Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Learning The Past

Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
It was raining like cats and dogs outside, but Karasu wanted to go to the library and check something out. She mentioned to Jirou that they should go read about the past events about the Frost Village. It was on her mind ever since Soku had mentioned the village. She gave them a short version of the events but told them if they wanted to learn more they would have to find the details at the library. So the first thing Karasu wanted to do is head to the library but she was needed elsewhere so she never got the time to go.

Now that she was able to get several things out of the way she finally had the time to go. The rain made it convenient since it allowed her to put off anything else that might come up in daily chores. She got her rain gear on which was a heavy rubber type coat and some rubber style boots that covered her toes. She reached for her umbrella and walked out her home to the tumultuous rain that drowned her once she stepped out of the home. Even with an umbrella which did no good in keeping her dry with the wind that was flapping about. She wondered if this was a bad idea as she continued to walk passing up several other homes before entering the shopping district.

“Sheesh it feels like we are in the Rain Village with the way this rain is pouring.” she said to herself as all she really wanted to do is hurry to get to the library. She saw several shops that were open but were not doing much business due to the rain. The shop owners would look at her as she passed by wondering if she would come in and have a bite to eat to get out of the rain. She waved at them and smiled apologetically. “Sorry not right now.” she said to them as she continued to the library.


She saw the academy in the near distance and knew she was close. The library was within the academy grounds and she knew that they would probably have lots of information on the Frost Village events that took place. Her mind was racing with excitement as she finally reached her destination. She closed her umbrella and shook off the water so it wouldn’t drip all over the library floor before she entered the building. It was nice to be inside. She hoped Jirou and Kashikoi were ok. She left before them and would be expecting them shortly. Karasu hung up her wet cloak and even took her boots off so not track water or mud on the library floors. Afterwards, Karasu looked around and saw the room filled with bookshelves and tables. It was quite large and had two levels. There were a few npc academy students here probably trying to stay out of the rain. She saw an information desk where the academy librarian was sitting doing some filing. Karasu walked up to the information desk.

The lady who was a bit elderly with grey hair that she had in a bun. She had glasses and wore a red sweater and a grey knee length skirt. She smiled at Karasu and said “Hello I see you made it out of the rain. I’m Mrs. Ito the Academy Librarian, how can I help you my dear?” she said smiling. One of her teeth was missing and Karasu tried not to stare at the librarian’s missing tooth. Karasu shook her head to be more present in the moment. She smiled back. “Yes it’s raining like cats and dogs out there. Glad to be out of it for sure. “ she chuckled then resumed speaking. “Yes please, I could use your help. I was wondering if you had any information on the events that took place here in the village against the Frost Village? I’m doing some research and need to look at it.” she asked, waiting for the lady to reply.

The Librarian winced when she heard Karasu mention the Frost Village. “Yes dear I do have information on that horrific event. Please follow me.” Mrs. Ito had led them to a cubicle with a medium sized machine on a table. Karasu knew it to be the library computer where information could be stored. “Here all you have to do is type in what you are looking for and you should get the information to come up here on the computer. If you need any other assistance just let me know. I will be glad to help.” she smiled then went back to her desk. Karasu sat down and typed in Frost Village. Several items about the Frost Village came up on the computer and Karasu started to read on the display monitor.

[WC: 805]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
The next couple of days saw Jirou completing some tasks that he had been putting off for a while. This was a good opportunity to tie up those loose ends before he was to be sent out on an actual mission. It would also give him a chance to research and learn what he could about the events surrounding the Frost village. It was on such a day that they had the opportunity to make their way to the Academy library. Especially since doing anything outdoors was not happening, with the skies having turned grey and it raining with a ferocity reminiscent of the Rain village. Soku had only paraphrased the events in their recent meeting. Jirou knew that if he wanted to learn the details he would need to visit the library and read all the information that was available.

Jirou also realized that he had no umbrella. It looked like he would be running all the way to the Academy library protected from the rain by his rain gear consisting of a water resistant cloak and boots. Kashikoi had his own rain cloak custom made to fit him and Jirou put it on him before they left the house. “Stop squirming so much Kashikoi. Just be glad you don’t have to wear the boots too.” Kashikoi whined but quieted down finally, while Jirou prepared to head out into the rain. Jirou was soon to discover that not having an umbrella was a good thing. The wind was blowing hard and an umbrella would not be able to hold up against the fierce winds. It was still early in the season and he could not recall the last time he had seen such a storm outside of monsoon season.

The trip to the Academy took them longer than usual. While they were passing through the shopping district, Jirou could see several wet and miserable looking shop owners hovering beneath awnings in an effort to stay out of the rain. Many of the counters were empty of their usual wares and several shops had gone to lengths to put up plastic tarpaulins to keep the rain from blowing inside the stores and onto the merchandise. Jirou could hear the tarpaulins blowing back and forth as the wind threatened to tear them apart with its continued buffeting. Jirou waved to the ramen shop owner who beckoned him over inviting him to come warm himself with a bowl of hot ramen. Jirou shook his head and explained with a sympathetic smile, “I will stop in afterwards. I am on my way to the Academy library to do some research. Save us two bowls if you could please.” The ramen shop owner nodded and gave him a firm clap on the back splashing water from his rain cloak in the process.

The rest of the trip to the Academy library was uneventful and the pair made steady progress through the rain sodden streets. Puddles were forming in the streets and the area just before the library was one great puddle. It reminded him a bit of when Sensei Nao had flooded the Academy after their water walking class. Those were good times that seemed like a very long time ago and he had to smile at the memory. Jirou and Kashikoi waded through the ankle deep puddle and climbed the stairs to the Academy library. They both entered the library with relief to be inside and out of the rain. Jirou took off the wet rain cloak and rain boots that were covering his regular boots. There were hooks along the wall where they could hang up the very wet rain gear. After hanging his rain gear on an empty hook, Jirou turned his attention to Kashikoi and removed his wet raincoat hanging it up on the empty hook beside where he had just hung up his rain gear. Kashikoi’s feet were muddy and soaked and Jirou stepped back away from him as he gave a good shake to shake the water and mud from his coat. A few NPC students looked over glaring as the mud and water traveled farther than Jirou had thought possible. Looking embarrassed, Jirou apologized and the pair made their way to the front desk where the librarian sat her nose buried in a newspaper. “This way Kashikoi. We can ask the librarian where we can find the information we are looking for.” There was a cup of tea on the desk set to one side. As they approached the desk the librarian, an older woman with graying hair and spectacles perched halfway down her angular nose, looked at them over her glasses and asked. “What can I do for you today?”

Jirou approached the desk and answered her, “Good afternoon. I am Raijin Jirou and this is Kashikoi. It is good to meet you. I was sent by Soku and told that I would be able to find all the information that is available about what happened in the Frost village. I would like to research the events and people involved and would very much appreciate it if you would guide me to where I can find this information.” While listening to the boy the librarian took a sip from her tea cup, a frown crossing her face when he mentioned the Frost village. That was the second person today that wanted to dredge up those old files. Was there an assignment she was not aware of? Setting the cup down gingerly on the saucer she answered the boy, “In fact you are the second person today who has asked to see what I have on the Frost village.” Standing up she emerges from behind her desk and motions for the pair to follow her, “I am Hina Ito-san and if you will please follow me I will show you to the section of the library where those files are located. In fact the other person may even still be there, seeing as she arrived not very long before you and your ‘animal’.” Based on the tone in the way that said the word ‘animal’ it was clear that she did not approve of animals being inside the library especially when she followed up by saying, “Please make sure that your dog does not get the scrolls and books wet. Some of them are very old and require great care in handling.” Jirou nodded and replied to her, “Kashikoi is very well trained and we will be careful.” Hina Ito-san replied curtly looking down at him over her glasses, “Quite so. Much like the students who received a shower when you first entered the library.” She opened the door to the room where there was a medium sized computer set up on a table, “You will need to share the computer, but everything that we have on the Frost village is right here for you to research. There is also a microfiche machine over here that you can also use to read the documents that are available on this subject. The Hokage doesn’t seem to think that having more than one computer is a necessary expense. I have been trying to get at least two more computers for what seems like ages.” The librarian sighs in frustration adding, “I will be back at the front desk should you be in need of further assistance.”

Jirou nodded to the woman. He had noticed that she was missing a front tooth, but he knew that it would not be polite to stare or draw attention to it. The librarian didn’t miss a thing and he had to wonder if that was her superpower. He apologized to her adding, “Thank you very much. We will be careful.” Hina Ito-san huffed and exited the room clearly annoyed that the storm had brought so many into the sanctity of her normally quiet domain. Jirou had already suspected when the librarian had said that a girl had arrived not long before him asking for the same information that it was very likely Karasu who was here as well. She had mentioned to them earlier that she would be going to the library. He had told her that he would be making his way there as well. This was confirmed when he entered the room and saw Karasu there already poring over the monochrome computer screen. Jirou smiled glad that he had not arrived too late and missed her. Since there was only one computer, Jirou would see what he could learn from the microfiche machine first. He greets Karasu and says to her, “That is some storm outside. Maybe we can research together and compare our findings. I will start with the microfiche machine while you continue researching on the computer if you like. That librarian really doesn’t miss anything. No wonder the students have referred to her as Eagle-eyed Ito.” He takes his notebook and a pen from his pouch while he waits for her to reply.

[WC: 1495]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank


With the Tournaments going on, and free access to Leaf, Ziren had acquired yet another realistic full body disguise from an out of the fire country black market vendor and worn it. They say curiosity is a dangerous thing, and the want of knowledge is just as bad. But Ziren wants to know. Was he written off in Leaf history as a dead man, or branded a traitor? He had sent an urgent message out to Leaf right before he his fight that ultimately led to him ending up in a coma. He then woke up two years after the incident. Realistically, it is possible that they thought of him as dead since his last known location that the Leaf ninja knew of him was that of Water.

With his disguise, he looked like a man in his early thirties, pale, small, but visible scars on his face. The hair was brown and medium length for a man. He had colored eye contacts to make his eye color green. He wore attire that would indicate that he was of high social status, all fit with a suit and tie, to indicate that he was a business worker on the high end of the business work, since this disguise came with trying to look classy, but humble at the same time. The suit's sleeves would go all the way down to the wrists of the disguised hands. Gloves covering the disguised hands as well. Nothing that had shown Ziren's true identity was made as an accessory or a hint to who this mystery man was. His life in the ANBU branch had taught him that one can never be too careful, and to cover all of your plans with back up plans, and those with back up plans as well. Basically, impossible to really tell that the disguise is a disguise by sensing chakra, since it wasn't a transformation jutsu.

Briefcase in hands, using it as a cover to keep his head dry in the rain, he ran into the library. Wiping off the water at the wet welcome mat, provided, he listened for any blood flows. Four. Of course, he first met the librarian. She gave him a friendly smile, then said, "Hello, are you also here to learn about the history with the conflicts with Frost?" Now that was a surprise to Ziren. The young now learning about the conflicts with Frost. To really think that a new generation of people have come around without knowing all the knitty gritty things that Ziren had to learn first hand.

He shook his head, "Something similar, you can say that. It is important to remember the past, and those that have passed away, along with not forgive those who have done wrong." He spoke with nothing but truth, since it has been a while. Would other names come up as well? The crew that was so mischievous, which side were they written on? And then there was Migoya and his failed coup. Ziren understands why they did what they did. But the effect was that the kids got that radio frequency and died repeating it. That was something he didn't really like. They're dead and Migoya and whatever is left of his people are not. It just seemed so backwards.

He could see the sadness in the woman's eyes, an indication that she understood the tone of pain in his voice, as she let him go further into the library. As he headed further inside, he saw a guy, a girl, and a dog. These were the other three blood flows that he was hearing. Making himself known to them with a simple cough. Once that was done, he would give a bow of respect to the younger ninja and canine and spoke, "Hello, didn't know that I wasn't going to be the only one here. Name's Amaro. I heard that others were reading up on the history of Frost? I lived through that grisly time here, though that isn't the reason that I'm here. I was going to read through the names of those whom passed away, and the traitor ninjas. To remember and pray that those who have passed on, did so peacefully, and that to remember the names who took advantage of the war to attack a well known and respected Sennin."
Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
Karasu sat down where the computer was. She watched as the librarian went back to her desk. The newly minted Jounin had dived in adding in the search bar for the Frost Event. She needed to know what happened and why so that she could be better prepared just in case such a thing happened again. There was no saying if it would prepare her but Karasu knew that what happened with the Frost had left a definite impact on the Leaf Village and it was not something to be proud of. So many things went wrong and Karasu needed to find out how and why it happened. Soku only gave her a very short summary of what happened. There had been massive loss and also a kidnapping of a well respected Sennin of the time. She needed to understand how those events could have happened. Especially now that she was in the Diplomat position. Learning from the past to prevent the same outcomes in the future was her personal mission. She wanted to make sure she could do anything to prevent harm to the village and save lives.

Karasu was peering through the details about the Frost on the computer when she thought she heard someone familiar. She glanced up to see Jirou and Kashikoi with the Librarian. The old lady seemed to be complaining about not enough computers. Once the Librarian went back to her desk, Karasu smiled at her fellow Jounin and friend. She patted Kashikoi on the head. “Hey boy” she said to him in a low tone so not to disturb anyone else in the library. She looked up at Jirou who suggested they do research together and compare findings. “That sounds like a great idea. I haven’t found much yet but i just really started. There’s a lot of questions that seem to not be answered, but hopefully with the two of us we can find the answers.” She saw their wet clothes and chuckled “Yep that storm out there is a doozy. I am glad that we are inside nice and warm. I nearly got swept away from the storm not to mention the heavy rain. I really didn’t plan for a swim.” she laughed then looked to Mrs Ito to make sure she wasn’t being loud.

Karasu motioned for Jirou to pull up a chair and sit beside her. She looked at him and said “I think it’s important not only how the Frost got into the village but what was their true motivation. Was it to kidnap the Sennin only and cause chaos or were they trying to find something else, maybe some sensitive information that only the Sennin knew?” she said then paused. “I also would like to know what happened leading up to the event as well. Maybe there are some signs that may have been overlooked or misunderstood. It isn’t to cause blame of course, it’s to learn so we can prevent anything like this in the future.”

As she was talking to Jirou and looking up info on the computer, a man greeted them and asked if they were here to learn about the conflicts with the Frost Village. Karasu turned around to see a man in his thirties with brown medium length hair and green eyes. He wore a suit and tie which Karasu wondered if he was a businessman. She never saw him before and was suspicious at first wondering how he knew they were researching the Frost, before coming to the conclusion that he may have just overheard Jirou asking the librarian about it. “Hello and yes we are doing some research to learn how the event unfolded and why it happened.” she said then heard the man mention something that sounded like a quote. Karasu nodded to the man.

The man said his name was Amaro and told them that he had lived through the events that took place with the Frost Village. Karasu’s eyes widened thinking they could learn from this guy much better than just reading about it on the computer. Amaro mentioned he was here to read through the names of those who passed including traitors which Karasu raised an eyebrow to that little fact. Then nodded understanding that the man may not forgive the ones that did harm. She understood that feeling all too well. It was hard for her to forgive those that killed her mother and treated her father and herself like vermin that needed to be destroyed. She did think it was strange that Amaro had come to the library seeking similar info that she and Jirou were. It could all be a coincidence but usually she found that coincidences don’t happen quite often when one’s a Shinobi. She decided to see what this man knew, maybe get some insight on the situation and the guy.

“Hello sir nice to meet you. I am Karasu, a Jounin here in the Leaf. I wasn’t around when the Frost attacked. I just recently heard about it and felt it was important to understand everything that happened. “ she looked at the man with sympathy before asking “Can you tell us what happened? I’m sure your own words would be far more knowledgeable than a report on a computer.” she smiled at him hoping that Amaro would appease them by telling them his account of the time. “Why did the Frost infiltrate the Leaf? Was there something that led up to the infiltration, maybe some hostilities or skirmishes before? There seems to be many questions that don’t have answers so we were hoping that you can answer that for us.” She looked expectantly at Amaro waiting for a reply.

[WC: 949]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
Jirou nodded towards Karasu and took a seat at the next table over. It was time to get down to the business of going through the documents on the events surrounding the Frost village. He wanted to learn what he could to prevent such a loss from happening again. As he heard Karasu mention the storm he nodded in agreement, “I know. I didn’t realize just how long it would take to clean up our room. Kashikoi can be really messy. I wanted to get here sooner but I had to finish cleaning up. I hope this doesn’t mean that monsoon season is starting early. Anyway I am going to start reviewing the documents on this machine. I will let you know if I find anything that might explain the Frost village’s actions.” It wasn’t enough to just see names on a page of those he had never met and would never meet. Jirou wanted to understand the motives behind the Frost village’s actions. He hoped that the reports would give him some clue as to the why behind the actions.

There was a large microfiche machine on the next table over. Threading the microfiche into the machine Jirou started reading the documents for some clue as to what actually led the Frost village to infiltrate the Leaf village. What were they hoping to accomplish anyway? These were questions that needed answering as he began the laborious task of reading through the documents. This was definitely going to take a while. While he was reviewing the documents he came across a very curious part and he had to speak up about it. “Did Asuka the current Hokage actually wear bright red during this? What was she even thinking?” Jirou writes down in his notebook to make sure that all people on a mission understand what they should be wearing on missions of this nature. ‘Bright red was the first mistake.’

Reading through the reports was painful as Jirou settled in before the microfiche monitor. He read through them several times looking for the reason behind the mission and the actions that led up to it. Who was the sennin and what did they want with him? While he read he was filled with even more questions than answers about the events. He lets out a groan of frustration causing Kashikoi to look up at him, “I know boy. I wish there was someone who was there that we can speak to about what happened with the Frost village. This is not really explaining all that happened.”

Jirou had been intently poring over the pages as he scrolled the microfiche slowly through the machine when he heard the voice of someone else speaking to the librarian. Turning towards the man when he said that his name was Amaro and he had actually lived through that very time that they found themselves researching, Jirou listened to what he had to say. This could not be a coincidence. He was here to “... read through the names of those who passed away, and the traitor ninjas. To remember and pray that those who have passed on, did so peacefully, and that to remember the names who took advantage of the war to attack a well known and respected Sennin. That was what he said and Jirou now gazed intently at this man before asking him, “I am Raijin Jirou and this is Kashikoi. I am a new Jounin and Journeyman for the Leaf village. The Frost village has been brought to my attention and I am here to learn what I can about the events that led up to it and how we might be able to avoid the mistakes of the past. It is my belief that only by knowing the history and the mistakes made that we can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Would you mind telling us your viewpoint about what happened? I would very much like to understand the details behind the events so that I can learn the lessons from the past. The records just give me more questions than answers. It would be helpful to hear from someone who was actually there and a witness to the events.”

The fact was that the documents were woefully inadequate. There were gaps and the events that happened were not at all clear. This was not how Jirou would do things. He was detailed and appreciated how a report should be filled out with a summary of the events that transpired. As far as he was concerned the arrival of Amaro presented him with the opportunity to interview a witness who was actually present during the events in question. Jirou would have no way of knowing that the man was in disguise and that the man now speaking to them was in fact involved as more than just a 'witness'. Jirou had not been around during these events and several of those involved were now only names on a page to him. This prompted him to ask Amaro, “How did you happen to witness the events in question? Were you a Shinobi back then?” While Jirou was speaking he was getting the man’s scent from the air and committing it to his memory. Scent did not lie and he watched and listened for what Amaro had to say. Apparently Kashikoi had the same idea since he approached the man and attempted to sniff his hand. The man’s reaction to Kashikoi would speak volumes and he watched for the reaction of Amaro. Jirou knew that as a newly minted Jounin he could not be too careful. He had never seen this man in the village before and he could not help but wonder about the suit. He looked like a businessman and yet he was there during the events of the Frost village. There were several questions that Jirou had that needed answering. This was not just a happy coincidence presenting itself to him. Jirou wanted to learn all that he could about both the Frost village and the businessman known as Amaro.

[WC: 1014]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened to their blood flows to get a feel for them, and if he is right on that one of them is an Inuzuka, what with the dog companion, they are also probably getting a feel of him to. Karasu and Raijin Jirou. And the dog's name was Kashikoi. They all seemed eager to learn what Ziren knows. He was aware of the dog nearing him, probably smelling him. A dog's sense of smell is way stronger than that of a humans. His training's in the ANBU branch had taught him to keep a cool head and have a hold of the situation to not show any weakness. Ziren calmly spoke as the dog would smell him.

He nodded to Jirou's question of if he was a shinobi back then. "Yeah. I was an aspiring Chunin, but after certain events that took place in Leaf, irrelevant than that of the Frost, I lost the will to fight to kill." Another hint of him knowing of the coup that had happened in Leaf. And from his earlier inquiries, talking of traitors, the duo obviously didn't know the whole story of what had happened in Leaf during that time, hell, he doesn't even know all the knitty gritty details, of why Frost did what they did or who else was part of Migoya's coup or anything other extra. "Regrettably, I still don't know why Frost wanted a bone to pick with Leaf. But as for the infiltrations, I do remember a Main Branch meeting, in which Yu Kenshin, a previous Main Branch Sennin, had gathered everyone to talk about one of the Sennin's being kidnapped. Specifically, the ANBU Sennin. No name was disclosed, mainly because they were ANBU, but to think of the Frost having such intelligence on them, whether they knew who they had or not, was a scary thing to think about. Not knowing if the person next to you was a spy from Frost or not. Of always having to look over your shoulders."

His feelings on the talk of Frost gave a certain edge in his voice thinking back on those dark times. It wasn't hurt, or fear, no. It was anger. They threatened Leaf, and now they have gone silent over the years. He doesn't know if they were really handled or not. But even now, as he is uncertain of how the Village even thinks of him, he would protect Leaf against the likes such as the Frost or similar enemies.

(ooc note: Speaking of this meeting right here)
Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
Karasu looked on patiently to hear what Amaro had to say on the questions she asked. She turned to Jirou as he spoke, introducing himself and retelling what they learned from Soku on the Frost Village. Just like Karasu, Jirou wanted to learn as much as he could from the well dressed man as well. So far what they have learned on the computer was really inadequate. There have been many holes in the reports and it just left them with more questions than answers. Karasu studied the man trying to get a feel for him. She still had some suspicions with him all of a sudden wanting to dig up the same information that they were. Those kinds of coincidences always trigger an alert within Karasu. She is naturally skeptical especially with people she doesn’t know. Still she would listen to the man and give him the benefit of the doubt but mentally analyze anything he says to see if it adds up right to the little facts she already knows.

She watched as Kashikoi started to sniff around, probably getting the man’s scent. She smiled inside knowing that Jirou and Kashikoi most likely had the same feeling that she had about Amaro. After Jirou asked his questions, Karasu sat back and listened hoping that Amaro could fill them in on everything or enough that could give them some sense of understanding. Amaro started off by mentioning that he was an aspiring Chuunin, but left after certain events in the Leaf that were not related to the Frost Village incident. He said he lost his will to fight. This raised a red flag in Karasu’s mind. ‘Why did he stop being a Shinobi?’ Her father was crippled by bandits but was also a Shinobi at one time. Even though physically he would not be able to go on missions, he still had the instinct and drive of a Shinobi. So what would make this man change his whole life. It didn’t make sense.

Karasu continued to listen, not interrupting the man as he spoke. Karasu frowned when she heard Amaro say that he had no idea on why the Frost targeted the Leaf. ‘Was this a dead end too?’ Karasu sighed as her shoulders sagged in disbelief but then suddenly perked up as Amaro mentioned a Main Branch meeting in which a previous Sennin had detailed the information about the kidnapped Sennin. Karasu listened intently. She had a photographic memory which always came in handy when she needed to recall certain things. The Sennin who was kidnapped was ANBU, but Amaro said there was no name disclosed. She agreed that it would make sense since ANBU were known for being anonymous, even having code names instead of their real names. She even knew they had a secret language as well. Karasu had an offer to enter the ANBU but decided on a more diplomatic path which coincided with her goals for the future. As Amaro continued to speak, Karasu thought about how the Frost could have gotten the information on the ANBU Sennin. It appeared there clearly was a leak of some sort and she agreed with Amaro that it would make anyone in the Leaf nervous not knowing who was a spy or not. It was dangerous and could easily unravel a village.

“Maybe that was the point.” she told Amaro. “If making the enemy feel self conscious and even afraid of having been compromised that alone could be used to the enemies advantage somehow. Obviously it worked and that’s how they easily infiltrated the village.” Karasu put her fingers on her chin thinking without saying anything for a good moment. “Do you know if the ANBU Sennin was ever was recovered? Also was the previous Main Branch Sennin Yu Kenshin in charge of the operation to rescue and protection of the village? Also I wonder if anyone tracked the kidnapped Sennin’s last whereabouts before he was kidnapped?” There were still more questions she had and wasn’t sure if Amaro would have the answers to her questions at all. This was all in the past and many have died and could not tell her what she needed to know.

Everything she heard was to protect the village and prepare for any attempt that may try to repeat what the Frost Village so expeditiously and successfully did. She knew the Leaf Village was able to combat the Frost, but it took a lot out of them and no one had mentioned if there was a recovery of the ANBU Sennin. She also didn’t know what info the Frost was able to get if they tortured the Sennin. ANBU of course would have trained to make sure their members were trained to prevent from revealing anything if captured. Still when someone gets broken down so badly it is possible that all that training was for not. She knew it could happen to the best of them. She did wonder if there was a traitor in the Leaf then and could be residing in the village still. It would be a needle in a haystack to try and find with the only suspicion is the person who was telling them what they wanted to know. It was important to keep a cool head and think things over. There was still so much that is unknown and may be lost forever unless something miraculously shows up.

[WC: 904]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
Jirou was watching the reaction to Kashikoi’s investigation of Amaro, especially curious to see just how Amaro reacted when Kashikoi would attempt to smell the private areas on Amaro. Maintaining one’s composure was especially difficult when faced with canine frisking. Up until this point it appeared as though Amaro was holding his composure. That might change shortly however. Jirou was especially interested when Amaro told them that he was an aspiring chunin and after certain events in the village he simply lost the will to fight or kill. This was something that Jirou had trouble understanding. One did not simply stop being a shinobi. Jirou wanted to know more about just what events would cause one to lose the will to fight and essentially turn their back on being a Shinobi.

“What were the events that caused you to lose the will to fight? Being a Shinobi is not just a job that one does for eight hours a day and then goes home and forgets about until the next day. We train and work hard knowing that the job of protecting the village continues day and night. This is our life. We have made a commitment to live and die protecting the village. Death is as much a part of our lives as Shinobi as breathing is. It is something that we must face everyday. After these events that you mention having happened in the Leaf village, did you stop being a Shinobi then and leave the village or do you still live in the village? I am fairly certain that the current Hokage might know of you, since you were present at the meeting with other Shinobi. You will not mind then if I ask for your documents to confirm your identity and also request verification?” Jirou had recalled seeing the current Hokage’s name and also Soku among several other names that he did not recognize in the information that he had read through so far. He was also aware that the tournament was still going on and since this man was a Shinobi, he could have taken advantage of the crowds to enter the village unchecked. Jirou was bothered by the fact that his statements so far were raising several alerts within his mind. With a growing sense that there was more to this man than a simple businessman paying his respects, Jirou was not taking any chances when it came to the safety of the Leaf village. This is why Jirou would put in a call to the Hokage’s office requesting verification of Amaro, “Raijin Jirou here. I need someone to verify a man calling himself Amaro. I have just requested his documents. He has stated that he was an aspiring chunin during the time of the Frost village incident and lost the will to fight after several incidents occurred in the Leaf village. I am currently speaking with him here in the library.”

Jirou was serious and he held out a hand expecting to be handed the documents for review. While he waited for the documents, Jirou asked Amaro about the Sennin who had been abducted. Jirou wanted to keep him talking while he waited for someone to arrive who could verify Amaro’s identity, “Would you happen to know what became of the Sennin who was abducted? The documents I have been reviewing are sadly inadequate and missing several details. You stated earlier that you are a ‘businessman’. What exactly is your current line of work and where are you residing currently?” Jirou really could not understand just what had to have happened for Amaro to lose the will to fight. Was this a missing nin standing before him and being subjected to frisking by Kashikoi? Was he one of the traitors that had been mentioned in the reports? “The Frost village incident is already several years in the past. Since you were present for the meeting that was called, what role were you assigned? Who were your teammates? Do you know what became of them?”

Jirou had many questions with a growing suspicion gnawing at his stomach. Looking at the screen Jirou could find no reference to the meeting that Amaro mentioned. This was something that led him to believe that Amaro knew far more about the events in question than he was letting on. His demeanor was composed and calm. Almost too calm Jirou thought as though he was trying to keep himself from saying too much. As far as Jirou was concerned Amaro was still a Shinobi. Amaro had already confirmed that he had Shinobi training at least up to chunin level. Perhaps even more since several years had elapsed since the events of the Frost village. As such he needed to be dealt with cautiously until more was known. Jirou could not let his guard down. He was responsible for assuring the safety of the Leaf village and making sure that another incident such as the Frost village didn’t happen. Jirou took this responsibility seriously, his eyes fixed on Amaro.

Jirou could see that Kashikoi was attempting to become uncomfortably close to Amaro. Jirou waited to see the reactions to the wolf with no sense of privacy. He wondered how long Amaro would be able to keep up his stoic calm under the continued frisking. Any sudden moves and Kashikoi might just lunge into Amaro teeth bared. Kashikoi was very intuitive and knew when something seemed off, which is very likely why he was in the process of doing his own interrogation of Amaro besides committing his scent to memory. Jirou was certainly glad that he was not the one being interrogated by Kashikoi. It was however quite amusing to watch the disconcerting invasion of privacy that would be taking place if left unchecked by Amaro. He looked over towards Karasu having heard her own questioning directed at Amaro. Jirou could not help but notice as Amaro spoke about the events of the Frost village that there was a distinct edge in Amaro’s voice. This told him that there was even more to what Amaro knew. The man before them was holding back and Jirou wanted to know what he knew and what he was holding back from telling them.

[WC: 1039]
[Requesting Hokage for verification]​

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
"I'm right here for crying out loud." Asuka spoke right on top of them, laying down on top of one of the bookshelfs a thick blue opened leather book in her hands. She sighed as she leaned back her head to look at the group. "For Shinobi you certainly miss the point on covering all your bases. It kind of makes me think I need to bring back the forest of death camps to increase that environmental awareness." Asuka thought for a second. "Although thinking about the paperwork for lost limbs makes me want to barf....." She giggled slamming the book shut, turning on her stomach as she looked down on them. "First off, the kidnapped ANBU in question is fine. Maki is still part of the Shinobi forces and even though he has a certain knack for being a douche, there won't be meteors falling on your face anytime soon." She used her hands on her cheeks as she continued.

"To answer your question Karasu. Frost always had a bad blood with Leaf since time immemorial but after their village got ransacked by the literal ice age there forces diminished and they were thought extinct. That is until Maki, the ANBU sennin at the time, got captured and tortured by them. A rescue team was set up and he was successfully brought back." She stopped taking out a seal, with a puff of smoke it was replaced with a cup of tea. "Frost did try to infiltrate but they failed. There was a couple of groups trying different tactics but all were stopped by Leaf Shinobi. The Main Branch, under the rule of Yuu Kenshin was assigned the defense of the gates and the walls surrounding the village." She took another sip. "The head jounin, yours truly, coordinated with the teams and we were able to hold them off." Asuka gave a sigh, scratching the back of her head as she took another sip, man those were dark times. "Unfortunately, while we were dealing with that.... missing nin, unrelated to frost, infiltrated the village and attacked Kenshin... almost killing him. At the same time, a group of imbeciles saw the opportunity to try and spread misinformation around.... all well dealt with accordingly... at a great cost might I add." She took a big sip. God she wished this was Sake at the moment. "Maki was tortured and took time to recover, his random meteors weren't helping at all. Kenshin was on the brink of death and decided to retire shortly afterwards, god knows where he is now. People died, Leaf survived." She gave a warm smile, it wasn't the whole story but it was the short version of it all. "Before you ask any questions though." She turned her head towards the individual named Amaro.

"I am more interested about your little butt." She giggled, her smile clearly sent threatening signs all over the place. "You see. Most of all the people in the frost fiasco have either died or disappeared from the face of the earth yet you seem to know a whole lot about it. Not only that, but you can specifically recall the meeting that was set up exclusively to the main branch about the defense plan which was supposed to be confidential mind you, and we shinobi take that very seriously. " Her smiled widened "Funny thing is, I am what people think of me. Immature, idiot, prankster, carefree Hokage. Heck, there's a reason I still keep Takeshi around... do need the seriousness to slap me on the face. But what thing that has never failed me is my memory. I have one loooooonnggg and detailed memory." A dark aura appeared around Asuka as she giggled. "What's even funnier is that I was head jounin at the time yet for the love of me I can not recall of a Leaf Shinobi named Amaro.... so yeah. Why are you fraudulently calling yourself a Leaf Shinobi?"

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
He heard the blood flow, but didn't react to it. It was familiar, but not at the same time. He was about to start answering the two shinobi's questions to the best of his capabilities, when the person belonging the other blood flow made themselves known. Uchiha Asuka, the Fifth Hokage. She seemed to have more knowledge on the whole situation. Maki was alive? Well that was good, he hasn't heard much about him after that meeting about Frost. And she touched on the assassination attempt on Kenshin, saying a group of imbeciles were spreading false information, but left out a big fact about these imbeciles.

She then called him out of saying that she doesn't know of any Amaro and that he shouldn't be fraudulently calling himself a Leaf Shinobi. A sad smile, they say curiosity was a dangerous thing, and the want of knowledge is just as bad. He seemed to have painted himself into a corner. There seemed to be no other way around it. "I'm sorry Asuka for dragging you into this." He pulled off the mask to show his real face.


The first that they would all see is that there was blue hair, he still wore the colored eye contacts to hide the fact that he was a Chigokai. "Heya, Asuka, long time no see. Congrat on making it to Hokage." He then turned to the two Jounin and bowed, "I do ought to say that you two are very sharp. Leaf is good to have such ninja." With a sigh, and a slight pause, he then spoke. "My name is Chigokai Ziren. The Leaf Medical Chief during the war with Frost. I had went out on a mission to Water Country to deal with an old enemy of mine once and for all, someone separate from Frost and the coup in Leaf. I had sent a message out to Leaf of my whereabouts before I went to battle. I killed him, at the cost of me going into a coma for a long time. Impossible, yes. But the only thing that had kept me alive was because I was a Dark Sage at the time, and they have an innate ability to constantly suck the life force of everything around them. It was that, that kept me barely hanging on. After I awoke, I had heard from numerous sources the things that had happened in Leaf. And there was something after I had heard of all these accounts that made me wonder who I am to Leaf. Did they think of me as dead, for not returning from one of the most dangerous places in the world? Did they think of me as part of Migoya's coup, the other Medical Chief who was part of the coup? And then there was the thought that Leaf had sent nobody to even to try and find me."

The time after he woke up was a dark time indeed. "Let's rewind a bit, Jriou-san, you are right that death is a part of everyday life of a shinobi, but one must still have their humanity. I've killed for this Village. They say, it gets easier after a while. But not me. I think of every time I kill someone, their dreams, ideals, what makes them, them. All of that gone, because of me. Even so, I did that on a regular basis. Until one day, an idiot called Uchiha Nitish died. He was a kid, a teenager, and he was trying to go missing. Yes, he turned traitor the moment he decided to leave the Village, but he was still a kid. That's when something in me has changed. Changed further when after I woke up from my coma to learning from multiple sources another thing. The group of imbeciles, the Hokage mentioned, were kids too. From my understanding, only one or two of Migoya's goons were killed, whereas the children were all wiped out. That's what ultimately changed my outlook on what is a shinobi. People that had targeted and almost killed a Sennin got off nearly scot free, and kids that were spreading false information got it worst than the traitors."

He looked at all of them, studying their faces and their blood flows. "I came back, playing with fire, wanting to know the truth. I sacrificed a lot for this Village. I sure as hell know I wasn't a good role model to look up to, But my heart was in the right place. I just want to know what the Village thought of me as, dead, just a tool, or a traitor, during all the madness that has happened during the Frost war. Once you tell me Asuka, I'll leave in peace, orr if you want to make a deal before I take my leave, we can talk."

(OOC note: this is before Ziren is ultimately changed. So yeah, he is a chigokai/ghost walker in this thread, blue hair, pale skin, wearing the same colored eye contacts as in the first post of this topic)
Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
Karasu had so many questions because nothing really added up. She could tell Jirou had many as well. He started asking Amaro several questions including telling him how he feels about being a Shinobi and what he has come across. Karasu agreed with Jirou. It was hard to understand someone losing the will to be a Shinobi when being a Shinobi was really for life. Every Shinobi knows the duties and that death can follow anytime for them. So to suddenly say that one has lost the will was a bit jarring. She continued to listen as Jirou mentioned that Lady Fifth may have known him since Amaro said he was a Shinobi at that time. With all the questions Jirou asked one was due to his suspicions of the man. He asked him for documents while calling for the Hokage to verify the man. A smirk fell on her face as she looked at Amaro waiting for a response.

"I'm right here for crying out loud." said a voice so sudden that Karasu just about jumped. Either the Hokage was able to appear at will anywhere or she was in the library all along. She was right on top of them laying on top of the bookshelves. She doubted she was here from the start, Karasu or even Jirou and Kashikoi would have sensed her, but either way Lady Fifth was quick in response but what would Karasu expect Asuka was the Hokage and very powerful. Nothing really surprised the young Jounin. She has seen many with such unique abilities that were amazing. Lady Fifth got right into the conversation as if she was here the whole time. Karasu listened and was fascinated. It appeared that the kidnapped ANBU Sennin was named Maki. Lady Fifth mentioned that the Frost always had bad blood between the Leaf for a long time but their village was destroyed by an ice age that people ended up thinking the Frost Village was extinct until the incident where the ANBU Sennin was kidnapped and tortured by them.

Karasu just sat in her seat taking it all in. She would glance at Jirou every once in a while before looking back at Lady Fifth. Asuka followed up saying that the Leaf had successfully rescued the ANBU Sennin. Lady Fifth continued on saying that the Frost indeed tried to infiltrate the village but they failed because the Leaf Shinobi had stopped them. Lady Fifth told them that the Main Branch was under Yuu Kenshin at the time and was assigned the defense of the gates while Lady Fifth was the Head Jounin who coordinated teams which were able to hold the Frost off. Karasu was feeling proud as she continued to listen to what had happened. Asuka mentioned that missing nin which was unrelated to the Frost infiltration ended up attacking the Main Branch Sennin, almost killing him. Karasu listened intently while also writing some things down. The Hokage also mentioned that some people which Lady Fifth called imbeciles ended up spreading misinformation around. The young Jounin understood it was a very trying time with everything happening all at once. She was glad that the Leaf was able to combat all the events successfully though the village suffered with many deaths but the most important thing is that the village survived and she was able to be here because of those that fought and paid with their lives. Which was the duty of a Shinobi. This information was better than any report that they read. A lot of the missing details were finally answered. She was grateful for Lady Fifth for filling them in on some crucial missing details. Karasu looked up at Lady Fifth. “Imbeciles? Who were they and what misinformation were they spreading?” Now the attention of the Hokage switched from the events with the Frost Village to the man at the center, Amaro.

Karasu watched as Lady Fifth told them that most of the people in the Frost incident have either died or disappeared, but seemed surprised that Amaro knew a lot that happened including being part of an exclusive confidential Main Branch meeting which detailed the defense plan of the Leaf Village. Karasu looked at Amaro as she listened to Lady Fifth. She wondered this too and that is why Jirou had called for verification. This man knew so much of the events that took place and they needed some answers on why that was. Lady Fifth continued talking about how she is viewed by people mentioning being immature, idiot, prankster and carefree. Karasu never thought of Lady Fifth as an idiot. She was far from it. Karasu was always amused by the Hokage even if she had some unusual ways of doing things. She never questioned her abilities as a Shinobi. She really looked up to Lady Fifth and though she was no prankster she did enjoy the Hokage’s carefree attitude because it made her feel even she can let loose once in a while and not be so serious all the time. It made her feel refreshed and energized. So she thinks of Lady Fifth as an inspiration.

Lady Fifth went on to say that the one thing that has never failed with her was her memory and that she never once heard of a Leaf Shinobi named Amaro. Karasu looked at Amaro with a bit of a stunned reaction. ‘Who was he?’ Karasu wondered. To think he had the nerve to act as if he was part of the village and interact with them like nothing had happened. He had all this knowledge that they themselves were seeking. Karasu’s demeanor got far more serious. Waiting to see what the man named Amaro would say or do. It all came down to this. Would they fight him or was there a convenient explanation that he had. She waited to hear knowing that if the answer was not what Lady Fifth accepted this could be very bad for Amaro.

Karasu looked on at Amaro when he suddenly apologized to Lady Fifth. He pulled off a mask showing his real face. Gone was the brown hair replaced by now flowing blue hair. Karasu blinked but for some reason this was not as much of a surprise. She was already suspicious of the man from the start so for him to reveal his true face was more due to the Hokage calling him out. She knew he was trapped in a corner so it was either reveal or fight. The man congratulated Lady Fifth on being named Hokage then turned to Karasu and Jirou, telling them they were very sharp and that Leaf is good to have such ninja. He finally revealed his true name which was Chigokai Ziren. He told them that he was the leaf Medical Chief during the war with the Frost but at the time had to gone out on a separate mission to the Water Country to deal with an old enemy. He killed the enemy but was left in a coma. It was only his ability as a Dark Sage that kept him alive. When he awoke he had many things on his mind to sort out including his involvement with the Leaf Village. She had heard of the surname Chigokai before knowing that the clan used their own blood as an ability for attacking enemies. She had never encountered one but she had heard of them through others. They were supposed to have red eyes but Karasu didn’t see any red eyes on Ziren. She figured he must have changed the color somehow to not be noticed. Karasu listened, not weighing in on his comments until she heard enough. She learned from Ziren that the other Medical Chief was part of the coup on the Leaf Village. He wondered if the Leaf thought him dead or a traitor because they sent no one after him. Karasu spoke up. “Maybe because so much has happened with the Leaf that if you actually sent a message it may have not been received. Remember the Leaf had a lot of things happen all at once. Certain whereabouts of one Shinobi was the furthest on their mind. They had to deal with what was happening in the village. Priority is what takes place here if what you said is true. As a Shinobi you should know this already. It doesn’t mean you weren’t important, it meant that there were other things to deal with and the village took urgency before anything else. Again it’s possible the message you sent never came, so it is possible they thought you were dead. “

She listened as Ziren spoke to Jirou answering some of his questions he had earlier. He talked about how killing was not getting easier for him. Karasu knew that killing is never easy at all, but it is a necessary thing if one is to survive in this cruel world. “Killing should never be for the fun of it but to prevent a far more worse situation later. Killing those that do you or the village harm is about protecting what is valuable to the Leaf. Which is everyone that resides in this village. Homes can be rebuilt but a life can’t. Especially an innocent life which is part of this village. We are here to protect the future generations. “

Ziren also mentioned an incident where a teenage Shinobi was going to leave the village. Ziren never said if he was the one who killed the young Shinobi but it did have an effect on him. Karasu herself was only fifteen and the thought of her leaving the village was repulsive. She owed her life to the village and will forever be grateful. So she really didn’t have any sympathy because the Shinobi was so young. She never wishes for anyone’s death and would prevent it if she could. She looked at Ziren and said “It is sad that the young Shinobi had to die but it is drilled into us at the academy and as Genin the duties of a Shinobi and the consequences we make. I wish he hadn't died but he made his choice which led to his death. He made the wrong choice. It is unfortunate that happened but it does happen. “

She listened as Ziren continued to mention the ones labeled imbeciles were kids too and they were killed which also contributed to Ziren’s feelings on being a Shinobi. Karasu understood but the choices people make were of their own making. It’s not always going to end in a desired result. “Again choices, just because one is young it doesn’t mean they didn’t have a choice in their actions. I do believe in helping those who may be in need of understanding choices that are presented to them. I can only show them the door. It is up to them to walk through it. “

Ziren wanted to know the truth which is why he came back. Karasu understood that but he lied about who he was instead of honestly coming forward in the beginning. He asked Lady Fifth how he was regarded in the Leaf, was he thought of as dead, just a tool or a traitor? Karasu never felt like a tool, in fact she felt she was trusted within the village and that trust goes both ways. She couldn’t answer the questions for Ziren but she knew the answer personally for herself and that was important.

[WC: 1913]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
Jirou looked up at the top of the bookshelf where the Hokage had appeared as though from thin air. ‘Damn she was fast,’ he thought to himself. He had just barely clicked off his comm when she had appeared. Giving a bow to Jirou greets the Hokage, “Thank you for responding so quickly, Lady Hokage.” Jirou listened as the Hokage began to describe the events surrounding the Frost village. Maki was the name of the Anbu Sennin who was kidnapped and subsequently tortured by the Frost village. Jirou had to wonder what event set off the bad blood between the two villages. At this point Jirou knew that they would likely never have a definitive answer to that question. Despite the Hokage’s retelling of the events in question, Jirou still had many questions. He turned to hear what Amaro had to say when the Hokage pressed him for his identity.

Jirou had already sensed that things were not adding up with what Amaro had told them so far. Now the Hokage was here and Amaro had to come up with something. There was a darkness that appeared around the Hokage suggesting that she meant business especially when she mentioned her long and very detailed memory. Jirou had a similarly long and detailed memory. He recognized that Amaro was going to be in deep trouble, if he didn’t tell the truth in the next few minutes. Jirou certainly did not envy Amaro. Before the Hokage spoke, Jirou had been waiting to be handed the requested documents by Amaro. With the sudden appearance of the Hokage and what she said, it became clear that Amaro was not his actual name. He had been right to question this stranger. The only way he could have even gotten past the guards would be by getting lost in the crowds who had arrived to watch the tournament. That was no excuse and he would need to look into tightening security. His very presence here told him that security had lapsed in their duties. The Shinobi world held many dangers. While Jirou held no doubt that the Hokage could hold her own against most any intruder, he wanted to know what Amaro’s real purpose for coming here was. Jirou also did not care for the fact that Amaro had lied to them. Amaro had attempted to get one over on the two newly minted Jounin.

Jirou listened carefully to all that the Lady Hokage said about the events that had transpired. She was not lying when she said that those were very dark times. Yuu Kenshin was nearly killed and there were several failed attempts at infiltration. What intrigued him was the mention of the group of ‘imbeciles’ spreading misinformation. Who were these imbeciles anyway? What were they saying and how were they dealt with? Even though the Leaf village was successful in stopping the attacks, it came at a great cost. Were any of these imbeciles still alive or were they among the dead for the part that they played in these events? The testimony of the Hokage really helped make up for the lack of written information. What the Hokage said answered crucial questions that the written documents had not covered. It also opened several questions that warranted further investigation. People had died. Jirou had to wonder if fewer lives would have been lost had things been done a little differently. He also understood that in the heat of battle decisions are made in an instant. The fact is that the Leaf village was saved and protected despite the casualties. This is the duty of every Shinobi to ultimately give their life in protection of the village. Jirou motioned for Kashikoi to guard the one calling himself Amaro. He was not going anywhere until he explained himself and the deception that he had perpetrated on them. Kashikoi took an offensive stance before Amaro, his upper lip curling to reveal his teeth.

Jirou knew that Amaro was backed into a corner and had to come clean. He watched as his disguise was removed to reveal a man with blue hair. He stated that his name was Chigokai Ziren and that he was the Chief Medical Officer during the war with the Frost village. Ziren was the name he read in the log of the meeting that was called. That explains why he knew about the meeting. He was there with Asuka, the current Hokage. He looked over towards Asuka to see if she recognized him. Why couldn’t he have said his name to begin with? He looked at Chigokai and listened as he explained how he survived by draining the life force of everything around him. It was these Dark Sage abilities that had saved his life. He had heard of the Chigokai and thought that he remembered that they had red eyes. Yet his eyes were a different color. Doubtless he would be a formidable opponent should he be facing him in battle. What followed was an account directed at him explaining how he lost his outlook on what being a Shinobi means. A teenager had been killed after trying to leave the village. This is where Jirou speaks up and interjects, “What difference does his age matter? I am still a teenager and I would never even consider abandoning the village. Such a choice is completely abhorrent to me. This is my life and my choice. I will protect the village with everything that I have in me even if it costs me my life. That teenager made an unfortunate choice that led to their death. Regardless of the age they were a Shinobi first. They had already spent a great amount of time training and becoming a Shinobi capable of defending the village. A Shinobi who abandons their village and teammates is worse than scum. If that idiot, Uchiha Nitish, as you called him wanted out this was a decision that carried serious consequences with it. The other idiots who were spreading misinformation could have led to the destruction of the Leaf village. Information carries with it power. False information can cost lives. This was again a choice that those ‘idiots’ made. If they lost their lives, then it was as a result of their choices to spread lies. Their own choices and actions cost them their lives and who knows how many other lives. This is how lies work to weave their deceptions into our lives and ultimately cause our destruction.”

Taking a deep breath Jirou then continues, “Instead of telling us your actual name you have attempted to deceive us. You came here wanting to know what the Leaf village thinks of you. You want to know if the Leaf village sees you as dead, a tool or a traitor. Well first off you are obviously not dead. You used your Shinobi abilities to keep you alive. Yet you have essentially turned your back on the Leaf village. You have betrayed everyone in the Leaf village by lying and trying to gain information through deception. You may be a tool of someone else or simply to your own fear and self-deception. As for being a traitor… well… I think that is for the Hokage to decide. I do know that you have not exactly established yourself as being trustworthy. You made a choice to return using deception and subterfuge. Perhaps you have had to learn to lie to survive. This is the Leaf village and your home. That will not change. You could have told us the truth. Even though the Hokage described herself in several self-effacing terms, I know that she is very capable and will make the right decision in the best interest of the village. You may think and you say that you want to know the Truth. Can you even handle the Truth? Are you ready to set your lies aside and step out of the shadows of your deceptions? The fact is that you are a Shinobi charged with protecting the Leaf village and future generations of the Leaf village. There will always be those who make bad choices costing the lives of themselves and others. We can do the best that we can to save as many lives as possible, but we cannot blame ourselves for the consequences that befall others as a result of their own choices. The responsibility of our choices falls to each of us. You must also be responsible for your actions and accept that trust will take time to rebuild. But that is a decision for the Hokage to make. You need to be up front and learn to trust yourself and those in the village. This is your family and you are the prodigal son.” Jirou had spoken his mind. What happened next would be in the hands of the Lady Hokage. By his own words Ziren had used his Shinobi abilities to save his own life. One cannot be a part time Shinobi. Ziren was still a Shinobi who was now facing the consequences of his choices.​

[WC: 1510]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka gave a bright smile as Ziren finally unmasked himself. Now, this just became a whole lot interesting.

"Well, well well." She spoke, jumping down from the bookshelf she was sitting upon. "I didn't expect to see you here... like... at all."

Afterwards she simply listened. She didn't want to speak. Didn't want to say anything. If anything she felt betrayed. How many years had passed since he had seen his face. How many years had passed since he simply dissapeared from the face of the earth only to come back and say thw things he was saying. How many years had it taken for him to finally show up.

But in reality, things had changed a lot since then. She became hokage, started training the new generation of Shinobi to he more open heart and listening to them speak about the loyalty they held to the village only made her proud.

She moved to the side of her Shinobi as she listened to them speak. Karasus and Jirous response were basically the same. But with a key difference; Karasus came from the heart, she said what she felt without a filter. Basically showing that she grew to be exactly what she expected her to become. A shinobi that cares for others. A shinobi who isn't afraid to speak her mind, a shinobi who might go against logic to save a friend.

Jirou was the opposite, his talk was a lot more logical. But it wasn't the usual "rules are there for a reason" bullshit she grew up with. His logic was about choice. About thinking what lomg term consequences it might bring.

Karasu had short term thinking, Jirou was long term. The perfect team.

"Couldn't have said it better." Asuka finally spoke patting both their heads. "I'm lucky to have shinobi such as yourselfs." She turned her back to Ziren, looking back and forth between the two.

"Just remember." She said with a bright smile "You shouldn't place your trust in the village. You shouldn't place your loyalty with the village. That is a blind loyalty that might bring you to make the wrong choice in the future. Instead place your loyalty to what MAKES the village. It's citizens, the townsfolk in fire country your friends and family. A village can be rebuilt, the memories, the connections, the friends we make a long the way can't be replaced. Death is a one way trip... never forget that."

"And you failed at that Ziren." Her smile faded finally turning back towards the man. "You think we didn't know? You think we thought so little of you that we wouldve simply stamped your folder as MIA and let it turn to dust?"

A rare sight. The unusually cheerful Hokage was showing her emotional side. "You think the girl that you saved from a poison cloud, the girl who helped you protect your wife EVEN though YOU tried almost killed the Hokages son would simply forget? Just POOF?" She sighed, scratching the back of her head. "When the dust settled a lot of our forces left. While trying to rebuilt I realized something interesting. Your family left as well, simply vanished without a trace. No letter, no goodye. Hanna did go POOF." Asuka gave a short laugh "It was pretty obvious in all honesty. A family relocating from their ancestral home coincidently AFTER the rumors of Takeshis doing began to spread." She gave another laugh. "I could've reported you. Branded you as a missing-nin from Leaf. But I didn't, because I thought you wouldn't be stupid enough to simply leave... well... you proved me wrong."

She sighed, scratching the back of her head. "You know what the funny thing is. The rumor was started by Mikasa who ran from the village out of spite. The problem with that rumor was that she got the murderer wrong. I killed them. I was the one who was the judge of that situation. I burned their bodies because it was too much of a hazzle to carry them while Kenshin was getting killed!." Asuka clenched her teeth "But did you ever came back to ask? Came back to seek the truth for yourself? Came back to see if the people that cared for you were safe? No you didn't."

"But you know what." She smiled "I grew up. I learned and became Hokage. Turned what Takeshi made into something great and these two are living testament of that. They are what I hope people will be. No remorse, no lies, they are loyal to the village because they want to. They don't think of themselves as tools but as servants to a higher cause MADE by their own minds. I don't control them. I can't. Like I can't control you. So no. I'm letting you speak and then." Asuka looked back at her Shinobi. "I'll let them make the call. You lost the priviledge to make a deal, for me to trust you when You. Left. Me."

[Apologies for the lack of color.... problem with phone thingy.]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listen as the three of them spoke their piece, merely knocking his way of thinking of child murder wasn't bad as long as it was justified. Jirou had even called him a traitor without using the word. Asuka had even jumped in on scorning him and said that she will let the two jounin decide. Ziren has an idea that they will not listen to his reason and will call for blood. But he will speak his peace anyways.

He looked over at Karasu, who spoke up first. "You are right on a lot of accounts. It is possible that my message never made it. And killing is never fun. It should only be done to protect the one's that you care about. As for the kids, I will have to disagree with you. While you are right that if a person that goes missing should die as they pose a threat, I say that change can happen. I once had a conversation with a girl and Kenshin about this topic too. Another kid had went missing, her father had brought him back to the Village. As I understand he learned to be a better person. I came to the conclusion that Death is an option that people are quick to jump to. It's easy to think of someone as an enemy, a threat to Leaf, that they must be eliminated before they can cause more damage to the Village. But a harder concept to forgive someone and help them be a better person. Now this is a case by case thing, as those group of kids were... hard headed. But I would rather try everything else before staining my own hands with a child's blood. But if future generations do such things, would they even get a chance to learn and be better, atone for what they did without such a harsh punishment as death? There is also a cycle. A nearly endless cycle called hatred. Yes, let's say the murder of a child was justified. Not everyone is going to see it that way. And all it takes is one person ballsy enough to open their mouth to question the way Shinobi do things. They gain more followers until either they decide to retaliate, or the Village sees them as a threat. It ends with one side dead and the other alive. But at what cost? Now the families of the dead seek vengeance and spew hatred from their mouths until a new ballsy person decides to rally people. And thus the vicious cycle continues. One side wins, the other loses, families of the lost scream for blood." He sighed, then spoke again, "It is the very reason that some rising powers will fall before their enemies even reach their borders, for they are too busy fighting themselves."

Next, he looked at Jirou. He had an interesting way of looking at things. Ziren calmly walked over to a chair and sat down, "Again, you are right, Jirou-san. But again, let me speak my mind further. Lying and deceiving is also part of being a shinobi. Let's take espionage for example. Is it okay to lie and deceive then? Don't get me wrong, I am not justifying my deceiving. But I am the overly cautious person. The type to look at every angle of a situation. In my case, I focus on the worst case scenario. There's a saying, hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I kind of skip over the first part at times and expect the worst to come. And as for protecting the Leaf Village. I've come to my own resolve. Try my best to bring peace to all of the Villages. There's no reason to worry about peace since there are no rising conflicts in between Villages, yes, but as we are all ninja, one must be aware that there will always be a back stage where shady things are going to happen. It may not even be a behind the scenes conflict between two nations, but something else popping up. Each of these great nations might face their own version of the Frost showing up on their doorstep, and not all have the luxury of having extra hands helping them. Yes, the people of Leaf are like family to me, but my goals are much more bigger than protecting Leaf. I want to bring peace to the world. Impossible, yes, but I want to make sure that an impact is made so that the future generations don't have to suffer or hurt as much."

With that, he looked at Asuka. She brought up some good points, but some of the things that she has said were just wrong. "As said before Asuka, no, Lady Hokage," The woman before him now was someone he doesn't know, he can get the tone of how she talked. "I have goals more than just wanting to protect Leaf. But let's do some fact checks. I didn't try to kill the Fourth's son, I was a stupid child that only knew the surface of my power. And in my mind at the time, I wanted to make sure that he wouldn't have followed me because my homicidal brother would have done worst. Mind you, I'm not making an excuse for what I've done was wrong. Secondly, My family had permissions to leave Leaf, I do remember that you were the one that saw me out of the Gates with my family, as my only thought was to escort them somewhere safe, away from Leaf while Frost was knocking on the door. I didn't know of Mikasa spreading rumors nor that she had left the Village. But I know what I had experienced first hand. That day, that I had hurt Izumi, and Takeshi had called for me and Hana, and you jumped in to protect her. While I was grateful for you, I only wanted myself and myself alone to be punished for doing such a thing. That is a big main reason as to why I cannot come to like the man." He took a deep breath. "As time went on, before those events, I had killed my homicidal brother, and just after I left the Village, I had gotten a message from my parents killer. He waited in Water. I won't lie and say I only killed him to make sure that he never hurts anyone ever again. Part of it was Revenge. But what did it leave me with? Yes, two people in my life that have given me hell are now dead. But it doesn't bring back my parents. After I awoke from my coma I've thought real long and hard of what I wanted to do. Then the thought of the newer generation came to mind. I wanted to be someone to bring peace for the newer generation. And then I had heard from numerous people of what had happened in Leaf with child murders and the coup attacking. In all honesty, I don't know what to think of you, but I understand your mistrust towards me since I wasn't there. I can't turn back the hands of time to undo all of my fuck ups. But that is how people learn, we run, we jump, we fall on our butts, and then we have to dust ourselves off and try again. We all have our own paths to be taken, and even if you think of me as an enemy, I will still put my life on the line for everyone here if Frost was still here and posed a threat. Even if it is some other shady new villain ready to hurt Leaf, all the while I am being scorned and looked down upon because of my bad choices, I will still choose to protect Leaf. And if a new shady villain pops up near another Village, I will try and send them my aid. Because my path is to help as much people as I can grow and keep as much peace in this world."

He has said his piece, and stretched his back. with a deep breath, from speaking so much, he looked at each and every one of them, studying on how they react to all that he has said.
Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
Karasu listened as Jirou spoke up to Ziren talking about the choices one makes much like she did. She nodded as she had her arms folded taking everything in and contemplating the situation. She knew that she and Jirou thought similarly on how they view the village and its people. Both had personal experiences when they were younger that changed their lives. It was those in the Leaf Village that gave them a purpose and made them feel they belonged. It is one of the reasons why Karasu gets along with Jirou. He understands and has been through horrific ordeals just like herself. Both had survived and are now family with one another. She nodded toward Jirou, agreeing with everything he had to say.

Now it was time for Lady Fifth to speak up. She seemed to like what Jirou and herself had to say about the situation, telling them that she was lucky to have Shinobi like them. She even reiterated what Karasu had said about how the village can be rebuilt and that it was the people who made the village and that it was to protect them and future generations. Karasu smiled, “Indeed it is.” She appreciated the kind words from the Hokage. Afterwards Lady Fifth turned to Ziren telling him he failed when it came to loyalty. The Hokage went on talking about what happened in the past with more emotion than Karasu has ever seen her use before. It was a bit of a surprise but Karasu thought that maybe it was because things took on a more personal level. Whatever it was, Karasu continued to take it all in and listen as intently as she could. There were things that she had no idea about but it had a lot of Ziren’s hand in it.

It appeared that Lady Fifth back in the day had put her trust in Ziren but he had shown his true colors by leaving the village. Asuka even mentioned that it was her that killed someone. It sounded to Karasu that Lady Fifth had made a lot of hard choices even though they were necessary choices. It was something that as a Shinobi they all would face, time and time again. I was never an easy choice whatever the situation a Shinobi was in. Karasu would not hold that against Asuka. The difference between Lady Fifth and Ziren is that Asuka was being a true Leaf Shinobi, including making the hard choices that are usually never talked about in this line of work. Lady Fifth went on to say she grew up and learned then later became Hokage. She took what Lord Fourth had made and continued it, making it even better. She showed Karasu and Jirou as examples of her accomplishments. Karasu smiled and nodded. The young Jounin agreed with the Hokage they were not just tools but servants to a higher cause made by their own minds. No one forced them to do anything. It was their own free will. With that said Lady Fifth did what Karasu knew as her unpredictable personality had always done since the first time she met Lady Fifth. She told Ziren that she was letting him speak then allowing Jirou and Karasu to make the decision on Ziren’s fate.

Karasu’s face remained expressionless but inside it was like her jaw dropped. She understood that Asuka felt that Ziren had lost the privilege to make any deals with her but Karasu never expected that she and Jirou would be the ones deciding his future. Karasu listened to Ziren hearing him out, much like a judge in a jury trial. She kept any thoughts to herself for now and listened impartially. Ziren had spoken to Karasu first telling her that she was right on a lot of accounts and that the message may have not made it. Then he disagreed with her on how to deal with a missing nin if one changed. Karasu didn’t say a word and allowed Ziren to continue. He mentioned another example of a kid leaving the village only to have his father bring him back. The kid learned his lesson and became a better person. Ziren went on to say that death is an option people are quick to jump at. Ziren added that it was harder to forgive someone and to help them turn their life around. He even added that the cycle of hatred would always remain if things continued on the same course and that a death of one Shinobi could be a spark of another retaliating. He said that the cycle is a never ending cost. Once Ziren finished speaking to Karasu he turned to speak to Jirou. Karasu continued to listen when he finally finished addressing Jirou and turned to Lady Fifth trying to explain situations that Asuka had brought up earlier showing he made mistakes but learned from them he concluded with how he would still put his life on the line to protect the Leaf on those who would harm the village.

Karasu looked on with no expression on her face to show what she may say or do, then closed her eyes for a few moments to take everything she heard within her. Basically she was meditating to clear her mind of anything that she viewed as unnecessary distractions. She had a photogenic memory so it was easy to look back to the whole conversation like a computer getting data. She analyzed it carefully and took a few more moments to think about her response to everything. Opening her eyes her gaze fell on Ziren before looking at Jirou then back at Ziren again. She didn’t know if her response would be the same as Jirou’s though they have always seemed to think along the same lines. She didn’t discuss anything with her friend and fellow Shinobi, instead she decided to say her peace and let the chips fall as they may. She and Jirou can work anything out if there are any differences in their responses. Although Karasu was young she took her duty as a Shinobi very seriously. She wanted to make an impact on the Shinobi world by aiming for peace, which is why she chose the diplomat role. This decision doesn’t have an impact on the Shinobi world but it may have consequences throughout the village. So she must choose her words very wisely.

“I listened to everything that was said. I considered everything I could in the moment. I don’t take this role that Lady Fifth has given me lightly. Before I make my decision let me respond to what you have said to me.” she said to Ziren. “You mentioned your agreements with what I said and then went on to mention the disagreements on how missing nin are treated. The problem with your answer is that I did not say all missing nin should die if they leave the village. You assumed that I came to that decision that only death is the option. When it comes to missing nin everything is based on a case to case scenario. You used an example of a kid leaving the village only to be brought back by his father. You made it seem like a kid just running away from home. It may not have been your intention but that is how you made it appear with the words you have chosen. The Shinobi that were putting out misinformation no matter what their age were knew what they were doing. It wasn’t like they were tricked and understood they made a mistake and wanted to make penance for it. This was a planned out attack and yes misinformation can be viewed as an attack because it was designed to do harm and mislead, that was the intention. You keep saying their age like they were eight years old and were academy students. They were Shinobi and it would be an insult to them to categorize them as less. Now for the cycle of hatred this is something that's very personal for me. I too have witnessed all my life the cycle of hatred and have since vowed with my life to help change the cycle so that all Shinobi can move forward with honest change that can have an impact upon this world. I know it’s a daunting task but I am not one to falter no matter how much of a long road it is to make a change in this world. As someone who has been targeted with hatred all my life I won’t back down on that. If i can’t not fulfill my goal then I will pass it on to someone who could continue it so nothing is left in vain. “

Karasu took a breath before continuing on. “Now for the answer you've been waiting for. You did betray the village for your own selfish desires. You could have come back when you realized your mistake but you didn’t. I can give you the benefit of the doubt if you didn’t have knowledge of Mikasa’s actions but you did hurt this Izumi person which I don't have all the details to. It seems that Lord Fourth was the one who assigned punishment to the situation, which it seems that you have issues with Lord Fourth. As Lady Fifth has said, your loyalty is very much in question no matter how many times you said you would still protect the Leaf. I don’t know if we can trust you at all. With that said, I feel that you should be allowed to live but not out of mercy but more for you to do penance. I think you need to make up for what you did for the rest of your life. That doesn’t mean entering the Leaf Shinobi ranks again. You haven’t earned that right again and may never. I do believe that you should be watched at all times to make sure you do not betray the village again. I expect that ANBU would want to question you further on your whereabouts and any additional intel that you may have. Their methods are just that their own methods. I suggest you cooperate nicely. Afterwards I think one of the ways you can repay the village is to teach at the academy on choices and consequences. You have this desire to protect children from certain fate. I think learning from your own experience would help them gain an understanding on what the Shinobi life is like and how their choices have consequences on what they do. If you betray the village again then all deals are off. You want a second chance, this is it. You must earn it but as I said being a Shinobi again may not be the path. ” She looked to Jirou to hear what he had to say. She knows it may be very different from hers but again she knew that they could work it out to fulfill their duty and benefit the village.

[WC: 1840]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
Jirou listened as both the Hokage and Ziren spoke further about the events and the feelings still held very deeply over all that happened. The fate of Ziren now rested in their hands and Jirou was not one to take such a decision lightly. Jirou understood that the village was not simply buildings of wood, brick and mortar that they lived in, but instead it was the connections formed with each other that made the village. Jirou was not born in the leaf village. He had lost his parents to bandits and with Kashikoi had made his way to the Leaf village. They had welcomed him and allowed him to stay. They certainly did not have to make that choice. It was the first of many connections that was established with those in the Leaf village. His friends and the family that had welcomed him were other other connections. Over the course of time these bonds strengthened as did his relationship with the village. These bonds were not something that he would ever betray. That was why Jirou nodded to the Hokage when she spoke about just those connections and how Ziren had betrayed those connections and Her. It was a very personal and poignant statement and a side he had not really seen from this Hokage before. This was not something that Jirou could ignore.

The Hokage had made hard choices that were necessary. This was something that every Shinobi had to face as well as the consequences for those choices. Taking a life was another choice and one that was usually done out of necessity to protect those connections and bonds that make up the village. Killing is not something that is ever done with pleasure. One carries those deaths with them for the remainder of their days. As the Hokage said, death is a one way trip. A life once extinguished can never be restored. It was something that Jirou would never forget. Jirou understood that reality very well with the death of his parents. The bandits took pleasure from the choices they were making and thought only of their own needs and desires being met. Perhaps they had some distant ideology to justify their actions. That was not really an excuse for the choices that they made nor was it an excuse for the countless lives that the bandits took. Each person was responsible for the choices that they made and had to answer for those choices. The world is not a perfect place. If it were there would be no need for security, Shinobi, politicians and the like. There would be no borders and everyone would live together in peace. However that was simply not how the world worked. Instead each of us is here to learn from our choices and experiences. Each of us is here to realize that we are not separate but we are in fact connected as one family. His life was dedicated to protecting that family and those connections.

While Jirou listened to the Hokage he made note of her praise that they served a higher cause made by their own minds. He had never been one to follow along blindly instead making his own decisions after investigating the situation before him. He didn’t hide his surprise when the Hokage said that Ziren’s fate was being left for them to decide. Jirou appreciated the gravity of this decision and he listened intently to what Ziren had to say. He knew that when it came time for him to speak, his words must be chosen carefully. This was a decision that must be delivered after careful deliberation of the words spoken by Ziren. Jirou already did not trust that the words spoken were completely truthful. The fact was that he had lied to them from the moment that he first encountered them. Jirou did not trust Ziren and he could not help but wonder if there was even more that he was not saying. Regardless he would give him his decision based on what he knew. After listening to what Karasu had to say, he recognized that her own thoughts echoed some of his own. Some of what was said he did not agree with and he would voice those concerns in his own statements.

Once it was his turn to speak Jirou turned to face Ziren and began, “You have said your bit and now it is my turn to speak. I do not take this lightly and I greatly value the trust that the Hokage has placed in us. You have said that people are very quick to jump for the option of Death as a sentence for missing nin. This is certainly not the only option and each decision is taken on a case by case basis. Karasu is right when she says that you insult them by categorizing them as less than Shinobi because of their age. They were Shinobi first and as Shinobi they did understand the consequences for their actions. Their intent was to cause harm to those in the village with their statements. They were not innocent victims. Those ‘children’ you mention were Shinobi first. As Shinobi we are trained and have many abilities that can pose a very real danger to those we are charged with protecting. You have attempted to justify your reasons for lying to us when you first approached us and mentioned how we are often called upon to lie or deceive others during missions in order to gain information. This makes me wonder if perhaps it is you who is on a mission of your own right now. Have you been sent from one of the other villages to gather intel?” Jirou paused for a moment letting the gravity of that question sink in before continuing, “This is something that will need to be investigated further. If you have indeed come here of your own free will, then you really had no need for the subterfuge. You have underestimated us because of our age assuming that we were the same as the ‘children’ you mentioned. We are NOT the same at all. We are Shinobi first. How can we even begin to trust you when you started out by lying to us? You say that you want to spend your life bringing peace between all the villages. That is a very noble goal. Except that you created the opposite of peace when you left the village and severed those bonds with those who cared about you. You violated the trust that you once held with the Hokage. Trust once broken is very difficult if not impossible to recover. You left the village without a word thinking that your way was right and the pervading wisdom was wrong and misguided. That was a betrayal and a breach of trust. You knew exactly what you were doing. You could have returned sooner and yet you did not. You waited, I suspect, after hearing that there was a new Hokage. Your issues were with the Lord Fourth. They are also with the Lady Fifth and everyone in the village. Your loyalty was called into question then and despite your statements to the contrary your motives are still questionable even now. You say that your goals are so much bigger than protecting the Leaf. Except that the Leaf is more than just this one village and the buildings that we live in. The village is about those connections that we make with each other. Yes there are disagreements with other villages. Peace is not so easy a thing to attain when people see each other as separate from themselves. In time there may be peace between all the villages. Peace will be built on trust and the truth. Peace will never be built on lies and deception.”

Jirou was nowhere near being done and after a few moments he would continue, “I have to question your motives for returning at this time surrounded in deceit. You say you want to bring peace to the world and then say that it is impossible. I do not believe that it is impossible. It is a very noble dream to aspire to and I can appreciate your desire to atone for your previous actions. That is all well and good but now I will tell you what I think should happen here. I am going to be completely honest with you. I don’t trust you and I am not sure if you will ever be able to rebuild the trust that you have broken. I do not believe that you should be allowed to reenter the Shinobi ranks. You have already betrayed the village once. There is an expression that I think fits very well here. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You should not be allowed to betray us a second time. If you are truly remorseful then I believe you should be allowed to live and devote your life to serving those in the village in some manner to be decided by the Hokage. Karasu is being generous and kind in saying that perhaps you could teach Academy students about choices and consequences. I really don’t see this as a good idea in the foreseeable future. I do not think that you should be given free rein around the village unguarded. I am certain that the Anbu will want to speak with you as well. They will very likely have many questions about your current and past whereabouts. If you are sincere you will have no objections to being debriefed. This is just a part of the process when a Shinobi returns to the village after an extended absence. You are essentially a Shinobi. You have training and abilities that make you potentially dangerous to those in the village. It would be irresponsible to underestimate you and accept you back without restrictions. I will not jeopardize those who I will give my life to protect. You have said that you would do whatever you can to protect the village. The truth is that I do not believe that you would. You have been gone a long time and I am sure that a lot has happened to you that has not been said here. If this is part of some mission that you are on from one of the other villages, then this offer should be removed. That is something I am sure the Anbu will be able to discover in your debriefing. As for me, you are not going to get a chance to fool me twice. At the most you should be allowed to live out a guarded civilian life and attempt to rebuild the trust that you have broken. You will have a lot of time to think about your own choices and the consequences you must now face.” Jirou knew that his own decision was harsher than Karasu’s. Regardless of his justifications, the fact that Ziren had betrayed the village was unacceptable to Jirou. He took his oath to fulfill his duty seriously and this was a very real threat that should not be underestimated. On the other hand Jirou wanted Ziren to live with the reminder of his betrayal. He wanted him to prove that his desire for peace was real and that he would begin by doing whatever he needed to to rebuild the broken trust as well as the bonds he had severed so long ago. If Ziren proved otherwise then he and Kashikoi would not hesitate to stop him dead in his tracks. There was a somewhat ominous tone punctuating Jirou’s words that denoted the deadly seriousness behind the words. Perhaps he was showing his own mercy but he wanted to at least provide the chance for change.

Jirou concluded with the following statement, “This is my decision and what I think you should be offered. Take it or leave it. There are consequences for all actions. You may not like it but with this you do have a chance to atone, no matter how long it takes. You betrayed your oath as a Shinobi. To have you continue as a Shinobi and rejoin our ranks would mean that you are not being held responsible for your actions. You made the choice and you should be held responsible and have to live with the consequences for those actions. Betrayal and deception are not something that sit well with me, especially when it is not necessary. Make your next choice carefully.”

[WC: 2090]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren sat back and listened to the two young Jounin. It seems that they have made their decision and will never trust him despite him wanting to bring peace to the world. Karasu had spoken first and said that those kids were shinobi first and it was an insult to say they were kids, and afterwards, went on to tell him that he is a traitor and and should be watched. He should also be questioned by the ANBU and teach the academy students about his choices and how they should learn to not be like him.

Jirou was something similar though he wanted Ziren to be basically on house arrest. Ziren took a breath, then said, "I will still have to disagree with you two on the kid's part. Being as a father I see children before shinobi. I very much believe in my humanity and morals that a kid is a kid before a shinobi. But enough about that, let's address the next matter shall we?" He studied their faces some more. Having heard their piece, he can tell that these two shinobi have strong convictions. "You say that I am a traitor and to not be trusted. I understand that, I really do. But have you asked yourself or me why? You already now know of some of my history with the Fourth Hokage, but you were not in my shoes. Let me tell you a story with an interesting lesson. In a small town, there was a troublesome teenager and a rich noble. The teenager was just like how anyone would expect a teenager to act, except sometimes he would be a little extra. Play pranks on people with water balloons and stuff. But one day, he pulled a prank on the wrong person. The rich noble had punished him harshly, killing the kids parents in front of him. The kid talked to everyone in the town, but nobody listened to him. One day a terrifying creature had attacked and killed some of the towns people, the rich noble being the first. The kid was never seen of again. It was said that that very same monster was the kid, wreaking vengeance on the rich noble. The rich noble in question was someone that had protected the town from attacks from raiders. Moral of the story? Society is more twisted than just the cycle of hatred. To ignore something vile to happen since it involved someone that they all looked up to, and chose to ignore a kid who was a problem child. That a villain, bad guy, traitor, etc, doesn't just pop into existence because they want to. Only very few are like that, but the others felt like they have been backed into a corner, to which they have to do bad things because bad things have happened to them. Even a hero can turn someone into a villain."

He paused and collected his thoughts. Then spoke again, "I don't expect your views of me to change. I just had mistrust in the fourth Hokage, and projected my mistrust of him to mere strangers. I would have accepted his punishment if it was just me. Even then.... I could tell how much he had loved and relished hurting me and Hana further even after he had beaten us up. He.... Kicked her while she was already down and unconscious. I can't even forgive him and have no trust in the man. And so when I learned about all of the things that has happened in Leaf since I have been gone, it made me wander if I can really trust anyone. My mistrust of Leaf had in turn made you all not trust me."

Ziren sighed, "I can assure you, Jirou, that no other Village has sent me on a mission, I myself was curious. That's all there was to it. And I'll tell you all what, I'll cooperate with the ANBU. I'll talk with the kids. But I will not be some person on house arrest in Leaf. I still have to help those in need, and..." He faltered, before speaking again, "I... Made a promise to a friend that has passed away. To bring peace to two entities that have lived millennia long each. These entities are dangerous in their own rights and he has tasked me with bringing them to peace. Not kill. All I can say of them is that they are sealed right now, but who knows how long it will take before they break out. From my understanding they may have been used as tools of power. I have to calm these things down and bring them to peace so that they won't harm anyone."

Thinking about Yukio... the man, Ziren's friend in a mausoleum is a hard thing to really think about. Thinking about this was the only time that Ziren has really broken out of his calm demeanor, sadness on his face as he thought about his old friend. After taking a deep breath, he collected himself. "I will also do you all one better, if I come across anything worth talking about on my travels, I will inform Leaf and investigate further on whatever I stumble upon. Along with talking with the ANBU and teaching the Academy Students. And if I'm not to be in the ranks of Leaf Shinobi then, then let me do my own thing of helping those who need it. I understand your mistrust of me, and wanting to keep an eye on me, but my work will involve me more going out to places." He paused, thinking back on what he had said about heroes making villains. "And I want to thank you all for this conversation, because it had made me realize another thing. I've gotta help those who has fallen into the darkness. I have to help them before they turn into a villain in their own, or someone else's lives."

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka smiled listening to her students speak. Not only did they take her words to heart but they used their own mindsets to come to a conclusion and both their arguments were sound. They were both mistrusting of Ziren but giving him a way out. A way to prove himself to the village, to her. She hadn't expected this kind of answers, but it wasn't un-welcome. Hell, it made her proud. She gave a slight smile as she kept listening. Gods how wonderful was it to listen to this. No talking about death, not talking about a jail sentence. Simply proving your worth through actions.

But the smile faded once Ziren spoke. Why.... why was it always the same? It's always been the same. Same same same same same same same. No one thought things through, it was always the same damn excuse. Taking a deep breath Asuka spoke. "Bla bla bla bla." She held her face in her hands, the scythe in her hands disappearing. It was now useless. "Attempted murder is still attempted murder you dingus. "Oh I was a a stupid child!"." She spoke in a childish voice. "Well I threw glitter at one of the most powerful people in the world yet you don't see me trying make excuses for it." She smiled at Ziren "You know what's funny? It's always the same it's starting to really get annoying." She chuckled, as she started to laugh. Moving a bit forward, using her hands to express her displeasure. "Oh someone hurt me. Oh, someone I care about died. Ohhhh, the world is a dark place. Bo hoooooooo." She chuckled, taking a deep breath. "It started as funny. Everyone has the same story. Dead parents, murderous siblings, weird cults, strange experiences it's all so sublime." Asuka sighed "But it really is starting to get old. Yeah whatever, just like everyone else you want to break the cycle. Be the bigger player in the field and make everyone live in a utopia." She twirled around mockingly "So unoriginal. So two-dimensional. In the end people get hurt, people die. Look around you, your not the first one to try this cruisade of peace yet what makes you so different? You have "more life experience". Please, I can name people who basically have the same backstory as you, including me, and they all did different things in the name of making the world better." Asuka sighed, patting the bottom of her Kimono to get rid of the dust. "That... imaginary cycle you people keep bringing up like it's some sort of disease is really started to annoy me. It's all so.... deus ex-machina... but... whatever... I can't tell you how to live your life. Whether you want to become the next peace messiah or whatever be my guest. I'll happily kick you in your teeth once you realize it's all bullshit." She gave a bright smile as she continued. "In the end you fail. And now, my pipsqueaks have spoken and given you their verdict as seeing how you want to keep that "stay in the shadows to be cool and shit" stick up your ass let me tell you something. You already failed." Her smile became wider. "Simply due to the fact that apologizing for abandoning the little white haired girl that looked up to you, that bled for you.... never crossed your mind. So, as Hokage, I can simply say."

Asuka giggled waking back, placing a shoulder around each of them she looked at ziren. "I calmly invite you to leave. Come back once that stick finally falls off and you start actually thinking about others rather than yourself. Hope you have fun!"
Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
Karasu had said her peace telling Ziren that he should teach at the academy to pay for his past actions, teaching the students on choices and consequences of actions such as the ones that Ziren had made. She listened as Jirou was more on a house arrest type of punishment, always being watched. Karasu agreed that Ziren should be watched because he had shown to not be trustworthy. Even now when he came back to find out the truth. He had to lie about who he was in order to gain the truth. Karasu and Jirou were suspicious from the start so his act didn’t fool anyone. Even though Karasu and Jirou were young they were not fools. They were full fledged Shinobi and understood their duties. She knew that every action is not always an easy one to make and their decisions not only reflect on them but the village as well.

Karasu listened as Ziren finally spoke up. He was still going on about children as if Shinobi like herself and Jirou were toddlers. She shifted in her seat with her arms folded giving an unforgiving scowl as he made an excuse to use being a parent to define his beliefs. Her father was a parent but never treated them like little kids knowing their position as Shinobi. He was a former Shinobi himself and understood far more than what she felt Ziren did. He went on to mention that we should ask ourselves why he became a traitor, then proceeded to tell a story about a kid who was punished by a rich noble who later was killed by a monster. She listened intently and right away saw holes in the story.

“Are you even listening to yourself? It’s like you are trying to come up with excuses and reasonings for certain things that actually have no irrelevance to your situation. You are telling a story to us as if we are children and that we would believe anything you say cause you said it so it must be true. “ Karasu shook her head. “Life doesn’t work that way. You may truly believe what you’re saying but that doesn’t make it the truth. It’s like your mind is twisted in reality. You only believe in what you want to believe, not the truth. “

Karasu paused for a moment then started back up again. “Now for your mistrust of Lord Fourth, I ask you: Can you read minds? I ask this cause you seem to think you know what was in Lord Fourth’s mind when he punished others beside you. Lord Fourth nor any Hokage do or say things for no reason. There is always some type of reasoning that you may not know and as a Hokage doesn’t have to explain to you why that is, especially regarding others. For yourself well there was no explanation needed since you know what you did wrong. It’s like you were so blind with mistrust that you couldn’t see what was really happening in front of you. Now that account that you have might be true or maybe not. Lord Fourth isn't here at the moment to defend himself from your accusations. You have shown to be a liar so believing you will be hard but as Shinobi i do listen and regard all that has been said with an open mind. It feels there is more to the story that you may not know or not telling. There are always two sides to a story as well and to just believe someone who is known to have betrayed the village, well things don’t look well for you. “

Karasu continued to look at Ziren “You said you are on a mission of peace yet you still haven’t told us what it’s really about only that some people are sealed and may break out and you need to take care of it. Yet again forgoing it alone due to your mistrust yet it is you who is to be mistrusted. Gee thanks for that. You gonna tell us things when you want to, when you think the time is right. That’s no deal and why should we believe you. You don’t really care for the village even if you say you do, your actions say otherwise.”

Karasu just kept shaking her head in disbelief. There was nothing coming out of Ziren’s mouth to show that they should trust him. Karasu turned her head when she heard Asuka speak finally. She seemed to have the same reaction as Karasu on Ziren making excuses and acting like a victim instead of a Shinobi. From Lady Fifth’s own words it seemed she was tired of the same ole speech. She even mentioned that Ziren wanted everyone to live in this Utopia that he had made up. Now Karasu believed in peace but knew the realities that it wouldn’t be a perfect peace where everyone lives happily ever after. That doesn’t exist. She went on to talk about the cycle of hatred that Ziren had mentioned. Karasu knew that that cycle was in fact a truth for she had lived it and saw it from her own eyes. The thing is that Ziren was taking the wrong approach because she felt that he was only truly thinking of himself, not the village or the world in that matter. The truest words that Lady Fifth had said was that Ziren had failed all around in everything he was trying to accomplish. She was in her element smiling as wide as can be. Lady Fifth walked up to Karasu and Jirou before turning to Ziren.

"I calmly invite you to leave. Come back once that stick finally falls off and you start actually thinking about others rather than yourself. Hope you have fun!"

Karasu knew that this conversation was over. It was only going to become a discussion of recycled words that they have already heard before. Karasu didn’t believe that Ziren had learned anything from his time away. She felt that he was in this delusional way of thinking that only had him as the hero in the story. Karasu nodded in agreement with Asuka.

“Don’t let the village gates hit ya!” she said with a smirk on her face and her hand waving toward him. It was best that he leave and not return. She didn't think he would ever understand the truth of everything.

[WC: 1069]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
While Jirou waited to hear what Ziren had to say for himself, he studied the man before him, making note of his stance and the tone of his voice. Ziren had come here and lied about his identity and his reasons for returning to the Leaf village. Once a former Shinobi, he now spoke to them as though they were small children in need of a bedtime story. He should know better than anyone that Shinobi are Shinobi first regardless of their age. To think of a Shinobi as a child first is an insult to the Shinobi’s training and abilities. The fact that he was attempting to justify his views by saying that he was a father made no difference. He certainly was not his father and even the man who he looked up to as a surrogate father never spoke to him in such a way. Hiro saw him as a fellow Shinobi and never spoke down to him. Ziren might be older than he was as evidenced by the lines in his face, but he certainly did not have the wisdom to go along with his age. Jirou understood that age and wisdom rarely went hand in hand. The words coming out of Ziren’s mouth were clear evidence of this point about age and wisdom.

Jirou had to wonder as Ziren spoke his own peace if the man had even heard them at all. Here he was telling them that he saw them as children before Shinobi and even going so far as to tell them what seemed to him to be a bedtime story to lull them to sleep. As a Shinobi, Jirou was well aware of his duties and responsibilities. It did not seem to him that Ziren was taking what they said seriously. Instead he rattled on making excuses for his decisions and poor life choices. He went so far to explain that his goal was to create a perfect world for people to live in while he sat high above overseeing his own creation and looking down on all the poor saps who needed his guidance.

Jirou listened as the Hokage spoke as well, calling Ziren out on all of his delusional beliefs. Ziren was certainly not the first person who wanted to play God and thought that he knew what was best for everyone. He saw himself as some sort of hero able to save others from themselves. The man couldn’t even save himself. After hearing Karasu add her own thoughts he nodded towards her and began to speak, “Do you honestly believe all that drivel that you just rattled off to us, Ziren? You are not the first person who decided that they could save others from themselves and build a utopia for everyone to live in. You certainly will not be the last person with such grand notions. There is a problem with that however. You cannot force your beliefs onto other people. The fact that you believe that you can play at being God tells me that you are drowning in your own delusions. The world is already perfect in its own imperfections. This world is here for us to realize that we are here to perfect ourselves not try to project our own idea of how the world should be onto others. Each person has to discover this on their own. The problem with you is that you want to save others, yet you cannot even save yourself. You are filled with criticism and distrust for others. You have walked away from the same bonds that would help you to grow and realize that you are NOT God. You are the one who needs to be saved from the darkness that is consuming your own soul. You say that you learned so much in your time away. I see only a man filled with the arrogance of his own misguided beliefs standing before me.” Jirou paused, staring at the man before continuing, “This makes you dangerous to not just the Leaf village but to every Shinobi village in the land. You have spent so much time repeating the same rhetoric that you have just finished telling us that you believe it to be the gospel truth. You actually believe that you are some sort of messiah sent to save the world from its own stupidity. That could not be further from the truth and I do not think you should be allowed to lecture at the Academy. In fact I am in full agreement that you should be escorted far from the village. You are not ready to return to the Leaf village. I will say that you are very good at making excuses and justifying your actions. You have yet to discover that the Utopia you speak of is to be found within each person. The ramen shop owner finding contentment in the fruits of his labors is closer to finding that Utopia than you are. The Shinobi in a wheelchair raising his family the best way that he knows how by continuing to make weapons for the village is closer to realizing the Utopia within himself than you are. It would do you no good to lecture at the Academy. You might benefit from learning to listen to all those who you believe are in need of your saving. But based on what you have already said you wouldn’t listen to anyone. You already believe that you know it all.”

Jirou stopped speaking for several moments. There was really not much more to say. Ziren was not going to change. He was stuck in his own deluded thoughts that made him the only voice of reason for the deluded population. He saw himself as the savior of the world. The truth was that his own beliefs were trapping him inside the darkness of his own mind. Jirou thought about how he had said that he had survived by draining life from his surroundings. This could explain how he had come to believe his delusion that he was the savior and needed to save others who had fallen into the darkness. He really believed that he could make the world a Utopia. Ziren was no better than anyone else. He was on his own journey the same as they all were. The world was already perfect in all of its perceived imperfections. This was what every person was here to learn at their own pace. It was also something that Ziren had still failed to learn. Jirou also did not care for the fact that Ziren was here leveling accusations against the Fourth Hokage who was not present to defend himself. This was someone who Jirou held a lot of respect for. Jirou did not respect those who spoke behind others backs. It was an act of treachery to accuse someone behind their back. He was certain that the Lord Fourth had very good reasons for any actions taken during his tenure as Hokage. The fact that Ziren was talking behind the former Hokage’s back only confirmed that Jirou was correct in mistrusting anything that he said. Those who talked about others behind their back meant that they would surely do the same to him when his own back was turned.

When he finally spoke again it was to address the Hokage, “If you would like I will escort Ziren outside the village. Perhaps you would also like him to make a stop by the Anbu office to be questioned before his departure? I will be certain to make sure that he leaves the village on your orders.” Kashikoi moved ever closer to make sure that Ziren did not make any sudden moves. “I do think that his whereabouts should be monitored by Anbu, but that is of course at your discretion, Lady Fifth.” Jirou had to smile when the Lady Fifth referred to the stick up Ziren’s butt adding, “I think that stick is going to stay right where it is for a very very long time.” Jirou gave a bow of respect to the Lady Fifth ready to escort Ziren away on her orders.

[WC: 1359]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
