Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

On the house [Open]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Safe to say the man felt like he had been hit dragon flame bomb, his body still felt stiff from laying around in the hospital for so long Chinatsu floating around around him chuckling from time to time as the Sennin took a drink. "I told you it would have been easier to let me sort everything out but noooo you decided that being normal would make you seem a bit more human. Seriously look at us your a six foot tall emotionless man with a talking black hulk popping out of your shoulder." He couldn't argue with the being, safe to say that entire statement was true though the one thing he had in mind over recovery was the break he had gotten from the illness even the bar seemed kind of empty at that point in time though it was not something Yukio would complain about the peace was something he couldn't take for granted.

Leaning over the counter he pulled another pair of bottles out popping the corks on them before leaving one on the counter for his companion. "Please, not now give me hour to just remain chilled out before we get everything back on track." He had little reason to put the effort in at that moment in time, yes he was still a Sennin of the leaf village but at the same time it was a smart move to take time to recover before getting back to the branch. He hadn't even informed anyone he was up and around and wasn't even sure what had knocked him out for so long the only thing he knew was the alcohol helped pass the time.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
❝Self-care means giving yourself permission to pause.❞[lb2][/lb2]
Ranji had been hospitalized longer than the two others... But then again, that was no strange idea in his own mind. Walking around the place without his prothese leg was something he felt naked about. He had to walk with two canes, and he surely wasn't fully used to that. He already had made a new arm for himself. "I hate this.." he muttered and started to walk along again. There was a familiar something hanging in the air, and he decided to wobble behind it. "A--" He caught himself a little surprise as he looked towards the black-haired man, with that blob from his side. "Still... Curious, what did he... when... I cannot recall..." He muttered softly and moved more towards him. "Oi... Yukio-san." He shouted and once caught up he hoped the other stood still so he could rest his hand a little as he was not really used to the walking with cricks.
If not he would keep hopping and keep on talking anyway... "How are you doing now?" He questioned the other, hoping he would recognize him, if not he would simply tell who he was again. "Ranji... Ranji Kito, Medical chief." He would slowly nod towards him and hope he placed the link. "Things are a little foggy... These days, wouldn't you say?" He questioned further, hoping to find an answer by him what he couldn't answer.
"How is the little monster on your shoulder?" He found no ill in the words and was slowly hoping his words would come over the same.

MFT: 258

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
'Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.' those words his father told him ringing in his head as he laid in bed in the middle of another sleepless night. Something hurt him, and he couldnt shake the notion that he would have more to deal with as the thoughts continued to fester within him. He needed a brain he could pick through this... someone that he could trust. At that moment he knew he could trust Yukio, his Sennin and sensei. Someone who'd helped him into the ANBU sector and a man that was wise beyond his years. Nodding to himself, it would be nice but no one had seen the man in quite some time. And there was this plague going around, there was no telling when he'd be ba-... It was at this point Yasu would perk up. The tremors under him felt a familiar presence. Yukio's step motion... something that was subtle but it was undeniable!

Jumping to his feet painting his face and grabbing his Chuunin Vest before heading out. Though how he moved was always incognito, trying his best to leave little to no traces of his whereabouts. With a rush in his chest, Yasu found himself lurking through shadows carelessly after he got far enough away from his apartment in the middle of the city. Approaching the tavern, 'Sensei's Spot...' nodding to himself before walking in he would see the man, he'd grown to have a bid of adoration for. His Byakugan was legendary amongst the Hyuuga... and his strength in controlling the Hakumei at one point was second to none. It rivaled the Rinnegan of the Hokage at one point or another.</FONTFACE>
<FONTFACE fontface="palatino">

"Sensei... You're feeling well?" he'd walk in to see Chinatsu floating around the Sennin. Though Yasu would not speak of ranks here he'd make sure he'd relay to his captain... but then again she might already know he's back in action if he were to be so nonchalantly here. The look of absolute relief on Yasu's face would be apparent even with the skeleton paint tattoo'd on his face.

"...Its so good to see you." Looking at the ears of another that was within the tavern Yasu would blink, he'd felt like he'd seen him somewhere before? Maybe... Right now the thought was fleeting to him.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Looking at the two that entered the Uchiha was happy to see that leaf was still doing well and that those who resided within were still able to live normal lives despite what had been happening. "I am doing well Ranji now that you ask, felt like i took a long nap more than anything else." He was rather blunt more than anything else but then again that was what could be considered normal for the man. Chinatsu turned to the med chief for a moment a wide grin spread across his face as per the usual. "I do not feel sickness, i am already dead and have been for some time therefore things such as illness have no effect on me."

It made sense, given what Chinatsu was getting sick would make little sense for the being meanwhile the Sennin turned his attention to Yasu with a nod in greeting. "Indeed good to see you both, safe to say in the time i have been out of it in my slumber much has changed for all of us, myself included." He wasn't shy about showing others wishing to bring them up to speed on what had been going on. "I for instance can no longer speak of myself as a true Hyuuga with this recent development." With that his right eye started to shift and change the sharingan forming around its center.

It already seemed different for a start it was only in one eye his other still the same as it was when he had the Byakugan however there was another stark difference from the others they may have seen being bright blue matching his non Uchiha eye. "It seems there was more in me than met the eye, quite literally in this case, though it seems I still have the Hyuuga in my blood with this discovery as you might expect i wish to see how far i can take this." Though this may come as a shock to his present company the man did not wish to hide the facts from those he felt he could trust to some degree both him and Chinatsu taking another drink from their respective bottles as if this was perfectly normal thing to happen.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Some people... were blessed to have the ability like this person in front of him. Claiming he had just been napping if anything else. A Soft mutter left his mouth as he started to raise his hand to rush it through his own hairs. "I swear... even I would turn jealous of that fact... I felt like dying eventually due to my own hide..." He muttered and sighed softly. His gaze started to focus on the monster on the other shoulder. "So... Then... Dead things can rot... Can you do that too..?" This was a genuine question that he asked out of curiosity rather than anything else.

A moment passed and something else came to sight. A Sharingan yet in the color of blue. He placed a hand on his lower arm as he was leaning. "That... truly is something. You gained something, I lost something..." He said and would tilt his head a little before taking a chair and letting the cricks rest against it. "I lost a part of me, as I am partial Demonic partial Benevolence... but lost my Cadency side... Unsure how maybe the sickness on which my demonic half fought... But then again... I don't feel me anymore. I just hope people will pick up my chakra signature and recognize me that way... As... I kind of lost my animalistic features too." He would explain what happened by his side... yet something said towards himself that he had met the other already a few times and couldn't help but stare towards Yasu. From where... when... and what... Something he couldn't place his finger on. "But... I can still beat you in healing Yukio." he would smile towards him.

MFT: 283

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
'Sharingan?... How?' Yasu would take a step back after Yukio would show off the new pair of eyes. What had happened to his Sensei? Had the plague harmed him down to a chakra level removing his traits of Hyuuga? Or was this something dormant coming to life? It was any number of things with an exploration of traits that could end up being genetics or exposure to a new type of chakra. Scenarios changed in the life of a Shinobi, and when faced with things your body either crumpled in the pressure or adapted to the situation. It would seem Yukio had evolved into what stood before Yasu now... that wasnt to say that Yasu didnt have his reservations. It was definitely Yukio's chakra signature being given off...

'This is undoubtedly Yukio... so this is a change from within...'</FONTFACE>
<FONTFACE fontface="palatino">

"Well, if I can be of any assistance to you Sensei... Let me know. I assure you things have changed with me as well... and if I may help with anything I will be able and prepared for it. May you need to test those eyes?" A tilt of his head to Yukio would follow but something still caught his attention to the male that was speaking about losing his animalistic features, it brought him back to when there was a man with long ears that got attacked by the Main Branch Sennin or rather felt himself in annoyance with her because she loved how fluffy his ears were.

"...I remember you. I believe I met you when Lady Asuka tried to trample you because your ears were fluffy. Is that the feature you lost?" Nodding he would mimic with his hands the way the ears fell over Ranji's head almost in a pantomime-like way. This was quite interesting, someone else that he'd not seen in quite sometime, maybe it was time for a drink. Definitely a smoke. Just a few moments before he would reach his limit without it.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Listening to each of them it was interesting to hear that he was not the only one who had changed the Uchiha pulling a smoke from his jacket having little issues with smoking inside his own bar as his companion drank quietly next to him offering the packet to the other two should they want one as he lit the cigarette with a small fire at the tip of his index finger. "Well it certainly seems much has changed since i last spoke to the both of you. Not sure where to begin with this one though I'm sure I can find a place to start."

Tilting his head to Yasu he was right in saying Yukio was curious about his newfound abilities a hand coming to rest under the single eye with a sigh. "While it is true I wish to see what this power is capable of that will come after a time that i have learned what it means to use it in the first place, considering i have only just discovered this side myself it's taking some time to adjust my fighting style to suit the new abilities i have found myself with." He wasn't afraid to be honest with those from his own branch, the man hadn't used his Sharingan on a mission yet never mind against a worthy combatant turning his attention to Ranji as he let his mind linger on the thought.

"Interesting though you have to excuse my lack of shock at all these developments, for a start I am not known as the expressive type but second of all I have never seen you in combat nor spoken to you for any length of time if i can recall correctly." He couldn't remember a time he had spoken to the medical chief though that was to say unsurprising considering he rarely spent time among the other branches these days having to spend a large amount of time in his own branch keeping things in order. "Well if you are both aware of anything else that may have happened since my absence please bring me up to speed, safe to say i would rather be in the loop on such matters."

He said no more after that simply laying an assortment of drinks before sliding them over to the two implying they should just drink away without having to worry, safe to say he wasn't too concerned about drinking from his own bar at that moment in time.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
❝Self-care means giving yourself permission to pause.❞[lb2][/lb2]
He listened towards them both, he had to agree towards this person. He didn't know much about the man. "That is very true... I came to this village as a curse... or rather that is their words..." He would be truthful as he was hated among many inside this village, but that didn't stop this man from helping them. Ranji didn't borrow hate that towards those who did hate him. "Besides... Branches seem to rarely meet these days... I have worked with all I believe... but Haven't spoken with any lately. Might be because I keep doing researches to a lot and rarely come among the living..."

"I... am indeed that person that the brat attacked with... Thank you for helping out that time."
He would smile on that and nod softly. "I did lose that yes... But when having strong emotions... They do seem to pop up, but I do not seem to be in exact control of when they do pop out when experiencing such emotions..." He would explain and then listen towards the person beside him. "Except... Learning someone's identity from the ANBU branch due to the gate incident... I do not have much to say I am afraid to say." He would be honest and nod a time. "After that, I got to work on more prototypes for missing limbs and testing different things... Soon after the sickness took hold of us. That is when Lady Nagisa helped us up and all this happened... Forgive me if my own memory is foggy."He would tell and couldn't help but let an annoying sigh as his contract decided to join them. "He is most certainly true..." Jibril would embark and take a peek around while Ranji kept an eye on her. "Gentleman... this is my Yokai contract Jibril, please excuse her for her manners.. She... can be feisty sometimes."

MFT: 311

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding he would look to Ranji while Yukio spoke, not to deter from what Yukio was saying but to focus on Ranji's demeanor as his Sensei spoke. Thus he would make out that Yukio trusted this man a bit... but not to the level of an ANBU. This would in return give Yasu the notes that he would not indulge in any ANBU knowledge in the wake of this conversation, leaving the news of Missing shinobi and Kami to another day. Though this was the man that was at the gates, but at this point Yasu himself would give away his identity if he spoke that he'd known anything about it. Being the masked man that watched everything transpire.</FONTFACE><FONTFACE fontface="palatino">

"...Idiocy, to give out your identity... however, I have nothing to note Sensei, I've been neck deep in my studies and teaching at the academy as you taught me...", nodding once again he would look to them both then o the Jibril character. 'Yokai, Eh? So this one might be on the cursed side of things... No matter, Allies of Leaf are as colorful as the elements." This would be all he needed for now, looking and bowing his head to Jibril.

"Aye... I can smell the amount of chakra on you... I'm happy to know that you're on Konoha's side.", letting off a chuckle he would then turn to Yukio, "Oi... Sensei, I'll be off, I shouldnt be drinking tonight anyways, but I'll catch you around the academy ground? Or maybe else where for some ramen...", nodding he would sink into the ground before leaving the area.

However, not before speaking as he sunk,
"And Ranji-san... I'll be around too, maybe we'll see each other around as well, eh?", who knew...

[Topic Left]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Ranji would look towards the person giving him a.. compliment. As the other left, he too felt the urge to leave. But more for a different reason. He didn't want to bother people when they might want to be alone. The air got for him rather... Awkward to be around in, on which the male started to nod softly. "I assume it would be best for me to get around the researches then again.. "He said and would bow lightly towards the man before making his way out of the place. Yet he would almost hit the door into a small girl. "Hmm..?" Was her voice, annoyed as it sounded. Yet she paid soon the other person no mind. She walked in further as Ranji left.

"Yuuuuukioooo~!" She cheered happily for her older brother and would soon to be found smirking. "What you doooing?" She ended up her work early and was having a moment off. "Can I be here?" She knew this was mostly a grown-up place.

[Topic left: Ranji]
[Topic entered: Kotori]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Watching the others leave the Sennin came to realise he could not spend all his time in that place, there was a branch to run things to do and orders to give out, standing to move over to the door as his sister walked in. Looking down at the young Uchiha, Yukio gave a quick snap of his fingers a lady in a waitress uniform coming out from the back room with a slight nod in greeting. "Look after my sister while she is here, juice only, I have business to attend to."

Looking back to Kotori once more the man gave a slight nod though his neutral expression did not change moving to step out of the bar. "Apologies I cannot stick around, you know how it goes, however at some point I would like you to meet with the main branch sennin regarding the cooperation between us and them. Preferably sooner rather than later, I am trusting you to make things go as smoothly as possible regarding such matters." With that, the Sennin had nothing else to say leaving the bar with haste to return to his office.

[Topic left]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
As happy as she was once she entered the place... this was not something she was looking up to. The moment she had enthusiastic entered and the strange man left... She was found to be soon alone with one of Yukio's acquaintances. She kept smiling as Yukio spoke towards her. "Meeting the Main branch Sennin... On the list! I will make sure I have done so before your return." She would smile cheerily while she took her way inside the bar. Taking up one of those drinks that Yukio said she could have. Chatting a bit with the lady before she would place down some Yen for it and take her to leave. But as she walked outside her smile faded. "This is... adults like then huh?" The child would say and bite on her lip. "Always rushing and never having time for others... You know how it goes... Well... brother... You better make it back alive or I will make sure that Hatter is going to kill you in death too!" Tears started to dwell up in her eyes. She was alone once more.
"Erm... Mylady? That isn't really poss--"
"I KNOW!" The young girl shouted and started to run back home. She hated this...

[ooc: Topic left]
[Thanks for the RP yuu!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
