Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Letter of Disapproval [Requesting Raikage]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Within the open space of the strategy room three individuals stood evenly around it. The Sennin of the ANBU branch, Mirō, her summon, Naibu, and one of her trusted captains, Quenchin. The rest of those who normally reside around the table had important duties to attend to. Since the events at the gate the citizens had been restless and attempts to maintain the peace was an on-going battle. However, even with the lack of personnel a letter to the nations had to be constructed. One that kicked below the belt just as Konoha had done to Kumogakure. Mirō idly shook her head side to side. “One messenger could’ve prevented this. Perhaps they were simply too weak to defend themselves. If that is the case then I say let them rot. They will only seek to leech off Kumogakure’s rich blood.” The blue hues from Quenchin gazed over at his Sennin.

She spoke truth but even as her captain, had been reluctant to nearly sever ties from Konoha. As if he dared himself he spoke out, “My lord, what if they were still recovering? Shouldn’t we spare a thought–” Fierce red hue cut directly towards Quenchin. “Spare? I refuse to spare those mutts of Konoha. The lives of my ANBU weren’t spare in any capacity. Why should they get mercy when my people were given none. Ask yourself that.” Defeated Quenchin looked away back towards the document before them.

In front of Mirō laid out papers with edits and proofs scattered about them. After hours of wording two scrolls had been laid out to be the final letter of condemnation.

“Dear Konohagakure,

Through interrogation of a captured Missing Nin, it was revealed that your country had been subject to an attack from the current Prisoner. Methods were used to produce the truth from the prisoner and it had come to our attention that Konohagakure failed to inform Kumogakure of the impending doom. Due to such failures Kumogakure had suffered massive loss even though the Missing Nin had been captured.

Since Konohagakure did not send a message to Kumogakure about their attack on their gates, Kumogakure has decided that failure to comply with the treaty proposed between the nations has broken the alliance between them. From now on, any persons, whether it be civilian, merchant, trader, ninja, even the Hogake will be heavily scrutinized and/or turned away at the gates of Kumogakure.

Mayhap there will be a chance to redeem yourselves in the future but that ray of light is bleak at best.

-ANBU Sennin of Kumogakure


She had left extra space for the seal and signature of the Raikage. Mirō read the room around her. Her captain nodded before he turned to look away. As for her Summon she spoke out. “You’re too easy on them. A full blown kill-on-sight would be in order back in my time.” Arms crossed themselves, casually tucking them under her chest. Mirō inhaled then let it out slowly. “The Raikage would never go for that. This is her order and even though they are lacking in some aspects they still condemn Konoha.” Quenchin nodded while Naibu shrugged her shoulders.

“As for Sunagakure…” Calloused hands moved the empty scroll before her.

“Dear Sunagakure,

Through interrogation of a captured Missing Nin, it was revealed that your country had led mercenaries to attack and provoke war between Konohagakure, Kumogakure and Sunagakure itself. These attacks cost the lives of many ninja and critically injured many others. These deeds cannot go unpunished. Seeing as the mercenaries took orders from an organization labeled ‘Ancients of Sand’ it would’ve fallen under Sunagakure’s jurisdiction to apprehend and detain these individuals. It is clear that Sunagakure is incapable of doing such a task that Kumogakure had to capture one of the mercenaries ourselves.

From now on, any persons, whether it be civilian, merchant, trader, ninja, even the Kazekage will be heavily scrutinized and/or turned away at the gates of Kumogakure.

Mayhap there will be a chance to redeem yourselves in the future but that ray of light is bleak at best.

-ANBU Sennin of Kumogakure

Another wave of nods and discretion came about the standing individuals. The Sennin spoke one last time. “Good. I’ll see this gets to the Raikage immediately. Quenchin, lead the head of operations until I return.” Quickly he saluted Mirō followed by a confident ‘Yes.’ Without words Naibu dematerialized into sparkling gold dust that slowly reformed into a golden mask that rested on Mirō’s hip. With haste the scrolls were rolled up and stored safely on her person. Just as fast as she turned to dust reality unzipped behind the Sennin and into a deserted hallway within the Raikage’s tower.

At the decorative door bandaged knuckles knocked a simple tune to alert the Raikage of who exactly was knocking without giving names. After a moment the door crept open and Mirō stepped inside. With a respectful bow she greeted her Master. “My Raikage, the written letters to Sunagakure and Konohagakure are finalized. Please, take a look and make any edits necessary.” In her bow she removed the scrolls from her storage to present them to her Master.

[Topic Entered]
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The door crept open and the Sennin moved over the Raikage’s desk. With quickness and professionalism the Sennin placed the two scrolls on the Raikage's desk for her to sign off and dismiss her. In and out. It was of utmost importance and the only thing on the Sennins mind was the delivery of these documents. These thoughts clouded her vision. As she looked up she realized the Raikage was nowhere to be found. A strange occurrence since a time and date had been set for their meeting.

Mirō turned to look at the clock high on the office wall. Time and date checked out but… just where the hell is the Raikage? A dejected sigh rolled past parted lips. Quietly, Mirō sat in a chair in front of her desk, patiently waiting for the Raikage to show up. Perhaps she was just a tad late. But slowly time began to fade away. Minutes passed, then an hour… two hours… three hours… Arms tucked underneath her chest a finger began to impatiently tap on her arm. It had felt like weeks had gone by and still the Raikage was nowhere to be found. “Are you kidding me? She’s never stood me up before…” Mirō sucked her teeth. Annoyed at the delayed response of her Raikage.

Her mind ran over the content of the scrolls again. What Suna and Konoha had done was unforgivable. A moment of silence washed over her… Mirō sucked her teeth yet again. Black tresses swayed side to side as she shook her head. Her vest pockets opened up to safely store the scrolls. For the first time ever, her codename would speak volumes. “Fine… I’ll do it myself.” Without another moment to waste the Sennin sank into the floorboards into her portal, leaving naught a trace of herself in the room.

[Topic Left]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune slowly strode into the office, just in time to see Miro about to do something dumb, ”I’ve also never had a meeting scheduled with you while being sick, but since when has that stopped things from happening?” she said, having heard the complaint about being stood up. ”So I’m here. Show me the documents. And I do hope you’re entirely aware that taking unilateral action on your own without my approval, as it pertains to international diplomacy, would be unsanctioned, and not hold any weight beyond making Kumogakure look foolish due to not having internal politics in order.” she continued, sighing at the end, as this was taking more energy than she really had to give.

[Stopped from leaving. Not that a tag was necessary, given no tag is found in the above post]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Standing in front of the Raikage’s desk, Sennin's ears twitched. The sound of a hand grasping a door handle set her on alert. Her head tilted slightly without fully turning around to see who could be at the door. Her hunch was right, the Raikage had finally showed up. And on queue was a quick rebuttal of some rules. International law and all that fun jazz. Had the Raikage not trusted her Sennin anymore? A gleeful smile emerged on her lips.With a twist she turned to face her Master.

“It’s unfortunate you’re sick Raikage. I’m surprised, really. Your medical background and health care are leagues better than any persons within the village. How you’re this ill is strange.” ‘Can't cure herself?.’ That voice chimed into her head. A hand slithered into her vest pocket to pull out two scrolls that required the Raikage’s signature. “Please sign these my Raikage. It’s important we lay down some ground rules for our neighbors.” Her soft smile remained on her lips. Hopefully, the transaction would be done and over within minutes.


Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune chuckled a bit ”There’s still no cure for the common cold, I’m afraid. But don’t you worry, it’ll be over soon enough.” she said, and accepted the scrolls from Miro’s hand. She gave them a quick read-through and raised an eyebrow ”A bit dramatic in the verbiage, wouldn’t you say? Impending doom? Change that to impending threat instead. Beyond that, hm.” she paused, reading and re-reading the wording of the documents again. This would require careful handling, but Miro was right in demanding action. The lack of warnings, or even just messages about any of this happening was, as the kids say “no bueno”.

”Actually, yeah, that’s about the only change. Do that and you’ll have my signature and blessing to set into action.” she said, looking into Miro’s eyes ”It’s kinda odd how conspicuously silent Konoha has been in all this. Usually we’d have heard from them well in advance, yet now it’s only… Silence. she uttered, then pausing for a minute as a plan formed in her head, ”Actually… If you’ve got an operative to spare, I’d like to have them go scope things out, see what’s actually going on. It’ll be a recon mission only. Observe, report, return.” she requested.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Patiently Mirō waited for her Raikage to look over the scrolls. Her diplomatic venacular had been lackluster ever since Umashi left her without proper guidance. He’d be her go-to guy for all the smart intellectual knowledge and wisdom crammed into the old noggin’ of his. After a quick read everything had been in tip top shape aside from one error. The Sennin refrained from rolling her eyes too far. The ‘impending doom’ felt apparently more serious than she had let on. “Let me make the changes then.”

A hand reached out to hover over the Konoha scroll that needed a proof. Shred and layers of her skin began to peel away from her hands. Rapidly her skin converted into paper to cover up and effectively erase the error and fix the terminology. After a moment the Sennins hands returned to normality and the letter to Konoha had been restored to the Raikage's taste.

The clash of red hues looking at each other could shake a room of normies. But instead of an intense stare down the Raikage requested someone recon the areas. “Not to worry, I’ll be taking an operative by the name of Yuna with me on our travels. The mission at hand was to be discreet, civil and to distance ourselves from any form of true danger. Don’t worry, have I ever failed you Kitsune?” A playful smile showed her pearly white teeth.

“Dear Konohagakure,

Through interrogation of a captured Missing Nin, it was revealed that your country had been subject to an attack from the current Prisoner. Methods were used to produce the truth from the prisoner and it had come to our attention that Konohagakure failed to inform Kumogakure of the impending threats. Due to such failures Kumogakure had suffered massive loss even though the Missing Nin had been captured.

Since Konohagakure did not send a message to Kumogakure about their attack on their gates, Kumogakure has decided that failure to comply with the treaty proposed between the nations has broken the alliance between them. From now on, any persons, whether it be civilian, merchant, trader, ninja, even the Hogake will be heavily scrutinized and/or turned away at the gates of Kumogakure.

Mayhap there will be a chance to redeem yourselves in the future but that ray of light is bleak at best.

-ANBU Sennin of Kumogakure


“There. All fixed.” The documents had been refined and set in front of the Raikage, awaiting her stamp of approval.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune chuckled at being called by name. That was unusual for Miro, for sure. Kitsune couldn’t recall the last time she’d been addressed by name, by her ANBU sennin, but it had for sure been a long time. ”Perfect.” she simply said, and grabbed her official stamp, infused her chakra into it to make it generate the prismatic ink used on communication of the highest level, then stamped both scrolls, before grabbing a pen and signing her name next to the seal. Now it was official. Konoha could sail in their own sea, and any visitor from there, or from Suna, were to be triple-checked at the gates.

Even merchants would need to have their papers in extremely good order, or they’d risk being turned away at the gates. As for the landborder to the country itself, down south, those were also being hardened as a security precaution. Fortunately Lightning Country was mostly a peninsula with a small border to Bear, and nothing but frozen wasteland to the far north making it a natural defense. ”Oh, and, could you see to it that the border guards also do thorough inspections on inbound trains? I’d rather not have another situation with a train. The one time a squadron was deployed as paratroopers using gliders onto a moving nuclear train was bad enough. Trust me on that one, I was there. No more train hijacking.”

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Her heart fluttered when the Raikage stamped and signed the documents. Neatly she rolled them up and offered them back to Mirō. Gently, the Sennin grabbed the scrolls and stored them away in her vest pockets. “I’ll alert my people that you want increased security at the train station and on board. Hell maybe a quick phone call to that giant mess of a Sennin at Main Branch would do. Get her up and working more productively. From what I’ve heard she’s a bit of…” Mirō fanned the final words of disgust away. Intimacy. There was no time for it and in Rei’s case she’d be wise to remain abstinent.

A final bow was given to the Raikage. “See you, my Raikage.” In her bow she began to seep into the floor thanks to her portals. Subsequently vanishing from the Raikage’s sight.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
