Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Issues Addressed [Private, Hokage]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Walking through the halls of the Hokage mansion Yukio was sad to see things had come to this, however, the situation had escalated beyond what he had anticipated or wished for, the fact of the matter was hostile elements had entered the village and such matters were to be addressed and explained approaching the door of the Hokage office before knocking on the door entering with a respectful bow. "Apologies to take up your time at this hour, however, I have a matter that requires urgent attention before things escalate further. As it stands I have summoned those required to explain these series of events and they should be here in due time."

Taking a place standing before the desk of his Kage he spoke once more in a more serious tone than previous meetings the expression on his face one of great concern. "From what I have gathered there are those within the walls of the leaf village with ill intent towards those of the younger generation so far I have met one relating to Ziren unfortunately unable to deal with the matter there and then without the guarantee of the boy's safety. The second an unknown assailant making an attempt against Soku's life resulting in the incapacitation of one student who ran into a poison cloud the samples of which I requested to be examined by the Medical branches research division."

Outside of the mansion three ANBU operatives under Yukio's jurisdiction each going to the respective recipient of his letters to come to him as soon as possible.
To whom this may concern

You are required to meet me at the Hokage mansion inside the Hokage's office at midday, This is not a request there are concerns to be addressed and each of you has a piece of the puzzle as such for the good of us all I suggest you make haste.

- Yukio

[Summoning Uchiha Takeshi (Hokage), Soku, Ziren, Uchiha Asuka]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren was out training that day. Sweat rolled down his face as he was at the Kistune Park, training his blood abilities and Chigokai powers when an ANBU operative jumped right down in front of him. They gave him a look, like he was in trouble again, and gave him a letter.

To whom this may concern

You are required to meet me at the Hokage mansion inside the Hokage's office at midday, This is not a request there are concerns to be addressed and each of you has a piece of the puzzle as such for the good of us all I suggest you make haste.

- Yukio

He put a shirt that he had on, still drenched in sweat from his training, and made his way to Hokage Mansion. He wore a simple red shirt, with black jeans. He would have worn something more formal, but Yukio wanted him there fast. And by fast, he means now.

Ziren walked up the steps and showed the letter to the receptionist, and she let him through. He found himself listening for Yukio's blood flow, as so he could pinpoint where he needed to go, since he has never been to the Hokage's office. Once he was there, he could hear two very familiar blood flows. Yukio's, and Takeshi's. He's been late on the news, and has only heard that Takeshi has been made Hokage just the other day. He guess when evil people tries to kill him on a daily basis, he forgets everything else.

Ziren knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. He took a look back at the letter. It seems that this must have to do with his brother. It would be the only reason for why he is standing outside the Hokage office.

He now wished that he bought some contacts to cover his permanent bloodified eyes when he had the chance. He took a deep breath, first it was his evil persona, and now it is his brother. Will he ever get a break from all of this nonsense of people trying to kill him?

(Topic entered as requested. Note: split personality removal is sometime after this event)

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka was simply jumping from roof to roof training her chakra control and agility, she didn't know if this was allowed but it still was an efficient way to test and improve her agility. After a few weeks of training improvement could be seen, now she tripped less and didn't fall, which did scare a few bystanders from time to time.

Asuka stopped and jumped down from the buildings, cleaning the sweat from her forehead. "Now that was a nice run." She said with a smile, proud of how far she had gone this time before stopping. She was about to go get a drink before a Masked man suddenly appeared in front of her. With a nervous laugh she looked up "Whatever Soku told you I did." She stated, trying to defend herself. "I did not do it." She nooded to herself, before looking to one side "Probably." To be honest have of the things she did Asuka wasn't sure if they were right. Hell, she was kicked out of her home cause of her constant training... But now she was a free soul! Doing whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted! The man simply look down on her and handed Asuka a letter. With a quick nod he left.

Asuka read the letter, it was from Yukio-sensei... she was being summoned to the Hokage's office. But why? Was it because of her incident at the Dango shop? Or was i- realization came to her. And she quickly made her way through the village into the Hokage building. Giving the letter to the receptionist which let her pass through. She walked around a few times trying to find the office, which she didn't know where it was, but did come to a conclusion once she figured out the lay out of the place.

With a knock on the door she entered, quickly seeing Yukio and Ziren, yeah... this was definetley because of the Dango incident... Soku was gonna kill her... but at the far end of the room a man sat, a man that gave such an imposing aura that it intimidated her almost instantly. Considering she knew the other two people in this place Asuka figured this was the Hokage. She closed the door behind her. "Hmm... Hi?" She waved nervously "What's this summon about? I didn't do anything that haven't already paid for. Whoever told you I did something wrong is wrong!" She exclaimed, better to start with a defensive stance to let them know she wasn't going down without a fight.

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
This was a not a good time to be summoned to the Hokage Office. A ANBU operative handed her the message which was from Yukio stating she was to meet him at once without delay."I'm pretty sure I know what this is about."Soku muttered darkly to herself opening her closet throwing on a clean ANBU uniform to look presentable and yelled at Maru as she exited the Uchiha Clan residence."Hey! Puppet! Hokage wants a word, I'll be back later!"Tossing a rock at him to to wake him up, she gave him a wink and exited the house.

The tall building loomed out at her as she approached with the Land of Fire symbol clearly visible at the top in huge characters. Soku sighed, she was not looking forward to this, not one bit."Here goes nothing."She stepped inside stepping onto the neatly polished floor and followed directions to reach the office stopping just outside the office. The kunoichi took a deep breath bracing herself to face the music and the wooden door creaked open and in she stepped taking in the surrounding.

Everyone was here already, Yukio, Ziren and Asuka who was being quite loud about being here. The girl gave her a light tap on the shoulder to calm her down."What is this all about, Sensei?"She inquired respectfully to the older Captain. The Hokage was present and Soku had hoped he'd take just a little bit longer while she went through possible excuses in her head.

How was it her fault that some mad experimenter had tried to kill her. In fact, she was positive that was why she'd been called. Yukio had mentioned something about calling her and Ziren to his office, but this was the Hokage office."Is this about the incident earlier?Look, I didn't...."She stopped herself from talking. Right now, Soku sounded like a babbling wreck and all would be made clear in due time. She was always nervous around Takeshi, something about him just gave off a sinister aura and she knew better then to sputter out a retort, she wasn't stupid.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to Yukio speak, his words caused a frown to etch across the face of the new Hokage, he hadn’t yet managed to even get himself installed into the position and now he was finding that more issues where happening. This would cause concern for the Hokage, if the students and members of the village could not think logically. Act with dignity or have problems that they even tried to hide from there higher ups then how was he expected to be able to guarantee the safety of everyone, this would need to be looked into, but it seemed these select few where coming here to be given a scolding by the Hokage himself.

It seemed that one by one they all filed in and tried to explain themselves, this was not going to sit well with Takeshi each one tried to have a say and tried to make their own story before even being asked questions. Takeshi rose form his seat as he looked at each of them, the mountain of paper work on his desk was clear to see and he knew full well that there would have to be words about it.

“Enough from each of you, first of all let me get it straight, I will be damned if you think its acceptable to walk into my office and start talking before even addressing my correctly. I am Lord Hokage to each of you, I am the leader of this village and none of you have even addressed me once by that title”

He looked to each of them his cold green eyes turning on them as he looked for a reply, he would be damned if the first thing that was going to happen was each of them walking into his office and starting to talk before he even got the chance. Better yet to not even address him with anything other than like he was there friend from ages past.

“Each of you are here for a reason and I want to know what that reason is, so I suggest that you stay silent until you are asked to speak to why you took those actions. I would ask it a question, but its not its an order at this point. Gone is the fun side since your actions clearly warrant none of that. Captain please tell me each of there actions and why they are here, then allow them to speak. And I only want a reply why what happened did happen, then I will decide what I will do with you lot. Believe it or not you could be endangering this village and I will not tolerate that without any cause.”

Takeshi turned to Yukio he waited to see what the Captain had to say for each of them, he wanted a little bit more detail at least he hoped for some when it came to finding out why each of them had been managed to end up in his office.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Takeshi was understandably furious with this turn of events the fact of the matter was all three had shown disrespect upon entering the office before both the Hokage and their captain the Hyuuga's disappointed glare slowly shifting between the three taking a few paces to stand before them. "Where to begin with you three i had hoped in your time spent around me manners might have become the forefront in your method of thinking when dealing with superiors but apparently not however this is something we will discuss at length at a later date." It was one of the few times since becoming captain Yukio had raised his voice turning back to Takeshi to speak.

"From what I am aware of we'll start from the beginning lord Hokage, My first experience with trouble in this village was with young Ziren here taking my frequent walks to keep an eye on the state of things I came across a scene seems there is trouble brewing within his family branch of the clan, threats to kill Ziren here and the request i received from him was wait and make him stronger until he can deal with it. A luxury I doubt this intruder will allow."

Making a gesture towards Soku hers was an interesting series of events being one that he had only arrived at to fix the remains of the trouble created. "With Soku here i arrived at the scene after a flare was fired by Maru upon arriving i found Asuka had been poisoned and was forced to extract said poison on the spot upon questioning those on the scene it appears there are those within the village seeking to end the life of the young AiT here though the possible reason behind that i am still unaware of"

Finally he turned to Asuka his eyes locked on the student the green glow getting brighter as his explanation continued attempting to contain his frustration over all that had happened. "Asuka here began with good intensions seeking to get Soku out of the poison gas cloud that had been released, however in doing so disregarded her own safety and was completely unaware whether she would make it out or not with Soku. Thus potentially risking others in attempts to save both of them, though now i have other questions relating to that at a later time regarding another name we hear all too often."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren bowed respectfully to Takeshi. "Please forgive me of my disrespect earlier Lord Hokage, I won't let it happen again." Ziren himself never really said anything, but stayed quiet before Takeshi spoke. But he was waiting for the verdict. Once Yukio spoke of why Ziren himself was here, he nodded.

"Lord Hokage. If I may. My brother seems mainly focused on me. I will do whatever is required of me to help protect the Village. I want to train myself beyond my own capabilities so that I can protect the Village."

He then listened as Yukio spoke some more. He spoke of how someone wanted Soku dead. Someone Ziren has gotten to know also. It didn't surprise him until he heard what happened with Asuka.

"My apologies for interrupting, but Asuka got hurt by the dude that wanted to hurt Soku? Did that happen after I went to chase him down?"

He knows that he was burying his own grave, but Takeshi needed to know about what was happening, and that, and this was news to Ziren. That Asuka was hurt too. Someone he had just met, but he would protect with his life for. He know felt ashamed that the little girl was hurt, and he wasn't there to do anything about it.

Ziren now waited, keeping a straight face, listening to what the others had to say on the subject matter.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka sighed and didn't open her mouth. Her face did show understanding of the actions that took place, to be completley honest... she knew what the consequence of the choice she made. She expected not to come out of it alive, hell... it was more of a surprise that Yukio showed up rather than her bad take on poisons. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked back, seeing her sister made her have confidence in herself. She held her hands together and looked away from the Hokage.

"Soku told me to hide, as soon as she felt something was wrong she pretty much ordered me to hide. Being the useless academy student that I am... I ran and hid." Asuka count of the events from her prespective was pretty fast. "But then the poison could appeared, I figured out it was poison since no one jumped or ran out it just stayed silent... It got worried and ran in, fully aware of what would happen." The 9 year old sighed. "It's not that I didn't know... it's just that I didn't expect to walk out of the ordeal." Asuka usual smile faded, she hated talking about herself or explaining her actions to other people. Which is why she made them vague.

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
Soku was not off to a good start. She wanted to crawl into the corner and hide which sounded like a really good option right now. She'd definitely be seeing the Captain at a later date, something she was not looking forward to all. To top it all off, Takeshi was ticked off that they had somehow managed to wind up in this mess and he would have to be taking care of it. Although at the moment, he somehow seemed more concerned about how they had addressed him which they hadn't at all. They were already off to a bad start, usually Soku preferred not to anger the most powerful man in this room at the moment .

As Yukio explained each of their predicaments in turn and the others spoke supporting their stories, her turn came and she mentally sent a prayer to the gods hoping the Hokage didn't decide to bury them all alive before launching into her explanation."What Yukio-sensei said is correct, Lord Hokage . There is a man whom I've known on a personal level who used to be a family friend of"Her voice fell away to a faint whisper after recalling her father's face in her mind unable to continue the sentence. The girl dug her nails into her skin to get a grip. This was not the time to break down.

She resumed, her willpower restored ."He was a family friend of my fathers. His name is Moro Ibumo and he is a scientist who basically is trying to create the ultimate "super shinobi " using humans as test subjects. His last victim was my mother and his next one is" She finished hoping she'd hadn't overwhelmed with too much information or too little information.

The kunochi nodded in response to Asuka affirming her story about how she'd instructed the girl to hide when Ibumo had struck."We should have informed someone earlier Hokage-sama, but I guess we thought we could handle it."She said not able to maintain eye contact with those glaring pupils as Yukio s withering look made her melt like a ice cube. He had raised his tone a bit. She hadn't see Yukio angry before nor Takeshi and it was not a good thing to have them in that state. She silently began going over what possible punishments could be in store for them

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to the students, he took in their words and took in there understand of everything. It seemed that they still had a lot to deal with and right now he was not happy to see three of the younger members of the village stood in his office, it was not the best place for them to be and he did not blame them for being unsure about what was to come. If Takeshi was in a bad mood they would probably find themselves taking the wrath for there actions, but he knew full well that this would not sit well right now and he wasn’t about to punish them for no reason.

He listened to each one and then replied to there problem, the answers he could give would be so easy, he could inform them to kill, inform them to do some dangerous task. But he was not in the mood to make them prove themselves, he allowed his eyes to glance at each of them before laughing slightly at the situation he was in. Not even a day out of being Hokage and here they all where, he sighed to himself and rubbed his temples as the laughing stopped.

“Ziren, you need to speak to your brother, if I continue to get reports that you two are trying to fight and trying to do things, then I am sure that it will end badly for both of you, you are to report to your Branch Sennin for punishment. I will be writing a letter for you to deliver to him, he will decide your fate and decide the punishment”

Takeshi allowed his hand to come and take a piece of paper from his desk, it seemed that he would be doing more writing now and it was no thanks to the kids that had already caused him issues. He allowed himself to sigh in the last few seconds before finishing the letter up. Sealing it away he passed it towards Ziren to take the simple name addressed on it was Maki.

“Asuka you are my problem, for your issues I will have a little mission for you to go on, maybe it might give you time to realise the issues with walking into poison gas and can actually teach you something about using your head for logic and not to run in, because frankly your whole explanation there was beyond shocking, it was pathetic, and something I will not tolerate. I will assign you a mission shortly”

Takeshi turned his attention back to Soku it seemed that she was just here for the ride, though he was not impressed by the fact that people were still hunting her. He allowed a frown to come onto his face as he looked to her, though he knew full well that she had some issues these would need to be addressed.

“Soku, same for you, report to your branch head for discipline the letter that Ziren has explains the situation for both of you. No point sending two separate letters, please find him at the office down the corridor and report to him with this, he will decide your fate.”

Takeshi indicated with his hand towards the letter that Ziren had as he sat back down in his chair and looked at the three of them in a few moments he knew fill well that he was not to impressed to find himself in this situation but none the less here he was with the three of them, he finished the mission assignment and handed it to Asuka for her to complete. He would expect the results to come to him before he spoke finally.

“I am not angry at each of you, I am disappointed. You have put me in this situation after the way I have shown respect to you, this is how you treat the village like some play ground. This time you are getting a slap on the wrist, if it happens again do not expect me to be so kind. You are shinobi of leaf, not kids any more act like it or I will make sure that you go back to the Academy do I make myself clear?”

Takeshi waited for an answer as he looked at each of them, his eyes slowly spun, it was partly due to him being beyond the point of anger, the green eyes vanishing to reveal the bright red of the Sharingan as he stared to each of the students.

[MFT: 1000]
[OOC Letter to Maki:]

I have sent Ziren and Soku to you as they have caused issues inside of the village that have come to my attention, the following details are given on the matter:

"Lord Hokage. If I may. My brother seems mainly focused on me. I will do whatever is required of me to help protect the Village. I want to train myself beyond my own capabilities so that I can protect the Village." Spoken by the words of Ziren

"He was a family friend of my fathers. His name is Moro Ibumo and he is a scientist who basically is trying to create the ultimate "super shinobi " using humans as test subjects. His last victim was my mother and his next one is" Spoken by the words of Soku

I do not want these issues to persist, deal with them as you wish but their conduct has laid a frown upon the ANBU Branch as such they are now yours to discipline or come to outcome. I request that you are lenient as this is a first time issue, and would like you to look into these matters and get a desirable outcome.


[OOC: Mission assigned to Asuka for completeion:]
Misson Name: Poison Gas of a Different Kind
Misson Rank: D
Misson Type: Self Modded solo mission
Partcipants: Uchiha Asuka
Description: Uchiha Asuka is to be punished for recent actions, as such she had been allocated the job of cleaning up the horse fields form all the poo that has been created, this should be a nice ten hours of shovelling horse poo and cleaning it up. The smell might give her time to think on her recent actions.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to the students, he took in their words and took in there understand of everything. It seemed that they still had a lot to deal with and right now he was not happy to see three of the younger members of the village stood in his office, it was not the best place for them to be and he did not blame them for being unsure about what was to come. If Takeshi was in a bad mood they would probably find themselves taking the wrath for there actions, but he knew full well that this would not sit well right now and he wasn’t about to punish them for no reason.

He listened to each one and then replied to there problem, the answers he could give would be so easy, he could inform them to kill, inform them to do some dangerous task. But he was not in the mood to make them prove themselves, he allowed his eyes to glance at each of them before laughing slightly at the situation he was in. Not even a day out of being Hokage and here they all where, he sighed to himself and rubbed his temples as the laughing stopped.

“Ziren, you need to speak to your brother, if I continue to get reports that you two are trying to fight and trying to do things, then I am sure that it will end badly for both of you, you are to report to your Branch Sennin for punishment. I will be writing a letter for you to deliver to him, he will decide your fate and decide the punishment”

Takeshi allowed his hand to come and take a piece of paper from his desk, it seemed that he would be doing more writing now and it was no thanks to the kids that had already caused him issues. He allowed himself to sigh in the last few seconds before finishing the letter up. Sealing it away he passed it towards Ziren to take the simple name addressed on it was Maki.

“Asuka you are my problem, for your issues I will have a little mission for you to go on, maybe it might give you time to realise the issues with walking into poison gas and can actually teach you something about using your head for logic and not to run in, because frankly your whole explanation there was beyond shocking, it was pathetic, and something I will not tolerate. I will assign you a mission shortly”

Takeshi turned his attention back to Soku it seemed that she was just here for the ride, though he was not impressed by the fact that people were still hunting her. He allowed a frown to come onto his face as he looked to her, though he knew full well that she had some issues these would need to be addressed.

“Soku, same for you, report to your branch head for discipline the letter that Ziren has explains the situation for both of you. No point sending two separate letters, please find him at the office down the corridor and report to him with this, he will decide your fate.”

Takeshi indicated with his hand towards the letter that Ziren had as he sat back down in his chair and looked at the three of them in a few moments he knew fill well that he was not to impressed to find himself in this situation but none the less here he was with the three of them, he finished the mission assignment and handed it to Asuka for her to complete. He would expect the results to come to him before he spoke finally.

“I am not angry at each of you, I am disappointed. You have put me in this situation after the way I have shown respect to you, this is how you treat the village like some play ground. This time you are getting a slap on the wrist, if it happens again do not expect me to be so kind. You are shinobi of leaf, not kids any more act like it or I will make sure that you go back to the Academy do I make myself clear?”

Takeshi waited for an answer as he looked at each of them, his eyes slowly spun, it was partly due to him being beyond the point of anger, the green eyes vanishing to reveal the bright red of the Sharingan as he stared to each of the students.

[OOC Letter to Maki:]

I have sent Ziren and Soku to you as they have caused issues inside of the village that have come to my attention, the following details are given on the matter:

"Lord Hokage. If I may. My brother seems mainly focused on me. I will do whatever is required of me to help protect the Village. I want to train myself beyond my own capabilities so that I can protect the Village." Spoken by the words of Ziren

"He was a family friend of my fathers. His name is Moro Ibumo and he is a scientist who basically is trying to create the ultimate "super shinobi " using humans as test subjects. His last victim was my mother and his next one is" Spoken by the words of Soku

I do not want these issues to persist, deal with them as you wish but their conduct has laid a frown upon the ANBU Branch as such they are now yours to discipline or come to outcome. I request that you are lenient as this is a first time issue, and would like you to look into these matters and get a desirable outcome.


[OOC: Mission assigned to Asuka for completeion:]
Misson Name: Poison Gas of a Different Kind
Misson Rank: D
Misson Type: Self Modded solo mission
Partcipants: Uchiha Asuka
Description: Uchiha Asuka is to be punished for recent actions, as such she had been allocated the job of cleaning up the horse fields form all the poo that has been created, this should be a nice ten hours of shovelling horse poo and cleaning it up. The smell might give her time to think on her recent actions.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka turned her hands into fists as she heard the Hokage speak. This was unbelievable she understood getting punished, what she did was pathetic? Now she was angry, now she was going to give him a piece of her mind. As soon as she saw the sharingan glare she activated her own, although not as impressive as his it still held some value. "Believe me, oh Lord Hokage." She said in a mocking tone "What I did was stupid and reckless, that much I know. Did I know what would happen? Yes I did. But whether my "logic" is flawed in your eyes, it isn't in mine." Asuka glared back at the Hokage "I don't mind the punishment, in fact I understand why it has to be given but don't you dare tell me my logic was flawed, I would rather die than see those I care about suffer and at that moment my actions WERE the only option." Asuka turned around and started walking off, she opened the door to the office turned her head around giving one last glare. "My life holds no value to me so I would gladly give it, that's what happened and it's not gonna change." She finished "Now if you'll excuse me o wise Lord I got shit to take care of." With that she walked out, slamming the door.

[Topic Left]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Waiting for each of them to explain the circumstances that caused this situation in the first place the Hyuuga sighed at the whole situation, It was not a pleasant thing to do but sometimes the harsh reality of the world was the thing that would make it sink in the most turning back to face the three to speak. "There's hope you'll learn from all this in the world of shinobi teamwork and trust are emphasized above most things and this time you forgot that fact remember we are not here to seem cruel or stop you from growing quite the opposite we simply wish for the facts to sink in."

The punishments given were suitable some could even say lax given the circumstances as Asuka broke the silence seeming to have what could only be described as a temper tantrum before slamming the door on her way out Yukio tilting his head back to Takeshi. "Still a lot of growing to do with Asuka, do you wish me to do anything about that?" Though it was both the wrong time and place for such things at the end of the day she was a still a nieve child yet to learn what the world could throw at you.

Though he didn't turn his head the Hyuuga addressed the AiT's still a rather stern tone in his voice though not raised anymore. "You two have somewhere to be now do you not? I wouldn't keep the Sennin waiting please show some respect to our Hokage." Though it didn't need to be said at the end of the day they were AiT in his branch and as a captain it was better to enforce the fact to ensure the message spoken by Takeshi had been received.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren seen how Asuka reacted to her punishment. It was safe to say that she might be in a bit more trouble now for throwing a tantrum at the Hokage. But maybe Takeshi will cut her some slack. She is just a kid after all. And an Uchiha just like him.

He turned his attention to the letter that he was given to by Takeshi. He didn't dare open it to read what kind of punishment he and Soku had. But he dug his own grave. Didn't help that his brother wanted him dead to begin with, so Ziren is already halfway in the hole.

After Asuka's little performance, Yukio talked to them, reminding them that they are talking to the Hokage. Ziren nodded, then bowed to Takeshi. "If there isn't anything else, Lord Hokage, we will take our leave at your discretion."

He didn't dare look into the Hokage's eyes. For he seen the red tint of the Sharingan, and knows full well of the Genjustu that can follow afterwards.

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
Soku made a mental note to talk to Asuka after this. She couldn't believe her ears after the little outburst Asuka had and was surprised she'd left in one piece The girl felt a wave of dread come over her realizing they were to face Maki, that man gave off a dark impression and despite only having seen him once, she knew he was the type of guy you simply did not tick off no matter what.

Yukio ' s harsh voice broke through to them reminding them of their task. Unable to meet his eyes due to the extent of the offense that had been committed, she gave a bow to the Hokage before turning to leave the office."I'll be going then Lord Hokage. I...I swear something like this won't happen again . Unable to find any more words to muster, she tapped Ziren on the shoulder indicating they should leave rather than bandy words with the village Kage.

Giving a apologetic look to Yukio, she left the room and proceeded down the corridor taking one step at a time towards her everlasting doom. "ANBU Sennin...ANBU Sennin..."She muttered to herself looking at the plaques on the doors . Coming to a stop before a door, Soku took a deep sigh preparing herself to face whatever trials and tribulations she was about to walk into. At least she wasn't being forced to clean horse dung like Asuka was.
[Topic left]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed a sigh to come from his lips, as he allowed himself to sit in the seat and look at both for a few seconds. The Anbu in Training that stood there ground he gave a little bit of respect for, though he knew full well that this would not just excuse them from the punishment that was coming there way. They had to deal with the Sennin that was his duty and Takeshi would not take that responsibility away from Maki, he had just assumed the mantle it seemed that he would be having to get his hands dirty.

“No Yukio, I will have to have Shinzo look into Asuka lately, if need be she can understand her actions inside of Kenshin’s office. But for now, let her go.”

Takeshi turned his attention to the other two of them for a few minutes, he had a thousand things that he could say to each of them but it still would not have been enough to express himself in that little time that he had. Though Takeshi had to make his point clear, he was not going to just let them walk away.

“If I find you in this office again, It will go a lot worse than it has this time, remember to keep your heads down, and if you find something instead of hiding it and letting it get to this point. Tell us believe it or not we are here because you put yourselves in danger without care for anyone else. You are under our protection keep that in mind for the future. Both of you are dismissed.”

Takeshi allowed himself those few seconds to speak from the heart, they were in this village and his responsibility while they developed he didn’t like the idea of them not being able to ask for help.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren nodded as he listened to the words of the Hokage. The reason why he got into trouble was because he didn't want to be anyone elses problem when it came to his brother wanting to kill him. Now, ironically enough, Ziren found himself in trouble because of that, and is now someone's problem.

He bowed when Takeshi said that they were dismissed. And Ziren looked over to where Soku was, but she was already walking out the door.

He walked closely behind her, hearing he muttered to herself about the ANBU Sennin. He could tell that she was in distress. He didn't need to hear blood since she was being clear about being nervous.

Ziren stood by her. Right now. He was used to getting into trouble. He didn't want to, and it seems to just follow him everywhere he goes. But he was sadly used to it.

But then again, they were under new management of ANBU Sennin. There is no telling what Maki is like. Ziren has only met the guy twice. Once, a very long time ago, that is almost not even memorable. The second, was when him and Takeshi fought. The way that this dude fights actually is sending shivers down Ziren's spine.

He looked at Soku. "Ready when you are."

(Topic left)

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
With everything seemingly resolved there was little reason for the Hyuuga to remain though the whole en-devour had proven one thing to him, The younger generation had a long way to go before they could be trusted to operate alone between the three here today and Maru it was safe to say lessons of discipline where coming in the very near future something Yukio would be more than happy to participate in. Leaving the office before closing the door behind him shaking his head as the ivory locks fell over the emerald orbs.

It was time to head back to the Uchiha household finally taking a moment of respite and sleep after the efforts of the last few weeks it was the least he could do for his aching body, making haste to leave the Hokage mansion relaxed sighs escaping his lips from time to time.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
