Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Introductions and Indoctrination [Ranger Order Introduction]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
It was early enough in the afternoon to consider one more errand once classes ended for the day. Michi had intended to spend the remainder of the evening in the Great Library Archives reviewing ancient religion and theology. She had never intended to remain in Sunagakure or even enter these walls, but once inside she intended to take advantage of every amenity afforded. Rather, for whatever reason a shark had imprinted on her and for whatever logic-defying reason she did not reject the boy. He had voiced interest in the Ranger Order, an Order she had helped provide the framework to rebuild before the change. Suffice to say, she was uncertain how she was seen by the Order.

She would order Bunny Chow in celebration of Hoji's victory, offering one to the teen (image below):


Bunny Chow (inspired by the South African Street Dish) is made with minced dune hare in a spicy curry sauce with a smattering of vegetables - most common being root vegetables and spicy peppers. The vessel, a hollowed out loaf of a dense bread that is similar to sourdough, but a bit more buttery and nutty in flavor. The dish was one that can easily be carried and consumed at the same time, but only came in two temperatures - hot and very hot. She ordered the very hot for herself and would let Hoji determine his own level of suffering, warning him that the very hot was... very hot. She would also order purple cavern juice, a water infused with a specific sweet yet earthy mushroom indigenous to the caverns of Old Sunagakure. It had a strange flavor that most some few come to love, she was among the few.

It was a long walk and between bites she would talk about the Ranger Order further. "Rangers are in short monster hunters, their objective is to benefit mankind. To protect man from what they define as monsters. Monsters such as the Sandworm, the Carnasaur, Ancients as well as other threats to the tribes of man. They are a proud aspect of our heritage," even if some of them wanted her dead. "They usually take on young men and women about your age if they show promise in the hunt, the ability to survive the desert, the wilds, if they can slay a beast, can learn how to hunt and track. But it is not easy, this is in addition to the studies you have been undertaking to become a shinobi. What they will care to know is if you have the one thing that hey cannot teach and I know you have it and that is instinct." The instinct and will to survive are inherent, the skills can be taught. "If they ask you about me, say your truth. Some woman that brought you to their door. You do not know me." Her voice hardened when she said the last part as if there was a warning in there. It was not a lie, the boy had not even learned her name. They had met twice and it had culminated with her dropping the teen off on their doorstep.

They would eventually arrive at the Tracking Grounds. A massive wall enclosed several terrains, there was an entrance that led to the heart of the enclosure via a long hall with windows on either side that would display diverse terrains on either side. Not that she would be able to enter. She would stop at the door and hesitate. Yes, even she gets scared. But she did what she wanted. "I am malleable," she muttered an old mantra, grounding words as her knuckles rapped on the door.

Hojirozame Samezuka

New Member
Sep 12, 2023
OOC Rank
Skipping in glee as he knew he was about to get food he waited until after he managed to scoff down his meal to invite Fuku, whilst the bat was fed on the daily like Hoji he was also a glutton, not only that but the bat was getting... bigger. Not chunkier mind you, generally just larger in size as if he was growing, before the size of Hoji's head more or less, but now he would be comparable to the boy's torso. He could smell the gorgeous aroma as they stood waiting to be served, salivating as he jumped up and down in joy ready to destroy this delicious meal. Receiving the Bunny Chow he decided to order it the same temperature as Michi, very hot... that means it'd get colder slower right? From his experience a warm meal is usually a great one. It seemed somewhat off that Michi was warning him, however he paid little to no mind as he wanted to have the same as she was.

Although about five seconds after he had decided to practically swallow the bowl whole he would scream in pain, running and rolling around in pain as he felt as if he could easily roar a mighty firey breath. Sweat dripping across his whole body as he quite literally had to use his own jutsu on him, making the seals for one of the only ninjutsu he knew and spewing a decent amount of water out of his mouth towards the sky. Before it would eventually lose momentum and rain down on Hoji with his mouth opened wide. Wiping his brow his tongue would begin to simmer however it still felt as if he would be feeling the burn for the next few days. After this though he would have a long walk, as Fuku would catch up the two, with Michi as she explained various parts about the process. This did give the Samezuka what most people would call butterflies in his stomach as he listened it sounded more and more confusing and convoluted, although Michi seemed to reassure him that he does have the instinct within him.

"I wrill try my brest! Hrowever... I only really hrunt with whrat I knrow from Sora ocean... I hraven't learnt mruch new struff! Brut I hrave grotten stronger!" He would place his hand on his arm and squeeze it with two fingers as with a derpy face he smiled, proud of his physical progression. It'd be wrong to say he hadn't honed his senses in the last few days, especially his sixth sense, though even his meek eyesight was getting better. Although he was somewhat taken aback, she didn't seem to want to be affiliated with Hoji in front of these people, it made a little sad as a small frown formed across his face as he was mostly confused. But he wasn't going to argue or question with her. "Urh... okray..." He couldn't help but tilt his head down a little in sadness he wanted people to know they were friends, like a pack!

All of these crazy sights once they had reached these huge walls definitely shocked him, it was even larger than the one that he tried to scale that fateful day. Although it got even wilder, showing a wild animal something like this would certainly blow their mind easily, but as he walked between the long hall with windows on each side. The sights of different types of terrains and atmospheres shocked him, he'd never imagine seeing such a diverse range in his life. How would he survive, let alone any creature?! A polar bear in the desert would simply just... die... right? Although when they got to the door it seemed that Michi was... hesitant? She seemed to quickly steel herself knocking on the door with her knuckles, and wanting to be of use Hoji would extend as he made a quick knock on it as well. "Srame!"
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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The door would open and a girl with bright green hair, that seemed to wave like a flame, would appear. She would calmly walk through the threshold and come to a stop before the strange little boy and the serious-looking woman. She would give both of them a scan down before finally asking;

"My name is Hinoko, self-appointed second in command to Oda Katsumi of the Ranger Order. How can I help--" she would once more look at the strange boy and then back to the serious woman once more, "--you people... today?"



Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
The near death experience via hot-sauce would result in calamity. Hoji would single-handed disrupt the street. She did warn him and offered him the purple mushroom water while she absentmindedly ate her bowl of bunny chow. She liked it very hot, enough to leave a mist of sweat across her brow and a flush to her cheeks. Her bottle of purple juice hanging off a hook on her hip. "Missed Sand's spice," she commented between bites. The bland fare in Soons Haven was this homogenized melody of sorrow. She had not experienced real flavor in years, Lord she missed something with more depth than the fantasy version of Frank's red Hot.

She would give Hoji a high-level overview of the Order. What the Rangers was historically, what it generally represents today. What his responsibilities would be as an eventual Ranger when, not if he was ultimately inducted into the Order. A brief warning that it would benefit Hoji if he distanced himself from her, a hybrid, not that she would use the word or even give an adequate explanation. He appeared to have taken her attempt to distance herself from him the wrong way. "I'm not..." she knew that she should not elaborate. "Well-liked by every faction in Wind Country," she admitted. A truth in more ways than one considering her former associations with the Cabal, the Sovereign, the crimes committed by her oldest son. That was before they got into what she had become to survive. "Some distance from me would do you some good if you want to get on people's good-side," she would suggest and she would leave it at that. In time the Rangers would provide him the context her words lacked.

They would eventually find themselves in front of the Ranger Training Grounds. She would approach the door, holding her breath as she knocked on the door. A woman with green, potentially flaming hair. Yes, definitely flaming. Some sort of flame-affinity she would presuppose. Michi would slide on a pair of gloves as the woman made her introduction and extend a gloved hand. "Salutations Hinoko, self-appointed second in command for the Ranger Order. I am the Oracle Fuu," her better known name. She was a lot of things, but never a liar. "And this is a student in the Sunan shinobi academy, Hoji. He has demonstrated an unusual aptitude in the hunt, it was suggested that he consider a Ranger assessment and upon learning what the Ranger Order was he expressed interest and requested an introduction."

"He is people," she could not quite make the same attestation for herself, but she could make assurances on Hoji's behalf. "Would you or someone else be willing to discuss the Order with him and what would be required to become a member." If Hoji was standing behind her, she would step aside and attempt to nudge him forward like a hesitant child. Well, a child that was actually bigger than her, she barely stood over 5 foot, so hiding behind her would not do him much good.
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Hojirozame Samezuka

New Member
Sep 12, 2023
OOC Rank
Hoji would take a step back as the door opened, he was also somewhat hesitant as a someone with a green flame for hair would approach the two, her appearance was certainly striking and made him timid, she seemed to be quite mighty in appearance alone, he'd allow Michi to engage in conversation with her. It seems like she was introducing Hoji and herself as... Fuu? Is that her real name? He supposed that fairy wasn't too far off in terms of a name, it'd be a lie to say he wasn't nervous as sweat would begin to slowly trickle down his forehead. He was quite confused by what Michi meant when he addressed Hoji as... people? He really had no clue what she meant and would tilt his head to the side like a confused puppy standing safely behind Michi as he continued to listen.

Apparently Michi had other plans though and he was nudged forward towards the woman, Hinoko... a few more drips of sweat would flow down his shark head as he would make a wide smile timidly, almost as a fall back in to safety. He was drowning in nerves, and wanted to hide behind the Oracle and let her do the rest although she had made all the effort of taking him and Fuku here. "Urhm hrey! I arm Hojirozame... Hoji! Samezuka. Nrice... to meet you!" Whilst he may have looked like a wreck it took a lot of guts for him to get that far. "Urrhmmm lrike Fai- Fuu! Lrike Fuu sraid, I would lrike to uh becrome a member?" His companion slowly fluttering behind him would facepalm if they had arms and hands.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
She was still in the assessment mode and would take in certain things as they were said, actions taken, and actions not taken. First and foremost, a greeting and handshake from the serious lady.

"Pleasure to meet you-" she would say while grasping the female's hand and shaking it in return, but her eyes would now begin to scan her over once more, "-Oracle Fuu."

She would then turn her attention to the boy with the shark-like head.

"He is people..." at first it would sound like she was merely questioning the legitimacy of the boy, but her eye would quickly cut to Fuu before returning to the boy.

Her arms would cross at her waist as she would march around the boy, and most likely Fuu as even though she tried to nudge him forward he still seemed to want to retreat to her. She would circle them, much in a shark-like way herself. She would do this for a couple of rotations before finally coming back to a stop in front of Hoji.

"Hoji, follow me. Oracle Fuu, thank you for your assistance, you are free to go."

She would motion for Hoji to follow her as she would pass back through the threshold to go deeper into the primary complex of the Tracking Grounds. Every so often she would look behind to see if Hoji was following, and if he wasn't she would pause and wait before saying something else.



Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
She gave her old name, Fuu. The name written on the cover of so many books. The name written in the Oracle roster. The name of the villain and the ally. The name she died with. She was not going to lie, but she also was not going to remind the woman who she once was.

Hoji was safe, she knew that. As strange as his appearance might have been, Rangers were hunters and Hoji was not prey. "It will be fine," she announced as she relinquished whatever oversight she might have had in the boy to the woman. She had inhuman features as well, the strange hair. But she was markedly human also, down to the common coppery eyes. She often paid attention to the eyes - gateways to the human soul Nao used to say., It was one of the few statements she agreed with. "She will show you things and you will learn to be more than simply strong," they would give him the tools he needed to survive, to become powerful, to live the life he wanted to live rather than the one he needed to live.

She would remain tense through this short encounter. Her posture perfectly erect, to the point where it was painful. Her shoulders, as slight as they were squared with the front door and whomever else might exit. Only none came. There was no commotion or calamity. The woman was willing to take him and she was discharged. She would take her leave, attempting to rest her hand on Hoji's shoulder in parting. "I will be checking in on you," making sure that he survived. The greatest risk for anyone was being unnoticed, untouched, unknown. They were the most vulnerable. Not that there was any indication otherwise, but prejudices exist. He did not look like a normal human. Even if he was not a beast, there was the risk, as infinitesimal as it was that he would be treated as a monster rather than a teen. In the long stories history of Wind Country, the books often frame the first men and eventually Sunans as the heroes, paragons of human potential rather than fallible beings who have made mistake, have biases and fears. Who were sometimes not the hero. It will be fine. If her faith was misplaced, her wrath would be interminabidable, indomitable and inhumane.

She would nod her head to the woman. "I leave him in your care Hinoko, member of Oda Katsumi's Sunan Ranger Order." She repeated the names, ensuring that who she left the boy with was burned into her mind in case she needed to return.

[Topic Left unless Stopped]
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Hojirozame Samezuka

New Member
Sep 12, 2023
OOC Rank
"Fuu..." He would mutter quietly to himself, it was an interesting name but she had mentioned someone named Fuujin before. Perhaps they were related?! Maybe siblings?? Like... like Shraniki and Hoji! If they were as nice as Michi he hoped to meet this Fuujin guy one day to, maybe they could have some good food together or something food related. He would take a deep gulp as Hinoko began to circle them like fishes, her blazing aura radiated to him that she meant business. She seemed... assertive, nothing that he wasn't used to as she vaguely reminded him of a girl he went on a mission with once, just a lot more firey.

"I wrill do ma brest Fuu..." Still hesitant with his slouched posture he would begin to move away from his caretaker with Fuku fluttering behind him as he walked. Although when Michi would stop him with a hand on his shoulder it was a comforting boost of confidence to know that she would be back to see how he was doing. With his signature smile he would beam brightly at the hybrid. "Sree you sroon!" For the first time in his life he had wanted to give her a hug to show a deeper showing of affection, he really was grateful for everything that he did for him, but he figured that she wasn't really the type for such stuff. And he wasn't even sure how to really do one! He'd only seen others before from a sizeable distance.

Waving back to her as him and his brother would follow Hinoko further in still a bit shy yet feeling vigorated to march forwards in to the unknown, he almost was beginning to.. crave that feeling that he had in class. However whether was a mixture of his animal like instincts or his desire to bask in the glory of the hunt was left up in the air. "Sro... urhm whrat are we gronna do? Fuu sraid yoou guys gro out on hrunts! That'd be frun!"

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
"How did you meet this Fuu?"

She would say coldly as she continued to walk onward, still glancing back to make sure the boy was following her. Within a few moments they would stop in what appeared to be more of an office space, or more of a lounge, as while it looked formal it had plenty of seating to just relax. There would be several large, bulbous, fixtures on the wall that would be clouded glass, but sunlight could be seen coming through it.

She would point to a general direction of seats and would say, "Please take a seat, Hoji."

Whether he sat down or not, she would continue.

"Yes, we hear at the Ranger Order do go on hunts, and depending on your spirit, they can be fun...but isn't that going a bit too fast?"

To her, it was a reasonable question.

"You are an academy student? Barely stepped foot into the world on your own, and yet, you want to become a Ranger? Why?"

In her mind, she still wasn't sure if this was actually what the boy wanted. He had appeared on their doorstep like a child being dropped off for their first day of school, needing his mother's push to move forward. What did the boy know of the Order? More importantly, what did the boy want from the Order?


Hojirozame Samezuka

New Member
Sep 12, 2023
OOC Rank
Kind of timidly he would scratch his head as he responded to the formally dressed woman. "Urrhmm... wrell me and Fuu mret... in da desert! It wrasn't really... on prurpose brut! She treaches me and is super crool! Likes yummy frood..." Walking in to the office it seemed quite intimidating he hadn't really seen decoration like this before but there was plenty of light shining through the room, it was like the complete opposite of Raizo's office being much more... tidy. Not like Hoji had a preference! These were the only two offices he'd ever been inside of, he would try to smile awkwardly to show some sort of social adept however whether it was working or not would be up to Hinoko.

Plopping himself in a seat, Fuku would perch on his shoulder as the two gazed up at the blazing women, whether it was the heat from her hair or just general shyness sweat would begin to pour down his giant forehead. Was this the part where he should show gratitude, because she offered him a seat? There was no harm in blurting out something he thought, "Thrank.. yoou.." Although he wasn't really ready to answer what would be asked of him next as he would almost instinctively go to hide behind Michi and realise no one was there. "Wrell... uhm im nrot a Acrademee strudent... Im Hojirozame... Hoji! Samezuka... and I.. wrell im nrot from here... Sunagakure! I am from... Sora... I lrived in the wild for mrost of my lrife... Always hrunting for frood and urhh..." Trying to think back to watch Michi told him instead his mind would go back to the feelings he had after he fought the basilisk and the dune hare, it wasn't like the past... he enjoyed the feeling of victory.

"I... I lrike the hrunt. Chrasing... thrinking... frighting! All of it... the feeling of everyone wratching drown on yoou as yoou take on thre world. It's... frun... Fuu said I cran learn with yoou guys.. Rangers... travel... train... get stronger! I've breen frighting all my lrife... brut now I wrant to learn new skrills... plrease." There was no lie with what he said, and though he struggled to get it out he meant every word.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
She would smirk.

"I can applaud your spirit, Hojirozame Samezuka... wait, so does that mean your name is Samezuka--" she paused for a moment. After a little more thinking, she decided it wasn't important, "Never mind--so then, Hoji, before we transition into the life of a Ranger, I am still curious about you."

She would finally move towards him, taking a seat across from him. Sitting down, her arms would once more cross, as her yellow-green eyes narrowed in on Hoji more fiercely.

"You are from Sora? How did you end up in Sunagakure no Sato? What is your family like? What do you remember of your childhood?"

She wanted to ask if he was 'born that way' but in a moment of restraint, she shied away from it. For now.

"What is your preferred method of hunting? Why do you hunt and what do you hunt?"

She would then pause for a moment, her arms uncrossing, as she leaned forward. A ring upon her right hand would glisten for a moment as the light reflected off of it during her movements.

"And, please, Hoji, tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here and now?"


Hojirozame Samezuka

New Member
Sep 12, 2023
OOC Rank
She seemed to be somewhat confused by his name, he wasn't really sure why as he would tilt his head to the side like a puppy waiting for an explanation. He was a tad bit intimidated as she made his way closer towards him, almost tempted to shuffle his chair a bit away from the space the two sat across. He'd take a gulp as their eyes met his small black and beady against the piercing daggers which appeared to be hers. Fuku would give him some more comfort sat on top of his shoulder but there wasn't really anything he could do in this time so he stayed quiet and let Hoji do the talking.

"Wrell... urhmm I krinda urh ended up here in a brox of crates... I wranted to lreave! Brut the Krazekage krept me here... Raraizo! I dron't really... hrave a framily anymore... I sruppose Fuku is my brother." Pointing to the bat on his shoulder before carrying on. "My chrildhrood... is... hmm... a lrot of swrimming... srome fish framily... brut...." It made him sad to carry on as he hung his head down in sadness a small pout hanging on his face, he didn't really want to carry on and trickled down in to stopping to talk. The next question would be a lot more easier for him to answer as he had a more thoughtful expression on his face as he scratched his neck.

"I usually.. urhhh snreak up and thren attack go for quick krill... althrough.. I cran fright hread on if nreed be..." He definitely enjoyed avoiding conflict however in recent days he'd been forced to go head to head with threats coming out on top again and again, whether it was due to skill or pure luck didn't matter to him. He was alive to fight another day.

There was no way he could prepare himself for what she said next though, it almost made him visibly fall out of his chair as he was so taken aback by the statement she just made. In a place such as this?! Had Michi brought him to his death so soon?! "HRUH?! KRILL ME?! WHA- WHRY?! YOOU CRAN'T DO THRAT!! I AM HRERE TO LEARN NROT DRIE!! PLREASE DRON'T KRILL MRE I WRANT TO HRELP!!" He'd clench both of his hands together and quiver in fear at the thought of dying begging for a chance.... and his life.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
