Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Paging Dr. Johnes [Req Medic/Semi-free RP]


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Well that was fun. He hadn't laughed that much in a long time, but it wasn't going to become a habit for sure - too much pain involved. It was probably going to be much easier if he wasn't as injured as he was, but hey it wasn't something he was going to test. No way.

Takehiko quickly opened the door of what was his home, but could be described like a shack. It really was a rather run-down place, but he didn't have any other. On any other day it would just remain closed like it generally did, but today was slightly different - he had lost his contact lensed. They were about the only thing he couldn't go out without, hence why he kept a spare pair in here. Now that he had that it was time to go deal with the pain all over his body. This really was a couple of days he wasn't looking forward to ever repeating, but sadly he was a shinobi and being beaten into a pulp was just a normal day.

A good half an hour passed before he actually reached the hospital, but that was only so that he didn't opening those small wounds even more than they already were. Now the real question was how fast did information travel in the village? He had broken through the gates maybe an hour ago, but he wasn't really sure the two guards had seen his face even though he gave them his passport, so that was a complete and utter failure there. This was going to come back and bite him on the backside for certain....

He pulled the sleeves on his tattered shirt down as he entered the lobby of the Aesculapium and it really wasn't surprising that quite a few heads turned his way. Sure it wasn't his eyes as they both now had brown contact lenses in, but his clothes were in tatters and there was quite a decent bit of blood covering them. Heck people probably thought he got into some crazy fight or even killed somebody. Oh well.

”Excuse me. I'd like to see one of the medics please.” Takehiko finally walked up to the receptionist and asked with a smile. The woman didn't really bother looking up at him for a few seconds, but her eyes widened slightly when he placed his right hand on the desk. ”Yes of course . Please take a seat over there and we will call you Mr?” She finally looked up at him and pointed over to the seats, where people were still staring at him. ”Just call me Take.” He smiled and quickly turned around.

Now it was all just a matter of time really. Sure this wasn't really going to stop all of the pain or even any of it, but it was going to get him paid time off of work as he couldn't quite perform his duties. That is if he didn't end up going to jail for it. Oh well.


Apr 26, 2013

I had been running around all day tending to people wounds and getting called into peoples rooms for lame reasons like teaching them to work the TV or adjusting their pillow. I signed up to be a medic not a housemaid damn it. To say the least I wasn’t in the best of moods so when the front desk attendant pulled me aside to tell me what was waiting for me in the waiting room it only made sense that I would be the medic that ended up dealing with it, especially today. I followed the receptionist back towards the waiting room and saw the man she was talking about instantly, tattered, blood covered clothes and small wounds every visible area on his body. “He said to call him Take.” The receptionist informed me.

Mr. Take, I announced while looking at him. I waited for him to get up and make his way over to me. You can just follow me down the hall we’ll find a room for you. So bud, what got you all beat up like this? I was staying on my toes while being around this guy, better squeeze some information out of him before I treat him and find out he is an S-rank convict or something. I took a deep breath and looked over my soldier as Take was still following me. Stepping past a door and gesturing inside he went in and took a seat. All right, so tell me again exactly how all of this happened to you.

[OOC: New style of RPing did the whole picture thing and first person, stolen from someone.]


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It looked like he didn't have to wait for too long this time. Thankfully it wasn't a five hour wait again and he didn't have to barge into the office of some random doctor and demand they get off their lazy behind and do some real work. Takehiko smiled as his name was called and quickly stood up. As he got closer to his ''doctor'' their height difference became quite apparent as Take stood a good head above what most likely was a MiT assigned to him. No matter he was a fast healer anyway.(I couldn't really find any sort of physical description of your character so I went with supposed age and average height)

"It wasn't someone really it was more something. Do you remember that ''little'' thunderstorm yesterday around the mountains? Well I was sort of climbing up the face of the cliff at that point and I got hit by a lightning bolt." Take said calmly as if it wasn't concerning him at all and followed the MiT quietly down the hall. It was clear that the kid was fishing for some sort of gossip, but it was all going to be useless to him. After all Takehiko was a member of the ANBU even if an AiT, so any records of him were all forged. His name, occupation, rank they were all fake. Little gossip didn't scare him at all.

The young man walked into the appointed room and sat down on the bed opposite the MiT, quickly taking his shirt off and revealing the remainder of his injuries. His right arm was mostly black in color from mid forearm onwards, where the lightning bolt had hit and his entire torso was covered in varying wounds, going up from a scratch to a full on gash, where a branch had hit a bad spot. It wasn't something a regular person would just passively ignore that was for certain. A rather large bruise also covered his left shoulder and if someone didn't know better it would appear as if it had been dislocated not too long ago. "To put it simply I'm never going mountainclimbing during a storm ever again. I got hit by that bolt, fell and the trees did the rest." He shrugged and apparently that caused some more pain because his expression turned sour for a second or two. Now it was just a matter to see how good this MiT was....


Apr 26, 2013


I raised my eyebrows as the boy who was older than me, but not fully an adult told me his story of just how he got so screwed up. "It wasn't someone really it was more something. Do you remember that ''little'' thunderstorm yesterday around the mountains? Well I was sort of climbing up the face of the cliff at that point and I got hit by a lightning bolt." Take began to tell me as we reached the room. Once he was sitting down he summed it up for me. "To put it simply I'm never going mountain climbing during a storm ever again. I got hit by that bolt, fell and the trees did the rest." I looked at Take’s body and raised my eyebrows. So that’s what it looks like to be struck by a lightning bolt, I gently rub the area around the damaged skin.

Well, I’d say you are lucky to be alive right now Take, and you seem to be in pretty good shape, walking in here on your own power. I’m honestly surprised you are alive right now. I’m a Santaru so I’ve been involved with a decent amount of lightning and you could have been shocked worse but this is pretty bad.

I got my clipboard with pads of paper on it and took the pen out from my shirt front pocket and began to write. So, I’m writing Take down for now, but you can’t just go by whatever you want here. I need to know your name and rank. Do you have any I.D. to show me? I waited for Take to pull out his I.D. and began writing down several questions I would ask him about his injuries.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Here you go" Takehiko said and pulled the document out of his pocket. It was a simple thing really and anyone had them. In his case it was not giving the absolute truth, but hey the only people who knew who the other anbu were the anbu leaders and the kage. There was no way around that. To the world he was just a gennin and that was the way it was going to stay at least for now. "So are you actually going to help or should I just go and wait the wounds out?" He said, raising an eyebrow in annoyance. If he just climbed over the damn village wall just to get questioned by a MiT brat he had just opened his wounds rather needlessly

The AiT sighed and buttoned his shirt up again. "Should I go back and ask for someone who will actually do something?" He added to his previous statement and crossed his arms on his chest. Soon though he found out that was a really bad idea as that sent quite a decent bit of pain down his injured arm. His expression turned sour for another second.


Apr 26, 2013


I took a look at Take’s papers, he was a Genin and everything seemed to be normal. As I was reading his papers Take started getting a little impatient. "So are you actually going to help or should I just go and wait the wounds out?" I ignored his snarky comment and went along getting the questions ready to test his injury and he sighed and piped up again. "Should I go back and ask for someone who will actually do something?" now in return I side. Y’know, that sounds like a brilliant idea. Go ahead back to the waiting room and wait for a few hours. I finished with a patient as you got here, that’s the only reason you are already here. So if you can’t wait a few minutes while I prepare dealing with your injuries, and determine the severity. The by all means go ahead and wait. I’m not the one who needs help.

I picked my clipboard back up and continued writing. I was ready to ask him questions and assuming he was still there I would begin. What type of pain are you feeling around where you were struck, pain similar to bruises or a deeper joint pain? After Take answers I will ask him another question Have you suffered any short term memory loss, depression or isolation since the time you were injured? I waited for Take to answer and scribbled down what he responded using his answers to figure out just how back he was injured.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
'This brat' Takehiko just barely stopped himself from lashing out. It was really rare for someone to actually push his buttons, but this kid was doing so rather well. One nosy people weren't something anyone liked and even less so for Take as he preferred people to keep their own troubles to themselves and keep out of his. Guess that really was too much to ask for that was for sure. Second was that the kid thought he was all that. Heck he probably couldn't heal some injuries the anbu himself could, but this was the hand he had been dealt and he had to roll with it. "You know, brat, if I hadn't just spent 5 hours waiting to actually get let through the gates to get my damn shoulder fixed I'd do that, but I'd rather deal with your unnecessary nosiness than have to heal myself again." He said still with the same impassive tone, but he did put some intonation on some words though it was rather unknown whether the kid would notice the slight changes in his voice.

"I've been scratched and stabbed by threes. I got partially hit by a lightning bolt and I had to put my shoulder back into it's joint. If I had to describe the pain I'd say it's the works." He replied with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I do have to say I was rather lonely, but that might be just because the gate guards were off somewhere again for five hours." Takehiko added and shrugged, which just made more pain shoot through his body and in turn he twitched ever so slightly. It was beginning to be quite annoying quite fast... sadly there was absolutely nothing he could do. Heck even his mask was being affected by it and that was something that almost never happened. "Oh before you ask I don't believe there is any internal bleeding. Well at least none visible apart from the bruise from my dislocated shoulder." Take added as he tried to think of any other symptoms he could get out so it ended as fast as it could.

[Nothing personal you just hit buttons. Sorry]


Apr 26, 2013


I raised my eyebrows as I was scolded about Take waiting at the village gates for hours. At least his little bit of anger let me know he was human. Take continued to lecture me, I ignored it and got to work diagnosing him. I can tell just from your abilities to walk and talk that your head and heart are unaffected, which is the most serious possible injury. I am going to take a look at your shoulder’s movement to see if it is fully in place or not. I walked behind Take and put my left hand on the top of his shoulder and with the right I maneuvered the joint around. He had mostly popped it back into place but it was a little off, though the most painful part of it was over. I put a small bit of pressure to finish the placement and a small pop confirmed it was back in place. Though that probably hurts a decent amount right now, the pain will be going away very soon.

The only other serious symptoms you might have from the lightning are numbness, or dizziness. Is either of those things bothering you? I thought more about Take’s story, the gate guards were gone for five hours. That’s highly unlikely, I’ll try to figure out more about that after I can get him a little more settled. Regardless of remaining symptoms I can get you some pain killer that will help everything extremely and you might need to spent a night or two here to be monitored. I began tending to his cuts with alcohol and bandages wrapping the worst of them up. As for your wounds I’ll wrap them up, but only time will help those out that much.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
'Finally we are getting somewhere!' He thought and grinned slightly just before Haru quickly wiped that smile off of his face. Pain completely filled his expression as his shoulder was once more where it should be. It seemed like his very basic first aid hadn't really done what it was meant to. That just went to show how useless he was outside mending broken bones. He really didn't know why but that was the only real medical jutsu he could use though there really was no point in wondering about it.

"Don't have either of those." Takehiko said with a large hint of sourness in his voice. He really hated the feeling, but hey the kid actually did know what he was doing even if he didn't want to admit it. As much as Take didn't want to stay in the hospital he didn't really have much of a choice. The bills he was going to get were probably going to be absolutely ridiculous. He really wasn't looking forwards to the bill. Not in the slightest. "I'd love some painkillers that much is for sure and well...sorry kid. I didn't mean what I said. So I have to stay here a few days? Well I hope the nurses are good looking or this wouldn't be worth it at all." Take said and his eyes wandered to the ceiling. This might not be that bad really. 'This mask. Is a pain in the neck.' He thought and just barely stopped his sigh...

[Topic Left(well staying in the hospital but you get the idea) unless stopped]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Right as Takehiko said something about him hoping the nurses were good looking, Kitsune entered the room to see how her student was doing. ”Haru-kun~ How’s your patient doing?” she asked him before looking at Takehiko ”So you’re the guy that fell off a mountain?” she said, looking at him. He didn’t look like much, but eh. Never judge a book by the cover. ”You know… For a guy that fell off an entire mountain, you don’t seem all that damaged. Looks can be deceiving though. So why don’t we make sure to give you a full look over, hm?”

Kitsune looked at Haru and smirked, she was going to evaluate the heck out of Haru ”So, Haru-kun. What procedures have you gone through already? I’m assuming all the basics, correct?” she asked of her student as she placed a hand on his shoulder. ”Also, why haven't you healed his cuts yet Haru-kun? I mean, it’s a routine procedure. And it’s not like it’s taxing on either of you.” she continued before sighing, and undoing the bandages Haru had put on, before forming a few handseals and using the Healing Hand jutsu to heal up the cuts before using the Anasthetic Infusion jutsu to make sure Takehiko wouldn’t be in pain at all.


Apr 26, 2013

I was about to warn him about Kitsune, when speak of the devil she came barging in. Shit, I muttered only audible enough for me to here. I rubbed my hand through my hair while I waited for the critics to come, and come they did. Kitsune was onto the next question before I could answer any of them. As she went to undo his bandages I grimaced. I forgot to heal his wounds.. Kitsune would give me plenty of shit for that one later.

I took a look at Take, no doubt his eyes were trained on Kitsune’s ‘distractions’ as I like to call them. I wish I could give him the full warning he would need about Kitsune. It was safe to say Take’s stay at the hospital would be a very interesting one.

Once Kitsune finally finished assessing everything I finally had a chance to put a few words in. Hey Kitsune Sensei.. the injury we’ll need to monitor is where he was partially struck by a lightning bolt. I waited for her response praying I was right. More than just the pride of being right, I really needed to start impressing Kitsune-sama. It was never said but I have a feeling if I disappoint Kitsune, the likelihood we go out on a mission drops drastically. I let out a sigh and took a look at Kitsune’s goodies once for good measure.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
'Well hello there' Take thought, keeping his eyes focused on Haru, but looking Kitsune up and down real quick with the corner of his eyes. Did you actually know that your sight there is much better than your central vision? Interesting fact isn't it? It can be quite handy for situations such as these, far more than you'd think. "Yes Ma'am." He replied calmly and smiled, effectively hiding absolutely any pain he was feeling completely. Whilst being with this mask he had to or it would just fail completely. Practice makes perfect and that is always the case. "In all honesty it wasn't the fall that was the painful part. I just got my left shoulder dislocated from that. It was the trees and the stupid lightning bolt that did most of the work. I'm pretty sure that if all my pain receptors weren't singed I'd be in a ton of pain right now." Take shrugged, which was just needless pain but hey it wasn't going to stop him now.

'Note to self pain wise deep cuts are way less painful than shallow ones.' He thought as Kitsune removed any bandaging from him and he quickly unbuttoned his shirt. Sure Take was shorter than Kitsune, but that didn't mean he was wimpy at all. Normally you wouldn't notice because of the way he dresses, but Takehiko has no unneeded fat any where and his muscles are really well define, mainly because he just plain forgets to drink liquids, but that doesn't matter right now. The second thing you would notice is the crazy number of the cuts and punctures. From scratches to full on gashes it could scare the lasses. If he had been a normal person he probably wouldn't be able to move from the pain, but he was a shinobi and he was far beyond the point of feeling pain anyway. So many of his pain receptors wanted to go off at the same time it was just impossible, so they just plain stopped working. Sometimes you just have to wonder would being in that much pain be better so that you become numb to it or in pain, but less injured? Honestly he'd have to choose the former. That way he can still think and move properly, whereas pain inhibited his mental capability far too much.

There is only one problem though is that whenever a medical jutsu is used everything gets sort of a jump start. You once more feel the pain just before that anesthetic kicks in. The sudden burst made Takehiko cringe and much to his regret sent his left contact lens flying off far beyond his reach. This really wasn't good. He quickly closed his left eye and pretended as if something had managed to get in it. Hopefully it would work at least for a while but hey who knew. "You know kiddo I was only joking about the nurses, but I gotta say I really wasn't expecting the rumors to be true." The young man couldn't help but laugh. "I guess they really hide all the beauties in the hospitals one way or another." Takehiko smiled at Kitsune whilst keeping his left eye still closed.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
He took a lightning bolt and didn’t get more hurt than this? Wow. That guy is lucky as balls. Kitsune thought to herself and shook her head a bit. ”Well. Not really anymore. One healing, and boom, you’re as good as new. Though, I’d like you to stay overnight for observation, and I’m prescribing you a ton of fluids. You are to make sure you stay well hydrated.” Kitsune said and gave Takehiko a warning look. He needed to take better care of himself. And with his odd behavior as he got healed combined with the fact that her sight was just plain better than practically everyone else’s, she immediately caught the contact lens flying out of his eye.

”You might want to get a new contact lens to replace the one that flew off though.” she pointed out with a light smirk. ”Don’t think I didn’t see it, because I did. Also, for your information, I am not a nurse, I am a doctor. Secondly, I was pretty before I became a doctor.” she continued, in a slightly annoyed tone of voice. ”Haru! Make sure the patient stays in bed and drinks plenty of fluids.” she said to her student before stepping behind him and giving him a hug, if only to encourage him to perform better.

He’s lucky. If that lightning bolt had hit just a bit more to the left on his body, he’d have been dead. Unless he is a Santaru like Haru of course. Kitsune thought to herself as she mused over the patients incredible luck. Fortunately, because it only grazed him, his side got singed, and that’s it. Raidens luck that is...



Apr 26, 2013
I watched Take and Kitsune converse a bit until I was addressed again. Take looked at me and said. "You know kiddo I was only joking about the nurses, but I gotta say I really wasn't expecting the rumors to be true." I nodded back wondering how Kitsune would feel being called a nurse.

The question I wondered about was soon answered as Kitsune said something about Take’s contact flying out before she added in, “I am not a nurse, I am a doctor.” Apparently she was pretty before she was a doctor too. Just as I was wondering how it had been this long with no orders Kitsune told me to make the sure the patient gets a lot of rest and drinks plenty of fluids. Can do boss. I turned to Take, You heard the lady. suddenly my pager went off, I was needed in other rooms. I’ll be back to check up you every so often. I assured them as I walked out the door to tend to some other patients.

[topic left]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Well there really was nothing he could do in this situation at all. He just sat there and waited, keeping his eye closed. He's just ask Priscie to get him a new contact lens for now he just had to swap it out for the one in his other eye. After all it was better if at least his crimson eye remained hidden. His rinnegan was just barely visible when he didn't want it to be, so the chances of that being spotted taking into account his natural eye colour were rather low. Now if only he could figure out a way to get out of here without anyone noticing that would be even better.

Then again after the two doctors left he could easily just sneak out of the window. It wasn't that hard to do and he was also quite starving right now. Maybe going to get a meal after this would be a rather good idea, though there was a problem with that- he still hadn't been paid for his mission and he was nearly broke. Well there had to be a way to get some food and if he needed to he would just resort to that method. After all he only stole what he could not afford and currently that was absolutely everything. For now he just had to sit back and wait

[Topic Left]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune smirked and headed for the door, and just before she left the room she said two words: ”Nice eyes.” and then walked out of the room. She had of course, been referring to his Rinnegan which she had spotted thanks to her chakra flow vision. It showed that something was clearly going on with the eyes, and it wasn’t flowing like a Sharingan would have, and there was no glowing or veins so it couldn’t have been a Byakugan. Nor did the eye exhibit any of the characteristics found in the Sanryukougan, so that left only one doujutsu: The Rinnegan.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
