Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

In Need of a Burn Heal [Akane]

Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tomo sat in the hospital room, his eyes unfocused. They rested upon his right palm, a location he felt he'd be staring at often in the months to come. His mind flitted to the mission he'd just undergone, replaying it in his head. He wondered if he should be glad that it turned out how it did, or if he should curse Raiden for placing this burden upon him. He clenched and unclenched his hand, silently longing for the slit in his hand to disappear forever. But that's not how his genetics worked. He would be stuck like this, or so he believed. It was one thing for the mednin to shove genetic code into his body, it was a whole other thing to rip it out. Especially after it had settled in for the past few days. The slit on his hand opened, revealing a toothy grin. His nose scrunched in disgust. The Mochizuki's eyes would not move as whoever was sent to tend to him entered. He was oblivious to the world around him.

There were visible burns on Tomo's face and arms, making it rather clear that he'd gotten into a fight with someone or something, and fire had been involved. If the person entering knew the Mochizuki, he or she may be surprised to find Tomo looked a bit different than when he was last seen. Though he still had half black, half blue hair, it transitioned into gold on his lower back. From the side, he would appear more masculine, though not by much, as his facial features looked sharper. He continued to stare at his hand, completely unaware of anyone else within the room.

WC: 280
OoC said:
Sorry, this is happening after a self-mod, so no yen rewards. Just a regular free rp.

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank

It was a nice day outside, too bad akane was inside caring for petients. She planned on going out later that day, and enjoy the evening, hopefully. For now she had a patient she needed to care for, and she was quite happy to play the doctor instead of the nurse. It didnt happen often, but when it did, it made her feel like she was actually climbing up in this branch.

Akane walked through the hallways, dodging others, and being careful not to trip like normal. She came up to the room, and opened the door. In her left hand was a clipboard, with papers, of course, and her right hand, well it was laying flat against her side after closing the door. She looked at her patient, she knew of the condition from the documents, but it looked worse than what she imagined. Akane couldn't help but feel like they had met before, the blue hair was what triggered her to believe they had met before. She was not sure, so she let it go, though she did read his name was Mochizuki, Tomo. Akane just remembered she had met him before, at the ball. She had just never seen his face before.

"Hello Mr. Mochizuki, I am Shinrya Akane, I'll be treating you today." Akane spoke in a cheerful tone of voice. "I believe we've met before, at the ball." She continued as she set the clip board down on the counter. She then proceeded to wash her hands, and dry them. Once she was done with that, she looked over Tomo. "So can you tell me how you got these burns?" She asked as she prepared to use her mystical hands ninjutsu on him. It wouldn't heal the burns completely, but it'd sure help take the pain away.​

ooc said:
Topic entered
Love the new look lol

Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tomo's eyes shot up to meet the young lady at the door. His face cycled through expressions quickly, fear at the new presence, frustration at not realizing she was there before she spoke, ending on relief that it wasn't Kotsuko. While the white-haired lad was good at his job, he was utterly terrifying to Tomo. Especially his use of sand. The Mochizuki looked over his medic for the day, having an odd sensation that they had met prior. It was her introduction that help Tomo fully understand. He gave a nod, and forced a smile to his lips. "Ah, Lady Shinrya, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to meet you here. Your clan seems to have a knack for the medical field." He bowed his head and scanned Akane as she washed her hands. His eyes found their way to her bosom, unintentionally, and he glanced away quickly. His right palm throbbed lightly. TRAP! Check out that jiggle! Let Aitouka cop a feel! I bet they're super squ-mmmf! Tomo clenched his hand, stopping the embarrassing conversation in its tracks.

Tomo's cheeks were flushed, and he kept his eyes focused on the ground. Now that Aitouka had mentioned it, he was worried he wouldn't be able to keep eye contact with anything but the lady's chest. Akane asked for an explanation on how Tomo got his burns, but she received silence for quite some time. It was probably important to tell her everything, she was a doctor after all, but it had been a rather traumatic experience. Not to mention Tomo didn't like the idea of admitting he now had a perverted lesbian inside him that talked through the new mouth on his hand. He bit his lower lip for a moment before deciding to give a brief summary. If she needed more, she would ask.

"On my last mission, I had to face a rouge Toujigikou. She wasn't from Kumogakure as far as I'm aware, but she obviously had some shinobi training. Anyway, I got some burns from that...and..." He held out his hands, palms up to show Akane the slits on them. The left slit opened to show a smile, which might have been charming if it had been located on a face. A tongue slide out of the right slit, licking its 'lips'. "Shinrya Kitsune informed me that I'm able to absorb the powers of Yeah, I think that happened." He pulled his hands back to him, and continued. "I ran into a large gang of bandits on the way back, so I used explosions to take them out faster. I miscalculated the blast radii and paid for it with a few self-inflicted burns."

He blushed a bit more, realizing how lame that must sound. He was a Chuunin now, yet he was burning himself with his own powers. Granted they were new to him, but it was a simple matter of math. But seeing all those bandits exploding had loosened his logical side, which was a scary thought. He had to look within himself for a moment, to verify his dislike for violence. He still possessed a hatred for fighting, which was certainly a relief. But should he enter into a battle he couldn't avoid, that lust for destruction might surface again. He lightly shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. He could ponder on such things later, when alone. He was finally able to lift his eyes to meet Akane's. "Do you require more?"

[WC: 581]
Why thank you! I'm liking yours too! In the words of Aitouka, "Rock that jiggle!"

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank

Akane blinked as she heard a voice, it didnt sound like tomo, but... there was no one else in the room. She looked down at her boobs after the comment, then at tomo. "I never thought of you as the perverted type Mr. Mochizuki." She commented, she wasnt sure whether to be offended or not... no one has ever straight out commented on her chest. It was... weird, but it did make her giggle a little bit. Mostly because she did not expect that.

It took Tomo a little bit before he answered her. While she waited, she placed her hands over his burns, and started applying medical jutsu on them. She understood that it might be a little hard to deal with injuries like this mentally, especially if the way they were dealt was traumatizing. She would offer counseling, but she didnt have any studies in that area. She only needed to know how it happened so she can give him the proper cream to take home.

Finnally TOmo spoke up, and explained what happened. She nodded, she was amazed at the mouth on his hand. It was pretty cool to her. "I see. Well I have just the cream for those kind of burns." She stated as she finished up the medical jutsu. She then walked over to a cabinet and started looking through bottles. "I'm sure you've heard of the Toujigikou clan in our village. They come in here all the time with self inflicted burns. Its just another part of learning how to do... Art. As they say." She explained as she pulled out a small jar of reddish cream. it was labbed 'burn cream T' She then handed it to him.

"SO dont worry, Its pretty cool you can explode things, just try not to kill yourself." She giggled softly. "Anyways, apply this two times a day on the burns. They should heal up in about three weeks. If you experience extreme pain in the burn areas after a month, come back." She hummed softly. She then picked up her clipboard, and started writing some things down. "If you only came in here for the burns, then this should be all." Akane was not sure if the mouth hand thing was a problem, bloodlines was something she would study, but currently she wasn't sure what to tell him about that. She only knew of the explosive capabilities of that bloodline.​

ooc said:
LOL xD You killed me with the comment on the boobs.

Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tomo's face remained flushed. While Aitouka herself couldn't speak through the mouth, Tomo was still unaccustomed to so many voices in his head. Thus he had unknowingly spoken her words aloud, his voice mimicking Aitouka's as he did so. This was something he might pay for later if Saeko caught wind of it. He had been dating her long enough now to know the odd connection she had with the Shinrya, though he wasn't sure how close his girlfriend was to Akane. As he accepted the ointment and gave his thanks, Tomo resisted the urge to inquire into Akane's relationship with her relatives, specifically the possible connection to Saeko. Instead, he decided to ask her about the Toujigikou of the village. "I've not had the...pleasure of interacting with the clan. Might you have a little more information to give? It would do me some good to get my...condition...under control. Maybe train a bit so I don't blow up the village on accident." He wondered if the other Toujigikou had voices in their heads, or if it was only due to his Chimera capabilities. Either way, maybe they had a way of forcing the mouths to remain shut, something he could obviously benefit from so he didn't end up sexually harassing every woman he met.

He rose from the bed and gave a bow. "Oh, but I'm sure you are a busy woman, so I can investigate on my own if you have not the time." Have not the time? What kinda ridiculous phrase is that Trap? Come on! Stop being a gentleman and whip out the pick-up lines! Are you a donut? Because you're all sugar and curves. Tomo slapped his right hand over his mouth, realizing he was again speaking Aitouka's words out loud. However, he instantly pulled his hand away as the tongue in his palm licked his lips. "Yeck!" He rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand, trying to wipe away the saliva. It seemed that Tomo couldn't spend a single day in the hospital without doing at least one thing that made him appear mentally unstable.

[WC: 352]

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank

Akane glanced at tomo as he asked for more information, all she really had was the medical files, and some he said, she said things. "They live in the seki district, in a large walled off area. If you want to talk to them there, I am sure they'd be fine with helping you out."" She said with a grin, though she wasn't actually sure of that, for all she knew, they'd blow him sky high.

Akane watched him rise from the bed, she blinked as he said busy. Today was actually a slow day, but he seemed embarrassed by he sudden outburst earlier. Though his next comment was that weird voice again. Does he have a split personality? It was that, her he had a weird way of flirting with people. She was flattered by the compliment? though. "You shou-" She started but stopped as she started giggling at the fact that he just licked his own lips. She wondered if this was something that happened on a normal occurrence. "As I was saying, you should probably schedule a counseling session. For your- uh... Random outbursts." She explained, then she gave him a kind smile. "But other than that, it was nice to see you tomo, without a mask that is."


Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tomo's face felt like it would burst. From the tip of his chin to the top of his ears, his face was a bright shade of tomato red. He was about to cover his face in shame with his hands, but was fortunate enough to remember in time that there were mouths there. Instead he lowered his head. "Ah. Yes. Counseling..." Tomo honestly didn't think he needed that, though he truly believed Aitouka should take it. His shoulders drooped, feeling like a very pathetic man before Akane. When he had first used Aitouka's powers to take out those bandits, the Mochizuki had thought that maybe, just maybe, he could finally amount to something in the village. However, it was becoming more and more obvious that his role would always be shinobi clown...and not by choice.

Tomo gave a bow, still keeping his head down as he straightened. "Yes, it was a pleasure Lady Shinrya. Thank you for your assistance today. I'll Good day." He lightly bit his lips together to prevent himself, or more importantly Aitouka, from saying anything stupid. Tomo just kept striking out with Mednin. Kotsuko scared him to death, and now he would probably die of embarrassment the next time he met Akane. Tomo slunk out of the room, and before he left, approached the receptionist's desk. He still didn't lift his head. "I have been advised to schedule a counseling session."

[Topic Left]

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank

Akane watched Tomo, she couldn't help but find joy in his embarrassed face, she was holding in a laugh, it was truly hard for her not to smile too. "Don't feel bad Tomo, this made my day." Watching a man almost die of embarrassment made her day... She was just trying to cheer him up a little bit, but her choice of words were probably not helpful. She only thought of it afterwards though, oh well.

Akane nodded to him, as he stood to leave. "Alright, it was nice see you as well Tomo-kun. Feel free to stop by again., I do enjoy your company." She stated, then waved to him as he left the room. She hoped he'd get control of the other personality soon, though she couldn't help but think that it would be fun to see that again. In these times, Akane thought comedy was a necessity. Akane went to the computer in the room to finish filing the paperwork. She had almost forgotten about it.​

Topic left

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
