Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Reactivation as a mercenary


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
So I don't know when I was properly last active but I have an account which is a start! I was here before we got the EA system but I don't think I ever actually converted to it, and made this account again when everything went down and I don't know if i requested my stuff back. This might be a lost cause...

Old Character name: Kita Arashi
Old Village: Leaf
OCR Type: Reactivation?
Last known where-abouts: Leaf
Old IC Rank: Anbu
Bloodline: Hyuuga
Rank: Either high A or low S. I think high A.

I can't really remember what my power level was, how much money I had or what skills I had. I'm basically a little lost in life so any help would be much appreciated.

From what I can see I can't be in Leaf and I can RP going missing or something so that's here if needs be:
Arashi half-dragged himself into an open alleyway to escape the onrushing crowd. Breaking protocol he undid his mask and set it down next to him, he just needed to breathe, just for a moment. Shaking his head he instead focused on his breathing. He felt water dripping down his forehead and wiped it away with his hand.

'Hmmm... that's not good.'

His hand came away a streak of crimson and he finally started to understand why his head was throbbing, and why he couldn't see clearly out of one eye.

'That's right the explosion in the Kage's office...'

He'd been on patrol at the time and despite his byakugan being active even he did not see what was about to come. The explosion rocked Konaha like a ragdoll in a land sharks mouth as smoke spew up from the site. And the blood. By god there was blood everywhere.

He picked up his mask and started to put it on, it was going to be a long night. He knew they would need all hands on deck after this attack but something inside him stopped him from putting his mask back on his face. He could hear Takeshi's words as they wormed their way out from the dark recesses of his mind.

'they ordered the death of the one who taught us brother, does that mean nothing to you!'

What did you mean Takeshi? Why would you just say that and abandon me?

He threw his mask against the wall in the alley, the fine porcelain shattering. Not that he could hear however, all he could hear was shouting, screaming and orders being called. oh and a faint ringing like someone in the next room was trying to call him on a really odd sounding phone. He laughed despite his bloody state as he unhooked his robe, an idea forming in his mind.

They'll never let me leave not after this attack. We'll be chained for life and for what? To a village that answers no questions and feeds only lies, that throws us upon the mercy of the Daimyo's troops?

Those were Takeshi's words reaching out from within. Maybe not spoken words but implied sentiment from the ghostly thoughts he left with Arashi as he'd disappeared into the darkness that fateful night. That bastard conspiracy theorist had finally gotten to him.

It's now or never. They know I was patrolling when it happened, if i leave now I'll be missing in action. No one will come look for me, no one will know. I'm coming for you Takeshi and this time you're going to answer my questions.

As he walked back into the street he passed people running either way, all of them carrying news of riots from different sectors. But this wasn't his problem anymore. As he walked to the gate he noticed that although there were a few guards, their attention was elsewhere. Easy how the Kage probably being blown up can do that to you. Activating his byakugan in the one eye he could open he stopped for a minute... two minutes, then there! An opening. He darted out of the gate the smoke ridden darkness hiding his passage. He knew there was no going back after this. He was either killed in the attack or he would be killed upon his return as a traitor to the cause. Either way, one foot in Leaf again and he was a dead man.

[OOC: I've tried to keep it close with what I can find about what happened to Leaf IC wise but if there's anything that needs changing let me know.]

oooh one last question I want to go mercenary so I can just see what's happening. Can I then choose a Village and go there and apply to live there or something? I don't really want to choose and commit now it's too soon. It's not you it's me.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Well. I can't speak for the other two villages, but I know that in Cloud an outsider can become a Cloudie by getting permission from the Raikage. I'd assume it's something similar in Sand and Stone.

As you're a leafie, AND returning, you can transfer your existing character, or make a new one, into any village, OR merc, if I'm not entirely mistaken. I could be, of course. It ain't all that often i have to remember these things. :p

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: New Character Voucher

Voucher wrote:
Please List any character names that you were playing as before the site crashed or were officially retired: Kita Arashi

Please List all other characters that were killed or suicided: None

Old OOC Rank: A

Old IC Title: Anbu

Old Bloodline or Core Ability: Hyuuga

Old Kinjutsu: None

Approx Old Power Level 2500-2600ish, I was a couple hundred off S-Rank, so whatever that is.

New Character's name: Kita Arashi. I can keep my Username as Arashi though, right?

Village you plan on joining: Leaf

New IC Rank: Anbu

New Bloodline or Core Ability: Hyuuga

New Kinjutsu: None

We will get you set up shortly...

2100 ASP and 75,000 yen.

You can use those 2100 ASP as you see fit. Distributing them to your stats, jutsu masteries or retaining them as ASP.


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
Thanks for your help guys. Looks like I'll be heading over to Cloud unless I get any other offers on the way ;) I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do now. Is the 2100 and 75k yen all I can get for pl and jutsu? I was higher than that before on power level alone and it's gonna be a big drop.

If there isn't anything more I can do then for now I'll just have my stats as the following:

Agility: 300
Chakra Control: 250
Genjutsu: 200
Ninjutsu: 300
Stamina: 300
Taijutsu: 400

Total: 1750

I'll stick with everything else and use a basic class and keep the remaining ASP for jutsu mastery later on if I can? I kinda just wanna get things going and sort it later.

Let me know if there is anything else I need to do or whether I'm ready to go mercenary.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
You'd still have to buy some jutsu, so you'd meet OOC rank requirements for your stat caps to be higher than 50. You can just go with the bare minimum of course. :)


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
hahaha ooo I did not think of that! Okay I think I got this...


Agility: 300
Chakra Control: 250
Genjutsu: 200
Ninjutsu: 300
Stamina: 300
Taijutsu: 400

Total: 1750

16-hit combo: 12 points for rank 2
Shadow step Strike: 12 points for rank 2
(I have no idea how to make the names the link so I put it underneath because apparently while I was away I've forgotten everything I knew)

Spinned wind: 8 points for rank 2
Dynamic Entry: 8 points for rank 2
4-hit combo 8 points for rank 2

Tiger Hook 10 points for rank 2

Thunderclap 8 points for master
Electrocution 8 points for master

Zeus flash 10 points for master
Thunderstruck 10 points for master
Volt charge 10 points for master

Gigavolt Cannon 12 points for master
Lighning breast 12 points for master

Raijin's Revenge 15 points to master
Kirin 15 points to master

Power Level: 1750

Jutsu masteries: 158

Total ASP used: 1908

Carried over: 192

So I have more than 12 mastered jutsu including one B-Rank and I think that means I can be an A-Rank right? (If it doesn't I've spent all my yens so break it to me gently U.U)

I'm sorry for being pretty useless at this :D

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
As long as you've mastered at least 1 E, 1 D, 1 C, and 1 B, plus whatever else you used to pad out the numbers, then yes, you can be A-rank. :3 Also, to make names into links:
</i>[url=the link goes here]The text goes here[/url]


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
So I might have forgotten to master an E-Rank which would have been a little awks.


Storm Bolt 6 points to rank up and tada one for every rank!

OOC Rank: A

New IC Rank: Mercenary
Bloodline: Hyuuga
Agility: 300
Chakra Control: 250
Genjutsu: 200
Ninjutsu: 300
Stamina: 300
Taijutsu: 400

Total: 1750

16-hit combo: 12 points for rank 2
Shadow step Strike: 12 points for rank 2

Spinned wind: 8 points for rank 2
Dynamic Entry: 8 points for rank 2
4-hit combo 8 points for rank 2

Tiger Hook 10 points for rank 2

Storm Bolt 6 points to rank up

Thunderclap 8 points for master
Electrocution 8 points for master

Zeus flash 10 points for master
Thunderstruck 10 points for master
Volt charge 10 points for master

Gigavolt Cannon 12 points for master
Lighning breast 12 points for master

Raijin's Revenge 15 points to master
Kirin 15 points to master

Power Level: 1750

Jutsu masteries: 164

Total ASP used: 1914

Carried over: 186

I think this should be everything now? (Please let this be everything now T.T)

I also have 550 yen left so I hope cloud have some kind of welfare system


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
Okay so here we go like fifth time lucky.

Long history including bloodline (it's pretty long so TL;DR he's from Leaf his family are an off-branch of the Hyuuga who promised the main branch they could test their children, unleashed the byakugan got take to the academy became Anbu then left when everything went down.)
Arashi was born in a small trading post in an area just south of Konahagura on a warm summer night, unremarkable and blissful aside from the shrill cries as he drew his first breath and tested out his little lungs.

'Make him stop!' laughed his father as he handed him back quickly to the travelling doctor they'd bribed with a fair amount of liquor and a partly lame horse to stay for the delivery. He was a small child with bright blue eyes and hair red as the fire country he was born into, but his stature quickly changed as the years went by as grew both in height and into himself.

Life at the inn was boring, only eventful when travellers came a knocking. Arashi would constantly pester them for stories and tall tales of far off places and faces until the early hours, when the lids slipped down over his big blues and his father would carry him off to bed.

It was this wanton wanderlust that first led him into trouble at the bold old age of 7, when adventuring in the woods he decided the best place to explore would be a cave, belonging to a bear who was not quite expecting guests mid-hibernation, and did not take too kindly to a young boy who smelt slightly of beef stew wandering into his little abode.

'It could have killed you!'

'But it didn't?'

Arashi bared his teeth as his father applied balm to the side of his face, his ear hanging by a thread where the bears claw had almost cleaved his little head in two. His father laughed despite himself before making sure to pour extra iodine on the cloth, reapplying it to the wound. Kids.

A few years later and Arashi was finding himself in trouble more and more, as his older siblings made the transition from playmates into adulthood. The only time he behaved himself was when his family came to visit, taking the long trip from Konaha once a year to visit their lesser cousins.

'They're here!'

Arashi jumped down from the roof where he stood vigil, watching the dust kicked up by the wagon in the distance. Ignoring the shouts from his mother he ran down the road to greet his uncle.


He jumped onto the side of the wagon as his uncle held out his arms to grab him.

'Arashi! Good to see you my boy. You've grown a lot in this past year...'

His uncles eyes were milky white without the slightest hint of a pupil, slight scars emanating outwards from the sides. Arashi had asked his mother about it once, only to receive a clip round the ear for his troubles. He'd asked his father about it twice, before finally getting somewhat of a story out of him. They were in his fathers workshop one night, whittling the leg of a chair broken one too many times in a bar fight to be of much use.

'He lost it fighting when he was younger. Someone used a fire jutsu on him and seared his eyes, he's been blind over since.'

His father put down his tools and sighed deeply, as if something other than his brothers sight was bothering him, a much more recent pain. That was the first time his father had ever mentioned jutsu to him, before he had only heard smatterings from travellers but those were always the stories he loved the most.

The cart pulled into the inn as Arashi chewed on a salty ridiculously chewy snack his uncle brought him from the city, the only time he really ever kept his mouth shut. Later on he would figure out his uncle only ever brought these to shut him the hell up, but at the time they were his favourite thing ever. Even if sometimes his teeth were so stuck together he couldn’t breathe until he remembered he had a nose.

His uncle and his father greeted each other in their usual way, a cordial handshake followed by a warm hug, his mother asking about the city and whether it was really true there had been spurts of bandits attacking the highway as they made their way inside.

The sounds of laughter filled the inn as his father and uncle spoke next to the fire, their cups overflowing like their spirits as they talked away the night. Arashi always sat with them, but before long he was always ushered up to bed by his mother. But this time his mother seemed to forget about him as a large party turned up, leaving her to see to their needs as his father took
the night off. He dozed softly in the corner as the night drew on, waking every now and then to join in the songs of merriment about land sharks and other mythical, majestic monsters that set his imagination ablaze.

The inn quietened down and just as he was about to take himself to bed he heard his father and his uncle talking in hushed voices. He screwed his eyed up tightly and pretended to snore softly.

'It's time Hiro. You can see it as much as I can. We need to test this'

His father slammed his drink on the table a little too hard, the frothy mixture spilling over the sides and onto the stained tablecloth beneath.

'He's my son dammit! You can't do this you've put our family through enough!'

Ivo sighed.

'It's the agreement we made when we allowed you both to leave the clan to marry. Do you know how rare the gift is these days? More and more our people are dying we cannot afford to miss even one. You know the consequences if you refuse...'

His uncle left the last part hanging in the air as Arashi let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. He knew his family were from an important clan in Konaha, but any time he tried to talk about it the subject was quickly changed to his shortcomings at housework, so over the years he learned not to ask.

'We'll do it tomorrow'

He heard his uncle's chair being pushed away from the table as he made his way to his room. He stayed for a moment before he felt his fathers strong arms pick him up as if he was a log for the fire, and take him upstairs where he fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of land sharks taking maths tests.

He stood in the crater of an old meteor strike about half a mile away from the inn. Most of the locals tended to avoid that place as talks of pale figures seen only in the moonlight littered the gossip pools. They were alone that day however. Arashi had been woken early and hurried out of the house while the sun had barely risen, his brothers and sister left sleeping in their beds.

'Do you know why we're here Arashi?'

He looked at his uncle and was surprised to find that despite the howling wind and his damaged eyes he was looking right at him. He stepped slowly to the side, the wind covering the sounds of his feet shuffling and his uncle's gaze still held firm. Odd, he thought. He shook his head and waited to gauge his uncles response and received a smile in return.

'So I guess you've figured that out then... you were always too smart for your
own good. But do you know about our family? Who we are?'

A shrug this time, but still no words.

'I need you to try something for me Arashi. Just relax and close your eyes. Now feel
the fire burning inside of you.'

Arashi was confused, but played along for the sake of the man he valued almost
as much as his father. They'd had brief conversations about the fire and what Arashi thought it was but his uncle always seemed just to humour him. He closed his eyes and felt his heart beating in his
chest. He searched for the warmth he had inside of him and urged it out into the rest of his body.

He was young when he first learnt of the fire from one of the travellers he'd convinced to give him a lesson when his parents weren't looking. It was a boring lesson at first as he was made to practice his breathing with his eyes shut. He almost drifted off a few times, only the bribe of letting him wear a funny little headband with a picture of a leaf etched onto it kept him entertained. He soon became adept feeling energy flow through him and it made him feel alive, the same feeling when he was jumping through trees or exploring caves when he knew he should be home. The same feeling that alerted him to the bears swiping paw in the pitch black cave.

His uncles voice brought him back from his thoughts.

'Good, very good in fact. Now I want you to focus that energy and bring it up your body. Imagine it filling your mind, then direct it into your eyes.'

Arashi followed his instructions and was surprised to find the energy coursing up his spine following his will.

'Now open them'

As he opened his eyes the sun seemed brighter than a billion candles through a telescope, but as they adjusted he realised that he could see. What he had been doing for the rest of his life compared to this could barely be described as glancing, but now he could see every grain of dirt in the crater, a bird pecking at the dust in a tree the other side of a long lost meadow, and the faces of his brothers
watching warily from the grass hundreds of meters away. But the thing what really drew his attention was his mother standing outside of the inn, tears streaming down her face, and from where he stood he felt like he could touch every drop.

Heat flashed through his eyes and he fell to the ground covering them with his hand just to make the sights go away. He heard his uncle walking over to him his boots sliding through the loose gravel.

'Well... when none of your siblings showed signs we nearly gave up on you.Welcome Arashi, to the Konahagura Hyuuga'.

After the event in the crater he was taken back to the inn and was surprised to find that his parents were nowhere to be found. Not long after this his belongings were packed up into his uncle's cart and he was made to say his goodbyes, dizzy from the speed in which his world had been turned upside down.

As the cart ambled down the dusty road he finally asked where they were going.

'To the academy of course, to train you to be a ninja.' like this was a thing that casually happened to everyone.

Time passed quickly in the academy as Arashi threw himself into his studies, and in what felt like a matter of months he graduated from academy student through to Genin with little issue. After impressing in a mission that went sideways he was given the chance to join the Anbu branch which he grabbed with both hands. He still thought about his family and their inn, but correspondence with them had been cordial at best after the first few letters begging him to return went unanswered. As much as he missed them he knew he had found his calling, and waiting tables in a run down in was not it.

He graduated from Anbu-in-Training to a fully fledged Anbu along with the support of his team and his closest friend Takeshi Uchiha, bonding over their eye powers. Even if in theory their clans didn't exactly see eye to eye, in practice there were few grievances between the two.

Arashi was happy with life in the village but as tension grew he stared to feel he needed to make big decisions about his future before he was swept up in all the fighting he had no intention of being involved in.

This all changed however when Takeshi left the village, going missing and raving about their mentor being killed and the village covering with lies. He watched his friend go and suffered the consequences of failing to stop a ninja renegade. Soon after this other members of his adopted family started to disappear either voluntarily or enforced as the village hidden in the Leaf and the fire country tore at each others throats. First their was Yuki his former team member and ex-flatmate and then Daisuke a med-nin he had been patched up by on more than one occasion.

A few weeks later however and his life was about to change once again...

Okay so from there is everything from born to bloodline to Genin, Anbu and the above post on him leaving the village follows on from this. Infact just incase...

Going missing:
Arashi half-dragged himself into an open alleyway to escape the onrushing crowd. Breaking protocol he undid his mask and set it down next to him, he just needed to breathe, just for a moment. Shaking his head he instead focused on his breathing. He felt water dripping down his forehead and wiped it away with his hand.

Hmmm... that's not good

His hand came away a streak of crimson and he finally started to understand why his head was throbbing, and why he couldn't see clearly out of one eye.

That's right the explosion in the Kage's office...

He'd been on patrol at the time and despite his byakugan being active even he did not see what was about to come. The explosion rocked Konaha like a ragdoll in a land sharks mouth as smoke spew up from the site. And the blood. By god there was blood everywhere.

He picked up his mask and started to put it on, it was going to be a long night. He knew they would need all hands on deck after this attack but something inside him stopped him from putting his mask back on his face. He could hear Takeshi's words as they wormed their way out from the dark recesses of his mind.

'they ordered the death of the one who taught us brother, does that mean nothing to you!'<i></i>

What did you mean Takeshi? Why would you just say that and abandon me?

He threw his mask against the wall in the alley, the fine porcelain shattering. Not that he could hear however, all he could hear was shouting, screaming and orders being called. oh and a faint ringing like someone in the next room was trying to call him on a really odd sounding phone. He laughed despite his bloody state as he unhooked his robe, an idea forming in his mind.

They'll never let me leave not after this attack. We'll be chained for life and for what? To a village that answers no questions and feeds only lies, that throws us upon the mercy of the Daimyo's troops?

Those were Takeshi's words reaching out from within. Maybe not spoken words but implied sentiment from the ghostly thoughts he left with Arashi as he'd disappeared into the darkness that fateful night. That bastard conspiracy theorist had finally gotten to him.

It's now or never. They know I was patrolling when it happened, if i leave now I'll be missing in action. No one will come look for me, no one will know. I'm coming for you Takeshi and this time you're going to answer my questions.

As he walked back into the street he passed people running either way, all of them carrying news of riots from different sectors. But this wasn't his problem anymore. As he walked to the gate he noticed that although there were a few guards, their attention was elsewhere. Easy how the Kage probably being blown up can do that to you. Activating his byakugan in the one eye he could open he stopped for a minute... two minutes, then there! An opening. He darted out of the gate the smoke ridden darkness hiding his passage. He knew there was no going back after this. He was either killed in the attack or he would be killed upon his return as a traitor to the cause. Either way, one foot in Leaf again and he was a dead man.

Mini profile:
Arashi cuts an imposing figure at just a little under six foot, however when asked he always says he's a manly 6"1. He has long red hair that he sometimes cuts himself and dresses in whatever he feels is comfortable, which is unfortunately not always which is fashionable. At 26 he's seen a lot and done a lot more, choosing diplomacy to solve matters but happy to use his fists to solve arguments just as often. Quick to laugh he plays his cards close to his chest, but ends up dropping them all over to try and fit into the ninja world where he never really feels quite like he belongs. After the betrayal from his former village and losing his friends in the turmoil he often feels on edge and can act defensively and sometimes can be a little brash, but those close to him know it's merely a front to protect him from losing it all once more.

So stats, jutsu, rank, history, bloodline, mini-profile. This has to be it right :3

Shiruko Makoto

Head Lorekeeper
Staff member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
All right...statistically, you appear to be good to go as an A-Rank. Likewise, you were previously in Leaf, so you are allowed to be a Merc.

You do not have an old profile, training, or dojo, so you will have to create new ones in the appropriate zones. (Which, if you join Cloud, will be moved at that time.)

Your history looks good, and a +1 for reading the stuff on Leaf, awesome. Hyuuga bloodline also approved.

...I think that's it.

Adding access to Missing and switching banner to Mercenary. You can go ahead and make your profile now. Welcome back.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
