Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Jinkotsu Kosei > Yami

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Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
Old Character Name: Jinkotsu Kosei
Old Village/Missing: Cloud
OCR Type: Rebirth (It has been more than 6 months; I'm keeping Kosei as an iNPC)
Last Known Where-abouts: Sileo Tempestas
Old IC Rank: AiT (Going on ANBU :p)

New Character Name: Yami
Preferred Username: Yami
New Village: Cloud
New BL/CA: Demonic Ancestry (It isn't RP'd as anything special though. Nothing about any demons anywhere, just ninja abilities)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
[u]Ravenous Hydra[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (55+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
[i]High:[/i] Taijutsu Acc
[i]Average:[/i] Nin Acc, Gen DC, Evasion, Gen Save
[i]Low:[/i] Ranged Acc
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: Jounin

Character Age: 30
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description:
Yami is rugged. While he’s only 5’9” tall and weighs 150 pounds, his body is toned almost to physical perfection. He isn’t totally over the top buff, but he has muscles easily visible upon a first glance. He keeps his head shaved, though sometimes he may sport some kind of a beard, ranging in styles from anywhere between a goatee to a full, unshaven mess. He always wears something over his eyes, as he is blind, but it isn’t always the same thing. Generally it’s some form of bandana, sporting a Kumogakurean symbol, but he has other. Among these are plain colored cloths, bandanas with designs on them, and even a red and black one with the Titan Corporation’s logo in the center.
Character's Mental Description:
Calm: Yami retains his cool, collected composure under all but the most urgent matters.
Wise: Yami has learned much in his few years, and he knows how to apply this knowledge in everyday situations.
Loyal: Yami remains steadfastly loyal to those he serves, without fail.

Character History: Yami was introduced to this world through the viewing glass tinted with religious undertones. As a child, his parents pressed the importance of the gods on society, and how without them we would not be in existence today. Of course, because it all the Yami knew as a child, he believed it without any argument against it. After all, his parents knew everything! And so when he was introduced into the Academy (as his parents believed that it was their religious duty as a family to serve their village), he went in with the strong predisposition towards the gods, and that polytheistic mindset. Not that there was anything wrong with it—it just wasn’t the most popular religion in the Lightning country; most everywhere in the Lightning country claimed Raidenism, or some similar sect.

Regardless, Yami was young, and he didn’t completely understand his own religion, perhaps because his parents failed to explain it completely, or perhaps just because his young mind couldn’t totally grasp the concept of more powerful beings than himself and his parents. Because of this, he didn’t follow in his parent’s footsteps with the same religious fervor that they did, as he grew older. Again, there wasn’t anything wrong with that, but his parents did grow slightly concerned, as they did have a high standard for him.

By the time that Yami was a genin, he wasn’t really involved in his parents’ religion anymore. Why? Well, because of his apathy towards it when he was younger (mostly because he didn’t understand it), he never really learned it in the first place. Yes, he knew the stories of what gods did what and when and for what reason, but that was all they were: stories. His parents grew concerned. Of course, they loved him, and realized that perhaps it was not meant to be that their son would be as religious as they were. So, they allowed him to go along his own road and make his own choices as to how he would lead his life.

Upon reaching chuunin, he had a sudden epiphany: it was like everything in the world around him came alive all at once. He noticed the bright reds and oranges of the trees, the blues of the mountains he lived in contrasted against the harsh white from the perpetual fog in the distance, and the stars, speckling the sky as though it were a face splattered with freckles. He suddenly saw the beauty in everything, and he found that religious zeal from his childhood flaring up once again, coming to the surface and penetrating his every thought and action. Without further delay, he went to his parents and told them of his realization. Of course they were incredibly happy, and they urged him to continue on with his religious life, to pick It back up where he left it off when he was younger. The next day, Yami put in a request to go outside of the village to lead his own personal, private training, for an extended period of time. After a week of being mulled over by the village council, he was allowed to leave the village for an indefinite amount of time, granted that he return at a moment’s notice upon his summoning, in the case of an emergency or some other appropriate situation. He was glad, and his parents were glad. Within the next week, he had left his family and started his journey on his own.

After a year, Yami found himself learning under a very learned, very wise sect of monks in a remote temple high in the mountains, about twenty miles outside of the village. Now, this temple is led by a shinobi who never offered his name, nor his village of origin, nor anything about himself that he did not deem necessary for other to know. The other monks referred to him as “Headmaster.” The Headmaster took a special interest in Yami when he arrived at the temple, as he was the only other shinobi in the temple—all the other monks were there only to seek spiritual enlightenment. For the next seven years, at the age of 22, the Headmaster took Yami into a special kind of training, that he did not reveal to the young monk at first. All that Yami was told was that he would be taken to learn things that few shinobi ever could, through chakra control and peaceful meditation. During this time, the Headmaster slowly and subtly taught Yami how to open his eight chakra gates, which is normally a forbidden practice. It took all of those seven years, too… and he never totally mastered it under the teachings of the Headmaster. It took about one year of daily meditation and constant control of chakra to open each gate. Yami only learned how to open the first seven of the eight gates before he was summoned to the village with the arrival of a messenger bird at the temple. Bidding his fellow monks goodbye, and having a long farewell talk with his best friend, the Headmaster, he made his way back to the village.

Much had changed in the seven years, including his parents. Both were still alive, though they didn’t appear to have much left in them. They were in their fifties, and they just looked… tired, I suppose. They were old. Both had streaks of gray in their hair now, and while they were both glad to see their son after so long, they also knew that his stay would not be long. This visit was more like… an accountability sort of thing. To make sure that he was still there, loyal to the village, but of course he was. They measured his abilities as a shinobi, and tested his loyalties with the village again, and some other things. The testing proctors were surprised at his growth outside of the village, and with the unlocking of his chakra gates. After he displayed masterful technique with controlling the chakra gates and fighting while under the influence of the chakra gates, the village decided to grant him the rank of Jounin. Once the testing was done, Yami requested that he may once again leave to the temple, to resume his training with the Headmaster. His wish was granted, but this time with a time limit: he may only stay outside of the village for two more years, as they would need him as he grew stronger. He represented a large source of military power, and Yami understood this. He agreed to the two year limit, and after saying goodbye to his parents, he departed to the temple once more.

He was only at the temple for a month before something went completely wrong. The Headmaster was apparently well-known in the shinobi world, or at least, some people knew of his power. A band of unnamed, unmarked shinobi showed up at the temple, murdering the first monk to greet them. The Headmaster immediately ordered for all the monks to flee, including Yami, telling them to hide in the deepest recesses of their sacred temple. While the Headmaster knew that violence was not always the answer, sometimes it was the only option. The Headmaster was obviously the target of these… these warriors, and they were strong, stronger even than the headmaster. They quickly subdued him and began to take him away somewhere unknown. What they didn’t account for was another shinobi in their midst, one who could have been considered to have surpassed his master, the headmaster. Yami.

The monk rushed to the aid of his friend, easily striking down those invaders who held him. The rest of the party turned on him and immediately began an all out assault on this monk who dared stand up to them. Yami, however, was too powerful for most of them. He was tackled by three of them, but this was not the end for Yami. A burst of energy short forth from his body in every direction, not once, not twice, but three times: the first three gates, opened almost simultaneously. The eruption of force shot all three enemies off of him, and when Yami stood up, they were afraid. But there were the others who were trained in shinobi fighting, and they soon got the advantage over Yami. As the fight progressed, Yami opened more and more chakra gates to compensate for the sheer overwhelming numbers they had. Ultimately, seven gates were not enough. He needed to go that one gate deeper, though he had never done it before.
Meanwhile, Hex, an agent of the Titan Corporation, had been quietly observing this fight. She had been sent on a mission to investigate some person known only as “The Headmaster” within the walls of this temple. But when she got there, she saw this unfolding…
Yami was at his limit. All seven gates opened, and he could feel the stress on his body growing with every passing second. Even through he’d spent the last seven years in meditation, practically preparing himself for this one moment. And he was failing. In a sudden burst of rage--yes, rage, an emotion he’d been suppressing ever since he’d arrived at the temple—he overthrew his enemies near him, the eighth gate… the gate of death… opening for the first time in his life. Without thinking more about it, Yami quickly struck down the remainder of the forces opposing the temple… but not at a great physical cost to his body. The gates all closed only ten seconds after opening the last gate, but even so, Yami suffered an unexpected amount of pain from the opening of the gates. Broken bones, stressed tendons, bruised muscles, and other things riddled his body, but he would not stop yet. Yami took a hold of his teacher, the Headmaster, and dragged him away while he was unconscious. The other monks quickly relieved Yami of his burden, and almost immediately after, he passed out. The last thing he saw was a girl, barely any clothes on, with bright neon blue hair leaning over his limp body.

When he woke up, he was in what he later found out to be the headquarters for the Titan Corporation. His body was completely healed, thanks to some advanced medical jutsu and a little time. He sat up in his bed, to see the same bright blue-haired girl staring back at him, head slightly down, biting her lip as if she were waiting for something. Her name was Hex, and she quickly told Yami of her mission to find the Headmaster and investigate him, but when he was attacked, she instead observed him, and had impressed her. She brought him back to the HQ for Titan in the lower basement areas of the Jinkotsu Mansion, and had immediately gotten medical shinobi to heal him. So, she had saved his life. She wanted him to join Titan as a new agent.

Bound by his religious beliefs, he felt as though he had no choice but to serve for Titan. He believed that if any man saves another man’s life, the latter is in an eternal servitude to the former for what he did. And so he joined the Titan Corporation, on the basis that he would always be with Hex, that he may better fulfill his obligations to her. He became a personal bodyguard to Hex and the official messenger for Titan’s top secret, confidential files.

It was not long, however, before he found out what Titan was actually up to, and he could not stand for it. It was something that went completely against his morals as a whole, something that he could never condone. However, he was indebted to Hex in a way that could never be repaid any other way, and so he was caught between two decisions: forsake his religion, and leave his servitude to Hex, or forsake his morals, and stay with Hex. He chose an uncomfortable, yet unexpected third way out.

Bound by his religion yet not sacrificing his morals, Yami took a kunai and gouged out his eyes. Though painful, it allowed him to serve Hex, yet still fulfill his duty to Titan without corrupting his own morals. This way, he didn’t have to know what Titan was doing; he just did what he was told. It was the only way out, in his eyes (or what used to be his eyes). Of course, Hex was pissed at that… I mean, it was natural. They did all that work to heal him, and then he goes and rips his eyes out…

That was about a year ago. Titan’s Hashigaki unit taught him how to see without eyes, using chakra spewed from a heartbeat, and also how to basically see with hearing, if he couldn’t use chakra for whatever reason. He now has become just as good, if not a better fighter, than he was before he lost his eyes. He is a true terror to fight against, and a true blessing to fight with.
Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:
Old FAQ:
Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Stamina: 523 / 525
Agility: 427 / 525
Taijutsu: 441 / 525
Ninjutsu: 525 / 525
Genjutsu: 271 / 525
Chakra Control: 525 / 525
PL: 2,702
Old OOC Rank: A
Stat Cut: N/A
New Stats:
Stamina: 523 / 525
Agility: 427 / 525
Taijutsu: 441 / 525
Ninjutsu: 525 / 525
Genjutsu: 271 / 525
Chakra Control: 525 / 525
PL: 2,702
New OOC Rank: A

Justu Mastery Swaps:
[spoilername="Jutsu"]Lightning Jutsu
Storm Bolt (M) > One-Two (R1)
Thunderfist (M) > Uncalled-For Shot (M)

Thunderclap (M) > Low Sweep (M)
Electrocution (M) > Janken (M)

Volt Charge (M) > 4 Hit Combo (M)
Zeus Flash (M) > Spinning Wind (M)
Lightning Torrent (M) > Dynamic Entry (M)

Chidori (M) > Dynamic Finish (M)
Gigavolt Cannon (M) > Nut Buster (M)
Amp Field (M) > Dragon Assault (M)
Lightning Beast (M) > Tiger Hook (M)

Chidori Control (M) > Step-In Flash (M)
Thunderdome (M) > Shoryuken (M)

Ionic Infusion (M) > Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (M)
Magnetic Control (M) > Roaring Combination (M)

ANBU Jutsu
Mask Summon (M) > Grapple (M)
Critical Exposure (M) > Suplex (M)

Snapshot (M) > Primary Lotus (M)
Active Camo (M) > Shadow Step Strike (M)

Destroy Presence (M) > Seismic Toss (M)

Body Bind (M) > Submission (M)

Non-Elemental Ninjutsu
Body Switch (M) > Eagle Drop (M)

Elemental Clone (M) > Spear Hand (M)
Barrier (M) > 16-Hit Combo (M)

Slashing Taijutsu
Arcing Slash (R1)
Dynamic Slash (R1)
Cross Rip (R1)

Demon Cloak Alpha (M) > Body Flicker (M)
Demonic Burst (M) > Bandage Slam (M)
Demon Cloak Omega (M) > Ura Renge (M)
Demonic Howl (M) > Aura burst (M)[/spoilername]

Name of any Contract you currently own:
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
Lunar (R1)
Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
My ANBU promotion exam, with Ayumu.

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Remember not to edit your original post after this point. If any changes are necessary, please post a new post.

Name: No last name? Or was that intentional for some reason?
Class: Approved.
Rank: I'll need to ask Masao. Not sure what his policy is on Jounin.
Stats: Approved
Jutsus: Approved, except that I notice two of your Mastered jutsu are not listed here: Stunt Double and Destructive Shield need to be swapped. You won't meet the prereqs for Stunt Double and Destructive Shield is a Jinchuuriki move. Let me know what you want to swap them to. Hachimon moves are approved if the Kinjutsu is.
History/Kinjutsu/Bloodline: Taking for Kinjutsu approval, will inform you afterwards.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Name Approved
BL Approved
Rank: Approved (Will wait for Masao also maybe he has something cooking for you :p)
Stats: Approved
History: Require Kioku/Kido to give his approval for using the Titan Corporation; Approved otherwise
Kinjutsu: Pending
Jutsu: As stated above

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Name: Approved
Jutsus: Approved w/ those above

All set, you can hit up the name change request and banner change request threads.
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
