Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Reaching New Heights [Requesting Hokage]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka chuckled, covering her eyes as the hilarious situation started to way in. She was going take over for Takeshi. No. This had to be some kind of twisted joke between the higher ups. Her skillset wasn't to par, her qualifications alone didn't make her worthy for the title of she was being given. Pinching her nose she turned to Takeshi. "A Hokage of War." She repeated shaking her head. "Since your appointment we've had a failed invasion attempt, rebellious children and a couple of fights that, coincidently, landed me the role I am in now. Talking of yourself as if you were a glorified executioner is laughable at best." She shot back, trying to convey the radicoulness of the allegation. "From the moment you took an interest to me you've been nothing but honorable and fair in giving out rewards as well as punishment. Heck, I'm a troublemaker yet you still saw potential in me and gave me the chance to become who I am today. Hokage of War.... I swear. If one of those council old farts called you that I will personally make them witness what a Hokage of War looks like." She warned, in all honesty she didn't really know what to think. She couldn't see exactly Takeshi in anything but that role, he was definitely a lousy joker but a wonderful leader.

"The village needs you." She shot back "I'm a glorified teacher that got high ranking position based purely on coincidence and luck. Got Head Jounin cause Shion decided to book it. Main Branch Sennin thanks due to; 1. Kenshins retirement and 2. because literally no one else was remotely qualified. So please do not say the village needs me, it has never needed me." She started getting emotional, in reality, thinking it through it wasn't because of the job per say, things were changing way too fast, too fast to contemplate and she wasn't liking it. "Kenshin left, Yukio is gone. I don't want things to change anymore. I'm the village idiot, I like it that way."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi leaned back in his office chair as he listened to Asuka speak, it seemed that she had no idea of the hard work that was going to be coming her way at all. It would have been considered something comical if he wasn’t being so serious on the matter, as he leaned back in the chair listening to Asuka talk about her rise to Sennin, or how little she thought of herself actually to one point pissed the Hokage off as he frowned at her. Thinking of his words to her and how to reply to the comment she had made towards him he allowed a few seconds to roll by as he considered the next reply carefully.

“Asuka, it has been decided, there is no going back on this decision, no overturning it, it is time that I vacate the position of Hokage, and honestly the only reason I do it so willingly is because it will be you that are the next Hokage. The Fifth.”

He grabbed a glass from his desk and poured the whiskey into it, before grabbing a second and sliding it over to where Asuka stood before him offering her both a stiff drink and seat at the same time, no point making this conversation a standing game between the two of them at least not in his eyes. Picking up the crystal he allowed the liquid to touch his lips enjoying the taste of it as he leaned back into his chat for a few minutes.

“You know, you really are best described as a cherry blossom, you started off as always nothing showing for yourself, and grew into that bud that has slowly started to open over the years that I have known you. Finally it is time for you to take your part in the true blossom that is waiting, open fully and take what is meant to be yours Asuka. You are more than an idiot, and much more than just something who got lucky with ranks. The students love you, those that work for you have nothing but praise for you, you're the longest serving Sennin of Leaf. Can you see the position going to anyone else? No. You are the most qualified and the one that I entrusted the future of this village to.”

He let the glass gently press down onto the wooden surface of the desk as he leaned across to her looking her in the eyes.

“You will be Hokage, and I will be your Advisor, simply put I will support you, but this role has taken its toll on me, I have served well, and I do not want to serve until the point that I am damaging for this village, it is getting to that point, change is natural it is everything. People come and people go Asuka, the Hokage must be that point that is the rock, you must be that point that is seen to be always standing.”

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka looked away and gave a pout, crossing her arms. There was always a way to go back. A way to return to how things were before a certain change. It really didn't matter but it would be in the villages best interest for Takeshi to stay. The dynamic they had worked, turning it on its head would simply sprout disaster upon them. "Well, I refuse the position. The position can't be filled by force, but by choice and considering the rest of the candidates aren't remotely qualified. Guess you have to stay." She gave one of her signature smirks, the ones who basically said she had won the game.

Unfortunately the man has a way with words. Calling her a cherry blossom. That hit hard since her own mentality thought of herself as a cherry blossom. A genuine Shinobi simply waiting to grow. She grabbed the glass and looked at the liquid inside, thinking about her accomplishments, her failures, the people she has gained, the people she has lost. A quote from herself came into mind, one of the few conversations where they weren't screaming at each other. 'You think of yourself as luckiest Shinobi. But in reality you fail to grasp the bigger pictures of what your actions have brought.' As always the man was right, she had done good in her stay as a Sennin. Brought the people of the village up with the same teachings she was given. How she hated it when he was right. "No..." She took her drink and finished it in one gulp. Leaving the glass on the table, with quite the sour face. Asuka then smiled, giving a big smile. "Do you remember the first time we met?" She asked looking at the place between the chairs. "I had run into a poison cloud to try and save Soku. Instead of the reward I was expecting I got yelled at for my stupidity... made to pick up horse shit if I remember correctly. And now, here I stand. Being offered a job I am not ready for by the man I admire most." She gave Takeshi a bright smile. Her teary eyes shining with pride. "It's been an honor serving you sir."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi drained the glass with his lips within a few minutes, putting the class down he leaned back in his chair and smiled towards Asuka. Listening to her speak he decided for once that it was time she said what she wanted to say, after all the news was going to hit her like a truck. She was going to be the next Hokage, there was no going back from this for Asuka, the decision was made and all the steps had been taken to prepare this, it was going to happen and it was down to Asuka to accept that. Grabbing the bottle he placed it on the desk before refilling his glass as he let her finish the words that she was saying.

“I still stand by my decision, it was a stupid thing to do, especially for someone so young, you needed to realise the risk and you didn’t at the time, I thought the punishment was fitting the crime after all you needed to learn a lesson that you wouldn’t forget, and did you forget that lesson?”

He paused letting her think of if she actually remember the full lesson that he had taught her all that time ago, and wanting to make sure that she understood as he knew there was one last thing standing in Asuka’s way, well really right now sitting in her way from the chair across the roma and he knew what the final task for her was going to be.

“You are ready for this, and yes your being offered my Job Asuka, because that bratty girl is gone, the prankster must go as well, sometimes I think of what we have accomplished, if my daughter was half the lady you have turned into I would be the most proudest father in the world. You have achieved greatness, and now you are one step away from achieving the final swing of it. I thank you for taking this step and will always be at your side when you need me. But one last time I must give you an order, meet me at the Valley of the End, and bring your equipment with you Asuka”

Allowing himself to pick the glass up and take a drink from it, he smiled to himself and knew just one last task reminder for him, on his to do list as Hokage, one last bet to the future, and trust in that next generation. He was going to put his faith in someone. Pressing the intercom button he spoke.

“Can you summon Miyazaki Hikaru to the office please, thank you.”

Turning to Asuka he nodded towards the chair offering her a seat to at least see his final act as Hokage before the next generation took the responsibility on.

[Asuka ordered to Valley of the End]
[Hikaru Summoned]

Sugihara Aki

Active Member
Apr 26, 2020
OOC Rank
The summons had arrived rather unexpectedly, and Hikaru was still tucking a bundle of papers into her bag as she stepped through the doors of the mansion. The place hadn’t changed much since she was last there to deliver ramen some time ago- the grandiose feeling of simply standing on a floor that adjoined the most important room in the village was certainly still present. She dipped her head to the receptionist, and was told to take a seat and wait briefly until the Hokage was ready. She did so, ordering the loosely-crafted theories in her head as to why the summons had come. Her heartbeat quickened slightly, she noticed; surely it was of some importance, but she didn’t have many ideas beyond that.

At last, Hikaru was signalled with a nod from the receptionist, and she slid open the door to the Hokage’s office quietly. Asuka was standing there, alongside the Hokage himself- she bowed to each of them, addressing them, “Greetings, Lord Hokage, Asuka,” (she never remembered how formally she was supposed to speak to the Sennin). “You summoned me?”

[Topic entered]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
"I didn't forget it." She stated taking another sip from her drink, her hands had not stopped shaking. It was time to grow up cause now everyone would look up at her for guidance which was terrifying. "I also learned the value of patience. Considering that same horse shit ended under Yukio's pillow. No one suspected a 9 year old. It was glorious I tell you."

Asuka kept listening to the mans words as he continued to speak. She had always known him to be a hard ass when it cane to work, especially when she started to go up the food chain, they've had their arguments, they've had their differences but it never tarnished their respect for one another. Heck, the man was offering her his job, which came as a great surprise. She sighed "Gonna miss the prankster. She had rad ideas." With that she looked at him, sighing a bit "Bring your equipment... either we're going on a dangerous mission or you wanna go on a little rumble. Allright, I'll be there."

That was when he uttered those summon words. Huh, well this would certainly be interesting to say the least. They waited for a bit until the girl herself turned up. Jumping up from the chair, she waddled offer on her Kimono to give the Gennin a hug. One of her most promising students. "Hikarruuuu!" She spoke with tears in her eyes. "I've missed you at the academy. Everyone is so boring and anticlimactic. How about a job as a teacher? How does that sound?" She smiled giving her a pat on the head. "As for your summons. Got no idea, Mr. Takeshi hear is doing one of his "Mistery meetings" again. Kinda getting old by now."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi offered the new arrival to the topic a seat, as he looked at some documents that were on the table, clearing off the paperwork he looked back to Asuka and shook his head as he grabbed a seat once more behind the desk. Opening the small cabinet of mystery he smiled to himself as he pulled out of it the noticeable white robes of the Hokage, the red trim clear as day and the white almost as shiny as a pearl from how fresh they where, on the back the words stating Fifth Hokage could be seen as he placed them on the desk and followed with the traditional hat.

“Asuka, these are yours from the start of the year, you will need them and accept them as my last gift to you, don’t ask how but they are tailor-made and will fit you perfectly”

With that he once more turned his attention back to the new joiner of the topic and opened up a document on her for a few minutes letting his finger trail down the paper as he studied the words that were written there, nodding slightly to himself as he continued to study the document that was in front of him.

“So let's see, always ready to lead, step forward when required, as well as showing an aptitude for battle apparently during a recent spar. After all, we have eyes everywhere, apparently, one that was against someone stronger and still held your own. Potential here, and praise from everyone around you, interesting to say the least. Well, guess there is only one thing for this.”

He slid the usual brown cover of the document into a green one instead as he grabbed the Hokage stamp and stamped onto the document, one of his last few acts of Hokage had to be one that would put faith in the future generation just like he was with Asuka generation.

“Miyazaki Hikaru, mark this as me putting my trust into your future, due to your skills and the clear fact your acting above your age you are hereby being promoted to the rank of Medical Chief with immediate effect. Nao will instruct you on your new duties and what is required of you. Also, take this letter of recommendation from me personally to Nao, focus on your training, and learn beside the medical team to work for the future.”

Handing a sealed letter across the desk towards Hikaru to take and give to Noa. As he slipped one last document off the desk and stamped it as well, this was him cleaning out the last few things he had to do.

“Asuka, I have also appointed you a new Jounin that will be acting as an Academy Headmaster, he has full autonomy inside of the Academy, and its his right to run the Academy as he sees fit, he should be joining you shortly.”

He let the wording stand as he waited to see the reactions from them.

[Miyazaki Hikaru promoted to Medical Cheif]
[New Headmaster Elected for Academy once OCRed]
[Asuka given the Fifth Hokage Robes]
[MFT: 250+]
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Sugihara Aki

Active Member
Apr 26, 2020
OOC Rank
Hikaru’s face grew a shade or two redder as Asuka hugged her directly in front of the Hokage, but she hugged back and smiled, reassured. She had forgotten how long it had been since she left the Academy… it hadn’t been ages ago, of course, but she realized that she missed those classrooms more than she thought. Smiling, she replied, “It has been a while, hasn’t it? I’d love to learn a few things about teaching the next generation, whenever they get here, but I might be busy with my internship in the Medical Branch. I would still be interested in trying out teaching, though, if you’ll let me!” Although she could still be considered ‘fresh out of the Academy’ herself, she recalled giving a decent amount of thought to leading instruction sessions or study groups of some kind for her peers. Besides, it would be nice to get to experience the other side of the classes she had enjoyed so much! She did have to learn a few things that were actually worth teaching, though, there was that.

She was still reassured by the Sennin’s presence, even if she didn’t know the purpose of her summons either. As she directed her attention back towards the Hokage and sat down, she noted that this meant Asuka had met with him for some other reason, which made sense. She began to wonder idly what that reason was, until Takeshi drew folds of distinct white fabric from the depths of a cabinet. Folds… that were nearly identical to the ones she had seen him wearing- the robes that marked one as the Hokage of the Leaf. Hikaru’s eyebrows flew up beneath her bangs. She could barely glace between the two of them before he confirmed what she was thinking… Uchiha Asuka, her teacher, the charismatic prankster that had been first to take her under her wing… was going to be the next to lead the village. After the surprise had registered, she reasoned that, of course, there was no one better suited for the position should the current Hokage decide to retire. The shock that he was indeed retiring remained, though, coupled with an immense pride that her teacher would be the Fifth Hokage… she grinned in spite of herself, excited for what was to come.

- (♫) Now playing: Cosmic Carousel by polysaw

Obviously, however, she had been summoned for some reason other than to bear witness to the official Hokage Hat Handoff. Hikaru returned her eyes to the Fourth Hokage once more, waiting for whatever had brought her to his office. He had what appeared to be a document pertaining to her progress open on his desk; as he listed various accolades of hers from the paper, her smile grew slightly wider even as her face flushed again. He stamped the document with the official seal of the Hokage, and as he spoke his next sentence Hikaru’s eyebrows once again rose in disbelief. Dazed, she accepted the sealed letter with a, “Th-thank you.” She ran over the Hokage’s words in her head once more, then another time. She… had been promoted… to Medical Chief…? It still seemed like she had been accepted as a Med-nin in Training so very recently… she caught herself, standing up quickly and bowing again, “Thank you very much, sir! I promise I’ll do my best in this new role. …if I may be honest, it feels like I’m just echoing what I said when you promoted me to Genin not too long ago. I’m truthfully not sure I’m prepared for this… but I trust my mentors,” Hikaru gave a thankful glance in Asuka’s direction, “and I trust your judgement. I’m ready to begin as soon as I’m needed!”

There was still a distinct buzz of excitement and disbelief rising from her stomach, but she stepped back respectfully as the Hokage spoke again to Asuka. She slipped the letter gingerly into her bag as he finished, and looked at the newest Kage. Though she was much older than the newly-Medical-Chief, the woman’s new position was much, much more significant of a role than what Hikaru had received. She gave a small inclination of her head, mirroring a bow, and smiled up at her, “I’m still eager to help out in any way I can, be it with teaching or anything else you need me for, Lady Hokage. Can I call you that yet? I hope you don’t mind…”

[WC: 734]
[MFT probably]

Matsuno Hama

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
There was a conversation, a summons, and a journey. All three were short, and the Jounin dressed in what looked to be casual wear made his way to the door of the Hokage's office. His shoes, eggshell-white leather Oxford's, clicked against the ground in the solid way only leather could with every purposeful step he took. Efficient would be the best way to describe his pace, a line drawn between the casual meander of a lazy horse and the hurried rush of a clerical assistant oh so afraid of getting fired. He wore a suit, his pants and jacket each white to match the shoes, while the dress shirt he wore was a charcoal grey that complimented the pale blue-white look of his eyes. His jacket was held in his right hand, up against and hanging loose over that same shoulder, his hair an unkempt mess only barely brushed aside by his hand into something resembling a style or cut.

Arriving at the door, he simply pushed it open with the jacketed hand while tugging the cigarette that hung loosely from his lips with the other, a billow of smoke blown into the frame of the doorway to dissipate in the room itself. He was quiet at first, his traditionally eerie aura left to lazily creep into the room preceding him while he took in the group of those still there, and whatever discomfort they may or may not feel due to the aura of what he was did not seem to be a concern for him. Assessment would best describe his expression, and as he dropped the cigarette to the floor and ground it beneath the solid heel of his shoe his eyes took in whatever weapons might be apparent among the group, up to and including the Hokage, his gaze a clinical one absent of any apparent giving of shits. Tucking his thumbs beneath the rest of his fingers he popped the knuckles with a squeeze and made his way in properly.

"Hokage." His brow twitched slightly as he said the word to Takeshi yet couldn't help but flick his eyes to the robes that Asuka held, details noted with a blink. Any further words others might have said seemed to be absent from him, as if everything else that needed to be known already was known by those that knew it already, and would be implied otherwise to those that didn't.

[MFT WC 402]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
"As long as I don't find out about any dead student." Asuka nodded to the teaching request.

Asuka almost spit out her tea once she was given her robes. In all honesty she was expecting someone to jump out and stream "PRANKED!" but unfortunately it didn't seem like it was happening anytime soon. For all she knew she would actually be the next Hokage. Huh... how life found a way I suppose. But there was one point where she did want to speak up.

"I do feel incline to ask how." She raised a brow to the man in question, I mean she wouldn't be surprised if an ANBU had hidden in her apartment and took her measurements one of her crazy nights.... she felt bad for the poor shinobi. God knows the amount of training he/he went through to simply take measurements. "Because I swear if someone went snooping around my apartment someone is getting glitter up their bums." Not a threat, but a promise.

She took a sip from her tea as Takeshi continued. In all honesty she wasn't surprised that Hikru got promoted. The girl had a knack for being someone to be admired and followed without having a streak of being a douche. Which was a nice change of pace. Aside from that she did mind where she was being placed. Man, Main Branch folk just leaving and growing up... becoming their own persons. When would she get some of that? But well, once she became Hokage technically everyone would become her pipsqueak.

"Congrats Hikaru!" Asuka genuinely glowed with pride. Although she complained a lot, she always loved seeing her students grow and become better. "Pro tip, you will never be prepared. Believe me. But I trust you'll do more than great, hell... I was in charge of your education and you're living proof I didn't fuck up. Take it as you will." She laughed as Takeshi continued to speak. "Lady Hokage... that has a nice ring to it."

The next part did concern her. A lot. Apparently, someone she hasn't, ever, laid her eyes on was going to be in charge of the academy. First impression, she didn't like him. Not only did she not like him but his for some reason she felt... weird. His demeanor speaked volumes. Her smile disappearing and transforming into a glare she turned back to Takeshi. She took a deep breath, clearly displeased "Got the same opinion about this guy that I had when you stupidly appointed Maki as your advisor." She spoke truthfully and to the point. No longer the happy go lucky girl. "Never met him, don't know him. Don't trust him with the students, let alone a Jounin position. What makes him different from Hikaru?" She quickly turned to Hikaru "No offense."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to Hikaru speaking and accepting the role, his duty was done there and she would have tons of work ahead of her, after all accepting this role came with the fact that she had just got massively busy. He knew that full well as he had once been a captain as well. After all he was ran off his feet back in the day and expected the same would happen there, it was something he enjoyed but he digressed as he looked to Hikaru, she now had to report to Nao the medical Sennin for briefing on her role as well as her job description.

“Hikaru you are dismissed, please report to Nao for your assignment and good luck in the new role”

Turning his attention on the man that had just entered and to Asuka as he then had to hear her speak, as he leaned back in his chair his glare fell on Asuka. He signed slightly in irritation once more about being questioned but understood here need to have answers, she had come this far with him so she did have the right to get answers to questions that she had, this was no exception on the front of a new appointment.

“Your new Jounin inside of the Main Branch has proven his ability at teaching students, letting only the best pass through the Academy, right now we need to make sure that those that get out of the Academy are fully prepared for the real Shinobi world, Simply put my last act as Hokage is making him a Headmaster and appointing him with the Autonomy to run the Academy as he sees fit Asuka. We need our students hardened, we need them prepared, we need a training scheme that works and need to make sure that they are developing correctly. I am sure you can understand. But over time you will see his teaching methods yourself. That is all for now.

With a flick of the rist the introduction was done, the deal sealed, the new Headmaster Appointed. There was nothing else ot it this was his final call to make as Forth Hokage.

[Topic Left]
[Dismissed Everyone]
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Sugihara Aki

Active Member
Apr 26, 2020
OOC Rank
Hikaru beamed at her former teacher- she would have to talk with Nao once she was dismissed to give him the letter. In all honesty, she still felt like a kid herself, just learning how the world worked. But she felt absolutely ready to give guest instruction a shot; of all the prospects that had crossed her mind in the span of this short meeting, this one was surprisingly the most grounded one. It was true, though, that the Academy was in need of a new director after Asuka’s promotion (it felt strange to call it that, likening it to her own promotion). From Takeshi’s words earlier, he thought highly enough of this new Headmaster to grant them full autonomy within the Academy- or perhaps that was simply a flourish of the job description that every director had been subject to.

Hikaru nodded and smiled once more at her dismissal from the Hokage. She rose from her seat and bowed to Takeshi and Asuka, taking a moment to congratulate the latter again. As she started for the door, however, it opened, preceding the admittance of a very precisely-dressed man. A minute frown crossed her face as he entered in the wake of a cloud of smoke; she flicked a finger to lightly ward the haze from her face with a breath of wind. She gave him a nod on her way out the door, wishing to remain courteous. If Takeshi had appointed this guy… she could trust his judgement. She’d just have to open a few windows once she got around to holding classes of her own, that was all. Hikaru gave a wave to the secretary as she left the mansion, wondering if her Medical Sennin would happen to be in the Byoin at this particular time of day.

[Topic left]

Matsuno Hama

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
His gaze slid to the new Hokage, his expression more detached than it was stoic but for the slightest twitch of an eyebrow. The right corner of his lip tucked in slightly and he blinked once at the declaration of trust but his only response was to shrug a single shoulder and look back at Takeshi.

"Appreciated." Again that reluctance to use more words than was necessary, and just after stepping aside to let the other new promotee pass he would turn to leave himself unless he was stopped, but only after giving both Hokages, present and future, a short bow. "I'll get to work, and keep you apprised." This was directed to the soon-to-be-fifth, though that might not be too clearly understood as it was said when his back had already turned.

[Leaving Topic unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
