Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mizu Xaiyu-> Akira

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Mizu Xaiyu
Old Village/Missing: Missing
OCR Type: retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Leaf Outer Zone
Old IC Rank: Jounin

New Character Name: Akira
Preferred Username: Akira
New Village/Missing: Mercenary
New BL/CA: Battlesmith
Custom Class: Click Here to create your new Custom Class.
Custom Class said:
HP: (35+lvl) x stamina
CP: (55+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +4 acc
High: Range(s), Melee
Average: Dodge, Save
Low: Gen Dc, Nin Acc(s)
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: main branch
IC Rank: Jounin

Character Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sex: Female.
Character's Physical Description: Akira is a symbol of strength, beauty, and empowerment. Standing at around six feet tall, she possesses a gracefully athletic and statuesque figure that exudes both power and femininity. Her posture is always regal and confident, displaying the air of a true warrior and leader. Her long, flowing dark hair cascades down her back, framing a face adorned with striking features and mesmerizing blue eyes that hold a depth of wisdom and compassion.

Her flawless olive-toned skin radiates with a healthy glow, a testament to her immortality. A determined and kind expression is often etched upon her face, reflecting the deep sense of justice and love she carries within. Despite the battles she's faced, her countenance remains both fierce and serene, epitomizing her ability to uphold peace and protect the innocent.

Akira's well-defined physique is a testament to her rigorous training and extraordinary abilities. Her well-muscled arms and legs showcase the strength she possesses, capable of withstanding tremendous forces in battle. Yet, her toned body remains graceful and agile, allowing her to move with incredible speed and dexterity.

Her iconic armor embodies her war forged roots and symbolizes her mission to bring peace and balance to the world. The striking red, gold, and blue ensemble is both practical and symbolic. The golden headband rests upon her forehead, representing her position and status as one of
[I]Miroku Akkuma[/I]’s proclaimed Sennin. Her golden bracelets, known as the Bracelets of Submission, serve as a reminder of her allegiance to Akkuma and act as a powerful defense against attacks.

The form-fitting red bustier highlights her femininity while offering the flexibility required in combat. The blue skirt emphasizes her connection to the void from which she came and her commitment to defending the ideals of peace. Complementing the outfit, red knee-high boots provide additional protection and enable her to traverse various terrains with ease.
In battle, she wields the formidable sword and shield, mastering their use with expert precision. The sword signifies her prowess in combat, while the shield embodies her protective nature and her unwavering determination to defend those in need.

Beyond her physical attributes and awe-inspiring appearance, Akira's true strength lies in her unwavering compassion and belief in her purpose. Akira's physical description only scratches the surface of the multifaceted and iconic symbol she embodies, leaving a lasting impact on those she encounters.

Character's Mental Description:
Akira’s mental profile is as captivating and multifaceted as her physical presence. She possesses a complex and formidable mental profile that is as disturbing as it is fascinating. Driven by a twisted ideology, she exhibits a mix of intelligence, determination, and a chilling sense of purpose that sets her apart as one of the most powerful and dangerous beings in existence.

At the core of Akira’s mental makeup lies an obsession with power and a fanatical desire for balance in the world. She believes that the world is plagued by an imbalance caused by powerful shinobi. This imbalance breeds suffering, which can only be rectified by war. This grim philosophy shapes her actions and fuels her quest to bring balance to the world. Only with balance can the world know peace.

Akira is exceptionally intelligent and cunning. Her strategic mind allows her to devise elaborate schemes and manipulate others to achieve her goals. Despite her towering physical presence, she relies on her intellect as much as her strength. She studies her enemies, identifies their weaknesses, and exploits them with ruthless efficiency. Her ability to foresee and plan for various scenarios makes her a formidable adversary, capable of outmaneuvering even the most brilliant minds.

Her mental state is characterized by a twisted form of moral superiority. She truly believes that she alone possesses the power to determine the fate of the world, considering herself as a savior rather than a conqueror. This delusional conviction reinforces her belief that she is undertaking a noble quest, justifying any atrocities she may commit along the way.

Despite her monstrous acts, Akira exhibits moments of emotional complexity. Her affection for certain individuals, such as her creator, showcases a warped sense of paternal love. These glimpses of emotion add depth, portray her as more than just one-dimensional.

Akira mental profile is also marked by a dangerous level of hubris. She becomes overconfident in the face of opposition, underestimating the determination and unity of those who oppose her. This arrogance is potentially harmful to her if her adversaries join forces to challenge her quest for peace.

Multiple Personality Application:

Character History:
In the world of shinobi, you can find many tales with dark beginnings. But not many beginnings start from their tragic end. In a secluded laboratory hidden deep within the forest, the dark trickster, worked tirelessly to achieve the impossible. Was his intentions noble? With the proper rationalization perhaps. If successful, he could end a war before it began, prevent the unnecessary bloodshed as a byproduct. Would the ends justify the means? Perhaps. However, those were simple rationales. In truth, he was a madman pushing the boundaries of science and ninjutsu. It wasn’t enough to conquer death. Unethically disturbing the tranquility of resting spirits and those who have passed. Unearthing them from their graves to be puppets in his twisted games and unsavory agenda. His goal now set on greater and darker depths. He sought the creation of artificial life. Instruments of war that could think and act on his interest without the burden tide with binding souls to this realm. Beings granted decentralized control, capable of acting on his behalf. He knew the risk and that their would be sacrifices required to achieve these ends. This is perhaps the darkest science ever attempted. With a dark heart unburden by ethics, he named his creation Akira. Using the bones and ashen dust of the late Akira Amaya, his creation would be in her likeness, the Queen of Battle. An iconic face known by many. Such an icon would be used as a symbol of war and to strike fear into the hearts of those who would oppose him. This would be the first of his Homunculi abominations.

To craft Akira, he gathered rare and mystical ingredients from far-off lands. Moonlit mushrooms, the tears of a phoenix, youkai and kami blood were just a few of the extraordinary elements he needed as the amalgam of his Homunculus. For weeks, he toiled. His eyes burning with determination.

Though the ingredients were ripe for the creation of a body, the most essential ingredient was far from his reach. The creation of a soul. Although he could manipulate souls, creating an artificial one was beyond him. There was so much unknown about the pure energy of souls that it could not be artificially created using mere ingredients of this world. Binding souls of already in existence was not only counter productive but were incompatible with the transmutation process. And that’s when it struck him like lightning. If he could not create a soul using ingredients of this realm, then he would break down the many souls at his disposal into raw ingredients. These souls would be used to create a greater soul capable of powering his homunculus.

The trickster hosted a charitable festival to lure over 500 souls to his cause. Shinobi, father’s, mother’s, children, and infants, none were spared for his cause. The atrocities of that day would never be forgotten. The day when over 500 individuals vanished on a day of festivities, never to be see again. All so that he could create a battery capable of bringing Akira to life.

Carving out a piece of his heart to insure that their fates were aligned, he began the dark ritual. It took the bulk of his corrupted chakra to preform the ritual of science and ninjutsu. The process nearly destroyed him. It was all worth it to see the Homunculus open its eyes, and the room filled with a pulsating blue light – a sign of the immense power contained within the being.

As days turned into weeks, he nurtured Akira, teaching the Homunculus about the world and instilling in her a sense of purpose. Akira was not just a creation of war; she possessed a gentle soul and a curious mind that craved knowledge and understanding.

Despite its peaceful nature, Akira understood the burden it carried. She knew that her existence was meant to bring about peace through strength. The trickster explained that her purpose was to stand as a symbol of hope and courage, deterring those who sought to bring harm to his cause.

As Akira lived, so did her abilities. Her strength was unmatched, and aptitude for blades rivaled the most skilled shinobi. But the trickster knew that power without control could lead to devastation. He tirelessly trained Akira in the ways of discipline and crafting, instilling in her the importance of using her gifts. She was to serve as a guardian of peace, ever vigilant against any threat that might arise.

And so, the tale of Akira, the Homunculus born of over 500 souls, destined for war to bring about peace begins. But not all dark beginnings have dark ends.

Clan Request:

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile: Here
Old Training: Here
Old Dojo: Here

Special Usergroups: List all of your special usergroups you wish to keep. This is generally used for OOC teams such as Development, B-Mod, Plot, Contract, etc. All other usergroups not listed will be removed.

Old Stats:
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
CC: 600 / 600
PL: 3600

Old OOC Rank: S
Stat Cut: Depending on the reason you are making an OCR, please state the applicable percentage of PL loss.
New Stats:
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
CC: 600 / 600
PL: 3600

New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:
A Rank Mastered
Flock of Shadows
Angelic Blessing
Pristine Aura
Flamethrower Stream
Dance of the Waxing Moon
Fist of Sun
Fist of Virtue
Piercing Pinholder
Memento Mori
Pillar of the Four Dragons
Temple of Nirvana
Mind's Eye Chaos
Chaos of the Mental Plain
Corruption of the Earthly Plain
Torment of the Physical Plane
The Reaper's Gaze
Ocular Assault
Body Double
Deja Vu
Curse of the Leper
Hemorrhagic Fever
Delayed Agony
Parasitic Infestation
Tree Binding
Shared Torment
Devil's Whisper
Death's Anthem
Blank Slate
Radial Shock
Chakra Ravage
B Rank Mastered
Shadow Servant
Mystical Force
Medical Assistant
Medical Ward
Audio Medic
Terra Shift
Havoc of the Doomed Mind
Slowed Perception
Oblivious Rapture
Thought Down
Advanced Clone
Perception Filter
Depth Barrier
Night Mare
Solar Flare
Mime Box
Phoenix Embrace
Lingering Spark
Crush Depth
Puppet Betrayal
Death Chime
Base Drop
Multi-Hit Combo
Precise Interruption
C Rank Mastered
Chakra Sense
Active Camo
Skeletal Fortification System Restoration
Stunt Double
Elemental Clone
Gas Warfare
Hidden Smokebombs
Needle Shower
Puppet Switch
Roaring Combination
Chakra Absorption
Black Out
Charismatic Breakdown
Ocular Trauma
Black Flash
Verse of Darkness
Mist of Deceit
Silly Fingers
Crossed Wires
Sometimes Shouting Works
Run It Back
Piercing Cry
D Rank Mastered
Critical Exposure
Mystical Hand
Combination Transformation
Mask Summon
Crystal Eye
Spirit Lantern
Puppet Transformation
Surprise Shift
False Success
Leaking Mind
Sear of the Mind Basic Clone
Rorschach Eye
Double Vision
Drunken Stupor
Trembling Music
Pained Expressions
Appreciation of Music
E Rank Mastered
Body Switch
False Surroundings
Eye Strain
Hot Weapon
1000 Years of Pain Kai
Rank 1
Cursed Sealing
Contract Summoning

A Rank Mastered
Flock of Shadows
Angelic Blessing
Pristine Aura
Flamethrower Stream
Dance of the Waxing Moon
Fist of Sun
Fist of Virtue
Piercing Pinholder
Memento Mori
Pillar of the Four Dragons
B Rank Mastered
C Rank Mastered
Chakra Sense
Active Camo
Skeletal Fortification System Restoration
Stunt Double
Elemental Clone
Gas Warfare
Hidden Smokebombs
Needle Shower
Puppet Switch
Roaring Combination
Chakra Absorption
D Rank Mastered
Critical Exposure
Mystical Hand
Combination Transformation
Mask Summon
Crystal Eye
Spirit Lantern
Puppet Transformation
Surprise Shift
E Rank Mastered
Body Switch
Rank 1
Cursed Sealing
Contract Summoning

A Rank Mastered
Temple of Nirvana
Mind's Eye Chaos
Chaos of the Mental Plain
Corruption of the Earthly Plain
Torment of the Physical Plane
The Reaper's Gaze
Ocular Assault
Body Double
Deja Vu
Curse of the Leper
Hemorrhagic Fever
Delayed Agony
Parasitic Infestation
Tree Binding
Shared Torment
Devil's Whisper
Death's Anthem
Blank Slate
Radial Shock
Chakra Ravage
B Rank Mastered
Havoc of the Doomed Mind
Slowed Perception
Oblivious Rapture
Thought Down
Advanced Clone
Perception Filter
Depth Barrier
Night Mare
Solar Flare
Mime Box
Phoenix Embrace
Lingering Spark
Crush Depth
Puppet Betrayal
Death Chime
Base Drop
C Rank Mastered
Black Out
Charismatic Breakdown
Ocular Trauma
Black Flash
Verse of Darkness
Mist of Deceit
Silly Fingers
Crossed Wires
Sometimes Shouting Works
Run It Back
Piercing Cry
D Rank Mastered
False Success
Leaking Mind
Sear of the Mind Basic Clone
Rorschach Eye
Double Vision
Drunken Stupor
Trembling Music
Pained Expressions
Appreciation of Music
E Rank Mastered
False Surroundings
Eye Strain
Hot Weapon
1000 Years of Pain Kai
Rank 1

Other Refunds:
Asp Cards

Ability card
Rebirth card
Harry Houdini Card
Immortality Card
Item Hoarder
Rebuild Card

Great Weapon
Overflow x 2
Free Flow
Special Composition
Trick Weapon
Chakra Drain

Name of any Contract you currently own:
- Canine Contract (free swap from battle version update)/ original contract was fox obtained here
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
- If Retiring character, list link to obtaining the cursed seal (from village request). You will regain this cursed seal upon rebirth back into this character. Curse Seals do not carry over to new characters.

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
- Grandeur Phantom was obtained via battle version update free swap. Was originally chimera and approved upon character creation.

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
Upon death, roleplayers in ANY of your other incomplete thread(s) are to vote whether they can deal with your non-existence from the beginning of these thread(s). Whether you joined these thread(s) before or after you entered the battle that got you killed, you are still considered a part of these thread(s).
- If players vote yes, you get to move on to your next life.
- If players vote no, you must stay in those threads as if you were still alive.

You can still train (see: explanation of Limbo Training below) and do other OOC things, but you may NOT join any new threads. After you have completed these thread(s), post in OCR again and we will move you on to your next life.

What is Limbo Training?
This is the training that you would have gotten if you did not move on to your new character's life. Your caps are determined by your rebirthed stats. You must keep a record of your stats gained during limbo in your OCR thread. You may NOT request for an automatic rank up should you find that your new stats allow you to upgrade. Limbo training is only for people who have died in modded combat or suicide. Anyone whose character has not died is still capable of RPing that character until their OCR is finalized, and thus can train as normal.

Things you do NOT need to state, but take note of:
  • Abilities = All of your Abilities are auto-untrained upon rebirth. In order to have any Abilities for your new character, you must activate them by posting in your character’s Dojo topic in your new village.
  • Character History = By suiciding/rebirthing, you're making a new character. This means your new character must not know or remember anything of your old character's life/thoughts/feelings. If your new character has ANY direct/indirect connection to your old character, you MUST state that in your new character history write up for Admin & Village approvals. All Medical or ANBU related experience should be reflected in your history along with CA or BL influence.
  • Editing Your New Character Application = Do not edit a post you have made in your OCR. You must copy all of your information from your last post and add the changes to the new post. This is for papertrail reasons.

Things that do NOT transfer with your next character:
Please take notice of which ASP shop items that you have bought transfer with your character, and which do not.
Last edited:


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Ok, refunds do, go sell all the jutsu you wanted to swap.


All Approved.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
