Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry Rest and Relaxation

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.
May 7, 2023
Akira made his way with some of the crowds, it seemed that everyone was hustling for entrance but once more he wondered what would wait for him, no passport, a pocket of money, and no real pleasant expectations, he had been walking for too long, everything ached past the point of being funny and all that was left was the need for food and a bed even for a night, but here he was once more in a line waiting to see if he would be given entry, honest didn't exactly work last time for him and he wondered if he would have the same outcome again.

As he waited to be seen by someone he shuffled a bit and rubbed the back of his neck, everything just ached right now, but that was fine he would make sure he got a soak in the baths if this place offered him such, it would just be a matter of waiting and seeing what could come up.

[Requesting Entry]
[Topic Entered]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
It had only been a straight hour since she had gotten back in the village - enough time to get a quick shower, change her clothes, and say hello to the clan leader in charge of things while she was away. There was no sign of her daughter, yet, but Academy Classes ranged throughout the entire day. She was probably in one of those, Rei surmised. She had planned to go to the Academy herself and check in on the newbies' progress when the call came in about someone suspicious at the gates.

She had just got back, dammit.

With a small sigh the petite shinobi decided it best to get this out of the way over delegating it to a lower ranking soldier. If the crew went out of their way to get her back to the gates there had to be a reason. Of course, that reason was that her daughter, Sumika, had gone Missing herself a solid month before Rei had returned and the reality bender didn’t know it just yet. The KIO was doing their best to keep Rei busy right off the bat because, once that news hit…it was going to hit. Her clan already had issues with taking very bad news, historically, and a powerhouse like Rei was best kept in the dark as long as they could push it, until their own lives started to enter the dangerzone of their Sennin’s anger.

Without a sound, word, or general presence of anything naturally occurring in this world, the Ryuu Clan’s paragon appeared out of thin air near Akira to observe them. Over the rims of her ruby shades she regarded the tired man and his stance, recognizing strength and training. As he went to move to the normal shinobi who was simply asking for passports, Rei stepped boldly in between.

You’re not from around here. Mind, things might have changed in the couple of months I was away but we tend to take care of our strong; and you look far too weary to be taken care of. Tired, but not defeated. What’s your bearing, soldier? What brings you to our fair city?” Her tone was calm and her presence even calmer. While Kumogakure had been a long battleground for rogue shinobi there wasn't a hint of fear in Rei's body language.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

'Lets see about this. . .'

Oen often found himself observing things from a fair distance. Obviously the chuunin and new gate guards would run the gates and would serve to ask for additional help if needed. He wasn't doing anything in particular, walking around with his head guard on and katana hilted to his side, stern demeanor but not openly mean mugging the people on the street. It was just the face he had on, resting itch face if you would. The day had been simple, he didnt have any special paperwork, and the mission he would embark on wasnt set for another week or so to begin. Simply put though, things weren't out of the ordinary. Until, over his headset he would hear a call from the gate about a 'suspicious individual' at the gates. Eager, but not worried, Oen would walk himself to that place near the gate without responding to the call. He wasn't a proponent of jumping on people just for showing up at the gate, but there was always a chance that the suspicion would be warranted because those who knew about the horrors of being a shinobi knew that life was ever fleeting and could be erased.

'Someone might beat me there... I'll run support...'

Oen moved swiftly wanting not to cause confusion and create a stir, but still wanting to support whoever may have made it there prior to his own arrival.

It didnt take long, but he stood a few meters back watching from behind the Sennin as she seemingly had gotten to the situation moments before his arrival as he heard the tail end of her opening regards, "What’s your bearing, soldier? What brings you to our fair city?", he'd nod before stepping into her flank and looking down to her petite frame but noticably he would stand behind her as he would state, "Keigo Oen, Reporting Ma'am.", standing in his normal attire, he had a very obvious Kumogakurian Symbol on his shoulder blade. There were a few light scratches on it but nothing that would symbolize unloyalty. At any pace, Oen was here, oddly enough first time he'd ever met his Sennin face to face... but he'd seen pictures and such. . .

[Entering topic.]
May 7, 2023
Akira looked at the two that had turned up to greet him, it seemed that he was always getting the rough treatment but expected nothing less, as he looked towards both of them for a few moments, pondering the best reply to give. As he tilted his head he looked to the Shinobi in front of him at least the one speaking as he nodded listening to the words.

"Well you are correct, I am not from around here, I have no passports, just a traveling man actually, I ai to share medical knowledge, or even help in exchange for just a few nights of stay and food. No harm, no resistance, just a tired traveling man looking for a place to lay his very tired head. So I come seeking entry into this village, to spend some time in your hospital, exchange knowledge, get some food, and see some sights. Name is Akira."

He was at least upfront with them as he was the last time he had been stopped, the other question now was what would be made of his welcomers would they be willing to let him get a place to rest and relax, or would they be turning him away like the last place.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The name didn’t ring any immediate bells in Rei’s head. Another chakra tuned personality wondering their hills without any connection to their training. A lack of passport made thing exceedingly hard to accept. The sennin could see the truth on his body in the time he had traveled and slept outside, but that was of no concern to her; it was how much latent talent the man had. If he was too powerful and she let him in, it could potentially spell disaster - but then the same could be said if she let him go. If they were weak, then it wouldn’t be much of correction should things go bad, but without a passport there was no telling which lane Akira stood in. He also wished to trade medical knowledge for entry, which either meant he was ignorant of the country he was in - one of the best healthcare systems in the known world - or he actually had an edge on information. Truth be told there was info Rei had hoped to find when they swung towards Sunagakure to mete out diplomacy there; supposedly a master of chakra theory lived there. Sadly things went a little long in the tooth in Konoha and they had to get back.

If you want entry to Kumogakure, you need a passport. Every last single citizen of Lightning Country is issued a temporary one at birth, and then a permanent one once their either join the military, or become an adult. There isn’t any precedent for it, yet, however if you’re willing to jump through the bureaucratic hoops, our laws would allow for a stranger to gain their own passport. It could take years, though.

Reaching into the back of her pocket, Rei removed a simple notepad and wrote down a note, followed by a signature before ripping off the page and handing it to Akira.
Go to the business district of Port Cirrus and find the Shinobi Law Offices of Kumogakure. Hand this to them and they’ll get you the paperwork needed to fill out to begin an appeal for a passport. They’ll also direct you to an inn. It will provide you with temporary relief from the wilds and offer a hot bowl of food; at least for a few days.
Afraid that’s all I can offer you right now. As open arms as my country is the Raikage has only just returned from a diplomatic trip, and there are things we must settle and get started before we can be fully open border again. I do hope you understand.

Rei’s image flickered before vanishing outright, leaving the Jounin to finish up turning away the mysterious soldier. Had he come just a few weeks later there might have been enough order to allow them inside, but with the chaos of her return there had to be things put to order first.

[Entry Denied/Topic Left Unless Stopped]
[Feel free to hit me for a bureaucratic RP in Port Cirrus!]
May 7, 2023
Akira allowed himself to nod back at the man who was talking, it seemed at the time he would also be denied, he allowed himself to understand this as he took the information that had been provided and turned and walked away from the gates, he decided instead of causing any issue to just make his way out without holding himself up.

"Thank you for the information, I will look into this further"

With that he was gone, once more wandering around, but at least he had managed to get his face everywhere, he wondered how this would go for him in the long run.

[Topic Left]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Keigo nodded and stood there compliant with the Sennin while they handled the foreign shinobi, mercenary, or whomever they considered themselves to be. Things seemed to be pretty cut and dry. No passport, no entry. That was how things should be to a degree, aside from foreign diplomats from countries that did not comply with passports that we knew of. Though, Oen would not be the one to let them in. He wouldnt even want his name associated with such things that could cast aspersions onto his name in regards to the validity of his judgement with that sort of thing. Alas, there would be nothing more to do while the foreign dude left, and he would wait until he was far enough away before heading back into the village.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
