Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Lost Children [ C - Rank ]


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
They were several miles away from the village as the mountainous landscape covered the village. There could be no general populace to eavesdrop in their conversation. Shu glanced at the boys through his mask as they walked at his side.

"There is a private request from a village not too far from here. Apparently, there have been reports of children dying in their sleep with no external or internal injuries. It is as if they feel in a deep slumber and never woke up. Right by the village there is a forest that shown to have a high concentration of spiritual energy. There seems to be a connection and we are going to investigate. Do you have any questions. Also, how have you adapted with your spiritual energy?"

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Prodigy Brothers said:

Rp said:
Walking along side Shu, the brothers observed the scenery as they traveled as usual. They enjoyed being outside the village. The two actually learned the most during their ventures outside the village.

"There is a private request from a village not too far from here. Apparently, there have been reports of children dying in their sleep with no external or internal injuries. It is as if they feel in a deep slumber and never woke up. Right by the village there is a forest that shown to have a high concentration of spiritual energy. There seems to be a connection and we are going to investigate. Do you have any questions. Also, how have you adapted with your spiritual energy?"

"no questions, seems pretty simple."

"Our spiritual energy and senses seem to have increase ten fold. It's interesting to see and feel the spiritual energy around you at all time."

"I agree. The adaptation even caused a balance between my power and control more. Im in a constant state of rejuvenation as the spiritual energy flows through me and correlates with my physical and natural energy."

"It would surely be interesting how our abilities perform on this particular mission."

Topic Entered
NPC: Aiko


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Their response was filled with confidence as they pronounced that they made a prodigious leap in power. It was no surprising that they would have a greater increase in power after showing a ball of energy into their bodies. They still need to acclimate their own spiritual power as well as controlling it.

"Yes. Indeed." Shu said. The trio remained silence for a few minutes before the serenity was broken by the sound of the blowing steam engine. They had reached a small station right near a small river. It was the late afternoon when they arrived as the sun's glowing rays shimmered through the waters. The last horn blew signaling them to enter the trolley as they ventured off to their destination. It took only a few minutes before they reached what appeared to be a small town except most of it was surrounding forestry. The smell of seared wood and manure made it obvious that this town thrived in logging and agriculture. The village was laid out like a scattered matrix of small houses. A young woman with a white apron that flowed like a grown and a white crown hat approached them. "Are you shinobi that we are waiting for." The woman said with a small voice.

"Yes." Shu said as he reached for his scroll that was tucked in his armor. He presented it to her as she nodded her head. "Please come follow me."

The four walked over across the field and reached a building much larger than the smaller houses. "These are the twelve children that we reported to you and everyday another is added." She said.

Shu motioned the boys to examine them as he walked over to do the same. He walked over to one small browned headed girl who looked like a ghost as her skin was nearly white. He touched her forward with his two fingers than toward her hand. There was no pulse that he could feel but he did notice a glowing mark on the right forward.

"Do you notice anything?" Shu asked as he turned around to his students. The nurse was perplexed as to what the ANBU was talking about.


Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Prodigy Brothers said:

Rp said:
As the trio walked in silence with their mind focused on the upcoming task at hand, the brothers could still feel the pain of the energy that pulsed through their entire body after having a week of bed rest. Yeah, the power was amazing, but the cost of this power was beyond imagination. Junko himself probably wouldn't wish that pain on his worst enemy. Hopefully, the power would simmer or quickly continue to mix into The brothers own powers. Otherwise, they'd have to continue to fight to keep things in check. That alone weighed a toll on their body as they were breathing slightly heavier than usual with just this basic walk, but thank God they finally reached a small station right near a small river. As the final whistle blew for the trolley, that was the signal to get your ass on or get left behind.

Getting on, the brothers used the vehicle as a means to take a break. Sadly, it was a short one as they arrived to their next destination within minutes. It was a small town surrounded by forestry like Shu mentioned, but he failed to mention that the place was going to smell like shit. In moments, a woman approached and Shu continued to lead and handle the small talk as the brothers stood at his sides. Following the woman, she led the trio just where they needed to go, which was to where the deceased children were. As Shu directed the brothers to examine a body, they wasted no time with getting to work.

Kneeling, Aiko observed the young lads chakra flow which seemed thin. Damn near non existent. Meanwhile, Junko observed the pale skin of the body before using his medical microscopic vision, which allowed him to observe the body on a deeper level. The Heart didn't pulse, meaning the entire internal body system was shut down.[/color]

"Junko, look." Aiko said pointing to the forearm of the child.

Upon normal glance, the boy's arm seemed normal, but with the brothers spiritual capabilities, the could see a very faint red glow on the forearm of the child.

"Do you notice anything?"

"By the look of this, it seems like some odd marking."

"Spirit bites..." Aiko said interrupting. "Similar to our other problem in the mountains."

b]"You're right, but something's different about these. They aren't visible to the normal eye."[/b] Junko said before looking to Shu.

"How long have the children been like this? And when did it start?"


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The boy's examined the bodies and they both noticed the glowing aura emanating from the children's forearms. Aiko identified them as bites something the two had both seen before. It was clear there was a spirit animal in the physical realm. Aiko turned back to the nurse as he inquired. "How long have the children been like this? And when did it start."

"It has been a week since the first incident. The children have said to be playing with some animal in the woods but no one has been able to find any animals." She said.

"Are there any children in the forest." Shu said. The woman nervously nodded her head.

"Shit, we need to get going." Shu said. "I will explain when we enter the forest."

"Don't let anyone enter the forest under any circumstances until we return." He exhorted as he turned toward the woman before rushing out of the buildign like a blaze of white lightning. The boys would be able to catch up to the old man as he saw him kneeling down on green pasture. There were three children laying flat like plywood similar to the children at the lodge. "They are still alive but barely." Shu said as he rose back to his feet.

"Keep your eyes open. We are looking for a small creature perhaps a small..." Shu stopped as he noticed a small puppy walk toward them from the shadows. Although innocent in its gaze, the atmosphere it brought in was redolent of darkness. The eyes of the dog turned dark red as well as its supposed red collar decorated with a strange red gem. Several dark canine figures emerged from the depths of the forest. They were rather large with a height of six feet tall. What look like white slime dripped from their glowing red mouths like a panting dog ready for its meal. They began to rush them like a wave.

"What ever you do let them bite you. Use your spiritual energy to create a protective shield." Shu said as he swiftly drew his blade from sheath engulfed in bright white energy. He quickly sliced the head one of the canines before it could take his head off.

Shu began to head for the cub as he slice the packs of dogs getting in his way. The students had to do their best not to be overwhelmed.

[[Just rp killing a bunch of demon dogs :D]]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Prodigy Brothers said:

Rp said:
"It has been a week since the first incident. The children have said to be playing with some animal in the woods but no one has been able to find any animals."

Immediately, the brothers looked to Shu to watch his response to things. Their was a bad feeling brewing and it was getting to the part of the movie where something bad was about to happen, but you just didn't know when or what was coming. With the exchange of words, Shu bursted through the doors with quickness and the brothers followed the old man.

Observing the child laying helplessly, Junko immediately went to her aid as Shu confirmed that the child was still alive. Giving a brief examination, Junko might be able to save her. Scooping her up with both arms, Junko watched as the child's arms dangled as she couldn't even gather the strength to lift her head up. Turning to make his way back, Junko nodded at Aiko.

Keep your eyes open. We are looking for a small creature perhaps a small..."

Stopping in his tracks, Junko could feel a sudden sinister feeling surging around them.

"We have company." Aiko said as his Sharingan eyes scanned the area, locating dozens of growing energy signatures. Touching Junko's shoulder, Aiko gave him the "okay" to head back. The gentle spirit was sure him and shu would enough to handle these low class spirits. "Just leave us some back up though, ya never know." Aiko said as Junko began making his way back.

Suddenly, two summoning explosions occurred, revealing shinigami with his Canine companion and Mundoo alongside Aiko.

What ever you do, don't let them bite you. Use your spiritual energy to create a protective shield."

Watching Shu sprang into action, the students had to do the same. As Aiko Unsheathed his wooden katana, it flowed with a elegant white aura. Taking a defensive position, Mundoo positioned himself at the flank to guard the town. Meanwhile, shinigami summoned his death scythe utilizing the same spiritual technique as everyone else.

In a blank of of an eye, three demon hounds jumped towards Aiko. Focusing his sharingan on his targets, they were practically turtles as they moved in slowly to Aiko. Giving several slashes, The hounds bursted into pieces before seemingly evaporating.

Meanwhile, Junko's shinegami path went to work, cutting down hounds left and right as he moved to assist Aiko and shu. The three would be back to back, ready for each wave.

WC: 416


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
There was not much guidance needed from Shu as the prodigious boys went to work slicing all the hound dogs that came by. The first wave were quickly dispatched but it didn't end there as more emerged from the bushes. The trio were able to eliminate the horde of monsters with ease until they encountered what appeared to be a small pup no bigger than a lady's purse. It walked up closer to them as soft brown eyes morphed into a dark emerald green, on its neck rested a green gem that illuminated the forest casting an eldritch shadow that looked like a great hound.

Shu did not take a second to let it transformed as he quickly swiped his blade and decapitating the helpless dog. The head of the mutt rolled over toward him with the jewel attached to the nape. Shu sheathed his blade onto his back and held two fingers summoning a ball of fire that burned the head to dust ensuring that the dog was dead leaving the jewel. He picked up the jewel examining trying to determine its origin.

From the distance, the three could hear crackling sounds of laughter that seemed to get louder and louder. Shu was able to identity as the voice as his brown eyes began to show emotion. "It has been a long time hasn't it Shu-chan." The voice said as if it was right next to him. A slender man dressed in a pristine black suit with black pants emerged from the bushes. As he came into the light his entire countenance was displayed for all to see. He looked like a man in his early 20s as seen his clear but skin. His eyes were bright green accompanied by bright red lips that would give a rose a run for its money.

"Are you responsible for this?" Shu said as he turned toward the man.

"Is that how you speak to an old friend. Where are your manners?" The man said with a jocular tone.

"Answer the fucking question!" Shu said with a slight snarl.

"Yes. I thought the children were bored so I gave them a dog." The man responded. "Don't worry the souls have returned by now. I know how you still love this world." He held up his hand knowing that Shu would not take a second to lob his head off.

"Besides, there are more important matters that we need to attend to. I am sure you have felt the surge of spirtual energy. I have a feeling that you are responsible...ha see what I did there." The man continued.

"Yes I did. It is part of the reason why I came out of retirement" Shu said.

"I am sure. I thought love our old adventures. How is your brother doing these days?" The man said before glancing at the two boys. "You got new students I see. I am jealous."

"He is fine. I haven't heard from him in years." Shu glanced back at the boys. Shu sighed. "They are students of Hayata Shin -- the former raikage."

"You mean that nerdy boy that met with Kenshin. I didn't think he had the balls to train anyone else after..." The man said but was interrupted by Shu's terse response.

"I don't want to hear it." Shu said. Shu turned around toward the boys. "This is Ango. He is not an ally nor an enemy. He is more of a nuance. Why don't you introduce yourself. Oh and he is a youkai if you haven't figure it out."

[Holidays got the best of me :/ Should be back into the full swing of things]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Prodigy Brothers said:

Rp said:
Cut after cut, the demons were being brought down to size, but the hounds continued to come. Aiko skills were on display as he was maneuvering with swiftness and delivering all fatal blows. Spinning, he launched two hounds into the air in one upward slash. Setting his footing, the white spiritual energy engulfed his feet as he focused. It was a little different from when he did it with chakra, but it delivered a similar effect as Aiko launched into the air to finish off his targets. Kicking one hound down, Aiko used that leverage to deliver a spinning counter clockwise slash to the second hound.</COLOR>
<COLOR color="grey">

Coming back down to the ground, Aiko was wide open at his blind spot and a hound launched to take advantage. Luckily, Junko's mind was linked with each of his paths and he saw the battlefield from multiple angles. Having Aiko's back, Junko used his shinigami path to get right under the hounds guard at the last moment. Focusing his spiritual energy in the palm of his hand, Junko delivered a devastating palm attack that sent the hound flying back into the woods probably several yards as trees were being knocked down.


Listening, everything had grown silent. Their was no more movement, but it still felt as if danger was afoot. Looking to Shu, Aiko could see that he was conversing with someone or rather... some...thing. At that same moment, Junko's paths dispersed as he came back outside and made his way over. "The children are waking now...I have a clone checking vitals." Junko said as him and his brother made their way to Shu's side.

"This is Ango. He is not an ally nor an enemy. He is more of a nuance. Why don't you introduce yourself. Oh and he is a youkai if you haven't figure it out."

Raising a brow, Junko didn't like the feeling of the Youkai, yet he was somewhat drawn to him. Something peeked his interest...

"Tsuyoshi Junko. I've heard rumors of Youkai, but I don't know much."

"Tsuyoshi Aiko. They're supernatural beings or demons rather."

"really..." Junko's said before looking back to Ango. Having the good entity of the blood demon king within him, Junko wondered how powerful was Ango compared to Mazoku.

WC: 376


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The two students were right to feel obstinate about the sudden reveal of the youkai but Shu was surprised of their lack of knowledge. The youkai had plague the Kumogakure for centuries how could their history be relegate to myths or fantasy; at least, Aiko had some idea.

"I would like to be called empty meatbag." Ango said a sardonic grin. "Thank you very much."

"We can talk more later. We have a mission to complete." Shu asked tersely. Even though the mission was caused by him there was still had to follow protocol.

"Fine. I will give you a week but after that no more kiddie gloves. I expect you to be ready and your students." Ango said. He

Shu never seen Ango be able to move in and about with a borrowed body for so long. The youkai would normally steal a body before dropping like a pile of used newspaper. It was as if Ango was moving freely in the physical realm.

"We better return the children back to their homes before it gets dark." Shu said as he began to exit the forest instructing the two to follow. "We have much to discuss when we return to the village."

[[Leaving Topic | Mission End]]


Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Prodigy Brothers said:

Rp said:
We can talk more later. We have a mission to complete."

"Fine. I will give you a week but after that no more kiddie gloves. I expect you to be ready and your students."

"We better return the children back to their homes before it gets dark."

"We have much to discuss when we return to the village."

listening to the two as they began to get back on the move, curiosity was filling the minds of the brothers. what did they mean? what had to be discussed? Why was this Youkai playing with souls as a joke? why was he neither friend or foe? and so much more, but the brothers couldn't allow their minds to be clouded. after all, they had things to do. It was time to get back to work and head home.

Topic Left

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
