Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I'm Back!~ [Req Entrance]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: Please wait for Hissori or rp him off in the distance xD
Akkuma walked towards the Gates now he had found someone who could vouch for his identity there should be no issue with his getting in. Once he got close enough to the gates he looked up at the statue and then the Gates before him. "You hoo! Guardians I'm back its Akkuma, I'm here with Hissori-kun he knows who I am and can vouch for me! Plus one of your shinobi named Kurayo has invited myself and Hissori for drinks so may I enter?" he would call out his voice practically ecstatic as it sliced through the morning air he'd had a rather eventful night and we wanted to finish it off with a good session of drinks. He stood there wondering how long it would take for one of them to approach them and how long it would take to be processed. Looking back he would say "Hurry up Hissori! Stop taking so long! Buru could you please nip him in the heels or something?" he would ask in a joking tone it was obvious he had already begun to hit the sake. With a sigh he would down the last of his bottle and a horrible realization occurred to him.

He'd run up to Hissori and shake him "The sake is gone?! Why is the sake always goooooonnnnnneeeee?!" he would cry up to the heavens as he shook Hissori before bursting into laughter. "Haha I joke.." he opened a void tossing the empty bottle into it and retrieving a full one. "Haha I always have more vodka!" he would cry out with a devilish chuckle and did his 'I have more sake dance' which was his own little drunken jig on the spot. His long demonic tail whipped about him, finishing his dance he would give a little mock bow to what he would assume was a wall of stone covered in watchful eyes. "Seriously though guys...don't like gouge my eyes out or nothing. You know I met this Leaf Mercenary who said he did that once when he was on Gate Guard duty...I'm a friendly!" he would shout before giving a wave. Oh how he rambled and wandered off topic when he was drinking, the demon was one of those lovey drunks. In fact when he spotted a Gate Guard it wouldn't be much of a surprise if they were greeted with a drunken hug and 'how you doing? You guys always look so serious...put a smile on your dial!' something along those lines could be expected.

Then anything was possible he'd have to wait and see for now he just drunk his sake, oh how the demon loved his sake but only when he was relaxing. It kept him not calm but at least bubbly and happy, his temper usually required a lot of stocking to be provoked. Most would be attackers met with a surprise grapple hug and 'why you do that man? Just chill its all good.' Iwagakure had best be prepared for they had the drunk Demon Sage upon there doorstep. He hoped the parties were already in motion he hoped this village had clubs. "Do you guys have clubs?!" he would ask the winds once more....damn he was so loud his voice echoing around. He realized he was shouting and said 'Shhhh!' before realizing he'd just shhhh'd himself "Whoa....hey where's Kurayo? I want some candy." he said the thought dawning in his head as he began his approach closer to the gates. "KURAYO!!!!!!! Where are you?" he would call as he grew closer and closer to the Gates he wondered if Hissori would stop him.



New Member
Apr 2, 2013

The morning air was and crisp as it penetrated the lungs and blew in life to the body. The sky was a canvas of eerie gray with the sun rising from the east, slowly revealing its light like a tiger showing its sharp claws. Beams of light sprung out through the dark clouds, making the two statues of Titans seem even more holy than every as they glistened gold. Two travelers, who seemed not of their finest mental state, seeming intoxicated by alcohol, approached the colossal gates with much clamor. Noticing the strangers and not being able to stand the noise with the continuous blabbering going on outside the gates, Rabieru decided to go out for himself. One of The Six going out to greet some stranger into the village. This was such an unfamiliar and odd situation thus amazing, forcing all of the other guardians to rise from their posts to stare in awe.

As the demonic-looking figure approached the gates even closer, he would notice directly above him about fifty feet high, a form of light descending slowly down upon him, not to quickly, but sort of hovering in the air. The angel had come to encounter the demon. Cloaked by bright, white light, the White Guardian slowly landed in front of the one named Demon Sage, dressed in an entire overfit white suit and a brown cane in his hands. He wore black monkstraps and had pure white hair that reminded people of snow and his bangs slightly fluttered in the gentle wind. The frost-blue eyes met those of the demon and on the Guardian's face was not a hint of smile or any expression, displaying the verge of chicness which was amplified by the dark eyeliners covering his eyes. In a clear medium-voice tone that seemed the most disinterested about the world or anything out there, the iconic figure spoke,

"Silence. Just hand me the paperwork."

(OOC: Just thought you'd like some company before Hissori arrived. Actually I'm trying to officially take over Souji's spot as the main Gate Guadian)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Cool theme! Thanks for joining! =P don't mind Akkuma he's drunk!
Akkuma was surprised to see a ball of bright light floating down to him, he looked over the walls and saw many Guardians watching what was going on. 'Wow big audience...' he thought before looking back up to the mass of light that soon revealed itself to be a shinobi. When the newcomer put his hands out for papers the drunk demon grabbed his hand and shook it. "Guess you didn't read the report I'm a Mercenary...I don't have papers. Actually I might get that sorted here too...anyways so I found someone who can identify who I am. Endo and the 'Guardian' said I needed to someone to prove who I was...well Hissori was in my village! Haha we had good times..." he would say with a sly wink the whole time shaking the mans hand. Releasing his grasp of the man he would look at the man tilt his head as if deciding on whether or not to do something. Upon making eye contact with the man he would use his Body Bind Jutsu on him only long enough for him to realise what Jutsu it was before releasing it.

"I am an ex-Anbu of Kirigakure, my specialty was black ops and research and development." he would say with a wide smile upon his face. "If you or an Anbu if your unable to, use chakra sense you should be able to see the chakra mark on my face(a blood red winged wyrm covering half his face). "Oh and Kur...Kura...Kurayo, that's the one he invited me in for drinks! So are we all good?" he would ask before releasing he had been the opposite of silent. His hand flew to his mouth before he burst out laughing "My apologies Light-kun...forgot to be silent." he would say giving an apologetic look. Those blood red eyes even in that drunken stupor would still hold the cold intellect and awareness of an Anbu.

"Hey Light-kun it's me..." he would give a little wave as his will tried to communicate with the shinobi. "You should let me in...I bring opportunities that could only be dreamed of...besides Endo said he would talk to me about the trade proposal between my clan...and your kinda cute." if the shadow let Akkuma's will into his mind those would be the words he heard. Silently spoken to the shadow.

Akkuma stood before the man a slight sway to his normally statuesque posture, the half demons tail swished behind him it's massive length twisting and articulated in it's movements behind him. Those midnight black horns protruded from his head, it would almost look comical. That was if it weren't for the constant sense of malice and despair exuded by the demons aura, despite his warm drunken smile. In the blink of an eye he had a smoke drawn and lit the movement so fast it was undeniable that even in his current state he was a very capable shinobi. That kind of dexterity was only possessed by the best, the demon was young eighteen years old. "So what's the verdict?" he would say with a wide grin planting himself once more onto the ground "Hissori why you walking so slow?" he would ask a cheeky grin upon his face calling back to the Med Chief.


Red is Demonic Mindlink CRPJ ^_^
Edited to fix mistake


New Member
Apr 2, 2013
The Guardian's frost-blue eyes shifted immediately to downward as Rabieru felt a clasp on his black leather glove and back to the stranger as he watched Akkuma shake his hand as he continued to speak and give his excuse. It would have been the normal instinct for Rab to respond almost automatically to the physical touch, but he kept him calm and clenched his teeth as he gave a stern look and observed all features of this mercenary closely. The man had a strange hooked tail and demonic aura that the White Guardian definitely did not like and the natural movements reflected his adept skills and speed, quick enough to demonstrate that he was not just a normal shinobi. Plus, he had fucking horns sticking out of his head. There was also a very dark and immense feeling of chakra that he seemed to carry and as a representative of Iwagakure and one of the top Guardians, he did not want to disturb the peace of his village unless there was an unavoidable conflict.

The treacherous demon finally let go of his hand and finally revealed something about himself that piqued Rabieru's interest, along with a familiar technique that was used on him. The man was an ex-ANBU of Kiri, meaning that he was now a source of information and as a mercenary he must have been travelling around a lot, holding the most recent news and how things ran out there at the moment. Very interesting. Yet with all this going on inside his mind, the white demi-god's face remained expressionless as the devil continued to play tricks, trying to persuade him for access in every way. The rant came to an end and it was now the his turn to speak. Raising an eyebrow as he now looked down on the man who sat before him, Rabieru made a small sigh before speaking in his usual serious and cold tone,

"Oi, Akkuma from Kiri. There are two things you must note before we move onto procedures. First, you do not address the Tsuchikage by his name. Not in front of those who follow his leadership. I'm sure having been a shinobi yourself, you know that this is basic respect that villages keep between each other. And second... "

Before continuing as the word lingered in the air, the Guardian's blue eyes locked onto the demon's so that their eyes would meet. Suddenly, there was a strange shift in the gravity around them as well as a gush of wind and Akkuma would be able to feel his body become heavier as the gravity became more dense as if something would pushing him down to the ground.

"...I don't care who the fuck you are but don't touch me again." Once these words were over, the pulse of gravity would be gone and the wind would settle down, leaving his white bangs to flutter. Once these two points were made clear, the white idol crossed his arms while his cane floated in the air about him and continued.

"Since you say that you do not have paperwork, there will be a brief interrogation and confirmation of your identity. Where is this witness of yours and how can his words be trusted?"

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma began to speak as the Guardian suddenly began to cuss at him he could feel the shinobi's chakra, trying to force him to the ground. The crimson eyed half demon looked at the being before him with rage in his eyes he would wait for the man to finish speaking and the chakra to stop it's pressure before acting. Within the blink of an eye he was standing once more but all signs of intoxication would seem to be gone, he wore that shark-like grin upon his face.

"Mmmm you see firstly..." he would say and as he spoke black tainted chakra that literally corrupted the land and air it engulfed. The demonic chakra seeking to escape with his rage "..your Tsuchikage seemed to have no issue with it." he would say looking at the many Guardians who were watching the exchange. Sighing he exerted constraint with his chakra stopping it from escaping. "Secondly I would assume his word would be trusted since he is a Med Chief and secondly Kurayo invited me in he is a Guardian is he not?" he would ask but he would not give the man time to respond before he continued on.

"Lastly good sir do not worry I no longer wish entry into your fine village. But I shall tell you this..." a devilish grin would appear on his face as he spread his arms wide apart. Those crimson eyes of his gleamed with a mischief only known to demons "I challenge you to a duel in one months time! A battle for which after you can decide whether or not I enter your fine village agreed?" he would call out with a large grin, ensuring that it was said loud enough for all the Guardians watching to hear. He knew now that the man would have no choice but to accept he could see it in his eyes, there was no way he could refuse such an open challenge.

"Now if you'll forgive me I do have business I must attend, colleagues he are undoubtedly waiting for me." he would say with that devilish grin upon his face a large void opening under him taking him to the demon realm. After that he would go to an area far away from the Gates. "What an interesting fellow I shall be sure to duel him." he would think to himself wandering away from the scene.


[sorry gotta do something but I'll be back!]



New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Without reacting much to the sudden eruption of dark chakra in the air, Rabieru listened calmly to everything this demon had to say. Of course, the Tsuchikage was that kind of person, being all friendly with the lower ranks and his people. But that didn't mean that the Guardians would let anyone talk lowly of him or refuse to give him the respect that his position alone demands. There had to be order within the society, especially within a ranked society. And who was his Hissori and Kurayo that this Akkuma spoke about? He claimed that the second name belonged to a Guardian but he was definitely not a prominent one if Rabieru did not recognize him.

But the next move that this fellow took was unexpected, causing a smile, not of happiness but of surprise, formed on the lips of the White Guardian. It would be almost the first time for the other gate guards to see the man actually showing some sort of emotion on his face but this Miroku Akkuma was a man of surprises and somewhat a bit low on intelligence seeing from the way he spoke. Nonetheless, he showed prowess as a shinobi and not to be looked down about. But challenging a Guardian in front of his villagers was either smart or very child-like. Maybe a mix of both. The fight itself seemed to be interesting but did he really believe that winning him in a battle would let him into the village? The two were entirely separate things and if Rabieru was to fall in battle, Akkuma wouldn't make it alive and if Akkuma lost, he would be taken to prison for assault on an Iwagakure shinobi. Yet this was an ironic situation. Such pure, innocent words coming from a tainted demon were exactly the opposite characteristics.

"If you seek hell that much, I shall guide you home, demon."

Accepting the challenge without much thought, Rabieru watched a rift form in the air as an opening to another dimension appeared. Akkuma made and exit through this technique and once he was gone, the White Guardian grabbed the floating cane and trotted back to the gates. He had a lot of things to attended to and this ex-Kirigakure shinobi was an interesting waste of time.

[MFT, Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
