Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Kinjutsu] The Blood.. The Blood! cont. [OPEN]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
[Continued from: ]

He had a plan when he returns to the village. The guards should be willing to let him in without too much explanation like the last time. He needed to get down into the vault. Hitomi knew this. They both knew what he had intentions of doing. Inside of the vault he would implant the eyes of his ancestor into him. Although this will accomplish the act of gaining a Kinjutsu, an act his sensei at the time told him never to commit to unless an absolute necessity. That time had come. He's been studying the procedure for over a year, going over it countless times. The repetition of it echoed in his mind like a metronome keeping the rhythm in his heart as he went through it again. Over and over he repeated it. Distancing himself from everything, until he would reach the vault.

Everything went according to plan. After several days of traveling they reached the gates. His limping was was minimal at this point and all the guards urged at the time was to check in on the hospital as soon as he was able. Which was his plan. But only after he had made a pit stop inside of the vault. His blood was of the Hyuuga, and the eyes was that of an ancestor he had never even heard of. Was his mother's family line that powerful? He didn't' know for certain. It didn't even matter at this point. He made his way to the vault and sat at his desk as Hitomi went inside and grabbed the jar with the eyes inside, and placed it in front of him. He plopped it open and snagged the eyes, veins and everything and placed them on a tray next to him. Hitomi knew the drill and made sure nothing happened to them. With his scalpel and with the help of Hitomi he managed to slice cut out his own eyes, broken and ruined they were set aside, with the help of his medical chakra and the veins being compatible with his own the surgery was a success. Wrapped his eyes in bandages he stood back up and took to the front entrance and got a room dedicated to himself in which he rested until he was ready for unraveling. Hitomi would sit next to him as she awaited the results.

Keiji was tired so he slept. He relaxed and let time pass as other doctors came to check up on him and wrapped his arms and left leg. The other doctors wanted to see his eyes but Keiji insisted to not let anyone check it up. He knew the operation and the procedure of dealing with operations such as this one. After several days, rumors had begun spreading across the hospital. Perhaps his friends or allies might wanna stop by and check up on him? Maybe they wanted to know what he had been up to that did the damage. Only time would tell.

[Request for Kinjutsu]

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
For the first time since his return to the village Ataeru actually was on a mission. As he walked through the Hospital he moved liked he owned the place and normally that would have worked just fine except for the fact that there had apparently been quite a few bombings in the Hospital as of late and so everyone was asking him where he was going and what he was doing here. So after the fifth nurse asked him and he explained himself he finally made it to the room which he was seeking. He paused and let out a small breath. He missed the smell of sterilization in the morning. It had been a bit of a brisk walk here but the morning air kept him sharp. His main love of Kumogakure was this fact.

He knocked three times and then without any hesitation he opened the door to the room. Looking inside he had to admit that the rooms seemed to have made an improvement since he used to work here. He was always relieved when something got better even though he was not directly involved. It put a smile on his face. Coming back to reality though he looked at the man in the bed whom would probably be rather curious about why someone had come in and then not said something within the last few moments. Shinobi were always on edge.

Ataeru cleared his throat and said, “I see your eyes bandaged but that means very little for shinobi I am planning on sitting in the chair next to your bed, please do not stab me or do anything stressful to your body, even without looking at your papers I can tell you’re at exhausted.” Ataeru walked by the bed to grab his papers and then sat down on the chair assuming that nothing terrible would happen to him. He crossed his leg on over the other, grunted with the effort and then pulled out a tiny notebook and began to write down notes. He then wondered how good this Keiji’s hearing was; probably stupidly good enough to hear the scratching of his pen or something as per the case for Kumo shinobi.

Ataeru looked at the man and decided to go about with why he was here. “My apologizes you’re probably freaking out why a random man you have never met is in your room. My name is Itonami Ataeru normally my name precedes me but lately that is not the case so I’ll give you a little bit of background.” He shifted a bit thinking about how best to do this and then just shrugged.

“I am a six foot tall , medium length white haired individual with a little bit of multi-coloring in it, I have sapphire blue eyes and look pretty damn good looking for a 35 year old man and am quite proud of it. I say this so when your apparent eye damage works again you’ll know how to find me as I hope this is not our last meeting.”

Speaking of his eyes…Ataeru wrote down in his notes a bit, mainly description of Keiji for future use. “I recently went to the Torre to look up recent shinobi information so I know a little about you. Only fair I do the same. I was the Ex-Medical Sennin before Kushin I believe was his name maybe not. I was Head of the Academy and I was one of the very first people who got Kinjutsu approved and began to do in depth experimentation on them. I was also a close personal friend of Shin if that holds any merits anymore.” Ataeru sounded a little sad at this part of his conversation.

“To be quite fair I will never lie to you and since records would state that you are a Hyuuga and as such could just see my heart if I was lying I’ll save you the trouble and tell you that lies do not become me. I am a Dark Sage and knowledge is at the fore front of what I do.” Ataeru shifted once more and decided that he would pause and give the man before him some time to think and respond.

“Would you like me to pour you some water or maybe some illegally brought in tea or sweets. Honestly you look like a man who would love some Tea and Snacks right now.” He said this in a more delightful tone, attempting to judge if this man was one of humor or not. Though he would actually produce some should he ask. The Main point he wished to get across was if he was actually trying to do him in, he would have done so by now or at least tried considering his condition.

[Topic Entered]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
[Left thread]
I apologize for not being around and roleplaying actively with you all. My creativity has been (and still is, in a rut)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
