Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Ninjustu 101: But Soon the Sun Shines Again! [Class]

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Looking at her hands she tried to steady her breath. She left herself for a moment there. She felt as though she was no longer controlling her body but rather it was controlling her. She heard her father thank her for assisting the fellow student but it wasn't long before the harsh words of her aunt took to her father's lips. Her red eyes peered up at Kohana and the reddish hues would begin to shift and a spinning black tomoe would form in response to her aunt's threats.

"You have no authority to do such a thing, Kohana."

Her eyes would quickly dart over to her sister who was chuckling slightly not more than a moment before. She stopped laughing and her face.... That face. She never saw it before but she absolutely hated it. There was a slip of something that made it seem as though Toyoko was looking down at her.

Toyoko's face, while subtle, made Sora angry. Did this peasant feel sorry for her? Did she think she was better than the true daughter of the Overseer? "Don't look at me like that, peasant." Her sharingan's tomoe split, causing two small black marks to begin to appear in her otherwise crimson eyes.

Heading out of the room following the rest of the students the girl's fist was clenched. She ignored if any of the students said anything to her, it wasn't until she realized what was going on that she snapped back into reality. The sparks of flame coming towards them would be quickly countered by her cousin, Ayame, who conjured a wall of water before the class, and Toji appeared to place his larger body between the teacher and the students.

Clenching her jaw, she jumped back and yelled out. "Imoutosan, if Obasan wants to fight, then let's satisfy her requests!" She would shift to stand beside her sister and conjured forth an Eagle and a Falcon made of chakra threads woven into form. They would circle and fly around the puppets that Toyoko was wielding. To Sora's surprise, Toyoko had a similar though to her, even though she would never admit it apparently the sisers had more in common than they would like.

Hayate Tadashi

New Member
Aug 3, 2022
Tadashi sat in shock, not because he was bleeding, he was surprisingly unphased by that, but because he had just released his chakra once again to a powerful result. I have to get the hang of this somehow... he thought to himself as the blood dripped onto the counter. Shortly after, his classmate asked him if they could perform first aid on his wounds. Not expecting this from the girl who had said he might be a "worthy subordinate" and seemed to generally look down on others, he gave a surprised "Y-Yeah... That's ok" He would have to learn her name at some point and thank her properly. The girl at the table in front of him turned around and raised her voice at Tadashi, scolding him for messing something up, but once she saw his injury she cut herself off and turned back around to her glass. Tadashi could feel the embarrassment building as his ears turned red and he lets out a shy "Sorry..." meanwhile the girl beside him was systematically administering first aid to his hands while giving a speech that seemed well rehearsed. She must heal others often he thought as the speech continued on. Tadashi could tell something was wrong with his classmate as she finished up bandaging both his hands and then completed her speech. It was as if he was her customer and afterwords she gave a shocked expression then looked to Shin Sensei for what seemed to be some type of clarification. Shin came over and Tadashi's mood went from confused and embarrassed to calm and then back to confusion as he asked if he was ok, and then quickly threatened to remove him from class for "causing an interruption". "Yes Sensei" he responded quickly, once again feeling embarrassed. What Shin said next about injuries being expected only further increased his confusion, as well as Shin just leaving the room all together without saying any further directions. Tadashi followed the other students out of the room after Shin, and wondered what might happen next.

Focusing on his sensei, he was just now realizing that his eye color had changed to red, and his mannerisms were also different then when class had first started. As he is saying something about the elements negating each other, a boy joins the group and greets the class and when Tadashi turns back to the teacher there is a small burst of flames headed towards his class. Everyone springs to action taking their own unique reactions to this turn of events. Tadashi stands near the center of the group as everything goes silent and time seems to move slowly for a moment as everyone engages in combat. One steps forward to shield the others, another summons a wall of water to block the attacks, two more including the one that healed his wounds activate puppets, and Tadashi is stood among all of it right in the center and he feels his heart begin to race. At first, mistaking his emotions for fear, he then clenches his fists as all the sound comes rushing back to his ears at once and a smirk spreads across his face. He gets into a stance that would allow him to dodge another attack, or charge forward and attack if an opportunity arose. Ready for whatever happens next Tadashi is quickly finding his element to be combat.

Word count: 565
Post 3/5
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Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
A devilish grin came across Kohana's face as the students reacted. Only one of them truly understood what this lesson was about. The sparks of flame whiffed through the spinning attacks that her nieces performed using their Puppet Master Jutsus, but it wasn't until the embers struck the conjured wall of water that miss Ayame summoned. In a flash a stone bullet launched from Hina that Kohana caught with her hand before crushing the stone into sand.

"Ayame, that was the correct response." Kohana took a couple of steps back and grinned. "Elemental Negation is vital part of Ninjutsu use in combat." Her brows furrowed some. "Toraono Toji. Standing before an ally is honorable, but it is a reckless and simply fucking stupid decision when you have no way of even defending yourself. Learn the basics of Barrier Ninjutsu if you desire to be a impregnable wall for your allies." Her eyes continued to survey the field. "Chikamatsu Sora and Toyoko. Puppets are not allowed to be used in this class. Put them away or leave this class. Clearly this class is about Ninjutsu, and your Puppet Master Jutsu falls under the realm of Taijutsu. Hina, I am glad you tried to manifest something to defend the class with your Earth Style, but until you learn to conjure a Barrier do not expect your Earth Style to overcome a Fire Style Release. Tadashi, standing there like an idiot will get you struck down, do better." She looked at the newcomer. I assume you are Kazuma? You are late. I won't hold your dodge against you, but keep in mind this class is based on Ninjutsu. Keep that in mind."

She let out a sigh. "Fire consumes Wind. Wind disperses Lightning. Lightning crumbles Earth. Earth blocks Water. And finally, Water extinguishes Fire." She kept firm look at the various students. "Shin is too soft on this generation. I will teach you what it is to survive as a Shinobi." As she spoke she waived her hand and conjured forth seven Advanced Clones. A Genjutsu technique that she warped and bended into reality thanks to her brother's innate ability to use entropy to turn illusions into reality. Each of the clones were replicas of each of the students.

Amaterasu Hina​
Chikamatsu Ayame​
Chikamatsu Sora​
Chikamatsu Toyoko​
Hina, the girl before you would make a few handseals and the world around you would begin to change. You would find yourself standing in the old ruins of the Arboretum where you spent your childhood defending and nurturing the Yurei Orchid. Slamming her fists together the mirrored clone would conjure large stone gauntlets before charging at you.Ayame, staring back at yourself you could see the timid expression fade away. Pulling her hands up to her sides small pools of water would began to float around her. Running straight at the young girl the clone would make the handseals needed to summon forth a Pressurized Mist Jutsu attack before exhaling deeply to cause a sharp stream of steam to try and strike Ayame pushing her back.Sora's clone began to laugh. "How are you going to be a member of the Chikamatsu Clan when you have none of your father's skills?" As she laughed the conjured birds that Sora normally used with her Puppet Master Jutsu would form, but instead of coiled Chakra Threads they appeared to be made of snow and ice. "Time to die, imposter." and with that, the birds would lauch to crash into where Sora was standing.The goth punk seeker of darkness, who wasn't like other kunoichi, stood before Toyoko before pointing and laughing at the girl. Within a moment of seeing a reaction from Toyoko the girl's palms would burst forth with conjured lightning as she darted into to try hand to hand combat against the recently adopted Chikamatsu, but with elementally enhanced strikes!

Hayate Tadashi​
Santaru Kazuma​
Toraono Toji​
Tadashi would find the boy before him staggering back ever so slightly, taking a moment to move back over ten feet. At first it may have appeared that he was timid, but it turned out to be an act of deception as he pulled out a pair of fans with razor sharp edges on them. Crossing his arms and pushing the breeze forth, currents of crescent shape blades would be manifested into the air before him that launched towards Tadashi.The newcomer would quickly find himself in a curious and dangerous position. The cloned version that stood before him would speak up as he raised his hand conjuring forth a dark purple storm cloud. "You will never be like your father." As the clone dropped it's hand a bolt of lightning would be formed and would strike down at the ground where Kazuma was standing.Toji, standing before you was a boy larger than you though he looked similar to you. Within moments you can instantly tell that he was everything your mother wished you would be. With a grin on his face and a flash of fire through his nostrils the proud heir of the Toraono name would spit forth a massive blasting sphere of fire that would launch towards Toji in an attempt to consume him within it's heat.

Hayate Tadashi

New Member
Aug 3, 2022
Tadashi stood among his classmates still in a defensive stance as he listened carefully to the words his Sensei was saying to his class. One by one Shin berated each of his classmates, and Tadashi wasn't spared from this either. His words were short but stung: "Tadashi, standing there like an idiot will get you struck down, do better." Idiot? Me? I'll show him who's an idiot... His anger growing at the lack of care or respect Shin had for his students, Tadashi clenched his bandaged fists as his sensei continued the lesson. Tadashi listened closely but remained vigilant for any sudden moves his Sensei might make. Taking mental notes on the interactions of different chakra natures against each other. This would quickly prove to be useful information to have as Shin Sensei summons forth 7 clones of the class. Some were slightly different than the kids around him but overall they were exact copies.

Not long after the clones all launched into a volley of attacks at the class, Tadashi's clone stepped back briefly and then quickly pulled out a pair of fans and launched a wind based attack at Tadashi. Already in position to dodge Tadashi leaps to the side in a jumping cartwheel and flips back upright. He connects his footing with the ground as his feet slide across the sand. What should we do, what should we do? He thought quickly and shouts to his classmates: "Everyone, work together! Pair up against your nature advantage!" Tadashi scans the battlefield and spots a clone using hand to hand combat against Toyoko with Lightning infused attacks. Perfect Thought Tadashi. This also gave him a nice idea on a new way to apply his wind nature and put it to use. Entering a full sprint with his arms behind his back Tadashi dives into the fight with Toyoko's clone and channels wind chakra into his hands. "Raaaaaaaaaahhhhh" He shouts as he approaches. While not having knowledge of the jutsu, he performs the "Pressure Burst" jutsu against the clone. Just as he reaches the clone he whips his hands in front of him and slams the wind charged palms into the clones form. As his heart races in his chest Tadashi is truly living his best life and in this moment is very happy to be a part of the ninja academy.

Word Count: 391
Post: 4/5

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
"Ayame, that was the correct response, Elemental Negation is a vital part of Ninjutsu use in combat." It was the first time the boy heard his teacher's words clearly as chaos was going on around him. Kazuma was analyzing the situation before him as quickly as possible, The teacher was able to analyze all their movements in an instant he thought. Still on the ground the teacher finally reached Kazuma's actions and replied about tardiness.
His eyes were wide and his heart was pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. The lesson had taken a drastic turn, and he found himself standing there, almost frozen by the intensity of the situation. Flames, water, earth, and now lightning—it was like the elements themselves were at war.

As Kohana's attention turned to him, he swallowed hard, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden scrutiny. "Y-yes, I'm Kazuma" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. He was late, and now he was faced with a clone that seemed to know something about his father, his words sat deep within his soul as he was looking at a negative of himself, all the doubt in his mind looked as if it had manifested. His curiosity mixed with a growing sense of unease.
He noticed a storm cloud floating near the negative image of him. He quickly reacted and rolled backward, dodging the bolt of lightning right where he once stood. He stumbled back, a mixture of fear and determination in his eyes. This was not the academy he had heard about. It was a trial by fire, and he was determined to rise to the challenge.

Gritting his teeth, he steadied himself, his young face set with newfound resolve. "I won't back down" he said to himself, his eyes locked on the clone. Electricity coursed through him, and his eyes began to give off a yellow glow before he looked around the battlefield. He heard the words of his classmate, Tadashi, signaling that we should all target our elemental weaknesses. Scoping around the battlefield, he spotted a small girl whose fists were engulfed in stone. He quickly recalled the teacher's lesson. Lightning beats rock, he thought as he smirked and gathered his left finger and thumb in a gun-shooting fashion, his right arm folded in as to give stability, Firing off a lightning bolt through his fingers at the mirror image if the young Hina.

[PC: 402/Wc:891][Post 2]
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Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
A vein could be seen throbbing in Sora's forehead as she yelled back at the conjured clone. "I am special! I am one of a kind! My father broke off a piece of his own soul to bring me into this world. I am a part of him, and you are just a cheap trick!" Her sharingan would trigger and activate once again as she watched the frozen creation dart towards her. With a quick back handspring the girl would hear Tadashi shout out about the elemental negation.

"Quick thinking subordinate!" She would look around quickly to try and find the element she would be strong against, and as her crimson eyes peered through the class she caught a glimpse of flames being launched at Toji. Taking the clone's idea and using it as her own Toyoko would perform the exact handseals that the clone used. "Water Style: Water Whip Jutsu!" As she made the last seal a current of water would form around her hands before being flung towards the ball of flame. Like a spray of ocean water the current would quickly foam and scatter as hundreds of small butterflies would begin to form out of the stream. Each of the small aqua-insects were tethered to the young Chikamatsu girl who had turned her Water Style jutsu into a Puppet Style weapon.

Opening her arms and twitching her fingers the small fluttering wings made entirely of liquid would begin to dive into the flames trying to consume the fireball, but it was beginning to look as though the heat conjured may end up being too much. "Ayame! Quit being useless and help me!"

Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko is stunned into silence as Kohana threatens to throw both her and Sora out of the class for using their puppets, even though she had attacked the students unprovoked. Following up with that, she summoned clones of all the children and set them forth to attack. Clutching Teddy to her chest, she quickly takes in the battlefield and watches as her clone is attacked by the boy that she had helped find the classroom earlier that day. He suggested attacking the clone whose element they were stronger against. Smirking, she turns her back on the Toyoko rushing towards her with lightning gauntlet fists, and focuses her attention on Hina's clone. Before she can react, however, the boy that showed up late made a finger gun motion and shot a bolt of lightning towards the clone that she was going to target.

Huffing, she glances around again and sees that Sora is being attacked by a clone that is mocking her capabilities and has to stifle a laugh. Serves her right, being as haughty as she always is. Nice of Kohana to knock her down a peg. Well, with her original target now occupied, she decides to try something else out instead. Making the handseals for the Thunderfist Jutsu, she reaches down and spreads the lightning across Teddy and stares Kohana right in the eye as she attaches her chakra strings to her puppet and launches it towards Kazuma's clone. He appeared to be using some sort of lightning technique as well, so she was interested to see what would happen when she "fought fire with fire."

[Post 4/5 - WC: 267 - Total WC: 1330]

Chikamatsu Ayame

New Member
Aug 20, 2023
Ayame fought off a smile from forming when she heard the praise come from Shin Sensei, regardless of how small the praise was. She then starts to feel a little bad as the instructor starts to scold the rest of her classmates, even going as far as calling one an idiot and threatening to remove some from class. Jeez, what's with shin sensei and wanting to kick students out for mistakes. This isn't what I expected them to be like when I first saw them this morning.. She thinks to herself. As she listens to the rest of Shin sensei's observations, she gets visibly confused with the last thing he says. "Shin is too soft on this generation. I will teach you what it is to survive as a Shinobi." Ayame repeated her sensei's words in her head, "What did he mean by that? Why is he talking about himself in 3rd person? What did they mean by I will teach you? Something doesn't feel quite right... She definitely plans to keep her guard up around her sensei and keep a close eye on him until she can figure it out...just in case. Before she can think much more on the matter, Shin sensei conjures up a clone of each of her classmates before them. Ayame is frozen and unsure what to do as she's watching her clone perform hand seals for some kind of attack that she was definitely unprepared for. She comes back to reality when she hears the boy that she snapped at earlier shout for them to go for their nature advantage. As her clone launches the steamy attack towards her, she quickly ducks down to the ground to remove herself from the direction of the attack, and pushes herself into a dodge roll. As she pushes herself off the ground, she pulls up water from the ground again and launches it directly towards the fiery blast of the clone of the one who tried to shield everyone with his body, attempting to put out the burning flames.

Wc:342 Post 4/5

Amaterasu Hina

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Fire consumes Wind. Wind disperses Lightning. Lightning crumbles Earth. Earth blocks Water. And finally, Water extinguishes Fire.
Earth blocks Water...
Hina paid close attention to Shin's lesson. Not only on their lesson, but to them. Hina knew one day she would surpass her sensei, not only as a teacher, but as a leader. It was never because she wanted to, more that she had to. Hina had always respected her Sensei, looked up to him as a leader. She was determined to learn as much from him as she possibly could. She would do everything in her power to prove herself this time.
Hina was ready when Sensei pulled their trick. Even as the world melted around her, she was determined to keep her composure. A twisted version of herself, hardened and angry looking appeared out of thin air, hard stone fists encompassing her hands.
Earth blocks Water....

Hina did her best to block out the shifting world around her. Deep in her gut she felt the pang of fear as old memories crept into her mind. This is a just a test, focus Hina. Hina looked around and sure enough, there were also clones of each other class mate, prepared and ready for battle. Hina didn't have time to pay attention to her own clone. Instead her eyes narrowed in one the clones of Ayame and Sora. Both members of her clan, both very powerful girls wielding water Justus.
Earth blocks Water....
Hina dove to the ground, attempting to swipe a spray of dust and dirt from the ground to the air. She quickly began to channel chakra towards the wall, just like she did to the glass of water in class.
Earth blocks Water...
She was only able to summon a few tiny crystal in class. She didn't even know if this was something she could do. All she knew is she had to try.

Toraono Toji

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Toji watched his new friends as they delt with the task Shin sensi had set for them. Tadashi had a good idea, working together to counter each clone. A good idea if both Toji and all his other classmates could use their powers with the kind of control that their doppelgangers could. "But" Toji thought. "If they could figure out the weakness of the individual clones not just the elemental counter that would be the road to success. After all knowing ones weakness and how to best negate it was important, but just as important was knowing the weakness of a teammate" Toji looked around the field at the clones assessing each one's weakness. His clone was by far the largest of them with strength to match. "Better save him for last" Toji thought. Hina's clone was a fighter. But her moves where far too slow. those stone gauntlets did her small frame no favors. Tadashi's clone used fan blades and wind attacks. could be hard to get close. Ayame's clone used steam as a weapon. effective at short range but on a field like this the heat in the air would disperse over any real distance. Toyoko's clone was using lightning based strikes. Tiger style Toji would say. He knew it well from his mother. No real threat to Toji he had reach on her, and had already mastered the beginner steps the clone was using. Sora's clone was a puppet user. Manipulating the birds made from ice and snow. dangerous at a distance perhaps. But fortunately for Toji the clones focused on their respective counterparts. Sora's clone much like Sora herself was small graceful elegant........ Breakable. All it would take from Toji would be one sharp jerk of his massive fist around her dainty neck and..... Snap. Quick, clean, effective. Without her birds to protect her she would be open. Even her jutsu would take time to make the hand signs. Toji needed no such time to put years of training into action. He rushed Sora's clone without the massive loads of materials he hauled weighing him down Toji was incredibly fast. his long legs and powerful muscles made short work of the distance between them. He would attempt to reach for her unprotected neck using his other hand to grab one of her hands to stop her from using seals. Toji would bear down on the clone with the powerful muscles honed from the day he could walk by his worrier mother to make him the most powerful weapon the sand had ever wielded.

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the sharp astute red eyes of the Jōnin woman watched the students begin to work as a team, collaborating and overcoming their own weaknesses through teamwork, she could feel her control slipping. As she blinked her eyes would begin to shift back to a blue hue.

Shin awoke to seeing his students mid attack, attempting jutsu clash methods of overcoming attacks. He could feel his pulse increase. ”Wait!“ He snapped his fingers and the clones and their attacks faded back into the illusions in which they came from before fluttering into stardust and vanishing from view.

”I must apologize, I-I wasn’t myself for a moment there.“ His eyes went to the children of his clan, Toyoko, Sora, Ayame, and Hina. These four would know that the Overseer was home to not just himself, but six souls in total, and now that Toyoko had been formally introduced to Shin and Kohana, the four Chikamatsu youth would also know that Shin and his sister Kohana shared a body. Toji, Tadashi, and Kazuma though, they were new to Shin and probably wouldn’t fully understand his situation at the moment.

”I am very impressed at all of you, truly. You were faced with great adversity and not one of you turned tail and ran. Tadashi, that was a very clever observation, but there is information I am afraid you are all missing. The difference between a Minor and a Major Affinity. The testing today would have only shown potential Minir Affinities you house within you. Until you train your elements, focus your raw elemental power, the Jutsu Clash tactic will be out of reach.“ He sighed. ”For example. I have an affinity to every single base element but even if one of you send a Wind or Water Jutsu at me my Fire and Earth Styles are still not quite at the point to be able to truly counter them, even if the jutsu I am using is significantly stronger.“

He raised a finger and grinned. ”This is why training Ninjutsu along with your Taijutsu and Genjutsu is extremely important! A Shinobi who can master and utilize all three types of Jutsu will be unrivaled across the globe.“

He looked around at the surrounding area at all of the destruction his class has created in the training field. ”Before class concludes does anyone have any questions about the topic at hand?“

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
Kazuma was surprised at the sudden shift in his teacher's demeanor, He watched as the instructor transformed into a calmer, blue-eyed version of himself. The apology and the dispersion of the clones were a blur, and Kazuma found himself hunched over, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. The lightning attack he had launched rattled him more than he cared to admit, but he couldn't let that show.

As he took a moment to recover, Kazuma's thoughts raced. This academy was going to be a much tougher challenge than I thought, especially if every day was like this. The basics he had learned from his parents were just the tip of the iceberg, and enrolling so late in the school year meant he had some serious catching up to do.

His confusion was clear as he looked around at his fellow students, wondering if they too had felt overwhelmed by the sudden intensity of the class and the teacher's change in demeanor. He glanced around at the academy grounds, where the aftermath of the intense training session was still visible in the form of scorched earth, scattered debris, and the remnants of the clones.

Listening to Shin's explanation about Minor and Major Affinities, Kazuma's determination grew. He knew he had to grasp these concepts to succeed in the world of Shinobi. The weight of the academy's expectations pressed upon him and he couldn't afford to fall behind.

With newfound resolve, he straightened up, pushing past the fatigue and confusion. He lifted his head as he addressed Shin and the class. "I'm still trying to understand all of this" his tone is stronger now. "Is every lesson like this?" pausing for a second before following up with a question based on what Shin had said regarding the three types of jutsu "Did I miss the portion on taijutsu and genjutsu? sorry again for being late"

Now finally having caught his breath he looked around to his fellow students, unsure of how they would react to what was happening before them. This day was just not adding up to Kazuma and hoped he wasn't alone in his confusion.

[PC: 360 WC:1251][Post 3]
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Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
”Father… Aunt Kohana was here, and honestly she was being very rude!“ Her face shifted from frustration to concern for her dad. This was the first time she had seen him not have full control over her mental connections amongst the Inner Court Members. She let out a sigh.

Turning her gaze over to Kazuma she would respond to his question. ”No, today has been about the elements. Though it appears you have a strong grasp on your elemental affinity already.“ She would grin and cover her mouth with the back of her hand. ”Perhaps you could be of use to me as well if you decide to follow me as one of my underlings.“

The Chikamatsu youth chuckled slightly before looking back at her father. ”Along with the wheel of Elemental Natures are there any other relationships we should know about in terms of chakra?“ She would ask not fully knowing of the Alignment System.

Her eyes looked over at her sister. ”Nice trick using your Ninjutsu along with your Puppetry. Perhaps if you study for a few more years you’ll be able to catch up to where I am today.“

Toraono Toji

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Toji was still trying to make sense of all these new teachings. He looked at his new friends. They all had delt with this in stride. Toji had no idea class was going to be like this. He figured there would be lots of one on one sparing and Weapons training. there was much Toji would need to know.

Toji looked at Kazuma then back at his sensi. "I am just as confused Sensi" Toji was still reeling from how quick they had been pulled into a melee then back out again. "If elements are countered by elements" Toji mused. "Would you say that is the best way to deal with them? My family has demon blood in us that makes us more resistant to such things naturally" Toji paused for a second thinking. "Sort of like how the smiths can deal with Exstream heat because they work at the forges all day long. that is why I jumped in front of my friends when you shot fire at us. Are there ways of training our body's to better withstand these type of attacks?

Toji would wait for his sensi to answer before asking. "Also sensi why did your eyes change color and you started acting way meaner all the sudden?" There was a lot that Toji did not know about his teacher and the Chikamatsu clan in general. But the thing that seemed the most impotent was if or why he might lose control and attack them like that again. Toji would have to be far more on guard around this man in the future if the safety of his friends might be on the line.

Amaterasu Hina

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
All of the puzzle pieces clicked in Hina’s mind at once.
That was Kohana, that makes sense why Sensei was acting so weird! But…sensei usually has much more control I thought…I wonder what happened? I hope sensei is ok…I should talk to them.
Other members of the class all had questions they wanted and Hina patiently waited listening as best she could, but as hard as she tried too many questions flooded her mind. There was so much she still needed to learn from her sensei but after this interaction he proved to be unpredictable and maybe not always trust worthy. How would she know that Shin was always Shin? And how would she know if another member of the inner court meant her harm or not?
Hina decided right then and there she would keep her guard up around him, no matter what. She had much to learn but she also wanted to live through her lessons. She would be no good to the Yurei Orchid or her clan if she was dead.
Hina finally pulled herself out of her own end to catch the tail end of a string of questions from her new classmate Toji. She listened for the remainder of class and stayed quiet in the back unless she was called upon.
While this class may have been a little crazy, Hina knew it was also a good one. Kohana while harsh and rude wasn’t to bad of a teacher all things considered.

Chikamatsu Ayame

New Member
Aug 20, 2023
Ayame heard Sora tell her father that "Aunt Kohana" was here, Kohana? Ahh..I see now..That makes a little more sense she thought to herself. She had heard that Shin sensei shared a body with his twin sister Kohana, but has never really interacted much with her, and if she did, she hadn't noticed. Although how could she not, as it was apparent they were so different. Kohana definitely seems to have a more... direct approach. She could see the benefits of the way Kohana tried teaching them, as sudden pressure can bring out the best in others and teach them to think quick on their feet. However, she didn't really trust that Kohana cared about if someone would fail the pressure test. She wondered if Kohana always just came out like that, abruptly and forcibly. One thing was for sure, she had to be prepared at all times for anything to happen... Ayame remained quiet as she listened to the questions of her classmates, thinking to herself quietly about how she has much to learn to get where she needs to be.

Post 5/5 WC: 182

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin let out a sigh. "That's what I was afraid of..." He looked to Sora before turning to the rest of the class. "Allow me to explain. In Sunagakure no Sato there are five great shinobi clans." As he spoke he raised five fingers and lowered a finger with each clan. "The Sunahoshi Clan, the Clan of the original Kazekage and of Primus himself. The Toraono Clan, like our friend Toji here, known as the great defenders and protectors of the village. The Takahashi Clan, master craftsmen and the clan in which the previous Kazekage Steward originated. The Ryuuzaki Clan, the clan our current Kazekage is from. And finally, the Chikamatsu Clan that I, Ayame, Hina, and Sora originate from and that Toyoko has joined." With his last finger still in there air he shifted his wrist to point at himself.

"I am the Overseer of Suna's Medical Expert Clan, the Chikamatsu, and as such I have been gifted the powers of the position I am in. One of those powers is the creation of a Hivemind. The Inner Court of the Chikamatsu Clan consists of myself and five trusted advisors and we have a permanent mental connection to each other. Unfortunately, the source of this power was disturbed a short while back and since then one of the members of the inner court lost my body and has had to return to dwelling within my brother's body. My soul is connected to Shin and in times of stress or collaboration I, Chikamatsu Kohana and the first appointed member of the Inner Court, have been known to take control like I did for class." As he spoke his eyes shifted to red once more.

"There was no true danger as Kohana would not have harmed any of you, but I must apologize as there was a moment in class that caused me great concern and I stepped out of control, passing it to my sister. as I tried to figure it out." His blue eyes darted over to Sora once again. He continued with a slight annoyance in his voice. "I did not expect Kohana to move away from the lesson plans so drastically, but I saw that it gave you all a chance to think quickly and work as a team and with that I am very proud of all of you."

His smiled at Hina. "But soon, with the help of the protectors of our clan, this situation of mine will no longer be an issue as a new body will be provided for Kohana to inhabit in her own right and our connection will return to how it was like I have with the other Inner Court Members."

He chuckled awkwardly as he rambled on apologizing and trying to explain his situation. "But back to the class at hand, yes Toji! There are ways to strengthen your own body to be able to take and resist elemental powers, though it takes time and discipline to accomplish such a feat! Much like the blacksmiths you will have to force yourself through a grueling training to strengthen that Toraono blood you have until you can shrug off any incoming assaults!" He clapped his hands with a smile on his face glad to see a member of another clan trying to learn the strengths of his genetics.

"And yes, Sora, there is another system of negation that you can practice, but it does not apply to all shinobi unlike the elemental affinities. That system is known as your Chakra Alignment, now do not get this confused with morality as they are not connected at all. Chakra Alignment falls under three groups, if you have any, and those are Holy Chakra, which overcomes Cursed Chakra, which overcomes Spiritual Chakra, which overcomes Holy Chakra."

Weaving a few handseals and placing his palm on the ground a puff of smoke would burst out before a two feet tall red falcon would be summoned where Shin stood, and as the smoke cleared Shin's physical appearance shifted drastically. His eyes had a slight glowing hue to them and his hair fluttered as if surrounded by a breeze, but most noteably his back was draped in a red chakra cloak. "I have access to Holy Chakra through a technique known as Sage Mode. This is where I can become one with the natural energy around my body and grant me powers that would otherwise be impossible for humans to possess." As he spoke his cloak fluttered open and two massive wings sprawled out and flapped, sending the man into the air a few meters above the ground where he floated in place. "With my connection to the Natural Energy found in birds, I have gained the power to fly." He smiled before landing back on the ground and dispersing his Sage Mode form and cloak.

"Sage Mode is the most common way to gain access to your Holy Chakra, which helps your body heal over time. Cursed Chakra is rancid and deals more damage over time, and Spiritual Chakra drains an opponent's chakra reserves."

Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko pulls her Teddy back and clutches it tightly as the clones disperse and Shin takes control of their body once again. Whatever respect that she had for Kohana has been replaced with fear. The woman had threatened the girl before, but with good cause. She thought that this meant that Kohana had a strong sense of justice. But to flat out attack a group of students in the middle of a class? She had to be just as unstable as Shin. Toyoko would have to be on her guard around all members of the Chikamatsu Clan it would seem. As Shin explained to the class about how he and Kohana share a soul, Toyoko ducks her head and makes her way out of the Dojo and heads back towards the Omni Prime Medical Facility. Her social battery was drained, and she needed some time to herself. The further she got from the class, the worse her body would begin to tremble. It wasn't until she reached her room and collapsed into her bed that she would finally let the tears start streaming down her face.

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Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
Kazuma listened intently to the explanations and interactions within the classroom. The sudden revelation of Kohana's presence and her unique teaching approach added an unexpected layer of complexity to their training. He nodded in response to Sora's comment about elemental affinities. It was reassuring to hear that Sora thought he had a strong grasp of his elemental affinity, Her playful remark about him potentially becoming one of her underlings elicited a chuckle from him. "I am no one's underling" he replied with a grin, then sticking his tongue out and pulling down his eye in a purely lighthearted manner. As the conversation shifted to chakra alignment, Kazuma's curiosity was piqued. He was still learning the intricacies of the ninja world, and this concept was new to him. Shin's explanation about Holy Chakra, Cursed Chakra, and Spiritual Chakra shed some light on this aspect of chakra manipulation. Kazuma found the idea of Sage Mode fascinating and watched with wide eyes as Shin demonstrated his ability to harness Holy Chakra, even allowing him to briefly fly. He realized that there was much he needed to learn to become a formidable ninja. The mention of the Toraono Clan's natural resistance to elemental attacks sparked his interest further and made him wonder if he too had some kind of resistance inherited from his family.

However, what truly caught Kazuma's attention was Toji's question about Shin's transformation, his eyes changing color, and his abrupt shift in behavior during the previous lesson. It was a question that lingered in Kazuma's mind as well, and he leaned forward, eager to hear the response. "What is it like," he said coyly. "When they take over, what does it feel like for you sensei?"

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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
