Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Of Largesse and Lasagna. [Private, see post for details]

Tsuirakuya Shashu

Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
Susukino District, Dragon's Rest Hotel​
Monday, 2:36 P.M.​

Shashu yawned. She had gotten up early today to get a head start on work, as it was Monday and all the weekend guests would be clearing out today if they hadn't already. She did her fair share of work at the Dragon's Rest, cleaning rooms, making beds, and sweeping carpets, not to mention washing dishes and cooking for the catering service the Dragon's Rest also boasted. The Dragon wasn't called the best hotel in Kumo for nothing, after all, and the old building required alot of upkeep to maintain it's dignified image, though today was promising to be a doozy. If Shashu wanted to get anything done later in the day, she had to get up early on days like this.

At the moment she was cleaning the lobby, dusting the woodwork in particular. She had never had trouble cleaning in the past and working for her keep these past few months had put a fine edge on her skills, such that she was usually charged with cleaning the most visible areas for the customers, unusual for a girl only just about to hit her thirteenth year. As she finished dusting up, she noticed a rather striking woman come in and head straight for the front desk, asking for the manager. Eyeing her up and down, Shashu couldn't help but feel impressed, and not a little jealous of the woman's bright red hair and rather ah...generous figure. I wish my hair was bright like that. Not to mention her figure... She thought with a sigh, placing her hands on her admittedly flat chest. I'm seriously lacking there...not even this outfit can do anything in that department. The maid's uniform she wore certainly did emphasize certain aspects of the female body...but one had to have such aspects in the first place for them to be emphasized. Shashu sighed again. Momma said to be patient, alot of girls are late bloomers. I sure hope so....

While she was lost in her rather off-topic train of thought, the woman had already gotten the ear of the manager, came to an agreement, signed the necessary papers, and was headed out the door before Shashu returned her attention back to the scene in front of her. Just managing to catch a glimpse of the woman's face as she left, her eyes sparked in recognition. Was that Kitsune-sensei? What's she doing here? Before she could speculate further on the topic however, the manager called Shashu over. "Shashu! Perfect, I'm going to need your help putting this together. I need you to take this list over to Maya in the kitchens and help her gather whatever supplies she needs. Make sure to tell her to spare no expense, Shinrya-sama is a powerful noble and we can't afford to let such a high profile client down." Shashu nodded and took the list. "Sure thing Saya-chan! I'll take it to her right now." Saya laughed. "Remember, it's Kiritani-san at work. Now, on you get." As she hurried off, she took a look at the list. Wow, this is alot of stuff! That is going to be one huge party.....

Seki District, Baroness Shinrya Kitsune's Residence​
The following Friday, 11:30 A.M.​

"Okay people, this is the big night! Let's all work hard and make sure our customers' only complaint is that they don't have bigger stomachs to hold all the food!" With a clap, Kiritani Saya, the manager and sole owner of the Dragon's Rest dismissed her employees to their tasks. There was alot to get ready before tonight, from the decor, to the tables and settings, and most important of all, the food. The Baroness was renowned for being an excellent cook on her own, but for a gathering this size even she would need some help, and here the Dragon's Rest catering service came in, their veritable army of cooks taking up the slack. Shashu herself was there as well, quality cooking yet another of the skills in her repetiore. In particular, she was in charge of making the lasagna, her favourite and best dish. She had never had to make this much at once, or for such an important group of people before though, and she was looking forward to seeing how well it turned out. After all, there were alot of foreign dignitaries here as well as people of interest in Kumo, and she wanted to see what they thought of their style of cooking. And after the cooking was done, there was serving, bussing, and tons of other things to do, so the night was sure to never get boring. Just how not boring it was to get remained to be seen, however.....
[OOC: Admittance is restricted to the guest list, P.M. Baroness Shinrya Kitsune or Ambassador Tanaka Hikari for the list!]​
(Warning: Will be enforced by bouncers and the Baroness herself!)​

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
After Kitsune had put in the request at the hotel, she had quite a bit of preparation to do. So once she got home, she began setting up the banquet hall, warping in chairs and tables. She set up a long buffet table at the side, and made sure that people could access it from both sides, so there could effectively be two lines. One of Kitsune’s kitchens was accessible from the banquet hall to make it easier on the servants that’d be serving. ”That should do it.” she said to herself and grinned before heading off to the kitchen to prepare the dessert which would consist of a vanilla chocolate chip ice cream, with rum and candied berries in it.

The following Friday, Kitsune was managing all the staff and stuff from the hotel that she ordered from. They were already busy setting everything up, tables, decorations, the whole shebang. She noticed a familiar face amongst the staff though. Hm. That looks like… It is! Kitsune thought to herself and waved the staff member over ”Hey Shashu-chan. I didn’t know you worked for the hotel.” Kitsune said and grinned ”So, you’re a ninja, a cook, and a maid?” she asked afterwards, smirking.


Oct 27, 2012
Susukino District near the Dawnbringer's plaza: Hikari's flat​
Monday 12 PM​

"Right. Paperwork be damned. I'm gonna hit two- or few more than two- birds with one stone, and hold a party." She looked around, "But not here. Here is small." She went to her desk and moved some papers around until she came across a name- in passing- Shinrya Kitsune. She grinned. "I remember Shinrya san's mansion. We could have quite a party there." She leaned over her chair and wrote out a note of request, as well as a tentative guest list. The party would consist of titled persons who lived and worked in Kumo... and perhaps select foreign dignitaries, with whom the officials of Kumo had a good rapport.
Shinrya san,

It has been some time since you were my teacher, and some time since we last met and held a conversation, but I would like to make a request. You once offered me the use of your house if I was in need. You meant a different thing, but today I find myself in need of a place to organize a gathering. Included (but separate) is a tentative guest list. I believe a party like this will... facilitate a more festive mood, and higher morale amongst Kumogakure's most influential residents.

I thank you in advance for your prompt reply.

Sincerely Ambassador Tanaka Hikari

Hikari sent the message quickly, and returned to her home. The old woman next door waved and smiled as she returned, and she replied in kind. She still suspected the woman was up to something. Probably snooping through the mail. The ginger muttered to herself. "Hello." She waved as she ducked inside.

Seki District, Baroness Shinrya Kitsune's Residence

The following Friday, 11:30 A.M.​

Hikari arrived early. She was not the hostess, but felt responsible for assisting and making sure everything was coming along smoothly. Her dress was black with hints of green as accent, and her hair flowed freely, but for a silver band holding her bangs back. It was the first time she'd attempted makeup. A slight line of black on her eyelids, accented with green, to match her eyes and the accents of her dress. Her clothes were not tight, but definitely form fitting, and she'd purchased a set of boots which clung to her legs and tucked up under the hem of her skirt, oh... and of course, her hammer, without which she never left home, sat attached to her hip in a dark leather holster.

When she arrived, she knocked on the door through which guests would eventually enter, her hands were not empty. She had a gift for her hostess. A reference to the time when she was much younger. Purely decorative, Hikari had selected a pair of what most would consider 'throw away weapons'. One Kunai and one Shuriken, silver all over, save for the grip of the kunai which was painted a color similar to Kitsune's eyes. Hikari hoped it'd be an acceptable gift as she waited for admittance.

Tsuirakuya Shashu

Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
Phew...I'm glad that part's over. Lugging all this cookware around is hard work. Shashu wiped her brow, having just brought in the last of the pots, pans, trays, and other cookware she would need for her portion of the cooking tonight. To make things more efficient and save time all the employees were to unload all of the supplies and cooking tools they would need themselves, and the portion of the mansion set aside for the party was a veritable beehive as a result. At least the heavy lifting part was over though. Shashu herself didn't need to start cooking for another couple hours or so, as the lasagna didn't take as much time to bake or marinate as some of the other dishes did. So, in the meantime, she was free to help out wherever she was needed.

After a short break to catch her breath Shashu went looking to see who needed help setting things up, but before she got very far she caught someone waving her over out of the corner of her eye. As she headed over she realized it was Kitsune, who Shashu recogized from the class she had taught on Ninjutsu at the Academy. Hey, that's Kitsune-sensei! But what is she.... Suddenly the pieces fell together. In class, Kitsune had introduced herself as Baroness Shinrya Kitsune...the 'Baroness Shinrya' part of which had slipped her mind til just now. So, she was the one placing that order at the hotel!

Seeing as how she had nothing immediate to do, she followed Kitsune's beckoning off to the side. ”Hey Shashu-chan. I didn’t know you worked for the hotel.” Kitsune said, grinning. ”So, you’re a ninja, a cook, and a maid?” Shashu blushed a bit. Shyness wasn't something Shashu was used to, but then she wasn't much used to rich and gorgeous Baronesses taking an interest in her either. "Yeah...I am all of those I guess. I didn't have any place to stay after I arrived in Kumo so Saya-sama let me stay at the hotel free of charge as long as I worked there." As she talked,her eyes flicked back and forth and her face turned a few shades redder. Everything about Kitsune was gorgeous: long, bright red hair, captivating eyes, and a figure to die for. Her height certainly didn't help matters either. Shashu may have been tall for a 13 year old, but tall for a 13 year old put her eyes embarrassingly close to Kitsune's rather ample chest. It was an effort of will just to keep from looking at them, which Kitsune would certainly notice. Another side effect was that Shashu couldn't help but remember how inadequate she measured up against her. In terms of figure she was an X-wing to Kitsune's Death-Star, not even in the same ballpark. "It's not like I mind it though...I used to cook and clean alot back home, so I've got alot of experience..."

Shashu tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, more of a nervous fidget than anything else. If her face got any more red she would probably turn into a tomato. Luckily at that moment someone knocked at the door, and Shashu wasted no time on making a beeline out of there. "Oh! Someone's at the door, I'll get it!" Jeez, I thought I would never escape! It's like those things have their own gravitational pull! After a quick second to compose herself, she opened the door. "Welcome! If you're here about the party arrangements, Madam Saya is currently in the kitchens organizing the food preparation." Shashu noticed that the visitor had some sort of package, probably a gift from the looks of it. "Oh!" She said, motioning back towards Kitsune. "If you're here for the party itself, the lady of the house is right over there. Please, come in!" For the love of gods go talk to her. If I have to spend any more time around her I'll probably die of nosebleeds.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune grinned at Shashus blushing, and listened to what Shashu had to say ”Well. If you need a proper place to stay, and a salary, I need a housekeeper. So if you’re interested let me know.” Kitsune said and smiled, noticing how Shashu’s eyes flicked back and forth over the cleavage practically in her face. Heh. Yeah, I would’ve had the same reaction when I was her age. was the thought that ran through Kitsunes head ”A lot of experience, eh? Well. As I said, I do need a housekeeper. Preferably a skilled one. And it seems you fit the bill perfectly~” she said and smiled

As Shashu made her way to the door, Kitsune smirked a bit. I really should get around to taking a shower and getting properly ready. she decided and nodded right as Hikari entered in a gorgeous gown with green accents. Kitsune went over to her ”Hikari-chan~!” she said and smiled ”It’s been far too long~. How’ve you been? I heard you got yourself promoted to chief ambassador. Congratulations hun.” she said to the young woman, still smiling. It truly had been a long time since Hikari had been in the same place as Kitsune. Last time Kitsune remembered was when Keiji’s bloodline had manifested itself. And that was ages ago really.


Oct 27, 2012
After a moment, a girl opened the door. A pretty thing with dark hair, who looked to be in a maid's outfit. She was likely help for the party. "Welcome! If you're here about the party arrangements, Madam Saya is currently in the kitchens organizing the food preparation." Hikari smiled, arching a brow.

"I am not." It was funny. She was fairly easily identifiable; Ginger hair and hammers stood out even among the Kunoichi of cloud. The fact that the young maid didn't recognize her, struck Hikari as both strange and amusing, but she didn't feel the need to elaborate on her rank due to the likelihood that the girl was staff. She would suggest to Kitsune, however, that someone who knew the guests and could greet them properly should man the door. She supposed it was likely that the girl didn't realize how impolite it was to address any of the guests due at this event, as the girl had addressed her.

"If you're here for the party itself, the lady of the house is right over there. Please, come in!" The girl gestured inside and Hikari with a nod, entered.

Kitsune was not yet ready for the party. Her attire was more like what one would expect from a student in some civilian college than a Baroness, but who was Hikari to judge, as she knew only one Baroness. For all she knew, they all dressed like that in front of servants. ”Hikari-chan!” she smiled, ”It’s been far too long. How’ve you been? I heard you got yourself promoted to chief ambassador. Congratulations hun.”

Hikari smirked, "Yeah, promoted a little while before you and Masao got yourselves caught by the Hoshis. I've been well though." She paused and patted the gift she bore, "And this is for you, as a thank-you for hosting this party on my behalf." She held out the gift. After Kitsune took the gift, Hikari would look around. "Your home is lovely as ever." She said, then hesitated, "All is well in hand I hope? Oh, ah, and you may wish to have someone else man the entrance. There are some important people coming, none of whom I wish to be offended by a servant with such lacking manners. She assumed I was the help." Hikari did very clearly not look like she was a serving girl. For one, she was not dressed for the part. For two, she was equipped with a hammer, which was bigger than their head.

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
A letter was waiting on Ayumu's desk for him when he entered the Torre Celeste office that had been assigned to him. Since his new rank was passed down to him, he had come into this office many times to see his desk under a pile of envelopes and paperwork. Sometimes it was a wonder he could see the desk at all. This letter stood out, however. The envelope was formal, but it was not business like. His attention was immediately called to it as he walked to his desk and plucked it up from atop a mound of papers. Those could wait. He then pushed his hand under the mound of paper, moving it around along the burried surface of the desk until he found what he was looking for. His hand emerged holding a fancy looking kunai he had received as a gift after becoming Sennin. He had been using it as a letter opener.

He slipped the point of the kunai under the edge of the flap of the envelope and proceeded to slice open the top of the envelope with ease. "Such fine craftsmanship," he mused as he admired the letter opener and pushed it back under the mound of papers. He pulled out the letter addressed to him and began reading the invitation printed on fine stationary. After a quick scan he came upon the name of the hostess, Shinrya Kitsune. This was the Med-nin that was with Masao when Ayumu had helped bust them out of prison, and apparently also Kahako's mentor. 'I wonder if she'll be there...' Ayumu thought, staring off into space for a moment before shaking his head and reading the remainder of the letter. "Friday, is it? Well, why not? If Masao is going to be there it ought to be interesting one way or another," he decided, walking around his desk and placing the letter in a drawer of stuff he actually intended to keep at his desk. He'd have to do more paperwork faster, but he figured he could make some time for the party.

~*~Party Day~*~

Ayumu had cleaned up as best he could at the insistence of one of the aides who attended to him daily whether he liked it or not. His hair was groomed as well as it could be, and he was wearing what one could consider formal clothing, more or less. At the lowest layer he wore a white, long sleeve button-up shirt topped with a gray vest and a long blue jacket with cuffed sleeves. To finish the look he had blue slacks with black boots and a belt around his waist served to hold the top portion of the jacket closed and also hold up his sheathed saber (because he wasn't going anywhere without that, let's face it). Fortunately, the sheath was at least matching to the jacket. Frankly, it was all a bit stuffy. As Ayumu approached the door, he reached up and unbutton the top two buttons of his shirt and spread the collar a bit to get some air. "Much better," he said as he reached up to knock on the door. His knuckles wrapped against the wooden surface three times, and then he leaned back and folded his arms to wait for it to open.

'This is the right place, right?' he wondered, looking up to take in the sight of the mansion. From so close, he couldn't even see the entire building. 'Certainly seems like just the place for a posh party. Ugh, I hope this isn't going to be too stiff... maybe I shouldn't have come?' he thought, briefly considering turning around and running. That was when he heard the door begin to crack open. 'Too late now.'

Tsuirakuya Shashu

Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
Shashu couldn't help but get a little flustered over Hikari's remark to Kitsune about getting someone else to answer the door. Well I can't help it if you showed up hours before the guests were supposed to arive. Shashu muttered to herself sulkily. How was I supposed to know? "Shashu, could I see you for a second?" Came a call from the kitchens. From the tone of voice Shashu knew it was Saya, and she seemed a bit upset. "Coming!" She called, turning back to the two older Kunoichi in front of her."If you ladies don't mind, Kiritani-sama is calling for me. Excuse me."

After excusing herself from the pair of redheads, Shashu went straight to Saya, who appeared to be looking for someone. "Shashu-chan, there you are. Could you find Taro for me? I need him to help hang up the decorations and he's late, as usual." Saya sighed as she spoke. "I swear if that boy doesn't shape up I'm going to have to replace him." Shashu nodded. "I'll go get him right away."
12:30 P.M.​

Back at the entry hall after a somewhat exhaustive search of the area, Shashu still had no clue where Taro was. "I swear when I find him I'm going to squeeze the life out of him!" She muttered angrily. As if on cue, there was a series of three knocks on the door. Shashu opened the door to answer and revealed a very spiffy looking Taro-kun [A.k.a. Ayumu :p], dressed to impress in grey and black with a saber on his hip. "Curse it all Taro, do you have any idea how late you are? You were supposed to be here an hour ago!" She would reach up and grab the no doubt surprised Taro[Ayumu] by the collar and drag him inside, letting the door close of it's own accord. "Saya-sama is going to be sooo mad when she sees you. And button up your shirt! You'd think that you would have time to at least dress properly with an extra hour to show up! And drop the sword too, you know better than to go carrying around fake weapons while you're working. Sheesh!." After steering him around by the collar, not once letting up on the chatter, she pushed him into a side room where all the decorations were being temporarily stored. "Now, all the stuff you need is in here. You better get started hanging all this up before Saya-sama is done helping the kitchen staff, or you're going to get it!" Any objections on Taro's[Ayumu's] part would be met with a quick shushing and "No buts! You're on thin ice as it is, now get moving!"

After leaving poor Taro[Ayumu] to his own devices, she was once again left with nothing to do. With that in mind, she moved around looking for anyone who needed any help, whether that be staff or any guests who already arrived or were to arrive.
[Edit: MFT, WC-496]​

Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
“Are you sure she will be amenable to my presence? I did, how you say, grope her…”

“You also participated in a show-trial that ended up sending her to a frozen Gulag to die, along with myself. But Baroness Shinrya also realizes that achieving peace and stability for the region is more important than holding a grudge over politics.”

“My King died because of your interference.”

“No, Nikolai IV died because Yukimura Enishi is a megalomaniac. Also, your liege died attempting to wage economic warfare on my country.”

“I thought you didn’t hold grudges over politics.”

“No, but I do miss my wife…”

The banter continued between the two figures, an older man and a younger woman, until they reached the threshold of the massive, borderline-eyesore of an estate in the Seki district of Kumogakure. They knocked at the door, patiently awaiting its opening. The man was dressed in the formal uniform of the Main Branch of Kumogakure (black suitjacket, slacks, dress shirt, and tie) and the woman was dressed in a sleek hanbok outfit native to Bear Country.

Takaki Masao, aging Main Branch Sennin of Kumogakure, as well as Nanasaki Ai, Hoshikage of Star, peered at the lanky-limbed, brown-haired maid who answered the door for them. Despite Student Tsuirakuya Shashu’s earlier misjudgment in assuming that Chief Ambassador Tanaka Hikari as well as ANBU Grand Commander Kogami Ayumu were hired kitchen staff, there was probably no way she’d make the same mistake with this pair. Well, the emphasis was on probably.

“What a cute little maid!” gushed Ai involuntarily as she instantly squatted down to Shashu’s level and started to pinch her cheeks and run her hands through the girl’s admittedly silky hair. “Can I keep this one, Sennin Takaki?!”

Masao shook his head.

“Student,” he said, addressing Shashu. “Tell Shinrya-sensei as well as the Ambassador that I’ve arrived with the Hoshikage of Star. You should also be on the lookout for the arrival of two more guests. We are expecting the Chancellor of Lightning and General Sumihara of Marsh later on. Do you know what they look like?"

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune grinned at Shashu’s mistaking Hikari for someone that was there to help. ”Well. You kinda are here to help. You’re the one that planned the party after all.” she said to Hikari and smiled ”But you might have a point in getting someone else to open the door. Mind handling that on your own though? I still have to go get ready; I don’t intend to be wearing this at the party.” Kitsune said and gave Hikari a light hug and carried the gift with her, intending to place them in her room. She gestured to Shashu that she wanted a quick word.

”Shashu-chan, would you mind coming up to my bedroom in an hour? I’ll need a bit of assistance with my dress.” she asked of the young maid and gave her a light pat on the head before heading up to get ready. That meant a long shower and scented oils and various other things. An hour later, and Kitsune was still in the shower. When Shashu entered the bathroom, after knocking of course, she’d get a perfect silhouette of Kitsune’s body through the shower curtain. ”I’ll be done here in a second sweetie. If you’ll just wait there.” Kitsune said and smirked to herself before rinsing the final bit of soap off of her body and then getting out from behind the shower curtain, essentially showing Shashu everything as she took a few light steps across the floor and grabbed a towel.

Having dried herself and her hair off, she made two clothed bunshins and had them brush her hair ”With hair this long, there are bits I just can’t do on my own, thank Raiden for bunshins.” she commented before pulling on the dark red lacy thong that she had put on the counter for when she got out of the shower. ”Okay, now the dress. I need you to zip it up in the back once I’ve gotten into it, okay Shashu-chan?” Kitsune said before slipping into the dress, making sure it sat as it should, and that it covered her breasts enough.

After Shashu had helped her with the dress, and perhaps recovered from a few nosebleeds, Kitsune took a look in the mirror, making sure everything was as it should be. ”Oh right, my necklace and my choker” she said and grabbed both things, and put them on. The necklace was a silver chain-link necklace with a pendant that was the Uchiha clan symbol. And the choker was a black silk choker with a gemstone lightning bolt in the front, signifying her relation to Raimei no Seika and by proxy Kaminari no Kuni. ”You go ahead and get down to the others. I’ll beat you there either way.” Kitsune said and grinned before vanishing from sight, and reappearing downstairs thanks to her warping powers, all ready for the party.

About at the same time as Shashu came down the stairs, there was a knock on the door, and she opened up to reveal none other than Takaki Masao and Nanasaki. After Ai’s outburst about Shashu being a cute little maid, Kitsune walked over to the door, and opened it wider, to let the two shinobi in. ”Come in, come in.” she said with a smile, and a sparkle in her eye as she saw the Hoshikage. ”Takaki-sama~ Ai-chan~ So good to see you both. Welcome~” she said and gave Masao a light hug, just enough for him to be aware that there was no bra under the dress, before giving the Hoshikage a tight hug, pressing her bust against the Star-nins chest, intentionally teasing her as a form of revenge for the groping.

[WC: 611; MFT]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Arriving home he'd found an invitation... and a few other things which will take place in another thread, including a new, forcibly adopted, child. The invitation was to Kitsune's house (he didn't care about her title, she was a mednin to him). He was tired, there was no doubt to that, but he needed to take his mind off of things before he committed treason and killed the Raikage. Or at least the secretary who would likely attempt to stop him approaching the Raikage to find out WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS THINKING!?!!?

Taking deep breaths he showered, shaved, looked at himself for the first time since his transformation, recoiled a bit, looked at the change in his eyes, wondered a few things to do with the black eyes of that Senju he now owed a favor to and then finally went about dressing himself. His wife asked if she should come, though the look on Kushin's face gave her an answer before it was audibly known. The look on her face told him she knew the answer, but still he gave it to her. He had no time for her self pity. He was also unaware of Isaki Hoshikata's aiding in the missing attempts of two Cloud shinobi, something she was very aware of, and something which had her (for perhaps the first time) happy to see Kushin.

Dressed up in his finest casual clothes, as he didn't wear formal clothes unless forced to by command of a superior, thus only the Raikage, and even that occasionally was in question, he headed to Kitsune's place where the get together was being organized. The place was massive, and Kushin ignored it, extravagance was pointless and he hated those who flaunted wealth on such trivial things. Who needed a place this size? He was sure she didn't have fifty children, he'd know about that. No, things like this were like a man claiming to have a large penis. That was all well and good until the wrong person heard it and decided to chop it off. Then what do you have? A hole where a monument stood.

Arriving he knocked on the door. A bouncer opened the door and looked him up and down. A smile on his face it was as if he'd waited for some pleb to turn up so he could tell him to go away.

Isaki Kushin, I was invited. He held up his invitation and looked unblinkingly at the bouncer who stood a full foot taller than himself.

The bouncer hesitated, looked at the invitation and then turned to another bouncer who came had a look, then looked at the card again Don't you have green hair and eyes? There was confusion in his voice, a hint of doubt and yet Kushin looked enough like himself that they couldn't doubt the similarity.

Get someone here who can identify me properly before you realize that rubbing your heads together will likely be more successful at generating the electrical charge required to create an idea in either of your brains. No, he wasn't looking for a fight, he was just in a worse mood than usual and bouncers who couldn't make their minds up were the last thing that he wanted to deal with right now.


Oct 27, 2012
By the time the party had actually begun, Kitsune was still in the damned shower- a point which was rather tacky in Hikari's perspective. Readiness is something a ninja should practice. A Baroness as well. To be honest, the fact that she hadn't showered before the hired help arrived, while not surprising, made Hikari roll her eyes. In any case if anyone besides Hikari the creepy exchange between the child maid and the Baroness, they did not mention it. The Ambassador thought it was highly inappropriate. Not only inconsideration of rank, but also age. With the girl being probably twelve, and the woman being in her mid to late forties. "'Help with her dress'," Hikari muttered, "My ass, she needs help with a dress."

Near the appointed time for the servant girl to join Kitsune upstairs, there was a knock at the door. The girl opened it again, and was slightly fondled by a guest. The poor girl. Hikari made her way to the doorway to greet the Hoshikage and was surprise to find Masao also standing there. Promptness was not a thing she expected from the Sennin. "Greetings Hoshikaga sama." Hikari bowed, "It's a pleasure to see you again. I'm pleased you were able to come." She turned to Masao, "Hello boss man. Good to see you're not tied in the slammer anymore. It's been a while." She stepped back "You're the first guests to arrive, I believe, and tis early yet, so the party isn't quite in full swing, but help yourselves to any refreshments." She gestured inside.

"Ah, and Kitsune is-" She suddenly appeared beside Hikari and hugged both Masao and the Hoshikage in a rather inappropriate manner. Hikari rolled her eyes and sighed, expecting nothing but awkwardness to come of it. Unless Masao or Ai engaged spoke to her, she'd close the door and find herself a drink.

A few moments later a large burly servant approached her, "Ma'am, there's someone at the door, says he's Isaki Kushin."

She nodded, "He's invited."

"But he looks wrong."


"So, we don't want to-"

Hikari frowned at the bouncer, "Isaki san is a Sennin. If he was unable to change his appearance, he would probably not be a very good one. I'll verify so you can keep your asses covered. Go do something useful." She waved them off, grabbed a second drink and strode to the door, where the second bouncer stood trying to look menacing. "Go do something else, big guy." She said, moving around the door. Kushin did look different than she remembered, but there was still that same air of haughty coldness. There was no mistaking him. "Hello, Isaki san." She said pulling open the door, "I'm pleased you could make it. Sorry about Tweetle dee and tweetle dum. I didn't hire the servants." She held out a glass, it was punch, maybe slightly spiked with something alcoholic, but otherwise a simple punch. "Come in please; would you care for a glass?"

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
In the end it seemed that Ayumu's first inclination to turn and run was the best. As soon as the door opened, a young girl, the very one from a few nights ago, began shouting at him and calling him by some strange name. She insisted that he was late (he was fairly certain he was a bit early) and then reached and grabbed him by his collar. Now, Ayumu could have given that wrist an uncomfortable twist, but he was a nice guy. Instead, he opted to explain that she was mistaken. Unfortunately, the girl was talking a mile a minute and he practically had no time to get a word in. Every time he started to speak up in protest, she barked yet another complaint at him. She apparently thought his shirt should be buttoned up all the way, and that his saber was not appropriate for "the help". 'Ah... that's what it is,' he thought in realization. Of course she didn't recognize him, his position was new and often times he was wearing a mask. Back when they had met a few nights ago he had been wearing one. All the way to a storage room, she continued to cut him off whenever he tried to speak.

'Sheesh, this girl is pushy!' he thought before she pushed him into the room and shut the door behind herself as she left. Ayumu sighed, shaking his head. He took a quick look around at the decorations that still needed to be put up. "Now what IS this Taro guy up to?" Ayumu asked to himself. Well, it wasn't entirely to himself. A moment after he spoke, the door knob turned and a masked ANBU walked in to the storage room, shutting the door behind himself. This was Shuusei Touma, one of the ANBU Captains that remained in the branch and the one whom Ayumu was most familiar with. He and his squad were here as a sort of unofficial security (that nobody but Ayumu was actually aware of). They had let themselves in and were scattered throughout the house somewhere.

"No idea," Touma responded, taking a look around the room himself. "Now, shall we march you back in there and explain who you are?" Touma asked expectantly. He was aware that Ayumu's identity wasn't entirely well known yet, but he figured the girl still should have asked questions before just assuming someone at the door was help. Especially someone that was dressed so well. What kind of "help" would show up wearing that clothing?

"No, no, don't want to get anybody in trouble. On the contrary, how about you and your squad give them a hand? Seems like they need it," Ayumu suggested, drawing a groan from Touma who had half expected his Sennin to say that. "Well, it'll give you something to do while you keep an eye on things!" Ayumu reasoned as Touma shook his head in disbelief. He raised his hand to hand to his mask and dissolved it using the reverse of the mask summon jutsu, then performed a few handseals and transformed his appearance in to that of a servant like he had seen throughout the mansion helping with various things. Apparently they had hired help to hold this party, so a couple extra shouldn't be out of place. Besides, they really would lend a hand... their boss told them to.

Ayumu stepped out of the closet while Touma contacted the rest of his team to change. Truth be told it was already their plan to disguise themselves as such. Extra servants were much less obvious than masked men. Now it was time for Ayumu to return to the party. He made his way back to the entrance quickly, recalling the path they had taken despite having been dragged along. As soon as he entered, he quickly began searching for someone he knew, lest he be mistaken for a waiter again. Fortunately, he quickly spotted Masao who was alongside... 'Wow,' Ayumu thought, struck with some slight disbelief. The Main Branch Sennin was standing beside the Hoshikage, whom Ayumu had first become acquainted with by watching her in the trial that sentenced Masao to life in prison. A lot of trouble had been gone through in order to get him out, so it was slightly surprising to see him standing there with her. He knew that they were trying to work out some kind of peace. Perhaps this was a furtherment of that effort. 'Hmm, maybe... they plan to have a political marriage?!' he thought, mostly a joking thought. 'Nah, Rin would rise from the dead to murder him I think,' Ayumu thought, shaking his head.

Regardless, he needed Masao to vouch for his identity, so he'd need to go and get himself introduced. He walked quickly over to Masao and the Hoshikage, before any hot-blooded students could stop him and drag him to a storage closet to put him to work. Kitsune was there as well, who might remember him from the frozen northern gulag escape. She was also the owner of the manner and might or might not recognize him as the Sennin. It depended on how well she was informed and how good her memory of faces was. "Ahh, Masao! Shinrya-san! I haven't seen the two of you in the same place since... well, anyway! This is quite the place you've got here, I'm impressed," he said, before turning his attention to the Hoshikage. Naturally, Masao would introduce the two of them, and thus his rank would be made plainly evident to clear up any further confusion. That was what he was banking on, anyway.


Tsuirakuya Shashu

Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
It wasn't long after she left Ayumu a.k.a. Taro to his own devices that Shashu was pulled aside by Kitsune and asked to come up to her room later, ostensibly to help her with her dress. She wants me to help her? Wouldn't a baroness have servants to help with that? Oh well... "Of course Shinrya-sensei" She replied. She probably wants me for something else....

THIS is what she wanted me for??? Shashu thought incredulously, her face beet red and practically on fire with embarassment as she reached forth a trembling hand to zip up Kitsune's dress. The embarassment had less to do with the actual zipping up and more to do with the full frontal body shot she had just seen, which, coupled with the fact that Kitsune was fresh out of the shower and smelling pretty nice, was proving to be a bit much for the poor girl. The rather skimpy lingere probably wasn't helping things either.

At any rate, she somehow managed to make it through the ordeal without passing out or embarassing herself too much, and Kitsune warped out to go meet the guests who were undoubtedly arriving around now. Shashu took the moment to catch her breath, leaning on the sink to keep her balance and splashing some water on her face to shake herself out of it. Well. Ahm. That was something alright...ehe...And she wants me to work here? I wouldn't last a week! She thought as she looked herself in the mirror. After making sure she had gotten her composure back and her face stopped feeling like it would light the drapes on fire if she got too close she headed down the stairs.

Not a second after she set foot on the main floor knocking sounded from the main entrance once again. She hurried over and opened it, revealing Main Branch Sennin Takaki Maso and a regal looking foreign lady. Masao-sennin she knew from a visit he had paid to the Academy, he hadn't been there to see her, more of a formal visit for some reason or other, but it was enough that she recognized his face. The foreign lady was a mystery to her however. That didn't stop her from fawning all over Shashu though. “What a cute little maid!</B><B> Can I keep this one, Sennin Takaki?!” Shashu didn't see the shake of his head or get a chance to object, for as soon as the lady was done pinching her cheeks and stroking her hair Masao already had an order for her.

"Student. Tell Shinrya-sensei as well as the Ambassador that I’ve arrived with the Hoshikage of Star. You should also be on the lookout for the arrival of two more guests. We are expecting the Chancellor of Lightning and General Sumihara of Marsh later on. Do you know what they look like?" she's the Hoshikage? What, is every woman in the higher ups this shameless and touchy-feely? If she got ahold of me she'd probably try to do the same thing as Kitsune! Maybe even worse... Shashu had to put some effort into not blushing at the thought. The Hoshikage was pretty attractive in her own right, just in a different way. "No I don't Sennin Takaki. I'm not that well versed in foreign affairs. But I will pass on your message to Shinrya-sensei." She turned to go off in search of Kitsune, but, as matters turned out, that was uneccessary. Kitsune was already right there and had probably had been watching the whole time. She came right up and gave Masao and Ai each a hug, making use of her rather generous endowments to put a little extra into each embrace.

Nope. On second though, Kitsune would probably be worse. What have I gotten into? More importantly, how did I even get into anything? Shashu though despairingly as she watched the somewhat unsubtle posturing by the two higher ups. As this was all happening, Taro, a.k.a. Ayumu, walked around the corner and headed straight up to the group. Shashu was about to tell him off for slacking when he was supposed to be helping out, but he said hello to the Sennin and Kitsune as if they were old acquaintances, even friends. "Taro? Since when are you friends with Kitsune-sensei and the Sennin??" She said, her eyebrow twitching in irritation. This is so classic Taro. Had the Sennin and Hoshikage not been there it probably would have been more along the lines of 'What are you doing Taro?? Get back to work before Saya-sama fires you!', but she didn't want to cause a scene right in front of the higher ups. Saya-sama had a reputation to maintain after all.
[MFT-WC: 789]​

Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
"No I don't Sennin Takaki. I'm not that well versed in foreign affairs. But I will pass on your message to Shinrya-sensei,” replied the student-playing-maid with an obvious effort not to blush. Masao also resisted to urge to facepalm – why did the students these days know nothing of geopolitical affairs? It was almost as if the educational system of Kumo was more concerned with cramming mutagens in every orifice than turning its pupils into well-rounded global citizens. On second thought, xenophobia was long-held to be a desirable trait among shinobi, so perhaps it was Masao who was being too progressive. Too liberal in my old age, he shrugged.

“Look, Student – the Chancellor of Lightning Country is named Tachibana Ami. She is a woman in her thirties, nearing forty, who will be dressed in Imperial robes of state. You will address her as ‘Your Excellency’ or ‘Milady’ only. The last time a genin spoke to her unsupervised he called her a ‘Stuck-up bitch.’ I turned his bowl-cut into a Mohawk for that. Be sure you don’t make that same mistake,” he said to Shashu, although not uncharitably. “Accompanying the Chancellor should be another woman, probably late twenties in age, in a General’s uniform of Marsh Country. Remember, Marsh Country are a bunch of Commie Scum, but don’t tell her that or I will turn your Hime-cut into Princess Drills. You can address her as ‘General’ or ‘Madam.’ I hope we have an understanding,” he said, smiling and patting Shashu on the shoulder.

“She’s so fluffy,” sighed the Hoshikage as Shashu withdrew, no doubt worried for her sanity, hairstyle, and of course, fluffiness.

"Greetings Hoshikage sama. It's a pleasure to see you again. I'm pleased you were able to come."

The Chief Ambassador’s greeting was effortless and entirely devoid of snark. Sasuga Hikari-kun, thought Masao approvingly, although noticing that her boots definitely went up to past the lower hem of her skirt, thus negating any zettai ryoukai that might have been. He had long since given up on trying to make her conform to the uniform requirements of the Main – Hikari was simply the type of person who would go naked out of spite rather than wear the combat bikini hat he and Donuts had so painstakingly designed for her. Anyone who thought that was fine, however, had obviously never been faced with a furious, naked, gore-smeared Ginger wielding a gigantic hammer charging forward and screaming “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!”

“Thank you, Tanaka-dono,” replied Ai, bowing to Hikari in response. “I must admit, I never thought that the Marsh General would agree to attend such a gathering, but indeed, you live up to your reputation as a silver tongue. I look forward to you brokering the peace talks later on.”

“Hello boss man. Good to see you're not tied in the slammer anymore. It's been a while,” she said to Masao, now full of snark. He sighed under his breath. Oh how he’d love to brush the curls out of her hair, save for the fact that she was about to help end the current war between Bear and Marsh and had spent the last few months nonstop getting the Marsh delegation to even consider attending an unofficial dinner in the heart of Imperialist Oppressor Lightning Country.

“Tanaka-dono, thank you for your sentiments. Although I found being in the gulag to be a refreshing experience. Why don’t we send you there for your next mission? Consider it a fact-finding tri-” he started to say to her cheerfully, when all of a sudden, he found himself glomped by none other than his former cellmate in said gulag, Kitsune!

“Takaki-sama~ Ai-chan~ So good to see you both. Welcome~” she bubbled. Although she had intended only to give him a light hug, Kitsune’s particular assets were more potent than a brace of the newest Imperial Naval torpedoes, and could easily sink anything they impacted. It was also evident that those particular warheads were apparently uncovered by any sort of retaining fabric besides the slim material of her already hell-of-lewd dress.

The hell is this, Arpeggio of Blue Steel!? thought Masao as he fought the urge to blush, nosebleed, and suffocate at the same time. Before his own submarine was forced to emergency-surface, however, Kitsune had disentangled from him and was now actively “firing on” the Hoshikage.

“Baroness, I-” stammered Ai as she laid eyes on the new arrival and realized who it was. A wave of guilt started to wash over her – after all, she had sent Kitsune to essentially die of freezing and starvation for a crime she had not committed. The warheads struck hard, and almost instantly, Ai was drowning. The world blackened around her and the pressure on her lungs became like an iron vise grip. A part of her wanted to fight, to survive this Hell of Boobs, but… Perhaps I deserve this. I was so filled with rage and sorrow at my King's death that I didn’t stop to think of what I was doing, and I ordered two innocents to their deaths and shamed my own nation. Very well, Shinrya Kitsune, I accept your vengeance… She closed her eyes, waiting for her soul to depart…

Suddenly, she was breathing again, and the world spun into focus. I’m not dead? she thought, fixing her gaze on a giggling Kitsune.

“Kitsune-chan, er, thanks for having us,” said Masao wiping the slightest trace of crimson away from one nostril. “The other guests should be arriving shortly. I think I’ll uh, get some refreshments now.”

“Y-yes, thank you for your hospitality,” said Ai, regaining her composure. “I truly regret the way we first met, so I hope we can start over,” she said, bowing.

"Ahh, Masao! Shinrya-san! I haven't seen the two of you in the same place since... well, anyway! This is quite the place you've got here, I'm impressed," interjected another arrival, this one also familiar to the Sennin.

"Taro? Since when are you friends with Kitsune-sensei and the Sennin??" blurted out the maid nearby. Masao disregarded this – who the hell was Taro? She was probably addressing someone else, perhaps right behind Ayumu or something. Regardless, there were introductions to be made.

“Kogami-san,” replied Masao, clapping him on the shoulder. “Thank you for also coming. Ah, let me introduce you to one of our guests tonight. This is Nanasaki Ai, Sandaime Hoshikage of Hoshikagure of the Serene Kingdom of Bear,” he said, gesturing with his open hand to Ai. “And Hoshikage-sama, this is Kogami Ayumu, Sennin and Grand Commander of the Kumogakure Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai, or ANBU for short.”

“A pleasure,” said Ai, bowing to Ayumu.

“Our Medical Branch Sennin, Isaki-hakase, should also be arriving at any moment,” said Masao carefully to Ai. The Hoshikage’s eyelids narrowed for a second. Their first meeting had also not gone well at all, and if Sennin Kaibutsu’s reports were to be believed, he was indeed responsible for the deaths of a few Star shinobi as well.

“Thank you for your…warning, Sennin Takaki,” she replied neutrally.


She’s young and pretty and fluffy… Uggh, perhaps Hayata Shin really prefers his women child-sized, thought Chancellor Tachibana Ami with disdain as she gazed at Shashu, who would greet her at the door. Now now, Ami, don’t take it out on the students. It’s entirely Shin’s fault he lacks a pair and won’t commit…

“Greetings, young one,” said Ami to Shashu with perhaps overbearing sweetness to compensate. “Please alert Baroness Shinrya as well as Sennin Takaki that my companion and I have arrived,” she said, gesturing to a woman standing beside her.

“This mansion… It protrudes from the earth like a festering tumor. Are all of your nobles’ habitations as gaudy as this eyesore?” smugly remarked the woman, who was clad in an olive-drab green General’s uniform of the People’s Liberation Army of Marsh.

“The Baroness is free to enjoy her prosperity as she sees fit, General Sumihara,” replied Ami, shrugging. “Perhaps one day you will see the wisdom of this, too.”

“As if. Take this maid, for example. Were she in Marsh, she would be given a uniform, and bolter, and her pride. Instead, she slaves away for this Baroness who no doubt probably molests her at night as well. Tell me, child, would you rather die on your feet or live on your knees?” asked the General to Shashu, pointedly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
He entered the mansion and looked around him, his eyes narrow and judging.

His eyes found Masao standing next to the Hoshikage. A vision flashed passed his eyes of their ANBU Sennin standing in Kushin's face, the dead of Star Shinobi laying about the buildings, the judge, jury and jailors of Masao and Kitsune's faces frozen in terror as they had their lives taken from them slowly and before their family and loved ones. The youngest children of those who had children remained alive to bear witness that it was not Kushin who performed the massicre. Their fragile minds broken beyond repair. They would live the rest of their lives in mental assylums or, should they reach the street, as prostitutes and murderers.

Their ANBU Sennin knew what had happened, Kushin knew they knew it was he who killed them, but according to the law it was Daishi, and Kushin had been hailed as a saviour. The whole memory made him want to smile, and he allowed himself the unusual sensation to pass across his features as his eyes met the Hoshikage, letting her see the humour he found in her subjects death.

Let that be a lesson for you. he thought to himself.

Shortly after he arrived in the room he heard a female voice which he recognized. He turned around and saw Ami, then ignored her as nothing and continued inside. His smile slid from his features and he walked to the bar to get himself some refreshments. A glass of orange juice was what he desired and though the bar tender gave him a curious gaze that was what he received. Perhaps he was one of the few adults in the place that wasn't drinking alcohol. He knew that alcohol was almost expected to be drunk in Cloud, the cold temperature almost demanded it.

Deciding that he should at least attempt to be social at this thing he moved to where the other two Sennin stood. A meeting of the Sennin hadn't occurred for a while.

He completely ignored the others who were nearby and nodded his head to Ayumu and Masao, knowing that of the leaders in Cloud he was the least liked and was put up with simply because at this point in time Kushin was responsible for saving more lives than taking them. Also the Medical Branch had never been as successful as it currently was. So despite Kushin being the center of so many nasty rumours, he also has to be begrudgingly acknowledged as being actually good at his role of Sennin.

What have you two been doing? He asked. The words sounded rude, there was no greeting, there were no niceties, but Kushin was still awkward in social situations. Truth be told, he was nervous.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune smiled at the Hoshikage ”Why don’t we let bygones be bygones, and enjoy the fact that we might have actual peace between our countries, Hoshikage-chan~” she said with a wink. ”I’m glad you were able to attend the party. Hopefully this will strengthen the bond between our countries~” she added And make my position as nobility secure, I might even be able to step up the ladder, depending on how tonight proceeds. she thought to herself. ”You do that Masao-san. The double doors at the end of this entrance hall lead straight to where the party is to take place. You’ll find plenty refreshments there too. Even a cask of wine from my family’s vineyard. A delightfully sweet number. I hope you’ll try it.”

”Ah! Kogami-san! It’s been too long. Thank you for the rescue back in the frozen wasteland.” Kitsune said with a grin ”Ohoo~ ANBU Sennin eh? Congratulations with that promotion. I had wondered who took over after our previous one.” she said and looked as if her curiosity had been sated. Then, suddenly a redhaired Isaki Kushin had arrived and Kitsune blinked several times to make sure it was actually her boss. But it was. And he ignored her completely and only talked to Masao and Ayumu.

That isn’t his usual scowl. I wonder what’s happened to him. she thought to herself and tapped his shoulder. ”Good evening Isaki-sama. And welcome to my home. Glad to see you could make it.” she said and smiled, trying to be a good hostess. And then Tachibana Ami arrived, along with a person that Kitsune assumed had to be the Marsh general. Heh. It’s been a while since I last saw Ami. I think it was at my title ceremony, last. she thought as she stepped over to Ami and the general, hearing a bit of conversation between the two. “This mansion… It protrudes from the earth like a festering tumor. Are all of your nobles’ habitations as gaudy as this eyesore?”

Kitsune’s eye twitched a bit at that comment, but she decided to remain calm. ”It might be big, but it’s always been big. Even after the fire that ruined the original mansion. Only addition was an extra basement floor. The planning committee didn’t allow any further floors up.” she said with an icy tone. ”Ami-san, it’s good to see you again. How is our dear Shogun?” she said, now in a friendlier tone. It was clear to anyone that looked that Kitsune wasn’t that fond of the General. Especially not considering the final thing that was said between the two women. ”And for the record, General. She doesn’t work for me, she works for the catering company I hired.” she said, and leaned close, before whispering into the Generals ear: ”Besides, what happens at night in my bedroom is my business alone~”


Oct 27, 2012
“You are very welcome, Hoshikage sama. I’m pleased the General agreed despite her misgivings, and I do, as I have always, work for that peace. But please, come in. A doorway is no place for an honored guest to remain.” She smiled.

Hikari smirked as Masao spoke about his time in the gulag. “Oh my next mission? I’d have thought you would have already found many facts about that place in your stay. Mayhaps you could write a book. For posterity.” She grinned and winked. “Or not. Maybe just a report filed away in your office.” She chuckled to herself. All of a sudden there Kitsune was, in that piece of lingerie- thin as cotton candy most likely- hugging Maso, and then the Hoshikage.

Seems a bit like Kitsy has some misunderstandings about personal space. I.e. that some people want it. Hikari thought. Her body language expressed her discomfort with all the touching, and awkward feel-ups; she had her hand on her hammer- and she’d taken a step back. Her face was full of snark, and it was likely that anyone who could read expressions could tell what she thought about the ‘attack’ on the Hoshikage. Moments later the pair of women seemed to reach an understanding and Hikari went to deal with an identification at the door.

Kushin. She shook her head. The guy was either socially retarded, or a huge asshole. Probably both. Didn’t even greet her. As he walked by, ignoring her offer of a drink muttered almost silently “What a dick.” As she closed the door, rolling her eyes. Oh yes, she was judging the medical sennin on his ignorance of social grace. It wasn’t only irritating and insulting, it was pathetic. She hoped he wouldn’t so anything too stupid to ruin things. Hikari returned to the group and offered a drink to the Hoshikage. “I apologize in advance for any insults you experience, Hoshikage-sama. Please know that the arrogance and offensive manners of certain peoples do not reflect the sentiment of the Kumogakure and her people.” She said quickly, before the formerly green haired sennin approached.

There was another man Hikari hadn’t met, in person, but his attire suggested he was a guest, so she believed she knew who he was. “Ah, hello.” She said as he hurriedly greeted Masao and Ai. “You must be Sennin Kogami Ayumu. Welcome to the party. I am Tanaka Hikari. I organized this party. Glad you could make it.” She said bowing to the man. “If you are not familiar with anyone, I’d be glad to m-“

"Taro? Since when are you friends with Kitsune-sensei and the Sennin??" The little maid who mistook Hikari for one of her fellows said, her eyebrow twitching in irritation.

“You are confused, dear.” I said, quietly. “It’d go easier on you if you learned the faces of the guests to the party you were assisting, unless you’d like to be dismissed.” This party was important to Hikari. It had the potential of setting the lot of them out of conflict. To be honest, she was now wishing she had taken care to provide a list of faces as well as names for the door keeper. “Learn to recognize chakra, power and status in a man, and in a woman, or you will not go far. This I advise you as someone who knows what it’s like to come out of a non-shinobi family. I went to the academy. I did not know the names or faces. In order to advance my career, I learned, and so must you.” She patted the girl on the shoulder and turned when the newest guests entered.

The Chancellor and the General stood together, one looking haughtily judgmental, and the other cool and suave. After Hikari had given Shashu that advice, “General Sumihara , Chancellor Ami.” She bowed, “It is a pleasure to finally meet the both of you in person. You have my gratitude for your attendance.” She smiled. Please forgive our hostess, Shinrya san. Please do not create tension.” She hissed. “General. Each person here is here of their own volition. None are enslaved. Capitalism does necessitate that some work while others play, however. “ She stepped forward, and made certain to make eye contact. “I do expect that everyone will behave respectfully toward each other, especially our hostess, as she has kindly agreed to entertain so many guests, as a personal favor to me.” Gods willing they would eventually learn to behave and speak to each other like adults. “I say again, welcome. Please, have some refreshments. I hear there is wine from Shinrya-san’s estate on tap. It should be a very good vintage.” Hikari looked between the three women, not worried about the Chancellor, as she seemed only slightly amused. A good poker face that one. The other two women looked resentful.

"Is there anyone you do not know, and would wish an introduction to, General?” Hikari asked. “If so, please allow me.”

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Ayumu felt a since of dread wash over him as the girl from before approached him while he greeted Masao. She was quick to chime in and ask how he, "Taro", knew the Sennin and Kitsune. If Masao was a troll, he could have taken the opportunity to deny knowing Ayumu. The ANBU Sennin took a breath of relief as Masao clapped him on the shoulder and immediately introduced the Hoshikage to him. He recognized her from the broadcast of the trial that put Masao in prison, but this was naturally the first time they had been formally introduced. He introduced her to him as well, announcing his title for anybody nearby to hear, including the one who had been mistaken. Ayumu didn't know what the customs of Bear Country were for meeting the Hoshikage, so he took the safest route he could think of. He placed his hand just below his chest and gave a polite bow, lower than the Hoshikage herself bowed.

"The pleasure is mine, Hoshikage-sama," he said sincerely before raising his torso once more. Kitsune, as well, recognized Ayumu and congratulated him on the promotion. Of course, he had never wanted it the way he got it, with the two Sennin before him dead or comatose, but he knew she meant well. "Thank you, Shinrya-san," he said politely in response. The organizer of the party had also approached Ayumu to greet him before Shashu had interrupted and Masao had corrected her without realizing. It seemed the orange haired woman had noticed however, and was correcting her quietly. "It was an honest mistake, I am new to my position after all. I should have corrected her earlier, but... something came up. Regardless, it's good to meet you as well, Tanaka-san," he said, now that he had a moment to respond to her. Hopefully the girl wouldn't get in any trouble as a result, Ayumu certainly couldn't care less about a small misunderstanding.

A few more guests had arrived at some point, that Ayumu was now noticing. Ayumu overheard the "warning" about Kushin that was given by Masao to the Hoshikage. Really, it was not so much given as a warning as it was taken as a warning. He guessed she had heard or experienced something that made her wary of the Medical Sennin. The guy sure did have a reputation for being a bad boy. Additionally, two more women showed up, one of which Ayumu recognized as Chancellor Ami. He had first seen her face as part of a debriefing for a rescue mission, she and the to-be, but not yet, Shogun being the high value targets. The mission had been a failure essentially, but they had come out of it alright in the end fortunately. There seemed to be some bickering going on at the arrival of the two of them, but Ayumu decided to focus on Kushin who had come up and begun talking to the other two Sennin. This was the first time he had ever had any sort of casual conversation with the Medical Sennin, it was bound to be enlightening.

"I haven't done anything, and you can't prove anything," Ayumu responded jokingly. He supposed the normal thing would be to start with a greeting, but he was the type to just roll with whatever was happening without a care. "But anyway... I'm just getting used to talking to Sennins and Hoshikages," he said truthfully. It was strange to be talking to so many high-ranking people, given that a couple of years ago he was a trainee. Even when he was a Jounin before that, he hadn't experienced anything like this. "Did you find what you were looking for in Konoha?" Ayumu asked. He actually had no idea why Kushin had gone to Konoha, it was more of way of asking how his trip had gone. Perhaps a loaded question.

At this point, seemingly out of nowhere, Touma the ANBU Captain walked up to the group of Sennin with a tray of wine glasses filled with the wine Hikari mentioned. He was dressed in a suit that would make no one question that he was a servant. He offered the wine glasses up to any nearby, one of which Ayumu took, and then moved on elsewhere in the room to offer the glasses to the other guests. Ayumu was in no small way amused by this, endlessly. He hid it well, however, and focused on those he was talking with. Touma played the part of a servant well. His balance of the tray was impeccable, and he looked sharp in the uniform he had adorned.

Tsuirakuya Shashu

Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
Confused? Damn right I'm confused. First Taro doesn't show up for hours, and when he does it not only isn't actually Taro, it's some exact lookalike? Hmph. Shashu fumed silently to herself. Regardless of what Ambassador Hikari thought, Shashu wasn't some clueless girl. Sure, maybe she went overboard sometimes, but she wasn't clueless. Oh, when I find the actual Taro I am going to KILL HIM!

The conversation between all the influential people around her was getting pretty friendly, and Shashu felt out of place. What Hikari had said was true to a degree: she was wholly unfamiliar with any of the nobles or political figures. Before arriving in Kumogakure the only important people she had even heard tell of were the Raikage and the Shogun, but she would have been hard pressed to put a name to those titles, much less a face. It wasn't that she was intimidated or nervous, per se, just that she had no idea how to act around people like this. So with that in mind, she quietly and politely excused herself and set off towards the kitchen. It was nearing time to start her portion of the food anyways, and the sooner she got away from the Hoshikage's wandering hands Kitsune's double Death Stars the better. If I stay around those two for too long I'll probably get eaten alive. She blushed faintly. In more ways than one. *Ahem*

As she walked away from the group clustered in the entrance hall, she noticed a few unfamiliar faces among the wait staff. To most people, this wouldn't seem that unusual, but Shashu made a point of familiarizing herself with the people around her, which was kind of ironic considering her complete lack of knowledge concerning people in power. It just made sense to know the people you are close to, and the people you work with. It tended to make life easier overall if you knew who everyone was and their general personalities so you could avoid stepping on the wrong toes if need be, and make friends if not.

So with that in mind, it came as a bit of a surprise when Shashu couldn't put a name to some of the people serving food and drink. What is this? First a Taro lookalike, then people sneaking in and hiding among the staff? Something smells fishy here...

[If anyone goes looking for Shashu, she will be in the kitchen starting the lasagna :3]
[MFT: WC-354]​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
