Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event Liberation: The Horrors of War <Mission 2>

Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015
The dusk falls heavy on a day of bloodshed and death. Three operations are executed by the end of the first day, taking on the Tenouza forces as the night falls; a shinobi specialty. This mission occurs right as the sun settles into the horizon and night fall begins to stretch her wing across the lands of Lightning. Traversing a swamp during the day is already deadly enough, but to traverse one at night that is also occupied by enemy forces? Some would call it a foolish endeavor. However, leading a great deal of the Kumogakure military is non-other than the immortal night queen Sennin Futotta. Her ability to heal and take a horrifying style of combat to the Tenouza in a land of death and damp could prove to be the edge the enemy doesn’t see coming.

The normal route out of the hidden village had seen better days. Between the recent Missing attempt and the cannon fired from Tenouza, the path was full of rubble and looked as if it had already seen the end of a war on their doorstep. Despite this, for the Kumo shinobi, getting down and into the Heartlands is still nothing to them. Highly trained men and women follow in the wake of a giant as they outskirt the lands held by a daring noble on the swamp’s eged and dive directly into the the drooping trees of the marshlands. On the way, the group meets with signs of war. The land nearby is razed and small camps of what appear to be Soldiers in the far distance dot the landscape. Far enough away not to see the shinobi execute their night attack, but close enough to Kumogakure to be worried about. These camps, however, are not the goal of Midori and her group as the night quickly comes into cover whatever tracks the marsh doesn’t naturally hide.

After twenty minutes of executing stealth as best the shinobi can, the army finally runs across one of the few, but prosperous, swamp towns. Its full size can be seen from the trees and it’s easy to discern that the original inhabitants have abandoned it; quite clearly, recently. Signs of a struggle are marked all across the town as splashes of blood mark both walls and the wooden piers the town stays a float on. There is no lights or signs of Tenouzans, but all because their enemy has taken to a Blitz form of tactics doesn’t mean they don’t know the secret success of stealth and surprise attacks…

[The Village appears safe…]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
As the final rays of sunshine began to fade from the day, the medical sennin lumbered through the wetlands of the heartlands with purpose. The route wasn't an easy one mind you since there were certain parts where you could be knee deep in muddy water in which you'd have to stealthy trudge through to avoid being heard by the enemy. The path was a long and winding one in which Midori braved through without hesitation because tonight the feeding will be exquisite. Yes, these war times were much more about courage and honor; but for a vampire it was a good masquerade for feeding. Besides, with the new weapon that is threatening the way of life of Kumogakure– Midori had to be an active participant in this war that could very much shape how the village hidden in the clouds would look in the coming years.

Stealth isn't really Midori's strongest skill since she was pretty noticeable due to her massive height and build but on the bright side of things, the vampire was knowledgeable enough about the anbu's techniques to use Active Camo which filtered out the noises that she would make during her travel through the harsh swamp. It also caused her clothing to blend into the surroundings, add the darkness along with the terrain and Midori was simply a large stealthy shadow like der-grossman instead of a large territorial ogre that stalked the swamps at night. With this, she was thankful to be one of those medical students who sat in on some of the Anbu training courses that they had for certain subdivisions as well as a few combat training classes. While traveling through the swampland Midori noticed a few camps that were sat close enough to Kumogakure, which was concerning to her but the camps weren't where they should be starting their assault on the Tenouzans since there weren't people to liberate here. Tasty morsels sure but no one to actually save so she ventured onwards. Of course after minutes of traveling through the mucky swampland, the vampire was able to see one of the prosperous swamp towns now seemingly in enemy control.

Midori dropped her active camo for a moment when she stopped, appearing in front of her team as though giantess had just faded into their awareness so she could halt them with her fist raised. Once everyone stopped moving and they were a good distance away to watch the town from afar; it appears that this small village looked like a ghost town. There was a sign of a struggle sure with splashes of blood mark both walls of certain homes and the wooden piers but there was no sign of the Tenouzans. Squinting her eyes, she could only think of two things….

One: this could be a trap so the team could run right in and become overwhelmed by the enemy forces.

Or two: they literally just passed up where the Tenouzan's were based at.

There could be other options, sure, but those were the two that she was betting on. "It zeems zafe but ein bit too quiet." Midori whispered, starting off with creating a few seals to create a crystal eye using the murky water around her. Once the surveillance eye was created, the vampire manipulated it with her mind so it could hover over the town and began focusing so she could do a clean sweep of the place just so there any unwanted surprises when they decided to enter the town. Better to be safe than sorry in this kind of situation plus with her scoping out the place this allowed the others to come up with a solid plan of attack should Midori actually find anything through her crystal eye.


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Ren had been patched up on everything; it was a long sit in the first bit. But once he was told that he was allowed to go at dusk... He was more than happy. Finally, something to do instead of drawing circles on the notepad. He pulled on his Ninja garbs with his cargo pants above, a beanie on his head, and his pouch tight against his hip. He even checked all the contents to be sure he had everything with him.

Once he met up with the sennin... he was still in awe. He had heard about contract having a mount ability... well she was big enough to be one too now that he kept thinking about it... Where would the saddle be, at the shoulders, or at the bag, on the behind? What about... no. That was nothing to do, that would be odd. He shook the idea out of his head and he focussed back on what they had to be doing, get going towards. Following the footsteps of the sennin, he too took the jutsu active camo and started to move just behind.

A fist was raised and knowing that mark; he stopped too and started to gaze further in the distance. It... was empty as far as he could see at first glance, but knowing that she didn't move. made him even wonder what he missed. The blood spatters were for one and he had seen blood enough in his life, but still, this made him only more curious. Below the beanie, he tried to listen even more closely to the surroundings. Being a lone wolf had its perks with the animalistic parts, but he hated them to show them in public. People always wanted to touch it and he hated that even more. Yet he couldn't help but get a bit excited about this mission. The tail that he tugged away in his pants was slightly waggling.

He had an idea... but he was a bit wondering if he could speak, but before he figured it might be a bad plan... he already started to whisper. "Why don't we send a clone in with transformation jutsu.. Disguised as a wounded villager to lure them out..?" Ren's gaze would go from the huge figure to the village. He was sure that if he would keep staring up to the giant's form that he would develop a stiff neck.

MFT: 403
[Topic entered]

Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015
The vampiress’ mythical floating eye gently zoomed through the village without a sound. What it witnessed only made what little they could see from the swamp worse. The bloods splattered across the walls lead down to piles of people that seemed oddly placed in strategic areas, set throughout the town. They all appeared to have the same stab wound through the center of their chests. Men, women, and children - no one was spared. The eye also took note that despite the absolute massacre of the village nothing else had been touched. Market stalls remained up, fresh alligator meat hung from hooks outside the butcher’s shop, and on the large the homes seemed undisturbed. Anything out of the ordinary with the houses seemed to have been that way for years. What the eye could see for sure was that there was a clear entrance for the Tenouzans that ambushed the swamp, and a clear exit. Footprints of what appeared to be at least twenty men in the entrances and exits pointed to a pure eradication without any alert, but the question remained: how?

The villages that dotted the Heartland Swamps were not small. The piles of bodies strewn through the streets clearly represented that, and it appeared that every last person was dead. How could an army sneak up on such a place, kill everyone, and not make enough racket to notify the other surrounding villages? As the Crystal Eye floated through the ruined village, it finally came upon the crystal device that would have been used to signal for help from the Capital. It had been untouched. Not a single speck of blood was near it meaning that the Tenouzans got such a jump on this place that the people here very well might not even know they were dead. Oh, the secrets that a Dark Sage would no doubt be able to unfold…

The only thing that appeared to be clear was that Futotta knew a trap when she saw one, she just couldn’t figure out how it was one. One didn’t become a Sennin from merit alone, and being from the Medical Branch taught her more than enough that danger can continue far after the death of a body. There could be explosive seals on the corpses. Maybe a chakra trigger was set to bring the dead back to life. Knights could be hiding themselves underneath the piles just waiting for the army to move through. The Crystal Eye didn’t see anything, but that didn’t well mean nothing was there.

That was when Ren chirped up with a special idea. Why not send in a clone and test the waters? Midori had a good idea on what one of the villagers looked like, and indeed if there was a trap this would be the best way to test it out; a way that didn’t result in casualty. A simple clone+transformation jutsu should do the trick. The disguised chakra clone would make its way down to the swamp via the roads one would normally travel after backtracking far enough away that it couldn’t be seen just hopping out the swamps; no sane, normal, human walked through these wetlands alone. As the clone slowly made their way up to the village, a sound finally echoed through the disgustingly quite muck strewed landscape; it was one of confusion. A voice, from an invisible source, muttered to itself,

Another one? I thought I had got all the gator hunters earlier…

A single voice speaking to itself, just barely enough to be heard. Could the shinobi army surrounding the village truly believe that a single person had caused all of this devastation? If this was a trap, surely the Tenouzan were underestimating their opponents…

[The village seems fine, but you hear a voice muttering to itself…]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Scouting the ghost town with her Crystal Eye, the giantess was able to see the horrors that this town had faced. Midori saw mountains of dead bodies as far as her eye could see and not one of them looked at peace. All seemingly were killed in a similar fashion– impalement through the heart. While the vampire tried to look for survivors, she could see that none of the market's appeared to be looted or at the very least the gator market's weren't since there was still some meat hanging. The first thing on Midori's mind, after seeing no signs of any civilian life, was to do a combination of both Sol Fire Tempest and Kirin. With a quick barrier along with some medical ninjutsu, it would take care of the entire town and vaporize everything in its radius but that would be unwise– especially if there was no one here to begin with. Midori decided to look at that plan as an option, a last resort if you will but decided to listen to what Ren had to say who actually came up with a better plan besides nuking the place.

"My Crystal eye has caught nothing, zave for zee zeveral bodies zat I'fe zeen." Midori whispered, stroking her chin for a moment to ponder at the idea presented to her. "Yes... I zuppoze zat could vork. I vill zet zee trap, vu keep guard und vatch to make zure none of zeze vreched cultists come sneaking up on us." weaving a few hand seals, Midori first casted the transformation technique to mimic the form of one of the women that she remembered within the piles of bodies. The bloodstains around the chest along with a tattered looking dress would probably be enough to fool someone that they are simply injured and had been trying to flee from the town. Next Midori created an elemental clone to act as bait, taking on the appearance as a wounded villager so it could move in to see if this town had been truly safe to enter. The giantess watched as the clone made its way through the swamp town in total silence, squinting her eyes when the clone got further away and that was when an audible voice rang through the town loud enough for them to catch but low enough that they would have to listen closely to hear it.

It appears that this town wasn't completely abandoned as she originally thought but it seemed to be only a single person which was indeed… off. Now yes, killing this many civilians would be possible for a shinobi to do alone, as a matter of fact a former shinobi of kumo was capable of blowing up a town all by themselves. But a single Tenouzan would be impossible given that they were against chakra; however looking back on it, it was said that they had new ways of battling. "Ready yourzelf for combat but don't charge until I giffe zee order." Midori whispered as she observed the town from afar through the Crystal Eye so she could be able to see what was going on from above. If this person was alone, then the Medical Sennin wouldn't mind charging in to attack them and put an end to their miserable life but if they weren't alone… strategy would have to be used to ensure their victory. After all, Midori could always count on her immortality for more reckless plans of action should she choose to go off script and go Rambo into the battlefield.

[Ooc: Using
Transformation + elemental clone for bait]

[Ooc: Currently choosing to observe the town though The
Crystal Eye]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"Bodies... they always get there somehow..." He would comment on her words and noticed that his words were actually spoken out loud. He was bad to keep words just to himself and he would watch to the side. Once he told his own idea; to create a clone and send it out under a transformation jutsu. He was glad that his idea was at least taken seriously... but he couldn't do well with just sitting still. He started to get his ticks, first started with just a small wobble to the side, basically just shifting his weight around. His eyes would keep focussing on the clone as it made its way towards the village. The moment around, you could almost let a pin drop and that would just be the sound.

He never really was one to wait and sit... But given the fact, the person was a sennin... It probably wasn't the best to go against her. In fact, he would sit down and just watch from afar. He had his animalistic traits... On which below his beanie his ears would flick a time once a noise coming from the village. "..." He remained silent but did move a bit, but let an annoyed tsk as he heard him stand down basically. He got annoyed at that fact, he wanted to act, react and that basically wasn't allowed! He would cross his arms and tilt his head a bit, showing in physical language that he was annoyed with doing nothing. His mentor probably would have written hyper in his medical files all over... He just couldn't.

"Sounded like a single person... " He would whisper. "It... sounded confused..? What did he mean with Gator..? What did the crystal eye spot..? We know that there are bodies... But have there been footsteps? Weapon scratches? Anything that could point out something odd..? Something that shouldn't be around what we normally could or would be looking for..?" He asked and asked and already started to draw in the ground below him for footsteps, weapon causes, and the likes.

'can't hear that well with the beanie on... Guess I don't get much of a choice...' with that thought he would get his beanie off, place it in the pouch and try to keep his hearing spits towards the village. It bothered him that they had little information. ' how would one create... an idea of having an army against them... leverage...' He would crouch down once more, poke the drawings he had made earlier to keep his mind at least a little on track. "Neh... Midora--- Midori-san..." He would carefully correct the name, after all, it still was new to him. "There is this mirror jutsu... i read about it in the books... Fun-House. It's supposed to reflect everything and everyone... what if were to reflect the light to get him into a shadow..? Like... He becomes a shadow so your eye can fetch the figure and tail it..? It's too murky for my nose to work properly..."


Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015
Perhaps Midori had eaten a great breakfast that morning, or maybe she'd simply put an extra bit of oomph in the clone technique but whatever exactly it was, Midori's clone was empowered enough not only to round the corner and find a Knight, but it promptly cocked back a fist and punched the Knight squarely on the chin, knocking the knight out causing his body to fall into the swamp unceremoniously. As if on cue, the sounds of chains clanking together and the howling of lay people who up until that point had no hope, could be heard. The watchful eye of Midori's could see that not only had her clone been successful in taking out a threat, but that all that stood between her party and rescuing the trapped people was a small guard of five or so less than protected comrades of the knight that had been knocked out.

Even less dressed than he was, they were shaking in their boots and standing at attention in front of rudimentary wooden cages that housed local people. Appearing to be ironically enough, gator hunters, there were a number of options and routes that Midori and Ren could go but testing her fortune again might not go as well as it had before. Spotting the clone, the guards began to panic even more and bristled up to attention. Yelling for the knight, if they didn't spot him soon enough then it was clear that they'd call in for more reinforcements. Midori and Ren could either fight from the shadows or continue the direct approach but whatever option they opted to go with, it was clear that collateral damage could cause innocent bystanders their lives if things got too hectic. Was stealth worth dragging the fight out or would a "big boom" quickly help them to move on and free others? Fortunately for them, they now controlled the tempo of things but for how long, could be anybody's guess.

OOC: Midori rolled a natural 20 and everything went her way. The resident knight on duty is knocked out but there are at least five guards watching over a cage full of gator hunters. How you choose to proceed could either help or harm your ability to keep them safe.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Midori watched intently to see exactly what the guard does, the clone rounding the corner to give a straight right punch hitting the knight in the jaw which knocked the knight out before they knew what hit them! Midori's face dropped in shock of how fragile these knights really were– or at least how easy it was to knock out at least one of them. So far, the medical Sennin could see about five possibly less guards and that there were some hostages left which meant vaporizing everything would be the wrong move considering they were here to liberate the people. Though even as she was trying to consider her next move, her squadmate was blasting her with question after question making her give the boy a stern look before she spoke. "Pleaze calm yourzelf, young man. Now I zee about fiffe ozer knights, pozziblity less standing betveen us und zee hostages. Normally I vould zuggest a more. tactical approach but tvo schinopi schould be more zan ein match for zeze knights if zey can't fight against ein measly clone."

Midori, after seeing the clone successfully take off the guards with ease thought it made no sense for the fight to be dragged out. After all, this would leave room for reinforcements to arrive which could very much put them in more jeopardy. So taking a leap of faith, she decided to go for something a bit more reckless. "Zeeing how ve kot one of zem vith ein clone, I believe I schould pe enough of ein distraction for vu to zaffe zee hosdages ja? Ein quick blitz schtrike from zee both of us schould be enough or vu can uze zee chaos to free zee hostages from zeir confines. Arh ! Vadeffer vu decide, I'll be focused on printing dovn zeze horrible men..." without another word, Midori began moving towards the town. Making sure she was a few meters away before the giantess began to GROW! Using her Akimichi blood she increased their size dramatically. they become what can only be accurately described as a fifteen meter giant! Her dress also expanded a bit with her new height, though some of the fabric tore a bit since it was being stretched beyond what was possible and her heels were completely destroyed upon growth. Large rolling tree trunks for legs lumbered through the street grew more in muscle mass, big powerful arms clenched into fist as the giantess had been able to see the knights over the buildings.

Each step sinking into the soft ground with each step made the ground tremble, as she balled her hands into fist and making it glow with a cursed aura before sending her powerful fist of sin crashing down on three of the knights at once to hopefully put an end to their miserable lives in one hulking smash if she was able to deliver the strike without fail.


Midori enters Wind Style: Second Wind
Midori used Super Expansion to grow!
Buffs: 10% DR, +%10 unarmed damage, +2 accuracy

Midori used Partial Expansion to increase the size of her arms, hands, legs, and feet.
Buffs: +%20 unarmed damage

Midori attacks 3 knights with FOS: Sloth]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As soon as Ren got 'the look' his ears went almost straight flat pointing to the back, his tail started to hang and note move either. 'Note to self;; don't make her angry.' was just the thought that crossed his mind as he watched the other and listen to her speak. There seemed to be a plan and only she was able to do it. He had no saying. As soon as she got away; he let out a sigh. "Got a bad feeling about this..." He said out loud before he would start to move also.

He was supposed to free the hostages... With Midori-san being the not so gentle giant on her path for destruction. He had to get there nice and silently. ' She spoke about 5 other knights... With that one bloke knocked out makes 6... Why were 6 knights too much for hunters... something isn't right...' Ren made sure he kept a close watch around the outer edges of the place before he would walk along again slowly getting near the cages. First off he made a few handseals; Active Camo [M] and soon followed another set; Elemental Clone [electric]. At least if there was something going on, they would be quick to be there. Both used a transformation Jutsu on themself to be as small as possible. "I swear if I get fleas now soon... I will never hear the end of it."

With his transformation jutsu basically being a small stray cat, actually two with his clone, they got closer towards the cage. If he was successful in getting close, he would just get to the back and look for a good spot to open it; if it required a key... Force could do it? But was it smart... Many things just went through his head. ' What an idiot am I... I know fire jutsu;; just heat the lock till it drops right..?' If it were to go bad; he would instantly get into his jinchuuriki form out of the Transformation jutsu and cast Lightning Beast.

[left it up to the dices what would happen I guess? /Still don't 100% get it]

Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015

Midori may have thought that lightning would strike twice and that she'd be able to bully her way through the knight ranks but as the world began to shrink below her, she suddenly realized that with more to see just how scant the area actually was. There were far more prisoners than there were knights and even beyond that, there was practically nothing worth defending. They had been duped and the intel on the area had proven to be untrustworthy. As Midori began to walk she'd probably notice a sound reminiscent of cannon fire and then a series of small smoking puffs at her feet before she'd find herself sinking fast within the swamp.

Ren meanwhile would have a front row seat to watching the scene play out from his hidden perch. His camouflaged hidden spot secure, his clones take the full brunt of Midori springing the trap as they'd be obliterated by the traps being set off to trap Midori. While the knights certainly had no way to knowing that such a giantess would be their opponent, they certainly counted on a larger number of shinobi to come try to rescue such a small amount of captured hunters and the sheer amount of traps showed this to be true. While the traps weren't enough to hold Midori permanently, they definitely did the trick of causing her to sink down into the swamp all the way up to her waist due to her increased weight. Had she used the full extent of her abilities she might have been able to see the enemy forces just beyond a normal beings field of view but she couldn't and the resulting image of her waist deep in the muck and mire was as humiliating as it was a weakness to the twosome's ability to complete the mission.

Thankfully, Ren was already on the move, releasing the captive hunters and letting them go just as his clones were crushed by the resulting entrapment of Midori. Left with free captives and his enhanced Jinchuriki hearing catching the sounds of another set of knights coming to further lock the shinobi down, Ren now had to contemplate how best to get Midori out of the swamp and how to get out of the situation without being captured himself. While saving the lives of all Lightning Country citizens was important, it was just as important that the only force capable of defending didn't end up in a similar captive state. Now, even more so than before, finesse was what would get them out of this alive. The age old question of if saving a few were worth the whole might possibly come to mind. The hunters stood no chance in their weakened state yet Ren couldn't let a Kumo Sennin fall into enemy hands, much less a lady. Even now the knights that were remaining rushed to quickly surround Midori. How he'd go about his choice would make all the difference.

OOC: Bad rolls folks. :(
1) Midori sprung a trap and is now trapped in the swamp up to at least her waist.
2) Ren is without clones but aware of more enemy forces coming, threatening both the now released hunters and the compromised Midori.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
She took a calculated risk, but she misjudged the math on this one and ended up making a terrible mistake! Midori felt as if she would be able to crush those knights like the vermin that they were but she fell right into their trap as the world began to sink below her. The giantess yelped as she began to sink within the swamp down to her hips and almost instantly began to struggle against the disgusting muck unable to properly help in her current situation. Thankfully, Ren was already starting to release the hostages from their confines and most of the attention of the knights were mostly focused on her now so she decided to use this minor handicap as an advantage since the hostages were safe. "GET ZEM OUT OF HERE! DON'T VORRY ABOUT ME!" her voice boomed, waving her large hand to shoo Ren away. Besides, immorality gave her enough confidence that she would be more than capable of handling herself even as she started to become surrounded.

Thankfully, her Akimichi abilities didn't just give her the power to merely grow but she also had the ability to stretch and extend her limbs like elastic. Going on the defensive she casted a basic Barrier technique to protect themselves from all harm so she could use her current disadvantage to her advantage. She began to weave hand seals for Inner Earth Reflection Lure which allows her to merge with the swamp around her and if Lord Dracula would allow it– she would sink all the way beneath the surface by using their chakra to hide hide herself as the mud swallowed her whole like quicksand. There wouldn't even be a crater or a massive hole where the giantess had been. After a few moments below the earth, hidden, Midori would then began to weave more hand seals for the gate of enma, hoping that this little sneak attack would play out to her advantage. When she knew that there were knights close enough, she would cause a small rift below ground which made lengthy arms, composed of pure dark energy, SHOOT UP TO THE SURFACE TO ATTACK AT LEAST FOUR PEOPLE SHE KNEW TO BE ENEMIES!

The arms made of dark energy wouldn't be the only ones trying to rip and tear at the enemies at the surface because Midori would then rise from the ground like the undead, then extended her large arms so she could try to attack some knights again with Fist of Sin punching at anything she thought had been an enemy to her since the gate of enma would've already exposed where she was so might as well cover more ground. Her arms moving so fast and stretching so long that it almost looked like she was punching at them with thousands of arms!

[[Ooc: Actions

-Midori Cast
Barrier to protect herself.
-Midori use big brain and cast
Inner Earth Reflection Lure to go all the way below ground for a sneak attack.
-Midori Cast
Gate Of Enma + using affinity move spread to target 4 knights.
Buffs: using Revvy powers to stretch attack this
-Midori would cast
FOS Sloth to attack 3 knights again!
Buffs: using Revvy powers to stretch attack this]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Ren was caught in between a serious matter to think about. The situation around Midori-sama wasn't looking all that well, but the hunters seemed to be in peril too... He knew well that wounded and orders became first... Yet he felt a bit helpless in this situation. He was thinking many things as the same time while he was guiding the hunters towards the way he thought was best.
He was a lone wolf... he was good at doing things solo, why did he bother with Midori in the first place... perhaps because of the fact that she was a sennin and her orders were absolute.

' What are you doubting..?' A voice echoed inside of his mind and Ren knew full well that it was his Jinchuuriki spirit. "So you are here..." He muttered out loud and knew the hunters would be watching him as if he had gone nuts. He knew what he would be doing. The first so flimsy smile would turn into a grin. "ALright... Let's do this..." He would drop his cloak and slowly his physical started to change. Static started to get off from him and his hairs turned in a green-blue hue, his eyes almost as if they were glowing. Midori! More are coming! I will get them to safety!" He called out as he already showed his presence. After that, he would make his way towards the safe direction, at least one where he knew they weren't coming. "Make sure to keep up, I know you are weakened and wounded, but I cannot risk making clones in this case..." he would call out to the hunters in the hope that they would understand the severity of this moment.

If anything would try to get close; he would electrify his enemy at the spot with his Jutsu's.

[ooc; sorry for the wait]
- Enter jinchuuriki form - Electric
- Electroshock - Mastered- if stopped by a knight.

Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015
Barely missing a beat, Midori proved why she was the Medical Sennin. Quickly able to turn a bad situation into one that she could benefit from, the gigantic woman didn't accept her fate while stuck. Through cunning shinobi tricks she went from a downed opponent to a dangerous foe for the knights, becoming a whirling dervish of destruction. Before a single knight could even get close to attack the barrier that she'd cast, it was apparent that she was no longer there and then the destruction came from below like a large pale maw opening to devour them. Erupting from the ground, even Ren needed to be careful but at least with his heightened senses, he'd be able to quickly pick off whatever knights came within his immediate vicinity with channeled electrical shocks.

In as good a position as the two were however, there was the fact that they weren't going to be able to fight forever. Being able to take on five, ten, twenty or more knights would be a simple effort, the crux of their mission was still to liberate instead of dominate. While Midori kept the bulk of the knights busy, Ren did his best to sneak the hunters out of a bad situation and thanks in large part to Midori's swampy antics, Ren was able to get away without losing any of the hunters in the process. All that was left now was for Midori to find a way to make a clean break. With her proving to be more than just a pretty face, so far she had managed to turn an unfortunate situation into one that she could benefit from but for how much longer? Pouring in from all directions to attempt to hold the position, while they couldn't get close to Midori, they could certainly make it difficult for her to escape by sheer numbers alone.

OOC: Ren and the Hunters made it to safety and now Midori needs to make it out as well.


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Ren would stay inside of his jinchuuiki form, watching as clouds were rolling by and watching the field below. "Every hunter is at least saved.. but now the medical sennin." Ren muttered and would watch from a distance. He was simply thinking; she is way stronger then that I am... I did my part of the emission and if I were to get in the way. It could end ugly for me or for her as I could hinder her. Mud... was part of water, part of earth. So electric tricks would be difficult to use since it could harm him. This was just.. a bad team co-op thing.

For now, Ren would be standing back until he was given a signal to give a hand to help, Midori was, quite litterly a big woman and could handle herself right? Keeping his guard up, he would stay still and waiting.

[topic left unless stopped?]
[Thank you Umashi, please just keep me in if I wasn't to leave; it was a bit unsure to me.]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Luckily for Midori her plan went off without a hitch, it was a great move to use being sunken into the ground to keep the other knights busy. However more were coming, too many more for even her to handle safely without doing anything that would put the people that she was trying to save in jeopardy. Now that she was now free, Midori quickly began to run where she believed to be a safe direction. That is to say, the same direction as Ren. With each step, she shrunk back down to her normal height of 9’2 and she could already feel herself growing a little tired from the running already so she decided to simply cast another Elemental Clone technique so she could make three clones in total appear to confuse her would be chasers while she tries to hide away. Successful execution of this skill would allow Midori to draw the knight's attention in another direction and hide herself away all in the time span of a split second if she needed to.

Midori could track Reb and the hunters that they saved down a little later at least until she knew that she wasn’t being pursued. But now with her mind, she ordered that one clone go to fight the knights, two wait here and while one of them fights the other draws their attention elsewhere. Now that the whole plan was in motion, Midori activated her active camo again then proceeded to run in….. a direction? Just away from where she was and the giantess could only hope that she wasn’t being followed…. Or Ren for that matter

(left unless stopped or caught)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
