Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Priorities [Requesting Takeshi because he isn't busy or anything]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Many people choose their path in life, and are content with where it takes them. Others try to carve out a path for themselves and are met with challenges. Some people get handed everything on a silver platter. Others - on a grease-stained paper napkin from McDonalds.

Gone was the friendly facade, the flowers, the charm. Mayaskahi Migoya stood now, his palid face devoid of emotion but his eyes glowing with anger, before the receptionist he had just recently been flirting with.

“I would be most appreciative if Lord Fourth could spare a moment of his time.” Migoya stated clearly, the words polite but the tone behind them cold.

The receptionist, clearly bewildered at the change of Migoya’s personality, nodded and politely responded. “Migoya-san… the Hokage is dreadfully busy. Perhaps I can…”

“Get me to wait? This village is awfully good at getting people to wait. Perhaps we should tell the Frost shinobi to wait?”, Migoya interrupted, the tone of his voice still cold and polite, adding to its menacing nature.

“I will see if he is available”, the poor receptionist stammered.

“Thank you”, came the cool response.

Despite being offered a seat, Migoya would continue to stand in eerie silence, the only noise coming from the rustle of clothing as Mikki, a small wooden puppet, emerged from within Migoya’s Chuunin vest to sit on his shoulder.

Why the hell are we back here?

Migoya remained silent, looking ahead.

Are we here to kill the Hokage! You would do that for me!

Mikki went to move, but sensed Migoya’s anxiousness, and knew it was not a time for frivolous jokes.

You know… they dont like you here, so why are you trying to still help them? Lets just go home, you can cut open a dead animal and Ill do that thing you like… you know.

Migoya’s left eye twinged a bit.

Yeah you know it Migo-kun… when I spin their intestines around and pretend I’m a cowboy. You used to like that as a kid. Now you are soooo old you are getting boring.

Nothing came from Migoya.

So why are we here. Hmmm…. After that meeting you weren't impressed about something. I think you overthink things - they just want you to stand and guard and… oh. That happened last time didnt it - you were guarding, and then you were healing, and then the samurai dicks came...oh.

Ive lived a while Migo-kun, and you mortals do the same dumb things over and over. Its just natural for you morons. Dont feel bad - its your nature.

A smirk, devoid of humour, crept its way up the side of Migoya's pale face.

“That is why we choose to do that which is unexpected.”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to sit down and check the reports that had been coming in, he had ordered the teams to find out the supplies of Leaf, making sure that the village was equipped for the task at hand, knowing full well that the fights that would be coming would require, he knew full well that everything was taking place. He needed to catch up with the main branch Sennin as such he had also summoned him to the Hokage office, with Takeshi at the moment it seemed that everything was going a million miles an hour and even he knew that he had to make sure that he was ready as such this meeting was required.

Takeshi heard a commotion at the door considering it to be the summoned Sennin he didn’t even think that anything else was going on though in hind sight he should have considered it. He allowed himself to take a small breath for a few minutes as he listened to the noise get louder in those few seconds. He stopped his work before looking up at the door for those few moments, it was those minutes that mattered, and the distraction was slightly irritating.

“Let him in, I have been expecting him for a while now”

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin was summoned so he arrived. It was as simple as that. He actually approached the door and found Migoya waiting to be let in. Well that answered one of the potential reasons why he was summoned.

"Migoya! Nice to see you again. Looks like we are here to meet the same person so might as well go in together." Kenshin would say holding up a hand in welcome.

He would walk in behind Migoya an move off to the side of both of them. He was dressed in his Sennin robes and black work out outfit as was his norm.

"You can go first Migoya. I can wait with what I have to say." Kenshin would say a smile playing on his lips.

This was going to be a very interesting conversation. He hoped no trouble came of it. There was enough trouble as it was. Things were moving towards what seemed like a fixed point. The only issue was what would come from that point in time? Well time would tell but Kenshin was ready for it regardless.

[topic entered]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The summons was made, as as Migoya started to walk, he heard the voice of Kenshin coming up behind him. The man was polite as always, and that seemed to grate on Migoya’s nerves for some reason, though he did not show it.

Migoya offered a small, polite smile in greeting and a bow. “Kenshin-sama. Certainly - what I have to say involves you too.” Oh, but Kenshin knew that. It was far too convenient for him to arrive at this point in time. That small smile he gave… a tell perhaps?

Silently entering the Hokage’s office, Migoya did not make a sound as he casually out of habit made a scan of the room. Clearly Takeshi worked hard - that much was clear from the piling mountains of pointless paperwork, yet the man himself seemed somewhat distant. The burden of leadership... . Migoya had not personally met the Hokage before, and from a glance he tried to figure out how to play his hand against this… opponent. Another habit.

Migoya stood before the Hokage, offering a respectful bow, noting that the leader remained seated. He ignored the irritation - after all the Hokage did not know anything about him.

“Hokage-sama. Thank you for your valuable time. I will attempt to be brief.” Migoya’s voice was cool, calm and collected - the epitome of professionalism. A strange sort of charisma would emanate from the albino, intermingled with something definitely unnatural, or at least unsettling.

“Kenshin-sama here has notified main branch of the intended invasion of Konohagakure by shinobi of, what is purported to be, the hidden Frost village. As you may be aware, I offered my services to him, but did not receive a response. I understand that the request of a chuunin is not viewed as important, but given the current circumstances perhaps you will understand the necessity for what I offered”. Migoya’s tone did not change, but there was perhaps the slightest hint of ‘told you so’.

“It is clear that there are potential… gaps in the defences of Konoha, and that those who are capable of fulfilling certain roles should do so. Whilst guarding Konoha is a respectable duty, my talents lend themselves to more… distinct operations.”

Migoya turned to Kenshin.

“Kenshin-sama. I will fulfil the assignment you gave me, as is my duty, but I cannot in good faith act as a simple Chuunin no longer. Such… restrictions grate against my nature. I assure you… I am far more capable than that.” Migoya’s main weakness, pride, surfaced its ugly face.

His crimson gaze turned to look the Hokage in the eye - noting his purple rinnegan with a slight look of respect.

“Before I continue though Sama, I would ask that this conversation remain confidential. Given the nature of what I wish to present, and to attest to the veracity of my intent, I am willing to go under your ‘Tsukiyomi’ Hokage-sama, to converse with you in that state. I assume one of your bloodline skilled enough to be named Fourth is more than capable of such a feat?”

I have been tormented by such techniques before, by members of my own clan…this is a stupid idea, but necessary.

He had put himself out there. Twice. Once bitten, twice shy the saying went. Whether he was accepted, or bitten, was out of his hands… and Migoya hated that.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to consider the way that this conversation was going, the frown was already on his face at the fact that the man was so impatient that he was already knocking at the door of the Hokage to find out what he could do in a time of War. There was no point rushing things and with that he allowed himself to sigh as he continued to listen to the man speak, diplomacy clearly was not something the man was used to as he allowed himself to throw down words about how there where gaps inside of the defences of the village.

It seemed that the man had come here to try and gun himself for a promotion, to try and allow himself to get slightly higher than the current situation, he allowed his eyes to shift across to Kenshin studying the man for a few seconds. It seemed that the Sennin still was allowing some slips and sliders in term of the discipline inside, but at the same time it seemed that they where using their own initiative, so he had to give credit there, as he allowed the words to be spoken he knew full well that he still had to do work.

“Anything that you want to discuss can be done with Kenshin in the room, I won’t waste my eyes or my chakra on something pointless, if you want to talk about anything then we will need to do it now, I have a war to prepare for and the village will need to be done as well, I apologize for the blunt situation that we are in but I do not have time to play games, as I am sure that you can understand that is what the situation current is.”

Takeshi allowed himself a few moments before he looked to both men, wondering on what to do and how to word things. It seemed clear that he was going to have to be careful on how to word things as he allowed his Sennin to stand witness to this conversation.

“So tell me, since you come here and want to talk about the restrictions that have been placed on you, as well as what the true purpose of this meeting is, I need those answers and I would prefer to have them sooner than later if possible, besides it seems that both of us are in a rush today”

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin entered and listened. There was a lot to listen to and Kenshin's smile turned to a frown well enough. So he was going above his head to try to make a name for himself. To promote himself as it were.

"it is as Takeshi says. Whatever you will say you can say in front of me. I am not simply the Hokage's guard but I am a veteran of the village, one who has served all of the Hokage since the retaking of leaf, and a friend of Takeshi. My ego is not so weak that the words of a Chuunin" he put emphasis on the word "would cause me much distress. And i am glad you are still following your duty. While you may see flaws in my approach, I would gladly listen to what your suggestions are. Until then, I will stay here and listen to what you have to say." Kenshin would say as he, true to his word, stood where he was eyes gleaming dowan towards Migoya.

Kenshin was never a spiritual sort but he remembered a saying from a great uncle of his who was a priest. "Strike the face of the Buddha three times, and his anger will be roused." Kenshin was a patient man, however he had his limit.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Idiots. I wasn’t trying to separate you, just provide a conduit for a long conversation that would only take a second in this real world. Morons.

Well, well, well. I wonder if these two hold each others wing wangs when they pee? Mikki’s impression came into Migoya’s mind unbidden, almost causing Migoya to burst into laughter if he wasn’t so mad.

I wont waste my eyes or my chakra on something pointless. What the hell...

The insides of Migoya screamed out in frustration and rage, but neither were carried onto Migoya’s pale face. His eyes slowly closed and opened – the only visible tell that he was perturbed. An immortal spy master, hidden in the village for over 70 years, with skillful clan members capable and willing to aid the village, just provided the opportunity to explain his ideas and forge a new found alliance with Konoha.

I wont waste my eyes or my chakra on something pointless.

The true purpose of this meeting was to provide Takeshi with an outline of a possible internal intelligence branch, whose role it would have been to monitor the people in Konoha, and root out any possible infiltrators. Clearly the Frost shinobi had an inside source that knew who the Sennin were, and to target Maki. This new intelligence service would have worked with the ANBU in providing relevant information to the Hokage to aid him in the upcoming war.

Would have.

I won’t waste my eyes or my chakra on something pointless.

Migoya put his hand into his pocket, reaching around the notepad that he had outlined his ideas on, and rested on a small slip of paper. Kenshin’s additional words had sealed the deal.

“I too am a veteran of that war. Some lead and got all the glory. Some stayed in the shadows and did what had to be done. Hokage-sama - please find my request for transfer into the ANBU corps – that is what I was suggesting would be a better fit for my specialties.”

Migoya handed over the piece of paper – it was old… An image of Migoya stood out, looking exactly as he did now, but wearing a med-nin vest. The paperwork suggested it was 50 years ago that Yushi Migoya had ranked as a med-nin chief. It was an outline of his capabilities, the number of missions he had completed and the like. It was… impressive, and authentic.

“I stole that from the file several years ago – people ask questions if you don’t seem to age. Now you know the truth – do what you will. Kenshin-sama, I care little for your ego, just the village. I would recommend moving the villagers somewhere other than the obvious places simply because if there has been a breach of security here, they will know where we will send them. Though, you could use that to your advantage…”, Migoya began but then stopped. They didn’t care about his opinions, much less his tactics. He would so what he needed to do to protect his clan and the village – in spite of the leadership of Konoha.

Migoya straightened, his arms clasping behind his back as he stared past the Hokage, looking at the sky beyond.

“I have my orders from Kenshin-sama. Unless you have any more for me Lord Fourth I will leave you to your work”.

And I wont waste my eyes or my chakra on pointless somethings...

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to sit in silence as he listened to the words knowing full well that the man was showing some signs of frustration but it was clear to the Hokage that he would have to address these issues, he allowed his hands to rub his temples slightly as he listened to the man speak about the ANBU branch, yet he had spoken already about wanting to swap but also informing the Hokage that he had been stealing information, that was something that he considered a weird approach to trying to get himself moved from the branches. He allowed a sigh to come from his lips.

“The transfer request has been denied Migoya, you may be a veteran of war and I can give you that. However, that said you also informed me that you have stolen information from the village itself in the past. And yet you requested to transfer to a branch that will have more information, more access to that delicate subjects, I will not allow that. As such I am denying this right now, you will stay on the Main Branch under Kenshin who will continue to have your assistance during the war.”

Takeshi allowed himself to turn back his attention back to Kenshin as he took out a letter from his jacket he allowed himself to place it onto the desk for those few moments. It seemed that the letter was the one form the earlier encounter with Frost as he looked at it on the desk it was still unopened but since Kenshin was here.

“I have summoned Tamashii here, we have a few things to discuss about this and I want to know what your thoughts are on what ever is inside of this letter Kenshin. I have to admit that you are going to be needed today by myself so please stay behind so we can discuss our options.”

Takeshi turned his attention back to Migoya for a few moments, maybe the conversation today would have gone a completely defiantly in another take, however this was not the way it would be playing out today, instead he would be having to judge on what to do with the man that was before him, as he allowed himself to look out the window glancing at the village he pondered for a few minutes before replying to the man and his plans.

“Migoya, you are dismissed, I will judge your application later for the ANBU once we finish things with Frost, however now your transfer request has been denied right now. With that have a good day and I will leave you to go and talk to Kenshin once this meeting is over.”

[MFT: 450}
[Migoya Dismissed, Tamashii summoned]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin's frown stayed the same as Migoya continued. It was a lot of information to cover. Then Takeshi did what he thought was right and then dismissed Migoya and to have a meeting with Takeshi afterwards.

"Before you leave Migoya. please allow me to show you something. Lord Hokage, I will explain further at a later time." Kenshin would say as he grabbed a pencil from Takeshi's desk. "First security in Leaf is secured. The site of the attack of our ANBU sennin was not in Leaf. Therefore we can assume the enemy has eyes outside of Leaf but not inside. This being the case, we are keeping this close to the vest. As for the villagers, they would have to be moved to a safer location but where? Taking them out of the village would tip off the enemy we are moving against them so that is a no go. What other place in the village could we send them? The academy does not have enough protection. The Hokage mansion would be putting them directly into harm's way. As such, the bunkers we have are our best bet. Now if you will look at this map with me." Kenshin would gesture towards the map of Leaf with the eraser side of pencil. "Here are some locations of the bunker entrances. Now I want you to look at where Kitsune park is in relation to these entrances." Kenshin would pause for a moment before continuing. "Yes as you can tell no doubt that Kitsune Park is in a central location within Leaf and placed almost in the center of these entrances, Do you think that it is mere coincidence I have placed shinobi like yourself in the park? Or maybe I trust my shinobi well enough to respond to the ever shifting ebb and flow of a battle? That, if need be, the gate team will lure the enemy to Kitsune park so minimize structural damage to Konoha if the squad you are part of has to go defend one of the bunkers? Or you could just assume you know what is best without talking to me and going directly to the Hokage. I look forward to our next meeting Migoya." Kenshin would say his voice cool.

He would wait for Migoya to leave and then wait for about a minute to make sure.

"Apologizes Lord Hokage. I was coming to report here anyways when he beat me to it.I have already set in motion some plans of a defense of Leaf as I do not think they will simply leave our gates if we give them a not agreeable answer to that letter." Kenshin would say as he gestured to the letter. He then remembered he had Takeshi's pencil and placed it back on his desk.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
There comes a time in a person’s life, or indeed it happens several times, when a pivotal moment arrives. You can plan for it, try your best to control it, but in the end you are left to the whims of fate. Or in this case, a Hokage.

Migoya listened to the words. He knew the Hokage was being, well, blunt, and that despite his advanced ocular abilities the fool didn’t listen very well. Then the die was cast, and it came up snake eyes for Migoya.

So… let me get this straight. My nephew - trained by a missing-nin, comes in and gets admitted to the ANBU corp, yet I disclose my personal file, which I stole for a reason, and have helped this village for over 70 years… and I get denied?

Fuck. You. Takeshi.

[OOC: Flashback]

Please don’t leave me Yong! I… I don’t know if I can do this alone!

You will be fine Migo-kun. Look how much you have done so far. I have to leave. This place is nothing more than a gilded cage, stopping the birds from flying until such time as they send them to slaughter.

It’s not like that? We… we are a family.

The Myakashi are a family. The Hidden Leaf is not, they merely say such things. That is one way they lock the cage.


Migoya closed his eyes for the briefest moment, allowing the rage to subside as he was chided by the Hokage for stealing. The simple fact that he stole his own information to prevent people from learning about his curse, causing more problems, clearly took more thinking than was possible for an Uchiha. A brief spasm of his eye sent something of his bloodline towards his shinobi record.

The die had been cast.

Migoya spoke not a word as he turned, dismissed. He started for the door, his face impassive, as the buffoon chimed in to add salt to the wound. He spoke of strategy, of bulwarks. It was a sound strategy if one was not fighting shinobi, but who knew. Perhaps ‘Sparkles’ would win the day yet again. More glory to him and the hidden leaf.

Migoya stopped as Kenshin continued, accusing him of going over his head. Again… these idiots had no idea what was going on. He had come to transfer to the ANBU, not get Kenshin fired!

Kenshin stopped speaking, and Migoya, still looking forward, spoke in barely a whisper.

“I only did what I thought was best”. And then with a few more steps, Migoya was out the door.

[OOC: Flashback]

The two teenagers lay huddled in the alleyway, covering their mouths in genuine fear that their breathing would alert the leaf shinobi to their presence. Between them lay a sack full of stolen goods, a small heist but enough to feed them for at least a week.

“Get back here you little shits. You are going to pay for that.”

Yong started to whimper and Migoya put his arm around him comfortingly, but shared that self same fear.

Its not much… why are they after us? We didn’t choose to be here!


A charming smile greeted the receptionist as Migoya sat once again on the corner of her desk. She, naturally, looked perplexed as not more than 2 minutes ago he had been the definition of cold.

“I wanted to apologize for my… attitude”, Migoya said with a grin. “I was upset.”

Migoya put his hand down onto the desk, leaving something there.

“An apology present”.

Leaving her once again confused, Migoya sauntered down the walkway, leaving the Hokage’s office behind him.

A few minutes later, a strange pair sat looking upward at the Hokage monument, looking at the faces of those who had gone before. Some had been wise and noble, others crafty and sneaky. It had taken both to create this village, and one to neglect it enough to permit a power-mad Daimyo to destroy it.

Migoya tossed fluffy white bread into the sparkling water, watching as the ducks and geese scrambled and fought to gorge themselves on it.

Are you upset Migo-kun?

Migoya had been silent as he left the Mansion, causing poor Mikki as measure of concern. As they sat, Mikki had crawled onto his shoulder and for once was showing his caring side.

“Honestly Mikki – yes. I wanted to try and bring out the darkness… the pain… and use it for something. The village I guess. But, once again, people see what they want to see, rather than what could be.”

People are stupid.

That brought a small smile to Migoya’s face.

Yes. People are stupid. But they are also predicable.”

A pale hand reached up to the side of his head, where a hidden headpiece lay. He pressed it, knowing who would be hearing.

“Prepare plan exodus.”


The Hokage and the Main Branch Sennin probably wouldn’t notice that Migoya’s document would slowly start to dissolve from a microscopic state, the benefits of a certain type of clay used by a master artist. Soon, nothing would remain of Yushi Migoya.

The receptionist, still looking quite perplexed, did not understand the meaning behind Migoya’s ‘gift’. She looked down at it, wondering why such an old, battered and tarnished thing still existed.

A forehead protector, emblazoned with the old hidden leaf symbol.


Migoya and Mikki walked away from the lake, the sun setting behind the Hokage Monument adding a picturesque ending to the day. The ducks and geese had their fill, and now slowly made their way back to their nests, just like Migoya.

Do it… it always makes you feel better., came Mikki's voice.

Migoya smirked as he pulled a black hood over his head.

Puffs of bloody feathers started to erupt around the lake as those greedy, stupid birds, so keen on their own gluttony and pride, exploded one by one to the shocked gasps of the children watching.

The smirk grew.

WC: 985
[Topic Left]
[OOC: Apologies for the flashbacks]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
It was a nice day out when Tamashii would be seen making his way through the village just checking on small instances around to make sure everything had been taken care of while he was away. He was planning a trip, trying to obtain info on Yomi's whereabouts so he could give her the letter directly. However, he would not want to be abrasive about the whole thing, just wanting her to truly know how he felt before he would manage things differently. He no longer had certain things in his heart that caused him more pain than... growth. Alas, before he would be able to finish his rounds he'd received a message through his headset calling him from the Hokage's office.

'Hm, I wonder what this might be about...' nodding he would tap his headset, "~//~ I'll be there shortly. ~//~", nodding he would place his hands within his pockets before slowly heading back in that direction. Thankfully he wasnt too far... and equally as much he was feeling a bit better now that his body was getting to a good point of recovery. But he wasnt fully there yet... anyways it would take about five minutes for him to make it to the building before he'd arrive in the office after passing the security check points and entering into Takeshi's office... He'd passed Migoya on the way in, noting his face and such for the future... there was something different about the lad, but he wouldnt worry too much about that...

"You rang Hokage-sama? Oh hi Kenshin... Nice to see ya. Guessin there's a meeting?", tilting his head he would straighten his tie before entering the room and closing the door behind him making sure to lock it securely...

[Topic Entered as Tamashii]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi smiled as he watched Tamashii enter the office as he looked to Kenshin then to the man that he could consider a friend at this point. Tamashii had come back to serve and there was no amount of thank you that would make Takeshi give his true feelings across. As he allowed his hands to come to his desk he allowed himself to open the envelope that had been given to himself as he slowly allowed himself to slide the parchment out from it and begun to read it his eyes darting across the paper a few times as he allowed himself to read all the information in that had been given.

“Hokage of the Village,

It is our declaration that the village of Konaha has overstepped their mark, you continue to break the boundaries and threaten peace inside of the nation. We have had enough as a village and we have decided that now is time to act for your crimes against our nation. We have decided to mobilize our military might as of now against Leaf, the people and its Shinobi that protect the village.

You have two options, you have seven days to reply to this letter as instructed, this will be done at the gates of the village with a messenger. We are giving you the following options, you can surrender yourself and the village into our custody for punishment for your crimes against other nations. Or you can decide to go to war with ourselves, that choice is yours but you have only seven days.

- Frost”

Takeshi finished allowing himself to speak as he read the note out to the two men that where inside his office, as he allowed a sigh to escape his lips he knew that this was bad and understood the complications that was coming with this. He sighed to himself as he leaned back in his chair for a few minutes trying to understand the options that was there.

“So, I am opening the floor straight away, suggestions or advice is welcome from either of you two?”

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin watched Tamashii join them. Kenshin had not seen him around for a while so he was glad that he was still around. Kenshin was going to comment something bout it but Takeshi read the letter out loud. With each word, Kenshin felt himself growing more and more restless. The frown from Migoya's words turned into a full place scowl. Such arrogance. They are basically accusing of a crime and indicating they are the ones that are the sole arbitrators of justice. They are the judge, jury, and executioners? What utter nonsense and tripe. Takeshi asked for advice and suggestions. Kenshin started out by taking the pencil again from Takeshi's desk and using the eraser end would begin to explain his plan of action.

"Apologises, Lord Hokage, but I have already started plan of action in the defense of Leaf. I have split up our most active shinobi of the main branch into the following teams. Team 001 is San, Migoya, and Ziren and they will be at Kitsune park a nice central location. Team 002 is Minako, Asuka, and Hoheto. They are to stay at the gates until the enemy comes. Once the enemy attacks, they are to feign retreat to Kitsune park. If team 001 has not moved, they should have a numbers advantage. If 001 is forced to other parts of the village, then 002 can fight in Kitsune park away from buildings. Team 003 consists of Hoshirei, Amaya, and Kou and their primary function is to defend the hospital. There are some people who cannot be moved from the hospital and therefore we must defend them. Team 000 consists of myself and Shinzo and we will be at your side Lord Hokage. As for academy students, they are to slowly evacuate the village starting with the villagers closest to the walls and working inwards. They are being overseen by instructors and genin not assigned to a squad. The academy students are to only fight if they have been attacked and are to withdraw as soon as they an and stay with the villagers in the bunkers of Leaf. Any assistance the medical and ANBU branches can give would be most appreciated for any of these tasks." Kenshin would stop and place his hands behind his back.

"Obviously, I have already mobilized our forces and I will defend this village with my life should I need to. Surrender is not an option. They are strong but we are stronger Takeshi... Lord Hokage. I await any further instruction." Kenshin would say easing a little.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Shakes his head, looking to Takeshi then Kenshin, "I understand the haste brethren... but Kenshin, let me first say... You cannot be so hasty as to put these plans into action. The first thing with war is patience under scrutiny. You are hot blooded yet air headed.", sighing he'd roll his shoulders thinking about the situation from the outside looking in. Maybe they could cut their losses but Kenshin had already made moves and provisions that would render any thing as a potential act that could be ambushable. He didnt mobilize any medical service... nor ANBU as backup.

"Kenshin... You worry me. Because, while you made decisions in good faith and spirit. Why would the Hokage call us here to call for a plan of action... When you already made plans? Because he didnt know and you didnt clarify it. With war, battle, skirmish, etc. When we have a chance of planning, we should do that as a leadership. You, Myself, Mikasa, and Maki, would be the ones to come to the Hokage to see what he wishes, I would advise that you remember that for the future else we might have deaths on our hands and the blame would fall on you... I dont want that and surely you dont want the youth of this nation falling because of a mistake on your part.", looking back to Takeshi.

"Leaf doesnt back down to anyone. Especially not anyone who feels the need to send petty threats when they havent shown the backbone to back it up. At any pace, I dont believe one week is anything to be noted, if anything it could mean we're walking into a trap... So we could organize a scout unit, Hyuugas and Inuzukas, to scout the area before Main branch goes in with the blunt force. Long Range to cover our close combat... But we will need a high class medic into battle... Mikasa or anyone of her chiefs. Someone thats capable of combat healing. But I believe this will be taken care of swiftly depending upon how quickly we act within the next seven days.", and with that Tamashii would fall silent.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to look towards Tamashii as he listened to the words coming form both his Sennin, though he hated to give the credit to the man it seemed that the experience difference showed instantly between the two men as Tamashii considered the situation. Takeshi allowed himself to look down at the notes as he took out a piece of paper on the desk, it was clear that he was going to have to respond tot eh letter though he pondered what that actual reply would be, he knew full well that he still had work that needed to be done.

“Tamashii is right Kenshin, I will need to look at the situations that we are in, though first I think between the three of us we can decide the response from the village. I will get this document written up now and we can get this sorted and out of the way before we must consider the options for how I want each of the branches to proceed but give me a few moments to write up a draft back, I will want both of your signatures on this before we return it. If you approve of it at least.”

Takeshi allowed himself to take a peace of paper out of the desk that he sat being, as he begun to write on it, allowing the words to flow from the pen that he was using he sighed slightly as he knew this was a declaration. Something that he hoped that he would never have to write during his time as Hokage. But some situations where unavoidable and he found himself in that situation right now. It was clear that he still have to do a lot of work before a week was out. Takeshi allowed himself to put the pen down in those few seconds. Sliding the paper across to face both Tamashii and Kenshin, there names where at the bottom as he placed the pen down for them to read.

“If you agree sign it, and we will give our reply as a village.”

We have considered the options that you have given before us, and at this time we can say that today you find yourselves at War with Konaha. We will not surrender and we will not back down when called upon to do so. We will fight to the end and bring justice to those that threaten this village.

You have this reply, and this warning. Do what you must but know that we are not the problem that you think we are, and this war was brought on by the actions that you have done. We will see you on the battlefield.


Lord Forth Hokage of Konaha – Uchiha Takeshi
Sennin to the Hokage –
Main Branch Sennin –

Takeshi allowed the men a few minutes to read over what had been written knowing full well that each of them had a decision to make he allowed himself to lean back into the chair for a few moments contemplating.

“I agree that we need a scouting group, but I also want someone to deliver this letter to the person that come to collect it as such I am giving that task to you Tamashii, find me a group of scouts that we can use to make sure that we have an advantage there. Also I will send word for both Mikasa and Yuki to attend this meeting as both of them are going to be around we need them here to discuss the plans for the village, that being said I do want to make sure everyone is on the same page, but first the scouting team. Tamashii recommendations on anyone that stands out to lead or be in this team?”

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would look between the two.

"While patience is indeed a virtue, so is a reaction against a clear threat. We are extremely lucky they backed down from our initial encounter. Should we have fought there, I am afraid not all of us would have survived that encounter even with Mikasa's medical jutsu. That is the level of shinobi we are going against. From now on I will wait and collaborate on future actions but I will not simply wait for meeting after meeting while an enemy is coming directly to our doorstep. That is all I have to say about that." Kenshin would say his voice calm throughout.

"as for this scouting party I have reservations. As you saw Takeshi the enemy is very bloodthirsty and the 7 days was only reluctantly agreed upon. Should the scouting party be discovered they may use that as justification for attacking us earlier than the 7 days. I would also caution having our defenses ready sooner rather than later should we send this scouting party in for that very reason. I would also recommend not sending Mikasa on this scouting party. Should the mission go sideways and fighting begins, that leaves one Sennin recovering in the hospital and one outside the village. I do not want to be the only Sennin active in a full invasion of Leaf. I would recommend a medical chief in this situation. The choice is yours Takeshi or should I say you Tamashii. If you want someone from my branch let me know and i will send them directly to you if you desire. " Kenshin would say giving a small nod towards Tamashii. There was no bad blood just an understanding of a different approach.

Kenshin would go to the letter and sign his name slowly and neatly. Those calligraphy classes he endured growing up paid off sometimes.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Shaking his head once again, "Kenshin, You dont get it then... Thats not what I was alluding to... but if you want to take pride in the fact you're willing to act... Then by all means. But no one is stopping you from acting, but you're talking about a instance... that -didnt- happen. So your point is moot at best. And that is all I'll have to say about that.", Tamashii didnt care if he rubbed people the wrong way, he did what he was asked to do. Give his opinion, yes... he was paid for his opinion for the most part. He was a man that would be able to take his own feelings out of an equation to look at the idea at hand and act accordingly. Of course if the fight came to their home front then they would have to act... but that didnt happen. No walls were breached, no lives were taken, and they didnt have to hide the women and children so in Tamashii's very calloused eyes he wouldnt give two hoots about Kenshin's emotions regarding the whole ordeal.

"The scouting party I would choose would lead our people out of harm. People who were proficient in Clone jutsu and long distance seekers. Hyuuga, Inuzuka or people with Hound Contracts. Even Aburame and those of that type. The time limit is something I want to take advantage of, because... if they give us seven days... I want to hit them in the mouth at day Three. Not literally, but in the sense that we have to get the upper hand, because obviously they might already be trying to scout us. So it is not something that I believe I could personally do aside from handling the letter... Sure, but picking up the forces to go? No. I dont have the proper intel on everyone in the village... I dont just sit at my desk looking over names and such.", chuckling a bit but he'd shrug and continue, "I believe there are people that can manage this, if I had to guess it would be anyone that can handle themselves solo but also work well in a team. Which would be a rather small pool to choose from... Shinzo Maybe? His Medic Friend Suyashi... Mikasa of course... Kenshin... but I would have to look over statistics and mission ratings.", nodding again he would give the floor back to Takeshi.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
”Sir! Sir! He’s in a meeting! I can’t just let you go in there! SIR!”

Maki ignores the attendant as he brushes by and pushes the door open, entering into an odd scene. Tamashii and Kenshin appeared to be arguing about how to handle something. He assumes the Frost shinobi. Maki sweeps past each of them and grabs the letter with some signatures already on it, a completely covered left arm doing said holding to the liable surprise of those who saw said arm missing after his torture. He sets the letter down and looks between the three men present as the attendant begins to step in and admonish him for bursting in on a meeting.

Maki drowns the poor soul out. ”I don’t think we need an actual declaration of war, considering what the hell happened.” He pushes the letter away and looks at the three, sighing. ”Gentlemen. I’m rather upset no one invited me to this meeting. From the little I heard on my way in, I think I’m also rather upset that no one’s thinking of using the ANBU branch for scouting considering this is their damned job!”

He’d done a lot of work on refhuffling the branch, on redesigning what it did and what the duties were. And to have that ignored was nearly as grevious a wound as the missing eye. Maki raises his left hand before his face and removes the glove over it, pulling it free from the long sleeve to reveal a skeletal hand beneath. He reaches over and taps a talon-like digit to the paper, watching as it begins to decay around his finger.

”There. Signed. Now can you three please bring me up to speed on what I missed while I was on vacation?”

A sharp ear might notice a slight catch to his voice at the levity, or the very subtle tremor in his right arm. The acts he’d undergone had certainly left a mark in his mind, as well as on his body. But he couldn’t stay away from this. He had to do something or he’d go insane in his own shell shocked mind.

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Despite her better judgement, the medical kunoichi follows in the wake of Maki under the pretense that he may require assistance rolling himself about in a wheelchair. Fortunately that were not the case and the male representatives were in heated debate among one another, "While I appreciate the gesture of heightening security around the Byoin, Kenshin-san, I wish to make it less noticeable as you have caused fear among the visitors and patients alike." the medical head begins, taking in the atmosphere of the room.

This appeared to be a moment that required no introductions, the group was familiar with one another; although the kunoichi would utilize the opportunity to exchange a glance with Tamashii. "I am glad we all can gather when the situation calls for such, but I won't be signing the documentation." pausing momentarily she takes notice of the slots available to be signed - only requiring the Main Branch, Hokage, and Sennin to Hokage position. Maki seemed to force his own unique signature onto unofficial official declaration of retaliation. "Not that is appears I have to do so." she comments briskly. Crossing her arms, Mikasa's platinum braid is adjusted, settling across her front shoulder. "I would like to address issues before any further action is taken, if I may, Lord Hokage."

Stepping forward, oceanic hues glance between the group. "Currently our own village is being plagued by our own children. Not that any of their deeds amount to anything, however when they ripen with age there actions will result in far more dangerous misdemeanors. We are allowing the usage and ability to obtain explosive notes, constant fights, and all sorts of nonsense that is unacceptable. Once our current crisis is over, we need stricter rules set in place. May I add we have no concrete evidence of an actual Village Hidden in the Frost, we only met with three individual boasting claims of such, are we positive this is the only way?" not usually one to spew longer than necessary comments, Mikasa inhales gently, allowing breath to fill her lungs for the continuation...

"Maki-san, the actions taken on you will not be forgiven, I am not suggesting they are to be. However, I wish to know more of those who claim they are going to bring a hell on our village. Has anyone of us actually been to this supposed village? Does anyone in this room have any information on this particular village? If this is a just a facade of a group, we should treat it as such and not have our citizens under an alert of being assaulted in there very sleep. Where is our intelligence units? Why is nothing actually been done outside of signing a piece of parchment to declare war on an unknown? Why are we in the dark so much that our very own people are as clueless as we? There should never be a point in Konohagakure to where we have our Chuunin and Jounin posted in the open with no proper explanation. Unless I am missing out on crucial information here?"

Not wishing to continue with her words, she glances towards Maki and Tamashii, "In short, I agree with Maki-san, in a sense. I am sure that one among us has suggested proper intelligence reconnaissance already instead of immediately deciding to desecrate the very land we raise the next."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to listen to both Kenshin and Tamashii speaking, it was clear that he was evaluating each of there answers, that was until the door burst open and a Maki allowed himself to enter into the conversation it allowed Takeshi to have a small sigh from his lips as he knew full well that he still had a lot to cover, but it seemed Maki was back into the fray of things, he wasn’t going to apologize about that or even be sorry that he moved around the ANBU Sennin, the village stopped for no-one and he had come to term with that one.

“Its good of you to join us Maki and Mikasa, we where just debating about the finer points of the defence of the village, but you are right we should check if it is really that village that is coming after us, and then if it is we are at war. We are going to lose time by sending this party, but I agree with ANBU exist for a reason we should be using them to do so. As such I am going to give this task of infiltration to the branch that do it the best, I think we can all agree here that this would be the best option to do so.”

Takeshi allowed himself a small pause as he knew full well that it was still something that had to be discussed and the options where something that he had to go over, first he wanted to address both Maki and Mikasa who had just joined the conversation, while looking at Tamashii and Kenshin’s option. It was sure that they wanted to send intelligence out, so he would play it that way, delaying response for the sake of making sure it was Frost.

“Maki, we are going to have to make sure that we are declaring war on the correct place, as such your intellegance branch, lead by Yukio is to assemble, this mission is approved for ANBU Only, I want no records of the village they belong to, no identification on where they came from. They are to infiltrate the village of Frost and come back with confirmation or denial that this was an act made by another village, if they do not come back in the seven days then I expect that the expedition has been lost to the other village. No medical staff or main branch are to go, this is not an aggressive act, it is simple a matter that I want those from the intelligence branch to do there job completely. This way we will have our answer Tamashii and Mikasa on if they were behind this.”

Takeshi allowed himself to look at the four Sennin that where stood around him, before he allowed himself to pull back to full height he allowed himself to consider the options for a few moments, he wanted to make sure that the branches where doing ok in preparation.

“I want head counts from each of the branches, status of the branches, I want to know if you need anything now is the time to speak up. Since the students have been on a problem, while I want Main Branch to allow for the protection of the village to go up this means that they will be stretched, as such Mikasa if you and your chief would be so kind, keep an eye on the children, I have already sent one trouble maker to your branch this was in order to split them up, I hope that you have been able to bring him back to reality?”

Takeshi allowed himself to lean back slightly, pondering for a few moments on what the others should do he allowed himself to consider the options.

“Kenshin, Tamashii I want a plan if we need to go on the aggressive if its needed quickly, suggestions on what two teams would be able to go, I want a team for each of you to lead, this can have Main Branch and Medical working together. This would be the format I want combat teams in.”

“Maki the ANBU Branch I want ready as the rapid response, your task will be to head onto the field if required against high priority targets for elimination of those targets, this will have to be done quickly and efficiently I don’t want gaps to appear.”

Takeshi allowed a sigh to escape his lips, each branch had orders, a team was going out to do scouting, he wondered if he had missed anything. And this is what the Sennin where for.

“Have I missed anything?”

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
