Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

( Retire ) Akiyama Kazuhiko > ( Unretire ) Haruka


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Old Character Name: Akiyama Kazuhiko
Old Village/Missing: Stone
OCR Type: Unretire
Last Known Where-abouts: The Spire
Old IC Rank: Mednin Chief

New Character Name: Seimeitouzoku Haruka
Preferred Username: Haruka
New Village: Stone
New BL/CA: Haku
Custom Class:

Custom Class said:
[b]HP:[/b] (55+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
[i]High:[/i] Ninjutsu Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] Melee Accuracy, Evasion, Genjutsu Save
[i]Low:[/i] Genjutsu Difficulty, Ranged Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU
IC Rank: ANBU w/ Tenure

Character Age: 22
Gender: Female
Character's Physical Description:

- Haruka is a young woman who stands proud and tall at a height of 5'8". Her body is toned with years of dedication to shinobi work. Her hair flows freely down her back, all the way down to the base of her spine. The coloration of her hair is a platinum blonde gained from her father's side of the family. Her eyes are a sapphire blue color that do not give away much about what she is thinking or what she does, rather those eyes of her hint a chaos that is held back for the sake of her family and her country. Her complexion is smooth and even, but she is pale to attest her attuned nature with the cold and anything that has to deal with ice. Her outfits vary from day to day, and nothing is the same one day to the next besides a black jacket that she has kept with her for as long as she can remember. Typically, she is seen with a stern look on her face as though she's constantly thinking about something. . . Though she is no longer conversing back and forth with the demon within, she is now attempting to cope with any troubles that she had within the past year spent trying to keep her friend alive.

Character's Mental Description:

- There is a very distinct aura of peace held within the mind of the young woman now. Mainly it is because the demonness that was once there has all but disappeared, leaving Haruka alone to her simple thoughts. There are some self images that the woman holds onto, though, due to the fact that she feels as though everyone knows her dirty secrets. However, that is not the case at all. Paranoia is a normal thing to experience, though. Currently, she is coming to terms with the fact that she has nothing but her own thoughts going through her head and that it feels absolutely amazing. Though, she has been feeling quite sour towards the people of the Earth Country for their very obvious betrayal towards her. It would make anyone feel just a bit vengeful, right? Thankfully, she is incredibly good at keeping all of her emotions bottled up until she is alone to think. Thus, she doesn't try to keep herself alone for too long for fear that she will explode upon herself and have an incredibly ugly backlash.

Multiple Personality Application: Nada.

Character History:

- Let it be written that the young woman known as Kono Haruka had been swept away from Mist with the catastrophe that had wiped it off of the face of the earth. However, she had been quite young during these events that had taken place. So remembering what had happened during this trying time was something that she could not do. However, it is not like anyone wished to remember such events in the first place, right? When Mother Nature became imbalanced with outside agents, infected to the very core, then she retaliated. Suffice to say that that negativity had reached the inner-workings of the young girl, also finding a way to infect the way that she functioned and the way she thrived, awakening recessive family genes in it's wake.

Often times, it was cold. The young woman was sensitive to the summer time heat, and she reveled in the winter time bitterness. It was only when she could dance in the snow barefooted that she truly felt like she was prepared to take the world on, to be confident in herself and her abilities. At least, that was how it felt when she was a child. Her mother always complained about how she was cold to the touch, but the woman would still make the effort to clutch the girl close and treat her like any other child. When her cold breath would collide with the air, it would cause plumes of vapor to float up and away from her, giving the illusion that she was always stuck in a frozen wasteland. However, a select few of her friends within the Academy had deemed her unusual air to be 'cool', or even interesting. Only excluded by a few, she grew up normally, with no real backlash against her emotions or mental status. She grew up knowing that she was a Haku.

Though, the cold never seemed to really bother her, she was always seen toting around a black and fuzzy jacket that she'd keep wrapped around herself. It had always been a bit over sized for her, but she made it work out just because it was something that had been given to her by her family. Always being one who was involved within her family and social life, she was a kind hearted individual who strove to make people smile even though they constantly seemed to be wallowing in their sorrow. Thus it led to the girl attempting to be comedic in a way, which in a sense did not really work out because she just did not feel the way she was attempting to cheer people up, she just did it. So it seemed she needed to stash away the comedy and focus upon developing her skills as per the requests of her mother. So thus, she did. She worked to push herself to new heights, at this point achieving Genin status at the age of twelve.

At the age of twelve, it was an interesting time in her life. Missions occupied her life and she was always working to be a volunteer in her community, fighting the bad and helping to bring the good in. Along her team, there was a boy named Souji whom she always felt like she needed to compete against. Nothing against him, really. She just felt the need to be better than the boys, to show them up. Hey, it was perfectly legitimate, right? Right. Onward. But it always seemed to be like she was on par with the boy, and it was slightly frustrating to the blonde. It was wrong to want to show people up for the pure ideal of showing them up, but competition ran deep in her blood. It was something that always echoed strangely in the back of her mind.

These echoes would be her little secret, though. Naturally, she'd keep these things that may be deemed insanity or anything of the sort to herself, but between you and I. . . She always had something bound to her very soul. It grew, morphed, and fed off of the power that she was gaining. It seemed that her secret was safe. . . safe enough anyways. It seemed that the near-demonic fits were growing worse, though. She found ways to control it, though. Be it letting off steam in a secluded area, or even just sitting down to have long and drawn out conversations with her 'inner-demon'. Still, though, she hadn't a clue where this demon had come from. Perhaps it had come from her affiliation with the frozen wastelands, or maybe it was a manifestation of something more that lurked in her soul.

Granted, it was not going to control her life. She was going to push on. Her team worked together fluidly, and it seemed like they were some of the best- - - but that's just a personal bias in the back of her mind. Still, though, she had the whole 'I have to be better' mentality going on. It was just a method that she used to bury other feelings deep within herself. If she had something else to focus on, then she wouldn't focus upon these strange feelings that picked at the back of her mind. Now passed on to Chuunin level, these feelings were even stranger at the age of fifteen. These feelings also began to intermingle with the demon that had also gone about dubbing itself 'Haru' in response to her own name being Haruka. Not a day went by that there wasn't a confusing conversation in her head with both of the Haru's going back and forth.

If someone could read her mind, they would be really, really confused.

It was for the better that that wasn't a thing. Gradually they would up their ante, stepping up the missions they would partake in and attempting to push their very comfort zones. No one ever got ahead by sitting on their behind, right? Right then.

The only scrapes and bruises the young woman would find were with her Jinchuuriki as she attempted to keep the blood thirsty demon under wraps. Other than that, her life sailed quite smoothly up until the point where her mother became too sick to hold onto the Daimyo position, where she decided to take up the reigns at the age of twenty. Sure, she had parted from her team, but she would always keep them close. But it was short lived, the young woman couldn't contend with the pressure of being normal while holding a demon within her.

Finally, she would fade back into the shadows, becoming as elusive as she could be as she was taken over more and more by the demonic force within her. Let it be told though. . . What doesn't kill her. . . Will make her far stronger than before. With recent times, there have been a lot of accusations and angry ideals flying around the village. So, until she can do anything properly, she will work carefully as a shinobi and keep all of her ducks in a row.

Clan Request:

Death/Retirement Thread: Nada. Kazuhiko's gonna be an iNPC.
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: Nope.

Old Stats: Capped.
Old OOC Rank: S
Stat Cut: 0.
New Stats: Capped.
New OOC Rank: S

Justu Mastery Swaps:


Transformation [ NE ]
Body Switch [ NE ]
Cancel [ NE ]
Perfected Rasengan [Non Elemental]
Rasengan [Non Elemental]
Morality Sealing [Non Elemental]
Energy Transfer [Non Elemental]
Elemental Clone [ NE ]
Stardust Nova [ NE ]

[Ice Jutsu]

Hypothermic Touch [Ice Jutsu] <= The One-Two
Frigid Ice Blast [Ice Jutsu] <= Uncalled for Shot
Snowflake Shuriken [Ice Jutsu] <= Nut Buster
Crystallize [Ice jutsu] <= Dragon Assault
Ice Prison [Ice jutsu] <= Tiger Hook
Koorikan [Ice Jutsu] <= Spear Hand
SubZero Purge [Ice jutsu] <= Submission
Falling Snow [Ice Jutsu] <= Fist Of Sin


Snap Shot [ ANBU ] <= Mystical Hand
Mask Summon [ ANBU ] <= System Restoration
Active Camo [ ANBU ] <= Mystical Force
Destroy Presence [ ANBU ] <= Medical Assistant
Shadow Servant [ ANBU ] <= Medical Ward
Physical Imprisonment Seal [ ANBU ] <= Regeneration
Body Bind [ ANBU ] <= Pristine Aura
Black Blockade [ ANBU ] <= Insatiable Hunger

[Mirror Jutsu]

Mirror Clone [Mirror Jutsu] <= Suplex
Reflective surface [Mirror Jutsu] <= Brandish
shattering shards [Mirror Jutsu] <= Grapple
Speculum Sphere [Mirror Jutsu] <= Counterstrike
Fun House [Mirror Jutsu] <= Anabolic Frenzy
Spitting Image [Mirror Jutsu] <= Shoryuken

[Slashing Taijutsu]

Slash [Slashing Taijutsu]
Overhead Strike [Slashing Taijutsu]
Full Circle [Slashing Taijutsu]
Heavy Tow [Slashing Taijutsu]
Vanishing Slash [Slashing Taijutsu]
Lunar Steps [Slashing Taijutsu]
Zero slash Counter [Slashing Taijutsu]
Blade Trail [Slashing Taijutsu]
Lotus Flower [Slashing Taijutsu]
Focal Blade [Slashing Taijutsu]
Higuma [Slashing Taijutsu]
Annihilation [Slashing Taijutsu]

[Buffing Taijutsu]

Charge [Buffing Taijutsu]
Block [Buffing Taijutsu]
Dynamic Art [Buffing Taijutsu]
Chakra Absorption [Buffing Taijutsu]
Counterstrike [Buffing Tajutsu]
Devastating Aura [Buffing Taijutsu]


Demonic Burst <= Prayer of Malicious Intent
Destructive Shield <= Sacrilegious Atonement
Demon's Edict <= Divine Judgement

I'm already selling the jutsu from my shop inventory. If ya need to know, I just took the swaps from Kazu's rebirth and put them back where they were before.

Name of any Contract you currently own: None.
Name of Kinjutsu you own: Jashinist > Jinchuuriki ( was approved in my old OCR. )

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?: Doesn't matter. Kazuhiko's going to be an iNPC.

PS I used the rebirth card from the ASP shop. <3

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Just an unretire. I'll double down on this for approval.

Aside from subtleties hidden here and there, there isnt anything here that breaks rules... Unless I'm wrong then someone please let me know.

D 1: 1200
C 7: 22750
B 6: 45000
A 7: 87500
Demonic Burst: 4k
Destructive Shield: 7500
Demon's Edict: 12500

Total: 180450

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
