The speakers boomed into existence. They caught the young man off guard, as he'd been too focused on his prank to notice the woman in bright pink approach the stage mic. She said something about a speech, the Tsuchikage, and refreshments. Yeah, the young man knew all that. Was that all she'd interrupted him for? Ginjiro was about to turn his attention back to his prey when the head doctor, named Ii Hissori, took up the microphone and began to speak. The puppeteer didn't know what it was about his speech, but something about it made him want to listen to it. It was one of those unexplained attractions that just forced you to notice something. This man's words were stirring, and they made the young Ayatsuri feel something towards this man. He felt like he could understand this man, a little bit. He understood this man's struggle after the decimation of his village—Kirigakure and Leaf City had suffered similar fates. When he was done talking, the young man clapped along with everyone else, ushering in the next speaker. The Tsuchikage was about to enter onto the stage, when the Ayatsuri realized that he still had his puppet strings attached to the table the roast was attached to. When he clapped his hands, he must have made the table at least wobble a bit unnaturally. Grinning, the puppeteer was glad that he'd at least caused some sort of disturbance. Detaching his chakra strings, he allowed his chakra to disperse into nothingness among the crowd. He'd get that girl again later, but for now this whole ceremony had caught the young man's attention. He wanted to hear what the Tsuchikage had to say, even more than he wanted to hear that girl cry in anguish at the loss of her precious roast. Perhaps by the day's end, he could get to have his cake and eat it too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Well this was funny, they wanted him to speak at an event dealing with medics when he had very little if any experience as a medic at all. Fortunately for him though, he could speak on a few things from experience on the battlefield. Draped in an emerald cloak just as majestically fitting as his eyes, he adjusted the glasses on his face as they fell way to the side a bit. His skin the same color as freshly dug earth itself, he was an interesting sight to see if but a young one at that. Beginning to stand, he nodded to Hissori as he took the stand. "Thank you Hissori-sama, and thank you to all that had a part in helping to establish not only the physical entity itself but also the meaning behind it. I honestly feel ill prepared to speak to you all today but I'll be open and honest about how I feel. Often times, when one thinks of the Medic-nin and Shamen, the idea can form in ones mind that they are lesser than our Guardians or those that we see physically protecting the people. I'm here to tell you that they are just as strong if not in some ways stronger than what we physically see with our eyes. To be clear, when I speak of their strength, I speak of the peace of mind that they give us all." As if to demonstrate, he held out his right hand and formed visible chakra with it.

Letting the chakra dance within his fingertips he looked quizzically at it and smirked as he continued to speak.
"Though a man may be born with the ability to mold chakra, it takes a mental fortitude to actually complete the task. Take away that clarity, take away that confidence . . ." At this he closed his hand into a fist and gone was the showy display of chakra. "And suddenly we are left with all the potential in the world and nothing by which to channel it by. Here . . . here at the Hope Hospital, the sick find comfort, parents welcome precious new lives into the world and the broken are mended." As he spoke, flashes of his own last stay under the care of medics flashed before his eyes. Scenes of him laying close to death on the battlefield, as his chakra system was all but burned away. The Red Rain now present in the Fire Country had shown his body up as being unworthy of even the idea of perfection. The raw nature of chakra had forced him to give until his body was all but spent. It was some of these present even in the crowd that had helped to bind up his broken core, and keep him alive just long enough to try something so experimental that it had only but been whispered by those in dark corners. Where the fire in his eyes had burned out, now the fire in his heart was ever stronger. He looked from face to face from body to body as he remembered the fallen among them, those who had given their lives. Even on the brightest of days, the happiest of occasions, he still saw the human body as a target, one in which he could call his shots with the skill of a trained assassin who understood all to well the basics of human anatomy.

"There is no amount of gratitude that could say enough, no amount of money that could purchase what this place will give back, and yet . . . this place and the ones that spend their lives practicing here deserve all of that and more. Without them we would be lost, and quite frankly, tomorrow is promised to no one and every day counts as if it could be our last. What would you say to our life saving, life sustaining champions here today?" The question was as open ended as any but it was a clear invitation for any to stand up and speak if they chose, on how they'd been impacted by the medics and shaman among them. Like a film reel though, Endo's mind played the many grueling weeks and months of rehabilitation. From struggling to summon even a clone, to becoming something akin to the summoners of old. The medical team behind his speedy recovery would never receive much game, for the entirety of his near death experience was kept completely secret from all but the most necessary of individuals. Learning how to remaster harnessing even the simplest of ninjutsu had taught him a valuable lesson. More so than all the target practice sessions and fine tuning his craft, being among these medical professionals had taught him the most ultimate form of humility, that of recognizing his complete mortality.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It had to happen today. Today of all days! If she didn’t know any better she’d think it was just like it was in the academy days when her alarm never went off in the first place like magic, although this time she knew it had just remained unheard. Working all day and night yesterday had taken its’ toll and she wasn’t getting any younger, not that she was really old in the first place. She grabbed the nearest clothes she could find in the chaos, which turned out to be the same pair of jeans and white shirt from yesterday. In all honesty they weren't what she would prefer to wear, but at this point choice wasn’t on the menu.

Uka rushed out of her shop, jumping from “rooftop” to “rooftop” towards the New Hope Hospital. Thankfully it wasn’t that far away from her home, but she was already late, so who knew how much she had missed. By the time she arrived it was midway through the Chiefs’ speech. It seemed as if they were a little bit late according to the schedule most medics were given, but that was a bit better for her. The young woman really did hate being late no matter what the occasion was, but no matter. Being late once never killed anyone, right? A sigh escaped her as she went to the back of the crowd, resting her back against a nearby wall. This wasn’t something she enjoyed doing, not at all. The crowds brought back bad memories, but even so she knew this was something she had to get over one way or another.

Her attention quickly shifted to the stage one more as the Chief finished his speech and the Kage took the podium. It was just beginning, but where would it go.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Woof. Woof. Woof.

It seemed that when the speech came to the end, Hissori decided to move off the stage. This was seen through the icy blue eyes of Buru, the Inuzaka’s dog. A dog, which was following the medical chief in a dignified way, Buru always did his best to keep an air around him. He was friendly, and lovable, but underneath all the snowy white fur, and the wolf was a michcevious one. All one had to do was ask the former Medical Sennin of Kiragakure, Karurosu.

Down the steps the white wolf went and into the waves of crowd he went. Hissori gave the order to Buru to do the one thing he excelled at. It was mingling! With a happy woof, the Dog trotted off. He was freshly cleaned and cut and of course had on a fancy black collar. His eyes, which were icy blue, stood out in great contrast to the dull colors that were basically standard in Iwagakure.

His first place to look with was with the adults. To the dog, they were always boring; mostly for the fact that they dared to ignore him! Most of the time he would just sit by a table and wait for someone to maybe pet him or at best give him some food and shoo him away. With a quick scan of the area, Buru really found nothing of much interest going on there; instead he made it the area where most of the kids were.

This was around all the games. He trot around for a couple of moments before sitting down in the center of the little grouping of carnival games, Buru let out a low toned but loud woof, to draw attention to himself. In that moment, the eyes went to him and he felt great and powerful. The kids would come over to play with him and Buru would eagerly reciprocate the happiness they displayed. This was the reason why when the hospital in Kirigakure was active, he was almost always doing a private round of it once a day, laughter and happiness was the best medicine for healing people.

For a while, Buru would play and be feed, and get all the pets he wanted. It was great, and of course this could easily become a staple of the new hospital. But soon he saw something he didn’t really predict, something that he could smell, and something that he had to have, a giant roast.

Weaving his way through the crowd, the dog used all his talents he had gained for sheath to make sure he wasn’t noticed. This Roast, he was defiantly getting a piece. Moving carefully, he did his best to take everything. However, he stopped when he noticed something. A young man had caught his eye, a man that maybe someday he would learn to be named Ginjiro. His black canine lips curled up into a wolfish smirk as he started to approach him. There would be no escape.</COLOR>

Changing the course of his direction, Buru would slowly start to make his way towards the man. Within moments it was time to strike. Within moments, everything would change for this poor soul! Within seconds... his life would be changed forever.

Lick! A wet tongue would move up and down the back of one of the calf of the puppeteer as Buru collected all the salt off of his skin. His wet nose would press up against the boys leg as he licked around the open skin collecting all the salt he needed in his daily diet right off of the former leaf shinobi's foot and leg. Not a inch of Ginjiro's leg was left uncovered from dog drool.

Satsified, Buru sat down next to him looking up at him his tail wagging as he woofed a hello to him. He hopefully had won, and now just like Karuruso this man would have to come to love Buru, because for better or worse, He was now in his life.

<COLOR color="#408000">Meanwhile, on the other site of the gathering, Hissori had taken up talking to a couple of people. Some of them were supporters of the new hospitals, others were workers who had constructed the great architecture. But to his dismay there did not seem to be many medics there. Was this a cause of a lack of medics, or maybe even a divide between the shamans and the medics. He did not know. Instead, his attention was turned away from these people when he heard the faint sound of a girl cry.

It seemed, a young girl maybe ten had fallen and skinned her knee. Hurt and bleeding, she wanted help for her minor injury, and that was exactly what Hissori a medic would do. Walking over to her, he calmed her down with a reassuring voice and began to heal her. Within moments there was not even a scratch there and as such he would helped the girl stand up.

"Be safe now. the approachable medic said as he patted her head letting her run off to probably scratch up her knee again. Oh well, now at least he had a moment of silence to contemplate what he had done.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
There were a few nods, a few comments and overall, it turned out to be just as Endo had expected. Nodding himself he stepped back towards the microphone. Smiling he ushered for a bit of silence while he pulled out a small scroll from his pocket. Somewhat official looking, it was jet black and seemed to carry the likeness of something akin to silk. With an official Iwagakure seal on it though, it wouldn't be hard to tell that what it held was important information inside. Opening it, he looked at its contents and smiled briefly before looking up and speaking. "Yes, our heroes have done much for our community so it should come as no surprise that we have some appointments. Long have have they worked hard and tirelessly with little to no recognition and again, though there's little we can do to thank them, I'd like to take this moment and honor some of our brave and bold." Letting the momentum build, he rolled the scroll up and put his hands behind his back and cleared his throat. "At this moment I'd like to appoint Hakuryoku Koa as a Chief of Medicine. Ii Hissori as Hospital Headmaster and Master of Research, Uka . . . as Medical Sennin and last but not least . . ." He grinned as he spy'd with his very witty eye a furry . . . "Ii Buru as an honorary Medic-nin for his assistance in emergency medical responses. All positions effective immediately!" With that he stepped back from the podium, pocketed the scroll and gave the grandest applause lead of all. Spotting the important figures in the audience he ushered them up to the stage to join him for a fine showing. Sometimes good things came to those who waited.

OOC: Just ask for those banner changes. The vote for Medic Sennin was voted on by the Medics for the medics, so nobody shoot me. @___@

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Koa wouldn't really be doing much of anything, really. She had given up on hiding from her duties of holding back her stomach and dug herself into the delicious treats on offer by that of the hospital. She forked some pulled pork into a buttered bun, squeezing it close with a tight grip and drooling eyes. The doctor was not the most discreet, and while the talks continued on stage, she refused to drop the delicious treat from her grasp. Koa's mouth expanded and the bun was pushed forth into her mouth, from which point it would be chewed and chewed upon. It was truly delicious, words couldn't even describe the orgasmic sensation that massaged her body, but what could be said - or described - was her facial expression in reaction to how good the pulled pork sandwich tasted. She just looked very, very inappropriate.

But that was all irrelevant... It really was.

The Kage, the big man himself, had taken centre stage and spoke up with something very interesting to say. He spoke about something or another previously, which Koa couldn't really hear due to the sound of her own jaw clicking under the pressure of having to eat so much pork. However, what the Kage did say was the announcement of the new medical officers. He would start off the officers list with, and this really took the woman by surprise, Hakuryoku Koa. The woman, not stunted by this, continued to eat her sandwich for a few moments before stopping - almost choking on the pulled threads of meat - and staring towards the stage with a wide-eyed expression. She looked ugly, unpleasant and hilarious all at the same time. The doctor never expected such an announcement, there would've been tears, had it not been for the fact that she looked so unpleasant with meat hanging from her mouth.


What could she say, or do for that matter, other than run away from the scene with food in her mouth.

[Topic left. Writer's block, literally this is how she would react under any circumstance #hermit.]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Laughter, applause and cheers mixed together into a strange yet delightful sound as the ceremony went on. It seemed as if quite a few people were becoming more and more at easy when it came to medics. It wasn't that long ago when so many people were against them and hated what they stood for. After all almost all of the medics stone had before that ended up moving to Maruhishi so they could have at least a little bit of respect for their trade. If only her father could see how the village was changing now! She really had to tell him when she went on a visit next time. No no now wasn't the time to think about a sad topic such as this. It was time to celebrate. Well if she could at least.

The medic decided it would be best to just go and get something to drink. Maybe it would help get that topic out of her mind. She pushed herself off of the wall and walked over to the tables, pouring herself a glass of water. A rather large dog ran just by her, nearly knocking her over onto the ground, but thankfully that didn't happen and she managed to avoid spilling her drink all over herself even if just barely. The little run in distracted her just long enough for her not to notice that the Kage had once more taken the stage and began yet another announcement. Not that it was going to end up being anything that mattered to her really.

Uka slowly raised her cup to her mouth, taking a rather large sip, however something caught her attention at that exact moment - the mention of her name. Her eyes span towards the stage as her mind slowly interpreted what had been said. Her a Sennin? 'Huh? I uh? WHAT?' It was preposterous! What kind of joke was this? Wait it was a joke right? She couldn't be the next Sennin right? Her mind was just flooded with questions and in turn her throat completely locked up. The little water she had left in her mouth slowly started drowning her before she could even realize what exactly was going on. Her eyes carefully scanned the crowd falling upon yet another person, who was having the exact same reaction. At least she wasn't alone in this little scenario. It was around that point that her body finally realized something was really going wrong and alerted her she was slowly choking. Uka desperately tried to swallow the water, but it was fruitless. She hit her chest in an attempt to help herself, but it wasn't working. Choked coughs started making things worse as she took a step back and tripped on something.

To be brutally honest tripped would be the wrong word to describe it. One second she had both her feet on the ground and the next they were in the air, she had spat the water out and in the end fell face first on the other side of the banquet table. The thing she had bumped into was indeed the table and in her desperate attempt to stop her little back flip Uka had ended up grabbing the tablecloth and pulling literally everything off of that specific table to the ground along with herself. There was no escaping it now. Almost the entire crowd was now staring at her as she lay on the floor, face in the ground, behind up in the air and hair going in literally every direction, including but not limited to directions she didn't know existed in the first place. This wasn't exactly how she imagined getting a promotion and it sure as hell wasn't how she imagined it would end up.

The Sennin-to-be quickly jumped up and desperately tried to fix her hair, even though that was quite the lost cause right now. Her white shirt could quite easily be called modern art due to all the stains which covered it now. A small trickle of blood was running from somewhere on her forehead, but from where exactly there was honestly no way to tell. This had to be both one of the worse and the best days of her life, although it was kind of hard to tell which one it was right now. Then again to look at it on the bright side she wouldn't have to worry about the rent on her little shop anymore. After all her pay raise was going to be pretty much astronomical now.

There was no escaping in now however. With the amount of attention she had drawn to herself as well as the fact that the Kage was staring at her meant she couldn't escape anymore. Why oh why did she have to grab this glass of water? If only she had stayed in the back she could have slipped out unnoticed! Now, well that wasn't going to happen. It was a slow and painful walk towards the stage and then even slower as she made her way towards Inu Endo. Uka bowed respectfully and desperately tried to find something to hide behind, but there was nothing to use at all. The closest thing to a hiding spot was the podium, but that really wasn't where she wanted to be right now. Drop after drop of blood slowly dripped from her cheek onto her shirt as the small stream was not stopping at all. After all it was the smallest wounds that bled the most.

[Not exactly my best piece of work.....]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Standing there, it seemed to be the case that all manner of pleasantries were to be exchanged. The leader, the Tsuchikage, had this big ol' speech ready to give. He talked about the strength of the medical shinobi who would work here, praising them all for the things that they have done and will continue to do. It was quite inspiring, actually, to see this kind of a ceremony. It was good to see the Kage of the village playing a hand in this day—it meant he truly cared for this village. His next announcement, though, seemed to cause quite a bit of unrest among the attendees. Talk of new appointments was being had, and with that came the surprise and the murmurs from those who either hadn't been expecting something like this, or who were otherwise just excited to hear that their favorite doctors were now moving up in the ranks. Of course, there were also those people who were quite flabbergasted with the whole thing—the young man was talking, specifically, about the one girl who seemed to be doing a good job of bringing attention to herself. There was a crash, a bang, and a couple of cries being let out from the people around her who had become startled by her little show. Was this really the woman who was to become the Medical Sennin for this village? The young man chuckled a slight bit to himself, as it was quite the funny ordeal. Despite the high praise she was getting for being granted the title of Medical Sennin, it seemed like she was still rather clumsy in general. It was probably just stage fright or something, but it still made the young man laugh a little to himself. It had been a while since Ginjiro had actually relaxed and enjoyed himself in such a way. It was calming, therapeutic, and above all just plain fun. He could stop being a shinobi for just a minute and be a normal person. He could let his guard down here, and it was the best feeling in the world.

That, though, was his exact problem. If the young man hadn't let his guard down, he would have been able to notice the ball of pure concentrated evil that was approaching him from behind. This evil, this pure unfiltered terror, was preparing it's move. The young man, oblivious to the it's presence, didn't stand a chance. It had the element of surprise. It had the upper hand. It wasn't until the creature was right on top of him that Ginjiro noticed something wrong. By that time, it was far too late. As the sloppy wet tongue made its way up the boy's calf, a shiver of pure repulsion and disgust made its way up his back. He stood paralyzed, not knowing what to do, until he could muster the strength to look down at his leg. What he saw was probably the most horrible thing he'd ever seen in his life. The whole thing, top to bottom, was just covered in drool. His eyes wide with anger and fury, looked around to try and find culprit responsible. That's when he saw him: his demon fur covering his whole body, his horrid droopy tongue, those damn accursed eyes that tried to convince you of an untrue benign nature, and that tail wagging back and forth that obviously signified that he was getting ready to pounce again. The young man had had it. "You! How dare you do this to me! You vile scum, wretched cur, and miserable villain! I'll see to it that your end is slow, painful, excruciating, and above all terrifying! Hell hath no fury like mine, you mangy scoundrel..." The young man advanced on the creature, with a look of utterly deranged madness. He was livid with anger, and he sought revenge on this pup. "Perhaps I should turn you into a puppet? Or maybe I should cook you like that pig over there? You don't even deserve that, do you dog?! Answer me, you pathetic creature!" This was getting ridiculous. The young man was starting to attract as much attention as that clumsy Sennin girl.

"I will have my revenge..." It was impossible to tell whether the young man was being serious or not anymore. All that could be known, for sure, is that the kid was pissed. Quite non-proportionally, yes, but he was still pissed! I mean, look at the horrible things this creature had done to his leg? This was a crime worse than murder, for sure. This mutt had to pay! He would pay with his life! His puppies' lives! His grand-puppies lives! Nobody licks an Ayatsuri's leg like that and got away with it! Nobody, I say!


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[Well this topic is completely dead and i will have trouble posting whilst i'm moving so Topic Left due to inactivity]

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
This mission was accomplished. What the dog had done would be remembered forever! He was going to be a legend. He was going to become a legend, one leg at a time. Now though, the icy blue eyes were sparkling up at the former leaf shinobi as he came to the realization about what he did. He would offer the man a friendly bark in greeting as he seemed to just sit there. Then the threats came. The hilarious threats of what this man would do to the dog. From the facial expression of Buru, he could almost be seen that he was snickering. This was of course until his name was called.

White ears perking up, Buru barked excitedly. It seemed he was being promoted to medic! Jumping up and placing his forepaws on Ginjiro, Buru gave one last long lick, this time to his face before running up to the stage. Zigzagging throughout the crowd the white dog bounded up to the stage. More importantly, he beat Hissori up there.

Hissori was still making his way through the crowd. Having been talking with some civilians about where to find good quality furniture. He had almost missed the fact that there were many different titles being handed out expect for the fact that there was applause for a new Sennin. Clapping as well, Hissori would walk up to the stand slowly waving a bit to a young boy who waved at him and took his spot next to Buru. In his mind he was questioning why his dog had gotten a shinobi title. Still the more worrisome result of this was going to be the powertrip Buru would now be on.

MTF 280+


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Anger. Rage. Frustration. All of these words would properly describe the young man right about now. This mangy mutt thought it could just do whatever it wanted and get away with it? The young man was going to teach it differently! Staring the thing straight in the eyes, the young man silently challenged it to do it again. The young man wanted to see how far this demon dog would go to satiate it's own thirst for misery and despair. The puppeteer could even see that smirk, that knowing sneer that meant the dog was enjoying itself. "I swear, I will end you mutt." That's when it happened. The dog lunged. It jumped. The young man couldn't react in time. He wasn't able to reach his arms up in time to block that assault. It was all over. The world seemed to be in slow motion, and the Ayatsuri could do nothing to stop it. All he could do was close his eyes, and pray that the demon beast would be merciful.

He wasn't. Ginjiro's face got completely covered in drool, like a gigantic snail had just slicked it's way over the young man. It was just do gross! As he watched the dog run off towards the stage, the young man was still in quite a bit of shock from the whole thing. He could hardly move, and only did so to wipe the slimy saliva out of his eyes. He was using every ounce of his willpower to not run up to the stage and finish the dog right then and there. However, he was also using every ounce of his willpower to not get sick off of this stuff. He couldn't do anything more, paralyzed out of disgust. Slowly making his way around people, the young man left in search of a towel he could use to clean himself off. This day would never be forgotten, for this was a day of reckoning. Looking back up at the stage, the young man remembered the canine's face. "Buru, huh?" This mutt would be remembered. He would be scorned. And one day, when there paths would meet again, he'd be dead.

Attempting to leave topic. Just too slow paced, and I don't want to keep waiting around for this.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Basking in the adoration that was being thrown his way, Buru sat there tall and proud. For a ninken this was probably one of the greatest honors that one could ever get. He was being named a real shinobi! Well “honorary” shinobi but what was the difference. Of course, this was funny because Buru the dog for Ii Hissori was being named an offical shinobi BEFORE Hissori himself. This was not crossing the mind of Ii Hissori though.

Ii Hissori’s mind was on the weird position he had just been put in. He had been basically reaffirmed to have control of his hospital, but not to have control on the branch. This was given to Uka, and even though the Strawberry Blonde from Kirigakure shinobi was assured that this person was probably the right woman for the job, he did not know the women. Instead, he was left adjusting his well-groomed strawberry blonde hair, and clapping with everyone else.

He would spend the rest of the day mingling with people from the village. Greeting as many people as he could. It was the normal stuff, he would go around shake hands, kissed baby’s foreheads all nine yards. Outside when it was starting to get a bit dark out, he would lead a large group of people on a tour of the hospital letting them get a look around at the large library, and facilities. He even took them up to all the research centers, which he was just given control of.

Finally though, when it was late, and all was said and done, Hissori left. He would be back tomorrow, because tomorrow the real work was just beginning.

MTF 250+
Topic Left

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
