Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Forced Entry Let’s not be bothered.

This thread is marked as containing someone forcefully attempting to enter the village.
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Just a kid...

Ishi's words sent a horrible chill up Keiyaku's spine, and even Moru was looking concerned. It was one thing to stop the kid and place him under arrest, but the way Ishi was looking at him... the way he spoke. No, he couldn't be considering what he thought he was.

"Ishi! Don't you dare!"

It came out very suddenly. He looked pretty shocked himself that he'd just spoken to his superior that way, but he'd seen that kind of look many times before. The predator about to cut down the prey.

"Sir, I mean. We can either cut him loose, or we can hold him. That's all we can do here. No one's getting bumped off on my watch tonight!"
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Ishi finished this quickly, and he darted forward, his hand eradiating lighting, this was beyond the lower ranks, this was a true Chidori at its finest. Without listening or a word towards Keiyaku it was done, the spear piercing the heart as he covered the gap, his hand an open palm on the boy as he looked into his eyes, he would give him this much, he would give him the kindness that had been stripped from Ishi when he was an ANBU. He watched the teenage eyes fade, the life gone in a split second of movement. As he let the body go limp in his arms.

"You picked the wrong path today, but know that you will be buried with the respect anyone living deserves"

With that he let the boy go as his body crumpled to the floor, he turned around the masked cold eyes turning around to Keiyaku as he walked over to him.

"Bury him, do it well, and do it properly. I will inform my Sennin of what took place, and take full responsibility of this incident, you are meant to defend these gates, with your life, do not wave from that task. He was an unknown, and those we have let in in the past have left with Konoha blood, or come back for that pound of flesh, he was to be detained and resisted, my duty has been served here."

Ishi waited to see the reaction from Keiyaku as the two stood within a few feet of each other, the fresh blood still dripping onto the brilliant green, tinting the grass as it left the Head Jounin's hand in a small trickle.

[Mojitsu Areomaru killed (As per Victim Choice)]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
There was nothing he could have done to prevent it, even if he reacted in time. Ishi moved with speed, sending many hundreds of thousands of volts into the boy's body and watching him fall. Into Ishi's arms he fell, and then dropped him to the floor. Cold.

Both boy and dog had frozen in utter shock, unable to process what had just happened. But.... the guy was leaving! He was just a kid! No older than Keiyaku himself, probably! The Inuzuka looked up at Ishi, their eyes meeting, the boy's eyes wide behind his mask.

"Sir! He w-w-was an unarmed teenager! And h-h-e was leaving!"

He felt it stir. The presence of death and the scent of blood combined with the adrenaline running through Keiyaku's body was threatening to break down the bars holding back bedlam. He breathed, trying to control it, trying to control the weight of shock threatening to overwhelm him. The flash of anger halted, remaining stable, not yet subsiding.

'No, asshole. Get back in your fucking cage. You're not joining in this mess.'

And then it was gone. Now it was just Moru, Keiyaku, and Ishi again.

"Sir, with all due respect," Keiyaku said calmly, his voice shaking, as was his whole body, a haunted look in his eyes, "you murdered him. For all we know, he really could be someone very important. For all we know, you could've just ignited an inter-village crisis. Don't you think it was AT LEAST worth interrogating him?!"
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Ishi looked towards Keiyaku, he had come a long way but still had so much more to learn, as he looked down towards Keiyaku it seemed that the ANBu were getting soft in their old age, but he wouldn't say anything else, his task here had been done, the gates had been protected and he would just leave Keiyaku with the thought that was on his mind and the fact that he saw this and decided to defend someone he didn't know and the actions they took as he kept the gaze he was still cold and that is what it was.

"He tried to enter the gates illegally, forcibly, he was caught, paperwork not provided, he was then argumentative, he was allowed to leave, and still went for it, he was then detained, attempted to fleet, detained again and the second time this happened he was then killed. He was given the opportunity, to understand this, if I let him leave, and he killed your friends, family, or companion, who would be to blame, and who would pick the pieces up, would that be your fault or mine? He is dead, he died on a hill he made to be that, and I did what I am trained, and honoured to do, protect this village. I spared you having to kill him, be thankful for that."

With that Ishi was gone, he would need to report to Keni on this and see what his Senin would make of the situation, but he stood by his actions.

[Topic Left]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
It was a hard lecture to take, mostly because the phantom sound of the man's chidori was still chattering away in his ears as his brain struggled to process what the hell had just happened. He got the essential point though, he maybe he was right. Maybe he had to start toughening up...

"Sir..." Keiyaku replied, approaching the fallen boy and heaving him into his arms. Why was it so easy - was the adrenaline that strong, or maybe he was drawing gravitational energy from the spirit inside him unknowingly to bear the burden. Trying not to look into the boy's face, he began to march, getting the boy's body out of the way. He would radio for a medic to handle the boy's burial on his headset and follow behind Ishi, giving one last spiteful comment.

"I don't agree with your methods, sir..."

[Topic Left]
[Continued here:]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
