Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

Though they now call the Leaf village their home and have taken on a more humane lifestyle, the Inuzuka were not always this way; they take pride in being able to trace their nomadic heritage prior to the formation of any Shinobi village, a time were they lived in the wilderness side-by-side as beasts. Some say they had been the first to tame mankind's best friend, while others claim their ancestors were descendant of beasts themselves. In either case; none are more wild in spirit than the Inuzuka.
084 PL - Wild Soul (Rank 1), Animal Companion (Rank 1)
168 PL - Feral Shift (Rank 1)
252 PL - Vicious Hunger (Rank 1)
336 PL - Feral Shift (Rank 2)
420 PL - Wild Soul (Rank 2), Alpha Status (Rank 1)
504 PL - Animal Companion (Rank 2)
588 PL - Feral Shift (Rank 3), Vicious Hunger (Rank 2)
672 PL - Wild Soul (Rank 3), Alpha Status (Rank 2)
756 PL - Vicious Hunger (Rank 3)
840 PL - Animal Companion (Rank 3), Alpha Status (Rank 3)

Wild Soul - Passive
Though many Inuzuka have calmed down over the generations to better fit the structured Shinobi life, there is still the fire within burning from a time where survival-of-the-fittest was in full force; where they were no less savage than the beasts they lived and fought with. Nothing brings forth this fierceness more than the thrill of battle.

Rank 1/2/3: The user gains +1/+2/+2 acc to a single [Taijutsu Subtype] of their choice. While the user has any amount of Temporary HP, they deal +5%/+10%/+15% damage to the same [Taijutsu Subtype].

  • The [Taijutsu Subtype] is chosen at the time of obtaining Inuzuka, and must be noted in the user's Dojo thread.
  • The user may swap the [Taijutsu Subtype] using the same rules as learning/unlearning abilities with a 100 word RP.


Animal Companion - Passive
If their physical features were not enough to identify a Inuzuka, then the next most distinguishing aspect may be their closeness to the animals of nature, capable of communicating with them through both complex growls and sounds or simple body gestures. This is best emphasized by the bond they can form, becoming companions to the point where the two are near inseparable.

Rank 1/2/3: The user has an Animal Companion which has up to 25%/50%/75% of the user’s stats.

The Animal Companion works as follows:
  • The Animal Companion Class has a 40 HP Mod, and may move acc as per Custom Class rules.
  • They do not have CP, and are immune to CP Damage Effects and Chakra Burn.
  • Cannot use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu techniques
  • Can only perform Inuzuka Bloodline and Taijutsu Techniques that the user knows, but does not require CP to do so.
  • Animal Companion’s do not have AP.
  • Animal Companion’s have 4 conditional slots, that may be used to take actions.
  • Animal Companion’s actions use normal timing for the action, worked off of the user's AP.
  • Animal Companions may not perform any type of Clone or Creation technique.
  • May have 1 custom weapon using normal custom weapon creation rules.
  • Has a single inventory slot.
  • Animal Companion’s may enter into the same Style as the user for the same AP cost.
  • The Animal Companion and the user share a combo slot.
  • Damage done by the Animal Companion is unable to be buffed in any way.


Feral Shift - Physical Bloodline Style
The base instincts of the Inuzka echoes through every aspect of their fighting style. They hone their attributes to the point where they begin to blur the line between human and beast, taking properties of their spirit animal. the Inuzuka are well known for their smell and hearing rivaling that wolves and hounds.

Rank 1/2/3: While active the user gains a +5%/10%/15% auto-dodge. Additionally, the user may select one weapon in their inventory, this is now passively equipped. Upon entering this style, and every round after, the user may spend 3%/4%/5% Max CP to gain Temporary HP equal to the spent chakra.

  • Temporary HP gained this way is not lost at the end of the round.
  • The Temporary HP also applies to the Animal Companion.

Vicious Hunger - Buffing Taijutsu
There is a secret aspect of the Inuzuka that they are loathe to share with outsiders and go to great lengths to deny. Buried within each of their hearts is the potential to become a maneater; and this thick hunger stems from their beastial heritage giving them the innate ability to cannibalize others to heal their injuries and grow in strength. To the Inuzuka, as much as any predator, the battlefield is a feast to be enjoyed.

Rank 1/2/3: The user gains 5%10%/15% of damage dealt by their attacks as Temporary HP.

Costs: 1.25ap, 270 CP and 135 CP/rnd.

  • This may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
  • If used on an attack that can hit multiple targets, you take the highest damage dealt and convert a portion of it to Temporary HP.
  • If the user is in Feral Shift, Temporary HP gained this way is not lost at the end of the round.
  • As per the UBR, Temporary HP does not stack, a higher amount overwrites a lower amount.


Alpha Status - Buffing Taijutsu
As an Inuzuka grows, they learn to better control their animalistic heritage. At a certain point, they become just as adept with their features as the beasts they identify with.

Rank 1/2/3: When the user performs a Taijutsu Technique their Animal Companion may combo with the same technique, gaining +1/+1/+2 accuracy and +0//+1/+1 crit chance.

Costs: 1.75ap, 450 CP and 225 CP/rnd.

  • This may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
  • The user’s Animal Companion cannot perform this technique.
  • Comboed techniques performed by the Animal Companion cannot be buffed in any way.
  • The first combo used per round with Alpha Status does not count as a use of a combo.



The Inuzuka view their partners not as pets, but as peer's; perhaps even family members or close as siblings. Few possess such strong attachment and loyalty that can compare to the bond of an Inuzuka and their counterpart, and fewer still can stand to this perfect combination in battle. The title of "Beastmaster" is granted only to those who have become two halves of a greater whole, inseparable from each other; and all the stronger for it.
924 PL - Pack Tactics (Rank 1), Beast-Human Clone (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Mutual Link (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Beast-Human Clone (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Pack Tactics (Rank 2), Mutual Link (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Fang-over-Fang (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Pack Tactics (Rank 3), Beast-Human Clone (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Fang-over-Fang (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Two-Headed Wolf (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Mutual Link (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Fang-over-Fang (Rank 3), Two-Headed Wolf (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Two-Headed Wolf (Rank 3)

Pack Tactics - Passive
Many creatures in the natural world form lasting partnerships with other creatures that are mutually beneficial to both parties. In some cases this takes the form of parasitism or symbiosis but in most cases it takes the form of like-creatures banding together into packs or herds. The Inuzuka is no different, and the bond between them and their companions is unbreakable.

Rank 1/2/3: Rank 1 allows the Animal Companion to count as an Ally for the Teamwork ability, and vice-versa. Rank 2 allows the user and their Animal Companion to receive the maximum bonus from the Teamwork ability. Rank 3 The user and Animal Companion are treated as having the Teamwork ability without it taking up an ability slot.


Mutual Link - Passive
Covering for each other's blind spot, the Inuzuka and their bonded companion would sacrifice themselves for the purpose of preserving their partner.

Rank 1: Whenever the user or their Animal Companion would take damage that would exceed 20% of their maximum HP, they may re-direct the attack to their counterpart. This is an automatic hit, but the new target gains +5%/+10%/+15% Damage Reduction against the attack and any Secondary Effects chances are reduced by -5%/-10%/-15%.

  • May only be used reflexively.
  • Requires a Conditional Slot use from either the Animal Companion or the User, whichever is redirecting the attack.


Beast-Human Clone - Buffing Taijutsu
A technique which is not actually a "Clone" type of jutsu, but named as such. This technique essentially establishes an equilibrium between Inuzuka and their Animal sibling; the Inuzuka becoming more feral and beastlike, and their companion more humane. As a result, the two become perfect copies of each other which meet somewhere in the middle, virtually impossible to tell apart.

Rank 1/2/3: Transforms the user and their Animal Companion into copies of each other, giving +1/+1/+2 Dodge to each. The user and the Animal Companion gain each other’s additional taijutsu subtype granted from Feral Shift; this weapon is treated as both subtypes equally.

Cost: 2.25 AP; 735 CP, 367.5 cp/rnd.

  • May be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
  • This does not count as a Clone Technique.
  • Upon use and If the user and their Animal Companion both start a round with this skill active, others in battle lose awareness as to which is which.
  • If this technique is used by the Animal Companion, the user must still pay the AP and CP costs


Fang-Over-Fang - Variable Taijutsu
An Inuzuka and their canine companion are in sync and able to understand eachother perfectly even in the heat of battle; or perhaps especially in the heat of battle. The movements between the two flow perfectly, each covering for the other; and exploited weakpoints created by the other.

Rank 1: May target up to 3 targets at -2/-1/-0 acc for 1210/1515/1820 Physical Damage with a +21% chance to cause Bleed.

Special Action - Tunnelling Fang: The user may target a single target for +15% base damage.

Special Action - Endless Fang: The user and animal companion may combo this technique with itself, if both the user and the Animal companion perform Endless Fang. This counts as one use of a Combo for the round.

Cost: 2.25 Ap, 680 CP

  • May only be used while Beast-Human Clone is active.
  • This Taijutsu subtypes match the weapon used for it. (Both Subtypes from Beast-Human Clone).
  • Endless Fang requires 10 second cooldown after use.
  • Endless Fang cannot be used with Alpha Status.
  • Endless Fang requires use of a Animal Companion's Conditional slot.
  • Both special actions may be used at the same time.


Two-Headed Wolf - Buffing Taijutsu
The ultimate technique of a Inuzuka Beast Master, physically fusing with their animal companion to make one creature greater than the sum of its parts.

Rank 1/2/3: The user and animal companion transform into one entity, gaining the Gigantic Ability. Any damage taken is split evenly between the user’s and the animal companion’s HP. At Rank 2, while transformed the User and Animal companion both use the user’s Acc. At Rank 3, while using Two-Headed Wolf, the user and animal companion count as having the Alpha Status Technique active, and may still combo attacks.

Cost: 2.75 Ap, 2475 CP 1240 CP/rnd.

  • This is a Chakra Armour Technique
  • This may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
  • May only be used while Beast-Human Clone is active.
  • Mutual Link cannot be used while this technique is active.
  • The user and animal companion are one target, using the user's stats if attacked.
  • This technique ends when the user or animal companion is reduced to 0 HP.
  • If this technique is used by the Animal Companion, the user must still pay the AP and CP costs


Lone Wolf

All Inuzuka respect and emulate the beasts they live with, but not all claim the title of "Beastmaster". The "Lone Wolf" forms their bond with no individual companion, and instead channels the strength of members of the pack that have long since passed on. They embrace their inner beast, to the point where the lines differentiating them are blurred.
924 PL - Zodiac Blessing (All Ranks), Unnatural Motion (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Beast's Embrace (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Unnatural Motion (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Beast's Embrace (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Ravager (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Unnatural Motion (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Ravager (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Faux Senjutsu (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Beast's Embrace (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Ravager (Rank 3), Faux Senjutsu (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Faux Senjutsu (Rank 3)


Zodiac Blessing - Passive
The Lone Wolf wields their body as a conduit for the departed souls of their pack. The end result is that they take on even further traits of their Spirit Animal, manifesting as an even deeper connection to their heritage.

All Ranks: The user's Animal Companion skill transforms to Zodiac Blessing and has its effects replaced with the following;
Zodiac Blessing - Passive
The blood flowing though the veins of the Inuzuka is both ancient and wild, and for that reason often hearkens to a much more savage era. Their very nature is said to push the boundaries between human and beast.

Rank 1/2/3: The user gains 1/1/2 Zodiac Blessing effects of their choice. At rank 3, while the user is maintaining Alpha Status, they may choose to also count as the Animal Companion. (Techniques comboed this way cannot be buffed unless otherwise stated)


Beast's Embrace - Passive
The Inuzuka may lack the bond with their particular spirit animal, but their blessing is none the weaker; any power they would have gained in numbers is instead concentrated solely onto themselves.

Rank 1/2/3: When fighting alone the user gains +1/+1/+2 Accuracy/DC and deals an additional +5%/+10%/10% damage. These bonuses are reduced by -1/-5% for each ally that the user has present in the battle.

  • The user’s Summons and Creations both count as allies that reduce the user’s bonuses gained from Beast’s Embrace


Unnatural Motion - Variable Taijutsu
Channeling the power of their clan grants the Inuzuka inhumane capabilities, taking on the movement traits of their departed companions. The Lone Wolf learns to use this in such a way to catch their opponents off guard, as just when you think they may leave an opening in their actions, they continue.

Rank 1: The user attacks one target at +0/+1/+2 Accuracy dealing 1350/1690/2025 Physical Damage. If the attack is a full hit, the attack gains any effects of the user's last successful non-Genjutsu attack (such as an accuracy debuff, poison, bleed, bind), but not the damage.

Cost: 2.25 AP. 735 CP

  • This Taijutsu subtype matches the weapon used for it.
  • All normal rules and caps remain in effect, and this does not allow the stacking of normally unstackable effects.

Ravager - Variable Taijutsu
The aspect of beasts is a world where the only law is survival of the fittest. The lone wolf, proficient in hunting alone, knows how to ambush even large groups and pull their intended prey aside, away from the help of its allies.

Rank 1: The user makes an attack against 1 target at -2/-1/-1 acc dealing 1650/2060/2475 Physical Damage and automatically makes a stealth check against everyone other than the target. For the next 10 seconds if the user only attacks this target, they do not break the Stealth granted by this technique.

Cost: 2.25 AP. 900 CP

  • This Taijutsu subtype matches the weapon used for it.
  • Attacking any target other than the original target breaks stealth granted by this technique and is not a sneak attack.
  • The user will not go into Stealth unless they successfully hit the target.
  • Blindshots are made as normal against the user.
  • This technique cannot be maintained by any means.
  • This technique cannot have its targets increased by any means.

Faux Senjutsu - Variable Taijustu
Even though Inuzuka do not always follow the ways of Sage Arts it is not uncommon for the Lone Wolf to channel the power of their fallen clan to emulate the very power that may take Sage's years to understand, let alone Master. Inuzuka who have have walked among the strongest and most powerful examples of beasts may glean secrets which could be described as a form of Sage Arts or at least something which approaches that ability.

Rank 1/2/3: The user may choose to mirror the Senjutsu belonging to one of their Zodiac Blessings as a Taijutsu technique. This action costs +30%/+15%/+0% CP.

Costs: AP and CP equal to the respective Senjutsu.

  • This Taijutsu subtype matches the weapon used for it, or a Buffing Taijutsu if no weapon is used..
  • Faux Senjutsu inherits all notes and restrictions of the Senjutsu it is mimicking and it's effects do not stack with those of the respective Senjutsu.
Zodiac Blessing
The effect of the Zodiac Blessing passive is different depending on which [Contract Beast] the user wishes to receive a blessing from.. [Link to Contracts]
Bat | Bear | Bird | Canine | Cephalopod | Crustacean | Feline | Fish | Fox | Insect | Leporidae | Lizard | Mustelidae | Marine Mammal | Medusozoa | Monkey | Plant | Rodent | Shark | Slug | Snake | Spider | Toad | Turtle | Ungulate | Kami | Tsukumogami | Youkai | Elemental

Bat - Power Drain
The user’s attacks are affected by the Leech Life passive.

Bear - Grand Fortitude
Attacks which hit the user while they have any amount of Temporary HP will have all Bleeding/Suppression/Called Shot chances negated.

Bird - Aerial Acrobatics
While the user is airborne;
  • If the user is attacked by a non-airborne target, they may only be critically hit by attacks which roll a Natural 20; all other critical hits will be reduced to standard hits.

Canine - Wolf Visage
When the user has a passively equipped weapon it gains the ability to inflict Bleed, and the Dual Weapon augment, however will only activate the bonus strike upon successfully causing Bleed.

Cephalopod - Abyssal Pressure
The user may automatically pass a Blindshot check once per 10 seconds. This does not break the target out of stealth.

Crustacean - Mighty Pinch
Ignores up to 25% of the Opponent’s DR.

Feline - Prowl
Attacking an enemy clone or creation places the user into Stealth at the end of the attack. This has a 10 second cooldown before it may activate again.

Fish - Swim Fast
The first Full Hit of each round against the User is considered a Partial Hit.

Fox - Vulpine Wit
If the user has not been hit by an attack in the previous 5 seconds, a Stealth attempt may be made by them for 0 AP; this has a 10 second cooldown before it may activate again.

Insect - Toxic Embodiment
If a poison is affecting the user, they regain 1.5% Max Cp per poison, for as long as they are affected by the poison.

Leporidae - Double Trouble
The First Full Hit in the Round against the User is redirected to a Clone if available.

Lizard - Mythic Hide
Each consecutive hit by the same technique subtype adds +5% DR to the user, stacking to +15%. Being hit by another subtype resets the DR to 0%.

Marine Mammal - Ocean Echo
At the start of each round, the user gains an "Ocean Echo" for every Technique they are maintaining. For 0.5 AP, a Ocean Echo may be used to attack a target for 1% Max HP damage (using Melee/Ranged Accuracy). There is no limit to the amount of Ocean Echoes which may be gained, stored, or used at a time.

Marsupial - Slight of Hand
The user may use a pouch item for 0 AP once per turn.

Medusozoa - Ancient Regeneration
At the start of each Round, the User reduces their Bleed Rank by 1.

Monkey - Bulk
+2% Max Hp/Rnd.

Mustelidae - Sticky Fingers
At the start of Each Round the User will attempt a Melee Check to Borrow 1 random Item or Gear form a Random Target the next 10 seconds. This is a hidden action. While the item is Borrowed the target loses access to the item.

Plant - Regain
+4% Max CP/Rnd.

Rodent- Wary Fighter
Redirected/Randomized attacks will not consider the user an eligible target; this includes their own attacks. This does not apply if the user was the only eligible target, or if it would force the attacker to attack themselves.

  • This only applies when the attacker is unable to specify a target in the first place.
  • This may only happen once per 10 seconds.
  • This does not apply to when they are able to specify a target, but there happens to be multiple "identical" targets (Such as clones or transformation).

Shark - Frenzy
The user has +1 acc vs targets that are Bleeding. At Rank 3 Bleeding, this becomes +2 acc.

Slug - Biological Regeneration
At the start of each round, the user's limbs regain one Called Shot rank.

Snake - Serpentine Stretch
The user’s binds are +10% harder to break out of.

Spider - Web Sling
All poisons in the user’s inventory have +1 use and the user may poison a single weapon for 0ap once per round.

Toad - High Jump
The user may attack targets that are Airborne normally.

Turtle - Aegis
The user has 80% Damage Reduction vs all types of Maintained/DoT damage. This effect overwrites any other DR, and only applies to the maintained damage and not the initial hit. This includes Genjutsu maintained damage and bleed damage.

Ungulate - Jousting Charge
An attack performed by the user during a round may inflict a Called Shot penalty on a random limb of the target.This has a 5 second cooldown.

Kami - Sacred Blessing
The user may heal Illusionary damage on themselves and others.

Tsukumogami - Soulbound
Once per 10 seconds, the user may use an item from their inventory without consuming a use, all other costs are paid as normal.

Youkai - Gloom
At the start of each round, all opponents suffer -1 secondary per 30% of the user’s missing max HP.

Elemental - Imbue
When at 0 CP, their [chosen element] technique may use HP instead of CP at a 1:1 ratio rather than 2:1.

Dragon - Shifting Scales
Effect: At the start of every round the User chooses 1 effect:
  • Gain 10% DR to the next Technique aimed at them.
  • Reduce the Cost of the User’s next Technique by 10%

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
[I]Though they now call the Leaf village their home and have taken on a more humane lifestyle, the Inuzuka were not always this way; they take pride in being able to trace their nomadic heritage prior to the formation of any Shinobi village, a time were they lived in the wilderness side-by-side as beasts. Some say they had been the first to tame mankind's best friend, while others claim their ancestors were descendant of beasts themselves. In either case; none are more wild in spirit than the Inuzuka.[/I]
[spoiler]084 PL - Wild Soul (Rank 1), Animal Companion (Rank 1)
168 PL - Feral Shift (Rank 1)
252 PL - Vicious Hunger (Rank 1)
336 PL - Feral Shift (Rank 2)
420 PL - Wild Soul (Rank 2), Alpha Status (Rank 1)
504 PL - Animal Companion (Rank 2)
588 PL - Feral Shift (Rank 3), Vicious Hunger (Rank 2)
672 PL - Wild Soul (Rank 3), Alpha Status (Rank 2)
756 PL - Vicious Hunger (Rank 3)
840 PL - Animal Companion (Rank 3), Alpha Status  (Rank 3)

[U][B]Wild Soul - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
Though many Inuzuka have calmed down over the generations to better fit the structured Shinobi life, there is still the fire within burning from a time where survival-of-the-fittest was in full force; where they were no less savage than the beasts they lived and fought with. Nothing brings forth this fierceness more than the thrill of battle.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user gains +1/+2/+2 acc to a single [Taijutsu Subtype] of their choice. While the user has any amount of [I]Temporary HP[/I], they deal +5%/+10%/+15% damage to the same [I][Taijutsu Subtype][/I].

[*]The [Taijutsu Subtype] is chosen at the time of obtaining [I]Inuzuka[/I], and must be noted in the user's [I]Dojo[/I] thread.
[*]The user may swap the [Taijutsu Subtype] using the same rules as learning/unlearning abilities with a 100 word RP.


[B][U]Animal Companion - [I]Passive[/I][/U][/B]
If their physical features were not enough to identify a Inuzuka, then the next most distinguishing aspect may be their closeness to the animals of nature, capable of communicating with them through both complex growls and sounds or simple body gestures. This is best emphasized by the bond they can form, becoming companions to the point where the two are near inseparable.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user has an Animal Companion which has up to 25%/50%/75% of the user’s stats.

The Animal Companion works as follows:
[*]The Animal Companion Class has a 40 HP Mod, and may move acc as per Custom Class rules.
[*]They do not have CP, and are immune to CP Damage Effects and Chakra Burn.
[*]Cannot use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu techniques
[*]Can only perform Inuzuka Bloodline and Taijutsu Techniques that the user knows, but does not require CP to do so.
[*]Animal Companion’s do not have AP.
[*]Animal Companion’s have 4 conditional slots, that may be used to take actions.
[*]Animal Companion’s actions use normal timing for the action, worked off of the user's AP.
[*]Animal Companions may not perform any type of Clone or Creation technique.
[*]May have 1 custom weapon using normal custom weapon creation rules.
[*]Has a single inventory slot.
[*]Animal Companion’s may enter into the same Style as the user for the same AP cost.
[*]The Animal Companion and the user share a combo slot.
[*]Damage done by the Animal Companion is unable to be buffed in any way.


[U][B]Feral Shift - [I]Physical Bloodline Style[/I][/B][/U]
The base instincts of the Inuzka echoes through every aspect of their fighting style. They hone their attributes to the point where they begin to blur the line between human and beast, taking properties of their spirit animal. the Inuzuka are well known for their smell and hearing rivaling that wolves and hounds.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] While active the user gains a +5%/10%/15% auto-dodge. Additionally, the user may select one weapon in their inventory, this is now passively equipped. Upon entering this style, and every round after, the user may spend 3%/4%/5% Max CP to gain [I]Temporary HP[/I] equal to the spent chakra.

[*][I]Temporary HP[/I] gained this way is not lost at the end of the round.
[*]The [I]Temporary HP[/I] also applies to the Animal Companion.

[U][B]Vicious Hunger - [I]Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/B][/U]
There is a secret aspect of the Inuzuka that they are loathe to share with outsiders and go to great lengths to deny. Buried within each of their hearts is the potential to become a maneater; and this thick hunger stems from their beastial heritage giving them the innate ability to cannibalize others to heal their injuries and grow in strength. To the Inuzuka, as much as any predator, the battlefield is a feast to be enjoyed.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user gains 5%10%/15% of damage dealt by their attacks as [I]Temporary HP[/I].

[B]Costs:[/B] 1.25ap, 270 CP and 135 CP/rnd.

[*]This may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
[*]If used on an attack that can hit multiple targets, you take the highest damage dealt and convert a portion of it to [I]Temporary HP[/I].
[*]If the user is in Feral Shift, [I]Temporary HP[/I] gained this way is not lost at the end of the round.
[*]As per the UBR, [I]Temporary HP[/I] does not stack, a higher amount overwrites a lower amount.


[U][B]Alpha Status - [I]Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/B][/U]
As an Inuzuka grows, they learn to better control their animalistic heritage. At a certain point, they become just as adept with their features as the beasts they identify with.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] When the user performs a Taijutsu Technique their Animal Companion may combo with the same technique, gaining +1/+1/+2 accuracy and +0//+1/+1 crit chance.

[B]Costs:[/B] 1.75ap, 450 CP and 225 CP/rnd.

[*]This may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
[*]The user’s Animal Companion cannot perform this technique.
[*]Comboed techniques performed by the Animal Companion cannot be buffed in any way.
[*]The first combo used per round with Alpha Status does not count as a use of a combo.


[I]The Inuzuka view their partners not as pets, but as peer's; perhaps even family members or close as siblings. Few possess such strong attachment and loyalty that can compare to the bond of an Inuzuka and their counterpart, and fewer still can stand to this perfect combination in battle. The title of "Beastmaster" is granted only to those who have become two halves of a greater whole, inseparable from each other; and all the stronger for it.[/I]
[spoiler]924 PL - Pack Tactics (Rank 1), Beast-Human Clone (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Mutual Link (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Beast-Human Clone (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Pack Tactics (Rank 2), Mutual Link (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Fang-over-Fang (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Pack Tactics (Rank 3), Beast-Human Clone (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Fang-over-Fang (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Two-Headed Wolf (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Mutual Link (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Fang-over-Fang (Rank 3), Two-Headed Wolf (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Two-Headed Wolf (Rank 3)

[B][U]Pack Tactics - [I]Passive[/I][/U][/B]
Many creatures in the natural world form lasting partnerships with other creatures that are mutually beneficial to both parties. In some cases this takes the form of parasitism or symbiosis but in most cases it takes the form of like-creatures banding together into packs or herds. The Inuzuka is no different, and the bond between them and their companions is unbreakable.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Rank 1 allows the [I]Animal Companion[/I] to count as an Ally for the [URL=''][I]Teamwork[/I] ability[/URL], and vice-versa. Rank 2 allows the user and their [I]Animal Companion[/I] to receive the maximum bonus from the [I]Teamwork[/I] ability. Rank 3 The user and [I]Animal Companion[/I] are treated as having the [I]Teamwork[/I] ability without it taking up an ability slot.


[B][U]Mutual Link - [I]Passive[/I][/U][/B]
Covering for each other's blind spot, the Inuzuka and their bonded companion would sacrifice themselves for the purpose of preserving their partner.

[B]Rank 1:[/B] Whenever the user or their [I]Animal Companion[/I] would take damage that would exceed 20% of their maximum HP, they may re-direct the attack to their counterpart. This is an automatic hit, but the new target gains +5%/+10%/+15% Damage Reduction against the attack and any Secondary Effects chances are reduced by -5%/-10%/-15%.

[*]May only be used reflexively.
[*]Requires a Conditional Slot use from either the [I]Animal Companion[/I] or the User, whichever is redirecting the attack.


[U][B]Beast-Human Clone - [I]Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/B][/U]
A technique which is not actually a "Clone" type of jutsu, but named as such. This technique essentially establishes an equilibrium between Inuzuka and their Animal sibling; the Inuzuka becoming more feral and beastlike, and their companion more humane. As a result, the two become perfect copies of each other which meet somewhere in the middle, virtually impossible to tell apart.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Transforms the user and their [I]Animal Companion[/I] into copies of each other, giving +1/+1/+2 Dodge to each. The user and the [I]Animal Companion[/I] gain each other’s additional taijutsu subtype granted from Feral Shift; this weapon is treated as both subtypes equally.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.25 AP; 735 CP, 367.5 cp/rnd.

[*]May be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
[*]This does not count as a Clone Technique.
[*]Upon use and If the user and their [I]Animal Companion[/I] both start a round with this skill active, others in battle lose awareness as to which is which.
[*]If this technique is used by the Animal Companion, the user must still pay the AP and CP costs


[U][B]Fang-Over-Fang - [I]Variable Taijutsu[/I][/B][/U]
An Inuzuka and their canine companion are in sync and able to understand eachother perfectly even in the heat of battle; or perhaps [I]especially[/I] in the heat of battle. The movements between the two flow perfectly, each covering for the other; and exploited weakpoints created by the other.

[B]Rank 1:[/B] May target up to 3 targets at -2/-1/-0 acc for 1210/1515/1820 Physical Damage with a +21% chance to cause [I]Bleed[/I].

[I][B]Special Action[/B] - Tunnelling Fang:[/I] The user may target a single target for +15% base damage.

[I][B]Special Action[/B] - Endless Fang:[/I] The user and animal companion may combo this technique with itself, if both the user and the Animal companion perform Endless Fang. This counts as one use of a Combo for the round.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.25 Ap, 680 CP

[*]May only be used while [I]Beast-Human Clone[/I] is active.
[*]This Taijutsu subtypes match the weapon used for it. (Both Subtypes from [I]Beast-Human Clone[/I]).
[*][I]Endless Fang[/I] requires 10 second cooldown after use.
[*][I]Endless Fang[/I] cannot be used with [I]Alpha Status[/I].
[*][I]Endless Fang[/I] requires use of a Animal Companion's Conditional slot.
[*]Both special actions may be used at the same time.


[U][B]Two-Headed Wolf - [I]Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/B][/U]
The ultimate technique of a Inuzuka Beast Master, physically fusing with their animal companion to make one creature greater than the sum of its parts.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user and animal companion transform into one entity, gaining the [URL='']Gigantic[/URL] Ability. Any damage taken is split evenly between the user’s and the animal companion’s HP. At Rank 2, while transformed the User and Animal companion both use the user’s Acc. At Rank 3, while using Two-Headed Wolf, the user and [I]animal companion[/I] count as having the [I]Alpha Status Technique[/I] active, and may still combo attacks.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.75 Ap, 2475 CP 1240 CP/rnd.

[*]This is a Chakra Armour Technique
[*]This may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
[*]May only be used while [I]Beast-Human Clone[/I] is active.
[*]Mutual Link cannot be used while this technique is active.
[*]The user and animal companion are one target, using the user's stats if attacked.
[*]This technique ends when the user or animal companion is reduced to 0 HP.
[*]If this technique is used by the Animal Companion, the user must still pay the AP and CP costs


[B][U]Lone Wolf[/U][/B]
[I]All Inuzuka respect and emulate the beasts they live with, but not all claim the title of "Beastmaster". The "Lone Wolf" forms their bond with no individual companion, and instead channels the strength of members of the pack that have long since passed on. They embrace their inner beast, to the point where the lines differentiating them are blurred.[/I]
[spoiler]924 PL - Zodiac Blessing (All Ranks), Unnatural Motion (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Beast's Embrace (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Unnatural Motion (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Beast's Embrace (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Ravager (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Unnatural Motion (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Ravager (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Faux Senjutsu (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Beast's Embrace (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Ravager (Rank 3), Faux Senjutsu (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Faux Senjutsu (Rank 3)


[B][U]Zodiac Blessing - [I]Passive[/I][/U][/B]
The Lone Wolf wields their body as a conduit for the departed souls of their pack. The end result is that they take on even further traits of their Spirit Animal, manifesting as an even deeper connection to their heritage.

[B]All Ranks:[/B] The user's [I]Animal Companion[/I] skill transforms to [I]Zodiac Blessing[/I] and has its effects replaced with the following;
[U][B]Zodiac Blessing - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
The blood flowing though the veins of the Inuzuka is both ancient and wild, and for that reason often hearkens to a much more savage era. Their very nature is said to push the boundaries between human and beast.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user gains 1/1/2 Zodiac Blessing effects of their choice. At rank 3, while the user is maintaining Alpha Status, they may choose to also count as the Animal Companion. [I](Techniques comboed this way cannot be buffed unless otherwise stated)[/I]


[B][U]Beast's Embrace - [I]Passive[/I][/U][/B]
The Inuzuka may lack the bond with their particular spirit animal, but their blessing is none the weaker; any power they would have gained in numbers is instead concentrated solely onto themselves.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] When fighting alone the user gains +1/+1/+2 Accuracy/DC and deals an additional +5%/+10%/10% damage. These bonuses are reduced by -1/-5% for each ally that the user has present in the battle.

[*]The user’s Summons and Creations both count as allies that reduce the user’s bonuses gained from [I]Beast’s Embrace[/I]


[U][B]Unnatural Motion - [I]Variable Taijutsu[/I][/B][/U]
Channeling the power of their clan grants the Inuzuka inhumane capabilities, taking on the movement traits of their departed companions. The Lone Wolf learns to use this in such a way to catch their opponents off guard, as just when you think they may leave an opening in their actions, they continue.

[B]Rank 1:[/B] The user attacks one target at +0/+1/+2 Accuracy dealing 1350/1690/2025 Physical Damage. If the attack is a full hit, the attack gains any effects of the user's last successful non-Genjutsu attack [I](such as an accuracy debuff, poison, bleed, bind)[/I], but not the damage.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.25 AP. 735 CP

[*]This Taijutsu subtype matches the weapon used for it.
[*]All normal rules and caps remain in effect, and this does not allow the stacking of normally unstackable effects.

[B][U]Ravager - [I]Variable Taijutsu[/I][/U][/B]
The aspect of beasts is a world where the only law is survival of the fittest. The lone wolf, proficient in hunting alone, knows how to ambush even large groups and pull their intended prey aside, away from the help of its allies.

[B]Rank 1:[/B] The user makes an attack against 1 target at -2/-1/-1 acc dealing 1650/2060/2475 Physical Damage and automatically makes a stealth check against everyone other than the target. For the next 10 seconds if the user only attacks this target, they do not break the Stealth granted by this technique.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.25 AP. 900 CP

[*]This Taijutsu subtype matches the weapon used for it.
[*]Attacking any target other than the original target breaks stealth granted by this technique and is not a sneak attack.
[*]The user will not go into [I]Stealth[/I] unless they successfully hit the target.
[*]Blindshots are made as normal against the user.
[*]This technique cannot be maintained by any means.
[*]This technique cannot have its targets increased by any means.

[U][B]Faux Senjutsu - [I]Variable Taijustu[/I][/B][/U]
Even though Inuzuka do not always follow the ways of Sage Arts it is not uncommon for the Lone Wolf to channel the power of their fallen clan to emulate the very power that may take Sage's years to understand, let alone Master. Inuzuka who have have walked among the strongest and most powerful examples of beasts may glean secrets which could be described as a form of Sage Arts or at least something which approaches that ability.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user may choose to mirror the Senjutsu belonging to one of their Zodiac Blessings as a Taijutsu technique. This action costs +30%/+15%/+0% CP.

[B]Costs:[/B] AP and CP equal to the respective Senjutsu.

[*]This Taijutsu subtype matches the weapon used for it, or a Buffing Taijutsu if no weapon is used..
[*][I]Faux Senjutsu[/I] inherits all notes and restrictions of the Senjutsu it is mimicking and it's effects do not stack with those of the respective Senjutsu.
[B]Zodiac Blessing[/B]
[I]The effect of the [/I][B]Zodiac Blessing[/B][I] passive is different depending on which  [/I][B][Contract Beast][/B][I] the user wishes to receive a blessing from.. [URL=''][Link to Contracts][/URL][/I]
[spoiler][goto=bat]Bat[/goto]  |  [goto=bear]Bear[/goto]  |  [goto=bird]Bird[/goto]  |  [goto=canine]Canine[/goto]  |  [goto=cephalopod]Cephalopod[/goto]  |  [goto=crustacean]Crustacean[/goto]  |  [goto=feline]Feline[/goto]  |  [goto=fish]Fish[/goto]  |  [goto=fox]Fox[/goto]  |  [goto=insect]Insect[/goto]  |  [goto=leporidae]Leporidae[/goto]  |  [goto=lizard]Lizard[/goto]  |  [goto=mustelidae]Mustelidae[/goto]  |  [goto=MM]Marine Mammal[/goto]  |  [goto=medusozoa]Medusozoa[/goto]  |  [goto=monkey]Monkey[/goto]  |  [goto=plant]Plant[/goto]  |  [goto=rodent]Rodent[/goto]  |  [goto=shark]Shark[/goto]  |  [goto=slug]Slug[/goto]  |  [goto=snake]Snake[/goto]  |  [goto=spider]Spider[/goto]  |  [goto=toad]Toad[/goto]  |  [goto=turtle]Turtle[/goto]  |  [goto=ungulate]Ungulate[/goto]  |  [goto=kami]Kami[/goto]  |  [goto=tsukumogami]Tsukumogami[/goto]  |  [goto=youkai]Youkai[/goto]  |  [goto=elemental]Elemental[/goto]

[B][anchor=bat]Bat[/anchor] -  Power Drain
Effect:[/B] The user’s attacks are affected by the  [I][URL='']Leech Life[/URL][/I] passive.

[B][anchor=bear]Bear[/anchor] - Grand Fortitude
Effect:[/B] Attacks which hit the user while they have any amount of [I]Temporary HP[/I] will have all Bleeding/Suppression/Called Shot chances negated.

[B][anchor=bird]Bird[/anchor] - Aerial Acrobatics
Effect:[/B] While the user is [I]airborne[/I];
[*]If the user is attacked by a non-[I]airborne[/I] target, they may only be critically hit by attacks which roll a [I]Natural 20[/I]; all other critical hits will be reduced to standard hits.

[B][anchor=canine]Canine[/anchor] -  Wolf Visage
Effect:[/B] When the user has a passively equipped weapon it gains the ability to inflict [I]Bleed[/I], and the [URL=''][I]Dual Weapon[/I][/URL] augment, however will only activate the bonus strike upon successfully causing [I]Bleed[/I].

[B][anchor=cephalopod]Cephalopod[/anchor] - Abyssal Pressure
Effect:[/B] The user may automatically pass a Blindshot check once per 10 seconds. This does not break the target out of stealth.

[B][anchor=crustacean]Crustacean[/anchor] - Mighty Pinch
Effect:[/B] Ignores up to 25% of the Opponent’s DR.

[B][anchor=feline]Feline[/anchor] - Prowl
Effect:[/B] Attacking an enemy clone or creation places the user into [I]Stealth[/I] at the end of the attack. This has a 10 second cooldown before it may activate again.

[B][anchor=fish]Fish[/anchor] - Swim Fast
Effect:[/B] The first Full Hit of each round against the User is considered a Partial Hit.

[B][anchor=fox]Fox[/anchor] - Vulpine Wit
Effect:[/B] If the user has not been hit by an attack in the previous 5 seconds, a [I]Stealth[/I] attempt may be made by them for 0 AP; this has a 10 second cooldown before it may activate again.

[B][anchor=insect]Insect[/anchor] - Toxic Embodiment
Effect:[/B]If a poison is affecting the user, they regain 1.5% Max Cp per poison, for as long as they are affected by the poison.

[B][anchor=leporidae]Leporidae[/anchor] - Double Trouble
Effect:[/B] The First Full Hit in the Round against the User is redirected to a Clone if available.

[B][anchor=lizard]Lizard[/anchor] - Mythic Hide
Effect:[/B] Each consecutive hit by the same technique subtype adds +5% DR to the user, stacking to +15%. Being hit by another subtype resets the DR to 0%.

[B][anchor=MM]Marine Mammal[/anchor] - Ocean Echo
Effect:[/B] At the start of each round, the user gains an [I]"Ocean Echo"[/I] for every Technique they are maintaining.  For 0.5 AP, a [I]Ocean Echo[/I] may be used to attack a target for 1% Max HP damage [I](using Melee/Ranged Accuracy)[/I]. There is no limit to the amount of [I]Ocean Echoes[/I] which may be gained, stored, or used at a time.

[B][anchor=marsupial]Marsupial[/anchor] - Slight of Hand
Effect:[/B] The user may use a pouch item for 0 AP once per turn.

[B][anchor=medusozoa]Medusozoa[/anchor] - Ancient Regeneration
Effect:[/B] At the start of each Round, the User reduces their Bleed Rank by 1.

[B][anchor=monkey]Monkey[/anchor] - Bulk
Effect:[/B] +2% Max Hp/Rnd.

[B][anchor=mustelidae]Mustelidae[/anchor] - Sticky Fingers
Effect:[/B] At the start of Each Round the User will attempt a Melee Check to [I]Borrow[/I] 1 random Item or Gear form a Random Target the next 10 seconds. This is a hidden action. While the item is [I]Borrowed[/I] the target loses access to the item.

[B][anchor=plant]Plant[/anchor] - Regain
Effect:[/B] +4% Max CP/Rnd.

[B][anchor=rodent]Rodent[/anchor]- Wary Fighter
Effect:[/B] Redirected/Randomized attacks will not consider the user an eligible target; this includes their own attacks. This does not apply if the user was the only eligible target, or if it would force the attacker to attack themselves.

[*]This only applies when the attacker is [I]unable[/I] to specify a target in the first place.
[*]This may only happen once per 10 seconds.
[*]This [I]does not[/I] apply to when they are able to specify a target, but there happens to be multiple "identical" targets [I](Such as clones or transformation)[/I].

[B][anchor=shark]Shark[/anchor] - Frenzy
Effect:[/B] The user has +1 acc vs targets that are Bleeding. At Rank 3 Bleeding, this becomes +2 acc.

[B][anchor=slug]Slug[/anchor] - Biological Regeneration
Effect:[/B] At the start of each round, the user's limbs regain one [I]Called Shot[/I] rank.

[B][anchor=snake]Snake[/anchor] - Serpentine Stretch
Effect:[/B] The user’s binds are +10% harder to break out of.

[B][anchor=spider]Spider[/anchor] - Web Sling
Effect:[/B] All poisons in the user’s inventory have +1 use and the user may poison a single weapon for 0ap once per round.

[B][anchor=toad]Toad[/anchor] - High Jump
Effect:[/B] The user may attack targets that are [I]Airborne[/I] normally.

[B][anchor=turtle]Turtle[/anchor] - Aegis
Effect:[/B] The user has 80% [I]Damage Reduction[/I] vs all types of Maintained/DoT damage. This effect overwrites any other DR, and only applies to the [I]maintained[/I] damage and not the initial hit. This includes Genjutsu maintained damage and bleed damage.

[B][anchor=ungulate]Ungulate[/anchor] - Jousting Charge
Effect:[/B] An attack performed by the user during a round may inflict a [I]Called Shot[/I] penalty on a random limb of the target.This has a 5 second cooldown.

[B][anchor=kami]Kami[/anchor] - Sacred Blessing
Effect:[/B]The user may heal [I]Illusionary[/I] damage on themselves and others.

[B][anchor=tsukumogami]Tsukumogami[/anchor] - Soulbound
Effect:[/B] Once per 10 seconds, the user may use an item from their inventory without consuming a use, all other costs are paid as normal.

[B][anchor=youkai]Youkai[/anchor] - Gloom
Effect:[/B] At the start of each round, all opponents suffer -1 secondary per 30% of the user’s missing max HP.

[B][anchor=elemental]Elemental[/anchor] - Imbue
Effect:[/B] When at 0 CP, their [chosen element] technique may use HP instead of CP at a 1:1 ratio rather than 2:1.

[anchor=dragon][B]Dragon[/B][/anchor] - Shifting Scales
Effect: At the start of every round the User chooses 1 effect:
[*]Gain 10% DR to the next Technique aimed at them.
[*]Reduce the Cost of the User’s next Technique by 10%

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