Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Completed Kyoujouran Keniwa -> Kimari Bōmu

Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Kyoujouran Keniwa
Old Village/Missing: Konohagakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Konoha
Old IC Rank: Main Branch Sennin

New Character Name: Kimari Bōmu
Preferred Username:
New Village/Missing: Missing
New BL/CA: Beastmaster Inuzuka (Active) Hashigaki (Inactive)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
Slinking spirit
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (50+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu, +10% Chance of inflicting Bleeding
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge Genjutsu Save
Low: Genjutsu DC, Ranged Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: N/A
IC Rank: Mercenary

Character Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: Kimari's body has settled into an average height of 5'9 his build could definitely be regarded as slender, muscle never really being able to massively show on across the board. Toned would be the word to describe how his final shape turned out to be, but he could very easily be confused for someone a few years younger. Small bags usually would sit underneath his eyes as sleeping isn't his strong suit, although his purple orbs which resonate in his sockets usually distract against the fight. Almost changing between dull and vibrant depending on his mood, usually with a practically monotone expression resting on his face he is hard to read. The cherry on top being a set of black scruffy hair which he sometimes comes in to a side parting, it's colour looking as if the life has been sucked out of it in some way or form.
Character's Mental Description: Quiet and collected is probably the two words which describe him on most occasions, friends were never his strong suite as he usually found himself working for his family. Never one to turn down doing something that would help the ones he cares about, he can seem almost morally grey to others but deep down he'll always have a clear drive to whatever he does. Even if this does involve underhanded tactics or trickery, as a person he tries his hardest to never disrespect people who are kind to him. Blunt with his words he never really is afraid of saying the wrong thing, despite this leading him in to unfavourable situations sometimes he hasn't quite learnt his lessons, yet he only speaks when he feels it necessary. For him, actions speak far louder than words.
Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History: Hashigaki x Inuzuka Beastmaster (Flavoured) Chimera application.
Kimari was born into a poor family who lived in some of the dingiest parts of crater city, leaks of water slipping through the roof and rats scurrying around the corners of his house was common. Poverty was an integral part of his life and would be for the majority of it. His father, mother, and younger sister alongside him would all work as merchants who desperately traded day after day inside of Crater City and Konoha, business was rough in both areas. With Crater City being interested in more illegal substances which the family did not have access to through their own choice. Being distant relatives of a much larger Hashigaki family Kimari's father would follow their teachings to the point, unlike most Hashigaki they in fact were not blind with the bloodline being barely resonant in most of them, they could only draw on a few techniques and abilities their powers being far weaker than the main family. Being blind was a humble life and they were known to carry themselves with integrity and respect, not stooping to levels of crime simply out of the struggles of life.

However, it was these very teachings that held them back. Crime was practically everything Crater City had to offer, it was a way out for the people who weren't gifted with chakra or who didn't have enough money in the first place. It was... the best option by far for this small family. Despite Nishida's constant teachings to his children, Kimari didn't find it sensible, not one bit. It was ignorant in his mind. One day as he stalked the streets, tasked with the grand important job of retrieving bread for his family to eat, he witnessed a simple deal being made. He wasn't quite sure whatever was inside of the needle however it appeared to be some sort of strength stimulant as the man injected it into his arm a surge of chakra would radiate from his very being, even for the uneducated boy it was clear to see the power and why these substances were sought after. A large suitcase being handed in return as the two would vanish from sight immediately after.

Why did his family have to know? Their trades weren't good enough for Konoha, or anywhere else other than the soul-crushing pit known as Crater City. If food was on the table did it really matter where it was from? With bread in hand he had a plan for the next day, all he had to do was steal one of these, just one, maybe his family would be set for a week or two, maybe they could go on vacation, maybe his feet wouldn't ache so much. A ten year old could only dream of all the possibilities and they swirled around in his head that night, he couldn't sleep there was no more time for dreaming of what could be. Quietly as he was sneaking out of his cracked window right past his sleeping younger sister, he glanced at her a soft frown pulling across his face, her thin limbs and shallow cheeks. It sickened him to the bone, he couldn't stand it anymore, seeing the ones he loved in so much pain. Even his father and mother weren't so much. He'd slink through the large crack slightly tearing his shirt as he did before darting off into the darkness.

The most he had was a small dagger just in case things shifted badly, but his plan was foolproof in his mind. Chakra wasn't his strong suit so he had to rely on what little innate abilities he had, finally coming across a dingy enough alley he'd lie and wait inside of a dustbin, this was the same spot where the last one took place so surely it couldn't be long. After what felt like hours with the only thing keeping him awake being the rumbles of his stomach and the random rat scurrying around eventually he could hear two indistinct voices both being quite gruff sounding. Although unlike what he had planned some sort of scuffle had taken place right in front of him, the cold metallic sound of the unsheathing of weapons rung out. Moments before a gut-wrenching squelch and cry of pain would resonate through his ears, frozen in fear all he could do was try to cover the horrific noises by slamming each of his palms against his ears.

Just wishing for it all to come to an end gritting his teeth as the grunts and screams would just become louder and more agitated he let out a horrific screech from his mouth, shaking everything nearby and causing one of the thugs to disperse leaving the other laying upon the ground in a small pool of his own blood barely conscious. The bin would fall over as the lid rolled away revealing the young boy trembling in fear as he crawled from out of the trash, covered in small amounts of gunk and filth. Having indirectly saved this criminal, the stranger would reach his arm out towards Kimari the two clasping palms before helping each other get up. It was the smallest of interactions but a shared nod between the two forged a bond that could not and would not be forgotten, as the man limped away into the distance Kimari would be left alone in the alley. A heavy weight rested on his shoulders as he skulked his way home.

From then on it was as if some twisted guardian angels had taken him under their wing, he seemed to have formed somewhat of a pact with a gang he had next to no clue about. But they took him in unbeknownst to his family, they'd feed him, give him jobs, pay him well. And all he had to do was stay quiet and get the job done, that was all. It didn't matter how much blood there was, nor how many cries for help. He was helping his family, he was getting rid of wrongdoers. It felt weird, being lonely despite having so many people around him. He never wished to bring concern to anyone about himself, he'd just take the burdens for himself. Eventually, his weak body caught up to him one day in the heat of a life-and-death brawl, and if not for an ear-rendering cry he would have certainly lost his life, it became apparent that if he was going to keep on this line of work. An upgrade was in order.

His loyalty for the gang was clear as day and the more that he handle several jobs for them, the more he got to know. It sounded even more like some sick religion, or cult, to a being named Jashin. Whoever he was these people treated him like a god, a few even having tattoos of skeletons edged out across his body, and these people weren't against using the fast ways to draw power. Indoctrinating Kimari further and further, he was already too far in before he realised how deep he truly had sunk. The blood of evil and innocents were on his hand, and as he was slowly taken towards the surgeons table fear began to echo throughout his very being and soul. What would they do to him? What could they do to him? Only time could tell as the anesthetia took effect and his vision would fade into an unknown darkness.

Despite taking away his child innocence the Jashinists would be granting him a blessing or a curse depending on who's side you are looking at. Kimura was turned in to an experiment, with his bloodline only being so present it became easy to manipulate his chakra signature and dna, his potential was almost limitless with what they could do with him. A black case was delicately brought to the operation table, several men surrounding it as if to protect what rested inside. The stimulants which they traded were of a far weaker capacity than the ones they kept to themselves, specific ones being able to alter someones own body and soul to great extents. The liquid inside had a lavender hue as it appeared almost frozen in place and cold to touch, experimentation for this individual stimulant was to enhance the soul being able to cause one the ability to chain down another spirit to earth, be it demon or saint, to be used at their command. Several prayers and rituals surrounding this specific stimulant had been concocted to make sure that the final events would bring something that'd allow them to once and for all begin taking over Crater City as their own. It's power now just needed to be unlocked.

As the needle pierced his flesh and soul and the liquid would seep from out the syringe in to the boy, all would be silent for a couple seconds. Before an overwhelming presence of darkness shrouded the kid, each of the jashinists present grabbing weapons in hesitation before a horrific inhuman cry could be heard from underneath the table which Kimari rested. As the candles in the room were simultaneously snuffed out, the pitch black would only be interrupted by Kimari's chakra glowing so prominently a lavender purple, tiredly awaking from his slumber as he rubbed his eyes he wouldn't even get a moment to react as what looked like a demon would shoot out from underneath the table grabbing hold of a jashinist before decapitating him in one foul chomp. Several screams and cries for help could be heard as blood was shed throughout every nook and cranny in the room, on a rampage the demon wouldn't hold back as it sliced through everyone but the child in a fit of monstrous unhinged rage.

Several others would bust in to the room as the entity smashed through the wall, clenching Kimari as it hastily hovered out of the giant hole in structure escaping with him of in to the night. Despite not knowing anything about the being it seemed to have somewhat of a protective nature over him. Once escaping and finding a frail sanctuary on top of a roof the monster would practically skulk away in to the darkness, vanishing from sight leaving him alone. With his own thoughts. What really was there to think? All he knew is that the only people he truly had was his family, who he'd been edging further and further away from in recent months. Wishing to go back to them the tiredness eventually overtook him as he fell asleep once again.

The bright beaming sensation of the crack of dawn awoke him as he immediately jumped to action fully coming to the realisation of everything that had taken place, stumbling up to his feet and leaping off the roof, his knowledge of chakra was lackluster but his capacity seemed to have been dramatically increased giving him an enhanced physical prowess as he landed without much damage at all and rushed home. Only to find his house having been completely ransacked and destroyed, his family and their belongings nowhere to be seen. With the culprit leaving what practically could be described as a calling card, spilled in blood the words jashin dashed across the wall.

Then it was obvious what he needed to do, what he would do. Their operation could span across the whole world for all he cared, he would find his family and make sure each and everyone of these demonic bastards paid. But to do that in the state he was in now... would be near impossible. Even he himself had no clue of the power which he held inside, and what it'd take to harness it. So with a heavy heart he'd live Crater City for now.

Over the next few years Kimari spent time mastering the blade and chakra, learning from working with other mercenaries and taking on their own tactics turning them in to his own. Coffee Republic would be where he resided as his home for now, but he'd make it a given that he'd accept work from wherever could bring him closer to cultists or people of the like. This led him to even aiding leaf shinobi in several missions as an outside force, most of these would take place in Crater City, yet he wouldn't accept any sort of payment when it came to Jashinists. One of the people who he's worked with the most was another mercenary going by the title Shion. His chakra control and decisive thinking certainly allowed Kimari to learn how to control some inner demons of his own. And he certainly held a large amount of respect for the aforementioned man, despite not knowing leaps and bounds about him he wouldn't wish for someone to get on his bad side if they valued their life.

Jigoku. His soul bound companion, whilst being a part of him often would remain to himself outside of the thick of battle. However when any potential threats would come near the teenager, the pair would make an unmatched horrific force. A mutual link of acceptance of their situation despite vastly and largely different ethics granted the two the ability to fight together over the years. However Jigoku's own passion and goals on the mortal realm would not go unspoken, and certainly would lead to something disastrous in the future to come.
Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups:

Old Stats:

Stamina: 525/600
Chakra: 525/600
Agility: 525/600
Ninjutsu: 290/600
Taijutsu: 560/600
Genjutsu: 525/600

Old OOC Rank
: S
Stat Cut: N/A

New Stats:
Stamina: 525/600
Chakra: 525/600
Agility: 525/600
Ninjutsu: 290/600
Taijutsu: 560/600
Genjutsu: 525/600

New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:

Basic clone - M
Black flash - M
Verse of darkness - M
Advanced clone - M
Perception filter - M
Body double - M


Chakra Sense
Active Camo

Steel Clone
Iron Breakout

Fist of gaia - M

Chakra gates
Hot blooded
Go beyond - M
Morning Peacock - M
Sure-Kill-Strike - M
Night guy - M

Other Refunds:

Ability Card
Class point Card
Extra RP slot
All augments

***If possible***
Free Major Element Card x1 = 100 asp

Staying with Kyoujouran Keniwa:

Name of any Contract you currently own:
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
Last edited by a moderator:


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank

"Yea... I am this history, yes I said alright to it."​

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Kyoujouran Keniwa
Old Village/Missing: Konohagakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Konoha
Old IC Rank: Main Branch Sennin

New Character Name: Kimari Bōmu
Preferred Username:
New Village/Missing: Missing
New BL/CA: Beastmaster Inuzuka (Active) Hashigaki (Inactive)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
Slinking spirit
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (50+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu, +10% Chance of inflicting Bleeding
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge Genjutsu Save
Low: Genjutsu DC, Ranged Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: N/A
IC Rank: Mercenary

Character Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: Kimari's body has settled into an average height of 5'9 his build could definitely be regarded as slender, muscle never really being able to massively show on across the board. Toned would be the word to describe how his final shape turned out to be, but he could very easily be confused for someone a few years younger. Small bags usually would sit underneath his eyes as sleeping isn't his strong suit, although his purple orbs which resonate in his sockets usually distract against the fight. Almost changing between dull and vibrant depending on his mood, usually with a practically monotone expression resting on his face he is hard to read. The cherry on top being a set of black scruffy hair which he sometimes comes in to a side parting, it's colour looking as if the life has been sucked out of it in some way or form.
Character's Mental Description: Quiet and collected is probably the two words which describe him on most occasions, friends were never his strong suite as he usually found himself working for his family. Never one to turn down doing something that would help the ones he cares about, he can seem almost morally grey to others but deep down he'll always have a clear drive to whatever he does. Even if this does involve underhanded tactics or trickery, as a person he tries his hardest to never disrespect people who are kind to him. Blunt with his words he never really is afraid of saying the wrong thing, despite this leading him in to unfavourable situations sometimes he hasn't quite learnt his lessons, yet he only speaks when he feels it necessary. For him, actions speak far louder than words.
Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History: Hashigaki x Inuzuka Beastmaster (Flavoured) Chimera application.
Kimari was born into a poor family who lived in some of the dingiest parts of crater city, leaks of water slipping through the roof and rats scurrying around the corners of his house was common. Poverty was an integral part of his life and would be for the majority of it. His father, mother, and younger sister alongside him would all work as merchants who desperately traded day after day inside of Crater City and Konoha, business was rough in both areas. With Crater City being interested in more illegal substances which the family did not have access to through their own choice. Being distant relatives of a much larger Hashigaki family Kimari's father would follow their teachings to the point, unlike most Hashigaki they in fact were not blind with the bloodline being barely resonant in most of them, they could only draw on a few techniques and abilities their powers being far weaker than the main family. Being blind was a humble life and they were known to carry themselves with integrity and respect, not stooping to levels of crime simply out of the struggles of life.

However, it was these very teachings that held them back. Crime was practically everything Crater City had to offer, it was a way out for the people who weren't gifted with chakra or who didn't have enough money in the first place. It was... the best option by far for this small family. Despite Nishida's constant teachings to his children, Kimari didn't find it sensible, not one bit. It was ignorant in his mind. One day as he stalked the streets, tasked with the grand important job of retrieving bread for his family to eat, he witnessed a simple deal being made. He wasn't quite sure whatever was inside of the needle however it appeared to be some sort of strength stimulant as the man injected it into his arm a surge of chakra would radiate from his very being, even for the uneducated boy it was clear to see the power and why these substances were sought after. A large suitcase being handed in return as the two would vanish from sight immediately after.

Why did his family have to know? Their trades weren't good enough for Konoha, or anywhere else other than the soul-crushing pit known as Crater City. If food was on the table did it really matter where it was from? With bread in hand he had a plan for the next day, all he had to do was steal one of these, just one, maybe his family would be set for a week or two, maybe they could go on vacation, maybe his feet wouldn't ache so much. A ten year old could only dream of all the possibilities and they swirled around in his head that night, he couldn't sleep there was no more time for dreaming of what could be. Quietly as he was sneaking out of his cracked window right past his sleeping younger sister, he glanced at her a soft frown pulling across his face, her thin limbs and shallow cheeks. It sickened him to the bone, he couldn't stand it anymore, seeing the ones he loved in so much pain. Even his father and mother weren't so much. He'd slink through the large crack slightly tearing his shirt as he did before darting off into the darkness.

The most he had was a small dagger just in case things shifted badly, but his plan was foolproof in his mind. Chakra wasn't his strong suit so he had to rely on what little innate abilities he had, finally coming across a dingy enough alley he'd lie and wait inside of a dustbin, this was the same spot where the last one took place so surely it couldn't be long. After what felt like hours with the only thing keeping him awake being the rumbles of his stomach and the random rat scurrying around eventually he could hear two indistinct voices both being quite gruff sounding. Although unlike what he had planned some sort of scuffle had taken place right in front of him, the cold metallic sound of the unsheathing of weapons rung out. Moments before a gut-wrenching squelch and cry of pain would resonate through his ears, frozen in fear all he could do was try to cover the horrific noises by slamming each of his palms against his ears.

Just wishing for it all to come to an end gritting his teeth as the grunts and screams would just become louder and more agitated he let out a horrific screech from his mouth, shaking everything nearby and causing one of the thugs to disperse leaving the other laying upon the ground in a small pool of his own blood barely conscious. The bin would fall over as the lid rolled away revealing the young boy trembling in fear as he crawled from out of the trash, covered in small amounts of gunk and filth. Having indirectly saved this criminal, the stranger would reach his arm out towards Kimari the two clasping palms before helping each other get up. It was the smallest of interactions but a shared nod between the two forged a bond that could not and would not be forgotten, as the man limped away into the distance Kimari would be left alone in the alley. A heavy weight rested on his shoulders as he skulked his way home.

From then on it was as if some twisted guardian angels had taken him under their wing, he seemed to have formed somewhat of a pact with a gang he had next to no clue about. But they took him in unbeknownst to his family, they'd feed him, give him jobs, pay him well. And all he had to do was stay quiet and get the job done, that was all. It didn't matter how much blood there was, nor how many cries for help. He was helping his family, he was getting rid of wrongdoers. It felt weird, being lonely despite having so many people around him. He never wished to bring concern to anyone about himself, he'd just take the burdens for himself. Eventually, his weak body caught up to him one day in the heat of a life-and-death brawl, and if not for an ear-rendering cry he would have certainly lost his life, it became apparent that if he was going to keep on this line of work. An upgrade was in order.

His loyalty for the gang was clear as day and the more that he handle several jobs for them, the more he got to know. It sounded even more like some sick religion, or cult, to a being named Jashin. Whoever he was these people treated him like a god, a few even having tattoos of skeletons edged out across his body, and these people weren't against using the fast ways to draw power. Indoctrinating Kimari further and further, he was already too far in before he realised how deep he truly had sunk. The blood of evil and innocents were on his hand, and as he was slowly taken towards the surgeons table fear began to echo throughout his very being and soul. What would they do to him? What could they do to him? Only time could tell as the anesthetia took effect and his vision would fade into an unknown darkness.

Despite taking away his child innocence the Jashinists would be granting him a blessing or a curse depending on who's side you are looking at. Kimura was turned in to an experiment, with his bloodline only being so present it became easy to manipulate his chakra signature and dna, his potential was almost limitless with what they could do with him. A black case was delicately brought to the operation table, several men surrounding it as if to protect what rested inside. The stimulants which they traded were of a far weaker capacity than the ones they kept to themselves, specific ones being able to alter someones own body and soul to great extents. The liquid inside had a lavender hue as it appeared almost frozen in place and cold to touch, experimentation for this individual stimulant was to enhance the soul being able to cause one the ability to chain down another spirit to earth, be it demon or saint, to be used at their command. Several prayers and rituals surrounding this specific stimulant had been concocted to make sure that the final events would bring something that'd allow them to once and for all begin taking over Crater City as their own. It's power now just needed to be unlocked.

As the needle pierced his flesh and soul and the liquid would seep from out the syringe in to the boy, all would be silent for a couple seconds. Before an overwhelming presence of darkness shrouded the kid, each of the jashinists present grabbing weapons in hesitation before a horrific inhuman cry could be heard from underneath the table which Kimari rested. As the candles in the room were simultaneously snuffed out, the pitch black would only be interrupted by Kimari's chakra glowing so prominently a lavender purple, tiredly awaking from his slumber as he rubbed his eyes he wouldn't even get a moment to react as what looked like a demon would shoot out from underneath the table grabbing hold of a jashinist before decapitating him in one foul chomp. Several screams and cries for help could be heard as blood was shed throughout every nook and cranny in the room, on a rampage the demon wouldn't hold back as it sliced through everyone but the child in a fit of monstrous unhinged rage.

Several others would bust in to the room as the entity smashed through the wall, clenching Kimari as it hastily hovered out of the giant hole in structure escaping with him of in to the night. Despite not knowing anything about the being it seemed to have somewhat of a protective nature over him. Once escaping and finding a frail sanctuary on top of a roof the monster would practically skulk away in to the darkness, vanishing from sight leaving him alone. With his own thoughts. What really was there to think? All he knew is that the only people he truly had was his family, who he'd been edging further and further away from in recent months. Wishing to go back to them the tiredness eventually overtook him as he fell asleep once again.

The bright beaming sensation of the crack of dawn awoke him as he immediately jumped to action fully coming to the realisation of everything that had taken place, stumbling up to his feet and leaping off the roof, his knowledge of chakra was lackluster but his capacity seemed to have been dramatically increased giving him an enhanced physical prowess as he landed without much damage at all and rushed home. Only to find his house having been completely ransacked and destroyed, his family and their belongings nowhere to be seen. With the culprit leaving what practically could be described as a calling card, spilled in blood the words jashin dashed across the wall.

Then it was obvious what he needed to do, what he would do. Their operation could span across the whole world for all he cared, he would find his family and make sure each and everyone of these demonic bastards paid. But to do that in the state he was in now... would be near impossible. Even he himself had no clue of the power which he held inside, and what it'd take to harness it. So with a heavy heart he'd live Crater City for now.

Over the next few years Kimari spent time mastering the blade and chakra, learning from working with other mercenaries and taking on their own tactics turning them in to his own. Coffee Republic would be where he resided as his home for now, but he'd make it a given that he'd accept work from wherever could bring him closer to cultists or people of the like. This led him to even aiding leaf shinobi in several missions as an outside force, most of these would take place in Crater City, yet he wouldn't accept any sort of payment when it came to Jashinists. One of the people who he's worked with the most was another mercenary going by the title Shion. His chakra control and decisive thinking certainly allowed Kimari to learn how to control some inner demons of his own. And he certainly held a large amount of respect for the aforementioned man, despite not knowing leaps and bounds about him he wouldn't wish for someone to get on his bad side if they valued their life.

Jigoku. His soul bound companion, whilst being a part of him often would remain to himself outside of the thick of battle. However when any potential threats would come near the teenager, the pair would make an unmatched horrific force. A mutual link of acceptance of their situation despite vastly and largely different ethics granted the two the ability to fight together over the years. However Jigoku's own passion and goals on the mortal realm would not go unspoken, and certainly would lead to something disastrous in the future to come.
Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups:

Old Stats:

Stamina: 525/600
Chakra: 525/600
Agility: 525/600
Ninjutsu: 290/600
Taijutsu: 560/600
Genjutsu: 525/600

Old OOC Rank
: S
Stat Cut: N/A

New Stats:
Stamina: 525/600
Chakra: 525/600
Agility: 525/600
Ninjutsu: 290/600
Taijutsu: 560/600
Genjutsu: 525/600

New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:

Basic clone - M
Black flash - M
Verse of darkness - M
Advanced clone - M
Perception filter - M
Body double - M


Chakra Sense
Active Camo

Steel Clone
Iron Breakout

Fist of gaia - M

Chakra gates
Hot blooded
Go beyond - M
Morning Peacock - M
Sure-Kill-Strike - M
Night guy - M

Other Refunds:

Ability Card
Class point Card
Extra RP slot
All augments

***If possible***
Free Major Element Card x1 = 100 asp

Staying with Kyoujouran Keniwa:

Name of any Contract you currently own:
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
Taken to Leaf Council

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Leaf Approval: Stated Above
Name: Fixed
Banner: Sparta Kicks into the Purple Pool
Class: Checks out on my end.
Bloodline and Kinjutsu: Approved.
User Group: Lookin slick now, son.
Yen Refund: Looking at a total of 54,505 yen from our end. You'll need to sell everything listed above to get the full refund back.
Edit: ASP Refund = 253

Welcome aboard.
Last edited by a moderator:

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
