Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kouryou Moujuu -> Renjaa

Not open for further replies.


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
Old Character name Kouryou Moujuu

Old Character Village Sand

Old Profile Topic Title Something with Moujuu in it.

Old Training Topic Title Dunno.

Old Dojo Topic Title Sanguine entrails and viscous viscera: Moujuu's talents...

Any Relevant information that can aid us in finding your information I joined NC in 2007?

New Character Name Tsukino Renjaa (Not 100% decided on this, but wanted to get the ball rolling here)

New Village Sand

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Combat Statistics:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Claw Frenzy Rank 3
Lethal Lunge Rank 3
Raising Claw Rank 3
Ravage Rank 3
Feral Rage Rank 4
Shredder Rank 3
Bloody mess Rank 3
Crimson Claws Rank 3
Iron Claw Rank 3

Infernal Ember Rank 3
Thermal Maw Rank 3
Fireball Rank 3
Immolation Rank 3
Combustive Seal Rank 3
Dragon Fire Rank 3
Searing Eruption Rank 3
Scalding Ash Cloud Rank 3
Heat Wave Rank 3
Infernal Hellfire Rank 3
Firestorm Rank 3
Spontaneous Combustion Rank 3
Ring of Fire Rank 3
Dragon Flame Bomb Rank 3
Sol Fire Tempest Rank 3
Abysmal Harbinger Rank 3
Flame Shield Rank 3

Non-Elemental Nin-
Transformation Rank 3
Body Switch Rank 3
Basic Summoning Rank 3
Signal Flare Rank 3
Crystal Eye Rank 3
Stunt Double Rank 3
Cancel Rank 3
Combination Transformation Rank 3
Jutsu Sealing Rank 3
One Element Sealing Rank 3
Elemental Clone Rank 3
Element Negation Rank 3
Withering Seal Rank 3
Rasengan Rank 3
Energy Transfer Rank 3
Chakra Blast Rank 3
Chakra Shield Rank 3

Wind Slash Rank 3
Pressure Burst Rank 3
Whirlwind Spin Rank 3
Air Bullet Rank 3
Shredding Touch Rank 3
Wind Scythe Rank 3
Tempest rank 3
Wind Release rank 3
Gale Force rank 3
Wind Release Great Wind Scythe rank 3
Wind Scar rank 3
Vacuum Sphere
Cyclone Movement
Ambiance of the Forbidden
Zephyr's Grace

Shinobi 101

Bull's Strength
Thick Blood
Nimble Hands
Weapon Mastery: Claw
Called Shot
Quick Healer
Burning Style
Martial Artist

Items -
Slot 1: Dragon Claws (Augments: Crippler, Razor Sharp, Sharkskin) Poison: Iron Vein
Slot 2: Searing Mist x3
Slot 3: Mustard Gas x3
Slot 4: Hydrogen Cyanide x3
Slot 5: Plexistim x1


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
WiP Will work on history, just wanted to get some things set up so Council can help me get the ball rolling and figure out what's going on.

Old Character Name: Kouryou Moujuu
Old Village: Ash/Sand
Old Character Class (if you have one): I forget what it was if I even stepped out of the Rookie class
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Reckless

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Renjaa(it's already Renjaa, so it's available, as it's mine.)

New Character Name: Tsukino Renjaa
New Village: Sand
New Character Class:Do I even need this? I've been told there's no combat until the new combat system is instated.
New BL/CA: As above
* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character:
See New BL/CA
ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: Medic

* * * * *

Quick Character Description:
Physical Description
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 240
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Violet

Renjaa's body was, for a lack of better words, chiseled from granite and quite possibly imposing to those susceptible to such things. His defined muscle was apparently against his somewhat lean frame, his body truly resembled the bedrock the village was carved from. His face was also defined, though his cheeks did have a slightly soft curve to them. His stance made it rather apparent he was ready to jump into action at any point despite signs of relaxation, and rarely did he slouch or skulk. His presence spoke for itself.

Potentially aggressive

While Renjaa isn't overly aggressive without reason, he doesn't tolerate disrespect very easily and will make his displeasure known in most cases. He is very focused on his goals and trains tirelessly to be prepared to achieve them. He is selfish in that he tends to think of how any given action would impact him, and will always choose the option that benefits him most. This needs some clarification, because he also weighs the goodwill of those around him in this decision. He won't screw over those who know him or his village to benefit himself even if the reward is slightly higher than the direct reward for not doing so. Death before dishonor is a motto he believes in and seeks to live up to. He is relatively passive unless incited, content to drink or merely sit for a time to relax between missions and training stints.

Character History:
Along with a brief history. You HAVE to state whether or not your character is associated with any other PC here, and that PC has to post here approving.

* * * * *

Death thread: Not applicable.
Profile thread: Uhh... see above posts?
Training thread: See above?
Dojo thread: See Above?

* * * * *

I don't currently have any usergroups. :p

* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Jutsu Swaps:
I have no idea how this works since I think all my jutsu need converted into money or whatever.
* * * * *
Nothing carries over. In order to regain these items, you must go through the proper procedures in order to regain the item as your next character. However, if you retire a character with these items, they may be re-obtained in the future and recovered.

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
* * * * *

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?

What is Limbo Training?
This is the training that you would have gotten if you did not move on to your new character's life. Your caps are determined by your rebirthed stats. You must keep a record of your stats gained during limbo in your OCR thread. After you have finished with your old character's roleplay(s), please inform us and she will fully convert you to your new character. You may NOT request for an automatic rank up should you find that your new stats allow you to upgrade.

* * * * *

Things you do NOT need to state, but take note of:

(1) Jutsuz = All of your old Jutsuz retain their Ranks but if you do not meet their pre-requisites, you cannot use them. If you sell any jutsu and re-buy them in the future, you must re-start at Rank 1.

(2) Abilities = All of your Abilities are auto-untrained upon rebirth. In order to have any Abilities for your new character, you must activate them by posting a new Training Dojo topic in your new village.
*Note: You will NOT get any refund if you wish to sell any Ability.

(3) Character History = All gone. Look up the meaning of "Tabula rasa." By suiciding/rebirthing, you're making a new character. This means your new character must not know or remember anything of your old character's life/thoughts/feelings. If your new character has ANY direct/indirect connection to your old character, you MUST state that in your new character history writeup for Admin & Village approvalz.

(4) Editing Your New Character Application = Pls try not to do this! Once anyone has responded to your post, please refrain from EDITING your post. Reason being, we will not know what exactly you've edited! ]_[" If you wish to edit something in your application, post a reply to the thread.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Name, Village Approved.
Yes you need a class and a BL/CA as the battle system has been released.
Description's approved.
Medic Rank pending, waiting for a character history.
History is needed.
Stats approved.

As for jutsu, basically everything now masters at rank 2 instead of the varying rank 2/3's etc. So you can purchase and master up to the number of refunds you were given... which you will be given very shortly. (Both a yen and mastery refund).


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
You don't HAVE to have a CA/Bl, no. That's your choice. But you do need a class or you'll be assigned a rookie class.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Reeeeefund time
Points: 275 due to being capped
Money: 366.170 Yen
Mastery Points twaords Ranking up Jutsu: 52

There you go. Will be giving the Yen shortly after I post.


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
Old Character Name: Kouryou Moujuu
Old Village: Ash/Sand
Old Character Class (if you have one): I forget what it was if I even stepped out of the Rookie class
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Reckless

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Renjaa(it's already Renjaa, so it's available, as it's mine.)

New Character Name: Tsukino Renjaa
New Village: Sand
New Character Class:
Unstoppable Force
HP: (45+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Critical range unaffected by caps; -5 % CP costs
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC, Genjutsu Save
Low: None
New BL/CA: Kyoujouran
* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character:
Renjaa is built durable and chiseled in muscle definition. He favors very deliberate, solid motions that do not waste energy. He'll also be having earth, metal and sand major affinities, which makes Kyoujouran relatively suitable. See personality and appearance for more.
ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: Medic

* * * * *

Quick Character Description:
Physical Description
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 240
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Violet

Renjaa's body was, for a lack of better words, chiseled from granite and quite possibly imposing to those susceptible to such things. His defined muscle was apparently against his somewhat lean frame, his body truly resembled the bedrock the village was carved from. His face was also defined, though his cheeks did have a slightly soft curve to them. His stance made it rather apparent he was ready to jump into action at any point despite signs of relaxation, and rarely did he slouch or skulk. His presence spoke for itself.

Potentially aggressive

While Renjaa isn't overly aggressive without reason, he doesn't tolerate disrespect very easily and will make his displeasure known in most cases. He is very focused on his goals and trains tirelessly to be prepared to achieve them. He is selfish in that he tends to think of how any given action would impact him, and will always choose the option that benefits him most. This needs some clarification, because he also weighs the goodwill of those around him in this decision. He won't screw over those who know him or his village to benefit himself even if the reward is slightly higher than the direct reward for not doing so. Death before dishonor is a motto he believes in and seeks to live up to. He is relatively passive unless incited, content to drink or merely sit for a time to relax between missions and training stints.

Character History:
TBA, just getting the class and BL/CA stuff out of the way for the time being.

* * * * *

Death thread: Not applicable.
Profile thread: Uhh... see above posts?
Training thread: See above?
Dojo thread: See Above?

* * * * *

I don't currently have any usergroups. :p

* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Jutsu Swaps:
I have no idea how this works since I think all my jutsu need converted into money or whatever.
* * * * *
Nothing carries over. In order to regain these items, you must go through the proper procedures in order to regain the item as your next character. However, if you retire a character with these items, they may be re-obtained in the future and recovered.

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
* * * * *

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?

What is Limbo Training?
This is the training that you would have gotten if you did not move on to your new character's life. Your caps are determined by your rebirthed stats. You must keep a record of your stats gained during limbo in your OCR thread. After you have finished with your old character's roleplay(s), please inform us and she will fully convert you to your new character. You may NOT request for an automatic rank up should you find that your new stats allow you to upgrade.

* * * * *

Things you do NOT need to state, but take note of:

(1) Jutsuz = All of your old Jutsuz retain their Ranks but if you do not meet their pre-requisites, you cannot use them. If you sell any jutsu and re-buy them in the future, you must re-start at Rank 1.

(2) Abilities = All of your Abilities are auto-untrained upon rebirth. In order to have any Abilities for your new character, you must activate them by posting a new Training Dojo topic in your new village.
*Note: You will NOT get any refund if you wish to sell any Ability.

(3) Character History = All gone. Look up the meaning of "Tabula rasa." By suiciding/rebirthing, you're making a new character. This means your new character must not know or remember anything of your old character's life/thoughts/feelings. If your new character has ANY direct/indirect connection to your old character, you MUST state that in your new character history writeup for Admin & Village approvalz.

(4) Editing Your New Character Application = Pls try not to do this! Once anyone has responded to your post, please refrain from EDITING your post. Reason being, we will not know what exactly you've edited! ]_[" If you wish to edit something in your application, post a reply to the thread.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OKay. So. Name, Class, BL approved.

Rank in medical branch pending along with history. Please make up your history.

Stats are good, save you now also have 275 capped points as well.

You have 52 mastery points and have been given a refund of all yen for everything you previously owned. Now you pick 52 new jutsu from the shops you would like to buy and auto-master and list them here. Once you've used up your mastery points (you can also save up to 10 of your mastery points to use later if you want to), I'll approve them.

Please copy the new OCR form and fill it out will all approved items from above and the changes that need to be made. Thanks!


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
Old Character Name: Kouryou Moujuu
Old Village: Ash/Sand
Old Character Class (if you have one): I forget what it was if I even stepped out of the Rookie class
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Reckless

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Renjaa(it's already Renjaa, so it's available, as it's mine.)

New Character Name: Tsukino Renjaa
New Village: Sand
New Character Class:
Unstoppable Force
HP: (45+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Critical range unaffected by caps; -5 % CP costs
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC, Genjutsu Save
Low: None
New BL/CA: Kyoujouran
* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character:
Renjaa is built durable and chiseled in muscle definition. He favors very deliberate, solid motions that do not waste energy. He'll also be having earth, metal and sand major affinities, which makes Kyoujouran relatively suitable. See personality and appearance for more.
ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: Medic

* * * * *

Quick Character Description:
Physical Description
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 240
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Violet

Renjaa's body was, for a lack of better words, chiseled from granite and quite possibly imposing to those susceptible to such things. His defined muscle was apparently against his somewhat lean frame, his body truly resembled the bedrock the village was carved from. His face was also defined, though his cheeks did have a slightly soft curve to them. His stance made it rather apparent he was ready to jump into action at any point despite signs of relaxation, and rarely did he slouch or skulk. His presence spoke for itself.

Potentially aggressive
Can be reserved oftentimes unless provoked or engaged

While Renjaa isn't overly aggressive without reason, he doesn't tolerate disrespect very easily and will make his displeasure known in most cases. He is very focused on his goals and trains tirelessly to be prepared to achieve them. He is selfish in that he tends to think of how any given action would impact him, and will always choose the option that benefits him most. This needs some clarification, because he also weighs the goodwill of those around him in this decision. He won't screw over those who know him or his village to benefit himself even if the reward is slightly higher than the direct reward for not doing so. Death before dishonor is a motto he believes in and seeks to live up to. He is relatively passive unless incited, content to drink or merely sit for a time to relax between missions and training stints.

Character History:
Renjaa's past was not a unique tragedy nor a fairy tale. He was born to two parents who were not overly wealthy nor were they of any impressive station, though the boy always felt like he had a greater purpose, greater destiny than to be 'average'. His father was strict, though he was not cruel and did his best to ensure his son would grow into a proper man, while his mother made sure he wasn't entirely hardened or calloused. Part of his father's efforts were to explain to the young man that he was from a long, lost line of nobility... his father produced no direct evidence, merely noting his rapid acquisition of techniques and his quite well-developed body and how easily he'd fallen into a training measure. The young man was gifted, and his father pointed to those traits. He enrolled into the academy at a fairly early age, with the simple, yet difficult goal of mastering literally everything he can possibly learn. Voraciously pursuing his talents in taijutsu and genjutsu during his academy days and beyond, the boy grew into a determined, ambitious man who would settle for no less than a 'seat' amongst Sunagakure's elite. He held himself to a moral code as best he could which he felt exemplified his noble ethics. The boy enrolled in the Sunagakure's medical program shortly after graduating from the academy, pursuing medical talents first, determining that in order to be truly self-sufficient he needed to be capable of fixing his own injuries should such be necessary in the field, and emergency healing would always be needed. He was no genius with medical jutsu and was merely passable in terms of his efficiency with the techniques, though he did pick up the basics of the jutsu relatively quickly, even if others techniques were superior in this field, he was satisfied. He couldn't master everything, of course. His father was slain on a mission several years ago, and while Renjaa feels the loss, he won't let it show anymore than his attendance of the funeral and comforting of his mother. Outside that, he merely redoubled his efforts to earn his place among the nobles.

* * * * *

Death thread: Not applicable.
Profile thread: Uhh... see above posts?
Training thread: See above?
Dojo thread: See Above?

* * * * *

I don't currently have any usergroups. :p

* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
275 Capped points

Jutsu Swaps:
So... I *have* to choose jutsu to master before reactivating? Blech... I'll get to that soon, history is added. I'll most probably be saving those 10 mastery points since I wanna be able to RP sooner rather than later. x.x
* * * * *
Nothing carries over. In order to regain these items, you must go through the proper procedures in order to regain the item as your next character. However, if you retire a character with these items, they may be re-obtained in the future and recovered.

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
* * * * *

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?

What is Limbo Training?
This is the training that you would have gotten if you did not move on to your new character's life. Your caps are determined by your rebirthed stats. You must keep a record of your stats gained during limbo in your OCR thread. After you have finished with your old character's roleplay(s), please inform us and she will fully convert you to your new character. You may NOT request for an automatic rank up should you find that your new stats allow you to upgrade.

* * * * *

Things you do NOT need to state, but take note of:

(1) Jutsuz = All of your old Jutsuz retain their Ranks but if you do not meet their pre-requisites, you cannot use them. If you sell any jutsu and re-buy them in the future, you must re-start at Rank 1.

(2) Abilities = All of your Abilities are auto-untrained upon rebirth. In order to have any Abilities for your new character, you must activate them by posting a new Training Dojo topic in your new village.
*Note: You will NOT get any refund if you wish to sell any Ability.

(3) Character History = All gone. Look up the meaning of "Tabula rasa." By suiciding/rebirthing, you're making a new character. This means your new character must not know or remember anything of your old character's life/thoughts/feelings. If your new character has ANY direct/indirect connection to your old character, you MUST state that in your new character history writeup for Admin & Village approvalz.

(4) Editing Your New Character Application = Pls try not to do this! Once anyone has responded to your post, please refrain from EDITING your post. Reason being, we will not know what exactly you've edited! ]_[" If you wish to edit something in your application, post a reply to the thread.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Alright, everything is approved except for the missing jutsu list. When you have it done, repost your ocr from above into a new post as usual. Yes you have to pick your jutsu, save 10 mastery points for later.


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
Old Character Name: Kouryou Moujuu
Old Village: Ash/Sand
Old Character Class (if you have one): I forget what it was if I even stepped out of the Rookie class
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Reckless

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Renjaa(it's already Renjaa, so it's available, as it's mine.)

New Character Name: Tsukino Renjaa
New Village: Sand
New Character Class:
Unstoppable Force
HP: (45+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Critical range unaffected by caps; -5 % CP costs
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC, Genjutsu Save
Low: None
New BL/CA: Kyoujouran
* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character:
Renjaa is built durable and chiseled in muscle definition. He favors very deliberate, solid motions that do not waste energy. He'll also be having earth, metal and sand major affinities, which makes Kyoujouran relatively suitable. See personality and appearance for more.
ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: Medic

* * * * *

Quick Character Description:
Physical Description
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 240
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Violet

Renjaa's body was, for a lack of better words, chiseled from granite and quite possibly imposing to those susceptible to such things. His defined muscle was apparently against his somewhat lean frame, his body truly resembled the bedrock the village was carved from. His face was also defined, though his cheeks did have a slightly soft curve to them. His stance made it rather apparent he was ready to jump into action at any point despite signs of relaxation, and rarely did he slouch or skulk. His presence spoke for itself.

Potentially aggressive

While Renjaa isn't overly aggressive without reason, he doesn't tolerate disrespect very easily and will make his displeasure known in most cases. He is very focused on his goals and trains tirelessly to be prepared to achieve them. He is selfish in that he tends to think of how any given action would impact him, and will always choose the option that benefits him most. This needs some clarification, because he also weighs the goodwill of those around him in this decision. He won't screw over those who know him or his village to benefit himself even if the reward is slightly higher than the direct reward for not doing so. Death before dishonor is a motto he believes in and seeks to live up to. He is relatively passive unless incited, content to drink or merely sit for a time to relax between missions and training stints.

Character History:
TBA, just getting the class and BL/CA stuff out of the way for the time being.

* * * * *

Death thread: Not applicable.
Profile thread: Uhh... see above posts?
Training thread: See above?
Dojo thread: See Above?

* * * * *

I don't currently have any usergroups. :p

* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Jutsu Swaps: (Note: Renjaa has free Major affinity in fire, and free minor in Lightning... I think that'll work best for my building, I'm not entirely sure... 42 points kindof is a lot to decide all at once.)
1Fist of Virtue
2Fist of Sin
4Tiger Hook
6Insatiable Hunger
8Chakra Extension
9Shadow Dance
10Chakra Absorption
12Zephyr's Grace
13Ambiance of the forbidden
14Wind Scar
15Cyclone Movement
16Gale Force
17Shredding Touch
18Fist of Gaia
19Earthen Magnitude
21Earth Spiker
22Earth Flow Wave
23Rock Golem
24Earthen Coating
25Bedrock Coffin
26Earthflow River
27Sinkhole Fist
28Gravel Shift
29Antlion Sinkhole
30Weighted Rock Technique
31Earthslide Wall
32Inner Earth Reflection Lure
33One Element Sealing
34Elemental Clone
37Nature's Guard
38Mystical Hand
40Perfected Rasengan
41Energy Transfer
42Leech Seal

Hopefully I met all the prereqs...

* * * * *
Nothing carries over. In order to regain these items, you must go through the proper procedures in order to regain the item as your next character. However, if you retire a character with these items, they may be re-obtained in the future and recovered.

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
* * * * *

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?

What is Limbo Training?
This is the training that you would have gotten if you did not move on to your new character's life. Your caps are determined by your rebirthed stats. You must keep a record of your stats gained during limbo in your OCR thread. After you have finished with your old character's roleplay(s), please inform us and she will fully convert you to your new character. You may NOT request for an automatic rank up should you find that your new stats allow you to upgrade.

* * * * *

Things you do NOT need to state, but take note of:

(1) Jutsuz = All of your old Jutsuz retain their Ranks but if you do not meet their pre-requisites, you cannot use them. If you sell any jutsu and re-buy them in the future, you must re-start at Rank 1.

(2) Abilities = All of your Abilities are auto-untrained upon rebirth. In order to have any Abilities for your new character, you must activate them by posting a new Training Dojo topic in your new village.
*Note: You will NOT get any refund if you wish to sell any Ability.

(3) Character History = All gone. Look up the meaning of "Tabula rasa." By suiciding/rebirthing, you're making a new character. This means your new character must not know or remember anything of your old character's life/thoughts/feelings. If your new character has ANY direct/indirect connection to your old character, you MUST state that in your new character history writeup for Admin & Village approvalz.

(4) Editing Your New Character Application = Pls try not to do this! Once anyone has responded to your post, please refrain from EDITING your post. Reason being, we will not know what exactly you've edited! ]_[" If you wish to edit something in your application, post a reply to the thread.
Not open for further replies.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
