Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Private] Trees of Green


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Midday, the sun was high in the sky, and the snow seemed glistening from the high treetops. the trees were standing tall and looming over everything like ancient guardians watching closely. The air was cool and refreshing and the ground was littered with brown leaves and pines small foliage bushes and gatherings of snow that had fallen from the trees was visibly scattered all across the forest floor. The small walking paths was perfect for short brisk walks. several civilians walked around the roads taking in the scenery and relaxing on the benches placed on the side of the paths, with several meters in between.

In the distance one could see the city buildings surrounding the Nimbus Delectatio, in another angle one could see the tall, darker areas of the district which was the more lucrative place one would go if they wanted danger in the middle of the village. Great beasts and dangerous animals loomed in midst that area. This place was on the side of it, connected by a long river running between them and into several large ponds in each area.
The trees were shorter, and had strange formations, making it almost seem unnatural.

It was on such a small walking street Suzaku Keiji was walking with his apparent new student, his own little subject of teaching and learning. Here he was with a most inexperienced individual and he was with the task of teaching her to become a proper mednin, he had to mold her knowledge and her skills, teach her the substance and the material. He wasn't directly pleased with the idea. But he gulped the insecurity and decided to do what he could. During his own training he had gone through several senseis. All gone to this day. And here he was, in a reversed scenario. He didn't want to leave, he didn't want another to experience what he had, if anything he wanted to stay and stay strong, for his new student, and his friends. There was too much horror and too much death in the world to let a scarred mind not heal, to not give time and thought to those that mattered.

By his side the small brown furred dog walked carelessly and with a head held high, and ears perked and leaning towards Keiji, as she was listening in closely with what the talks were about, every once in awhile she would look up towards Keiji and he would look back down while he talked casually, then looking back to Mirame.

In his mind he sighed as the continued talk with her began to take a different turn from loose non-essential subjects.
  • "So who were your parents and what happened to them?"
  • "Do you have any siblings?"
  • "Have you read any books on medicin?"
  • "Do you have many friends in the Academy?"
  • "Are there any senseis at the Academy that you especially liked?"
  • "What made you want to join the Medical Branch?"
  • "Why the interest in the Harvesters?"

((Just answer them, like you did at the Interview, but in a vocal manner))

Looking at her with a serious glare he asked the next question, one that took the whole discussion to whole other degree.
"How much death, and bloody scenes have you witnessed?"
His question was asked in a serious manner. He wanted to know how she would react in a situation where either death is inevitable or is so close that the life itself is near-gone from a subject. Her answer would help him find out what kind of steps would be the most appropriate to take when molding her.

[OOC: And enter, Mirame~]

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
Mira walked with her new sensei, Keiji-san. She smiled, she had met him with her two friends but they have since headed home so that she would be able to work on her Mid-Nin trainings in privacy with Keiji-Sensei. She looked around at the beautiful scenery and with a breath she could see the mist from her mouth. She smiled as she pulled the zipper up closer to her neck. She looked over at her sensei to respond to all of the questions he had prepared for her.

"Well, my mom is a retired Kunoichi that worked in the hospital as a Nurse's Aide and my father owns a little shop downtown that sells antiques and objects of interest. They are lovely parents, and no, I'm an only child. Because my father owned a shop my mom spent the most time with me. She's a descendant of the Hyuuga Clan so not only did I learn about her old job I also learned most of my Taijutsu from her. She taught me the basics of medicine, like only the essential first aid that all shinobi should be able to do. When my mom was a Kunoichi she made a few friends and I grew up with their kids. Yamanaka Kyou and Santaru Ren are my best friends. I also met a couple of kids. Little Nakamura Shindo and this boy named Tanaka Miko. Not many other people really. I've only been in a few classes so I don't have any favourites but I am certain that I do not like the barbarian that was teaching the class I just came from..."

She took a deep breath a giggled slightly. She looked at her sensei and smiled at him.

"... Isn't it obvious? Why does anyone want to become a Medical Shinobi? I want to help people better themselves. What better way to do that than by training to heal and support others. As to why I want to join the Harvesters? I don't know. It kinda just stuck out to me, like it was something different and I feel like I'd be able to learn more by joining it."

The air changed, Keiji-Sensei said something in a more serious manner. She looked down and clasped her hands together. She rubbed her thumbs together as her fingers interlocked.

"Well, Kaiji-Sensei, I haven't. I've been blessed to have never witnessed something as dark or cruel as that, but I know that in this line of work I will."

She looked up at the man and stopped dead in her pace.

"I can't promise you that I will be strong when it does happen, but I promise I'll try my very best. Please Keiji-san, will you help me?"


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Their dialogue went smoothly enough, she seemed genuinely interested and as a sincere individual which sparkled a certain warm sensation inside of him, a genuine smile, like he was actually enjoying himself was apparent on his face, at least in comparison to his usual fake plastered smile he usually wore as it was difficult for him to find sincere enjoyments when it came to talking and interacting with others, he always imagined their dead faces gored and bloodied, he imagined their intestines all around the scene and as he would look at his hands he always saw blood, splattered across his hands. That at least was what happened when he let his mind slip, and he wasn't paying attention, or simply didn't care.

This time however, was different seen in a certain light, his cousin and his closest friends Hikari and Kahako, and perhaps one or two more were about the only people that seemed to be bright lights of focus in his traumatized inner world of his mind. His companion, the ever watchful dog was a demon spirit that harnessed and enjoys this destruction and this uncertainty of his mind, exploiting where she could. But she was a companion and she kept his mind active and engaged. But alone, things were naturally different than it seemed.

He nodded and smiled when she answered his questions, her apparent glee kept making him smile in return.

"Hahaha!" He couldn't help but laugh out loud when she mentioned that the only reason she wanted to join the harvesters because it stuck out.
After which the tone had shifted as he asked his question,
Even more so now when she answered, it was hard to believe anyone this innocent would ever consider joining the most brutal and dark division of the whole branch. He questioned if she even knew anything about what it was that they did, her previous answer seemed to resonate with this conclusion.

His pace stopped a little in front of Mirame as she did, and turned his body and tilted his head in curiousness of what she was going to say.

He nodded with a serious glare and with approval of her words.
"Yes, I promise to help you out."
He lifted his index finger before continuing halting her next sentence whatever it may be, he tilted his head back upright and glared at her with eyes almost shouting *Danger!*
"But, you have to be aware of something, the Harvesters are no joke."
He paused for a dramatic effect as he took a quick breath.
"You are embarking on a most dangerous path, one that is riddled with danger, and is not for the faint of heart.." He slowly lowered his hand again, his eyes shifted towards his companion that had settled her bum right next to him. He skimmed across the surroundings and saw that there were no one around, no civilians anyway.
"Some would call what the Harvesters do immoral, dangerous, and against human rights. But we work solely for the good of the village, we embark on the research none dare touch, and we do the work that people consider too freaky for the public's eyes, we do the dirty work for the Medical Branch as well as the village. We do so for the better Kumo, and for Lightning Country, and most of all we do so for the Raikage, even though he may disagree with our methods, he dares not, however deny the results, and we wish to keep it that way." He took a short breath again. "Knowing this, do you still wish to continue on this path?" He stood still awaiting her response. Standing not more than a few 6 feet from her at this point glaring deeply into her not-yet truly opened Hyuuga eyes. He stared with his white, blank own Hyuuga eyes, his dark dreadlocks hanging from behind his head in a ponytail, his worn and teared headband resting around his neck, like a necklace, and as a chain.

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
The little girl stared into the man's eyes. They reminded her of her mother, but that would have to be a different conversation. This young girl had a sparkle in her eye and she wasn't about to give up now. She was one of those people that never gave up once her mid was set on something, and this time that something was joining the Harvester ranks. As Keiji mentioned that what the Harvesters fo could technically be considered infringing on decent human rights the little girl began to shake her head back and forth.

", no, no, no..."

The girl looked up at Keiji and stomped her foot down as He asked if she wanted to continue on this path.

"Keiji-Sensei, stop it! I don't care what you say. I will be a Harvester! I need to do this to make myself stronger. I don't care what the ignorant say, I want to be a Harvester. My mom always said that if something was worth doing, then it was worth giving everything to try and do it right! I don't care if people start calling me evil, or sadistic. I believe that this way I will be able to help out the village the most and you can't tell me otherwise."

She crossed her arms and turned her head to face away from the man. She was dead set on doing this and her Sensei was stuck with her.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
He nodded once again with his lips reaching practically up to his ears. "Hm!"
He took a few steps over to her as Mirame was looking away in what could be seen as anger or frustration, he put his hand on top of her head and looked down at her with a warm smile.
"You'll do, nicely, I approve." He said with a low and solid tone to his voice.

He held his hand there for a few seconds until he lifted it again and then walked to the nearby bench and settled there. He settled his elbows on his knees and leaned his head against both of of his hands in a philosophical manner.
"What would be the best introduction for her then? She hasn't had any field training, she hasn't seen much carnage, she hasn't killed anyone, she's literally just like a puppy, ready for molding and training. I could take my sensei's path.. But that might be too gruesome. Killing another of their own village like that.." He closed his eyes as the visual image of his knife penetrating through the man's backbone to extract the spinal fluid. His first surgery ever, a terrible call for such a young spirit to take. But he guessed that it was better than having no experience of such gruesome scenes.
"I could take her with me to do an experiment, perhaps one of my recent subjects would be ready for the test, a recently deceased Seikon was retrieved from a mission and we had yet to fully understand their powers. Perhaps she would have a theory.."

"Another question then, this time a theoretical one, if a Seikon's powers include distorting perceptive realities, and making them appear faster, stronger and lighter than they are. Literally manipulating chakra in a sense that resembles the uchiha's natural genjutsu powers, but instead of working the eyes it's their natural chakra exhuming from their muscles and instincts."
"Now, without having read any anatomy or medical books, which bodily organ would you assume, or theorize that would be connected to the Seikon's abilities? And explain why you would think that is."

Her first real test, to determine which field she would be getting into first, what homework she would receive, and what her next assignment would be.

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
((Sorry for the tardiness and shortness... I just haven't been a writing mood... sorry))

The girl looked at the man as he patted her head. What was she a kitten? She raised an eyebrow as he shifted over to the sat nearby and clasped his hands together in a semi-serious manner. He closed his eyes, it was like as he was thinking of more questions, and then it came out. The girl pondered for a second before snapping her hand u pointing to the sky. "I would assume it would be an abnormal use of one of the glands in the brain which manufactures hormones. If they can change people's perception then it would be like when animals release hormones during mating season which in turn changes the behaviors of other animals near them. Or how some people are just naturally approachable, it'd be like a subtle aura around them that is released a lot like chakra right?" The girl kinda confused herself with that and took a seat beside Keiji-Sensei. This may end up being harder than she imagined.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Mhm, fair enough he thought to himself in silence as he nodded in response to her theory.
"So your theory is essentially that their hormones are coated with genjutsu chakra? And this is why others are affected by it in that manner? It would naturally explain why Seikons are so in tune with their abilities, and why it could be transferred genetically as it would be a genetic abnormality originating from their chakra usage.. They could be a branch of Uchiha wannabes that achieved a different skill through intensive training.. Hmm.. Yes, very much plausible.."
His voice seemed almost rambling as his lips continued to speak what his mind was thinking intensively. After taking a short breath he looked up at her again.

"Approved, you definitely seem to have an inquisitive and appropriate mind for the task. You wanna find out if your theory holds true?" He knew that back at the morgue there awaited a Seikon, only a few days old, kept in the cold department, he could have the body set up and ready for an experiment in the matter of an hours time. He had already filled out the forms and it was basically just waiting for him to find time. He wanted to document the Seikon's abilities as soon as he could.

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
Mira smiled as her sensei gave her an approving speech going more in depth about her childish hypothesis. The young girl smiled as Keiji-Sensei said that her idea was plausible, but nothing had prepped her for what he said next. He actually invited the young girl to study with him. The young Hyuuga smiled from ear to ear as her body tensed up. She closed her dark purple eyes and bobbed slightly on her toes.

"Are you serious? Can I? I would love to join you. How are we going to do this?"

Then it hit her. The girl stopped bobbing with excitement and now seemed more cold in her pose. She opened her eyes and looked down slowly.

"Are you asking to examine a body with me?"

The girl's voice was quiet. She had never seen a body before, well at least not a corpse. The girl took a seat beside the Harvester's Chief and looked slightly sad. She was anxious, nervous, excited, and terrified all in one instance. She turned and looked at the man.

"Do you think I could? Like, Do you actually trust me with this?"

The girl held her hands together and rubbed her thumbs against one another. She tried to calm herself down. Mirame had just recently decided to join the Medical Branch and she was already getting invited to partake in some sort of study. If she messed up now would she be banned from helping the branch in the future, but what if the opposite happens. What if she does exceptionally well and then gets held to a standard that she could not fulfill and then disappoints Keiji-Sensei and the entire village. The little girl was frightened by the offer, but she still wanted to help.



The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Relax Mirame-chan. Re.. Lax.." He waved his hands in front of himself to try to calm her down.

A slight smile encroached upon his lips as he realized he's about to do the one thing his past sensei would never do, ever. explain.
He eyed his surroundings again, making sure no one was around..

"Back in the day, my very first assignment, and my first real medical test was to decide on the life or death of a fellow Cloud-nin.
The choice was death as I had to surgically take out his bone marrow from the spinal cord.
He was in his thirties, spirited, looking at me with understanding eyes.. I remember everything to the smallest detail, the grain made my hands dirty with my sweat in my hands that were shaking, he looked tired in a way, he didn't seem to be against the call in any way as I made it.
Unfortunately his teammates were in disagreement with me, shouting, screaming loudly at me and my sensei as we killed him in cold blood, the kept trying to stop us, but they seemed beat and tired from the running on the enemies awaiting us right outside of the cave everything went down in. In the end, the surgery was a success, and we stored everything in the vault..
But nothing was ever the same for me after that though."

He paused and took a deep breath as he let her take it all in.

He looked at her with concern, like he was looking at his younger self.
"I don't want to put you through the same, and continue on the legacy of my Sensei.
As I told you before, as A Harvester these moments are bound to occur.. But this is a far more approachable solution. And I will take you out with me to show you how things are done.
But here, you can react in a controlled environment, and we can assess the best course of action for the future."

He paused again for a second..

"How does that sound for you, do you understand now?"

Folding his hands in a deep concern, he eyed her every movement, assessing the tiniest reaction from everything he had said. He didn't expect a directly positive reaction, but at least an understanding one. Perhaps it would give her a better look into what kind of horrors Keiji had witnessed and what he had to go through throughout his as-of-yet short career, and why he didn't want to throw too much at her frail mind to confront her with horrors she wasn't ready for. Was he too kind hearted? Perhaps he had simply took the teachings of the Raikage to heart and simply didn't want to stress her molding brain too much.

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
Mirame took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply and slowly to help her calm down. She opened her eyes and looked over to Keiji-Sensei. She sat there listening as the man before her told her a story about his first medical assignment. She listened quietly and before he had finished she looked away. She closed up and tightened the grip of her hands as they remained clasped together. She rubbed her thumbs but then something slightly changed in the air. Keiji-Sensei said that he didn't want to do the same to him. For this the young girl had a slight smile on her face. She took a deep breath before standing back up and turning to face the man. She had a look of determination. Her recently awakened Byakugan flickered as her eyes shifted from a dark purple to a white. The girl stood before him with a demeanor of self-motivation.

"I'm ready Keiji-Sensei. I won't run away."

At this moment her eyes were fully activated and she could see everything clearly. The young Hyuuga was still new to her Doujutsu and she was still learning how to control it. As of now her eyes were closely related to her emotions, and when ever she stressed or became excited they activated. Mira's eyes faded back to a dark purple and her vision returned to normal, she kept the same expression of confidence though.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Eyes popped up and her attitude strong and confident his own white, blank hyuuga eyes stared at her with an interesting glee originating from his sense of pride in getting to train such a bright young girl.
Seeing and hearing her make such a statement gave him a warm sensation, and an even warmer smile.

Right in that instance his companion came waltzing back from his pee as the dog had walked away without anyone noticing, she came barking with her tongue sticking out in what would appear as glee.

"Mhrm, I agree!" Keiji would reply looking at his dog acting like he was talking with the dog about Mirame.
"Mirame is a great student!" he said again, talking to the dog out loud.

"You are an idiot.." "Oh quiet, allow me some joys in life.." the voices in his head spoke, being himself and the demon hound, eternally bound to his soul and heart.

"Let's go then, shall we?" He said as he turned to Mirame and stood up from the bench.
Clicking and turning his earpiece he clicked onto a closed channel to the Hospital. "This is Suzaku Keiji, Med-nin and acting Harvester Division Leader, the subject I had requested be prepared for me, I would like to have it readied as soon as possible for the tests" After getting his answer from the hospital he nodded and began walking casually with with Mirame, presumably in tow towards the hospital for their first test together.

[Topic Left?]

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
(short post, but hey it's leading somewhere else!)

Mirame smiled at her sensei as he acknowledged the girl's willingness to learn. She giggled at the man and his dog as he spoke to it as if the dog could really speak. The little girl clasped her hands together behind her back and with pride in her stride she followed the man towards the hospital so that she could learn what it took to become a harvester.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
